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Library Packet 2018 06-11-18
Agenda Yorkville Public Library Michelle Pfister Meeting Room Board of Trustees June 11, 2018 - 7:00 P.M. 902 Game Farm Road 1. Roll Call 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Amendments to the Agenda 4. Minutes 5. Correspondence 6. Public Comment 7. Staff Comment 8. Report of the Treasurer Financial Statement Payment of Bills Statistics 9. Report of the Library Director 10. City Council Liaison 11. Standing Committees Policy Personnel Finance Community Relations 12. Unfinished Business Update on the Open Meetings Violation Update on the Strategic Plan Approve Daikin Maintenance & Inspection Agreement IGA/City Relations-Open Dialogue 13. New Business Approve Online Reservation System Software & Associated Fees Approve Strategic Plan Goals Water Testing Review the Emergency Procedures & Safety Plan Nomination of Officers 14. Executive Session (if needed) 1. For the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body, or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 15. Adjournment DRAFT Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustees Monday, May 14, 2018, 7:00pm 902 Game Farm Road – Michelle Pfister Meeting Room The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Russ Walter and a quorum was established. Roll Call: Carol LaChance-yes, Wamecca Rodriguez (arr. 7:06pm), Russ Walter-yes, Darren Crawford-yes, Krista Danis-yes, Theron Garcia-yes, Jason Hedman-yes Absent: Susan Chacon Others Present: Elisa Topper-Library Director, Shelley Augustine-Director Adult Services, Dixie DeBord-Director Technical Services Recognition of Visitors: President Walter recognized the staff. Amendments to the Agenda: None Minutes: April 9, 2018; April 10, 2018; May 2, 2018 Ms. Garcia moved to approve all minutes as presented and Ms. LaChance seconded. Unanimous voice approval. Correspondence: Ms. Topper gave a copy to all of a recent Beacon News article regarding the delay of library Board appointments. The Board members whose terms expire will remain on the Board until their official re- appointments. Mr. Hedman said the Board wishes to build an improved relationship. It was noted two apologies were sent to the Council for remarks made in an earlier meeting. He suggested inviting the Mayor and Council to attend a Board meeting and invite the city to participate in the Strategic Plan. The Board also noted the city officials did not want to meet with the library and that the city and the press should be publicly invited. Mr. Hedman said the Board should also reply to the newspaper article. Mr. Walter will email the Beacon News reporter with an invitation and the Public Relations committee will draft a reply to the newspaper. This matter will also be placed on next month's agenda as “Dialogue” under New Business. It was also noted that a library meeting room availability calendar had not been forwarded as requested by the city as it would be impossible to provide a year's schedule. Public Comment: None Staff Comment: None Page 1 of 3 Report of the Treasurer: Mr. Walter presented the Treasurer's report which is for the end of the budget year. He highlighted the following: fines were at 124%, subscription cards and copier fees were above the budget. The investment income was 287% over the budget and Mr. Walter said the city is doing a great job with the investments. Check Register The register was briefly reviewed and it was noted there are 2 payrolls, many books were purchased and there is $3,000 in the Gifts/Memorials. Payment of Bills A motion was made by Mr. Crawford and seconded by Ms. Rodriguez to pay the bills as follows: $25,800.11 Accounts Payable $35,644.62 Payroll $61,444.73 Total Roll call: Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, LaChance- yes. Motion carried 7-0. Report of the Library Director: Library Director Elisa Topper presented the following highlights: 1. She wrote a letter to the Kendall County Record during National Library Week thanking Board, staff, Friends and patrons. 2. Received State grant for $4,060 for science books. 3. Per capita grant received in amount of $21,151.25 vs. $13,138.14 last year. 4. Thanked Lion's Club for $500 donation for large print books. 5. All managers and the Director had sexual harassment training. 6. Attended special meeting regarding strategic plan. Ms. Danis inquired about the “Illinois 200” for an adult program which was a speaker supported by Friends. City Council Liaison None Standing Committees: No reports. Unfinished Business: Update on the Strategic Plan Staff input will be requested for the strategic plan and a Board meeting will be held on May 22nd for further work on the plan. A rough draft should be ready by June. New Business: Approve Library Closing for Staff Training The library will be closed from 2-5pm on Friday, May 18th for work on the strategic plan. A motion was made by Mr. Hedman and seconded by Mr. Walter to approve this closing. Unanimous voice vote approval. Approve Daikin Maintenance & Inspection Agreement President Walter said it was important to have Daikin come when the chiller is started since there was a problem last year. It was noted the proposed Daikin contract for maintenance inspections is for one year, however, costs for 3 years are shown. Ms. DeBord said Trico, who previously maintained the Page 2 of 3 chiller, had suggested waiting until after June for maintenance due to cottonwood seeds. Mr. Walter made a motion to approve the preventative maintenance contract at 4 inspections per year. There was a discussion of services provided by each company and Mr. Hedman suggested a 1-year inspection initially. Ms. Topper will follow-up with the company to determine exactly what is provided in the 4 visits along with other details. This matter will be re-addressed next month under Old Business. Approve Youth Services Manager Full-Time Position The Board reviewed the job description and some of the job duties were discussed. One change was made to indicate the Youth Services Director is responsible for press releases in that department. Ms. Garcia moved to accept the job description as amended and Ms. LaChance seconded. Unanimous voice vote approval. The job will be posted and interviews will be scheduled. Executive Session: None Adjournment: There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:56pm on a motion by Mr. Walter and second by Mr. Crawford. Minutes respectfully submitted by Marlys Young, Minute Taker Page 3 of 3 DRAFT Yorkville Public Library Special Board Meeting Tuesday, May 22, 2018, 6:00pm 902 Game Farm Road – Michelle Pfister Meeting Room The meeting was called to order at 6:01pm by President Russ Walter with no quorum. Upon Ms. Danis' arrival at 6:13pm, a quorum was established. Roll Call: Theron Garcia-yes, Jason Hedman-yes, Wamecca Rodriguez-yes, Russ Walter-yes, Krista Danis (arr. 6:13pm), Darren Crawford (arr. 6:51pm) Absent: Carol LaChance, Susan Chacon Amendment to the Agenda President Walter said there is one amendment to the agenda, that being an Open Meetings Act violation from April 24th. A letter was received from Assistant State's Attorney Ms. Leslie Johnson and a solution was reached. This will be discussed under New Business. Others Present: Elisa Topper-Library Director Recognition of Visitors: No visitors Public Comment: None Staff Comment: None New Business OMA Violation Update Mr. Walter summarized the alleged Open Meetings Act violations. A Personnel committee meeting was held on April 24th without an agenda being posted. When it was discovered there was no agenda, Mr. Walter notified Deputy City Clerk Lisa Pickering who in turn contacted City Administrator Bart Olson. Mr. Olson notified the State's Attorney office and on the 17th of May, Mr. Walter received an email from Mr. Olson containing a scanned copy of Assistant State's Attorney Ms. Leslie Johnson's email with 3 questions. There are also 11 minutes in the meeting that dealt with other topics. Mr. Walter said the closed session is very restrictive and for one topic only and there were actually three discussed. Mr. Walter spoke with Ms. Johnson about resolution. One aspect of the solution was to release the 11 minutes as part of an open session. Mr. Walter has drafted a letter addressing the questions and it will be sent by certified mail, return receipt. The final determination will be made by State's Attorney Weis and his staff. An agenda will also be released for that meeting after a response from the State's Attorney. Question #3 was also discussed regarding final action taken in an open session vote on May 14th which will be stated in the revised letter. Page 1 of 3 Strategic Plan for the Yorkville Library At this time, Mr. Hedman led the meeting in the continuation of the Strategic Plan discussion. He said he had met with the library staff to do the SWOT analysis and received great feedback. He would like to combine that with the Board's feedback to determine goals. Staff Input Mr. Hedman referred to the “common themes” of the staff input from the May 18 meeting. The following items were rated as high priority by the staff: 1. Security and emergency response. 2. Lack of support for technology, lack of patron technology (self-checkout, no computer classes, no technology rentals). 3. DVD rental fees. Also discussed by staff: More visibility for suggestion box. On-line program registrations. Improvement of city relations. Revision of Strategic Objectives & Goals Developed for Each Objective: Yorkville Public Library Strategic Objectives: 1. Refine organizational structure and staff development. 2. Enhance technology, programs, and availability of services. 3. Focus on community involvement and marketing. 4. Focus on financial stability through alternative funding & fiscal responsibility. 5. Redesign emergency procedures and safety protocols. Objective Goal 1 1 Complete 3 staff in-service trainings by April 2019. 2 1 Offer online registrations by March 2019. 2 2 Develop a DVD rental process that eliminates fees by December 2018. 3 1 Evaluate feasibility and use case of a marquee sign in front of library on Game Farm Road by December 2018. 3 2 Develop new print materials to market library programs and services. 3 3 Improve relationship with city council. 4 1 Secure 3 additional corporate sponsors by April 2019. 5 1 Review current emergency procedures and safety protocols and have local authorities review and make recommendations for changes by April 2019. (Objectives & Goals as typed by Wamecca Rodriguez) The following items were briefly discussed during goal-setting: 1. “Brown water” still an issue in new building. Will be discussed at next meeting, need testing and remediation. Ms. Topper to seek a couple quotes to resolve. 2. Suggestion to have Facilities Manager, Fire Department, Police Department conduct building walk-through to recommend changes in safety procedures. Get staff input on unattended backpacks. Page 2 of 3 3. Emergency lights are checked monthly by Fire Department, Policy Committee should further discuss. 4. Discussion of a library vendor who might partially/fully fund a marquee sign for library. Plan would be needed for marketing on the marquee. 5. As part of “Alternative Funding” goals, Library foundation would serve as a means to accept donations, cost to set up about $500. 6. Possibly split cost of non-resident cards into multiple payments, market to Bristol and unincorporated residents and to real estate agents. 7. Procure possible sponsors for library programs and Sunday open hours. 8. Director would like to host Chamber of Commerce meeting at library, also suggested a “community shred” event. The goals will be brought to the next Board meeting for a vote. In conclusion, Mr. Hedman stated this meeting has completed the “Vision & Goals” and the next step is “Mission & Values”. He would like the managers to engage their staffs for “Mission & Values” also and bring their feedback to the Board for review. Adjournment: There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:44pm on a motion by Mr. Walter and second by Mr. Hedman. Unanimous voice vote approval. Minutes respectfully submitted by Marlys Young, Minute Taker Page 3 of 3 May June July August September October November December January February March April 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 Library Operations Old Second $ 367,835 Building Development Fees Old Second 58,324 Library Operations IMET * 8,007 Library Operations Illinois Funds 185,848 Total: $ 620,014 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - * Restricted PAYROLL 1ST PAY PERIOD 17,762$ 2ND PAY PERIOD 17,967 3RD PAY PERIOD - Total 35,730$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ YORKVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY CASH STATEMENT As of May 31, 2018 FISCAL YEAR 2018 May YTD % of FY 2019 Actual Actual Budget Budget YTD Actual % Change LIBRARY OPERATIONS FUND (82) Revenues Property Taxes 118,377$ 118,377$ 8.1%1,464,606$ 114,702$ 3.20% Intergovernmental Personal Property Replacement Tax 1,059 1,059 20.2%5,250 909 16.49% State Grants 4,060 4,060 31.0%13,100 - 0.00% Total Intergovernmental 5,119$ 5,119$ 27.9%18,350$ 909$ 463.03% Library Fines 569$ 569$ 6.7%8,500$ 1,289$ -55.88% Charges for Services Library Subscription Cards 1,114$ 1,114$ 14.9%7,500$ 698$ 59.62% Copy Fees 296 296 9.9%3,000 248 19.21% Program Fees 1 1 0.1%1,000 60 -98.33% Total Charges for Services 1,411$ 1,411$ 12.3%11,500$ 1,006$ 40.26% Investment Earnings 291$ 291$ 16.6%1,750$ 129$ 126.30% Reimbursements/Miscellaneous/Transfers In Miscellaneous Reimbursements -$ -$ 0.0%-$ -$ 0.00% Rental Income 100 100 5.0%2,000 170 -41.18% DVD Rental Income 271 271 9.8%2,750 157 -98.73% Miscellaneous Income 2 2 0.1%2,000 26 7421.15% Transfer In 1,956 1,956 7.8%25,179 5,448 -64.11% Total Miscellaneous & Transfers 2,328$ 2,328$ 7.3%31,929$ 5,801$ -59.87% Total Revenues and Transfers 128,095$ 128,095$ 8.3%1,536,635$ 123,836$ 3.44% Expenditures Library Operations 54,878$ 54,878$ 3.5%1,547,989$ 56,311$ -2.54% 50 Salaries 31,627 31,627 7.5%422,698 31,437 0.61% 52 Benefits 17,739 17,739 10.7%166,150 23,485 -24.47% 54 Contractual Services 5,512 5,512 3.8%145,840 1,390 296.70% 56 Supplies - - 0.0%21,200 - 0.00% 99 Transfers Out/Debt Service - - 0.0%792,101 - 0.00% Total Expenditures and Transfers 54,878$ 54,878$ 3.5%1,547,989$ 56,311$ -2.54% Surplus(Deficit)73,217$ 73,217$ (11,354)$ 67,525$ *May represents 9% of fiscal year 2019 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS For the Month Ending May 31, 2018 * Fiscal Year 2018 For the Month EndingMay 31, 2017 % of Fiscal Year 8%Year-to-Date FISCAL YEAR 2019 ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION May-18 Totals BUDGET % of Budget LIBRARY OPERATIONS REVENUES Taxes 82-000-40-00-4000 PROPERTY TAXES 54,356 54,356 672,505 8.08% 82-000-40-00-4083 PROPERTY TAXES-DEBT SERVICES 64,021 64,021 792,101 8.08% Intergovernmental 82-000-41-00-4120 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX 1,059 1,059 5,250 20.17% 82-000-41-00-4170 STATE GRANTS 4,060 4,060 13,100 30.99% Fines & Forfeits 82-000-43-00-4330 LIBRARY FINES 569 569 8,500 6.69% Charges for Service 82-000-44-00-4401 LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION CARDS 1,114 1,114 7,500 14.85% 82-000-44-00-4422 COPY FEES 296 296 3,000 9.87% 82-000-44-00-4439 PROGRAM FEES 1 1 1,000 0.10% Investment Earnings 82-000-45-00-4500 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 291 291 1,750 16.63% Miscellaneous 82-000-46-00-4690 REIMB-MISCELLANEOUS - - - 0.00% 82-000-48-00-4820 RENTAL INCOME 100 100 2,000 5.00% 82-000-48-00-4824 DVD RENTAL INCOME 271 271 2,750 9.84% 82-000-48-00-4850 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 2 2 2,000 0.10% Other Financing Sources 82-000-49-00-4901 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL 1,956 1,956 25,179 7.77% TOTAL REVENUES: LIBRARY 128,095 128,095 1,536,635 8.34% LIBRARY OPERATIONS EXPENDITURES Salaries & Wages 82-820-50-00-5010 SALARIES & WAGES 16,541 16,541 226,998 7.29% 82-820-50-00-5015 PART-TIME SALARIES 15,086 15,086 195,700 7.71% Benefits 82-820-52-00-5212 RETIREMENT PLAN CONTRIBUTION 1,745 1,745 24,252 7.20% 82-820-52-00-5214 FICA CONTRIBUTION 2,357 2,357 31,720 7.43% 82-820-52-00-5216 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 10,696 10,696 79,318 13.48% 82-820-52-00-5222 GROUP LIFE INSURANCE 51 51 328 15.46% 82-820-52-00-5223 DENTAL INSURANCE 876 876 4,652 18.83% 82-820-52-00-5224 VISION INSURANCE 58 58 701 8.33% 82-820-52-00-5230 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 191 191 750 25.52% 82-820-52-00-5231 LIABILITY INSURANCE 1,764 1,764 24,429 7.22% Contractual Services 82-820-54-00-5412 TRAINING & CONFERENCES 840 840 2,500 33.58% 82-820-54-00-5415 TRAVEL & LODGING - - 600 0.00% 82-820-54-00-5426 PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING - - 2,000 0.00% 82-820-54-00-5440 TELECOMMUNICATIONS - - 5,000 0.00% 82-820-54-00-5452 POSTAGE & SHIPPING - - 500 0.00% 82-820-54-00-5460 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 448 448 11,000 4.07% 82-820-54-00-5462 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 97 97 40,000 0.24% 82-820-54-00-5466 LEGAL SERVICES - - 3,000 0.00% 82-820-54-00-5468 AUTOMATION 2,098 2,098 20,000 10.49% 82-820-54-00-5480 UTILITIES - - 9,540 0.00% 82-820-54-00-5495 OUTSIDE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 930 930 50,000 1.86% 82-820-54-00-5498 PAYING AGENT FEES 1,100 1,100 1,700 64.71% YORKVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY FISCAL YEAR 2019 BUDGET REPORT For the Month Ending May 31, 2018 1 % of Fiscal Year 8%Year-to-Date FISCAL YEAR 2019 ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION May-18 Totals BUDGET % of Budget YORKVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY FISCAL YEAR 2019 BUDGET REPORT For the Month Ending May 31, 2018 Supplies 82-820-56-00-5610 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - 8,000 0.00% 82-820-56-00-5620 OPERATING SUPPLIES - - 2,000 0.00% 82-820-56-00-5621 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - - 8,000 0.00% 82-820-56-00-5671 LIBRARY PROGRAMMING - - 1,000 0.00% 82-820-56-00-5675 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION - - 200 0.00% 82-820-56-00-5685 DVD'S - - 500 0.00% 82-820-56-00-5686 BOOKS - - 1,500 0.00% 2006 Bond 82-820-84-00-8000 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT - - 50,000 0.00% 82-820-84-00-8050 INTEREST PAYMENT - - 24,988 0.00% 2013 Refunding Bond 82-820-99-00-8000 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT - - 565,000 0.00% 82-820-99-00-8050 INTEREST PAYMENT - - 152,113 0.00% TOTAL FUND REVENUES 128,095 128,095 1,536,635 8.34% TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 54,878 54,878 1,547,989 3.55% FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT)73,217 73,217 (11,354) LIBRARY CAPITAL REVENUES 84-000-42-00-4214 DEVELOPMENT FEES 9,200 9,200 43,200 21.30% 84-000-45-00-4500 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 2 2 10 24.70% TOTAL REVENUES: LIBRARY CAPITAL 9,202 9,202 43,210 21.30% LIBRARY CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 84-840-54-00-5460 E-BOOK SUBSCRIPTIONS 85 85 3,500 2.43% 84-840-56-00-5635 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT & SOFTWARE - - 15,000 0.00% 84-840-56-00-5683 AUDIO BOOKS - - 1,600 0.00% 84-840-56-00-5684 COMPACT DISCS & OTHER MUSIC - - 500 0.00% 84-840-56-00-5685 DVD'S - - 1,500 0.00% 84-840-56-00-5686 BOOKS - - 30,000 0.00% TOTAL FUND REVENUES 9,202 9,202 43,210 21.30% TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 85 85 52,100 0.16% FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT)9,117 9,117 (8,890) 2 DATE: 06/07/2018 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 1TIME: 11:16:04 GENERAL LEDGER ACTIVITY REPORTID: GL440000.WOW FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019 ACTIVITY THROUGH FISCAL PERIOD 01PER. JOURNAL # ENTRY DATE ITEM TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION VENDOR CHECK INVOICE DEBIT CREDIT_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________82-000-24-00-2480 (L) ESCROW - MEMORIALS & GIFTS_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________01 05/01/2018 BEGINNING BALANCE 3,196.04 AP-180514 05/07/2018 01 BOOKS BAKER & TAYLOR 104522 2033598121-19 75.07 05/07/2018 02 BOOKS BAKER & TAYLOR 104522 2033623607-19 13.28 05/07/2018 03 BOOKS BAKER & TAYLOR 104522 2033647543-19 166.30 05/07/2018 04 BOOKS BAKER & TAYLOR 104522 2033663949-19 33.29 05/07/2018 05 BOOKS BAKER & TAYLOR 104522 2033673584-19 24.08 AP-180514VD 05/14/2018 01 BOOKS :VOID 527193 BAKER & TAYLOR 104522 2033598121-19 75.07 05/14/2018 02 BOOKS :VOID 527193 BAKER & TAYLOR 104522 2033623607-19 13.28 05/14/2018 03 BOOKS :VOID 527193 BAKER & TAYLOR 104522 2033647543-19 166.30 05/14/2018 04 BOOKS :VOID 527193 BAKER & TAYLOR 104522 2033663949-19 33.29 05/14/2018 05 BOOKS :VOID 527193 BAKER & TAYLOR 104522 2033673584-19 24.08 AP-180525M 05/22/2018 11 TARGET-GIFT CARDS, SUPPLIES FIRST NATIONAL BANK 900059 052518-J.WEISS19 108.35 05/22/2018 12 DOLLAR TREE-SUPPLIES FOR FIRST NATIONAL BANK 900059 052518-J.WEISS19 26.35 GJ-180531LB 06/04/2018 08 May 2018 Deposits 1,087.33 AP-80514 05/14/2018 01 BOOKS BAKER & TAYLOR 104522 2033598121-19 75.07 05/14/2018 02 BOOKS BAKER & TAYLOR 104522 2033623607-19 13.28 05/14/2018 03 BOOKS BAKER & TAYLOR 104522 2033647543-19 166.30 05/14/2018 04 BOOKS BAKER & TAYLOR 104522 2033663949-19 33.29 05/14/2018 05 BOOKS BAKER & TAYLOR 104522 2033673584-19 24.08 _________________________________ TOTAL PERIOD 01 ACTIVITY 758.74 1,399.35 TOTAL ACCOUNT ACTIVITY 758.74 1,399.35 ENDING BALANCE 3,836.65 GRAND TOTAL 3,836.65 TOTAL DIFFERENCE 0.00 3,836.65 DATE: 05/22/18UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLETIME: 14:59:20MANUAL CHECK REGISTERID: AP225000.CBLCHECK # VENDOR # INVOICE ITEMCHECKINVOICE #DATE# DESCRIPTION DATE ACCOUNT # ITEM AMT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 900058 FNBO FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA05/25/18052518-A.SIMMONS04/30/18 01 COMCAST-03/12-04/11 CABLE01-110-54-00-544021.0402 COMCAST-03/15-04/14 INTERNET 01-110-54-00-54405.9003 COMCAST-03/15-04/14 INTERNET01-220-54-00-54405.9004 COMCAST-03/15-04/14 INTERNET01-120-54-00-54403.9305 COMCAST-03/15-04/14 INTERNET 79-790-54-00-54405.4106 COMCAST-03/15-04/14 INTERNET 01-210-54-00-544025.5707 COMCAST-03/15-04/14 INTERNET 79-795-54-00-54405.4108 COMCAST-03/15-04/14 INTERNET 52-520-54-00-54402.9509 COMCAST-03/15-04/14 INTERNET 01-410-54-00-54404.9210 COMCAST-03/15-04/14 INTERNET 51-510-54-00-54404.9211 COMCAST-03/15-04/14 INTERNET 79-795-54-00-544019.3312 KONICA-02/19-03/18 COPY CHARGE 82-820-54-00-54628.7213 COMCAST-APR 2018 INTERNET,82-820-54-00-5440341.1814 PHONE & CABLE** COMMENT **15 VERIZON - MAR 2018 CELL PHONES 01-220-54-00-5440239.4516 VERIZON - MAR 2018 CELL PHONES 01-210-54-00-5440430.1417 VERIZON - MAR 2018 CELL PHONES 79-795-54-00-544072.9818 VERIZON - MAR 2018 CELL PHONES 51-510-54-00-5440276.9819 VERIZON - MAR 2018 CELL PHONES 01-410-54-00-544044.2120 VERIZON - MAR 2018 CELL PHONES 52-520-54-00-544038.0021 KONICA-01/05-04/04 COPY CHARGE 82-820-54-00-5462501.1222 KONICA-01/04-04/03 COPY CHARGE 82-820-54-00-546210.5923 KONICA-03/10-04/09 COPY CHARGE 01-110-54-00-5430378.3524 KONICA-03/10-04/09 COPY CHARGE 01-120-54-00-5430126.1225 KONICA-03/10-04/09 COPY CHARGE 01-220-54-00-5430104.3426 KONICA-03/10-04/09 COPY CHARGE 01-210-54-00-5430513.7127 KONICA-03/10-04/09 COPY CHARGE 01-410-54-00-54621.5528 KONICA-03/10-04/09 COPY CHARGE 51-510-54-00-54301.5629 KONICA-03/10-04/09 COPY CHARGE 52-520-54-00-54301.5530 KONICA-03/10-04/09 COPY CHARGE 79-790-54-00-546273.3531 KONICA-03/10-04/09 COPY CHARGE 79-795-54-00-546273.35INVOICE TOTAL:3,342.53 *052518-B.OLSEM04/30/18 01 QUILL-FILE FOLDERS, TAPE,01-110-56-00-561069.3502 RUBBER BANDS, PAPER CLIPS, ADD ** COMMENT **03 MACHINE TAPE** COMMENT **04 WAREHOUSE DIRECT-PAPER01-110-56-00-5610174.60INVOICE TOTAL:243.95 *052518-B.OLSON04/30/18 01 IML DRIVE DOWN PARKING01-110-54-00-54157.0002 IML DRIVE DOWN LODGING-OLSON 01-110-54-00-5415126.5603 IML DRIVE DOWN01-110-54-00-5415126.5604 LODGING-GOLINSKI** COMMENT **05 IML DRIVE DOWN LODGING -01-110-54-00-5415126.5606 FUNKHOUSER** COMMENT **FY 18Page 1 of 16 DATE: 05/22/18UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLETIME: 14:59:20MANUAL CHECK REGISTERID: AP225000.CBLCHECK # VENDOR # INVOICE ITEMCHECKINVOICE #DATE# DESCRIPTION DATE ACCOUNT # ITEM AMT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 900058 FNBO FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA05/25/18052518-B.OLSON04/30/18 07 IML DRIVE DOWN LODGING -01-110-54-00-5415126.5608 FRIEDERS/COLOSIMO** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:513.24 *052518-D.BROWN04/30/18 01 PETERBILT-STRAP-DOOR CHECK52-520-56-00-562835.48INVOICE TOTAL:35.48 *052518-E.DHUSE04/30/18 01 NAPA#193352-HYDRAULIC OIL01-410-56-00-562891.9802 ARAMARK#1591323046-UNIFORMS01-410-56-00-560056.2803 ARAMARK#1591323046-UNIFORMS 51-510-56-00-560056.2804 ARAMARK#1591323046-UNIFORMS52-520-56-00-560028.1505 ARAMARK#1591328586-UNIFORMS01-410-56-00-560056.7506 ARAMARK#1591328586-UNIFORMS 51-510-56-00-560056.7507 ARAMARK#1591328586-UNIFORMS 52-520-56-00-560028.3808 ARAMARK#1591337214-UNIFORMS 01-410-56-00-560056.2809 ARAMARK#1591337214-UNIFORMS 51-510-56-00-560056.2810 ARAMARK#1591337214-UNIFORMS 52-520-56-00-560028.1511 ARAMARK#1591345865-UNIFORMS 01-410-56-00-560056.2812 ARAMARK#1591345865-UNIFORMS 51-510-56-00-560056.2813 ARAMARK#1591345865-UNIFORMS 52-520-56-00-560028.1514 ARAMARK#1591363215-UNIFORMS 01-410-56-00-56009.1815 ARAMARK#1591363215-UNIFORMS 51-510-56-00-56009.1816 ARAMARK#1591363215-UNIFORMS 52-520-56-00-56009.18INVOICE TOTAL:683.53 *052518-E.TOPPER 04/30/18 01 AMAZON-LABELS, SCREEN82-820-56-00-5610215.1302 CLEANING WIPES, DUSTER, COPY** COMMENT **03 PAPER, BINDERS, PAGE DIVIDERS, ** COMMENT **04 ENVELOPES, REPORT COVERS** COMMENT **05 TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 82-820-54-00-5460377.0006 JEWEL-EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION82-820-56-00-567630.7407 POSTAGE82-820-54-00-54526.7008 AMAZON PRIME MONTHLY82-820-54-00-546012.9909 MEMBERSHIP** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:642.56 *052518-E.WILLRETT 04/30/18 01 ILCMA - WORKFORCE OF THE01-110-54-00-541250.0002 FUTURE WORKSHOP - WILLRETT** COMMENT **03 ILCMA - WORKFORCE OF THE01-120-54-00-541250.0004 FUTURE WORKSHOP - WRIGHT** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:100.00 *052518-G.GOLINSKI 04/30/18 01 IML DRIVEDOWN PARKING01-110-54-00-54157.00INVOICE TOTAL:7.00 *052518-G.KLEEFISCH 04/30/18 01 FARM & FLEET-TRAILER JACK79-790-56-00-564054.11INVOICE TOTAL:54.11 *FY 18Page 2 of 16 DATE: 05/22/18UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLETIME: 14:59:20MANUAL CHECK REGISTERID: AP225000.CBLCHECK # VENDOR # INVOICE ITEMCHECKINVOICE #DATE# DESCRIPTION DATE ACCOUNT # ITEM AMT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 900058 FNBO FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA05/25/18052518-J.DYON04/30/18 01 SAMS-KLEENEX, LENS WIPES01-110-56-00-561024.3402 AMAZON-TONER01-120-56-00-561039.5803 AMAZON-TONER51-510-56-00-562050.6704 AMAZON-TONER52-520-56-00-561025.57INVOICE TOTAL:140.16 *052518-J.ENGBERG04/30/18 01 ADOBE MONTHLY LICENSE FEE01-220-56-00-563549.99INVOICE TOTAL:49.99 *052518-J.GALAUNER 04/30/18 01 RACE BIBS79-795-56-00-560687.7002 WALMART-BUNS, KETCHUP, CREAM 79-795-56-00-560726.20INVOICE TOTAL:113.90 *052518-K.BARKSDALE 04/30/18 01 WAREHOUSE-PENS, MARKERS01-220-56-00-561068.8402 WAREHOUSE-LABELS01-220-56-00-561014.8903 KONE-APR 2018 ELEVATOR23-216-54-00-5446150.1504 MAINTENANCE** COMMENT **05 APA CONFERENCE FOOD, LODGING 01-220-54-00-54151,678.4706 AND TRANSPORT EXPENSES** COMMENT **07 FOR BARKSDALE-NOBLE** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:1,912.35 *052518-L.HILT04/30/18 01 VERIZON-MAR 2018 IN CAR UNITS 01-210-54-00-5440640.2602 DAVE AUTO#26103-OIL CHANGE01-210-54-00-549565.0003 DAVE AUTO#26104-OIL CHANGE01-210-54-00-549586.0004 DAVE AUTO#26106-REPLACE01-210-54-00-5495130.0005 BROKEN SWAY BAR LINKS** COMMENT **06 DAVE AUTO#26123-OIL CHANGE01-210-54-00-549573.0007 DAVE AUTO#26125-OIL CHANGE01-210-54-00-5495180.0008 AND CLEAN CALIPERS** COMMENT **09 DAVE AUTO#26124-OIL CHANGE,01-210-54-00-5495680.0010 REPLACE 2 TIRES, REPLACE FRONT** COMMENT **11 PADS, MASS AIR SENSOR AND** COMMENT **12 SPARK PLUG WIRE** COMMENT **13 DAVE AUTO#26139-REPLACE01-210-54-00-549550.0014 DEFECTIVE BATTERY** COMMENT **15 DAVE AUTO#26134-REPLACE WIPER 01-210-54-00-549555.0016 DAVE AUTO#26129-REPLACE01-210-54-00-549550.0017 DEFECTIVE BATTERY** COMMENT **18 DAVE AUTO#26142-OIL CHANGE01-210-54-00-5495105.0019 DAVE AUTO#26143-OIL CHANGE, 01-210-54-00-5495325.0020 REPLACE FRONT PADS** COMMENT **21 DAVE AUTO#26144-CLEAN & LUBE 01-210-54-00-549565.0022 SLIDES** COMMENT **23 DAVE AUTO#26149-OIL CHANGE, 01-210-54-00-5495140.00FY 18Page 3 of 16 DATE: 05/22/18UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLETIME: 14:59:20MANUAL CHECK REGISTERID: AP225000.CBLCHECK # VENDOR # INVOICE ITEMCHECKINVOICE #DATE# DESCRIPTION DATE ACCOUNT # ITEM AMT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 900058 FNBO FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA05/25/18052518-L.HILT04/30/18 24 PLUG TIRE, ROTATE TIRES** COMMENT **25 DAVE AUTO#26152-OIL CHANGE,01-210-54-00-5495360.0026 ROTATE TIRES, REPLACE FRONT** COMMENT **27 PADS** COMMENT **28 DAVE AUTO#26158-REPLACE01-210-54-00-5495195.0029 CANISTER PURGE SOLENOID** COMMENT **30 DAVE AUTO#26185-OIL CHANGE01-210-54-00-5495108.0031 DAVE AUTO#26168-OIL CHANGE01-210-54-00-5495102.0032 DAVE AUTO#26190-REPLACE AC01-210-54-00-5495230.0033 EXPANSION VALVE** COMMENT **34 POSTAGE FOR PACKAGE TO JILL 01-210-54-00-545224.7035 O'BRIEN** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:3,663.96 *052518-N.DECKER 04/30/18 01 NAPA#192958-MIRROR ADHESIVE01-210-56-00-56205.5202 STEVENS-EMBROIDERY FOR01-210-56-00-560090.0003 RECORDS CLERK'S SHIRTS** COMMENT **04 ACCURINT-MAR 2018 SEARCHES01-210-54-00-5462122.0005 MINER #265400-DVR DIAGNOSTIC01-210-54-00-549570.9506 AMAZON-TACLITE PANTS-T.KLINGEL 01-210-56-00-5600210.3507 AMAZON-USB DRIVES01-210-56-00-561029.9408 SHRED-IT - MARCH 2018 ON SITE 01-210-54-00-5462161.5609 SHREDDING** COMMENT **10 AMAZON-HIGHLIGHTERS01-210-56-00-561023.8811 AMAZON-MARKERS, PENS01-210-56-00-561012.7412 AT&T-05/25-04/24 SERVICE01-210-54-00-5440162.3313 AIRPORT SHUTTLE FOR NEW WORLD 01-210-54-00-541548.0014 CONFERENCE** COMMENT **15 COMCAST-04/08-05/07 CABLE01-210-54-00-54404.2116 WESTIN-LODGING FOR NEW WORLD 01-210-54-00-54151,026.6017 CONFERENCE** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:1,968.08 *052518-P.RATOS04/30/18 01 BUILDING CODE & FIRE CODE01-220-54-00-5412100.0002 ACADEMY FOR RATOS** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:100.00 *052518-P.SCODRO 04/30/18 01 FARM&FLEET-SHIRT, BELT51-510-56-00-560064.1802 LAFARGE-CORNER STONE51-510-56-00-5620285.48INVOICE TOTAL:349.66 *052518-R.FREDRICKSON 04/30/18 01 COMCAST-03/24-04/23 INTERNET 01-110-54-00-544071.7502 COMCAST-03/24-04/23 INTERNET 01-220-54-00-544071.7403 COMCAST-03/24-04/23 INTERNET 01-120-54-00-544047.8404 COMCAST-03/24-04/23 INTERNET 79-790-54-00-544065.78FY 18Page 4 of 16 DATE: 05/22/18UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLETIME: 14:59:20MANUAL CHECK REGISTERID: AP225000.CBLCHECK # VENDOR # INVOICE ITEMCHECKINVOICE #DATE# DESCRIPTION DATE ACCOUNT # ITEM AMT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 900058 FNBO FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA05/25/18052518-R.FREDRICKSON 04/30/18 05 COMCAST-03/24-04/23 INTERNET01-210-54-00-5440310.9306 COMCAST-03/24-04/23 INTERNET 79-795-54-00-544065.7807 COMCAST-03/24-04/23 INTERNET 52-520-54-00-544035.8808 COMCAST-03/24-04/23 INTERNET01-410-54-00-544059.8009 COMCAST-03/24-04/23 INTERNET51-510-54-00-5440164.6510 COMCAST-03/24-04/23 PHONE & 79-790-54-00-544094.2711 CABLE** COMMENT **12 NEWTEK-4/11-5/11 WEB HOSTING 01-640-54-00-545016.59INVOICE TOTAL:1,005.01 *052518-R.HARMON 04/30/18 01 MAILBOX.COM-LETTER BUNDLE79-795-56-00-560638.9902 TARGET-PRESCHOOL TOYS AND79-795-56-00-5606134.9203 LEARNING AIDS** COMMENT **04 JET-PRESCHOOL LEARNING AIDS 79-795-56-00-5606115.3805 AMAZON-SHEEP IN A JEEP79-795-56-00-560613.9906 AMAZON-DOLLS, DOLL HOUSE,79-795-56-00-5606121.1607 BUILDING SET** COMMENT **08 DISCOUNT SCHOOL-CONSTRUCTION 79-795-56-00-560661.7809 PAPER** COMMENT **10 HOUZZ-TOY TREE TOP ADVENTURE 79-795-56-00-560667.9911 AMAZON-STICKERS, INSTRUCTION 79-795-56-00-5606102.0412 CUBES, PAINT MARKERS, CRAFT** COMMENT **13 PAPER TRIMMER, STENCILS** COMMENT **14 EBAY-LEARNING SOFTWARE79-795-56-00-5606110.0015 LAKESHORE-LANGUAGE LEARING79-795-56-00-5606381.6916 CENTERS, FOLDER GAMES** COMMENT **17 SNAPFISH-PRESCHOOL PICTURES 79-795-56-00-560635.0918 PURE FUN-JUICE FOR PRESCHOOL 79-795-56-00-560684.1019 MICHAELS-PRESCHOOL CRAFT ITEMS 79-795-56-00-560664.9220 WALMART-PRESCHOOL GRADUATION 79-795-56-00-5606170.2821 SUPPLIES** COMMENT **22 BALLOONS ALOFT-BALLOONS FOR 79-795-56-00-560621.5023 PRESCHOOL GRADUATION** COMMENT **24 PARTY CITY-GRADUATION79-795-56-00-560683.4325 DECORATIONS** COMMENT **26 HOBBY LOBBY-CRAFT SUPPLIES79-795-56-00-560683.6327 WALMART-RADIO FLYER TRIKE79-795-56-00-560639.9728 RADIO FLYER-PRESCHOOL BIKES 79-795-56-00-5606121.4729 WALGREENS-PHOTO DEVELOPING79-795-56-00-560618.9930 YORKVILLE BOWL-PRESCHOOL79-795-56-00-5606331.0031 FIELDTRIP** COMMENT **32 HOBBY LOBBY-GRADUATION CARDS 79-795-56-00-560616.9533 AMAZON-BUILDING BLOCKS79-795-56-00-560624.9034 AMAZON-SHELLS, GLUE STICKS, 79-795-56-00-5606107.1335 KEY RINGS, SPROUT DISH SET,** COMMENT **FY 18Page 5 of 16 DATE: 05/22/18UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLETIME: 14:59:20MANUAL CHECK REGISTERID: AP225000.CBLCHECK # VENDOR # INVOICE ITEMCHECKINVOICE #DATE# DESCRIPTION DATE ACCOUNT # ITEM AMT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 900058 FNBO FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA05/25/18052518-R.HARMON04/30/18 36 PLAY FOOD SET** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:2,351.30 *052518-R.MIKOLASEK 04/30/18 01 POSTAGE FOR DNA KIT01-210-54-00-54524.66INVOICE TOTAL:4.66 *052518-R.WRIGHT 04/30/18 01 PHYSICIANS CARE-RANDOM DRUG 01-410-54-00-546253.0002 TESTING** COMMENT **03 PHYSICIANS CARE-RANDOM DRUG52-520-54-00-546253.0004 TESTING** COMMENT **05 PHYSICIANS CARE-NEW HIRE DRUG 79-795-54-00-5462152.0006 TESTING** COMMENT **07 PHYSICIANS CARE-NEW HIRE DRUG 82-820-54-00-546238.0008 TESTING** COMMENT **09 SHAW MEDIA-EMPLOYMENT AD51-510-54-00-5426233.0010 SHAW MEDIA-EMPLOYMENT AD01-410-54-00-5462233.0011 SHAW MEDIA-EMPLOYMENT AD79-790-54-00-5462233.0012 SHAW MEDIA-EMPLOYMENT AD51-510-54-00-5426699.00INVOICE TOTAL:1,694.00 *052518-S.AUGUSTINE 04/30/18 01 JEWEL-REFRESHMENTS FOR GOING82-820-56-00-567658.7502 AWAY PARTY** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:58.75 *052518-S.IWANSKI 04/30/18 01 POSTAGE FOR BOOK CLUB82-820-54-00-545218.06INVOICE TOTAL:18.06 *052518-S.REDMON 04/30/18 01 AT&T U-VERSE-03/24-04/23 TOWN 79-795-54-00-544055.3902 SQUARE PARK SIGN INTERNET** COMMENT **03 WALMART-BUNS, COCOA79-795-56-00-560717.5404 WALMART-BUNS, JALAPENOS,COFFEE 79-795-56-00-560729.2305 JEWEL-POP79-795-56-00-560720.0006 SOURCE ONE-BINDER CLIPS,79-795-56-00-5610161.0107 NOTES, PENCILS, TAPE, WIPES,** COMMENT **08 ENVELOPES** COMMENT **09 JACKSON HIRSH-LAMINATING79-795-56-00-5610263.3010 SUPPLIES** COMMENT **11 SOURCE ONE-COPY PAPER79-795-56-00-5610494.8512 LISA LOMBARDI-SELF ESTEEM & 79-795-54-00-5462168.0013 LEADERSHIP CLASS INSTRUCTION** COMMENT **14 RAINOUT LINE FEE79-795-56-00-5606399.0015 ALL PRO-ATECH SYSTEM79-795-56-00-5606169.9516 ALL PRO-POWERED MIXER,79-795-56-00-5606878.7517 SPEAKER CABLE, RECEIVERS,** COMMENT **18 SPEAKER STANDS** COMMENT **FY 18Page 6 of 16 DATE: 05/22/18UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLETIME: 14:59:20MANUAL CHECK REGISTERID: AP225000.CBLCHECK # VENDOR # INVOICE ITEMCHECKINVOICE #DATE# DESCRIPTION DATE ACCOUNT # ITEM AMT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 900058 FNBO FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA05/25/18052518-S.REDMON04/30/18 19 AMAZON-WIRELESS DOORBELL79-795-56-00-561026.7320 SMITHEREEN-MARCH 2018 PEST79-795-56-00-562085.0021 CONTROL** COMMENT **22 ARAMARK#1591345866-UNIFORMS 79-790-56-00-560049.9823 ARAMARK#1591354529-UNIFORMS79-790-56-00-5600479.6824 ARAMARK#1591363216-UNIFORMS79-790-56-00-5600232.8425 ISTOCK-RECTRAC UPGRADE79-795-56-00-5620126.0026 PICTURES** COMMENT **27 GOLD MEDAL#337846-BEECHER79-795-56-00-5607908.4728 CONCESSION SUPPLIES** COMMENT **29 GOLD MEDAL#337849-BRIDGE79-795-56-00-56071,445.9530 CONCESSION SUPPLIES** COMMENT **31 ARAMARK#1591341866-RUBBER MATS 79-790-56-00-562015.0032 ARAMARK#1591380437-RUBBER MATS 79-790-56-00-562015.0033 BUILD A SIGN-CUSTOM SIGN &79-795-56-00-5606291.9334 STANDS** COMMENT **35 WALMART-CONFERENCE CHAIRS79-795-56-00-5610196.00INVOICE TOTAL:6,529.60 *052518-S.SLEEZER 04/30/18 01 QUICK SWEEP POWER ANGLE BROOM 79-790-56-00-56204,550.00INVOICE TOTAL:4,550.00 *052518-T.HOULE04/30/18 01 MCCANN-SWITCH, SCREW CAP, PART 79-790-56-00-5640243.1602 MANUAL** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:243.16 *052518-T.KLINGEL 04/30/18 01 CSI-QUOTE FOR NEW EVIDENCE25-205-60-00-60601,825.0002 CAGE** COMMENT **03 GRADUATION KEEPSAKE FRAME01-210-56-00-562060.00INVOICE TOTAL:1,885.00 *052518-T.KONEN04/30/18 01 HOME DEPO#93763-PIPE TAPE,51-510-56-00-563810.0102 PIPE THREAD, SUPPLY LINE** COMMENT **03 HOME DEPO#90603-PVC PIPE,51-510-56-00-563815.4604 CONNECTORS, BUSHING, ADAPTERS ** COMMENT **05 HOME DEPO#08670-BALL VALVE, 51-510-56-00-564013.9906 BUSHING, NIPPLES** COMMENT **07 AMAZON-BATTERY BACKUP & SURGE 51-510-56-00-5638265.6009 PROTECTORS** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:305.06 *052518-T.NELSON 04/30/18 01 WALMART-WHISTLES, STOP WATCHES 79-795-56-00-560655.3202 PALOS SPORTS-BASKETBALLS79-795-56-00-5606475.4903 SOCCER.COM-SOCCER BALLS79-795-56-00-5606480.7604 PIT STOP-4/9-4/12 PORT-O-LET 79-795-56-00-5620796.77FY 18Page 7 of 16 DATE: 05/22/18UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLETIME: 14:59:20MANUAL CHECK REGISTERID: AP225000.CBLCHECK # VENDOR # INVOICE ITEMCHECKINVOICE #DATE# DESCRIPTION DATE ACCOUNT # ITEM AMT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 900058 FNBO FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA05/25/18052518-T.NELSON04/30/18 05 UPKEEP** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:1,808.34 *052518-T.SOELKE 04/30/18 01 KARTECH-SINGLE POLE TOGGLE52-520-56-00-562850.0203 SWITCHES** COMMENT **04 HOME DEPO#70455-NIPPLES,52-520-56-00-563081.3405 COUPLING** COMMENT **06 DICKS - SHIRT52-520-56-00-560035.0007 COUPLING, HELIX, REPIRATORS** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:166.36 *052518-UCOY04/30/18 01 FEB 2018 REFUSE SERVICE01-540-54-00-544292,474.0602 FEB 2018 SENIOR REFUSE SERVICE 01-540-54-00-54412,555.49INVOICE TOTAL:95,029.55 *CHECK TOTAL:129,569.35TOTAL AMOUNT PAID:129,569.35FY 18Total for all Highlighted Library Invoices: $1,618.98Page 8 of 16 DATE: 05/22/18UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLETIME: 15:07:44MANUAL CHECK REGISTERID: AP225000.CBLCHECK # VENDOR # INVOICE ITEMCHECKINVOICE #DATE# DESCRIPTION DATE ACCOUNT # ITEM AMT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 900059 FNBO FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA05/25/18052518-A.SIMMONS19 04/30/18 01 ADS-MAY-JUL ALARM MONITORING 23-216-54-00-5446135.00INVOICE TOTAL:135.00 *052518-E.WILLRETT19 04/30/18 01 IPELRA BOOT CAMP REGISTRATION 01-110-54-00-541265.0002 FOR WILLRETT** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:65.00 *052518-J.SLEEZER19 04/30/18 01 IMSA TRAINING CLASS-HENNE01-410-54-00-5412600.0002 IMSA TRAINING CLASS-SENG01-410-54-00-5412600.00INVOICE TOTAL:1,200.00 *052518-J.WEISS19 04/30/18 01 TARGET-GIFT CARDS, SUPPLIES 82-000-24-00-2480108.3502 FOR MAKER SPACE PROGRAM** COMMENT **03 DOLLAR TREE-SUPPLIES FOR82-000-24-00-248026.3504 MAKER SPACE PROGRAM** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:134.70 *052518-K.BARKSDALE19 04/30/18 01 HOTEL OVERCHARGE FOR APA01-000-24-00-24401,624.7002 CONFERENCE - WILL BE CREDITED ** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:1,624.70 *052518-R.FREDRICKS19 04/30/18 01 AURORA UNIVERSITY-GOLDSMITH 01-210-54-00-54101,608.0002 SUMMER TUITION** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:1,608.00 *052518-S.REDMON19 04/30/18 01 BMI-HTD MUSIC LICENSE RENEWAL 79-795-56-00-5602349.00INVOICE TOTAL:349.00 *CHECK TOTAL:5,116.40TOTAL AMOUNT PAID:5,116.40Total for all Highlighted Library Invoices: $134.70FY 19Page 9 of 16 82-820 LIBRARY OPERATIONS 83-830 LIBRARY DEBT SERVICE 84-840 LIBRARY CAPITAL DATE: 06/05/18UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLETIME: 09:37:13CHECK REGISTERPRG ID: AP215000.WOWCHECK DATE: 06/11/18CHECK # VENDOR # INVOICE INVOICE ITEMNUMBER DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # ITEM AMT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 104526 TODAYS TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS INC050718-3105/10/18 01 JAN-MAR 2018 FAXES82-820-54-00-546220.64INVOICE TOTAL:20.64 *CHECK TOTAL:20.64TOTAL AMOUNT PAID:20.64FY18Page 10 of 16 82-820 LIBRARY OPERATIONS 83-830 LIBRARY DEBT SERVICE 84-840 LIBRARY CAPITAL DATE: 06/05/18UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLETIME: 09:51:13CHECK REGISTERPRG ID: AP215000.WOWCHECK DATE: 06/11/18CHECK # VENDOR # INVOICE INVOICE ITEMNUMBER DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # ITEM AMT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 104527 AUGUSTIS SHELLY AUGUSTINE05041805/07/18 01 REACHING FORWARD CONFERENCE 82-820-54-00-541571.6002 MILEAGE & TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT ** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:71.60 *05181805/21/18 01 PROGRAMMING NETWORK MEETING 82-820-54-00-541535.4302 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:35.43 *CHECK TOTAL:107.03 104528 BAKTAYBAKER & TAYLOR203368837505/03/18 01 BOOKS82-000-24-00-248013.7902 BOOKS82-820-56-00-5686342.67INVOICE TOTAL:356.46 *203369605105/09/18 01 BOOKS82-000-24-00-2480212.3402 BOOKS82-820-56-00-5686122.65INVOICE TOTAL:334.99 *203371098205/15/18 01 BOOKS82-820-56-00-5686186.7502 BOOKS84-840-56-00-5686370.86INVOICE TOTAL:557.61 *203371230805/16/18 01 BOOKS82-820-56-00-5686191.4102 BOOKS84-840-56-00-5686212.26INVOICE TOTAL:403.67 *203371502405/17/18 01 BOOKS82-820-56-00-5686988.65INVOICE TOTAL:988.65 *203373723605/25/18 01 BOOKS82-820-56-00-568641.8102 BOOKS84-840-56-00-568690.49INVOICE TOTAL:132.30 *CHECK TOTAL:2,773.68FY 19Page 11 of 16 82-820 LIBRARY OPERATIONS 83-830 LIBRARY DEBT SERVICE 84-840 LIBRARY CAPITAL DATE: 06/05/18UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLETIME: 09:51:13CHECK REGISTERPRG ID: AP215000.WOWCHECK DATE: 06/11/18CHECK # VENDOR # INVOICE INVOICE ITEMNUMBER DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # ITEM AMT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 104529 CAMBRIA CAMBRIA SALES COMPANY INC.3975005/21/18 01 TOILET TISSE, GARBAGE BAGS, 82-820-56-00-56201,296.3302 VACUUM BAGS, BOWL CLEANER,** COMMENT **03 SOAP, PAPER TOWEL, MOPS,** COMMENT **04 CLEANER** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:1,296.33 *CHECK TOTAL:1,296.33 104530 CORRECTE CORRECT ELECTRIC, INC182405/10/18 01 REPAIR TO HANDICAP DOOR82-820-54-00-5495230.00INVOICE TOTAL:230.00 *CHECK TOTAL:230.00 104531 MIDWTAPE MIDWEST TAPE9609381405/14/18 01 AUDIO BOOK84-840-56-00-568323.9902 DVD82-820-56-00-568522.49INVOICE TOTAL:46.48 *9610549105/17/18 01 DVD82-820-56-00-568511.24INVOICE TOTAL:11.24 *9611606305/21/18 01 DVD82-820-56-00-568522.49INVOICE TOTAL:22.49 *CHECK TOTAL:80.21 104532 SCHOLSCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUBS, INC1713329305/19/18 01 BOOKS82-000-24-00-2480224.40INVOICE TOTAL:224.40 *1715868405/23/18 01 BOOK82-000-24-00-24802.00INVOICE TOTAL:2.00 *CHECK TOTAL:226.40FY 19Page 12 of 16 82-820 LIBRARY OPERATIONS 83-830 LIBRARY DEBT SERVICE 84-840 LIBRARY CAPITAL DATE: 06/05/18UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLETIME: 09:51:13CHECK REGISTERPRG ID: AP215000.WOWCHECK DATE: 06/11/18CHECK # VENDOR # INVOICE INVOICE ITEMNUMBER DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # ITEM AMT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 104533 SOUND SOUND INCORPORATEDR15558205/14/18 01 JUN-AUG 2018 MAINTENANCE82-820-54-00-5462291.0002 AGREEMENT FOR PHONE AND** COMMENT **03 VOICEMAIL** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:291.00 *CHECK TOTAL:291.00 104534 YOUNGMMARLYS J. YOUNG05021805/08/18 01 05/02/18 LIBRARY MEETING82-820-54-00-546267.0002 MINUTES** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:67.00 *05141805/30/18 01 05/14/18 LIBRARY MEETING82-820-54-00-546258.2502 MINUTES** COMMENT **INVOICE TOTAL:58.25 *CHECK TOTAL:125.25TOTAL AMOUNT PAID:5,129.90FY 19Page 13 of 16 5(*8/$5 29(57,0( 727$/ ,05) ),&$ 727$/6$'0,1,675$7,21 ),1$1&( 32/,&(&20081,7<'(9 675((76 :$7(56(:(5 3$5.65(&5($7,21 /,%5$5< 727$/6727$/3$<52//81,7('&,7<2)<25.9,//(3$<52//6800$5<0D\Page 14 of 16 REGULAR OVERTIME TOTAL IMRF FICA TOTALSMAYOR & LIQ. COM.908.34$ -$ 908.34$ -$ 69.49$ 977.83$ CLERK583.34 - 583.34 8.79 44.61 636.74TREASURER83.34 - 83.34 8.79 6.36 98.49ALDERMAN3,900.00 - 3,900.00 - 287.32 4,187.32 ADMINISTRATION21,579.29 - 21,579.29 2,276.62 1,569.70 25,425.61 FINANCE9,740.83 - 9,740.83 1,027.66 718.92 11,487.41 POLICE114,512.71 2,526.68 117,039.39 631.07 8,527.62 126,198.08 COMMUNITY DEV.17,261.12 - 17,261.12 1,758.40 1,272.39 20,291.91 STREETS14,033.47 - 14,033.47 1,480.52 1,022.44 16,536.43 WATER17,254.54 18.55 17,273.09 1,822.32 1,243.62 20,339.03 SEWER8,583.36 - 8,583.36 905.56 631.47 10,120.39 PARKS21,588.76 409.03 21,997.79 2,320.77 1,612.59 25,931.15 RECREATION17,632.28 - 17,632.28 1,311.99 1,314.65 20,258.92 LIBRARY15,898.33 - 15,898.33 883.98 1,185.08 17,967.39 TOTALS263,559.71$ 2,954.26$ 266,513.97$ 14,436.47$ 19,506.26$ 300,456.70$ TOTAL PAYROLL300,456.70$ UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLEPAYROLL SUMMARYMay 18, 2018Page 15 of 16 Library CC Check Register FY18 (Pages 1 ‐8)05/25/2018 $1,618.98 Library CC Check Register FY19(Page 9)05/25/2018 $134.70 Library Check Register FY18 (Page 10)06/11/2018 $20.64 Library Check Register FY19 (Pages 11 ‐ 14)06/11/2018 5,129.90 Illinois State Police‐Background Checks 05/08/2018 27.00 Nicor 04/03/18‐05/02/18 services 05/22/2018 836.75 Flex ‐Apr 2018 HRA & FSA Fees 05/22/2018 20.00 Dearborne National ‐ May 2018 Vision Ins 05/08/2018 Glatfelter Liability Ins. ‐ Installment #5 05/08/2018 865.95 IPRF ‐June 2018 Workers Comp 05/08/2018 898.13 First Non‐Profit ‐2nd Qtr Uneployment Ins 05/08/2018 191.42 Blue Cross /Blue Shield‐May 2018 Health Ins 05/22/2018 5,531.64 Blue Cross /Blue Shield‐June 2018 Health Ins 05/22/2018 5,531.64 Blue Cross /Blue Shield‐May 2018 Dental Ins 05/22/2018 438.06 Blue Cross /Blue Shield‐May 2018 Dental Ins 05/22/2018 438.06 Dearborne National ‐ June 2018 Vision Ins 05/22/2018 50.72 BNY Global ‐ Series 2013 Bond Admin Fee 05/22/2018 1,100.00 TOTAL BILLS PAID: $22,833.59 DATE Bi‐weekly (Page 15)05/04/2018 $17,762.45 Bi‐weekly (Page 16)05/18/2018 17,967.39 TOTAL PAYROLL:$35,729.84 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS:$58,563.43 PAYROLL FY 2018 FY 2019 YORKVILLE LIBRARY BOARD BILL LIST SUMMARY Monday, June 11, 2018 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Page 16 of 16 LIBRARY DIRECTOR REPORT— May, 2018 Facilities Management Met with the Sprinkler System Inspection Company to set up inspection (5/8/18) with inspection on May 25, 2018. Set up gutter cleaning and need for proposals for gutter covers and snow bars. Dropped off and picked up donation bricks for patio. Contacting and setting up meetings for carpet cleaning quotes. Work to be done during the summer Sunday closings. Obtained quote for DVD Recorder/Security Camera replacement. Emergency HVAC call for temperature alert in Telecom Room. Worked with Daikin to revise the Maintenance Agreement. Public Relations Spoke to the Lions Club on May 1, 2018 and thanked them for their donation for large print books. Met with the PR Committee (Hedman/La Chance) of the Board to draft a response letter to the Kendall Record and the Beacon News. Grants Science books for children and adults were purchased and are available for circulation. Meetings Regular manager’s meetings were held. Two staff members attended the Reaching Forward Conference in Rosemont (see attached reports by Augustine/Debord). Yorkville Library hosted the meeting of the Northern Illinois Facilities Managers on May 17, 2018. Helped to coordinate the Strategic Planning Session with staff on May 18, 2018. Attended the Special Board Meeting on May 22, 2018. Staff Recruitment Drafted a job description for the Youth Services Director position for input by the Personnel Committee. Met with the Personnel Committee and a candidate to discuss the position on May 17, 2018. Posted a Library Clerk position opening. Library Operations Yorkville Public Works stopped in to assess our water heater and to try to alleviate the brown water. Water is brown due to lack of use. We will run the water throughout the building for 10 minutes each week. Improvement already visible. Maintenance staff will incorporate this into their weekly schedule. The City will add the Library to the monthly schedule of water testing. Contacted Libraries First to set up Museum Pass Program. Friends Contacting and setting up meetings to obtain proposals for an updated . Projection system to be funded by the group. Programs, Activities Adult Programs Evening Book Club 2 Men’s Book Club 6 Friends Meeting 10 Threads and More 11 Creative Writing 15 Lunch Bunch 8 Folded Art 26 TOTAL ADULT ATTENDANCE 78 Young Adult Programs Teen Meeting -TAG 8 TOTAL YA ATTENDANCE 8 Children Programs Drop-In Storytime 13 Tots and Toddlers (2) 47 Beginning Readers 4 Book Club (2 programs) (Grades 1-2) 8 Book Club (2 programs) (Grades 3-5) 6 Panera Storytime (2 programs) 57 Literacy Center (2 programs) 21 Chess Club (2 programs) 11 Lap sit 19 Club Duplo 12 Dance Party 7 Tour-2nd Grade (Parkview) 32 TOTAL CHILDREN’S ATTENDANCE 245 Passive programs included: May 4th be with you bookmarks (18), Mom’s Day bookmark (57), Puzzle (23), Gears (47), Roller Coaster (76) and Rocket coloring (48). TOTAL PARTICIPATION FOR PASSIVE PROGRAMS 269 Computer Use Adult 292 Young Adult 21 Children 43 Express 31 TOTAL COMPUTER USE 387 Database & E-book Use Ancestry 69 Omni E-Book 675 E-Audio 287 231 (Users) E-Read IL 16 E-Book Audio 52 20 (Users) Circulation Checkouts 14,289 New Patrons Added 103 New Items Added 662 Teen Volunteers Mikayla Mika, Sydney Klebenow, Skylar Krantz, Mark Sanford, Katlyn Tugman, , Kassey Hester, Naytona Faedtke, Alexa Roehr, Stella Tejada, Brooklyn Souza and Mikayla Mol, Rachel Robinette, Riley Benning, Zach Weiss and Juleah Richardson. Adult Volunteers Theron Garcia (Dance Party) and Brad Smith (Chess Club). Meeting Room 4 Rental, 15 Programs Proctored Test 0 Patron Count 5242 YORKVILLE STATISTICS FOR FY19 PrairieCat Month All Transactio ns checkouts+ renewals checkouts renewals all holds placed holds filled checkins usage Items lent to other libraries Items borrowed from other libraries Items to Reciprocal Borrowers atYorkville Items added Total items Patrons added Total patrons e-commerce MAY 14,289 6,823 5,832 991 464 1,309 5,693 0 1,054 740 356 662 103 JUNE JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR DATABASE USEAGE FOR FY18 ANCESTRY GALE E-READ IL OMNI OCLC SEARCHES HITS SESSIONS SEARCHES E-BOOK E-AUDIO USERS E-BOOK E-AUDIO USERS VIDEO LENT BORROWED MAY 69 58 16 52 20 675 287 231 1 JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR Daikin Care Maintenance Agreement Inspection Agreement - Yorkville Public Library 902 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois United States, 60560 Proposal #: Q‐00006700 Prepared for: Elisa Topper Yorkville Public Library 6/1/2018 Prepared by: Kimberlee Cotter District Manager Chicago Mobile: (630) 965‐3348 Email: kimberlee.cotter@daikinapplied.com ©2017 Daikin Applied Page | 2 Maintenance Agreement Proposal #: Q‐00006700 Kimberlee Cotter About Us A Proven Partner Our customers count on Daikin Applied to design and manufacture technologically advanced commercial HVAC systems that deliver the highest efficiency and solutions that extend the life their building systems. Our Company Daikin Applied is a wholly owned subsidiary of Daikin Industries, Ltd. the largest air conditioning manufacturer in the world. Product innovation is a hallmark at Daikin Applied. Customers rely on products like Magnitude® magnetic bearing chillers, Pathfinder® air cooled chillers, Rebel® rooftop units, SmartSource® water source heat pumps, and Modular Central Plants for exceptional efficiency, reliability, and sustainability. Our Values Quality and comfortable air is central to our lives – at work and at play. We strive to improve Indoor Environmental Air Quality in the buildings we serve. Quality people delivering quality products. From concept and design through production and delivery we are committed to making the products you receive a reliable component of your building system. We continue to challenge ourselves to develop new technologies that minimize energy usages and maximize comfort. Across Daikin, we believe little efforts that individuals can make to protect the environment can add up to big things. Locations Daikin Applied has more than six million square feet of manufacturing facilities at 12 plants on three continents. We have locations with more than 5,000 dedicated employees around the world. All our manufacturing facilities in the United States are ISO 9001 certified. For more information, visit www.DaikinApplied.com. The award‐winning Daikin Applied Development Center, at our headquarters in Plymouth, Minnesota, is the world’s most advanced facility for HVAC research and development. Every day our people work to develop HVAC technologies that reduce energy consumption and the carbon footprint of the buildings where they will be used. ©2017 Daikin Applied Page | 3 Maintenance Agreement Proposal #: Q‐00006700 Kimberlee Cotter Daikin Care Plan – Scope of Services Thank you for selecting Daikin Applied service to care for your building’s system. Our factory‐trained service personnel have the knowledge and experience to deliver the best support available. Daikin Applied is pleased to offer the Daikin Care Plan proposal for your consideration. Scope of Work Provide (4) inspections annually per Equipment Schedule and Tasking listed herein. Program Overview The owner is requesting a preventive maintenance program which will provide routine inspection and maintenance of the covered equipment. Timely inspections can minimize or prevent unscheduled down‐ time by detecting deficiencies early. Scheduled factory recommended maintenance will ensure efficient operation and maximum equipment life. Repairs by trained technicians keep the equipment operating to specification. Owner operator knowledge is a key component of any maintenance program. During equipment inspections, Daikin Applied recommends owner participation to help them learn proper equipment operation and early problem recognition that can minimize service outages and increase satisfaction. Personnel Daikin Applied will perform all services using factory‐trained technicians who specialize in HVAC, refrigeration and electronic system maintenance and repair service. Emergency Service Response Emergency service is available on a 7‐day, 24 hour basis. For scheduled service and repairs covered under this agreement and performed at the Customer’s request outside of normal working hours, the Customer agrees to pay the difference between the prevailing standard billing rate and the prevailing overtime rate. Equipment Repair Daikin Applied will perform all services during its regular working hours unless otherwise specified. Any services requested or agreed to by Customer that are outside the Scope of Services will be performed by Daikin Applied at an additional cost. Daikin Applied will invoice such services at a special service and repair billing rate at Company’s published labor rate for the service area. Standard Inclusions: The agreement includes travel to and from the site, preventative maintenance materials, and any trips to supply houses to procure materials. The customer will receive a written report for the inspection or services provided. For specific activities associated with the equipment covered under the agreement, reference the preventative maintenance activities section. ©2017 Daikin Applied Page | 4 Maintenance Agreement Proposal #: Q‐00006700 Kimberlee Cotter Standard Exclusions: All work to be performed during ‘normal working hours’. Any and all recommended/required repairs to be quoted separately. Equipment Schedule Equipment Type Qty Manufacturer/Model/Serial Program Annual Operational Shut ‐ down Screw / Rotary Chillers ‐ Air Cooled 1 Daikin|AGS170C|STNU060300243 Inspection 1 2 1 Pricing and Acceptance Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the information contained in this Daikin Care Maintenance Agreement. If you would like us to proceed with the solution presented above, sign the acceptance line below (including PO# if applicable) and return a copy so that we can begin to mobilize our efforts to complete services as quickly as possible. We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with this solution and look forward to working with you on this and servicing your needs in the future. Emergency Coverage: Emergency coverage was waived but is available on a time and material basis. Duration: This agreement shall remain in effect for an initial term of 3 year(s) beginning on 9/1/2018 (the “Effective Date”) and shall continue from year to year thereafter unless at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the initial term or any extended term, either party give gives the other written notice of its intention to terminate this agreement. This proposal is valid for: 60 Days Payment will be in In Advance as follows: on the first day of each Quarter beginning on 9/1/2018 the (Effective Date) of this agreement, Daikin Applied will provide an invoice in the amount of $745.00 and will be due upon receipt. This Agreement is subject to Customer’s acceptance of the attached Daikin Applied Terms and Conditions. ©2017 Daikin Applied Page | 5 Maintenance Agreement Proposal #: Q‐00006700 Kimberlee Cotter Investment Amount and Billing Terms: Total investment for Daikin Care Plan ‐ Maintenance Agreement is: $2,980.00 Two Thousand, Nine Hundred Eighty dollars and no cents *Price does not include applicable sales tax Year Amount Year 1 (2018/2019) $2,980.00 / $745.00 quarterly Year 2 (2019/2020) $3,069.00 / $767.25 quarterly Year 3 (2021/2022) $3,161.00 / $790.25 quarterly Pricing and acceptance are based upon the Terms and Conditions which are attached. Elisa Topper Yorkville Public Library Site Address: 902 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 United States Accepted by: Approved by: (Print Full Legal Name of Customer) (Print Full Legal Name of Daikin Applied Representative) (Signature) (Signature) (Title) (Title) Date: Date: Proposal #: Q‐00006700 Note: This Agreement is subject to final approval by Daikin Applied. ©2017 Daikin Applied Page | 6 Maintenance Agreement Proposal #: Q‐00006700 Kimberlee Cotter Inspection Agreement 1. Daikin Applied agrees to: a) Furnish its Inspection Service during normal working hours, unless otherwise specified on page 1 herein, on the Equipment, in accordance with the Assured Maintenance Agreement Service Program(s) at the price stated herein and subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. b) Provide a written report to the Customer about the condition of the Equipment and any recommendations for necessary repairs or enhancements to maintain capacity, reliability, and efficiency. c) Instruct the person(s) responsible for Equipment operation and familiarize them with normal operation. 2. Customer agrees to: a) Designate a representative in its employ to receive instructions in the operation of the Equipment. Such representative shall have authority to carry out recommendations received from Daikin Applied in conjunction with the performance of this Agreement. b) Allow Daikin Applied to start and stop the Equipment in order to perform services specified in this Agreement. c) Operate the Equipment in accordance with Daikin Applied instruction and to notify Daikin Applied promptly of any change in the usual operating conditions. d) Provide reasonable means of access to the Equipment and building. e) Employ only Daikin Applied personnel or persons authorized by Daikin Applied to perform all work on the Equipment, except for operation of same. 3. It is understood that, except to the extent otherwise provided in the Assured Maintenance Agreement Equipment Schedule, the services and maintenance provided for herein includes only those items listed herein. It does not, for example, include any of the following: a) Normal daily and weekend functions of stopping/starting the Equipment covered hereunder. b) The maintenance of space conditions or system performance. c) The changing or cleaning of air filters. d) Piping or ductwork. e) Damage due to freezing weather. f) Water treatment. g) Corrosion or erosion damage to water and/or air side of Equipment (for example, but not limited to the following: tube bundles, heat exchangers, structural supports, and coils.) h) Disconnect switches, fuses and circuit breakers. i) Portable recorders j) Complementary equipment (for example, but not limited to the following: cabinets, fixtures, water boxes, water supply lines and drain lines, and painting for appearance). k) Boiler shell, tubes, and refractory material. l) Replacement of complete unit. m) Any items of equipment that are recommended or required by Insurance Companies, Government, State, Municipal or other authorities. ©2017 Daikin Applied Page | 7 Maintenance Agreement Proposal #: Q‐00006700 Kimberlee Cotter Activities Section & Tasking List Presented below are the tasks to be performed by type of equipment covered in the equipment schedule. Screw / Rotary Chillers ‐ Air and Water Cooled Manufacturer/Model/Serial: Daikin|AGS170C|STNU060300243 Annual Inspection: Check in with facility maintenance manager to discuss any operating issues or deficiencies. Check unit for proper operation, interlocks, controls, and excessive noise or vibration. Tighten all starter, motor, and control connections. Visually inspect condition of starter contacts and overloads for wear, pitting, and any signs of overheating. Meg compressor motor and record readings. Check operation of crankcase heater. Check evaporator shell heaters and controls for freeze protection. Check and Lubricate motor and fan bearings, screws, and motor mounts. Visually inspect coils for damage, obstructions, and cleanliness. Check relief valve(s) for leakage. Check operation of refrigerant cycle, pump‐down cycle, controls, refrigerant charge and oil level. Ensure all safety and operating controls are set within factory specifications. Check microprocessor for proper setup and operation. Check operation of electronic expansion valve. Check operation of load/unload solenoid valves. Test differential oil pressure switch for proper setting. Check operation of compressor(s). Check condition of thermometers, and gauges. Compare with operating controls. Check sight glass(es) for flashing / moisture and/or oil presence. Inspect water piping and valves for leakage; check condition of unit and pipe insulation. Visually inspect units, piping, and accessories for any signs of oil or refrigerant leakage. Review all microprocessor diagnostic codes. Check flow switch devices and external pump interlocks for proper operation. Check evaporator flow rates, temperatures, interlocks, and safeties. Complete operating log of temperatures, pressures, voltages, amperages, and review all readings. Include chiller starts and run times. Review services performed and report any uncorrected deficiencies to facility maintenance manager. Check glycol % if applicable. ©2017 Daikin Applied Page | 8 Maintenance Agreement Proposal #: Q‐00006700 Kimberlee Cotter Operational Inspection: Check in with facility maintenance manager to discuss any operating issues or deficiencies. Check unit for proper operation, interlocks, controls, and excessive noise or vibration. Visually inspect condition of starter contacts and overloads for wear, pitting, and any signs of overheating. Check operating and safety controls. Check operation of lubrication system and crankcase heater. Visually inspect coils for damage, obstructions, and cleanliness. Check evaporator flow rates. Review all microprocessor diagnostic codes. Check operation of electronic expansion valve. Check operation of load/unload solenoid valves. Check condition of thermometers, and gauges. Compare with operating controls. Check sight glass(es) for flashing / moisture and/or oil presence. Complete operating log of temperatures, pressures, voltages, amperages, and review all readings. Include chiller starts and run times. Review services performed and report any uncorrected deficiencies to facility maintenance manager. Predictive Maintenance: Spectrographic oil analyses for the indication of wear metals, acid content, and moisture. Sample(s) to be taken for each refrigeration circuit. Shutdown Inspection: Perform Seasonal Shut‐down. Check in with facility maintenance manager to discuss any operating issues or deficiencies. Check unit for proper operation, interlocks, controls, and excessive noise or vibration. Visually inspect condition of starter contacts and overloads for wear, pitting, and any signs of overheating. Check operating and safety controls. Check operation of lubrication system and crankcase heater. Visually inspect coils for damage, obstructions, and cleanliness. Check operation of load/unload solenoid valves. Check condition of thermometers, and gauges. Compare with operating controls. Review services performed and report any uncorrected deficiencies to facility maintenance manager. ©2017 Daikin Applied Page | 9 Maintenance Agreement Proposal #: Q‐00006700 Kimberlee Cotter DAIKIN APPLIED AMERICAS INC. TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. This Standard Service Proposal or Maintenance Agreement (hereinafter sometimes referenced as “Agreement”), upon acceptance by the Customer, is made solely on the terms and conditions hereof, notwithstanding any additional or conflicting conditions that may be contained in any purchase order or other form of Customer, all of which additional or conflicting terms and conditions are hereby rejected by Daikin Applied. Further, you acknowledge and agree that any purchase order issued by you in accordance with this Agreement will only establish payment authority for your internal accounting purposes. Any such purchase order will not be considered by us to be a counteroffer, amendment, modification, or other revision to the terms of this agreement. No waiver, alteration or modification of the terms and conditions herein shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Daikin Applied. 2. This Maintenance Agreement or Standard Service Proposal is subject to acceptance by the Customer within 30 days from date show on the quote, unless specified otherwise. Prices quoted are for services, labor, and material as specified in this Proposal. If acceptance of this Maintenance Agreement or Standard Service Proposal is delayed or modified, prices are subject to adjustment. 3. Terms of payment are subject at all times to prior approval of Daikin Applied’s credit department. Terms of payment are net due upon receipt of invoice unless previously otherwise agreed in writing. Should payment become more than 30 days delinquent, Daikin Applied may stop all work under this Agreement or terminate this Agreement with five (5) days written notice to Customer. Daikin Applied reserves the right to add to any account outstanding more than 30 days interest at 1 ½ per month or the highest rate allowed by law. In the event of default in payment, Customer agrees to pay all costs of collection incurred by Daikin Applied including, but not limited to, collection agency fees, attorney fees and court costs. Additional services may be performed upon request at a price to be determined, subject to these Terms and Conditions. 4. In the event that Daikin Applied determines, during the first thirty (30) days of any Maintenance Agreement or upon seasonal start‐up (discovery period) that any equipment covered under this Agreement in need of repair and/or replacement, Daikin Applied shall inform Customer of the equipment condition and remedy. Daikin Applied shall not be responsible for the present or future repair and/or replacement or operability of any specific equipment; until such time as the equipment is brought up to an acceptable condition or the Customer removes the unacceptable system(s), component(s), or part(s) from this contract. 5. Any Maintenance Agreement price is subject to adjustment once each calendar year, effective on the anniversary date, for changes in labor, subcontractor and material costs. If such adjustment is not expressly set forth in the Maintenance Agreement, the customer shall receive forty‐five (45) days prior written notice of such adjustment. Customer’s payment of an invoice with an adjusted price shall be Customer’s acceptance of the price adjustment so long as such invoice reflects the price adjustment expressly set forth in the Maintenance Agreement or set forth in the notice of adjustment. 6. A Maintenance Agreement may be terminated: (i) by either party upon the anniversary date hereof; provided however, that written notice of such termination must be given to the non‐terminating party at least thirty (30) days prior to the anniversary date; (ii) by Daikin Applied upon five (5) days prior written notice to Customer, in the event that any sums or monies due or payable pursuant to this Agreement are not paid when due or in the event that additions, alterations, repairs or adjustments are made to the system or equipment without Daikin Applied’s prior approval; (iii) by either party, in the event that the other party commits any other material breach of this Agreement and such breach remains uncured for ten (10) business days, after written notice thereof. If a Maintenance Agreement is terminated for any reason, other than a material breach by Daikin Applied, Customer shall pay, in addition to all sums currently due and owing, the entire remaining balance due for the term of the Maintenance Agreement, or an amount equal to time and materials expended for the year, whichever is less. Notices required hereunder shall be sent via Certified U.S. Mail, Return Receipt Requested and provided that such notice is postmarked by the required date, such notice shall be deemed properly given. 7. Unless Customer provides appropriate documentation of tax exemption, Customer shall pay Daikin Applied, in addition to the contract price, the amount of all excise, sales, use, privilege, occupation or other similar taxes imposed by the United States Government or any other National, State or Local Government, which Daikin Applied is required to pay in connection with the services or materials furnished hereunder. Customer shall promptly pay invoices within 30 days of receipt. Should payment become more than 30 days delinquent, Daikin Applied may stop all work under this Agreement or terminate this Agreement as provided in the next paragraph. 8. Any and all costs, fees and expenses arising from or incurred in anticipation of any federal, state, county, local or administrative statute, law, rule, regulation or ordinance (collectively “Governmental Regulations”) directly or indirectly requiring that refrigerant other than the type of refrigerant currently being utilized in connection with the equipment subject to this Agreement be used, shall be borne solely by Customer. In this regard, Daikin Applied shall not be required to bear any expense in connection with the modification, removal, replacement or disposal of any refrigerant in response to any Governmental Regulation designed to reduce or eliminate the alleged environmental hazards associated with the refrigerant. 9. The contract price stated herein is predicated on the fact that all work will be done during regular working hours of regular working days unless otherwise specified. If for any reason Customer requests that work be performed other than during regular working hours or outside the scope of services specified hereunder, Customer agrees to pay Daikin Applied any additional charges arising from such additional services, including but not limited to premium pay, special freight or other fees or costs associated therewith. ©2017 Daikin Applied Page | 10 Maintenance Agreement Proposal #: Q‐00006700 Kimberlee Cotter 10. Customer shall be responsible for all costs, expenses, damages, fines, penalties, claims and liabilities associated with or incurred in connection with any hazardous materials or substances, including but not limited to asbestos, upon, beneath, about or inside Customer’s equipment or property. Title to, ownership of, and legal responsibility and liability for any and all such hazardous materials or substances, shall at all times remain with Customer. Customer shall be responsible for the removal, handling and disposal of all hazardous materials and substances in accordance with all applicable Governmental Regulations. Customer shall defend, indemnify, reimburse and hold harmless Daikin Applied and its officers, directors, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities, actions, suits, fines and penalties (including without limitation, attorneys’ fees and expenses) suffered or incurred by any such indemnified parties, based upon, arising out of or in any way relating to exposure to, handling of, or fees and expenses) suffered or incurred by any such indemnified parties, based upon, arising out of or in any way relating to exposure to, handling of, or disposal of any hazardous materials or substances, including but not limited to asbestos, in connection with the services performed hereunder. Daikin Applied shall have the right to suspend its work at no penalty to Daikin Applied until such products or materials and the resultant hazards are removed. The time for completion of the work shall be extended to the extent caused by the suspension and the contract price equitably adjusted. Daikin Applied reserves the right to engage others in a subcontractor status to perform the work hereunder. 11. Customer agrees to provide Daikin Applied personnel with the usual required utilities (water, electricity, compressed air, etc.) and special tools and equipment normally used for such services unless restricted specifically in the quote. Customer agrees to ensure that sufficient service access space is provided. Daikin Applied shall not be held liable for failure or damage to any equipment caused by power interruptions, single phasing, phase reversal, low voltage, or other deficiencies beyond the control of Daikin Applied. 12. This agreement does not include responsibility for design of the system (unless specifically included), obsolescence, electrical power failures, low voltage, burned‐out main or branch fuses, low water pressure, vandalism, misuse or abuse of the system(s) by others (including the Customer), negligence of the system by others (including the Customer), failure of the Customer to properly operate the system(s), or other causes beyond the control of Daikin Applied. 13. In the event that Daikin Applied is required to make any repairs and/or replacements or emergency calls occasioned by the improper operation of the equipment covered hereby, or any cause beyond Daikin Applied’s control, Customer shall pay Daikin Applied for the charges incurred in making such repairs and/or replacements or emergency calls in accordance with the current established Daikin Applied rates for performing such services. 14. Daikin Applied shall not in any event be liable for failure to perform or for delay in performance due to fire, flood, strike or other labor difficulty, act of God, act of any Governmental Authority or of Customer, riot, war, embargo, fuel or energy shortage, wrecks or delay in transportation, inability to obtain necessary labor, materials, or equipment from usual sources, or due to any cause beyond its reasonable control. In the event of delay in performance due to any such cause, the date of delivery or time of completion will be extended by a period of time reasonably necessary to overcome the effect of such delay. If the materials or equipment included in this Proposal become temporarily or permanently unavailable for reasons beyond the control of Daikin Applied, Daikin Applied shall be excused from furnishing said materials or equipment and be reimbursed for the difference between cost of materials or equipment unavailable and the cost of an available reasonable substitute. 15. Daikin Applied shall not in any event be liable to the Customer or to third parties for any incidental, consequential, indirect or special damages, including but not limited to, loss of production, loss of use or loss of profits or revenue arising from any cause whatsoever including, but not limited to any delay, act, error or omission of Daikin Applied. In no event will Daikin Applied’s liability for direct or compensatory damages exceed the payment received by Daikin Applied from customer under the instant agreement. 16. Daikin Applied extends the manufacturer’s warranties on all parts and materials and warrants labor to meet industry standards for a period of thirty (30) days from the date performed, unless a longer duration is expressly stated elsewhere in this Agreement. Daikin Applied expressly limits its warranty on Customer’s Equipment to cover only that portion of Equipment which had specific Services done by Daikin Applied. These warranties do not extend to any Equipment or service which has been repaired by others, abused, altered, or misused, or which has not been properly maintained. THESE WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSE, WHICH ARE HEREBY SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. 17. Each of us agrees that we are responsible for any injury, loss, or damage caused by any negligence or deliberate misconduct of our employees or employees of our subcontractors. If any of our employees or those of our subcontractors, cause any injury, loss or damage in connection with performing their duties under this agreement, the responsible party will pay for all costs, damages, and expenses, which arise. Each of us agrees to defend and hold harmless the other party, its officers, directors and employees, from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorney’s fees and court costs, arising out of or resulting from the performance of work hereunder, to the extent that such claim, damage, loss, or expense is caused by an active or passive act or omission of the indemnifying party or anyone directly or indirectly employed by that party, or anyone for whose acts that party may be liable. 18. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of each party’s respective successors, assigns and affiliates. This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. Yorkville Public Library Strategic Objectives 1. Refine organizational structure and staff development 2. Enhance technology, programs, and availability of services 3. Focus on community involvement and marketing 4. Focus on financial stability through alternative funding fiscal responsibility 5. Redesign emergency procedures and safety protocols. Objective Goal 1 1 Complete 3 staff inservice trainings by April 2019. 2 1 Offer online registrations by March 2019. 2 2 Develop a DVD rental process that eliminates fees by December 2018. 3 1 Evaluate feasibility and use case of a marquiss sign in front of library on Game Farm Road by December 2018. 3 2 Develop new print materials to market library programs and services. 3 3 Improve relationship with city council. 4 1 Secure 3 additional corporate sponsors by April 2019. 5 1 Review current emergency procedures and safety protocols and have local authorities review and make recommendations for changes by April 2019.