City Council Minutes 2004 10-12-04 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, ]KENDALL COUNTY. ILLINOIS, HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 800 GAME FARM ROAD ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2004. Mayor Prochaska called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Clerk Milschewski called the roll. Ward I James Absent Sticka Present Ward II Burd Present Kot Present Ward III Ohare Present Munns Present Ward IV Besco Present Spears Present Also present: City Clerk Milschewski, City Administrator Graff, City Attorney Representative Kelly Kramer, Alternate City Attorney John Wyeth (until 7:20 P.M.), Police Chief Martin, Director of Public Works Dhuse and Executive Director of Parks & Recreation Laura Brown. OUORUM A quorum was established. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Mayor Prochaska welcomed guests and asked those present to enter their name on the attendance sheet provided. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA Alderman Spears asked to move Item 48 — Parks and Maintenance Facility Site Planning from the consent agenda to the regular agenda. This item was placed under the Mayor's Report. COMMITTEE MEETING DATES Public Works Committee 7:00 P.M., Monday, October 25, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Economic Development Committee 7:00 P.M., Thursday, October 21, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Administration Committee 7:00 P.M., Thursday, November 4, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Public Safety Committee 6:30 P.M., Thursday, October 14, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Ad Hoc Technology Committee 7:00 P.M., Monday, October 18, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road PUBLIC HEARINGS PC 200414 Gordon and Marcia Swanson Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to go into public hearing for the purpose of discussing PC 2004 -14 Gordon and Marcia Swanson, petitioners, request to annex to the United City of Yorkville and rezone from Kendall County A -1 Agricultural to United City of Yorkville Estate Class One - family Residence District Planned Unit Development and for hearing as to the Annexation and Planned Unit Development Agreement of Petitioner. The real property consists of approximately 14.49 acres at 3150 A and 6150 C Cannonball Trail, Bristol Township, Kendall County, Illinois. So moved by Alderman Munns; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council - October 12, 2004 - page 2 Please see attached Report of Proceedings taken before Chris Visla, C.S.R from Depo Court Reporting Service for the transcription of this portion of the public hearing. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to close the public hearing. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderman Spears. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Mums -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye CITIZEN COMMENTS None. PRESENTATIONS None. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Hydraulic Avenue Interceptor - Change Order 41 - authorize increase in an amount not to exceed $45,795. 00 and authorize the Mayor to execute 2. Well #7 Wellhouse & Treatment Facility - Change Order #3 - authorize 40 additional days to the contract and authorize Mayor to execute 3. Historical Street Name Nominees - approve William D. Thomas, Lewis C. Riley and Esther F. Riley as historical street name nominees 4. Caledonia Watermain Easement - authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute 5. Resolution 2004 -38 - Countryside Parkway Interceptor - IDOT Highway Permit and Resolution - authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute 6. Water Department Reports for July and August 2004 7. Grande Reserve - Plat of Vacation and Plat of Easement - authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute 8. Grading/Design Fees for Schoppe Design Associates for Riverfront Park - approve in an amount not to exceed $2,500. 00 with expenses 9. Kennedy Road Improvements for 2005 - approve design as presented by EEI 10. Game Farm Road Right -of -way Dedication - authorize the Mayor to execute Smith Engineering agreement in an amount not to exceed $2,098.80 a. Plat of Dedication and Monumentation - East Side United City of Yorkville Lands - $834.40 b. Plat of Dedication and Monumentation - East and West Side Yorkville C.U.S.D 115 - $1274.40 Lands - $834.40 11. Carpet Replacement Bid /Purchase Order - authorize purchase from Tri-State Carpet & Decorating in an amount not to exceed $9, 000 00 12. Drug Testing - Proven. Contract - authorize Mayor to execute Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman Burd. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Ohare -aye, Besco -aye PLANNING COMMISSION/ZONING BOARD OF APPEAL No report. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderman Kot to approve the minutes of the City Council meetings from September 28, 2004, September 14, 2004 and August 24, 2004; seconded by Alderman Mums. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. J BILLS FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderman Kot to approve the paying of the bills listed on the Detailed Board Report dated October 1, 2004 totaling the following amounts: checks in the amount of $1,045,140.47 (vendor); $144,044.56 (payroll period ending 9/18/04) for a total of $1,189,185.03; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — October 12. 2004 - page 3 REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT IMLRMA Safety Award for 2004 Mayor Prochaska reported that the United City of Yorkville received an award from the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association in recognition of an Outstanding Accident Prevention Record with the IMLRMA. Mayor Prochaska stated that this award indicates that the city has very competent and conscientious employees. Appointments to Human Resource Commission and Plan Commission Mayor Prochaska recommended the appointment of Dana. Jones to the Human Resource Commission. She will serve until April 2005. Mayor Prochaska explained that she is an educator and has shown a sincere interest in working with the HRC. This appointment brings the HRC to full stature. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to ratify the appointment. So moved by Alderman Kot; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye Mayor Prochaska recommended the appointment of Charles Kraupner to the Plan Commission. Mr. Kraupner is replacing a current commissioner so he will serve until April 2005. Mayor Prochaska explained that Mr. Kraupner is a fifteen year resident of the City and has attended the Smart Growth Convention in order to prepare for his new position. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to ratify the appointment. So moved by Alderman Kot; seconded by Alderman Spears. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays-0 Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye Make a Difference Day Mayor Prochaska read the proclamation for Make a Difference Day (see attached). He entertained a motion to ratify the proclamation. So moved by Alderman Kot; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. The Salvation Army Golden Diner's Agreement Mayor Prochaska reported that the Salvation Army Golden Diner's Agreement has been reviewed by the Park Board. No changes were recommended so it is basically the same agreement as last year's. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the agreement between the Salvation Army Golden Diner's Nutrition Program and the United City of Yorkville. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman Spears. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye Parks Maintenance Facility Site Planning Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to accept the Park Board's recommendation of Sente- Rubel- Bosman -Lee Architects for the purpose of providing a Parks Maintenance Facility Site Plan. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Alderman Spears questioned the legality of the information the Council received. She stated that the RFP (Request for Proposal) asked for copies of work for no more than two similar projects completed by the firms. She stated that she spoke with one of the firms that submitted an RFP and they submitted more than two projects. She asked if this disqualified them because they did not follow procedures. Her other concern was that Alderman Burd asked if telephone calls discussing the proposals were made after the receipt of the RFP's. She stated that the meeting notes indicate that the two top firms received interview -type phone calls. She stated that she found out that this was not true; the second firm did not receive a follow -up phone call. She stated that Alderman Burd and the City Attorney had suggested that all the firms be called to keep it even. Mayor Prochaska noted that it was previously discussed that if the City Council wanted to further investigate the RFPs from that done by the Park Board, all the firms would have to be contacted. Executive Director of Parks & Recreation Laura Brown stated that the RFP process does not require interviews. She stated that staff met with the two top firms to discuss background The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — October 12. 2004 — pa egc 4 work sites to evaluate the firms work. She indicated that only one other group submitting an RFP asked to meet with staff. There was further discussion regarding a previous conversation at a Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting regarding if the groups were "interviewed" or "met with ". Also discussed was the development of a procedure for the RFP process. Attorney Kramer stated that in regards to receiving more information than requested she felt it did not disqualify them from the process. Alderman Spears stated she spoke with Williams Architects, who informed her that they have been told that the City Council has less than a favorable opinion of them and their services. She stated that she told them she was upset with the way their firm handled the back-up generator and she would keep this in mind every time they are considered for a project. They explained to her that the generator was not their fault but due to the tight budget for the project. They stated that they presented the problem with the back -up generator to staff and were told that the generator the building had at the time was fine. Mayor Prochaska stated that he also spoke with the principals at Williams Architect who were under the assumption that their proposal had come to the City Council without a recommendation from the Park Board. Mayor Prochaska clarified to them that a recommendation was made by the Park Board and he stated that he discussed the generator and other issues with the building build - out with them. There was further discussion regarding the back -up generator. Director Brown explained that the Park Board was not aware of the problems with the build -out or generator when considering the Williams Architects proposal. Their decision was based on the material presented to them. Mayor Prochaska noted that he conveyed this information to the principal of Williams Architects. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Present -1 Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears- present ATTORNEY'S REPORT No report. CITY CLERK'S REPORT No report. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT No report. CITY ADMINISTATOR'S REPORT Kennedy Road Closure Administrator Graff reported that Kennedy Road will be closed October 14, 2004 from 8:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. for utility construction work. It will be open for local traffic only. Hydraulic Avenue Project Administrator Graff reported that the Hydraulic Avenue Project is ahead of schedule in regards to the east portion of the sanitary sewer and watermain relocation. The contractor feels confident that the west side of the project can be completed within a time frame which will allow a binder coat to be added to the roadway this fall. He also reported that no co ntamina ted soils were found so there will be no additional cost for removal of the soil as planned. He noted that an inspector/ flagman from IL RadNet will be present because the construction is close to their rails and they have a requirement that the rails may not disturbed. The inspector will be on site at a rate of $150.00 /day to oversee the project. Auditor Packets Administrator Graff reported that the auditor's packets should be available Friday, October 15, 2004 by 4:00 P.M. He recommended that the Council members pick up their meeting packets until after this time. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mayor Prochaska reported that Director Pleckham was not present because her husband, Police Officer Dan Pleckham, had surgery to remove his transplanted kidney. Chief Martin stated that he will have a two to three week recovery period. Mayor Prochaska expressed his thought for a speedy recovery. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — October 12. 2004 — nage 5 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT Leaf Pick -up Director Dhuse reported that leaf pick -up is scheduled for the week of October 18, 2004. Hydrant Flushing Director Dhuse reported that Hydrant Flushing will begin Sunday, October 17, 2004 on the north side of town and will last for two weeks or until finished. CHIEF OF POLICE REPORT Crossing Guard Chief Martin reported that the crossing guard at Mill Street and Route 126 will begin on October 4, 2004 and an officer has been assigned to Yorkville Intermediate School to help with traffic on Route 126. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION REPORT Director Brown reported that the Forest Preserve District is trying to coordinate an open house at Hoover. They are tentatively looking at October 23, 2004 for the event. Mayor Prochaska inquired about the status of the Riverfront Park structure. Director Brown stated that they have been waiting for the work on Hydraulic Avenue to be completed before this project began and have received the go ahead for the footings for the structure. She stated that the material for the structure is being held and will be delivered to the site when it is ready. Alderman Munns commented that the signs at the Fox Hill Park regarding the use of the field are misleading. He asked for clarification regarding the need for a permit for the park. Director Brown stated that a permit is needed by outside groups for league play or organized activities; residents can use the park without one. She stated that they will be redoing the sign so that it is clearer. COMMUNITY & LIAISON REPORT Character Counts - Alderman Ohare inquired about the Character Counts rally at the schools. Mayor Prochaska stated that the school's rally is Friday, October 15, 2004 and he noted that the pillars of City Hall will be decorated to support the event. Veteran's Commission Office Alderman Ohare stated that she stopped by the Veteran's Commission Office and they told her that next spring the moving wall will be in Yorkville. Library Board Meeting Alderman Sticka reported that he attended the Library Board meeting on October 11, 2004 where a Board member commented on the number of new books purchase and the fact that there is very little space for them. COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT CEC Proposal for Wetland Mitigation Bank Feasibility Study A motion was made by Alderman Besco to approve the CEC Proposal for Wetland Mitigation Bank Feasibility Study subject to identifying funding for the project; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Mayor Prochaska inquired about the funding and noted that a developer has expressed interest in funding the study. Administrator Graff stated that this offer will be discussed further with the developer and the attorneys. He also stated that Finance Director Pleckham is researching alternate funding options such as conservation groups... Alderman Spears asked if this will come before the Council again so that they are made aware of the source of the funding. Mayor Prochaska stated that if it is determined that the funding will come out of the General Fund; it would come back to the Council. Alderman Spears asked what the legal opinion was on the letter received from the Aurora Tri- County Association of Realtors. Attorney Kramer stated that this is a recommendation for a private citizen's group. Administrator Graff stated that he spoke with Sharon Gorrell who wrote the letter and she was under the impression that an ordinance regarding this had already passed. He explained to her that the ordinance was still under review and that the city is following the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers mitigation process. Alderman Spears asked if the estimated cost was for attending two meetings. Attorney Kramer stated that the cost is for the preliminary study or Phase 1 to see if the area qualifies for this. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — October 12, 2004 — page 6 Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye Ohare-aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye Resolution 200439 Standard Specifications for Improvements A motion was made by Alderman Besco to approve a Resolution for the Standard Specifications for Improvements as recommended by the City Engineer; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays-0 Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Ordinance 2004 -54 Amending Landscape Ordinance 2000 -48 A motion was made by Alderman Sticks to approve an Ordinance Amending the Landscape Ordinance Number 2000 -48 as presented; seconded by Alderman Besco. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye Ordinance 2004 -55 Amending Fire Department Development Fees A motion was made by Alderman Sticka to approve an Ordinance approving the Bristol - Kendall Fire District Development Fee Increase as presented; seconded by Alderman Kot. Alderman Sticka noted a Scrivener's error on page 4 of the ordinance; the effective date should be January 2005. Attorney Kramer stated that the date will be corrected. Mayor Prochaska stated that this is a good start to working with the BKFD and this is a good model for other communities. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye Resolution 2004 -40 Approving Final Plat for Fox Hill Unit 7 Pod 10 A motion was made by Alderman Sticks to approve a Resolution approving the Final Plat for Fox Hill Unit 7 Pod 10 subject to final engineering approval by the City Engineer; seconded by Alderman Besco. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT No report. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT No report. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Health Care Costs Alderman Munns noted that he read that health care costs will rise 15% in the year 2005. He asked that the Administration Committee look at the health care cost policy for the city and consider that the employees begin to share in the increase. Alderman Ohare agreed with Alderman Munns that it may be time for the employees to share the burden of the cost. Administrator Graff stated that this item is on the November Administration Committee Agenda. Minute Taker Alderman Spears asked if the minutes and equipment had been retrieved from the minute taker who was no longer if the city's employ. She was advised that the minute taker had returned everything to the city and other minute takers will be typing the missing minutes. Deleted Bill List Item Alderman Spears distributed a Freedom of Information Request (see attached) which asked for details of the type of classes Mrs. Woodrick in the Engineering Department was taking. She noted that the classes where for Business Information Systems and American History. She did not see how American History applied to an Engineering Secretary. Mayor Prochaska stated that he felt that a specific employee is being singled out. He stated that other employees have taken courses that are not necessarily related to their job description in their quest for a degree. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — October 12. 2004 — page 7 Administrator Graff stated that City Engineer Joe Wywrot sent a memo to the Council regarding Mrs. Woodrick's classes. Alderman Spears and other Council members stated they did not receive the memo. She stated that at the previous City Council meeting, it was discussed that she was taking training courses. She stated that she felt all courses should come to the Council for approval. Mayor Prochaska stated that if this is what the Council wants, it would have to include all employees such as the police officers and public work employees. Attorney Kramer stated that further discussion of the subject was not appropriate for additional business. She suggested that this item be sent back to committee or placed on a COW agenda. Mayor Prochaska asked that it be moved to a COW agenda. Alderman Ohare stated that she thought this subject was on the next Administration Committee agenda. Attorney Kramer stated she was not sure if it was on the next agenda but would follow - up on it. ComEd Trail Alderman Sticka noted that the city constructed a sewer line on the ComEd right -of -way (ROW) on the south side of the city. He stated that he understood that eventually a trail would be installed on the ROW. He asked what was needed to get the trail started. Mayor Prochaska stated that the city submitted for a grant to complete the trail however it was denied because the trail did not go anywhere. Alderman Sticka stated that now it goes someplace and could link the new subdivisions to the schools. He also asked that it be investigated to construct the trails out of crushed stone rather than asphalt. Library Signs Alderman Sticka stated that he had signs for the Library Referendum if anyone was interested. Route 47 Meeting Mayor Prochaska stated that after the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) meeting he spoke with Representative Tom Cross who suggested that the mayor meet with Tim Martin, the head of IDOT. Mayor Prochaska stated that he is arranging this meeting and will be presenting a resolution regarding Route 47 to the Council. Alderman Spears stated that she presented Resolution to surrounding communities and hopefully they will be passing them. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to adjourn. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman Munns. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. Meeting adjourned at 8:13 P.M. Minutes submitted by: Jacquelyn Milschewski, City Clerk City of Yorkville, Illinois CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 12, 2004 PLEASE PRINT NAME: ADDRESS rcv" YiN, BIsCII $ r SIGNIN I / pem �_ � _ ®oe�s : ®�� ... <� ����- ae��_ • --- ��� ® ®o - - „ - ....� -i i i I / y p.•Ie - _'a �>,.ss - �a �F AV r s v • •f 1S�Itrlf b`' lflrlrl�♦ Ir1Y1►����1•Ir1r4s��..Irlrljs l tf�♦}• 1. 1[ j�. �•I.I.Ij���lIll.,� `0.1..1j ��1.IC11� ♦�'*P1L\ ® Bp . \�O/ iv \t�/ ii \��/ a6 i� \��/ • i.° \�lf/ • a i� \ • �i� \`f/ ' ii \��/ vu \`�/ .iv.��e��psv .::.eZIPr, r�IP��.... �Z? Pi.>.. oZIPi.:... ��IP�o:...t�Itr.: Ar j:l��� MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY �d4op� Whereas, Make a Difference Day is a day dedicated to community , tee ° ql� 1'11 ►o►s, volunteer work. The Points of Light Foundation and USA Weekend f ' ►, Magazine sponsor this event for citizens who wish to lend a helping hand P�IIOgo�• within their communities on the fourth Saturday of October every year; and /r�� -o `�, ; I �j •Coi I Whereas, this national day of service is regarded as a challenge to citizens of Illinois, as well as the nation, to help those less. fortunate in any ;o ea` ± way they can. Service projects range from building' community centers to e.. 1p ff,Sti ; cleaning up parks; and ♦ ° J 1 Whereas, while almost 50 nationally recognized organizations participate in the day's activities, local organizations as well as individuals on K� °ao,4 �, a►, ►.a =•;< ; their own also participate on a smaller level on any kind of project they wish; p11q and cue ° olb I 4 • eP.r if : i. l ► . e ;:;..a. u it ► 0'Po Whereas Make a Difference Day has inspired many volunteers to `!eQ o`Ild I- 114 --� , I 1 .�-.. ! �� s �1 ► 1; @`.� become more engaged in their communities and bring people of all ' �355f I , '►;, backgrounds together to work for the common g ood of the p eople; and r r i l g g p p t�'@,1'1 I: 114 @ ° 4 4 ►,; :4 i Whereas in Illinois service projects will be ranging from- raisin 1 `� . emergency funds for seniors, to providing teenage mothers with baby giftse' ° f 4 1 ` I I SI ; ; they so desperately need: �'IdIPOe� -; Therefore I Arthur F. Prochaska Jr. Mayor of the City of Yorkville, y,b11i ►• do hereby proclaim October 23, 2004, as MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY 11 ,;,:�,, il'1'Vo•°? and encourage all citizens to make a difference in their own communities in !' !AO@'ll 4114 °, ; ! 11► @ ;,i i any way they can. Ili � q.p -s;,, I . %�o;�i►1 l 1114 °• In Witness Whereof I have set my hand and caused the seal of the City j ;. o °0gllp � `11 ► @f`�� r�s�d41 i ►.► of Yorkville to be affixed this 12th day of October , 2004. r fi ►:•�1 ' rj `�.,d I I.'�� ►; : J'k Arthur F. Procha a, Jr. Mayor of the United City of Yorkville �°ae °0gl�� I p`�,1. @►�: , , y _y _ s ll is :' •.►ass �>s - I 9 pct . - I .. m—:. ��- �m���. �. cl �-- nn.. -..- ...���- �- �._. .•.ffixrs.�_ -�..._ �. _.,i:�.- �:�.J�.,�..�L:. I . ��:i / io: i ,- a�e�� ®�.•`a� // 0 1 \ \e���� 1 \ Y��� / 1 i \,iiv l`j 1 \`Oiv:� 0'j l \�,-elsj /, \�l��.wlfj l o \`6:v.c� ®/ 0 0 \e�'a - .. , t[O�a•. I IIL lI� llL_ ... lIL ... !IL . •.1gL” ... 1IL ... 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'If -you have received this facsimile in error, P" please notify us by tedephane. immediately: -The contents'af this facsimile- tranamission are confidential and 'are not intended for distnbufion or publication' wMout the. sender's prior . written consent - OCT -06 -2004 01:48PM TEL)G30 553 7575 ID) PAGE:001 R =97% Oct 06 2004 1:4GPM City of Yorkville G30- 553 -7575 p < 2 WAU13ONSEE C OMM ' ITY .INVO .. ICE Wa ' ��sR:;+:. �: : <2•¢�6�:.;a;£.....�tb:3.:�,f'�' sxio�?��+�'^"w'i.Mj!s:aE�C 05 -1.8 - 0 s �£ • •'.o a xr i< $<_ .< <fktxFF$Sn #3 }ui�sN . 3 pp��aa���,•�.?:£:�c� m '�x;�Ci ,a'.:.s, •fi ,; $�: . - < "� �: „"�4 ;# ro ? ' Jiff' �. ���`. �'' �°xx SUMMER SEMESTER . 2 0 04 -� •, :.��:� : , • : f MAY BE .USED AS. :tea : - i f • .:,..f £,�� NAUBOMEE COMMUNYTY' .0 > ` OLLEG WOODRICK, JENNIFER L. 1 001 . RE IMANN AVE' Ala . . �.' .. ,.��••� �, .: <e. ��� �{, ] i << 4 f 3> x .. w zc . CH, IL..60548 - 1].66. �5 SAND ' �:�� _'� -... '�'•,'.• Y;'s5 ` vn •x•Ss 3 °• &} :f s' a 3 Y� <: UN H REGISTPULTiOA Cl2EDxT, START.' DATE COURSE TI ^LE HOURS DATE DAYS TIME. LOCATION DATE REFUND _ OSJ14 /09 .CIS110.920 Business Informatio 05/14/04 �ySte $ r � }/1 d�2'r7E 06/18/04 OM -NE HIS121:920 American His A 05/18/04 2 3 r ' (s Ek .•�axar '� •i xF Arl * return nor * - - - -- eturn payment. - PLASE IN VERIFY STUDENT' FORMATION' w a' s£ 1 3 4-74-0225 } II�T�70 I CE * i , a:� »� < (63 0 -63..99.' WN gg w�.:: 5 5 3 sGr.A' p nnifer L." :� ray-: � > < ::.> < .��. '��;�� k>•:!i•F r 1001 Resrn _ - - � ��, •£ �:. andwich a rL 6Ve>": W S SY.w. it% 2ia< ta% u-, .,c.°x ?:k %w7t:x$:: ?Sbki.S:rsKfS -1166" . P] ease enter . amouat of Payuient 3 ay'ment . Method _ :hick or Money Order ( ).• Mastercaxd ( } y'zsa' .( ) Discover ( . } 'OR, CHECI{S I lease' write your social securest number art .s your: receipt. Make -'your check payable toy��FALIOieSEE COMMUNITYcCQLLEGEheck 'OR CREDIT CARDS PLEASR INCLUDE redlt Card. Number (530) 466 -7900 x5705 or x2920 and Expiration Date ame On Car i natu OCT -06 -2004 01:48PM TEL)630 553 7575 ID) PAGE:002 R =97% Oct 06 2004 1:47PM City of Yorkville 630 - 553 -7575 p,3 UNITED - CITY OF Y16R' CVI-LLE To:* Tony Graff, City Administxa r Fraui: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject Tuition Reimbursement for J ' er oodrick . Date: May 12, 2004 Attached .find a memo from Jennifeear Wvoddck requesting reimbursement from the city for classes: related to a- Management degree - she is currently pursuing, The individual class . subjects, such as accounting, communications, project management, etc. would be very helpful in Jennifer's current position, as Engineering Assistant, I recommend that the city help - her in furthering her education. The tuition costs are around $3 800 for FY 04 -05, and $5400 for PY 05 -06. Please place this item o e Administration Cominittee agenda of June 10, -2004 for consideration: Cc:' Traci*Pleckham; Directa ofFinance Jennifer.W'ooddck, Engineering Assistant n T- RP -PRR4 (A1 CWPM TPI )A7R Rcz 757 Tn) PQPPaGG7 P =q7% Oct 06 2004 1:47PM City of Yorkville 630 - 553 -7575 p,4 [���10 U C ©CEO V G' 'V�Q �1QI�LC MEMO Oo oo' GANE ARM HB YOR. "ALL E DL Pan joe WywroC . �D A l E. Monday, April 26, 2004 GCE: Tuition Reimbursement Request Enclosed please find documentation from Franklin University, regarding my continuing education. : At this time, I ani mid -way through. my junior year at Franklin, majoring in Applied Management (foririally titled Technical Management). I have Consistently:MELtained a -4.0 GPA'each year, and graduated Summa Cum Laude from Waubonsee College. Upon completing my first senior trimester at Franklin, I expect to be placed on the President's list for high Honors. . Franklin University, located in Columbus iahio' has,an educational alliance with Waulionsee - Community College, -and I began my degree transfer program in 2002. All junior level required courses are taken through.Wauboneee, at Wa ibonsee's tuition rates. Senior level courses are taken online, directly from.Franklin, at Franklin's tuition rates: This is a very cost - efficient way to earn a. bachelor's degree through air 'accredited university. This degree major will help me optimize my job performance at the City of Yorkville, as - well as " prepare me to take my position to, the next level. Preferably this would include leading a team, and managing projects at the technical level in which I am being trained. A bulleted list of:. graduate skills ie shown on the Applied Management Major description, just above the `Program :Entry Requirements'; and this is a good" good `summation of how I will better serve the City upon earning my bachelor's: degree: I ha been employed, at the City of Yorkville for three years, and ani very enthusiastic about my Job..E wish to further * career, and take more of an active- in project design, evaluation, and implementation. Please consider.-this degree program through the Fra_nklin/Waubonsee alliance for tuition reimbursement. - Thank you. OCT -06 -2004 01:50PM TEL)630 553 7575 ID) PAGE:004 R =97% Oct 06 2004 1:47PM City of Yorkville 630- 553 -7575 p,5 AXAM�lU�tl M- tytrqRtry [fI%IIM" ctwi0t : al mfIIM����Ci.a►a1 Profile. of: 'Franklin University- Frank:ir. University has served. more thin.32,000 alunrd since' make edticatitrnal opportunideswidely accessible through 1902 when itbeganas aYMCF sponsored School of Commerce. M Rex Ne delivery systems, schMules, and sites for credit and University's current President, Dr. Poull6tte, assumed hispoaition non•nedir courses; . in 1966 provideeducationalpro6rarns that i villincrease th p otent i a l of students for employinent or promotion Our m ission Statement offer undegnscluate degree programs and graduate degree FmnklinUniversiq isastudentte ttered, itidependent,regiomal pt�tts,Benetxleducadon, seTvicesandactivitiestoe11 nee institution oflifelong h her education, worhfrttg in pEnnershipwitl' the owdenicand personal development of students; centralMio't business andprofessitmal commutay in a 06-al co stress =Aettce in teaching is the centraleducatio tal mission, The University- provides undergraduate and graduate studerus, IA60 seeking a balance between rheorin arid practirril applications: often work frllorpar. time, both the breadth oflnowledge - andtlhe provide academic reaourcesandsetAces necessary forstudenrs 'r-er- focused applications required of a balanced education, to achieve the lr learning, and persortel objectives, -' The Uttiveraity s affe;irtgs develop the creaNviry, flexibthty and encourage members of the University community to independent_ of t),houghr that. enable learnttt to face challenges wi tb conccibute to planning and decision - making; and confidence. The Univetaitypromotes excellence in machlng and tlhe: aasessobjectives, programs, sgrvicesand activities toasaure use of ipproprfate technology to deliver accessible., innovative, continuous improvement and revponsit-enessto changing '• ntensurablyeffectivelearniig, which intEgMUN theory and application institutional and societalneeda. rut comrn trdry responsive programs. 7 o uLlizc irs mission, Ftnnldin Universiry'anbjeetives are to: . make is possible (or anyone who is a high school gtaduare or whc has due tquivalenteducation to pursue undergraduate college studies and for.those wudr a bachelor's degree fironi e regionallyaocredited instituUottmhd adierqualifications,. such ' es experience and tacademiepotential, to pursue graduate studies re rdless ofrace, age, cofor, gender, disability, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin; '. 66T -06 -2004 01:50PM TEL)63O 553 7575 ID) PACE:OO5 -R =97% Oct 06 2004 1:48PM City of Yorkville 630 - 553 -7575 p Franklin Un•i�ers:it: Community C'o'llege-A111' n t . ce Program # Fran ldin Lin iversity offers bacbelorofscitncedegree •compleJon programs through alliances with community colleges' In the United 1 : . Philosophy States and Canada. Current mniors are, "Z'Y Min of edeetation is the lerrelopment of reflective, cTeadvi • Ao6un'ting' lnfonnationTechtmlogy: responsible thought." t ' AppliedManngeltient Management John Days �.. Busitu�sAdmiiristr;,tion •'Manage,ixntinfotmadonScienas ' CoinpaterScierrre Public5afetyManagemrnt Franklin Univeraity's curriculum and overall design for ii Digital Conin-u]mketion •MisterofbusinessAdministration Community College Alliance Program is based on the latestresearcl• F' Health Care Management Pe"+l0g ical tech niques and aridtogogicaIprincip tea for designing on] ine These completion pro gramsaredesignedtopreparestiidentswidi Interactive, responsive, collaborative, and expanded len' UR appropriate edi (Le., an aastxiate's degree or opportunities 'co be•clelivered to learners at a time, place, and it equivalentcoti rsework) for career opportunities andxdvance rnen[in appropriate formats convenient to the learnera. business aed industry. Tnis philosoOhyasstunes a rnixof ted on an analysi All programsiddresadle needs of adult le arners who wishto ofstudentneeds, content requirements , arid costs.it assumes adeslgi 'expand orenlm ricelbeivedumdonal knowledge .through an online based ana range oftnteraaionsbetween faculty and iWdents, Amon degree program. Franklin Universi*scurriculum forour Community students, and between the student and i broad array of media an, College Alliaiice is de's gned for students who are self motivated and. odrerlearning resoumes, includingmtrrentcontent expects, real work .. goal- drhtn, who also possess a high degree afin[riative and maturity to pro4iem solving, anisf collaborative work groups, Designing with thes benefit from the leacnercentered programs. F ankIIn University is types dialogues in mind ensures that the :cachirig and leartun, accredit edbyThelllgherLoam ,ttgCommissionofdieNorthCent -at experience is anactlive and catlaborntiveone. 'Association of Colleges and Schools, whichhasauthoitaed Franklin CJ°Od teacluisstlnstilaae, encourage ,guideandclrallengesaudenta toof krcompleted* ee programs through dlsta Lice deliverymed -tods. C' oodstutientserementxlly active, lnvolvtd,andexperimentin th ineCommiinityCollegeAlllance Program provides o real world. Franklin Unlversity s curriculum is designed to create th. ppottuegreik ea periences needed to build knowledge, � i . for students rat two-year colleges to complete dieirlrache[or's degtze � @e, Ppecdve, and wntpasaiot 'without leaving their local community. Studentb complete their andallows- sn todo Itwhetnandwheretheythoosc. - I nasoclaCeS d egree plus approx:maoe 24 aemesfer credit hours of preparation ( fromtheirlocalcommunityc Design P df1Cip leS Studentsalsocompleteaminimuus of40sememt credits ofbachblot's Curriculum deisignfor our alllence program is based-oir thew degreecompletion cDuties onllnefrom Frtinkiln University. principles, The core of education is dialogue and interaction, ant "Mraughout'the publication, "toarmutiity college" referi to rommunitr, balaircing the use of dre followu'kg three dialogues— factrlry tc techntcnl and ot hertwoyeariatdtution's, student, student to student, and student to raoL, : proiao tea an effective learning experience. P'rogr'am Objectives The latest learning re'search industry'eertifica I ' • FianklinUnivetsity' scunlculumleadingto 'thebachetorofsden •. standards are used to enaure that learning is or degree is intended to help the sa+dent a.hieve the.following gen eral outcomes approprinte do atuclent, Industry And societnl needs _ :vbJectives The program draws upon virlous advisory committees tc an understanding of theactivitle'sthatcone thelrchosen provide feedback aboutskillsthitgraduates need httheir profession and Cat riaci lee runlet n the administration evetydaywork. In this way, the program stays up•oatlatewitl i, ofthmeactivitir:; p g the 6r the ability to t:aink logically nrrd analytically about the kind Avarietyof lenrningactivities and interac Toni ire strategically of complex problems encountered in - their profession and integrated the Curriculum tobuildakills appropriate lot how to deal w-.th theist npproprLntely; eacAstudent. and to'buiid relationships within the learn lag facility in the arts tied skills o;' leadeiship, teamwork and community. co : Courses use multiple coinmuntcatlon medlas to enable and 1% ..a comprehension of human intertelationships.lnvol'verl in: encourage active. and collaborative learning. These mediae ahorganization Inciuder•audla, ernail,.[nterriet, online serninars, awareness of thisocial and ethical responsibilities inherent Chat rooms, ibulletin boards, streaming video, ['over Point, in modernsotiety; and animation, white board, etc. ski lls in the arcof hfeloig learning that will help the student - condnue learning 6. OCT -06 -2004 01:51PM TEL)630 553 7575 ID) PAGE :006 R =97: I Oct OG 2004 1:49PM City of Yorkville G30- 553 -7575 lo,7 applied Ivlanagerriertt tvtajor _ (FOffnal)y Technical Management) (124 serneste.r credit hours 'rograrri Chair L6rry Palur, M.S. Ed..' Eoono • Introduction ro Databases ' ,4pplied Managetnent7so degree completion program designed '` ' ln:roducrion to Spreadsheets to cac,plement the exisfing technical skijlsof an individual to inclade General Education Elective (4 semester hours) general lnowledge, commw,fea Ion skillsand application for business. and leadership practices."flternajorwill acceptsttidentswho have the 73uBiness Core equivalent of an associate's degree, Including 14 semester cr4rs of Below is a sample of courses that should be taken at a student's courses in a defined rechnlcaldlsciplinefrornall ,2mredlteeinsuiarion. comrn Below college to of a tsho l University's required The major uffersaconrbinarionof business and managerialcou -ses gus1t1ess Core. that provide thes rod ent with the Fbility to apply management skills to FinondniAccounting their area 0f0- pe'rdae. Applied Managemencakills 9re applicable in a Businessuw Wide variety of busiiress, technlcalandmnnufaeturingorganlzatioils: Marketing . luatea with a degree in Alsplled Managementwlll:- � ]vlatragement - • desi gn and prepare colnprehensiva reporns.ayr:d support 'documentation; AppliedlVianageurentAren j understand drenaditions and culturesoffello w�employeest' ' ( edMona'geme s) ' • - perform statistical evaluation ofquontifiable data; 24 scniesrer txedit hours in an apptxwed applied maliagement aliplp basic accounting and fiscal management pf inciples; discipline. • conduct etfecrivebusiness and deparrmental rr.eerings and' foster group consensus; . Electives • apply Principles ofma technical peraotntel; Stu dents needingelectives for die cvmpletioi m ipfthet2gseester • t c es: nagerialprobleni ider tificodenandsoh�ing . credit hours ofabachelor' s degree (whichlnclu m des4Dseesteretedit tedtntques; and hours oeonline courses from Franklin Uri ivereiiy) mays elect electives provide rnanagemetic and leacl�rahip hi tluirfield afexpEriae " identified for their program of sa+dy. Conraetyoar S tudent Services Associate (SSA)for more itiforma,ti . on. Program Entry Requirements F: All studetirs seeking F. baclielor of science *degree chrough•the COfTIiDi @tlOrl COUI5e5 Conlmun" alleVAllianceProgramofFtankhplJniversityftrscmust AOsEme5terCredit hours. hold at tacsocl degree hom a regionally accredited insdrudon OR have arninimumof60 semester credit houre /90quartercmdlthours from.Franklin University with a 23 GPAand a.lrigh school diplonna or GED. All professional Tl Completion Courses from Franklin University art r,fEered foundations e_td major cotr9es must be completed th' ough Franklin " OmPlenelYohlineNany studentasVlll choose to take the Cortpletion . University. Courses at the same iime they are taking Bridge Courses from their Studentswho do not.heve an associate's-degree in iii approved commubity college (depending on the prerequlslte's). , teAnic l d lsdpline sre eligible candidates for dr6 Applied Management program upon completionof2-Leemes' ter -hdun ofapplied techno:ogy. Profeasiorud Fuuudatious instruction ssapproved by the Applied Managetnenr Program Chair (12 credit hams}' ' and the appropriate Associate Dean. - PF 302 ' ` Applied Re senrch Met :hods (4) Gk1 PF 304 Strategleq for Motivarlon (4) PF 305 G1obelCu1tures(4)•- grldge COUfSeS,` • ' PF 310 • ' Effective Presentntloiral Co (2) taken at your community college 3Z1 LeRrnii gSnacegies(2) Fot eadicommuniry college, acunicul'um'guide isava,la6le to .. show students exactly which courses, by name and course number, Major Core must be rake n at the commwi lty college. (20 ctrti it hours)" A minimum 2.25 GPA is required in the major nren, and.each ' Gcueral Edui scion. '.: " major course must I completed with s grade "C" or better to count The following courses are required at the student's dommuriky toward degree requiremerire: college uuless the ywi ::epreriouslpcompleted throughLiberalAris and Sciences requirements: ., AMGT 330 Applied Busiuesi systems (4) • . English (Fomrerry 7MGT336) • Busi essorTechnicnIVricing !Speech AN(GT 490 .. Projzct m Manaaeer,t(4) ' • - � .. .. • "':. (Formerly T1vlGT490)' .. - - • St rustics .. " AMGT 495 ' Applied Management Capstone (4) • OneSocial /BehaviocaiScienre Course " (FormerlyTMGT495)• ` Qt,eSclence Course . BSAD 320. Dichion Making and Problem 5oly W90) OneHuma -L :ties COLirse : AWorArea Elective (choose &SAD 325 : ' or* witiond Behavior (4) BSAD 460 OtganiaPtional Policy and Ethirs (4). BSAD 495 Business Administmti�n Capstone (4) i, OLM 320 odership; Theory (c) UuivetsiLV Electives (e credit hours) ' 5eleaan additional B hoi:ra fmm any Franklin University course 5ering 0D or 4DOlovel. Additional Major o art the 3 Area Electives arc 'B�. � ti N r sy��Y.•�`�_u.Y_ +:�L :�n.,.._e._gi?,a% __r_.-- .s+-. ."�. e� •..:nF �' ... ..Ie:t 1...: �.;.i........:.... CCA 1..:. .,•l. _.— ..at —...- ,. _ _........._. r`1 T- GIP -PMR4 M1 RPPM .; • TPI WF 91 • r,c - .7 7r,7r, Till PAf F laGt7 �� R Oct 06 2004 1:49PM City of Yorkville 630- 553 -7575 p,$ JUNIOR YEAR General Edi c afian Bri ge Qou rses . Hrs Tuition Statistics 3 $1.62.00 Science 3 or 4 $162 or $216 Humanities (chose historW 3. $162.00' Database or Spreadsheets (chose database) 3 $162.00• One additional course of choice 3 :$162.00. . Total: $810 or $864 Business Core Bridge Courses , . ... Semi - Tuit Financial Accounting 3 ' $16 . 2.00. Principles of Management . 3 • $162.00 Principles of Marketirg . 3 $162.00 Business Law. - 3 $162.00 Total Jr. Yr Total: $648.00 51458/$1512 SENIOR YEAR- Pr s-sional F olindation s Cnurses , :: Sern F i1,� .Tu'tion Applied �essarch Methods or.Strategies for Motivation 4 $896 ;00 Global Cultures 4 $896.OQ Effective Presentatlonal Communications 2 S448 Total: $2,240.00 . Major Area o , rses - .. Sem. Hrs . Tuition -' ' Business Decislons and Policy Issues., 4 $896.00 Applied Business Systems 4 . $896.00 Project Management .4 $896.00 Applied Management Capstone 4 $896.00 Total: '$3,584.00 . niy - Y El Tuition : Any course at the 300 & 400 course level' .4. $896.00 Any course-,at the 300 or 400 course level :.4 . $896,0o .. Total Sr. Yr Total:.' $4;792.00 $7,616.00 OCT -06 -2804 01:52PM TEL]630 553 7575 ID) PAGE:009 R =97%