City Council Minutes 2004 08-24-04 NIINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 800 GAME FARM ROAD ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2004. Mayor Prochaska called the meeting to order at 7:06 P.M and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Clerk Milschewski called the roll. Ward I James Present Sticka Present Ward II Burd Present Kot Present Ward III Ohare Present Mums Present Ward W Besco Present Spears Present Also present: City Clerk Milschewski, City Treasurer Powell, City Attorney Representative Kelly Kramer, Police Chief Martin, Finance Director Pleckham and Executive Director of Parks & Recreation Brown. OUORUM A quorum was established. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Mayor Prochaska welcomed guests and asked those present to enter their name on the attendance sheet provided. COMMITTEE MEETING DATES Public Works Committee 7:00 P.M., Monday, September 27, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Economic Development Committee 7:00 P.M_, Wednesday, September 20, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Administration Committee 7:00 P.M., Thursday, September 9, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Public Safety Committee 6:30 P.M, Thursday, August 26, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Ad Hoc Technology Committee To be announced AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA Alderman Spears noted that she had nothing in her meeting packet regarding Item 45 — Midco Northgate Yorkville LLC — Galena Watermain Easement_ Mayor Prochaska noted that this was briefly discussed at a Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting and is for the Rosenwinkle property. Attorney Kramer stated that the Rosenwinkles have not signed the easement yet and F ` recommended that this n be continued until the next City Council meeting. Mayor Prochaska noted that Item 43 — Resolution Recommending the Updating of Wards in the United City of Yorkville would also be continued until the next City Council meeting since it does not have the correct map attached to it. PUBLIC HEARINGS PC 2004 -04 Villas at the Preserve/Burnside Homes Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to go into public hearing for the purpose of discussing PC 2004 -04 Villas at the Preserve: Burnside Homes, request to annex to the United City of Yorkville and rezone from Kendall County A-1 Agricultural to United City of Yorkville R-2 Duplex Two - Family Residence Planned Unit Development and for hearing as to the annexation and Planned The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — August 24. 2004 - uage 2 Unit Development Agreement of the petitioner. The real property consists of approximately 23.95 acres south of Route 71 and west of Route 47, Kendall Township, Kendall County, Illinois. So moved by Alderman Munns; seconded by Alderman James Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye Please see attached Report of Proceedings taken before Chris Visla, C.S.R_ from Depo Court Reporting Service for the transcription of this portion of the public hearing. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to close the public hearing. So moved by Alderman Ohare; seconded by Alderman Spears. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays-0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye CITIZEN COMMENTS Birgett Peterson, 3025 Bristol Ridge Road, asked the Council if the City's noise ordinance was moving forward. Attorney Kramer advised the City not to engage in any ex parte communications with the Peterson's since they are involved in litigation regarding the medians on Bristol Ridge Road. She stated that the Mrs. Peterson can speak regarding the issue but no comment will be made. Mrs. Peterson noted that the litigation regarded the medians and she was addressing the noise ordinance and a temporary sign posting a construction speed limit. She stated that the road is closed to thru traffic however construction crews and others are still using the road. She stated that she and her neighbors are concerned with the speed of the traffic on the road. Mayor Prochaska stated that he has brought the concerns regarding traffic to Police Chief Martin's attention. Chief Martin stated that a letter is being sent to area trucking firms to advise them of the construction area and the 35 MPH speed limit. He stated that the Police Department is trying to address the issue. Don Peterson, 3025 Bristol Ridge Road, addressed the Council and stated that he did a survey in Kendall County and surrounding counties regarding medians. He noted that a median in Fox Lawn caused so many accidents that it was removed. He also stated that the medians on Boulder Hill Pass in Oswego are going to be removed due to deterioration, safety issues, snow plowing, etc. He stated that every time there is an accident or snow removal problem on Bristol Ridge Road he will make sure the City Council hears about it. He stated that he has been to every public meeting concerning MPI and at three meetings he brought up the issue of the road construction causing problems with his mail box and mail delivery. He said he was assured that mail delivery would not be affected however he has not received mail since August 18, 2004. He stated that there is a credibility problem because the City and MPI told him this would not happen. PRESENTATIONS None. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Preschool Contract for Congregational Church — authorize Mayor and Director of Parks and recreation to execute T 2. Windett Ridge — Nicor Easement Request — authorize Mayor to execute easement 3. Resolution 2004 -24 — Feasibility Study for Countryside Center TIF - authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute 4. IMRF Employer Contribution Rate Option 2 — authorize Finance Director to notify EURF Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Ohare -aye, Besco -aye The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — August 24. 2004 - nag_e 3 PLANNING COMNIISSION /ZONING BOARD OF APPEAL Alderman Sticka reported that the Plan Commission discussed the preliminary and final plat for the final unit of the Fox Hill subdivision. They unanim ously voted against it because there was a request for a reduced setback and no architectural drawing to use as a reference to illustrate the setback. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderman James to approve the minutes of the City Council meeting from July 27, 2004; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. BILLS FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderman James to approve the paying of the bills listed on the Detailed Board Report dated August 13, 2004 totaling the following amounts: checks in the amount of $656,632.36 (vendor); $136,829.34 (payroll period ending 8/07/04) for a total of $793,461.70; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT Ordinance 2004 -46 Approving Sign Variances for 135 E. Veteran's Parkway — Duy's Shoes Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve an Ordinance approving variances increasing the number of wall signs on a multi tenant building and increasing the maximum amount of allowable wall signage for the business located at 135 E. Veteran's Parkway (buy's Shoes). So moved by Alderman Kot; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Alderman Sticka noted that the variance was approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Munns -aye, Ohare -aye Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye Kot -aye Ordinance 2004 -47 Approving Variances for 106 Beaver Street Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve an Ordinance approving variances for 106 Beaver Street, Yorkville, Illinois. So moved by Alderman Kot; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Alderman Sticka noted that the variance was approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals and the variance allows for parking in the front of the building. Mayor Prochaska clarified that the request was to allow the front yard setback to be narrowed from twenty -five feet to two feet in front of an existing building to allow for a parking area. Alderman Ohare asked if the area was for parking alone and no other use and Attorney Kramer stated it was for parking alone. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye Ward Map Update Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to continue the Resolution recommending the updating of the aldermanic wards in the United City of Yorkville until the next City Council meeting on September 14, 2004. So moved by Alderman Kot; seconded by Alderman Munns. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — August 24, 2004 — nage 4 Resolution 2004 -25 Hydraulic Avenue Interceptor Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve a Resolution for the highway permit with the Illinois Department of Transportation located at Hydraulic Avenue and Route 47 for the interceptor project and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all the documents. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderman Mums. Mayor Prochaska noted that the highway permit and resolution were part of the Hydraulic Street interceptor project. Alderman Ohare asked if how long the construction will take and Mayor Prochaska stated that the project will be beginning soon and may be finished by spring. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare-aye, Spears -aye, Midco Northgate Yorkville LLC — Galena Watermain Easement Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to continue the approval of an easement between the United City of Yorkville and Midco Northgate Yorkville LLC for the Galena Watermain Project until the next City Council meeting on September 14, 2004. So moved by Alderman Ohare; seconded by Alderman Burd. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye Yorkville Emergency Operation Plan Mayor Prochaska reported that the Yorkville Emergency Operation Plan has been started. He stated that groups from the community have met to discuss the plan and a meeting for the Model Community Preparedness Planning Project is scheduled for September 20, 2004. He also reported that the Regional Institute on Community Policing has asked him and Chief Martin to speak at the Illinois Municipal League Conference on September 18, 2004. Riverfront Festival Mayor Prochaska reported that he had a sign -up sheet for the Riverfront Festival Information and Wrist -band booth. He asked any interested Council members to see him. Route 34 Clean -up Mayor Prochaska reported that a Route 34 Road Clean -up is scheduled for Saturday, August 28, 2004. He asked anyone wanting to help should meet at 8:00 A.M. at the Big Easy restaurant on Route 34 and Cannonball Trail. ATTORNEY'S REPORT No report. CITY CLERK'S REPORT No report. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT No report. CITY ADMIIVISTATOR'S REPORT Mayor Prochaska reported that Administrator Graff was in Bloomington, Illinois attending an Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) meeting to discuss projects in District 3. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT No report. J DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT -- No report. CHIEF OF POLICE REPORT Chief Martin reminded everyone that the Riverfront Festival begins Friday, August 27, 2004 and that today was the first day of school. He asked everyone to drive safely. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION REPORT Director Brown reported that the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has placed a barge in the Fox River in order to perform soil and bedrock testing for the dam reconstruction project. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — August 24. 2004 — Meg _5 COMMUNITY & LIAISON REPORT Bee Hive Removal Alderman Ohare stated that her constituents wanted to thank whoever was responsible for removing a large bee hive on Fremont Street. Mayor Prochaska noted that it was removed by the Public Works Department. Thank You Mayor Prochaska pointed out a new plant in the city offices which was sent by Officer Pleckham to thank the City for all the help and support during his recent illness_ He noted that Officer _ Pleckham returned to work yesterday. Alderman Burd thanked Officer Pleckham for the plant and wished him well. COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT No report. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Development Agreement Granting Rezoning for 801 No. Bridge Street A motion was made by Alderman Sticks to approve a Development Agreement granting rezoning for Cara Behrens (Travel Service of Yorkville, Inc) from R-2 One Family Residence District to B -2 General Business District; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye Ordinance 2004- 48 Granting Rezoning for 801 No. Bridge Street A motion was made by Alderman Sticka to approve an Ordinance authorizing the execution of a Development Agreement for Cara. Behrens d/b /a Travel Service of Yorkville, Inc for the property known as 801 N. Bridge Street, Yorkville, Illinois; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -9 Nays -0 James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Prochaska -aye PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT No report. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT No report. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Office Directory Alderman Spears asked if the Council could receive an updated list of staff including their office telephone numbers. Route 47 Mayor Prochaska thanked the Record Newspaper for faxing information to the City regarding public involvement with Route 47. He stated that he discussed with an IDOT district engineer that the documents for the widening will be on view in Ottawa, Illinois. Mayor Prochaska asked that this information be on display in Yorkville and was advised that IDOT staff is developing a packet of information for the United City of Yorkville so it can be available for viewing by August 30, 2004. IDOT is asking that public comment be received by September 16, 2004. Alderman Spears stated that the information from IDOT asked that requests for public - involvement be directed to them. She asked if IDOT wanted each individual to call with requests or did they want a response just from the City. Mayor Prochaska clarified that any individual with an issue about the widening of Route 47 should contact IDOT. Mayor Prochaska also reported that on September 7, 2004 at City hall there would be a meeting to go over design changes for the intersection of Routes 34 and 47 with the property owners affected by the change. Alderman Spears asked if she could attend the meeting and Attorney Kramer stated she could attend as a resident but not as a City Council member. Mayor Prochaska advised Alderman Spears to check with staff in the morning to confirm the time for the meeting. Alderman Sticka reported that he had an informal discussion with an alderman from Plano. He The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — August 24, 2004 — Da 7 asked the Alderman how Plano managed to get Route 34 widened through the city and was told that Plano has been working with IDOT for five years_ Alderman Sticka noted that the United City of Yorkville has been working with IDOT regarding Route 47 longer than five years. He pointed that while the United City of Yorkville's project is more extensive and expensive, the need is greater to have Route 47 widened due to growth and traffic. He hoped that the state would recognize the need for the widening. He also congratulated Plano on their project. Mayor Prochaska noted that MOT was discussing the widening of Route 47 in 1997 or 1998 however f they were not well received by the residents in the area. Facilities Plan Alderman Burd asked about the status of the Facilities Plan because she thought it was to be on the agenda tonight. Attorney Kramer noted that she verified there was no conflict of interest for the group selected. She stated that she would check if a vote was needed to select the group or just when the contract is negotiated. She stated she would send a memo to the City Council with her findings. Alderman Burd asked if the downtown redevelopment was part of the Facilities Plan. Mayor Prochaska stated that this was part of the proposal and that while negotiating the contract, this should be included as a separate item or option_ Countryside Open Space Mayor Prochaska reported that a meeting will be held on August 30, 2004 at the Congregational Church at 7:00 P.M. to discuss the green area in Countryside. The owners of the property want to dissolve their corporation and to dispose of the property. Aldermen Besco and Spears will be in attendance along with any other officials interested in attending. He invited residents of Countryside to attend. Alderman Spears asked Attorney Kramer to provide information regarding the options for the space. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to adjourn. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M. Minutes submitted by: Jacquelyn Milschewski, City Clerk City of Yorkville, Illinois i �I i CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 24, 2004 PLEASE PRINT NAME: ADDRESS: �a vi (fit rte 59- Qcc-•, Mews SIGNIN i CITY COUNCIL MEETING I UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS had at the meeting of the above - entitled matter taken before CHRISTINE M. VITOSH, C.S.R., R.P.R., on I August 24, 2004, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., at 800 Game Farm Road in the City of Yorkville, Illinois. D- 724004 DEPO • COURT reporting service 800 West Fifth Avenue • Suite 203C • Naperville, IL 60563 • 630 - 983 -0030 Fax 630 - 983 -6013 www.depocourt.com 2 1 P R E S E N T: 2 MR. ARTHUR F. PROCHASKA, Mayor; 3 MR. RICH STICKA, Alderman; 4 MR. PAUL JAMES, Alderman; 5 MR. LARRY KOT, Alderman; 6 MR. JOSEPH BESCO, Alderman; 7 MS. VALERIE BURD, Alderwoman; 8 MS. WANDA OHARE, Alderwoman;. 9 MS. ROSE ANN SPEARS, Alderwoman; 10 MR. MARTY MUNNS, Alderman; 11 MR. WILLIAM POWELL, City Treasurer; 12 MS. JACQUELYN MILSCHEWSKI, City Clerk. 13 14 15 A P P E A R A N C E S: 16 LAW OFFICES OF DANIEL J. KRAMER 1107A Bridge Street 17 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 BY: MS. KELLY KRAMER, 18 appeared on behalf of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois. 19 20 - - - - - 21 22 23 24 Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 3 1 (Pledge of 2 Allegiance) 3 MAYOR PROCHASKA: PC 2004 -04, Villas 4 at the Preserve, Burnside Homes, request to annex S to the United City of Yorkville and rezone from I 6 Kendall County A -1 Agricultural to United City of i 7 Yorkville R -2 Duplex Two - Family Residence Planned 8 Unit Development and for hearing as to the 9 annexation and planned unit development agreement 10 of petitioner. 11 The real property consists of 12 approximately 23.95 acres south of Route 71 and 13 west of Route 47, Kendall Township, Kendall 14 County, Illinois. 15 MR. MUNNS: So moved. 16 MR. JAMES: Second. 17 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Moved and 18 seconded. May I have roll call, please? 19 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Besco. 20 MR. BESCO: Aye. 21 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Burd. 22 MS. BURD: Aye. 23 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: James. 24 MR. JAMES: Aye. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 4 1 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Kot. 2 MR. KOT: Aye. 3 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Munns. 4 MR. MUNNS: Aye. 5 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Ohare. 6 MS. OHARE: Aye. 7 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Spears. 8 MS. SPEARS: Aye. 9 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Sticka. 10 MR. STICKA: Aye. 11 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Motion is 12 carried. We are now in public hearing. This is 13 for again the property down at Route 71 and 47 14 just to the east of the Shell station, and is 15 there a representative from the petitioner? 16 Would you like to give a short presentation? 17 WHEREUPON: 18 GARY TAYLOR, 19 testified before the City Council as follows: 20 MR. TAYLOR: Thank you, Mr. Mayor, 21 and Members of the City Council. My name is Gary 22 Taylor, T- A- Y- L -O -R, from the law firm of 23 Rathje & Woodward in Wheaton, Illinois. I 24 represent Burnside Construction Company. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 5 1 Most of you may be familiar 2 with Mr. Jeffrey Hyman of Burnside. 3 Unfortunately he had to travel to Madison, 4 Wisconsin today, so I'm going to try to fill in 5 for him. 6 With me this evening are Lynn 7 Whitman of Burnside and Gregory Stevens of the 8 Lanard Group. 9 As you indicated, the subject 10 property is approximately just slightly less than 11 24 acres. It's located south of State Highway 71 12 and just to the west of State Highway 47. 13 The proposal of Burnside is to 14 have the property annexed and rezoned from its 15 current zoning, which is agricultural, to R -2 16 duplex two - family. 17 The property -- I don't know if 18 this is going to reach or not or I need it, but 19 I'll try. The property is currently surrounded 20 on the west side and the south by the forest 21 preserve. 22 As you can see, to the east it 23 is zoned B -3 and there is a Shell gasoline 24 station, McDonald's to the north, across Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 6 1 Highway 71 it's zoned B -3 for a corridor, and 2 then there is also further north of that 3 Sunflower Estates. 4 As I indicated, the request 5 this evening is to rezone the property and annex i 6 it as R -2 duplex. The proposal would be to 7 construct -- get to it in a minute here, there we i 8 go -- 42 duplex buildings, so it:would have 84 9 units. The subdivision would be known as the 10 Villas at the Preserve. 11 Based upon the surrounding 12 zoning, we believe that this is an appropriate 13 use for the property, and based upon the LaSalle 14 factors that it is an appropriate exercise of the 15 municipality's rezoning and annexation powers to 16 annex the property. 17 We have submitted a proposed 18 draft of annexation, which I understand there are 19 some perhaps revisions to which we will cover at 20 a later time, but that basically in a nutshell is 21 the proposal. 22 Miss Whitman is here to answer 23 any questions regarding engineering and Mr. 24 Lanard is here to answer any questions regarding Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 7 1 design. 2 I know that again many of you 3 are familiar with this because it has been before 4 various members of you through committees and so 5 forth, so I won't belabor it any further than 6 that. If you have any questions, we'll be happy 7 to answer them. 8 MAYOR PROCHASKA: At this time I 9 would ask if there is anyone in the audience that 10 would like to approach the Council and give 11 testimony or ask any questions about this 12 subdivision, proposed development. 13 (No Response) 14 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Hearing none, is 15 there any comments from the Council? 16 (No Response) 17 MS. SPEARS: I would just like to 18 comment when they sent it to us as far as their 19 square footage per lot and everything, they have 20 actually gone a little more, and I liked the 21 layout, and they gave us an excellent 22 presentation. 23 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Anyone else? 24 MS. OHARE: I have a question Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 8 1 regarding the wetlands area. Are you having any 2 restrictions on that? 3 MR. TAYLOR: I'll let Ms. Whitman 4 answer that. 5 WHEREUPON: i 6 LYNN WHITMAN, 7 testified before the City Council as follows: 8 MS. WHITMAN: Actually the yellow 9 areas are where the existing wetlands are. We 10 are working with the Army Corps to create a big 11 wetland corridor up front so we could maybe have 12 a nicer wetland area that's bigger. 13 MS. OHARE: Is that the 3.7 acre 14 area? 15 MS. WHITMAN: That is the detention 16 pond, but I'm not sure how big the wetland area 17 is. 18 MS. OHARE: Okay. 19 MS. WHITMAN: But it would be per 20 Army Corps standards. 21 MS. OHARE: All right. So you have 22 those restrictions and you are going to be 23 meeting those. 24 MS. WHITMAN: Yes. Absolutely. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 9 1 MS. OHARE: Thank you. 2 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Okay. Anyone 3 else? 4 (No Response) 5 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Just as you said, I 6 there are a couple probably just things that we 7 need to just make sure and address at the 8 hearing, and one is I know at some points we 9 referred to the subdivision ordinance versus 10 subdivision control ordinance. 11 MS. KRAMER: Correct. It's one of 12 those situations we have to meet with the 13 developers so that everybody is on the same page 14 as to what is covered and then our office would 15 request the revisions with the language and the 16 back -up with the homeowner's association. 17 Again, we'll contact the 18 developer and work out that language before 19 it's brought back for the Committee of the 20 Whole. 21 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Okay. And that's 22 the only main one I saw. I did have one 23 question and I guess I just want to reverify. 24 We talked about potable water service. It says Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 10 1 that oversized is required, shall be -- it's on 2 page -- Page 9 under potable water service. 3 The City requires a developer 4 to oversize water mains based on fire flow 5 requirements and development of storm sewer 6 lines, and parties shall enter a written 7 agreement specifically providing that said costs 8 shall be reimbursed by the City.. I always 9 thought in the past that that was a main. 10 MS. KRAMER: It generally is written 11 as a main. 12 MAYOR PROCHASKA: It's something 13 that we will negotiate as that happens because -- 14 depending on what we need and depending on the 15 circumstances. 16 MS. KRAMER: Correct. 17 MR. TAYLOR: Sure. I think the 18 intent here, Mr. Mayor, is just that if there is 19 an oversize to accommodate other property besides 20 the subject property, then the developer would 21 certainly, I think rather commonplace, be 22 requesting some kind of recapture on that if it's 23 going to benefit properties other than the 24 subject. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 I 11 1 MAYOR PROCHASKA: And I think -- 2 Yeah. But just to me it just is something if we 3 request it for one reason or another, I would 4 just rather make that a main. 5 MR. TAYLOR: I don't know if given 6 the location of this property that's even 7 something that's going to potentially -- 8 MS. KRAMER: I highly doubt it. 9 MR. TAYLOR: I don't know if that's 10 something that's going to potentially come up 11 anyway because it's got the forest preserve, so 12 where are you going to develop it? 13 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Well, and again, 14 if it's here, it's here -- 15 MS. KRAMER: Yes, some of the 16 clean -up language that we want to go through -- 17 MAYOR PROCHASKA: -- and then the 18 next one that comes along -- 19 MR. TAYLOR: I have to throw that in 20 and if you say take it out, at least I told my 21 client I did it. 22 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Okay. Are there 23 any other questions from anyone? 24 (No Response) Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 12 1 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Then I would 2 entertain a motion to close the public hearing. 3 MS. OHARE: So moved. 4 MS. SPEARS: Second. I 5 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Moved and 6 seconded. May I have roll call, please? 7 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Burd. i 8 MS. BURD: Aye. 9 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: James. 10 MR. JAMES: Aye. 11 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Kot. 12 MR. KOT: Aye. I 13 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Munns. 14 MR. MUNNS: Aye. I I 15 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Ohare. 16 MS. OHARE: Aye. 17 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Spears. 18 MS. SPEARS: Aye. 19 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Sticka. 20 MR. STICKA: Aye. 21 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Besco. 22 MR. BESCO: Aye. 23 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Motion is 24 carried. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 i 13 I I 1 (Which were all the 2 proceedings reported 3 at the date and time 4 aforementioned.) i 5 --- 000 - -- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 14 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ss: 2 COUNTY OF LASALLE ) 3 4 CHRISTINE M. VITOSH, being first duly 5 sworn, on oath says that she is a Certified 6 Shorthand Reporter and Registered Professional 7 Reporter doing business in the State of Illinois; 8 That she reported in shorthand the 9 proceedings had at the foregoing meeting; i 10 And that the foregoing is a true and 11 correct transcript of her shorthand notes so 12 taken as aforesaid and contains all the 13 proceedings had at the said meeting. 14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set 15 my hand this __7t /i day of 0 12-- , 16 2004. 17 18 19 CHRISTINE M. VITOSH, C.S.R. 21 CSR License No. 084 - 002883 22 23 24 Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 Plan Commission - Yorkville Multi -Page TM & - connection September 8, 2004 10:17 15:3 29:18 30:5 benefits [11 21:21 Chicago [21 14:1,7 _9- 33:16 Bertram [31 29:16 30:18 Chicagoland [i] 11:9 & [11 10:23 90 [i] 14:2 annexed [iol 4:15,22,23 38:23 children Ell 21:8 5:12,13 14:24 28:19 29:17 best [i] 5:17 Chorus Ell 40:1 29:24 30:1 bet Ell 38:13 -0- - A - announced [il 8:24 CHRISTINE [3l 1:8 better [z] 24:5 :10 city 084 - 002883 [11 41:20 A -1 [2] 3:16 6:19 answer [2] 12:7 36:19 ability [il 24:14 anticipating [il 16:22 between [i] 25:10 city [3sl 1:2,10 2:16 3:13 p g big [11 30:22 3:15,16 4:15,22 6:16,18 -1- able ui 7:15 12:7 17:3 apologies [11 12:21 bigger [11 20:20 6:19 8:119:20,22,24 15:1 1107A [il 2:14 20:12 24:24 25:2126:5 appeared [1] 2:16 15:6,21 16:19 17:5,14 ove ab- entitled [il 1:7 application bike [21 18:19 23:19 18:2 21:1 23:1,4,5,9,10 133.51 [il 10:6 [al 3:12 accept [2l 8:5,8 6:16 9:19 28:8 BILL [11 2:6 26:22 31:10 32:18 35:4 140 [il 31:13 bit [3l 7:20 10:12 20:19 36:5,22,24 150 -acre [il 16:7 accompanying Ell applications [il 33:15 bonus Ell 31:5 City's [21 21:23 37:22 1900 -acre [a] 17:2 24:19 33:10 applied [11 26:9 lished [il 37:24 Boulevard [il 13:19 24:22 26:1 CLARENCE [il 2:3 accomplished appreciate [il 11:5 classification [zl 13:9 account Ell 9:12 appropriate [2l 23:2,10 break [i] 28:15 33:19 acre [11 28:6 a royal [al 14:22 15:23 BRIAN [11 2:9 -2- pp Bridge classifications [3l 13:4 acres [23l 3:19 4:21 5:1 16:3,8 g [ l 2:14 34:1,2 2 -A [31 9:1,4 29:19 6:24 9:5 10:5,6 14:12,20 approved [il 15:4 briefly [3l 32:14 34:12 PP client [2] 8:13 11:4 2 -B [3l 9:4,18 28:16 16:10 17:21 19:15,18,19 37:7 2004 [21 1:9 41:16 20:21,21 26:10 27:17,17 approximate Ell 17:18 bring il 15:13 close [s] 15:13,14 20:2 30:8,12 31:17 38:18 area [28] 11:9 14:1,8 15:5 g. 39:16,20 2004 -06 [zl 6:15 9:18 15:6,12 17:2,5 18:5,8 bringing [il 22:16 Club [sl 15:1,20 18:9 2004-16[11 3:11 action [il 28:15 19:10 20:11 22:16,18 24:4 Bristol poi 7:2 10:8 15:1 20:19 29:1,8,11 30:16 active [i] 17:12 2205 [1l 13:18 24:12,19,22 25:11 26:1 15:20 18:9 20:19 29:1,7 clubhouse [4l 19:3 21:5 ADAMS [21 2:4,7 27:8 28:22 33:20 34:3 29:11 30:15 233 [al 17:21 19:14,18,19 35:5 37:20 38:5,14 21:10,15 25 [a] 31:5,7,11,13 add [31 5:18 6:4 38:22 build [2] 14:3 23:5 cluster -type [1l 19:8 addition [11 29:2 areas [7] 25:6 26:5 27:9 building Ell 14:1 34:16,17,18,19 clustering Ell 19:9 - address [2l 3:5 5:24 Argoudelis [3l 3:24 4:3 built [i] 14:6 collector Es] 22:2,3,7 adjacent [61 21:6 31:23 4:4 business [21 3:17 41:7 23:18,21 3.43 [11 28:5 31:24 34:16,18,19 3.5 [i] 31 adjoining [il 4:20 arterial [i] 15:15 -C- colored Ell 27:15 combine [zl 9:4,13 30 [sl 11:4,5,10 13:24 adverse [i] 31:19 assemblage [il 9:10 17.2 advised [il 8:10 assemble [11 14:12 C [il 2:13 coming [3l 19:17 30:19 3rd [i] 36:13 assembling Ell 16:18 C.S.R. [2] 1:8 41:19 30:20 advocacy Ell 11:6 calculation [il 31:12 comments [z] 32:9,12 advocate [11 8:12 association [21 21:11 commercial [13] 4:24 -4_ 21:14 calculations [2] 35:11 aforementioned [il attached [il 36:1 36:15 15:9,14 20:18 25:15,17 407.43 [il 6:24 40:9 calls [3l 34:2,7,24 25:24 29:3,5,8,10 33:6 47 [iz] 3:19 4:11 7:2 10:5 aforesaid Ell 41:12 attorney [3l 4:4 1 7 : 8:3 34:17 audience [al 5:21 7:15 Cannonball [sl 10:8 14:24 15:8,10,16,22 17:2 again [9] 10:21 12 15:3 22:13 29:13,14 commercially[ll 26:3 22:8 25:24 13:7,17 19:14 20:14 26:21 32:8 39:4 Commission [ul 1:1 available [il 5:19 case [2] 15:15 19:18 28:1831:9 3:54:25:9,247:99:3 - 5 - agreeing Ell 23:9 aware [i] 8:19 catch [2] 24:24 25:22 10:10 13:16 20:16 35:19 50 [il 14:1 agreement [21 15:3 30:6 away V] 25:21 categories [i] 29:21 community [al 11:8 54 [i] 10:5 agricultural [3l 3:16 aye [il 39:24 category [2] 27:3 29:2 12:13 18:21 30:21 6:19 15:19 Ayes [i] 40:1 center [6] 19:1,3 21:4 Comp [e] 19:23,24 21:23 _ Allegiance [il 3:2 23:22 24:14 25:17 22:5 31:1 34:2,7,24 -6 allow [21 21:8 25:6 -$- centered [11 20:10 complex [il 21:6 600 poi 9:5 14:12,19 allowed [11 27:1 Centex [9] 6:15 9:18 complies [21 35:3 38:8 16:10 26:10 27:16,17 30:7 B -3 [3l 3:17 6:5 29:3 10:24 11:3,16 13:18,20 comprehensive [u] 6:7 30:12 31:17 allows [1l 27:4 background [il 13:22 13:22,24 12:12 15:11 18:13 31:3,9 600 -acre [11 28:2 alone [21 19:17,18 backing [i] 22:21 central [il 37:7 33:18,24 35:4,8 38:8 60560 [11 2:15 along [3] 7:18 15:9 19:6 Baker [z] 11:14 12:20 Certified [11 41:5 concept [6] 17:4 18:11 altogether [il 30:13 ball 1i] 17:11 Chairman [291 2:2 3:3 19:5 20:17,17,24 -7- amended [11 30:5 based [21 28:7 38:2 3:10 5:20 6:3,8 7:11 concepts Ell 13:5 71 [i] 4:11 amenities [21 20:5 23:22 basis [il 15:7 7:13,19,23 8:2,7915,24 concern Ell 17:15 n [3l 19:3 21:3, 9:14,17 28:14 29:22 32:7 amenity 7131 Ell 3:19 4 : : concerns [2] 6:10 39:4 beginning [zl 16:18 3211 3821 39:2,7,14,19 7:00 [i] 1:9 amount [2] 35:23,24 17:16 39:23 40:2,4 condominium [2l 26:20 amounts [il 19:6 behalf [21 2:16 8:12 chance [il 36:17 27:11 - g - analysis [21 33:14 35:16 behind [3l 15:7 16:11 change [1] 30:1 connect [1l 22:9 800 [1] 1:10 ANNE [i] 2:5 34:13 [zl 23:9,9 changed [31 20:18923,24 connecting Ell 32:4 annexation U] 3:14 6:17 benefit chart [3] 35:17,21,21 connection [z] 12:11 28:1 Depo Court Reporting Service Index Page 1 Naperville, Illinois (630) 983 -0030 i I Public Hearing - City Council Multi -Page M & - Ms August 24, 2004 annex [3] 3:4 6:5,16 comments [11 7:15 - &- annexation [3] 3:9 6:15 Committee [il 9:19 - - & Ell 4:23 6:18 committees [i] 7:4 F [i] 2:2 KELLY [11 2:17 annexed [i] 5:14 commonplace [il 10:21 factors [l] 6:14 Kendall [3l 3:6,13,13 -0 _ answer [4] 6:22,24 7:7 Company [i] 4:24 familiar [zl 5:17:3 kind [il 10:22 8 :4 consists [i] 3:11 084 - 002883 [il 14:21 anyway [i] 11:11 far [il 7:18 known [il 6:9 appeared [il 2:18 construct [i] 6:7 Farm [il 1:10 Kot Es] 2:5 4:1,2 12:11,12 - l - approach [ii 7:10 Construction [11 4:24 fill [i] 5:4 KRAMER [7] 2:16,17 1107A [il 2:16 appropriate [2l 6:12 ,14 contact [il 9:17 fire [i] 10:4 9:11 10:10,16 11:8,15 contains [i] 14:12 firm [il 4:22 area [a] 8:1,12,14,16 control [i] 9:10 first [i] 14:4 -L- -2- areas [i] 8:9 Cor [z] 8:10,20 2004 [zl 1:9 14:16 Army [z] 8:10,20 � flow [il 10:4 Lanard [zl 5:8 6:24 correct [3] 9:11 10:16 follows [z] 4:19 8:7 language [3l 9:15,18 2004 -04 [il 3:3 ARTHUR [i] 2:2 14:11 11:16 footage [i] 7:19 23.95 [il 3:12 association [il 9:16 corridor [z] 6:1 8:11 foregoing [zl 14:9,10 LARRY [i] 2:5 audience [11 7:9 costs [i] 10:7 forest [21 5:20 11:11 LaSalle [z] 6:13 14:2 _3_ August [11 1:9 Council [6] 1:1 4:19,21 forth pl 7:5 law [z] 2:16 4:22 Y Aye [161 3:20,22,24 4:2,4 7:10,15 8:7 layout [i] 7:21 3.7 [1] 8:13 4:6,8,10 12:8,10,12,14,16 front [il 8:11 County [3l 3:6,14 14:2 least [il 11:20 12:18,20,22 l coupe [il 9:6 -4- -G- less [il 5:10 42 [il 6:8 _B_ cover [i] 6:19 License [i] 14:21 covered [il 9:14 Game [il 1:10 47 [3 3:13 4:13 5:12 B - 3 [zl 5:23 6:1 create [1] 8:10 Gary [z] 4:18,21 liked [i l 7:20 back -up [ll 9:16 CSR [11 14:21 gasoline [il 5:23 lines [ 10:6 -6- based [3l 6:11,13 10:4 current Ell 5:15 generally [ii 10:10 located d [il 5:11 60560 [i] 2:17 behalf [il 2:18 given [il 11:5 location : 6 5: 8 6 8:6 belabor [I] 7:5 -D- gone [i] 7:20 Lynn [2l 5: - 7 - benefit [q 10:23 Gregory [11 5:7 D- 724004 [il 1:21 -lyj- 71 [4] 3:12 4:13 5:11 6:1 Besco [sl 2:6 3:19,20 DANIEL [i] 2:16 Group [11 5:8 12:21,22 M [3] 1:8 14:4,20 7:00 [il 1:9 date [il 13:3 guess [il 9:23 big [z] 8:10,16 Madison [il 5:3 depending [zl 10:14,14 _g_ bigger [il 8:12 _H_ main [al 9:22 10:9,11 Bridge [i] 2:16 design [il 7:1 11 :4 800 [il 1:10 brought [i] 9:19 detention [il 8:15 hand [il 14:15 mains [1] 10:4 84 [il 6:8 develop [l] 11:12 happy [il 7:6 MARTY [il 2:10 buildings [il 6:8 i hearn s Burd [sl 2:7 3:21,22 12 :7 developer [3l 9:18 10:3 g [ ] 3:8 4:12 7:14 matter [il 1:7 _A_ 10:20 9:8 12:2 12:8 may [3l 3:18 5:1 12:6 A -1 [il 3:6 Burnside [sl 3:4 4:24 5:2 developers [il 9:13 hereunto [i] 14:14 Mayor [zol 2:2 3:3,17 above - entitled Ell 1:7 develo devel o p ment [41 3:8,9 highly [11 11:8 14 5:7,13 P 4:11,20 7:8, , 23 9:2,5 Absolutely [1] 8:24 business Ell 14:7 7:1210:5 Highway [315:11,126:1 9:2110:12,1811:1,13,17 doubt [il 11:8 homeowners [il 9:16 11:22 12:1,5,23 accommodate [i] 10:19 down [i] 4:13 Homes [i] 3:4 McDonald's [il 5:24 acre [i] 8:13 -C- acres [21 3:12 5:11 C [il 2:15 draft [il 6:18 hour [il 1:9 meet [i] 9:12 duly [i] 14:4 Hyman [il 5:2 meeting [sl 1:1,6 8:23 address [11 9:7 C.S.R [z] 1:8 14:20 duplex [4] 3:7 5:16 6:6,8 14:9,13 aforementioned pi carried [z] 4:12 12:24 members [z] 4:21 7:4 13:4 -I certainly [il 10:21 _E_ MILSCHEWSKI [17] aforesaid pi 14:12 Illinois [gl 1:2,11 2:17 Certified [i l 14:5 2:18 3:14 4:23 14:1,7 2:12 3:19,21,23 4:1 again [4] 4:13 7:2 9:17 CHRISTINE [ 3 l 1:8 E[4] 2:1 ,1,15,15 4:9 12:7,9,11,13,15,17,19 11:13 14:4,20 east [zl 4:14 5:22 indicated [z] 5:9 6:4 12:21 agreement [21 3:9 10:7 circumstances [il engineering [i] 6:23 intent[i] 10:18 minute [i] 6:7 agricultural [21 3:6 5:15 10:15 enter [l] 10:6 Miss [i] 6:22 Alderman [s] 2:3,4,5,6 City [13) 1:1,2,10 2:11,12 entertain [i] 12:2 _J_ Most [i] 5:1 2:10 2:18 3:5,6 4:19,21 8:7 Estates [il 6:3 J [il 2:16 motion [3l 4:11 12:2,23 Alderwoman [3] 2:7,8 10 :3,8 evening E21 5:6 6:5 JACQUELYN [il 2:12 moved [41 3:15,17 12:3,5 2:9 clean-up[i] 11:16 everybody [i] 9:13 James [61 2:4 3:16,23,24 Ms [451 2:7,8,9,12,17 3:19 Allegiance [i 3:2 Clerk [1 2:12 excellent Ell 7:21 12:9,10 3:21,22,23 4:1,3,5,6,7,8,9 along[i] 11:18 client [il 11:21 7:17,24 8:3,8,13,15,18,19 3 ' alwa s [i] 10:8 close Ell 12:2 exercise Ell 6:14 Jeffrey [il 5:2 existing [il 8:9 JOSEPH [il 2:6 8:21,24 9:1,11 10:10,16 ANN [11 2:9 comment [l 7:18 g 11:8,15 12:3,4,7,8,9,11 12:13,15,16,17,18,19,21 Depo Court Reporting Service Index Page 1 Naperville, Illinois (630) 983 -0030 Public Hearing - City Council Multi- Page municipality's - zoning August 24, 2004 municipality's [i] 6:15 properties [il 10:23 Second [2] 3:16 12:4 under [il 10:2 Munns [61 2:10 3:15 4:3 property [ill 3:11 4:13 seconded [21 3:18 12:6 understand [11 6:18 l 4:412:13,14 5:10,14,17,196:5,13,16 see [1] 5:22 Unfortunately [i15:3 10:19,20 11:6 sent [1] 7:18 unit [21 3:8,9 proposal [3l 5:13 6:6,21 service [2] 9:24 10:2 United [41 1:2 2:18 3:5,6 N [21 2:1,15 proposed [21 6:17 7:12 set [i] 14:14 units [i] 6:9 name [i] 4:21 providing [i] 10:7 sewer Ell 10:5 up [2] 8:11 11:10 need p] 5:18 9:7 10:14 Public [z] 4:12 12:2 shall [3l 10:1,6,8 negotiate Ell 10:13 _ Shell [2] 4:14 5:23 - V - next[l] 11:18 -Q short [i] 4:16 VALERIE [il 2:7 nicer [i] 8:12 questions [sl 6:23,24 7:6 shorthand pi 14:6,8,11 various [i] 7:4 none [i] 7:14 7:11 11:23 side [i] 5:20 versus [i] 9:9 north [2] 5:24 6:2 _ situations [11 9:12 Villas [2] 3:3 6:10 notes [il 14:11 -R slightly[i] 5:10 VITOSH [sl 1:8 14:4,20 now [ i ] R 2 4:12 South [3l 3:12 5:11,20 [ 1 2:1 15 nutshell Ell 6:20 R -2 [3l 3:7 5:15 6:6 Spears [71 2:9 4:7,8 7:17 -w- R.P.R [l] 1:8 12:4,17,18 -0- rather [2] 10:21 11:4 specifically [11 10:7 WANDA [0 Rathje [il 4:23 square [i] 7:19 water [3l 9:22 4 1 10:2,4 oath [1l 14:5 west [3] 3:13 5:12,20 office [i] 9:14 reach [11 5:18 ss [i] 14:1 real [11 3:11 standards pi 8:20 wetland [3l 8:11,12,16 OFFICES [11 2:16 wetlands [21 8:1,9 Ohare [l 1] 2:8 4:5,6 7:24 reason [i] 11:3 State [al 5:11,12 14:1,7 8:13,18,21 9:1 12:3,15,16 recapture [11 10:22 station [21 4:14 5:24 WHEREOF i Wheaton [il [[ 14:14 one [6] 9:8,11,22,22 11:3 referred [11 9:9 Stevens [11 5:7 11:18 regarding [3] 6:23,24 8:1 Sticka [sl 2:3 4:9,10 Whitman [sl 5:: 7 6:22 ordinance [2] 9:9,10 Registered [11 14:6 12:19,20 8:3 [ 1 9:2 Whole oversize [21 10:4,19 reimbursed [il 10:8 storm p] 10:5 WILLIAM [il [11 2 oversized [il 10:1 REPORT Ell 1:6 Street [i] 2:16 4 reported [21 13:2 14:8 subdivision [4l 6:9 7:12 Wisconsin [il 5:4 -P- Reporter [21 14:6,7 9:9,10 WITNESS [11 14:14 represent [11 4:24 subject p] 5:9 10:20,24 Woodward [1] 4:23 P [al 2:1,15,15 p P.M [1] 1:9 representative [il 4:15 submitted [1] 6:17 written [21 10:6,10 request [4l 3:4 6:4 9:15 page [ 1] Sunflower Ell 6:3 1 10:2,2 q parties [il 10:6 11:3 surrounded [i] 5:19 -y- past Ell 10:9 requesting [il 10:22 surrounding Ell 6:11 yellow [11 8:8 required [il 10:1 sworn [i] 14:5 Yorkville [61 1:2,10 2:17 PAUL [11 2:4 requirements [11 10:5 2:18 3:5,7 PC [11 3:3 requires [i] 10:3 per [21 7:19 8:19 Residence Ell 3:7 T [11 2:1 -Z _ perhaps [i] 6:19 zoned [2l 5:23 6:1 petitioner [21 3:10 4:15 Response [41 7:13,16 9:4 T- A- Y -L -O -R Ell 4:22 planned [21 3:7,9 11:24 Taylor [a] 4:18,20,22 8:3 zoning [21 5:15 6:12 Pledge [il 3:1 restrictions [21 8:2,22 10:17 11:5,9,19 reverify Ell 9:23 testified [21 4:19 8:7 points Ell 9:8 revisions [2l 6:19 9:15 testimony [11 7:11 pond [i] 8:16 rezone [2] 3:5 6:5 Thank [21 4:20 9:1 potable [21 9:24 10:2 rezoned [i] 5:14 thought [ii 10:9 potentially [2l 11:7,10 rezoning [i] 6:15 through [21 7:4 11:16 POWELL [11 2:11 RICH [il 2:3 throw [ii 11:19 powers Ell 6:15 right Ell 8:21 today [i] 5:4 presentation [zl 4:16 7:22 Road pi 1:10 Township [11 3:13 preserve [41 3:4 5:21 roll [2l 3:18 12:6 transcript [i] 14:11 6:10 11:11 ROSE [11 2:9 travel pi 5:3 proceedings [41 1:6 13:2 Route [3l 3:12,13 4:13 Treasurer [1l 2:11 14:9,13 true pl 14:10 PROCHASKA [isl 2:2 -S- try [21 5:4,19 3:3,17 4:117:8,14,23 9:2 S [21 2:1,15 two - family [21 3:7 5:16 9:5,21 10:12 11:1,13,17 11:22 12:1,5,23 saw [11 9:22 Professional [11 14:6 says [21 9:24 14:5 -U- Depo Court Reporting Service Index Page 2 Naperville, Illinois (630) 983 -0030