City Council Minutes 2004 10-26-04 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, ]KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 800 GAME FARM ROAD ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2004. Mayor Prochaska called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Clerk Milschewski called the roll. Ward I James Absent Sticka Present Ward 11 Burd Present Kot Present Ward III Ohare Present Munns Absent Ward IV Besco Present Spears Present Also present: City Clerk Milschewski, City Treasurer Powell, City Administrator Graff, City Attorney Representative Kelly Kramer, Police Chief Martin, Director of Public Works Dhuse, Finance Director Pleckham, and Executive Director of Parks & Recreation Laura Brown. OUORUM A quorum was established. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Mayor Prochaska welcomed guests and asked those present to enter their name on the attendance sheet provided. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA City Clerk Milschewski noted that the correct dates for the Minutes for Approval were July 20, 2004 and March 16, 2004. She stated that the incorrect date was on the March 16'' minutes. Mayor Prochaska asked to add a Presentation by the Moose Lodge 2371 to the agenda after the Committee Meeting Dates. COMMITTEE MEETING DATES Public Works Committee 7:00 P.M., Monday, November 22, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Economic Development Committee 7:00 P.M., Thursday, November 18, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Administration Committee 7:00 P.M., Thursday, November 4, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Public Safety Committee 6:30 P.M., Monday, November 15, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Ad Hoc Technology Committee To Be Announced PRESENTATIONS Representatives from Moose Lodge 2371 and the Yorkville Women of the Moose — Chapter 2017 presented the Police Department with a check for $1500.00 for use on the K -9 dog run and for equipment for the K -9 squad. Mayor Prochaska and Chief Martin thanked them for the donation. PUBLIC HEARINGS PC 2004 -16 Saravanos Properties Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to go into public hearing for the purpose of discussing PC 2004 -16 Saravanos Properties, LLC, petitioners, request to annex to the United City of Yorkville and rezone from Kendall County A -1 Agricultural to United City of Yorkville B -3 Service Business District and for hearing as to the Annexation Agreement of Petitioner. The real property The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — October Z6, 2004 - nage 2 consists of approximately 2 acres at 7131 Route 47, Kendall Township, Kendall County, Illinois. So moved by Alderman Kot; seconded by Alderman Besco. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays-0 Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye Please see attached Report of Proceedings taken before Chris Visla, C.SRR from Depo Court Reporting Service for the transcription of this portion of the public hearing. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to close the public hearing. So moved by Alderman Spears; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye CITIZEN COMMENTS Lois Seaton, 3123 Bristol Ridge Road addressed the Council. She presented the Council with two petitions; one opposing the Autumn Creek Development Concept Plan and the other requesting noise and construction time ordinances for all development within the City limits (see attached). She also read a letter dated October 25, 2004 listing her objections and concerns about the Autumn Creek Development (see attached). CONSENT AGENDA 1. Resolution 2004 -41— Declaring Official Intent for Rob Roy Creek Interceptor - authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute authorizing the issuance of bonds to finance this project in an amount not to exceed $20, 000, 000.00. 2. Smith Engineering Proposal/Agreement for Traffic Impact & Intersection Design Study for Routes 47 and Wheaton Avenue — authorize Mayor to execute in an amount not to exceed $32,250. 00 upon receiving deposit from FE Wheaton 3. Fourth Annual Tri-City Challenge Sponsorship - authorize cash donation in an amount not to exceed $250.00, use of Park & Riverfront Shelter and Public Relations/Media spots through the City's paid advertisements. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. So moved by Alderman Kct; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Ohare -aye, Besco -aye PLANNING COMMISSIONIZONING BOARD OF APPEAL No report. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderman Ohare to approve the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meetings from July 20, 2004 and the amended date of March 16, 2004; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. BILLS FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderman Ohare to approve the paying of the bills listed on the Detailed Board Report dated October 15, 2004 totaling the following amounts: checks in the amount of $1,714,393.49 (vendor); $140,003.24 (payroll period endingl0 /02/04) for atotal of $1,854,396.73; seconded by Alderman Burd. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays-0 Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT FY 2003/2004 Audit Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to accept the Audit Report for fiscal year 2003/2004 (FY 03/04) as prepared and presented by PTW Accountants and Management Consultants. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderman Burd. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — October 26, 2004 - page 3 PNA Sanitary Utility Easement Agreement Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Grant of Sanitary Sewer Easement Agreement for the Rob Roy Creek Sanitary Sewer Project between the United City of Yorkville, the Youth Camp Association of Districts 12 and 13 Polish National Alliance (PNA) and the Yorkville - Bristol Sanitary District as presented and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents as recommended by the City Attorney. Mayor Prochaska asked if the motion should be subject to the determination of funding. Attorney Kramer stated that it wasn't necessary to have the motion state this. She also noted that the PNA has verbally agreed to the easement however has not signed the agreement yet. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye Conover/Fisher Sanitary Utility Easement Agreement Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Grant of Sanitary Sewer Easement Agreement for the Rob Roy Creek Sanitary Sewer Project between the United City of Yorkville, Gary L. Conover, Delores C. Lies, Gail Fisher and Diane J. Conover and the Yorkville - Bristol Sanitary District as presented and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents as recommended by the City Attorney. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Attorney Kramer noted that the Fisher /Conover family has executed the documents and minor revisions suggested by their attorney were made. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays-0 Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Ohare -aye Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Finance Plan for Master Facilities Plan Mayor Prochaska reported that at the recommendation of the Council, the Finance Director and City Treasurer have made a recommendation as to the funding for the project. If the funds are available after the budget is revised mid -year, they will be allocated to the project. He also noted that the audit indicated that there is a large sum in the General Fund that is above the recommended 25% overage and it has been recommended to direct those funds to this project. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the finance plan of $60,000.00 to be funded this fiscal year either with current revenue sources and/or fund balance and the remainder of the payment to be funded next fiscal year for the Master Facility Plan with the firm of Yas/Fischel and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement upon final legal review by the City Attorney and financial review by the City Treasurer. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Alderman Ohare noted that she was reviewing her notes regarding the study and one concern that was discussed was that Yas/Fischel needed to look more into their planning of Parks & Recreation. She stated that even though this was not related to the motion, she wanted the Council and Executive Director of Parks & Recreation Laura Brown to remember this and address it when the study is being done. Alderman Sticka stated that the letter the Council received from Director Pleckham dated October 22, 2004 stated that there are fund balances in excess of the 25% goal. He asked if after funds were allocated to this study, would there still be an overage of 25% in these accounts. Treasurer Powell clarified that the funds will still have a 25% excess. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Kot -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye Resolution 2004 -42 Route 47 Improvements Mayor Prochaska stated that the resolution was revised based on the Council's recommendations. He read Resolution 2004 -42 - Resolution to the Illinois Department of Transportation Concerning Illinois State Route 47 (see attached). Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve a Resolution to the Illinois Department of Transportation concerning Illinois State Route 47 as presented by the Mayor. So moved by Alderman Kot; seconded by Alderman Besco. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — October 26, 2004 — nage 4 He stated that the resolution will be sent to all elected officials in the area, the Governor's office, both federal and state representatives, IDOT and the Department of Economic Opportunity. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays-0 Kot -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye ATTORNEY'S REPORT No report. CITY CLERK'S REPORT No report. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT Treasurer Powell reported that the Annual Treasurer's Account for fiscal year 2003/2004 is scheduled to be published in the Kendall County Record on October 28, 2004. Furthermore, the report has been filed with the Municipal Clerk's office and a copy will be filed this week with the Kendall County Clerk's office as required by law within six months after the end of the fiscal year. CITY ADMIIVISTATOR'S REPORT Administrator Graff reported that the cold patch should be removed on Kennedy Road where the storm drains were installed and the hot patch installed, weather permitting. He stated that ComEd has finished their relocation of utility poles and the other utilities in the area should be done by the end of the week. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT No report. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT Director Dhuse reported that brush pick -up scheduled for this week was already finished, He stated that the last leaf pick -up is scheduled the week of November 15, 2004. He reminded citizens to leave the leaves in the parkway and noted that the new vacuum is working great. CHIEF OF POLICE REPORT Chief Martin noted that Halloween is Sunday and the hours for trick -or- treating are 4:00 to 7:00 P.M. He also reported that the business trick -or- treating is scheduled for Saturday and asked residents to drive safely. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF PARKS &RECREATION REPORT Director Brown reported that the Halloween Egg Hunt is scheduled for Saturday, October 30, 2004 at 7:00 P.M. at Town Square Park. Mayor Prochaska noted that the River's Edge Park is finished and Director Brown stated that everything has been installed except two park benches. She stated that the park is very active and drawing crowds. COMMUNITY & LIAISON REPORT YEDC Annual Meeting Mayor Prochaska reported that he and Aldermen Sticka and Burd attended the Yorkville Economic Development Corporation Annual Meeting. He reported that the guest speaker was Jack Lavin from the Department of Economic Opportunity and the event was well attended. Aurora Area Convention and Visitors Bureau (AACVB) Poker Run Mayor Prochaska reported that he and Alderman Burd will be attending the Poker Run sponsored by the AACVB on October 27, 2004 at 5:30 P.M. Alderman Burd noted that she had one ticket left if anyone was interested in attending. COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT Heartland Circle— Johnson Street Watermain Sanitary Sewer - Reimbursement A motion was made by Alderman Besco to approve the reimbursement for the first payment of $36,023.35 for the Johnson Street Watermain project to Richard Marker & Associates; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays-0 Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye Kot -aye, The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — October 26, 2004 — nage 5 Rob Roy Creek Interceptor- Results of Bid Opening Attorney Kramer stated that finther discussion was needed with the YBSD regarding the bid documents and she asked that this item be continued until the next City Council meeting. A motion was made by Alderman Besco to continue the approval of the base bid for the Rob Roy Creek Interceptor until the next City Council meeting; seconded by Alderman Surd. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays-0 Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye Rob Roy Creek Interceptor — Use of Reserve Funds A motion was made by Alderman Besco to approve the use of Sanitary Sewer Improvement reserve fund for payment of the Rob Roy Creek Interceptor Project Contract 1 as bridge financing for the project; seconded by Alderman Spears. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Sticka. -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Ordinance 2004 -56 Villas at the Preserve Authorizing the Execution of the Annexation and Planned Unit Agreement A motion was made by Alderman Sticka to approve an Ordinance authorizing the execution of an Annexation and Planned Unit Development Agreement of Burnside Construction Company and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents; seconded by Alderman Besco. Alderman Sticka noted that it had been ascertained that the developer was going to pay the $1,000.00/home fee to the Bristol - Kendall Fire District however the agreement he reviewed still indicated only $300.00/home. Attorney Kramer noted that the $1000.00 fee is in the executed copy of the agreement. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Ohare -aye, Prochaska -aye Ordinance 2004 -57 Villas at the Preserve - Annexation A motion was made by Alderman Sticka to approve an Ordinance annexing properties of Conifer Group, LLC to the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois; seconded by Alderman Besco. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays-0 Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye Villas at the Preserve - Consent to Creation of SSA Per Attorney Kramer, no vote was needed for the consent to create the SSA because this is addressed in the Enabling Ordinance. She stated that both the owner and the developer have consented to the creation of the SSA. Ordinance 2004 -58 Villas at the Preserve Enabling the Creation of Special Service Tax Area A motion was made by Alderman Sticka to approve the enabling Ordinance to create the Special Service Area for Conifer Group, LLC; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays-0 Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye Ordinance 2004 -59 Villas at the Preserve - Establishing Special Service Tax Area A motion was made by to approve an Ordinance establishing a Special Service Tax Area for the Villas at the Preserve Subdivision; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Kot -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT No report. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — October 26. 2004 — nage 6 ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT Recreation Supervisor New Hire A motion was made by Alderman Ohare to approve the hiring of a Recreation Supervisor as presented by the Executive Director of Parks & Recreation and recommended by the Park and Recreation Board and to authorize the use of fund balance to be transferred to the Recreation line items in the amount of $17,500.00 Employee Salaries, $1,800.00 ]MRF and $1,350.00 Social Security for a total transfer of $20,650.00 of Fund Balance; so moved by Alderman Kot. Alderman Spears noted that on the Park Board meeting agenda for October 25, 2004 there was an item "Recreation Supervisor — Tim Evans" and she asked if this was the person who was being recommended for hire. Director Brown stated that there wasn't a quorum at the meeting so it was cancelled however this is the person who has been recommended providing the position is approved. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -5 Nays -1 Kot -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -nay, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye Ordinance 2004 -60 SSA 2004 -104 Grande Reserve Central — Fixed Rate Bond Ordinance A motion was made by Alderman Ohare to approve an Ordinance amending Ordinance Number 2004 -49 (An Ordinance Establishing United City of Yorkville Special Service Area Number 2004 -104, Central Grande Reserve) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -5 Nays -0 Present -1 Ohare -aye, Spears- present, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye Ordinance 2004 -61 SSA 2004104 Grande Reserve Central — Fixed Rate Trust Indenture A motion was made by Alderman Ohare to approve an Ordinance providing for issuance of United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois Special Service Area 2004 -104 Central Grande Reserve Special Tax Bonds, Series 2004 not to exceed $14,000,000.00 principal amount and to authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, City Treasurer, City Attorney and Finance Director to execute all documents as recommended by the City's Special Service Area professional team of consultants; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -5 Nays -0 Present -1 Ohare -aye, Spears - present, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye Resolution 200443 Intent for Raintree Village Phase II SSA A motion was made by Alderman Ohare to approve a Resolution declaring Official Intent of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois for Raintree Village Phase H Special Service Area; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -5 Nays -0 Present -1 Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Ohare-aye ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Road Medians Alderman Sticka stated that recently some residents have come before the Council stating that there are no roads in Kendall County that were two lanes separated by a median. He stated that he drove through Raintree Village and there is a long stretch with this type of road and it was very nice to drive along. He also commented that he did not think that the Council will ever again have a resident come before them requesting a wider road in front of their house. Pat Summerall Productions _ Alderman Spears stated that she is still requesting a list of contributors to the Pat Summerall Productions Project. Both Mayor Prochaska and Alderman Ohare stated that the final list had been given to the Council. Mayor Prochaska stated he would get another copy to Alderman Spears. Ward Map Alderman Spears asked if the Council would be receiving the Ward Map indicating subdivisions as she requested. Mayor Prochaska stated that he spoke with City Engineer Joe Wywrot and he is working on the map however he has an issue because they have received a new base map from Kendall County. Mayor Prochaska stated that he asked that the ward map be made a priority. SSA Information Alderman Besco stated that he recently asked for information regarding SSA's and was told that no studies have been done regarding them. He stated that he recently heard on the radio about a The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council — October 26, 2004 — nab study that was done on how many times a deer defecates in a day. He stated that SSA's have been around for ten years however there are no statistics on them but studies have been done on deer defecation. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the purchase or lease of real property for the use ofthe public body. He asked that City Clerk Milschewski, City Treasurer Powell, Administrator Graff and Attorney Kelly Kramer be included. He stated action may be taken after the session. So moved by Alderman Kot; seconded by Alderman Besco. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Ohare -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye The Council took a break and entered into Executive Session at 8:05 P.M. The Council returned to regular session at 8:26 P.M. No further action was taken. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to adjourn. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. Meeting adjourned at 8:27 P.M. Minutes submitted by: Jacquelyn Milschewski, City Clerk City of Yorkville, Illinois CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 26, 2004 PLEASE PRINT NAME: ADDRESS: CO ploo7z'I 334 I ra j t 5� y LA/ i �miTp �f / /)nsj yodvi dac,k ecck y"'lle 5 ha /`0 A l eck SIGNIN u &Voe? /5r- D- �v I CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 26, 2004 PLEASE PRINT NAME: ADDRESS: Imo' ry <)Dnes �I i SIGNIN F = fj t \ - rte i I I We, The Undersigned Area Residents, Oppose The AUTUMN CREEK DEVELOPMENT Concept Plans in Bristol Township. Print Name Signature Address �,.O 1 S & b >v k d �o�3 &Z Is % be— C - KD �/ / V, 3) v3 13 s r-� 2. r a � _eA4a ✓t 1 by 14� hl 0u y V' 1 e v 3. n �� N k T l7 4. L r4KC ✓I 5. l- I FNL I / 7.r�v1C I 9 D,.A, ,)A m Ay 10. C� J - 1j /I 12. 6h6 h) t 13. /CktOLP7 YuLketdO-L � 14. cA r 15. f ` I r C , a 1 We, The Undersigned Area Residents, Oppose The AUTUMN CREEK DEVELOPMENT Concept Plans in Bristol Township. Print Name Signature Address 7 / L 1 . M�Ckow I 3 �/Y�a� S /�.4eUi a y`r 4. �OILwAE\ �'�e l mil, x►1�..� c%"e—cc.s lj on 5.� S xx 8. 9 � / - J'� 0 ma c - L4 11. (en Q7" trseo 12• C � ,�oN ��A-cl� ,��`�` —J� �a 13: Cv6(� E ifV-WC /' C -ez- � 14. SY 5 /� a I We, The Undersigned Area Residents, Oppose The AUTUMN CREEK DEVELOPMENT Concept Plans in Bristol Township. Print Name Signature Address I a� Z 6 1. NY � 2. ZY n S c h m, at c� --�-� Aue- 3. 012-- 4. 1 4`7 lil s. f3 6. a �A 7. 2 k A 8. � y�J� 5 _ C fs'J/74 Le H � 9 11109 %1. - Z h fIGQ r 9" ten ,,,/ 11.E 12. 15. Re( f a S rcrrs� 16 i leGt reh 1 s We, The Undersigned Area Residents, Oppose The AUTUMN CREEK DEVELOPMENT Concept Plans in Bristol Township. i Print Name Signature Address 2 � 2 3. v\ 2 S-f 4.jogl -TAT N 5. 1 7. i � 10. �1Y'IS J 3 �� r� l�u�� o r 13. 'FVt9,t l y 14. �� f' /' l L . IJcl �7� �Gt / ` � y 7 � 15. l; I G� I va f� --; 16. i We, The Undersigned Area Residents, Oppose The AUTUMN CREEK I DEVELOPMENT Concept Plans in Bristol Township. i I Print Name Signature Address 2. e 0 vJJ Cd C7 c) e Al e l _ 4. C 4 ��r r7+ V I T - oa s 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 i5 w aSAcjl' 10. s w 11. 3a C#RI5 r / Cx). 12. 13. ��02�if? sCo�e; %cl .� / /�CL✓l��(1 14. �/G A20 �Gfl c7�L 15. 161-�� {til�c7jZ�� I 1 We, The Undersigned Area Residents, Oppose The AUTUMN CREEK DEVELOPMENT Concept Plans in Bristol Township. Print Name Signature Address 1. �i r►'S 63 J 2. Oo� /`C tcc-s C1111 �LJt Aj l� "rr j 7 COW ( eg- �� / 3 0U/ 60e/ SToc. P%06,--, 9 U-C $;�'Nahr�e'� �iicC may- - 71 33za C OA4c-L�7\j ,e 13 roLh f'1 S �'Y' VM i r We, The Undersigned Area Residents, Oppose The AUTUMN CREEK DEVELOPMENT Concept Plans in Bristol Township. Print Name Signature Address 3. 4. 5e el r c1� fJ�r � e ie L/ we 6. 7. _ e !� 9 ` `�e�. a re ��-� Ito i 10. xaumo D.A4144 Kos k ►" I5 to � 7 11. � ���• � � � � � � � �,�r�uicE` i 12. PA L �,�— le) �° 1 13. J � (A 14. r 15.5 16. M"A-6 i I li We, The Undersigned Area Residents, Oppose The AUTUMN CREEK DEVELOPMENT Concept Plans in Bristol Township. i Print Name Signature Address 1. e4r" 5 +�� ��,.L � ��{ C �f �f� �' k�., A j 2. L/��. 2 . 3. Y1 cA"n VI IS c 1. �,Y, S �' ��.r k �• G v� c 71 115 ��21STpL ��� 4. T V fl N LJ IZ )CM N (�vl 5. i 6. I + 7. 8. 9 j 10. 11. 12. I I 13. I 14. � 1 s. 16. i I i P G) I I FC-,, TI i We, The Undersigned Area Residents, Request That The City of Yorkville Provide NOISE AND CONSTRUCTION TIME j ORDINANCES For All Development Within The City Limits. Print Name Signature Address 1. I IS SR% F 2. 9- ri D S �� TDB �p 3. 4. 6. -Nc 7•G' aurl�a CL g,< 'e /t s. G L IMF �2 �c'� F H�= acs L��� ✓�w D6L- e Y man Y1 9 10. &2,v keLf4t 11'. 12.E f} N N E y - v/ 14. To t � �K15 G K) 1�-� '7 d L z LL.�A -�v y a re Kv s LG� r� 6 r o rtfi f S t 15. ,b i We, The Undersigned Area Residents, Request That The City of Yorkville Provide NOISE AND CONSTRUCTION TIME ORDINANCES For All Development Within The City Limits. Print Name Signature Address 'Mall 3. �l.J f �'d'YI �2 �Z � �i k A r 4. ,! J r cjL — -�/ Lf Mal Kv I 1 � 9 VK 6. 8. ��Ur�nnt � ��2�rn �� � �.���,.°`� 3 •� l-. A���,c w �(2 3,- ' 7 - - 1 - �elll O&J 11. z /,l) D 76 7fi 6;, Ap o--v e — �14&' 12. 1Qo 6&W 13: S sow 15. h �� r i We, The Undersigned Area Residents, Request That The City of Yorkville Provide NOISE AND CONSTRUCTION TIME ORDINANCES For All Development Within The City Limits. Print Name Signature Address . �o y 2. CO 6 C--rte 6c �s /"� (' 3 277S7k� 4. J00 �Aw req 5. �� 2 6 6. Mar YY ti — � 7. �J 61 Sc h ►^YI CI 4,47 pA k' 41p f NIKiol j H GPr� 12.� /f D 14. J�,o,nue 15. We, The Undersigned Area Residents, Request That The City of Yorkville Provide NOISE AND CONSTRUCTION TIME ORDINANCES For All Development Within The City Limits. I Print Name Signature Address 1 - ,JE I/�i�C>AN A P \ , c 3. 4 E36-5 5. e j 7. nQo* I Qd, P or , b s 8. 1 9 �oH N SarAT14 15 c�A 1 L/ 10. C A UGC- 1✓4 51 c e lC 12.Jh Al 13. VV 15. { We, The Undersigned Area Residents, Request That The City of Yorkville Provide NOISE AND CONSTRUCTION TIME ORDINANCES For All Development Within The City Limits. i i Print Name Signature Address k 6?otl e- 3 i s Li' c z -3 `` J `� 2. C r - � 3. �° l va�/5 y 19 f 4. Ch►ns-h 1�1�c -�� tee. ���► 5. eg C 11 /JT Lev 7. AN ITA q 1. 1001.5 04,Zk UTtAA� (o cHR/ V LAJI 8. 96 6x06CC- I 1 10. Tb H,ts 8oRT = -5 3-30-7 LA j 12. 2 1 7 . f" 13:� 14. , JAocll s 3D . , 15. J 1 (�O 6C(Z �C� y 3 o0 1 ga 1 ?a L fi dG L I I � I We, The Undersigned Area Residents, Request That The City of Yorkville Provide NOISE AND CONSTRUCTION TIME ORDINANCES For All Development Within The City Limits. Print Name Signature Addr L 30 lot n/ &SU Uic C�l 4 &xr 49r,l) Ile" d? Jsn 2. 00" Pc 1eV5- ' — 3. A9 h vc.e h` 4 Sl.t 5. 6. 7. 11. c..J 0 0 U 12. 13: 14.E N 311 15. } I MA`�o2 YORKVILLE CITY COUNCIL RE: AUTUMN CREEK Based on media information, the existing proposals for Autumn Creek Development Concept Plan (known as the Theidel property) located between Rt. 34 and Kennedy Road; north of Kennedy Road; adjacent to the west portion of Grande Reserve property; west of River Ridge subdivision (on Bristol Ridge Road), creates dissatisfaction among many surrounding residents. The development plan calls for approximately 321 single family homes and 263 townhouses on a 286 acre parcel which also includes over 20 acres of commercial use on Rt. 34, a 25 acre school - park site, and a 32 acre park site along Blackberry Creek. Objections and concerns: 1. Loss of water quality /quantity and problems with well systems of existing surrounding residents. We choose to retain and protect our existing well water systems. We choose NOT to annex to the City of Yorkville. 2. Density is a problem with the existing Autumn Creek Development Concept Plan on 286 acres. When will rooftops cease to be a priority? Where is the industry? 3. Lack of proper roads to safely move future excessive traffic which includes school buses, emergency, and commercial vehicles. Now is the time to install four lanes on Bristol Ridge Road while Grande Reserve has the available vacant property for expansion. Two lanes in and two lanes out is needed now —not hazardous medians! Deny any through roads in River Ridge subdivision. 4. Sufficient commercial sites will soon be available on Orchard Rd. near Rt. 34. Please deny any Rt. 34 commercial or retail use for Autumn Creek. 5. A school bordered by Blackberry Creek will attract problems and create safety issues. We ask that the Yorkville City Council strive to secure our safety and respect our concerns for our water /wells, density, road structures, commercial zoning, and school locations while proceeding with the Autumn Creek Development Concept Plan. Thank you, Lois Seaton 3123 Bristol Ridge'Rd Yorkville, IL. a > %s /b A P, STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )ss COUNTY OF KENDALL ) RESOLUTION NO: aOO` - 4 N RESOLUTION TO THE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CONCERNING ILLINOIS STATE ROUTE 47 Whereas, the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville have determined that there is a need to widen and upgrade Illinois State Route 47, also known as Bridge Street, to maintain a safe and efficient flow of traffic through the City; and Whereas the City recognizes that the issue of the redesign, reconstruction and/or removal of the retaining wall located adjacent to Route 47 in Downtown Yorkville needs to be addressed by the Illinois Department of Transportation; and Whereas the ever increasing use of Route 47 by large and heavy vehicles has caused concern for public safety with the congestion caused by these slower moving vehicles and the lack of hard shoulder in many areas to provide a place for said vehicles to move to in order to allow for the passing of emergency vehicles; and Whereas Route 47 provides the only river crossing within the City making this route very important for the normal movement through the City by its citizens, its public safety personnel, its public works personnel, other city staff and officials, the Fire District and the School District; and Whereas because Route 47 as a major collector and conduit for moving local, regional, intrastate and interstate traffic, continues to experience tcaffie increases at rates beyond that created by Yorkville's own growth; and G Whereas the City has determined that it is also imperative to the economic development of Yorkville to keep traffic flowing efficiently on Rt. 47; and Whereas the City has - identified that the improvement of Rt. 47 is imperative to keep traffic flowing efficiently, which is critical to continue attracting the industrial and commercial development required for creating new jobs, retaining existing jobs, and generally strengthening the tax base of the City; and Whereas IDOT has also recognized the need to widen and upgrade Rt. 47, is in the process of completing Phase I engineering for the section of the highway from just south of IL Rt. 71 to just north of Countryside Parkway within Yorkville, and has begun Phase II engineering on that same section; and Whereas the City has concerns that with the amount of traffic already present on Rt. 47 that any further delay in completing said project could have a devastating effect on local businesses and public safety during the construction period and cause major disruption of basic movement though the City: Now therefore be it resolved that the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville strongly recommend and request that IDOT and the State of Illinois use all resources available to expedite the current Rt. 47 project planned in Yorkville to complete construction as soon as possible and work with the City to minimize the impact of said project on local citizens and businesses. Furthermore, the Mayor and City Council strongly recommend and request that IDOT immediately begin the necessary engineering and then construction of widening and upgrading Rt. 47 both north and south of the present project through Kendall County and beyond to I -80 to the south and I -88 to the north. This resolution passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville and authorized by the Mayor this day of October, 2004. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 2004. WANDA OHARE JOSEPH BESCO VALERIE BURD PAUL JAMES LARRY KOT MARTY MUNNS ROSE SPEARS RICHARD STICKA MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK I