City Council Minutes 2004 05-25-04 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE. KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 800 GAME FARM ROAD, ON TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2004. Mayor Prochaska called the meeting to order at 7:04 P.M and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Clerk Milschewski called the roll. Ward I James Present Sticka Present Ward II Burd Present Kot Present Ward III Munns Absent Ohare Present Ward IV Besco Absent Spears Present Also present: City Clerk Milschewski, City Treasurer Powell, Administrator Graff, City Attorney Dan Kramer, Police Chief Martin and Executive Director of Parks & Recreation Brown QUORUM A quorum was established. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Mayor Prochaska welcomed guests and asked those present to enter their name on the attendance sheet provided. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA Mayor Prochaska stated that the presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation to Officer Patricia Cemekee has been tabled. Also, the Council does not need to go into Executive Session this evening. COMMITTEE MEETING DATES, Public Works Committee 7:00 P.M., Monday, June 28, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Economic Development Committee 7:00 P.M., Thursday, June 17, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Administration Committee 7:00 P.M., Thursday, June 10, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Public Safety Committee 6:30 P.M., Thursday, May 27, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Ad Hoc Technology Committee To Be Announced PUBLIC HEARINGS PC 2003 -13 Bailey Meadows Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to go into public hearing for the purpose of discussing PC 2003 -13 Bailey Meadows: IRED Baseline LLC, request to annex to the United City of Yorkville and rezone from Kendall County A -1 Agricultural to United City of Yorkville R -2 One - Family Residence District and B -3 Service Business District. The real property consists approximately 150.3 acres at the southwest comer of Baseline Road and Route 47, Bristol Township, Kendall County, Illinois. So moved by Alderman Sticka, seconded by Alderman Kot Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Ohare =aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye Please see attached Report of Proceedings taken before Chris Visla, C.S.R. from Depo Court Reporting Service for the transcription of this portion of the public hearing. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — Mav 25.2004 - va ee 2 Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to close the public hearing. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderwoman Ohare. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays-0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye CITIZEN COMMENTS None PRESENTATIONS Yorkville Police Department 2003 Year End Analysis Police Chief Harold Martin, assisted by the Police Department's Office Supervisor Molly Batterson, presented the Yorkville Police Department's 2003 Year End Analysis. The analysis covered the following items: • Outside Agency Reports — total dispatched service calls from KenCom • Personnel — administrative and patrol personnel rosters and personnel changes • Manhour Reports — total manhours, accident, administrative activity, animal complaints, arrest activity, community relations, department duties, investigations, ordinance /traffic violations, personnel activity, preventative patrol, public complaints, public services, report activity, school activity, traffic activity and training • Offense Reports — total incident reports taken, accidents, burglaries, thefts, crimes against property, crimes against person, drug offenses, major & minor traffic violations, seatbelt & speeding violations and citations & warnings issued • Personnel Changes — promotions, hiring and retirements • Cops in the Schools — School Resource Officers, DARE program, anger management and abstinence programs and driver's education program • Commendations & Recognitions — officers and Citizens Police Academy Alumni (CPAA) members • Donations — Moose Lodge and CPAA donations • Special Events — construction and build -out of Police Department/City offices, Character Counts, Employee Appreciation Dinner, National Night Out, Police Department tours, canine demonstrations, CPA graduation and Alumni Association Alderman Kot thanked Chief Martin and his department for an impressive document and presentation. He stated he was impressed with the level of education that the officers have and that he was impressed that in light of the area's growth the crime statistics have been being held in line and in some areas criminal activity has decreased Chief Martin stated that the new hires allowed by the City Council along with the amount of citizen's interaction have helped the department to do this_ Mayor Prochaska stated that these statistics reflect on how well the department interacts with the community. Alderwoman Spears stated that resident's have a high regard for the Police Department. She also complimented Ms. Batterson for her work on the report. Alderwoman Ohare noted that the report stated that the CPAA makes sizeable donations to the Police Department. She reminded everyone that they have a barbecue coming up on Thursday, May 27, 2004 and encouraged the purchase of tickets and support for the event. Mayor Prochaska stated that he had tickets so anyone interested should contact him. Mayor Prochaska thanked Chief Martin and Ms. Batterson for the report. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Resolution 2004 -15 Amending Facade Program Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. So moved by Alderman James; seconded by Alderwoman Ohare. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays-0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Ohare -aye Alderwoman Ohare commented that she compared the new Facade Program resolution to the original and stated that whoever worked on it did an outstanding job. Mayor Prochaska noted that Alderwoman Burd put a lot of effort into the new resolution. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — Mav 25.2004 - Dape 3 MINUTES FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderman James to approve the minutes of the Special City Council meetings from May 4, 2004; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. PLANNING COMMISSION /ZONING BOARD OF APPEAL, No report. BILLS FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderman James to approve the paying of the bills listed on the Detailed Board Report dated May 19, 2004 totaling the following amounts: checks in the amount of $844,665.65 (vendor — FY 03/04); $38,867.69 (venders — FY 04/05); $123,642.88 (payroll period ending 05/01/04) for a total of $1,007,176.22; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -5 Nays -1 Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -nay, Sticka -aye REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT Appointment to the Human Resource Commission Mayor Prochaska reported that he had a nomination for appointment to the Human Resource Commission, Tom Zerante. Mr. Zerante has a background in human resources and Mayor Prochaska stated that he felt he would be a good addition to the commission. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to appoint Tom Zerante to the Human Resource Commission. So moved by Alderwoman Ohare; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. Fox Statues " Mayor Prochaska reported that A Bird's Life, a new business in Yorkville, donated two fox -y statues to the City. Scott Sleezer from the Parks Department has asked the Council's opinion as to the placemen of the statues at the entrance to City Hall. Alderman Sticka noted that the fox was the mascot for Yorkville High School and stated that as the community grows there may be other high school mascots. He stated that this issue may have to be confronted in the future because a fox also on the water tower. Alderwoman Ohare stated that she liked the location and asked if the statues were going to be secured in place. Mayor Prochaska stated that they would be epoxied into place. None of the Council members objected to their location. Removal of City Hall Doors Mayor Prochaska reported that he received a proposal for the removal of the second set of doors inside the foyer of City Hall for $3,400.00. He stated that he will bring the information to the next Committee of the Whole meeting but anyone interested in reviewing it before that should contact him. Committee of the Whole Packets Mayor Prochaska reported that due to the holiday weekend, agenda packets have to be prepared on Thursday, May 27, 2004. He reminded the Council that if they had anything to include in the packets to have it to the City Clerk's office a day early. ATTORNEY'S REPORT No report. CITY CLERK'S REPORT No report. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT No report. CITY ADMINISTATOR'S REPORT, No report. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT No report. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT, No report. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — Mav 25.2004 - nape 4 CHIEF OF POLICE REPORT Sick Time Donations Chief Martin reported that after discussion at the last COW meeting, a memo was given to all the City employees asking if they would like to donate some of their sick time to Officer Dan Pleckham who has been ill after his kidney transplant. He reported that the response was good with over 1,000 hours of time being donated for Officer Pleckham to use. He thanked the Council for allowing the employees to do this and he thanked the employees for their donations. Alderwoman Burd commented that the response was wonderful and showed how caring the City employees are. She also wished Officer Pleckham well. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION REPORT, Executive Director of Parks & Recreation Laura. Brown reported that Park Board member Dave Cathey resigned at the Park Board meeting on May 24, 2004 because he will be moving out of City limits into the county. His last meeting will be June 14, 2004. Mayor Prochaska asked that anyone interested in filling the post come to City Hall and fill out the form for being nominated to a board. COMMUNITY & LIAISON REPORT Aurora Area Convention and Visitors Bureau Alderwoman Burd reported that the Aurora Area Convention and Visitors Bureau ( AACVB) is entering into negotiations with Batavia who is interested in joining the group. Also, the newest hotel in Oswego contacted the Director Sue Vos requesting services but Ms. Vos explained to them that Oswego was no longer in the group. The hotel explained to Ms. Vos that they were having trouble getting information and input from the Oswego Tourism Council and that they picked Oswego as a location because of their enrollment with the AACVB. They were disappointed that Oswego is no longer afflicted with the bureau. Alderwoman Burd also reported that the public relations person for the AACVB has left the Bureau to move out of state so they are currently interviewing for a replacement. COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT No report. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT No report. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT No report. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT No report. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Accounting Clerk Alderwoman Spears stated she was amazed that there were 120 applications for this position. She asked what salary the new individual was hired at. Executive Director of Parks & Recreation Laura Brown stated that she was hired at $37,000.00 /year and she brings seventeen years of experience to the position. Park Concession Stand Driveway Alderwoman Spears stated that at the last COW meeting, the Council briefly discussed the driveway for the concession stand. She stated that it was pointed out that this was already a specific line item in the Park Board budget so it did not have to be brought before the Council. She also stated that the total cost for the driveway was $9,260.00 with a request to add an additional $2,000.00 for possible extras. She asked for clarification as to what the "extra" are. Ms. Brown stated that City Engineer Joe Wywrot prepared the base bid which did not include curbs along the driveway. It was suggested to curb the driveway for a more esthetic appearance and to make it easier to mow. It is felt that the entire $2,000.00 will not be needed. Attorney Kramer asked that since the addition takes the cost over $10,000.00 was it competitively bid with the inclusion of the curbing. Ms. Brown stated that it was. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — Mav 25.2004 - uage 5 Committee Vice- Chairmen Alderwoman Burd asked if the Council was no longer having vice- chairmen for the committees. Mayor Prochaska explained that due to everyone's varying schedules he suggested that this be addressed by each individual committee. There was no further additional business. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to adjourn. So moved by Alderman Kot; seconded by Alderman James. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M. Minutes submitted by: Jacquelyn Milschewski, City Clerk City of Yorkville, Illinois CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 25, 2004 PLEASE PRINT NAME: ADDRESS: 14A OF l'i A ftm � - T�uvx (. o � Wacon � � i l i i SIGNIN CITY COUNCIL MEETING UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS had at the meeting of the above - entitled matter taken before CHRISTINE M. VITOSH, C.S.R., R.P.R., on May 25, 2004, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., at 800 Game Farm Road in the City of Yorkville, Illinois. I i i D- 709004 DEPO • COURT reporting service 800 West Fifth Avenue • Suite 203C • Naperville, IL 60563 • 630 - 983 -0030 • Fax 630 - 983 -6013 www.depocourt.com 2 1 P R E S E N T: 2 MR. ARTHUR F. PROCHASKA, Mayor; 3 MR. RICH STICKA, Alderman; 4 MR. PAUL JAMES, Alderman; 5 MR. LARRY KOT, Alderman; 6 MS. WANDA OHARE, Alderwoman; 7 MS. ROSE ANN SPEARS, Alderwoman; 8 MR. BILL POWELL, City Treasurer; 9 MR. TONY GRAFF, City Auditor; 10 MS. JACKIE MILSCHEWSKI, City Clerk. 11 12 13 A P P E A R A N C E S: �I 14 LAW OFFICES OF DANIEL J. KRAMER 1107A Bridge Street 15 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 BY: MR. DANIEL J. KRAMER, 16 appeared on behalf of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois. 17 18 - - - - - 19 20 21 22 23 24 Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 3 1 (Pledge of 2 Allegiance) 3 MAYOR PROCHASKA: I would entertain 4 a motion to go into public hearing for PC 5 2003 -13, Bailey Meadows, IRE Development 6 Ventures, Inc. 7 Actually the name was just 8 changed on that, isn't it? 9 MR. FIASCONE: Yes. 10 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Baseline -- 11 MR. FIASCONE: Baseline Partners. 12 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Okay. LLC? 13 MR. FIASCONE: Right. 14 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Request to annex I 15 to the United City of Yorkville and rezone from 16 Kendall County A -1 Agricultural to United City of 17 Yorkville R -2 one family residence district and 18 B -3 service business district. The real property 19 consists of approximately 150.3 acres at the 20 southwest corner of Baseline Road and Route 47, 21 Bristol Township, Kendall County, Illinois. 22 MR. STICKA: So moved. 23 MR. KOT: Second. 24 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Moved and Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 4 1 seconded. Roll call, please? I 2 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Burd. 3 MS. BURD: Aye. 4 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: James. 5 MR. JAMES: Aye. 6 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Kot. 7 MR. KOT: Aye. 8 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Ohare. 9 MS. OHARE: Aye. 10 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Spears. 11 MS. SPEARS: Aye. 12 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Sticka. 13 MR. STICKA: Aye. 14 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Motion is carried. 15 We are now in public hearing. 16 First of all, I'm just going to 17 point out, because I'm sure you all have noticed 18 a number of typos here in this agreement, I think 19 what happened is some of this was brought in from 20 one word processing type to another, so quotes 21 became A's and at's and apostrophes became equal 22 signs, so those things will be cleaned up. 23 Other than that, Dan, do you 24 want to add in a little bit? Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 5 1 MR. KRAMER: Yes. I think we should 2 have the representative identify himself for the 3 record, please. 4 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Okay. i 5 MR. FIASCONE: Matthew Fiascone. 6 But actually for the record it's IRED, I- R -E -D, 7 Baseline, LLC. That's the petitioner. 8 MR. KRAMER: Basically again, 9 whenever we have a written annexation agreement 10 or a written planned unit development agreement, 11 we have to do a public hearing before City 12 Council as well as the annexation and zoning 13 public hearing before the Plan Commission, which 14 is our delegated body for those. I 15 Some of you have probably read 16 the minutes from Plan Council or perhaps Plan I 17 Commission that refers to this as the Runge, 18 R- U- N -G -E, property, so it's basically one in the 19 same. 20 Basically it follows our 21 Comprehensive Plan. We've had staff review from 22 Planning Council. Densities are in line with our 23 Comprehensive Plan and the commercial at the 24 front is exactly what the City has been looking Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 6 1 for. 2 In terms of the agreement 3 itself, Petitioners have requested to do straight 4 annexation rather than a planned unit development 5 and they have agreed to follow nearly all of our 6 ordinances. There is some minor things on 7 setbacks and so on that they have asked for in 8 here, so with that, I will turn it over to Matt. 9 MR. FIASCONE: Actually I don't 10 think we have any variation from the Subdivision 11 Control Ordinance. 12 We've taken the right -of -way -- 13 At one point we had the right -of -way narrowed -- 14 narrower, but we have increased that. 15 It's essentially a straight 16 zoning for R -2 at the western portion, R -3 in the 17 middle, and B -3 on the 47 frontage. 18 As Dan Kramer pointed out, we 19 have been through Plan Commission with a positive 20 recommendation. All the staff comments I think 21 have all been addressed at this point. 22 Kelly Kramer, Tony Graff, 23 myself, and our attorney spent some time a few 24 weeks ago going through the entire annexation i Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 1 agreement. 2 I don't think there were any 3 issues that we didn't reach agreement on, and 4 there were very few issues to discuss. 5 It's an agreement form we have 6 used before and we are prepared to move forward. 7 Answer any questions you have? 8 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Okay. At this 9 time I would ask if there is anyone in the 10 audience that would like to address this 11 agreement, address the Council. 12 (No Response) 13 MR. FIASCONE: One other point that 14 should be made, and that is even though it is 15 called an annexation agreement, we don't have 16 contiguity at this time, so it would not become 17 effective until contiguity -- 18 MS. OHARE: That's not part of this 19 agreement. 20 MR. KRAMER: Correct. Correct. And 21 basically what Illinois does is -- I mean, you 22 hear lawyers, you hear council members and you 23 hear laypeople all the time call them 24 preannexation agreements. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 8 1 Technically, as Matt's pointed 2 out, Illinois doesn't have a statute that has 3 preannexation agreements, they call them whether 4 you are contiguous or not annexation agreements, 5 and as long as the property is within one and 6 one half miles of the City, we have authority as 7 a municipality to enter into a written i I 8 annexation agreement even if they are not 9 contiguous, and then what we do, because we've 10 had these come up three or four times before, we 11 actually prepare an ordinance, execute the 12 annexation agreement just as though they are 13 contiguous, and then the second ordinance where l 14 we normally annex the property right on the spot, 15 the night the Council votes, we simply insert 16 language that the property becomes annexed 17 immediately upon contiguity so that there is no 18 gap. 19 In other words, if we were all 20 different folks three years down on the road or 21 seven years down the road, there is just no 22 chance of goofing up frankly, so we have them 23 execute a verified petition, the statute calls 24 for an actual effective annexation, and we make Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 9 1 it effective immediately upon contiguity being 2 obtained. 3 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Okay. Are there 4 any comments or questions from the audience? 5 (No Response) 6 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Are there any 7 comments or questions from City Council? 8 MR. STICKA: At this, point we are 9 not approving anything except the annexation? 10 MR. KRAMER: Well, actually the only 11 thing we are doing now is called the public 12 hearing and then I believe we would go to the 13 next full COW so that we've got time to have 14 aldermen go through. A few minor changes -- 15 MR. STICKA: What I'm saying is the 16 plan that we are seeing would be a later approved 17 plan. 18 MR. KRAMER: I'm sorry. Correct. 19 Correct. 20 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Actually it would 21 be -- That's preliminary? 22 MR. KRAMER: Yes. 23 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Preliminary plan. 24 That would be the -- Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 10 1 MR. FIASCONE: Right. The 2 annexation agreement -- When the annexation 3 agreement is voted on, the plan is included 4 within that. 5 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Right. 6 MR. STICKA: There is still more 7 steps to go, though. 8 MR. KRAMER: Absolutely. 9 Absolutely, Richard. 10 MR. STICKA: It isn't -- I guess 11 what I'm saying is upon annexation, it doesn't 12 mean this is exactly what we are looking at now 13 becomes -- 14 MAYOR PROCHASKA: No. They would 15 submit a final plat and final engineering. 16 MR. KRAMER: Engineering, so on. 17 Yep. 18 MR. STICKA: I am stumbling trying 19 to get that out. I'm sorry. 20 MAYOR PROCHASKA: It would be based 21 on a preliminary plat. 22 MR. GRAFF: Right. 23 MR. FIASCONE: Preliminary plat. 24 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Preliminary plat. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 11 1 So anything that would come would be 2 substantially similar. 3 MR. KRAMER: In conformance, right. 4 MR. PROCHASKA: In conformance. So 5 basically when you approve it, you know, what 6 we're seeing is what's there and it can't be 7 significantly changed. All right? Anyone else? 8 (No Response) i 9 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Hearing no other 10 discussion then, I would enter into -- I would 11 entertain a motion to close the public hearing. 12 MR. STICKA: So moved. 13 MS. OHARE: Second. 14 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Moved and 15 seconded. May I have roll call, please? 16 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Burd. 17 MS. BURD: Aye. 18 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: James. 19 MR. JAMES: Aye. 20 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Kot. 21 MR. KOT: Aye. 22 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Ohare. 23 MS. OHARE: Aye. 24 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Spears. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 12 1 MS. SPEARS: Aye. 2 MS. MILSCHEWSKi: Sticka. 3 MR. STICKA: Aye. 4 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Motion is carried. 5 Thank you very much, Matt. 6 MR. FIASCONE: Thank you. 7 (Which were all the 8 proceedings had.) 9 --- 000 - -- i 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 13 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ss: 2 COUNTY OF LASALLE ) 3 4 CHRISTINE M. VITOSH, being first duly 5 sworn, on oath says that she is a Certified 1 6 Shorthand Reporter and Registered Professional 7 Reporter doing business in the State of Illinois; 8 That she reported in shorthand the 9 proceedings had at the foregoing meeting; 10 And that the foregoing is a true and 11 correct transcript of her shorthand notes so 12 taken as aforesaid and contains all the 13 proceedings had at the said meeting. 14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF I h hereunto set hand , y d thiL L day of 15 m Z—) --- - - - - - 16 2004. 17 18 19 CHRISTINE M. VITOSH, C.S.R. 21 CSR License No. 084 - 002883 22 23 24 Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 Public Hearing Multi- Page 084- 002883 - oath May 25, 2004 appeared [11 2:16 contiguity [41 7:16,17 form [11 7:5 LASALLE [1] 13:2 - 0 - approve [11 11:5 8:17 9:1 forward [11 7:6 LAW [1] 2:14 084- 002883 [11 13:21 approved [11 9:16 contiguous [3] 8:4,9,13 four [1] 8:10 lawyers [1] 7:22 approving [11 9:9 Control [1] 6:11 frankly [11 8:22 laypeople [11 7:23 - ARTHUR [11 2:2 comer [1] 3:20 front [11 5:24 License [1] 13:21 at's [11 4:21 correct [s] 7:20,20 9:18 frontage [1] 6:17 line [1] 5:22 I I 07 [ 2:14 9:19 13:11 150.3 [11 3:19 attorney [11 6:23 full [11 9:13 LLC [z1 3:12 5:7 council [8] 1:1 5: audience [21 7:10 9:4 : looking [21 5:24 10:12 Auditor [11 2:9 5:22 7:11,22 8:15 9:7 7 -G- -2- County [3] 3:16,21 13:2 authority [11 8:6 Game [11 1:10 - M - 2003 - [11 3:5 Aye [121 4:3,5,7,9,11,13 COW [11 9:13 2004 [21 1:9 13:16 11 12:11, CSR [11 13:21 gap [11 8:18 M [31 1:8 13:4,20 25 [11 1;9 goofing [1] 8:22 Matt [21 6:8 12:5 -B- -D- Graff [31 2:9 6:22 10:22 Matt's [11 8:1 -4- D- 709004 [11 1:21 guess [11 10:10 matter [1] 1:7 B -3 [2] 3:18 6:17 Matthew [11 5:5 Dan [21 4:23 6:18 47 [2] 3:20 6:17 Bailey [11 3:5 -H- May [21 1:9 11:15 based [11 10:20 DANIEL [2] 2:14,15 deleg ated [11 5:14 half [11 8:6 Mayor [2o1 2:2 3:3,10,12 -6- Baseline [41 3:10,11,20 g 3:14,24 4:14 5:4 7:8 9:3 hand [11 13:15 60560 [ 11 2:15 Densities [11 5:22 5:7 9:6,20,23 10:5,14,20 became [21 4:21,21 development [3] 3:5 hear [3] 7:22,22,23 11:9 12:4 _7_ become [11 7:16 5:10 6:4 hearing [71 3:4 4:15 5:11 Meadows [11 3:5 becomes [21 t:1G 1:13 different [11 8:20 5:13 9:12 11:9,11 mean [z1 7:21 10:12 7:00 [11 1:9 behalf [11 2:16 discuss [11 7:4 hereunto [1] 13:14 meetin [ a ] 1:1,6 13:9 BILL [i1 2:8 discussion [i] 11:10 himself [11 5:2 13:13 -g _ bit [11 4:24 district [21 3:17,18 hour [11 1:9 members [11 7:22 800 [11 1:10 body [1] 5:14 doesn't [2] 8:2 10:11 middle [11 6:17 Bridge [1] 2:14 down [21 8:20,21 - I - miles [i1 8:6 - A _ Bristol [1] 3:21 duly [11 13:4 I - R - E - D [1] 5:6 MILSCHEWSKi [13] A's [11 4 brow ht [11 4:19 identify [1] 5:2 2:10 4:2,4,6,8,10,12 11:16 g 11;18,20,22,24 12:2 A -1 [11 3 Bard [ 4:2,3 11:16,17 - E - Illinois [91 1:2,11 2:15 above - entitled [1] 1:7 E [a1 2:1,1,13,13 2:16 3:21 7:21 8:2 13:1,7 minor [z1 6:6 9:14 business [21 3:18 13:7 immediately [21 8:17 minutes [11 5:16 Absolutely [21 10:8 effective [31 7:17 8:24 9:1 motion [41 3:4 4:14 11:11 acres [1] 3:19 9 1 actual [11 8:24 -C engineering [2] 10:15 Inc [11 3:6 1v C [11 2 13 10:16 included [11 10:3 move [1] 7:6 add [1] 4:24 C.S.R [21 1:8 13:20 increased [11 6:14 moved [a1 3:22,24 11:12 address [z1 7:10,11 enter [z1 8:7 11:10 11:14 calls [1] 8:23 entertain [2] 3:3 11;11 insert [11 8:15 addressed [11 6:21 MS [23] 2:6,7,10 4:2,3,4,6 carried [21 4:14 12:4 entire [11 6:24 IRED [21 3:5 5:6 4:8,9,10,11,12 7:18 11:13 Certified [11 13:5 aforesaid [11 13:12 issues [z1 7:3,4 ' equal [11 4:21 11:16,17,18,20,22,23,24 again [11 5:8 chance [1] 8:22 essentially [11 6:15 itself [11 6:3 12:1,2 ago [1] 6:24 changed [2] 3:8 11:7 exactly [2] 5:24 10:12 municipality [11 8:7 a 1 agr 6:5 � changes [11 9:14 except [11 9;9 _j_ agreement [14] 4:18 5:9 CHRISTINE [31 1:8 execute [21 8:11,23 J [21 2:14,15 N 5:10 6:2 7:1,3,5911,15,19 13:4,20 8:8,12 10:2,3 JACKIE [11 2:10 N [2] 2:1,13 agreements [31 7:24 8:3 2:10,16 3:15,116 6 5 City [131 1:1, 2:8,9 :11,24 -F- James [51 2;4 4:4,5 11:18 name [11 3:7 5 8 :4 8:6 9:7 F [1] 2;2 11:19 narrowed [1] 6:13 Agricultural [11 3:16 cleaned [1] 4:22 family [11 3:17 narrower [11 6:14 Alderman [3] 2:3,4,5 Clerk [1] 2:10 Farm [11 1:10 -K- nearly [11 6:5 aldermen [11 9:14 close [1] 11:11 few [31 6:23 7:4 9:14 Kelly [1] 6:22 next [1] 9:13 Alderwoman [21 2:6 ,7 comments [3] 6:20 9:4 Fiascone [1o1 3:9,11,13 Kendall [21 3:16,21 night [ 1] 8:15 Allegiance [11 3:2 9:7 5:5,5 6:9 7:13 10:1,23 Kot [6] 2:5 3:23 4:6,7 normally [11 8:14 ANN [11 2:7 commercial [11 5:23 12:6 11:20,21 notes [11 13:11 annex [21 3:14 8:14 Commission [3] 5:13 final [2] 10:15,15 Kramer [13] 2:14,15 5:1 noticed [1] 4:17 annexation [13] 5:9,12 5:17 6:19 first [2] 4:16 13:4 5:8 6:18,22 7:20 9:10,18 now [31 4:15 9:11 10:12 6:4 7:15 8:4,8,12,24 Comprehensive [2] folks [11 8:20 9:22 10:8,16 11:3 number [11 4:18 9:9 10:2,2311 5:21,23 follow [11 6:5 _ annexed [11 8:16 conformance [2] 11:3,4 follows [1] 5:20 -I ' Answer [11 7:7 consists [11 3:19 l an g uage [11 8:16 -� foregoing [z1 13:9,10 apostrophes [11 4:21 contains [1] 13:12 LARRY [1] 2:5 oath [1] 13:5 Depo Court Reporting Service Index Page 1 Naperville, Illinois (630) 983 -0030 Public Hearing Multi - Page"" obtained - zoning May 25, 2004 obtained Ell 9:2 R -3 [i] 6:16 staff [z] 5:216:20 words [11 8:19 OFFICES [i] 2:14 R - U - - - [i] 5:18 State [z] 13:1,7 written [3l 5:9,10 8:7 Ohare Ul 2:6 4:8,9 7:18 R.P.R [i] 1:8 statute [zl 8:2,23 11:13,22,23 rather [i] 6:4 steps [i] 10:7 -P- one [7] 3:17 4:20 5:18 reach [i] 7:3 Sticka [izl 2:3 3:22 4:12 4:13 9:8,15 10:6,10,18 Years [zl 8:20,21 6:13 7:13 8:5,6 read [i] 5:15 Yep [i] 10:17 ordinance [3l 6:11 8:11 real [i] 3:18 11:12 12:2,3 8:13 still [il 10:6 Yorkville [bl 1:2,10 2:15 ordinances [il 6:6 recommendation [i ] 2:16 3:15,17 6:20 straight [21 6:3,15 _ record [z] 5:3,6 Street [1] 2:14 _Z_ _P refers [i] 5:17 stumbling 1l] 10:18 P [3] 2:1,13,13 Registered [11 13:6 Subdivision [11 6:10 zoning [zl 5:12 6:16 P.M [i] 1:9 REPORT [11 1:6 submit [ii 10:15 part [i] 7:18 reported [il 13:8 substantially pi 11:2 Partners [11 3:11 Reporter [z] 13:6,7 sworn [i] 13:5 PAUL [i1 2:4 representative [i] 5:2 PC [il 3:4 Request [1] 3:14 - T - perhaps [i] 5:16 requested [i] 6:3 T [i] 2:1 petition [11 8:23 residence [il 3:17 Technically pi 8:1 petitioner [i] 5:7 Response [3] 7:12 9:5 terms [i] 6:2 Petitioners [il 6:3 11:8 Thank [z] 12:5,6 plan pol 5:13,16,16,21 review [i] 5:21 three [z] 8:10 5:23 6:19 9:16,17,23 10:3 rezone [11 3:15 through [3] 6:19,24 9:14 planned [zl 5:10 6:4 RICH [11 2:3 times m 8:10 Planning Ell 5:22 Richard [i] 10:9 at [al 10:15,21,23,24 Tony [zl 2:9 6:22 p lat right ui 3:13 8:14 10:1,5 Township [11 3:21 Pledge [il 3:1 10:22 11:3,7 transcript [il 13:11 point [s] 4:17 6:13,21 right -of -way [zl 6:12 Treasurer [i] 2:8 7:13 9:8 6:13 pointed [21 6:18 8:1 road [41 1:10 3:20 8:20 true 10: 18 portion [11 6:16 8:21 trying g [il 10: positive [il 6:19 roll [zl 4:1 11:15 turn [il 6:8 POWELL [i] 2:8 ROSE [i] 2:7 type pi 4:20 preannexation [zl 7:24 Route [i] 3:20 typos [il 4:18 8:3 Runge Ell 5:17 preliminary [sl 9:21,23 _U_ 10:21,23,24 -$- unit [z] 5:10 6:4 prepare [i] 8:11 S [z] 2 :1,13 United [41 1:2 2:16 3:15 prepared [il 7:6 3:16 says [il 13:5 i proceedings [41 1:6 12:8 second [3] 3:23 8:13 up [31 4:22 8:10,22 13:9,13 11:13 used [i] 7:6 processing [11 4:20 seconded [z] 4:1 11:15 PROCHASKA [zil 2:2 � 3:3,10,12,14,24 4:14 5:4 Seeing [zl 9:16 11:6 -V- 7:8 9:3,6,20,23 10:5,14 service [i1 3:18 variation [l] 6:10 10:20,24 11:4,9,14 12:4 set [i] 13:14 Ventures [i] 3:6 Professional [i] 13:6 setbacks [il 6:7 verified [i1 8:23 property [sl 3:18 5:18 seven [i] 8:21 VITOSH [31 1:8 13:4,20 8:5,14,16 shorthand [3] 13:6,8,11 voted [il 10:3 public [61 3:4 4:15 5:11 significantly Ell 11:7 votes [i] 8:15 5:13 9:11 11:11 signs [11 4:22 similar ti] 11:2 _W_ _Q_ simply [i] 8:15 WANDA [i] 2:6 questions [3] 7:7 9:4,7 sorry [z] 9:18 10:19 weeks [i] 6:24 quotes [11 4:20 southwest [11 3:20 western [il 6:16 Spears [s] 2:7 4:10,11 WHEREOF [i] 13:14 -R- 11:24 12:1 within [zl 8:5 10:4 R [zl 2:1,13 spent [i] 6:23 WITNESS [i] 13:14 R -2 [21 3:17 6:16 spot [i] 8:14 word[i] 4:20 ss [il 13:1 Depo Court Reporting Service Index Page 2 Naperville, Illinois (630) 983 -0030