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City Council Minutes 2004 09-14-04
MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE. KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 800 GAME FARM ROAD ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14.2004. Mayor Prochaska called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Clerk Milschewski called the roll. Ward I James Present Sticka Present Ward II Burd Present Kot Present Ward III Ohare Present Munn Present Ward IV Besco Present Spears Present Also present: City Clerk Milschewski, City Treasurer Powell, City Attorney Dan Kramer, Police Chief Martin, Police Lieutenant Schwartzkopt Finance Director Pleckham and Executive Director of Parks & Recreation Brown- OUORUM A quorum was established. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Mayor Prochaska welcomed guests and asked those present to enter their name on the attendance sheet provided. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA Mayor Prochaska made the following amendments to the agenda: • He added the swearing -in of the new part-time police officer to the agenda after the Public Hearing • He asked that Item #5 under the Administration Committee Report, Drug Testing Procedure, be continued to the next City Council meeting because the updated contract has not been received from Provena. Alderman Besco asked that under the A dministra tion Committee Report, Items #5, 6 & 7 — Ordinances Establishing Special Service Areas (SSA) for Grande Reserve be tabled. He stated that information requested at the both the Administration Committee and Committee of the Whole (COW) meetings regarding the SSAs has not been received yet. Mayor Prochaska stated that the motion to table could be made under the Administration Committee Report. i COIV [MJTTEE MEETING DATES Public Works Committee 7:00 P.M., Monday, September 27, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Economic Development Committee 7:00 P.M., Monday, September 20, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road NOTE: Date changed due to IlVIL Conference Administration Committee 7:00 P-M_, Thursday, October 7, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Public Safety Committee 6:30 P.M., Thursday, October 14, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road NOTE: Meeting changed to 2n Thursday of the month. Ad Hoc Technology Committee To be announced The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — Seutember 14.2004 - nage 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS PC 2001 -16 Jean Dresden and DCI- Charrington, Inc. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to go into public hearing for the purpose of discussing PC 2001 -16 Jean Dresden and DCI- Charrington, Inc., petitioners, request for an Amendment to the Annexation and Planned Unit Development Agreement to incorporate the Final Plat in the agreement. The real property consists of approximately 34.25 acres at the southeast comer of Routes 34 and Eldamain Road, in the United City of Yorkville, Bristol Township, Kendall County, Illinois. So moved by Alderman Sticka, seconded by Alderman Besco. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays-0 Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Jaynes -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Ohare -aye Please see attached Report of Proceedings taken before Chris Visla, C.S.R from Depo Court Reporting Service for the transcription of this portion of the public hearing. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to close the public hearing. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman Besco. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays-0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears-aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye PRESENTATIONS Officer Sworn In Mayor Prochaska and Police Chief Harold Martin swore -in Steven Bettenhausen as a part-time Patrol Officer. They welcomed him to the United City of Yorkville. CITIZEN COMMENTS Bob Loftus, residing on the comer of Beecher and Faxon Roads, addressed the Council. He stated that he read a lot about the Beecher Road Feasibility Study in the Record Newspaper. He stated that the most remarkable letter to the editor he read and which he agreed with was that written by the City Clerk. He started that he felt that she spoke for many people that he knows who live in Yorkville and he did not understand why the City turned down a free study that could benefit the entire city. He also stated that he did not understand how residents who should have been aware of the right -of -way for a road could come to the City Council and change their minds. Alderman Spears responded to Mr. Loftus. She explained that the study was proposed as free however Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (EEI), the engineering firm, wanted first consideration for the engineering of Phase I if the road was actually built. She stated that to her this was not a typical contract, was not for the advancement of Yorkville and it was not in the best interest of the City to enter into this type of contract. She stated that if the road was to go through, other qualified firms probably would not submit a proposal due to this consideration. Alderman Spears asked if Mr. Loftus had a problem with the widening of Route 47. He stated that he was in favor of widening Route 47 however the issue was an alternate route through the city. He stated he felt that if the extension of Beecher Road was voted on by the residents of Yorkville it would show they are in favor of an alternate route. He again stated that he didn't understand who turned down the free engineering. Mayor Prochaska stated that the Comprehensive Plan still indicates this road. He explained that the study was not free; there was a fee to be paid at a later date. If EEI received the contract for the Phase I engineering, the fee would have been rolled in the cost of that phase of the project. He stated that the southern part of the Comprehensive Plan is going to be reviewed and how this or any other road fits into the area will be addressed. Mayor Prochaska stated that there have been comments that the road would be a truck route however the road was envisioned as a thoroughfare. He also noted that once Route 47 is widened to four lanes, it will be as wide as it will get because of the downtown. He stated that there is a need to look at other arterial road in the area. Alderman Bard stated that the City Council never considered Beecher Road as a substitute for Route 47 or as a truck route. The plan for the road was a residential thoroughfare for residents to get over the Fox River. She stated that her letter to the editor commented that this issue should not be the downtown residents versus the residents to the west. She stated that she felt that the City should continue investigating ways to alleviate traffic. Alderman Sticka noted that the offer was never officially turned down but rather EEI withdrew the offer before it could be voted on. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — September 14. 2004 - page 3 Gary Golinski, 502 Redhorse, addressed the Council. He stated that whether residents live in the City for fifty years or one year, they are all taxpayers. He stated that all the residents are in this together. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Building Permits for July 2004 2. Greenbriar Unit 4 - Letter of Credit — authorize to begin of calling Letter of Credit in the amount of $29, 628.50 for watermain construction and other miscellaneous work along Walsh Drive which expires October 2, 2004 3. Hiring of Water Department Operator 4. Raintree Unit 1— Bond Reduction #1— authorize reduction in bond for onsite work in the amount not to exceed $2,418,011.96 5. Resolution 2004 -26 - Route 34 Improvements — Supplemental M FT Appropriation Resolution - authorize the City Clerk in an amount not to exceed $2, 659.16 6. Police Reports for July 2004 7. Countryside Pump Station Bid Opening Results — authorize purchase of WEMCo Model F6K-S supplied by Ley & Associates in an amount not to exceed $74,747. 00 8. Deuchler Engineering Agreement for Bruell/Woodworth Pump Station — authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute 9. EEI Scope of Services for Southwest Watermain Project - authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute subject to receiving developers guarantee to fund 10. Water Works Systems Needs Assessment and Project Plan IEPA Loan — Re- initiation and Re- Submittal — authorize to proceed in an amount not to exceed $15, 000.00 11. Resolution 2004 -27 — Raintree Village IDOT Highway Permit and Resolution — authorize the City Clerk to execute the Resolution and the City Engineer to execute the Highway Permit a. Resolution 2004 -28 — Raintree Village — IDOT Subdivision Entrance Permit Request - authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute 12. Request for a Crossing Guard at the Intersection of Route 129 and Mill Street — subject to 90 review Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. So moved by Alderman Munns; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Ohare -aye, Besco -aye PLANNING COMMISSION /ZONING BOARD OF APPEAL Alderman Sticka reported that the Plan Commission discussed the annexation and zoning for the Centex property (east of the Northgate development extending to Cannonball Trail). He stated that the annexation was approved unanim ously however there was a split vote 4 -3 against the zoning. The petitioner noted that there was 140% more open space than required and therefore they were requesting higher density. Mayor Prochaska noted that the overall density of the development was within the guideline of the transition area. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderman James to approve the minutes of the City Council meeting from August 10, 2004 and the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meetings from June 1, 2004 and July 6, 2004; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. BILLS FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderman James to approve the paying of the bills listed on the Detailed Board Report dated September 2, 2004 totaling the following amounts: checks in the amount of $1,428,445.45 (vendor); $136,788.70 (payroll period ending 8/21/04) for atotal of $1,565,234.15; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a roll call. vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — September 14. 2004 — Vag—e-14 REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT Resolution 200429 Ward Map Update Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve a Resolution recommending the updating of the aldermanic wards in the United City of Yorkville to the County Clerk of the County of Kendall. So moved by Alderman Kot; seconded by Alderman James. Alderman Spears asked for a copy of the ward map which includes the names of the subdivisions. Mayor Prochaska stated he would ask the Engineering Department if they could add this information to the map. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays-0 Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare-aye Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye Midco Northgate Yorkville LLC — Galena Watermain Easement Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve an easement between the United City of Yorkville and Midco Northgate Yorkville LLC for the Galena Watermam Project. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderman Sticka.. Alderman Besco noted that it was nice to have local businesses and residents who are willing to work with the City with regards to easements. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays-0 Munns -aye Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Stickaaye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye Blackberry Oaks MPI Easement Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve easements between the United City of Yorkville and MPI -2 for public utility and drainage easement titled Blackberry Oaks /Grande Reserve Storm Out611 & Utility Service Easement. So moved by Alderman James; seconded by Alderman Besco. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays-0 Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye Approve Qualifications of Yas/Fischel as Master Facility Planner Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the qualifications of the firm of Yas/Fischel Partnerships for the Master Facility Planning Project. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderman Spears. Mayor Prochaska noted that this is the group that the City Council chose to work on the project. Alderman Sticka questioned what approving their qualifications meant. Mayor Prochaska explained that the Council approves their qualification to perform the study and then the City can negotiate a contract with them. Attorney Kramer further explained that if an agreement cannot be negotiated, the firm will not be retained. Alderman Burd noted that three firms submitted their qualifications to the City for performing the study. Mayor Prochaska stated that according to state statute this is the process to follow. Alderman Burd asked if the City Council will get to review the proposal to be negotiating. Mayor Prochaska stated that the contract process will go through the Council before it is approved. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye Proclamation for Kid's Day America/International- September 18, 2004 Mayor Prochaska read a proclamation for `Kid's Day America/International". Please see attached. He entertained a motion to ratify the proclamation. So moved by Alderman James; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting pf the Citv Council — September 14. 2004 — pa 5 Proclamation for Hunting & Fishing Days — September 25 and 26, 2004 Mayor Prochaska read a proclamation for `Umtmg and Fishing Days in the United City of Yorkville ". Please see attached. He entertained a motion to ratify the proclamation. So moved by Alderman Kot; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. Proclamation for Constitution Week— September 17 and 23, 2004 Mayor Prochaska read a proclamation for "Constitution Week ". Please see attached. He entertained a motion to ratify the proclamation. So moved by Alderman James; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. Appointment to Human Resource Commission Mayor Prochaska asked the City Council to consider the appointment of Cecelia Sanders to the Human Resource Commission for a three year term. He reported that she is a long time resident of the United City of Yorkville and has been very active in a number of areas in the community. Alderman Ohare added that Ms. Sanders will be a great addition to the Commission. i Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to ratify Cecelia Sanders appointment to the Human Resource Commission_ So moved by Alderman Kot; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays-0 Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye Tax Levy Schedule Mayor Prochaska presented the schedule for the Tax Levy to the Council. He noted that the Tax Levy is not passed earlier in the year because the City does not get the estimated Equalized Assessed Value (EAV) until late in the year. Alderman Ohare noted that the handout "What Municipal Officials Should Know about the Tax Levy Cycle" states that the annexation ordinances for recently annexed property must be filed with the county clerk on or before the date of the Tax Levy Ordinance in order for the municipality to receive the tax revenue in the next year rather than in two years. She asked if it had always been two years or if there has been a change. Attorney Kramer stated that the City has asked for the revenue in two years but is now asking for the one year period. She also asked if the City received tax revenue from Special Service Areas. Attorney Kramer explained that S SAs are identified in the Tax Levy however even though the amount for the S SA is collected at the same time as property tax, it goes to repaying bonds. Kendall County Regional Plan Commission Meeting — Prairie Material Sales, Inc. Mayor Prochaska reported that the County Department of Planning, Building and Zoning will be holding a meeting regarding a zoning request for a gravel mining operation in Lisbon Township. The gravel will be transported to Elgin, Illinois probably via Route 47. He stated that the operation could generate about 200 trucks per day transporting gravel. Mayor Prochaska stated that he has been asked to attend the meeting on September 29, 2004 at 6:30 P.M. at the Lisbon Elementary School. He encouraged other members of the Council to attend in order to give input regarding Route 47. He noted that he hoped that Kendall County would serious consider the extension of Eldamain Road to Lisbon Road before this operation would be allowed. Patriot's Walk Mayor Prochaska thanked all those who participated in the Patriot's Walk on September 11, 2004. ATTORNEY'S REPORT Booster Pumping Station Conveyance Agreement Attorney Kramer reported that, with the Council's approval, he negotiated with the Cooper family for a booster pumping station. He stated that the family was extremely cooperative and sold the City a half acre lot. He stated that the deed has been signed and recorded. He asked the City Council to approve the conveyance agreement. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Booster Station Conveyance Agreement for the Cooper Site and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderman Burd. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — September 14. 2004 — Dage 6 Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Surd -aye, James -aye CITY CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Milschewski stated that the City Council member's reservations for the Illinois Municipal League Conference were on their desks. She asked everyone to verify the information and if they had any questions to please direct them to the City Secretary Annette Williams. She also noted that Mrs. Williams compiled a list of events that the City Council was invited to. Mayor Prochaska reminded the Council members that if for any reason they will not be attending to inform Mrs. Williams as soon as possible so she could cancel the reservation. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT No report. CITY ADMINISTATOR'S REPORT No report. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT No report. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT No report. CHIEF OF POLICE REPORT Chief Martin reported that Citizens Police Academy classes began on September 13, 2004 and sixteen people attended. He stated that there will be twelve more classes before the graduation. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION REPORT Director Brown thanked the Parks & Recreation and Police Department staffs for the great job they did at Hometown Days. Mayor Prochaska stated that he received many compliments on the location and set up of the festival. He thanked all the City staff for their efforts in helping with the event. COMMUNITY & LIAISON REPORT Human Resource Commission Alderman Spears reported that she attended the Human Resource Commission meeting. The Commission made a policy recommendation regarding the historical street naming process that historical street names will not be duplicated with any other street mane with a Yorkville address. This was prompted by a suggestion by KenCom that street names not be duplicated in the entire Kendall County area however this limits the number of names that can be used. The Commissions also recommended three individuals to be considered for the process. After the process is finished, the names will be presented to the City Council for approval. Senior Services Providers Alderman Spears reported that she attended the Senior Service Providers meeting. The group has completed a survey which will be distributed throughout Kendall County in order to determine what services should be available in the community for adults sixty- years -old or older such as home maintenance, housekeeping, transportation, etc. Senior transportation issues were also discussed and contacting PACE bus has been considered. . Mayor Prochaska asked if Kendall County has gotten involved with the transportation issues. Alderman Spears stated that they will be contacted. Mayor Prochaska noted that Grundy County wanted to do something in partnership with Kendall County with regards to senior transportation. Also discussed was the update on state legislation. The state budget has cut aging funding by 2' /z% however federal funding offset the cut slightly by increasing aging funding areas. The Older Adult Services Act was passed in June 2004 and has been signed by the Governor. She stated that the act is only a commitment that if funds become available they will be directed towards seniors. The act promotes funding for homecare for seniors. Park Board Alderman James reported that he attended the Park Board meeting where a new job description for a City Park Planner was discussed. Currently these services are contracted out and the Park Board wants to evaluate the cost of this versus hiring a full-time staff member. They will be making a recommendation to the Administration Committee. Alderman Ohare stated that she felt this was a good idea to do a cost comparison. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — September 14, 2004 — Pa egc 7 Alderman James also reported that the first park in the Grande Reserve subdivision which has a skate park should be opened by October 31, 2004. He asked Art Zwemke with MPI who was present at the meeting to clarify if the park will be open before any houses are built. Mr. Zwemke stated that the park will be opened to the public even though no homes have been built yet. COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT USGS Groundwater Study — Phase H & III County Funding A motion was made by Alderman Besco to approve the USGS Groundwater Study for Phase II and III for the total amount of $44,245.19; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munn -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT No report. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT No report. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT Resolution 2004 -30 Creating Position of Payroll/Benefits Specialist A motion was made by Alderman James to approve a resolution creating the position of Payroll/Benefits Specialists, subject to the time contained in the written job description; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Alderman Kot questioned what the phrase "subject to the time contained" meant. Alderman James explained that it refers to either full time or part-time depending on the particular job description. Alderman Spears asked what the projected hire date was for this position and Finance Director Traci Pleckham stated it was November 1, 2004. Alderman Spears noted that the Council was told that some of the positions were not required for six to eight months. Alderman James noted that this position is currently needed. Alderman Spears asked what the salary was for the position. Mrs. Pleckham stated that the salary range was from $26,000 to $41,000.00 per year. Alderman Spears noted that it was discussed that salary ranges should be more specific; within a few thousand dollars. Mayor Prochaska stated that the Council is voting on the actual job description which fits within a salary range. She stated that the Council had previously discussed the salary and recommended it be at entry level which she felt was between $26,000.00 and $28,000.00. She felt that this direction was not followed. She stated that she wanted to be sure that by voting on this resolution that the salary is stipulated. Mayor Prochaska stated that the discussion at the COW meeting was that salary would be determined after application were received and reviewed. Alderman Munns asked if the resolution is approved could someone be hired in at $40,000.00 /year. Alderman James stated that if a person has the appropriate qualification, yes they could receive this salary. Alderman Munns stated that it was discussed that someone highly qualified does not have to be hired as the position is clerical. Alderman James stated that the Council should not "hand -cuff' the staff by saying they can only pay $26,000.00 - $28,000.00 because this could eliminate qualified people. The range allows the staff to use its best judgment when hiring the individual. Alderman Spears stated she was not comfortable with this. She stated that $45,000.00 was budgeted for this position so staff will hire someone at this level. Mayor Prochaska clarified that while $45,000.00 was originally budgeted because it was thought a director was needed, the job was redefined and staff lowered the expectation of this position. Alderman Burd stated that she felt that Alderman Spears was requesting that a policy be made to limit the salary range and for the City Council to say that only an entry level person be hired even if someone with better qualification comes along. Alderman Burd stated that the City Council should have tighter control over hiring. Alderman Munns stated that the qualifications for the position are being determined by staff and none of the staff is a Human Resource (HR) person. He stated that someone without an HR The Minutes of the Regular Meetine of the Citv Council — September 14, 2004 — pa!?e 8 background will hire differently than one with this type of background. Mayor Prochaska reiterated that staff lowered the expectations for the job and wrote the job description based on this fact. He stated that if the Council does not feel the job descriptions fit into the salary range, they should not vote for it. He stated that the City is looking for someone to do this specific type of job that fits into the mentioned salary range. The next step for the staff is to see who applies for the job and what their qualifications are. Alderman Ohare clarified that the salary was to be determined by the applicant's qualifications and both Mayor Prochaska and Alderman James stated yes. She asked if a benefit specialist would take some of the work load off this position and Director Pleckham stated that it would but it would be minimal. Alderman Burd asked for caution; the City hasn't grown that much to justify doubling the staff and the salaries of the new hires will add up quickly. Alderman Spears also noted that benefits have to be factored into the cost of new hires. Mayor Prochaska stated that when he became involved with the City in 1993 there were four employees in the office. The population has more than doubled and there is more development and the staff is now up to six. Alderman Kot noted that the City always seems to be playing "catch up" with staff. He stated that when the administrative needs were reviewed months ago, the need to hire more people was clearly identified. He stated that this is the first step in this process and that he trusted the opinions such as that of the City Treasurer who supports the increase in staff. He felt that the City Council needed to move on this before it is too far behind. Alderman Spears commented that Treasurer Powell stated at a meeting right before a key employee left that she was doing an excellent job and work was flowing fine. However he stated after she left that development was too much for her; she couldn't handle it. She noted he changed his tune. She went on to say she did a comparison with other municipalities and the United City of Yorkville would have more positions than the ones she pooled. She also noted that there are personnel issues and it was suggested that a manager was needed however this was never addressed. She stated that the City has had liability suits and out -of -court settlements which she felt were due to mismanagement. She stated that she did not want to continue to hire employees if they are not going to be managed well. She felt if the staff was managed properly and the work load was distributed the City could manage with the people already on staff. Alderman Kot stated that he disagreed and that he had faith in the City staff and in the management positions. He stated that they are doing an excellent job and he noted that Yorkville is a growing community with growing pains. Alderman Ohare stated she agreed with Alderman Kot and called the question. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -5 Nays -2 Present -1 James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears nay, Sticka -aye, Besco- present, Burd nay Resolution 2004 -31 Creating Position of Clerk's Office Assistant A motion was made by Alderman James to approve a resolution creating the position of Clerk's Office Assistant, subject to the time contained in the written job description; seconded by Alderman Kot. Alderman James noted that the description for this job changes it from part-time to full time. Alderman Spears asked if this position is included in the budget and Mayor Prochaska stated it was. She inquired as to what the salary was for this position and was told it fell into the general support salary range. Alderman Munns asked what the time frame was for this position and Director Pleckham stated that the position will go full time at the earliest in November, 2004. Alderman Besco asked if this would eliminate the part-time position. Alderman Kot and Alderman James noted that it would be eliminated. Alderman Spears stated she supported the position because the deputy clerk is busy however she was concerned if the deputy clerk was in agreement with jobs being transferred to this person. She noted that the newsletter was recently transferred from the deputy clerk to the city secretary. Mayor Prochaska stated that this duty has been transferred between these two positions before. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — September 14, 2004 — page 9 Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye Resolution 2004 -32 Creating Position of Full -time Janitor A motion was made by Alderman James to approve a resolution creating the position of Full-time Janitor, subject to the time contained in the written job description; seconded by Alderman Kot. Alderman Spears asked if this position was included in the budget and Director Pleckham stated it was not. She asked where the funds were coming from. Director PIeckham explained that the savings from down sizing the other positions, such as the Payroll/Benefits Specialists, will cover the increase for this position_ Alderman James pointed out that the position is currently part-time however the individual doing the job works hours in access of a part-time position. She either has to become a full-time employee or be let go. Mayor Prochaska noted that the City has more buildings and office space to be maintained than when the job was originally created. He stated that Service Master has been hired to assist with the cleaning and will still be used for big jobs such as waxing the floors. Alderman Spears asked what the current salary is and Director Pleckham stated she thought it was $11.00/hour. Both Alderman Ohare and Alderman Spears asked if the fun-time position would still pay the $11.00/hour. Director Pleckham stated it depended on who applied for the position. Mayor Prochaska stated that the full-time position will be posted and the current employee may not be interested in it. He also noted that the position will be eligible for benefits. Alderman Spears asked if the $550.00 /month to Service Master would be stopped when the position becomes full -time. Mayor Prochaska stated that Service Master will still be needed as the current part-time person is already working in access of part-time hours and Service Master is assisting with the work load. Alderman Spears suggested hiring two part -time janitors in order to not have to pay benefits. Alderman James stated that multiple options for this position were reviewed by the Administration Committee it was decided that this is the best option. He stated that managing two part-time positions is difficult. Mayor Prochaska noted that there are part-time janitors in other building such as Beecher and it is difficult to find individuals who want to do this part-time. Alderman James stated he would like to think if a person works part-time and the work load increases that full-time hours would be offered to them versus taking a cheap route like hiring another part-time person. There was further discussion regarding the janitorial service to all the City's buildings, using and phasing out Service Master, the difficulty in hiring part-time staff and the coordination of the janitorial staff. Alderman Burd asked if this person will be able to oversee other janitors. Director Pleckham stated that is not the intention. Mayor Prochaska stated that a managerial position will probably be developed as indicated by the Facility Plan which should indicate how the City needs to develop this role. Alderman Munns asked what the janitor's duties are. Chief Martin explained that the current employee vacuums, dusts, cleans the washrooms and police locker room and empties the trash. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -1 Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -nay, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye Resolution 2004 -33 Creating Position of Part -time Accounting Clerk I A motion was made by Alderman James to approve a resolution creating the position of Part-time Accounting Clerk I, subject to the time contained in the written job description; seconded by Alderman Kot. Alderman Kot noted that this is a new part-time position. Alderman Spears asked if this position was included in the budget and Director Pleckham stated it was as a full time position. Alderman Munns asked what the hourly salary was and Director Pleckham stated it was $10.50/hour. Alderman Spears asked if this position would be assisting the Benefits Specialists position and Director Pleckham stated that this person would be helping the entire accounting department. i The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — September 14, 2004 — page 10 Alderman Spears asked what the projected date for hiring was and Director Pleckham stated as soon as possible. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -1 Ohare -aye, Spears -nay, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye Drug Testing Procedure — Provena Contract A motion was made by Alderman James to continue the approval of using Provena Mercy Center's Occupational Health Service to the next City Council meeting; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye Ordinance 2004 -49 Establishing Special Service Area 2004 -104 Central Grande Reserve A motion was made by Alderman Besco to continue the approval of the ordinance establishing United City of Yorkville Special Service Area No. 2004 -104 Central Reserve; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Alderman Besco stated he wanted this continued until the Council received the information on SSA's that he requested showing the economic effect of SSA's on the community, other developments, and the existing properties in the community. He stated that Peter Raphael with Speer Financial stated he could get this information for the Council. Attorney Kramer reminded the Council that by approving this ordinance they were not issuing the bonds. This ordinance is the first in a series and is somewhat time sensitive. He stated that the questions being asked are relevant however this ordinance establishes the districts in the development that the SSA will apply to. There is another group of ordinances that will enable the City to issue the SSA's. Alderman Sticka clarified that Alderman Besco wanted information on the impact of the S SA on adjoining areas. Alderman Besco stated not just adjoining areas but the community as a whole. He wondered if there were more foreclosures because of SSA's. Alderman Burd stated that she recently had dinner with the Village of Montgomery's president, Marilyn Michelini who said she would never have another SSA in her village. Attorney Kramer clarified that Montgomery has an SAA (Special Assessment Area) and the village collects the taxes whereas with an SSA the tax is collected along with the real estate tax by the county. He stated that nationally foreclosures and delinquencies are runnin about 5% and the county verified that the delinquency on Montgomery's SAA is 4 to 5 %. Alderman Spears stated that according to the figures she received it was 7.25 %. She stated that there were 25 single - family residences and 25 townhomes foreclosures out of 700 homes in Lakewood Creek. Kevin McCann with Speer Financial was present and explained that the SAA is a separate bill and this creates problems. When the fee is included in the real estate bills, people are more prone to pay the entire bill and not deduct the SSA amount. Alderman Munns noted that banks qualify individuals based on the mortgage payment and the taxes. If someone does not qualify, the bank will not issue a mortgage. Attorney Kramer also noted to the Council that the city is contractually bound to approve the S SA; this was part of the annexation agreement. Mr. McCann informed the Council that Mr. Raphael was unable to find any studies concerning the questions asked by Alderman Besco. He was willing to hire someone to perform a study but to date it does not appear anyone has researched SSA's. Mr. McCann told the Council that they ` need to indicate the specifics they want researched. Mayor Prochaska stated that he has approached SSAs by dete the advantages and/or disadvantages to the city. He reminded the Council that the SSA will cover the cost of the utilities such as the water system and wells for this development. It offsets the need for the City to drill another well at this time. This savings is passed down to the residents of Yorkville by not having to raise property taxes_ The disadvantages currently are not known. Alderman Sticka clarified that the motion on the table is to continue the vote until the information Alderman Besco requested is received. Attorney Kramer stated that this was correct. Alderman Sticka stated that he felt he had sufficient understanding to vote on the establishing ordinance. II The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — September 14, 2004 — page 11 Alderman Burd stated that this is part of the annexation agreement so the Council is bound to approve the SSA's with or without information_ Alderman Ohare asked why this ordinance wasn't presented earlier. Attorney Kramer explained the different phases of the development and the SSA process. Mr. Zwemke with MPl stated that there are nineteen neighborhoods with four SSA's. The SSA's needed for this fall are for the first phase of the development. He explained that an SSA is a long -term financing vehicle or a thirty-year loan. The home buyer has the option upon purchase to pay off their portion of the S SA off at that time or pay yearly through their real estate taxes. He stated that they have researched the near seventy SSA's throughout the Chicago area and it appears that in over 90% of the time homebuyers decide to pay over time. Also, their research has not seen any higher incidents of foreclosures. He explained what the SSA brings to the development; it frees up capital to build parks improve Bristol Ridge Road and install a signal at Route 34 and Bristol Ridge Road. He also explained that the SSA will be disclosed to all home buyers and all the builders in the development will be using a standard contract with this information on it. He asked the Council to move forward with the ordinances in an effort to stay on schedule. Alderman Spears stated that referendums are difficult to pass in Yorkville. She noted that the Grande Reserve will represent one half of the population of the city and the votes of the residents in this area will have a tremendous impact on passing referendums. She felt that residents paying additional SSA tax will vote against them more then current residents because they are being double taxed. Mayor Prochaska stated that he would like to see some documentation on Alderman Spears' theory before making any generalization in this area. He stated that when most people pay their mortgage, the real estate taxes are included in the monthly amount for their escrow account. He stated that the merit of the SSA's should be examined. He stated that the ordinances before the Council are to establish the areas for them. He noted that currently there is no dollar amount because it still needs to be determined based on the needed infrastructure. Mr. Zwemke explained the eligibility test that is used when determining the amount for an SSA. He stated that the staff has been adamant that the home buyers should not be overburdened by it. He also noted that the SSA applied to a property will depend on the type of product; townhomes will have a lower SSA versus single - family homes. Attorney Kramer stated that it is not a case of "if' the city will have an SSA but rather "when" because the Council agreed to this when they approved the annexation agreement and the planned unit development agreement. Alderman Besco stated he felt it would be beneficial to everyone in the city to study the SSA's and document the affects. Alderman Spears stated that she apparently voted for the SSA however she was only presented the pros and she felt that the Council voted based on this. She stated she should have done more research. Alderman Ohare withdrew her second; Alderman Besco withdrew his motion. A motion was made by Alderman James to approve an ordinance establishing United City of Yorkville Special Service Area No. 2004 -104 Central Grande Reserve; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Present -1 Mums-aye, Ohare -aye, Spears- present, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye Ordinance 2004 -50 Establishing Special Service Area 2004 -103 North Grande Reserve A motion was made by Alderman James to approve an ordinance establishing United City of Yorkville Special Service Area No. 2004 -103 North Grande Reserve; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Present -1 Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears present, Sticka -aye The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — September 14, 2004 — n e 12 g g a Ordinance 2004 -51 Establishing Special Service Area 2004 -105 South Grande Reserve A motion was made by Alderman James to approve an ordinance establishing United City of Yorkville Special Service Area No. 2004 -105 South Grande Reserve; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Present -1 - Burd aye, James aye, Kot aye, M urns aye, Ohare -aye, Spears- present, Sticka -aye Besco -aye ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Apartment Progress Alderman Spears inquired on the status on the apartments behind the Jewel store; are they still being built and if so when they will be completed. Mayor Prochaska stated that they are still under construction however the company is in the process of hiring a new building manager. He was told that the buildings should be closed up (bricked and sided) by the end of the year. He explained that Building Department is working with them on almost a daily basis. Alderman Spears asked if Building Inspector Bill Dettmer has been out tot the site to check the wood for mold. Mayor Prochaska stated that he did not know if the Building Department was are checking for mold. Web Site Alderman Spears noted that the City's web site does not list all the committee meetings. She asked if all the meetings could be listed. Director Pleckham stated that updates have been sent to Weblinx however she was unsure if this was included in them. Mayor Prochaska asked her to verify if the meetings were being posted along with the minutes. Pat Summerall Alderman Spears stated that she is still waiting for an update on the Pat Summerall funds. Mayor Prochaska stated that they are still being received and the City is paying as they become available. Treasurer Powell noted that the City received a $3,000.00 check today for this. Skate Park Alderman Spears asked if the skate park at the church was going to remain there. She questioned if there was a zoning issue_ Mayor Prochaska stated that the location is a private park. Director Brown stated that Mr_ Dettmer verified that the zoning was correct; churches can have a public gathering place on the outside of their building. Attorney Kramer agreed with Mr. Dettmer's interpretation. Alderman Spears asked Attomey Kramer to give her something in writing regarding this and he agreed. Moped Ordinance Alderman Munns asked if the City had any ordinances covering the use of mopeds and mini - choppers. Chief Martin stated that a state law applies and he asked that the police are called when people see the vehicles being ridden_ Ward 2 Meeting Alderman Burd reported that she has been approached by a few residents who have asked for a Ward 2 Meeting. She asked Alderman Kot to consider scheduling a meeting in the next month. Plan Commission Resignation Mayor Prochaska reported that he received a letter of resignation from Plan Commission member Kerry Green who will be moving to Missouri. Route 47 Sidewalk Mayor Prochaska stated that he received a letter from a resident regarding the sidewalk along the wall on Route 47. He stated he walked up the sidewalk and it appears that the sidewalk is washing away. He asked that Illinois Department of Transportation be notified of the situation. He also noted that the sidewalk along the bridge needs maintenance; there is broken glass, fish hooks, etc, littering it. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body. So moved by Alderman Ohare; seconded by He asked that City Clerk Milschewski, City Treasurer Powell, Administrator Graff and City Attorney Dan Kramer be included. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays-0 Ohare -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye Mayor Prochaska noted that action may be taken after the session. The Council took a ten minute break and entered into Executive Session at 9:30 P.M. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — September 14, 2004 — Da 12 The Council returned to regular session at 10:01 P.M. Kukla Easement Attorney Kramer requested a motion authorizing him as the City Attorney to draft a contract and to order title for the acquisition of the Kukla water easement for $34,362.00. So moved by Alderman James; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0 Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye Besco -aye, Bard -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye PNA Easement Attorney Kramer requested a motion authorizing him as the City Attorney to prepare an acquisition for a permanent easement agreement and a temporary easement for sanitary sewer purposes and to order title with the PNA Camp for $163,353.00 for a 3.75 acre easement area and to renew in writing the original 1974 Yorkville- Bristol Sanitary District agreement for the waiver of hook -up fees for fifteen units. So moved by Alderman Ohare; seconded by Alderman Spears. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays-0 Spears -aye, Sticka -aye Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye ADJOURNMENT Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to adjourn. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. Meeting adjourned at 10:04 P.M. Minutes submitted by: Jacquelyn Milschewski, City Clerk City of Yorkville, Illinois CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 14, 2004 PLEASE PRINT NAME: . ^ ADDRESS y 60 ll NS al SIGNIN CITY COUNCIL MEETING UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS had at the meeting of the above - entitled matter taken before CHRISTINE M. VITOSH, C.S.R., R.P:R., on September 14, 2004, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., at 800 Game Farm Road in the City of Yorkville, Illinois. i D- 727204 DBPO • COURT reporting service 800 West Fifth Avenue • Suite 203C • Naperville, IL 60563 • 630 - 983 -0030 • Fax 630 - 983 -6013 www.depocoui,t.com 2 1 P R E S E N T: 2 MR. ARTHUR F. PROCHASKA, Mayor; 3 MR. RICH STICKA, Alderman; 4 MR. PAUL JAMES, Alderman; 5 MR. LARRY KOT, Alderman; 6 MR. JOSEPH BESCO, Alderman; 7 MS. VALERIE BURD, Alderwoman; 8 MS. WANDA OHARE, Alderwoman;; 9 MS. ROSE ANN SPEARS, Alderwoman; 10 MR. MARTY MUNNS, Alderman; 11 MR. WILLIAM POWELL, City Treasurer; 12 MS. JACQUELYN MILSCHEWSKI, City Clerk. 13 14 15 A P P E A R A N C E S: I 16 LAW OFFICES OF DANIEL J. KRAMER 1107A Bridge Street 17 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 BY: MR. DANIEL J. KRAMER, 18 appeared on behalf of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois. 19 20 - - - - - 21 22 23 24 Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 3 1 (Pledge of 2 Allegiance) 3 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Next on the agenda 4 is a public hearing. We do have a public hearing 5 this evening. 6 I would entertain a motion to 7 go into public hearing for PC 2001 -16 Jean i 8 Dresden and DCI- Charrington, Inc:, petitioners, 9 request for an Amendment to the Annexation and 10 Planned Unit Development Agreement to incorporate 11 the Final Plat in the agreement. 12 The real property consists of 13 approximately 34.25 acres at the southeast corner 14 of Route 34 and Eldamain Road in the United City 15 of Yorkville, Bristol Township, Kendall County, 16 Illinois. 17 MR. STICKA: So moved. 18 MR. BESCO: Second. 19 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Moved and 20 seconded. May I have roll call, please? 21 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Besco. 22 MR. BESCO: Aye. 23 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Burd. 24 MS. BURD: Aye. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 4 1 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: James. 2 MR. JAMES: Aye. 3 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Kot. 4 MR. KOT: Aye. 5 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Munns. 6 MR. MUNNS: Aye. 7 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Ohare. 8 MS. OHARE: Aye. 9 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Spears. 10 MS. SPEARS: Aye. 11 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Sticka. 12 MR. STICKA: Aye. 13 MAYOR PROCHASKA: The motion is 14 carried. We are now in public hearing. i 15 If there is someone here j 16 representing the petitioner, if you want to let 17 us know, let the public know what you are looking 18 at doing here. 19 WHEREUPON: 20 ROBERT L. GAMRATH, III, 21 testified before the City Council as follows: 22 MR. GAMRATH: Good evening. Rod 23 Gamrath on behalf of the petitioner. Also with 24 me tonight is Pete Huinker from Smith Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 5 1 Engineering. 2 I know this is a project and a 3 proposal that this Council is very familiar with, 4 so I'll try to summarize my comments without 5 taking away from the presentation. i 6 We are dealing with the parcel 7 of property approximately 13 acres which is 8 commonly referred to as Pod 10 in Foxhill 9 Subdivision adjacent to Eldamain Road and just 10 south of Route 30. It's also adjacent on the 11 east to the Fox -- or excuse me, to the Rob Roy 12 Creek. 13 The matter that you have in 14 front of you tonight is dealing with our final 15 plat. We were before you previously for 16 rezoning, rezoned this to a 72 -unit 17 multi - family development, and this is the final 18 phase of that. 19 The final plat and plan does 20 require certain variations with respect to the 21 buildings that are being proposed. They are 22 six -unit buildings. 23 Most of the exceptions we have 24 been able to deal with with respect to the Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 6 1 variations, but there are a few that still remain I 2 as a result of the unusual configuration of this 3 particular parcel. 4 The fact that we have an 5 expounded -- expanded boundary for Rob Roy Creek, 6 we also have the widening of Eldamain Road, so 7 this is a parcel that at one time was a lot 8 larger and probably could have accommodated 9 certain buildings of this type without needing 10 these exceptions. At this point, though, we are 11 seeking certain exceptions. 12 What you have before you i 13 tonight is our request for an amendment to the 14 PUD that currently covers all of Foxhill 15 subdivision. 16 What we'd like to do through 17 the amendment process is to be able to 18 incorporate this final plat and plan with the I 19 exceptions as has been discussed before this 20 Council before. 21 At this point I guess I'd ask 22 for questions. I know that you've all seen this 23 and discussed it at different meetings, so -- 24 MAYOR PROCHASKA: At this time I'd Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 7 1 open up the floor. Is there anyone that would 2 like to address the Council on this proposal? 3 (No response) 4 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Hearing none, is i 5 there -- Are there any comments from the City 6 Council? 7 MR. STICKA: Well, Your Honor, one 8 of the things we were given was the proposed 9 townhouse elevation plans, and what they say on 10 them, there is a note that says for 11 representational purposes only, actual details 12 may vary, and I'm wondering just how much they 13 might vary, how representational are they. i 14 Is this typical or is this 15 going to be something like this and the only 16 thing might be some trim or something? 17 MR. GAMRATH: These are very 18 accurate as to the look of the building. I think 19 that probably the notation on there is that when 20 you get into the building materials and so forth, 21 they may vary in the dimensions by a few inches 22 here or there, but it deals more with the 23 building pad itself. 24 Certainly the actual elevation, Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 8 1 that's the intended look that we will use. 2 MR. STICKA: So your statement is 3 that when the building is built, I am going to 4 hold this piece of paper in front of me and say 5 yeah, that's it? 6 MR. GAMRATH: Yes, that's correct. 7 And we are prepared to commit to this particular 8 plan and have it attached as part of the PUD 9 amendment. 10 MR. STICKA: Thank you. 11 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Anyone else? 12 MS. SPEARS: I was comfortable with 13 the five -unit townhomes rather than the six that 14 they are requesting. 15 MR. GAMRATH: We've always -- I 16 don't -- That might be a misconception. We have 17 always been requesting six units and discussed 18 six units in every building. When we did the 19 rezoning, it was contemplated for 72 units. 20 The I guess error was that when 21 we were asked to produce an elevation to show 22 what was driving the need for the exceptions, the 23 wrong plan was submitted, and so to correct that 24 error, we are submitting and we have submitted to Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 9 1 the Council a copy of the elevation for the 2 six -unit building. 3 The only difference is it's 4 extending the length of the building, but the 5 look and feel of it is the same. i 6 All of the exceptions that were 7 raised in Anna Kurtzman's memo were based upon 8 that six -unit building plan, which has always 9 been shown on our final plat. 10 The elevations that you 11 received initially didn't match the building pad 12 that has always been always shown on that plat 13 from our initial submittal. 14 MR. STICKA: I do recall that the 15 figure 72 was introduced at the earliest Plan 16 Commission meetings. It's always been 72. 17 MAYOR PROCHASKA: One of the things 18 I would like to see added to this, Dan, would 19 probably be in that Paragraph 4 where it talks 20 about being in substantial conformance with the 21 architectural rendering, and I would like to say 22 and footprint as depicted in whatever exhibit 23 that would end up being, because that is what we 24 talked about, that it would be that footprint Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 10 1 and that footprint only, and if they decided not 2 to build that building, that they would have to 3 come back and request the Council to look at 4 that. 5 MR. GAMRATH: Are you referring to 6 the foundation plan or the footprint that's shown 7 on the plat map? 8 MAYOR PROCHASKA: It:would be the 9 foundation plan -- 10 MR. GAMRATH: Okay. 11 MAYOR PROCHASKA: -- because that's 12 what you showed as your reason why you needed to 13 have these set the way they were, and I believe 14 the comments that we got in the Committee of the 15 Whole was that as long as that was what was 16 built, but if you changed that, then you would 17 need to come back and talk to Council because 18 it's not just an open book. 19 MR. GAMRATH: Sure, sure. 20 MR. STICKA: So should those 21 provisions be incorporated in the agreement? 22 MAYOR PROCHASKA: I would like it. 23 MR. KRAMER: Correct. 24 MR. GAMRATH: We certainly would be i Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 11 1 more than willing to agree to that, and, Mr. 2 Mayor, you had indicated that it be in 3 substantial conformance and I would ask that be 4 the standard because, as you know, if we pour the 5 foundation and it moves a couple of inches off of 6 this plan, hopefully we wouldn't have to come 7 back under those circumstances. 8 But, yes, we would be more than 9 willing to agree to that. 10 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Can we agree to 11 that? 12 MR. KRAMER: That's fine. Sure. 13 MS. OHARE: I have a quick question. 14 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Yes. 15 MS. OHARE: A few minutes ago you 16 said these were five -- originally the drawings 17 indicated it was five units and the building is 18 six units? 19 MR. GAMRATH: That's correct. 20 MS. OHARE: Did you just say that's 21 going to extend the length of the building a 22 little bit? And is that going to change any of 23 the numbers? 24 MR. GAMRATH: No, and I'll try to Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 12 1 clarify. The building plans that were shown on 2 the plats that were initially submitted and that 3 you've always had in front of you have the 4 correct dimensions on there. 5 When you received the I 6 elevations -- 7 MS. OHARE: Okay. 8 MR. GAMRATH: -- you got elevations 9 that didn't match those building pads -- 10 MS. OHARE: I understand. 11 MR. GAMRATH: -- so the correct 12 elevations were submitted in that. 13 MAYOR PROCHASKA: And in the future 14 developers should make sure that their elevations 15 match the plans shown. 16 MR. GAMRATH: I think that's very 17 accurate. 18 MR. MUNNS: But you still have 12 19 buildings times six -- 20 MR. GAMRATH: Correct. 21 MR. MUNNS: -- is that right? 72 i 22 units. 23 MR. GAMRATH: The building mix and 24 the size of the units has not changed. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 13 1 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Okay. Is there 2 any other discussion? 3 (No Response) i 4 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Hearing none, I 5 entertain a motion to close the public hearing. 6 MR. STICKA: So moved. 7 MR. BESCO: Seconded. 8 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Moved and 9 seconded. May I have roll call, please? 10 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Burd. 11 MS. BURD: Aye. 12 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: James. 13 MR. JAMES: Aye. 14 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Kot. 15 MR. KOT: Aye. 16 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Munns. 17 MR. MUNNS: Aye. 18 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Ohare. 19 MS. OHARE: Aye. 20 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Spears. 21 MS. SPEARS: Aye. 22 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Sticka. 23 MR. STICKA: Aye. 24 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Besco. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 14 1 MR. BESCO: Aye. 2 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Motion is carried. 3 Thank you. 4 MR. GAMRATH: Thank you. 5 (Which were all the I 6 proceedings reported 7 at the date and time I i 8 aforementioned.) 9 --- 000 - -- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 i 23 24 Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 15 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ss: 2 COUNTY OF LASALLE ) 3 4 CHRISTINE M. VITOSH, being first duly 5 sworn, on oath says that she is a Certified j 6 Shorthand Reporter and Registered Professional 7 Reporter doing business in the State of Illinois; 8 That she reported in shorthand the 9 proceedings had at the foregoing meeting; 10 And that the foregoing is a true and 11 correct transcript of her shorthand notes so i 12 taken as aforesaid and contains all the 13 proceedings had at the said meeting. 14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set 15 my hind this day of 16 �V l 2004. ---------------------- 17 18 19 j 20 CHRISTINE M. VITOSH, C.S.R. 21 CSR License No. 084 - 002883 22 23 24 Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 Public Hearing - City Council Multi -Page 084 - 002883 - misconception September 14, 2004 appeared [11 2:18 contemplated [1] 8:19 exhibit [11 9:22 inches [21 7:21 11:5 - 0 - architectural [1] 9:21 copy [11 9:1 expanded [11 6:5 incorporate [21 3:10 084 - 002883 [11 15:21 ARTHUR [11 2:2 corner [11 3:13 expounded [11 6:5 6:18 attached [11 8:8 correct [s] 8:6,23 10:23 extend [11 11:21 incorporated [11 10:21 away [1] 5:5 11:19 12:4,11,20 15:11 extending [11 9:4 indicated [21 11:2,17 Aye [161 3:22,24 4:2,4,6,8 Council [9] 1:1 4:21 5:3 initial [1] 9:13 1107A [11 2:16 4:10,12 13:11,13,15,17 6:20 7:2,6 9:1 10:3,17 _F- intended [1] 8:1 13:19,21,23 14:1 County [21 3:15 15:2 le [11 11:5 F [1] 2:2 introduced [1] 9:15 -2- couple fact [1] 6:4 itself [11 7:23 2001 -16 [1] 3:7 -B- covers [1] 6:14 familiar [11 5:3 2004 [21 1:9 15:16 based [1] 9:7 Creek [zl 5:12 6:5 -J- behalf [21 2:18 4:23 CSR [11 15:21 Farm [11 1:10 few [3] 6:17:21 11:15 7 [21 2:16,17 Besco U] 2:6 3:18,21,22 figure [1] 9:15 JACQUELYN [11 2:12 30 [11 5:10 13:7,24 14:1 -D- bit[11 11:22 final [61 3:11 5:14,17,19 James [sl 2:4 4:1,2 13:12 34 [1] 3:14 D- 727204 [1] 1:21 6:18 9:9 13:13 34.25 [11 3:13 book [11 10:18 Dan [1] 9:18 fine [11 11:12 Jean [1] 3:7 - boundary [11 6:5 DANIEL [21 2:16,17 first [11 15:4 JOSEPH [11 2:6 -6- Bridge [11 2:16 date [11 14:7 five [z] 11:16,17 60560 [1] 2:17 Bristol [11 3:15 DCI- Charrington [11 five -unit [1] 8:13 - K - build [1] 10:2 3:8 floor [11 7:1 Kendall [11 3:15 24 building [is] 7:18,20,23 deal [11 5: -7- follows [1] 4:21 Kot [sl 2:5 4:3,4 13:14,15 8:3,18 9:2,4,8,11 10:2 dealing [2] 5:6,14 footprint [41 9:22,24 KRAMER[41 2:16,17 72 [41 8:19 9:15,16 12:21 11:17,21 12:1,9,23 P deals [11 7:22 72 -unit [11 1] 5:16 buildings [4] 5:21,22 6:9 10:1,6 10:23 11:12 7:00 [11 [ 12:19 decided [11 10:1 foregoing [2] 15:9,10 Kurtzman's [11 9:7 built [21 8:3 10:16 depicted [11 9:22 forth [11 7:20 -g- Burd [s] 2:7 3:23924 details [11 7:11 foundation [3] 10:6,9 -L- 13:10,11 developers [11 12:14 11:5 L [1] 4:20 800 [1] 1:10 business [1] 15:7 development [21 3:10 Fox [1] 5:11 larger [1] 6:8 5:17 Foxhill [2] 5:8 6:14 difference [11 9:3 front [31 5:14 8:4 12 :3 LARRY [11 [ 1 -A- 1 -C- LASALLE [11 15:2 able [2] 5:24 6:17 different [11 6:23 future [11 12:13 above- entitled [11 1:7 C [11 2:15 dimensions [21 7:21 LAW [11 2:16 4 11:21 C.S.R [zl 1:8 15:20 12 length [zl 9:4 accommodated [1] 6:8 -G carried [z] 4:14 14:2 discussed [31 6:19,23 License [1] 15:21 accurate [21 7:18 12:17 certain [3] 5:20 6:9,11 8:17 Game [11 1:10 look [4] 7:18 8:19:5 10:3 acres [21 3:13 5:7 certainly [21 7:24 10:24 discussion [1] 13:2 Gamrath [1s] 4:20,22,23 looking [1] 4:17 actual [2] 7:11,24 Certified [11 15:5 drawings [1] 11:16 7:17 8:6,15 10:5,10,19,24 added [11 9:18 11:19,24 12:8,11,16920 address [11 7:2 change [11 11:22 Dresden [11 3:8 12:23 14:4 - M - changed [21 10:16 12:24 driving [1] 8:22 given [1] 7:8 M [3] 1:8 15:4,20 adjacent [2] 5:9,10 CHRISTINE [31 1:8 duly [11 15:4 Good [11 4:22 map [1] 10:7 aforementioned [1] 15:4,20 guess [21 6:21 8:20 MARTY [11 2:10 = 14:8 circumstances [1] 11:7 -E_ match [31 9:11 12:9,15 aforesaid [11 15:12 City [9] 1:1,2,10 2:11,12 agenda [11 3:3 2:18 3:14 4:217:5 E[4] 2:1,1,15,15 -H- materials [1] 7:20 ago [1] 11:15 clarify [11 12:1 earliest [11 9:15 hand [11 15:15 matter [z] 1:7 5:13 agree [31 11:1,9,10 Clerk [11 2:12 east [11 5:11 hearing [7] 3:4,4,7 4:14 may [41 3:20 7:12,21 13:9 agreement [31 3:10,11 close [11 13:5 Eldamain [31 3:14 5:9 7:4 13:4,5 Mayor [191 2:2 3:3,19 10:21 6:6 hereunto [1] 15:14 4:13 6:24 7:4 8:119:17 Alderman Es] 2:3,4,5,6 comfortable [1] 8:12 elevation [4] 7:9,24 8:21 hold [11 8:4 10:8,11,22 11:2,10,14 Honor [11 7:7 2:10 comments [31 5:4 7:5 9 :1 12:13 13:1,4,8 14:2 Alderwoman [31 2:7,8 10:14 elevations [sl 9:10 12:6 ho efull [11 11:6 meeting [4] 1:1,6 15:9 2:9 Commission [1] 9:16 12:8,12,14 P y 15:13 g Allegiance [11 3:2 commit [11 8:7 hour [11 1:9 meetings [2] 6:23 9:16 end [11 9:23 always Ul 8:15,17 9:8 Committee [1] 1 0:14 Engineering [1] 5:1 Huinker [11 4:24 memo [1] 9:7 9:12,12,16 12:3 commonly [11 5:8 entertain [2] 3:6 13:5 might [31 7:13 8:16 amendment [4] 3:9 6:13 configuration [11 6:2 error [21 8:20,24 -I MILSCHEWSKI [17] 6:17 8:9 conformance [21 9:20 evening [21 3:5 4:22 III [11 4:20 2:12 3:21,23 4:1,3,5,7,9 ANN [11 2:9 11:3 Illinois [71 1:2,11 2:17 4:11 13:10,12,14,16,18 exceptions [6] 5:23 6:10 13:20,22,24 Anna [1] 9:7 consists [11 3:12 6:11,19 8:22 9:6 2:18 3:16 15:1,7 Annexation [11 3:9 contains [1] 15:12 excuse [11 5:11 Inc [11 3:8 minutes [11 misconception - [ 11 8:16 Depo Court Reporting Service Index Page 1 Naperville, Illinois (630) 983 -0030 Public Hearing - City Council Multi- Page im mix - Yorkville September 14, 2004 mix [11 12:23 plans [3] 7:9 12:1,15 response [z] 7:3 13:3 Most [1] 5:23 plat [ - 1] 3:11 5:15,19 6:18 result [1] 6:2 -T- motion [4] 3:6 4:13 13:5 9:9,12 10:7 rezoned [1] 5:16 T [1] 2:1 14:2 plats [1] 12:2 rezoning [z] 5:16 8:19 taking [i] 5:5 moved [4] 3:17,19 13:6,8 Pledge [11 3:1 RICH [11 2:3 talks [i] 9:19 moves [1] 11:5 Pod [11 5:8 right [11 12:21 testified [1] 4:21 MS [32] 2:7,8,9,12 3:21 point [2 6:10,21 Road [4] 1:10 3:14 5:9 Thank [3] 8:10 14:3,4 3:23,24 4:1,3,5,7,8,9,10 our[i] 11:4 6:6 4:11 8:12 11:13,15,20 p through [1] 6:16 POWELL [1] 2:11 Rob [z] 5:11 6:5 12:7,10 13:10,11,12,14 times [1] 12:19 13:16,18,19,20,21,22,24 prepared m 8:7 ROBERT [1 1 4:20 tonight [3] 4:24 5:14 6:13 multi - family [11 5:17 presentation [i] 5:5 Rod [i] 4:22 townhomes [i] 8:13 Munns [7] 2:10 4:5,6 previously p] 5:15 roll [z] 3:20 13:9 townhouse [1] 7:9 12:18,21 13:16,17 proceedings [4] 1:6 14:6 ROSE [i] 2:9 Township pi 3:15 15:9,13 Route [z] 3:14 5:10 -N- process [i] 6:17 Roy [z] 5:11 6:5 transcript [i] 15:11 PROCHASKA [is] 2:2 Treasurer [11 2:11 N [z] 2:1,15 3:3,19 4:13 6:24 7:4 8:11 trim [11 7:16 need [2] 8:22 10:17 9:17 10:8,11,22 11:10,14 -S _ true[i] 15:10 needed [1] 10:12 12:13 13:1,4,8 14:2 S [z] 2:1,15 try [z] 5:4 11:24 needing [1] 6:9 produce [1] 8:21 says [z] 7:10 15:5 type [11 6:9 Next [1] 3:3 Professional [i] 15:6 Second pi 3:18 typical p] 7:14 none [z] 7:4 13:4 project [1] 5:2 seconded [s] 3:20 13:7 notation [i] 7:19 property [z] 3:12 5:7 13:9 _U_ note [11 7:10 proposal [z] 5:3 7:2 see [1] 9:18 notes [11 15:11 proposed [z] 5:21 7:8 seeking [11 6:11 under [i] now [1] 4:14 provisions [11 10:21 September [1] 1:9 understand d [ i] 12:10 Unit 3 numbers [11 11:23 public [6] 3:4,4,7 4:14 set [z] 10:13 15:14 4:17 13:5 shorthand [3] 15:6,8,11 United d [s] 1:2 2:18 3:14 -0- PUD [z] 6:14 8:8 show [11 8:21 units ul 8:17,18,19 11:17 unusual al [ purposes [11 7:11 showed[i] 10:12 6: oath [i] 15:5 unusual [i] 6:2 Shown [s] 9:9,12 10:6 off [�] 11:5 up [z] 7:19:23 12:1,15 OFFICES [1] 2:16 -Q- questions pi 6:22 Ohare [io] 2:8 4:7 ,8 six [s] 8:13,17,18 11:18 -V- 12:19 11:13,15,20 12:7,10 13:18 quick vi 11:13 six -unit [s] 5:22 9:2,8 VALERIE [1] 2:7 13:19 one [3] 6:7 7:7 9:17 size [1] 12:24 variations [2] 5:20 6:1 -R- Smith [1] 4:24 vary [3] 7:12,13,21 open [21 7:110:18 R[z] 2:1,15 originally [i] 11:16 someone [1] 4:15 VITOSH [3] 1:815:4,20 R.P.R [i] 1:8 south [i] 5:10 _ raised [11 9:7 southeast [11 3:13 - W - -P ears [6] 2:9 4:9,10 8:12 WANDA [1] 2: P P [s] 2:1,15,15 rather [1] 8:13 Spears [1] 3:12 13:20,21 WHEREOF [11 15:14 P.M[i] 1:9 reason [1] 10:12 ss [1] 15:1 Whole[i] 10:15 pad 121 7:23 9:11 received [2] 9:11 12:5 standard pi 11:4 pads [11 12:9 referred p] 5:8 State [z] 15:1,7 widening [i] paper [1] 8:4 referring [1] 10:5 statement [i] 8:2 WILLIAM [i] 2:11 Paragraph [i] 9:19 Registered [11 15:6 Sticka [12] 2:3 3:17 4:11 willing [2 11:1 :6: p arcel [3] 5:6 6:3,7 4:12 7:7 8:2,10 9:14 10:20 without [2] 5:4 6:9 P remain [i] 6:1 part [1] 8:8 rendering [1] 9:21 13:6522,23 WITNESS [i] 15:14 particular [2] 6:3 8:7 REPORT [1] 1:6 still [z] 6:1 12:18 wondering [i] 7:12 PAUL [1] 2:4 reported [z] 14:6 15:8 Street v] 2:16 wrong [11 8:23 PC [i] 3:7 Reporter [z] 15 :617 subdivision [z] 5:9 6:15 -Y- Pete [1] 4:24 representational [z] submittal [i] 9:13 petitioner [z] 4:16 7:11,13 submitted [4] 8:23,24 Yorkville [s] 1:2 ,10 2:17 petitioners [i] 3:8 representing [1] 4:16 12:2 2:18 3:15 phase [1] 5:18 request [s] 3:9 6:13 10:3 submitting [1] 8:24 piece [i] 8:4 requesting [z] 8:14,17 substantial [z] 9:20 11:3 plan [9] 5:19 6:18 8:8,23 require [i] 5:20 summarize [5] 5:4 9:8,15 10:6,9 11:6 respect [2] 5:20,24 sworn [1] 15:5 Planned[i] 3:10 Depo Court Reporting Service Index Page 2 Naperville, Illinois (630) 983 -0030 /�/ de•l\ � O/ ` � eA� - -.0- �� % O a ®�� sAO ®0 v� a II.e9a ` 'I �! /� /Sreor. a� ®�wo i`o ��ss� � ids � �0��� �i4s� vise ��.e ® v►w ssso���e�w v �w uacasd ®� I : / ®ir°a s �v � �v� � � i�� � �_� .��� s � w o�� � o � w a �� � �_ �...►a� ®� it I. �� /� � 's••u w P O „•uan� ®O •euura 1 �,uwm, A O •uun� f 1,suut d / •auiert a 1,uuier, � � emmr„ ! � ,wn•y � � ,uum, � ®yuun� 1 � �amr a`�\eo.a s.e- eee ••s •se •e• •e• eee eae N• u• ••• e•• a.�.q �,, -,, .a 9�:: 1ZaT! 1r.. �. ��►?+ le,. �1�I_+ l i. �: �. 1Z! I_+ 1���'•. e��I_+ 1r.,:e. �1 I! ti.: :_. ��al+ lo.: �•. r.` �!2+ Pv. � o1�I�1r. �: �. 11�I! li. �:,:. �' t! I!Ii.::_:.�1!!rr:- �.•..•;,e I; °- .�i�.e,i �•.•_a� 1 •• i v a u .a a . •`�c�.•.. I IR «P 1 CIE' 11► °fie j ` 11 I iF o -•. • e.i ►' ►��: UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE eV'111 11.r =•;• n .. q 911'e`e j N- ►<Otis h ► „ Kids Da America/International" .r- I; 11 ► 1 ; °e o Se 18 2004 �I�IIb� WHEREAS, the health and well being of children is our responsibility; and ►a WHEREAS, the safe of our children is a significant concern for parents, °•` °'l / l ' ! 91P ° off: safety P • °Ip�' I` � 111,Ijea ;o:e,Pjl'; ► ,,.,.,�a community leaders and health care givers; and / o - �0 °`� WHEREAS environmental welfare is of universal concern and deserves the ! ; A;o utmost attention; and VA , 1,1 ► °�0,�; I. WI�REAS °:PSI ►,5� <� , if started in childhood, proper health, safety and environmental C =' ► ►d habits can be maintained for a lifetime, producing a valued member of i `11,°ke�; I, society, and enhancing our community, ,ra�,1,i� 6 p p ►1 ��� 1► 'e• i ►1 ► ���� 91P°oe•� f 111 f .� THEREFORE, in recognition of the GG Kids Day America/International 1! , I, 1,►._. Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr., Mayor of the United City of Yorkville on behalf of •_ . ►a i J "r►p A 91�P'a'ei I' City Council and myself, do hereby proclaim the day of Saturday, September eoo 18 2004 as the "Kids Day America/International ". ►� i�`� ey In witness whereof, I have 911 ► °k;•�; ;; hereunto set my hand and seal of ; �, the United City of Yorkville to :;fg, `►'� ►„ ��' '' be affixed this 14th day of September 2004. ° I`P o �r =o' °�1 I / 1 0 � -� 0 °1 / < ► ►om� Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr., Ma� r� ®�; � 4 Q 11 °IPA � I ; 7 ; :.: ; .... t; 0 r e CA . •Q ►Y ®v ° n ° a's� +0�`ive�� +��` are%+ ��•:e%+ ��\. ee�� +�� \••• % +���ee• ®� +��i•e•� + 1r•r� +� 1ee•� +�`ie•��1` . I •m •eeF +� ®�s'.e 0 a o� o .e..,•. 1IL.,.,.,•, e1IL.,.,.,.,. IIL.,•,.,., 1�1.,.,.,.,• lh.,.,.,.,. llt.,.,.,.,• I IL.,.,• ,. ,• l : l�.,•,.,.,. IIL.,.,.,.,• 1I1.,.,. .. , e lh. , . 1 l�.e , . , r. 0 ,►,LS - � �r�a•�OP��a•w.ie.evd�a�s.a �O a.a.`.�sl dos. ev�� •�a•a•aa���tas.o�r ®AOa.a.a�.P10 �. a , a e� P + �`. y . aY ®O�Ya•-Ra�j�aaaab ®��S ®3aes. ►® ' e � �� sa ss►o eaa...a� ea.�.�s+ `i•� s > r � ��` �+ �au. �► �aae� `_ va. � � ►�` ®au.� r�s��ru ®s Oae►•. ��s �a�sa � r���io ���o ��� s ��`0 � spa sus .► � o� 'a � w a �� �® w erivs / ® ®�� ® /�vi.a., _�_ sue_ _id __a_ __�a_v_ _ i ®� ■eeR \ j / ��rr.�._r �� e =���� °�° 're�i v ss° °� �°� ���°s ® son r rw a�a ia� ��0w:�"� u.. °�`:.�.i �� °..0 .v... �I� / / y ro..� o ......�� o <...... ® o <.....�o a <.....�,� o <..as.� ® o o t o o s o r o m• o ®�`� i, 1 °.t/u•t, O yars.�� t yt.�s4 ♦ ytr.ar.er t, t t•.v.r` yY.ar.r� t y �.a.�� O yar.r.v` !� yar.v.�� w yar.�s` s y ®.a.v` s yv.cvs t Ba.ra.ai t0 I ■/ tarue t A ♦ •uum<, A b •nnnr� ®0 °runes ♦ �.ulntr. A O It" °rty ♦ ♦ °,tnnr<, ♦ ♦ •ump• A °unur• A A °urns• ♦ ♦ •nrner• A O W a ss Wnp• 0 0, ui.c® 1 tae e:`;�,:•: 1�T!lP o 1! TA /s > ��1!T!l /.ems_`• � � !T!t /. M on. ? 1 �T!P� ppll`•_, ; ,,,,1 4 11 �; Ot�r, ; e•a• p p ► ► =•' ' UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE �e ►iiaO lll 1 a . d. 11p , Hunting and Fishing Days in the United City of Yorkville 6 1 I �� /�j Huntin g and fishin g have always been an imp ortant art of the American tradition. 0`1p144�'or' While these activities may no longer be necessary for survival as during the earl day s of 1t,i4,1�0'� i Yorkville, they are still relevant today. � o e p 1 1,A k , �R I' ►�'- �, For over 100 ears hunters and anglers have been at the forefront of the - ,�1�_ ► c g r s movement. Not content with vocalizing thei re special k�;�aat r ll ► 4 'Vv�� � they requested p i t- e'oIOOI; fees and taxes on their equipment to pay for wildlife management, habitat restoration and ;•�.o�j 4 p ► Zito 0 , other conservation programs. During that time they raised over $23 billion, now adding .,�_�, ►„ ; 11 1 ► ► some $3.5 million every day. °ao110� �l O lt► -•': '`• eia�l As individuals and through their organizations, hunters and anglers also volunteer ► V "41 countless hours of time for local conservation projects and to raise funds for conservation. 4 o' Over the years, programs financed by hunters and anglers have led to the dramatic .►,r =• :•, comeback of many wildlife species. �110p 11• ' . y0 ' 4 1 4 b�; I would like to take this opportuni to urge all hunters and anglers in Yorkville to I ► ►���, °.�, ; recognize this year's Hunting &Fishing Days observance by inviting a friend, family 1 � ►�.�� I1110 =.; ; member or co- worker to experience the outdoor traditions together and to continue our j; 0 41 1 ►4a;�; i important work in wildlife conservation. d 1iCA =•s, ,• Silver Springs State Fish and Wildlife Area will be hosting the Northern Illinois Hunting and Fishing Days, September 25th and 26th with free hands on activities for all . , i ►, Gi•_•'e� ages from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 m. each da y. g p Y I' k�oVllb r , In recognition of the past conservation achievements of hunters and anglers in our ► area I Arthur F Prochaska, Jr Ma ur . ., Ma of the United City of Yorkville, do hereby ; �, o � l � l p p 4 ip.,plo , I proclaim Saturday and Sunday, September 25th and 26th as Hunting and Fishing Days in it ka r �,,•.:es• the United City of Yorkville. t., - i th �•= X11:, ,I Dated this 14 day of September, 2004, A.D.0���4 I � ► ► �' -1 • �1�► Arthur F. Prochaska Jr. Ma #r ,e_ 1 1 1`ri' v �•� ' �• _ i ,� ®,�l °poi � i :. >t • @ !i. ?e'% i:v:v I1 I '![v:v.0 / l O ev / / � O / � �:ev I j T e i:v:v i / � `\:v.v I / � ® ?v.v.0 � .. `�e=v..'t ►a0• ®r. .r._ !le ��� !l ►L� II �, 1 Z 1 L lIL 1 1I� w v�lra l v'. fll0,� ■■• //1 - ` ■■s I ■■■ I •■• �•H/ �I� 1.■a�,I� �ew•.I 0° Q a a `vuu>a y. 6, �ran ® Iruuul. A ■rnuu }. A fr■uurt A A 4ueur• y. A Inruu• A A 8rnnus ®A •r•rnpl �, A ♦ nr. ■. �1� ®�`�saUiP � BY•Y•si � a•a•i► � B4•Y.�� A ®i•a•6s A Bta•cYS 0 �a•�•A6 �. Bsi•ss � Brst•► � ®.uRVr Q ��aba ■e•r,� ®s -sue ��s �•_ � s �` � _�- r�_,�._- s�..y_.._.._..� a�� r. :�,.r � __ _' � ��� - _ ® �.x ii , ° ��r i O �.u� aur_ �ws - � �� a r�s° ■rns�0a ',I v:n:va- ' `���jsar.l � =e�� ����� �o�� =o � ����i ���_ sr�� i ° � � �d r � � � easv >�� :v I� li ;� / � i �I arum �fp•�•�� si..� �� o� 7.p�i �.v. s►� O •� ►� w vw—�o�:..ir����.o a���oiR.4 ►��o�psv ► O ®� ®w!� �/� qurlq f ♦ p.eunrq f ♦ punuq f `purlrey ♦ ♦ pW nlrq f ♦ }uunrq ♦ ♦ pNUSi• f ♦ puu'pq f 0 pumlie f ♦ prumr• f ♦ pnwsrq f 0 p.lrup4 f t• t H..� \Oddd " aa• ea• aa• ae• ae• aa• asa au asa ses a.aur � , j; ,•.: l /_ -- :;_--Tel /.o ::. !I�l� ::_.�1� r4�. oZ�I�I� . _:t:.t /..�1!��Il.,: <. ���L�P I. e e' 'l /a►_ 1 , ;; w;.eri) I ,lI `I`i'0 • UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE Ywdamatida �; 4 ► :� �e0�le�p�;` ' 1 ¢d! =ads . i;�•��r ��� -�) '!° ' I i14110�� � ` �''I i' 41►�: WHEREAS: The Constitution of the United States of America, the guardian ;`•��a°._e;��bq' .' ' ►i;;` of our liberties, embodies the principles of limited government in a Republic dedicated �- :erill�.I �; .,110 • -a to rule by law; and U. ►„ WHEREAS: September 17, 2004 marks the two hundred seventeenth ►tf►l►li•° ;r�0• , N i anniversary of the framin of the Constitution of the United States of America b the !: Constitutional Convention; and ' �`�i ►'•'��' II `'•.,. 11 1- PIN WHEREAS: It is fittin g and •;.; ii I,:� °e�II proper to accord official recognition tion to this p ro P AF 4 magnificent document and its memorable anniversary, and to the patriotic celebrations m�.',� i I Ii ►' ®'��' i which will commemorate it; and PllO . "'�� WHEREAS: Public Law 915 uarantees the issuin of a roclamation each .:t .� Pt'1'Pia : year by the President of the United States of America designating September 17th ; !,•N14 ; �``I ° .a I' through 23rd as Constitution Week, NOW THEREFORE I Arthur F. Prochaska Jr., by virtue of the authority 4 1 ► �'' vested in me as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville in the State of Illinois do ° w 0 .14P I! 1 '•� i! �� P • � 0 hereby proclaim the week of September 17th through 23rd as CONSTITUTION ' ► j'0 °a.; r' + • 1'414 ' WEEK and ask our citizens to reaffirm the ideals the Framers of the Constitution had 4 + in 1787 by vigilantly protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of �'► ►.e 3 jP ;�ao��,l 1 ► "'" �, i our liberties. �� ►4, r, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of '1'•i=0e� the United City of Yorkville to be affixed this 14th day of September of the year of ��• °•�rl i 1,4 110 0-� our Lord two thousand and four. °• + � o 4N ► Ot0 : " -4.1 5,05; 1 1100 r' ; � �� ' I •" µ �' p':`o�'®"- . +, l Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr., May �•••:� j ' 411 ►04,�� ;' � I` ;o�;;l o :.•.. AT zabe c�� Eli A. 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