City Council Minutes 2004 11-23-04 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 800 GAME FARM ROAD ON TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 2004. Mayor Prochaska called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Clerk Milschewski called the roll. Ward I James Present Sticka Present Ward II Burd Present Kot Absent Ward 1111 Ohare Present Munns Absent Ward IV Besco Present Spears Present Also present: City Clerk Milschewski, City Treasurer Powell, City Administrator Graff, City Attorney's Representative Kelly Kramer, Attorney Kathleen Orr, Police Chief Martin, Director of Public Works Dhuse, Finance Director Pleckham, and Executive Director of Parks & Recreation Brown. OUORUM A quorum was established. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Mayor Prochaska welcomed guests. He asked the elected officials, city staff and guests present at the meeting to introduce themselves. He also asked guests to enter their names on the attendance sheet provided. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA Alderman James asked that the Administration Committee meeting date be changed to Wednesday, December 1, 2004. COMMITTEE MEETING DATES Public Works Committee 7:00 P.M., Monday, December 27, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Economic Development Committee 7:00 P.M., Thursday, December 16, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Administration Committee 7:00 P.M., Wednesday, December 1, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Public Safety Committee 6:30 P.M., Monday, December 9, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Ad Hoc Technology Committee To Be Announced i PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to go into public hearing for the purpose of discussing the United City of Yorkville Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project and Plan. So moved by Alderman Ohare; seconded by Alderman Besco. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye Please see attached Report of Proceedings taken before Chris Vitosh, C.S.R. from Depo Court Reporting Service for the transcription of this portion of the public hearing. The Minutes of the Regular MeetinLy of the Citv Council — November 23. 2004 - Aa L22 Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to close the public hearing. So moved by Alderman Ohare; seconded by Alderman Spears. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye Attorney Orr noted that according to the TIF Act, the City Council may not consider adopting =1 Tax Increment Financing for a period of less than fourteen days from the date hereof. There is a mandatory two -week period for further discussion and questions. CITIZEN COMMENTS Hoover Boys Scout Property John Purcell with the Kendall County Board addressed the Council. He thanked the Mayor and City Council for their work in obtaining the Hoover Boy Scout Camp. He stated that it is a great amenity for the community and he noted that it was great for the city and county to work together. Appearance Code Ordinance Jeff Brown, President of the F.E. Wheaton Co., addressed the Council regarding the Appearance Code Ordinance. He stated that he reviewed the ordinance because it affects him both personally and professionally. He noted that if the ordinance was applied to the City Hall the building would not pass the code. He asked that further consideration be given to the code so that the intent of the Council matches the interpretation of it. He stated that he supports the concept but asked that the City Council adopt a code that can be applied without the need for the projects to come before the Fagade Committee. He respectively asked that the vote on the ordinance be tabled and that a committee consisting of the City's building inspector and other members be established to review and develop a better ordinance. Mr. Brown further explained that he is in the process of constructing a metal building used to protect building materials from the weather and that his building would not be allowed under the proposed ordinance. If he built it to comply, the cost would be prohibitive. Alderman Sticka asked Mr. Brown how long he felt that it would take an Adhoc committee to develop a better code. Mr. Brown felt it could take two to three months. Alderman Sticka noted - that the ordinance has been under development for quite some time. There was further discussion about the length of time it has taken to develop the proposed ordinance including the fact that builders were invited to attend meetings and provide input however the response was poor. Mr. Brown indicated that he was not invited to any development meetings however when he heard about the ordinance he began to attend meetings to learn more. Jim Vanderploeg with Concord Homes addressed the Council regarding the Appearance Code Ordinance. He stated that he agreed with Mr. Brown that the proposed code is a good document however he was concerned that the code mandates the use of specific building materials such as masonry. He stated that this increases the cost of the product and Iends itself to monotonous designs. Alderman Sticka noted that the Council did discuss that mandating materials is probably inappropriate. Mr. Vanderploeg noted that he was not aware of any previous development meetings and volunteered to participate on the Adhoc committee. John Wozniak, Regent President of Lennar Chicago, addressed the Council regarding the proposed ordinance. He stated that he did not remember being invited to any meetings regarding the proposed ordinance. He stated that he is building townhomes and duplexes in the Raintree development with a country-club community atmosphere that will attract clients from various economic situations. He stated that the proposed ordinance could hinder the homes from being affordable. Barry Mayworm with Cardinal Homes addressed the Council. He stated that the appearance code is a good idea however he was concerned that it could be imposing an administrative burden on both the City and builders that is unnecessary because some subdivisions already have architectural review committees. He recommended that the ordinance be kept as simple as possible and offered to be on the Adhoc committee. PRESENTATIONS None. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Assist First Time Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance Program - authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — November 23. 2004 — ua ege 3, 2. Deuchler Construction Services Contract for Rob Roy Creek Interceptor 3. Sente -Ruble Contract for Parks Facility — authorize use of Land Cash Funds in an amount not to exceed $7,750. 00 and authorize the Mayor to execute 4. Windett Ridge Reimbursement — authorize payment of Land Cash Funds in an amount not to exceed $19,533.75 5. Naming of River's Edge Park 93 "Crawford Park in honor of Harry L. Crawford" 6. Naming of Country Hills Park "Kiwanis Park in honor of the Greater Yorkville - - Kiwanis Club" 7. Resolution 2004 -44 — Creating the position of part-time Information Technology Assistant - authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman Burd. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Ohare -aye, Besco -aye PLANNING COMMISSION /ZONING BOARD OF APPEAL No report. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderman James to approve the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meetings from September 21, 2004 and November 2, 2004; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. BILLS FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderman James to approve the paying of the bills listed on the Detailed Board Report dated November 11, 2004 totaling the following amounts: checks in the amount of $1,175,375.72 (vendor); $146,735.68 (payroll period ending 10/30/04) for a total of $1,322,111.40; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays-0 Besco-aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT Countryside Center Open Space Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to accept the Countryside Center Green Space quit claim deeds as presented and authorize the recording of the deeds. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman James. Mayor Prochaska noted that the deeds were submitted to the City by the owners of the property some time ago however the City took the position that they would not be accepted until clear title was determined This has now been determined. Alderman Besco asked if he or Alderman Spears could vote on this as they live in the Countryside subdivision. Attorney Kramer stated that it was at their discretion to vote as it may be a conflict of interest. Alderman Ohare asked for clarification that the vote was to accept the property from Virginia Purcell. Attorney Kramer and Mayor Prochaska stated that this was correct. Alderman Spears asked if the City ever received a listing of residents who attended the Adhoc committee regarding this. Attorney Kramer stated that nothing in writing was received from Jim Ratos or Tom Sowinski however they stated they were in favor of a conservation easement. She also stated that the City received an additional adverse possession claim. The next step is to record the deed and to clarify boundaries on the east side of Blackberry Creek. Then the city can negotiate with the property owners who filed adverse possession claims for an amicable solution. Alderman Sticka asked what affect the City's acceptance has on the adverse possession claims. Attorney Kramer stated that people who filed prior to the recording of the deed have perfected their claims and are "grandfathered" in. However there is increased burden to those who claim adverse possession after the recording of the deed when they file against a municipality. No one is being prevented from making adverse possession claims in the future; the process just changes. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — November 23. 2004 - nag Alderman Sticka asked what would happen if the City does not accept the quit claim deed. Attorney Kramer stated that the City could become involved in litigation with the original owner and there is a risk for it going to tax deed. Motion approved by a roil call vote. Ayes -4 Nays -0 Abstain -2 James -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears - abstain, Sticka -aye, Besco - abstain, Burd -aye Alderman Burd asked if the motion carried with the abstentions. Attorney Kramer clarified that the motion was approved by the majority of the quorum. Risk Management Annual Insurance Coverage Mayor Prochaska noted that the insurance coverage was discussed at length at a Committee of the Whole meeting. He stated that the Council asked for numbers to be developed so that they could make an "apples to apples" comparison. Finance Director Pleckham went over the comparison sheet she supplied to the council for their review. The Council discussed the insurance deductible, customer service, using a local agent with the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association ( IMLLMA) insurance, etc. Bill Block with IlVILRMA was present and explained that there are twelve to fifteen cities that use a local agent to be their risk management coordinator. The HOUMA will then correspond with this individual with regards to any insurance questions. He also supplied a list of the cities that participate in the IMRRMA and noted that thirteen cities in the last two years who were with the County Program came back to them for coverage. Alderman Besco stated that there was a question regarding a possible claim that the City had that it was not sure it could proceed with. Mr. Block stated that Mrs. Pleckham and Director of Public Works Eric Dhuse were working in it and it was in progress. Mayor Prochaska stated he was concerned with the sewer claim that was submitted that was denied. Mr. Block explained that he has discussed this claim with his liability supervisor. He stated that the first question asked was if the sewer blockage was due to the City's negligence and the claim adjuster was told that it was not due to the City's negligence. He stated that a city employee told the resident to get ServiceMaster to clean up the mess and the RVILRMA paid this bill because the employee obligated the City. He stated that the contents that were damaged were not paid for. Mr. Dhuse explained that he specifically told the adjuster three times that it was the City's fault because the roots had not been jetted from the sewer line. Mr. Block stated that he would have the adjuster contact Mr. Dhuse to discuss this further. Alderman Spears asked if the IMRRMA records telephone conversations regarding claims. Mr. Block stated that telephone conversations are not recorded however computer notes are kept. Alderman Spears asked if the Council could please receive copies of the computer notes regarding the sewer claim. Mr. Block stated he would get this information. Alderman Spears stated that when comparing the insurance coverage, the IMRRMA does not have a deductible and she would rather see the city use IMRRMA. She also supported the use a local agent. Mayor Prochaska stated that he felt it was a good compromise to use the IlVILRMA along with a local agent as a risk management coordinator for one year. He noted that if the Council approved the IMRRMA coverage tonight there would be a 2% savings. Alderman Sticka asked Mrs. Pleckham to go over the comparison regarding Comprehensive General Liability. IMRLMA allow $8 million per occurrences whereas the County allows $1 million; the IMRRMA has no aggregate limit whereas the County has a $3 million limit and the IMRRMA has no deductible whereas the County has a $1,000.00 deductible. He stated that he did not understand how the County's $8 million max claim payable was determined. Mrs. Pleckham explained that the County has $1 million per occurrence with a $7 million umbrella. The aggregate limit with the County Program is $24 million per year whereas there is no limit with the IMRRMA. Alderman Sticka stated that he would prefer that the City stay with the IMRRMA however he is aware that the staff is not happy working on claims with them. He was concerned that if the City hires an agent, this person will be in the same position. Customer service concerns were discussed further. Alderman Burd noted that the 2% savings (about $25,000.00) by approving the use of the IMLRMA tonight could be used toward an agent's fee. She also suggested that only one staff member handle all the claims and documentation. This person could report any problems or The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — November 23. 2004 — nage 5 concerns to the Administration Committee. Mayor Prochaska stated that the new Human Resource person would co- ordinate claims. There were no further comments or discussion. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association coverage for the upcoming year in the amount of $119,088.62 for the min/max program. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman Burd. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco-aye, Burd -aye, James -aye Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Boiler/Machine policy in the amount of $1,223.00 through the Chubb Group. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye Mayor Prochaska asked the Administration Committee to investigate the use and cost of an agent of record and make a recommendation to the City Council. Conover /lusher Sanitary Utility Easement Agreement Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to authorize payment for the Conover/Fisher Easement in the amount of $152,733.00 for the Rob Roy Creek Interceptor Sanitary Sewer Project. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman Besco. Attorney Kramer noted that the City Council had previously authorized the execution of the easement agreement and this motion puts the funding in place. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye Holdiman Sanitary sewer Pumping Station Acquisition Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Countryside Center Pump Station real estate sales contract for the purchase of one acre of real property located on Route 47 and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract and authorize payment in the amount of $435,600.00 plus closing costs and attorney's fees to be reviewed by the City Attorney. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Alderman Sticka asked for clarification on the cost of the purchase. Attorney Kramer stated that the earnest money was subtracted from the purchase price Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye Woodworth Easement Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Woodworth real estate sales contract for the purchase of .882 acres located at Bruell Street and Wooddale Avenue and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract and a motion to accept the Grant of Sewer and Water Easements for the Bruell Pump Station project and to authorize payment in the amount of $200,000.00 plus closing costs and attorney's fees to be reviewed by the City Attorney and engineering fees in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Administrator Graff noted that the city has received signed documents. Mayor Prochaska stated that the purchase was for the location for a permanent lift station that will service the east side of Route 47 and south of Route 34 and will allow three lift stations to be combined into one. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco-aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Ohare -aye PNA Easement Mayor Prochaska asked if the city received a signed agreement from the PNA Camp for the easement. Attorney Kramer stated that the agreement still was not signed by the representatives of the PNA Camp. She stated that the revised agreement has been forwarded to The Minutes of the Reeviar Meeting of the Citv Council — November 23, 2004 — ua eM66 them and their Board approved it. There was a minor issue; the Board asked that an old agreement be incorporated into the new one. They are waiting for the Yorkville- Bristol Sanitary District to send them a revised copy indicating this before signing. It was discussed if this item should be tabled until the executed documents are received. Administrator Graff explained that with the Thanksgiving holiday, this will not be able to be approved until December 14, 2004 and the bid for the soccer fields needs to awarded in order to - have them ready by spring. This would delay the process. Alderman James suggested that the approval by the City Council be contingent upon the PNA's execution of the document by a certain date. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Rob Roy Creek Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Grant of Sanitary Sewer Easement and Easement Agreements with the Youth Camp of Districts 12 & 13 P.N.A. in an amount of $158,976.60 and the cost of reconstruction of the entrance canopy located north of River Road in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the easement agreements subject to the City receiving an executed agreement within 30 days of this date. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman Ohare. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd aye, James -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye ATTORNEY'S REPORT Hydraulic Sanitary Sewer Project Attorney Kramer apologized that she did not amend the agenda to add this item however the Public Hearing had started before she arrived She explained that an issue arose with the Hydraulic Avenue Sanitary Sewer Project after the agenda was completed and distributed She asked the Director of Public Works, Eric Dhuse, to explain the problem. Director Dhuse explained that the water main under Hydraulic, on both sides of Route 47, has been moved to get the sanitary sewer line run. Now there is a gap under Route 47 where there is a forty-six year old water main. The contractor, H. Linden & Sons, has proposed to use the old sanitary pipe as a casing to provide a new main under Route 47. The contractor and staff met with the Illinois Department of Transportation who indicated that if the main is not changed, it will have to be moved when Route 47 is widened. If the main is rerouted through the old sanitary line there is an 80% chance that it will not have to be removed in the future when Route 47 is widened. Administrator Graff noted that staff was aware that the water main was forty -six years -old and this information was included in the bid packet. However the city did not have the final engineering for the sanitary sewer and did not know how it would be affected. He stated that just today IDOT confirmed that they plan to have a sixteen inch storm sewer run down Route 47 and the existing watermain will have to be moved If the main is placed in the existing sanitary line, City Engineer Joe Wywrot discovered that it will be two feet lower than the proposed IDOT storm sewer. Administrator Graff noted that this change and the additional cost of $14,324.00 was discussed at the November 23, 2004 Public Works Committee meeting as an additional item. He explained the urgency in the matter due to the asphalt plants closing for the season, the opportunity to do the project while the area is open for construction and the lanes on Route 47 are reduced and before the weather becomes inclement. He stated that if the project is done immediately, the road will be restored for traffic. If the change is not approved, the project will have to wait and the cost then will be any where from $35,000.00 to $50,000.00 to complete. Also, this repair will guarantee that the whole system is updated. Alderman Burd asked why the item was not coming out of the Public Works Committee Report. She stated that they discussed it and made the recommendation to move ahead Attorney Kramer stated she was contacted this afternoon for a recommendation as to how this emergency item should be added to the agenda. She was going to recommend that it be put on the agenda as an emergency item however she missed the amendments to the agenda portion of the meeting. The Council discussed the legalities of adding this to the agenda correctly. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to accept the Change Order for $14,324.00 as recommended by the City Engineer. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman Besco. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 James -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco-aye, Burd -aye The Minutes of the Reeular Meetine of the Citv Council — November 23. 2004 — pa 7 CITY CLERK'S REPORT No report. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT No report. CITY ADMINISTATOR'S REPORT New Carpeting Administrator Graff advised the City Council that new carpeting was being installed in the City Hall offices over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Emergency Generator Pad Administrator Graff reported that the emergency generator pad was poured and that staff is trying to coordinate the installation for a time when there will be the least amount of interruption of service. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT PTW Announcement Finance Director Traci Pleckham reported that the City received a letter dated November 12, 2004 from PTW & Co., the City's auditors, informing the City that they will be combining practices with the Public Sector Services Group of Crowe Chizek and Company LLC. She reported that the service to the City will not change and that she would have more information on the merger for the Administration Committee. Library Expansion Director Pleckham reported that she attended a Library Expansion meeting on November 18, 2004 where a tentative time table for the expansion was discussed. She stated that Burnidge Castle and Associates (BCA) is working with the city for a design services contract and will have more information next month. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT Bristol Ridge Road Signs Director Dhuse reported that the signs were installed on Bristol Ridge Road. _ Cross -Walk Striping Mayor Prochaska noted that he had concerns from a few residents regarding cross -walks at several locations which are worn to the point of being not visible and he asked if anything could be done about it. Director Dhuse stated that at this time of year the cross -walks cannot be painted due to the temperature and also snow plowing will further ruin the striping. He stated he would speak with IDOT about those on Route 47. Traffic Control Payment from IDOT Mayor Prochaska asked Director Dhuse if payment to the City from IDOT for traffic control services while IDOT was working on Route 47 was worked out. Director Dhuse stated that he spoke with IDOT and has worked out in -kind services with regards to the traffic signals on Van Emmon and Fox Road. IDOT has adjusted the sequencing of the lights in an effort to keep traffic on Route 47 flowing. Route 47/Hydraulic Construction Administrator Graff noted that beginning Friday, November 26, 2004, there will be no parking on the east of Route 47 and the left turn lanes for Hydraulic Street will be closed due to the work on the sanitary sewer under Route 47. The Police Department will have their informational sign out to notify drivers of possible delays and the businesses in the area have been notified. Route 47 Wall Alderman Spears asked if IDOT was ever contacted about the problems with the wall on Route 47. Director Dhuse stated they were contacted and they inspected it. IDOT removed some of the loose concrete and they feel that it is structurally sound. CHIEF OF POLICE REPORT No report. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION REPORT OSLAD Grant Director Brown reported that on December 1, 2004 she would be going to Springfield, Illinois to give a presentation for the Cannonball Ridge Park because it had been selected to be a contender for an OSLAD grant. If the grant is received it is will be a 50% grant or approximately $130,000.00. COMMUNITY & LIAISON REPORT School Board Meeting Alderman Ohare reported that she attended the School Board meeting on November 22, 2004 where it was discussed to proceed with a referendum. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — November 23. 2004 — na e: & Aurora Area Convention and Visitors Bureau ( AACVB) Alderman Burd reported that she attended an executive board meeting of the AACVB on November 22, 2004 where they discussed the move to their new facility in March. She was asked to get information from the Chamber of Commerce and the Yorkville Economic Development Corporation regarding any businesses or restaurants who would like to be included in their publications. She stated that she spoke with both Nancy Newport and Lynn Dubajic about this information. Plano City Council Meeting Mayor Prochaska reported that he and Alderman Spears attended the Plano City Council meeting on November 22, 2004 representing the United City of Yorkville. That night the Plano City Council passed a resolution supporting the improvements to Route 47. He reported that he invited Mayor Roberts to present the resolution to the United City of Yorkville City Council. He stated that he and Alderman Spears were made very welcome and he was asked to open their meeting. He stated that Mayor Roberts told him that he borrowed his "Coffee with the Mayor" idea from Mayor Prochaska. Mayor Prochaska explained that he like how Mayor Roberts asked the visitors in attendance to stand and introduce themselves so he was borrowing this back from Plano. Mayor Prochaska thanked Mayor Roberts and the City of Plano for their support. COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT Rob Roy Creek Interceptor- Contract #1 Award A motion was made by Alderman Besco to approve the base bid for the Rob Roy Creek Interceptor Contract #1 to Glenbrook Excavating & Concrete, Inc. in the amount of $981,236.00 and $636,790.00 alternate bid item IA as recommended by the Yorkville- Bristol Sanitary District; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Besco-aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Ohara -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye Alderman Besco also noted that Kennedy and Bristol Ridge Road intersection was paved today. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Ordinance 2004 -64 Revised Planned Unit Development Ordinance A motion was made by Alderman Sticka to approve the revised Planned Unit Development Ordinance as presented; seconded by Alderman Besco. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye Proposed Appearance Code Ordinance A motion was made by Alderman Sticka to approve the Appearance Code with an effective date of April 1, 2005; seconded by Alderman James. Alderman Ohare stated that she thought that it had been previously discussed to form a review board for this ordinance. Mayor Prochaska noted that this was discussed for a different ordinance; the Landscaping Ordinance. She stated that she liked the suggestions from the gentleman that an Adhoc committee be formed to review the ordinance before it is approved by the Council. Aldermen James and Spears agreed with Alderman Ohare. Alderman Spears suggested that a Council member be on the Adhoc committee and nominated Alderman Burd. She also suggested that the gentlemen who addressed the Council tonight be asked to be on the committee. Mayor Prochaska and the Council agreed Administrator Graff stated that Building Inspector Bill Dettmer volunteered to chair the committee. There was some discussion regarding the Adhoc committee and it was agreed that they be given a time limit for revising the ordinance. There was some discussion regarding the motion on the table and Robert's Rules of Order. Once it was determined that if the motion was defeated the ordinance could be brought back before the Council in a revised form, it was the consensus not to table the motion but vote on it. Motion defeated by a roll call vote. Ayes -0 Nays -6 James -nay, Ohare -nay, Spears -nay, Sticka -nay, Besco-nay, Burd -nay The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — November 23. 2004 — naee 9 Ordinance 2004 -65 Yorkville Supportive Living, LLC PUD Amendment A motion was made by Alderman Sticks to approve an Ordinance authorizing the execution of the first amendment to Planned Unit Development Agreement for Yorkville Supportive Living LLC and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all the documents; seconded by Alderman James. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco-aye, Burd -aye, James -aye PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT No report. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT Nextel Contract A motion was made by Alderman James to approve the Nextel Contract #N4004110204 as presented and authorize the Finance Director to execute the contract; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-4 Nays -2 Ohare -aye, Spears -nay, Sticka -aye, Besco-aye, Surd -nay, James -aye SBC Long Distance Contract A motion was made by Alderman James to approve the SBC Long Distance Contract dated October 19, 2004 as presented and authorize the Finance Director to execute the contract; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Alderman Spears stated that she had asked for a list of all the employees who would get the long distance service and she did not receive it. Administrator Graff explained that the service is for all the office telephone lines. Alderman Spears stated she also asked for a copy of the actual long distance calls placed and understood that she could not get this information from the Police Department due to confidentiality. Administrator Graff stated that all the information given to her included all the telephone numbers in use. She stated that she did not get the information for all the remaining staff and she could give him the names of those not included in the information she received. Alderman Sticka asked if the information requested by Alderman Spears would show who made the calls and Mayor Prochaska stated that the information indicates what calls were made from a telephone and the time the calls were made however it does not indicate who made the calls. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -5 Nays -1 Spears -nay, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Ohare -aye 2004/2005 Tax Levy — Public Hearing Option #1 Alderman James reported that Public Hearing Option 1 was chosen by the Council for the 2004 2005 Tax Levy and this option will be noticed in the newspaper. Salary Schedule A motion was made by Alderman James to approve the Salary Schedule as presented; seconded by Alderman Burd. Mayor Prochaska noted that the Salary Schedule being approved is dated November 11, 2004. Alderman Ohare asked if the proposed salaries for 2004 -2005 included the cost -of- living adjustments (COLA). Mayor Prochaska stated that it does include a COLA increase. He explained that the lower end of the range would be left stationary and only the high end was adjusted. Alderman Spears commented that last year employees received a salary adjustment. She stated that she did not remember approving the salary adjustment but just the salary schedule. She stated that by approving the schedule, the Council was allowing a 10% increase in some areas whereas a 5% increase is sufficient. She stated she was not comfortable passing the new schedule. Alderman Burd stated that she understood that the increase of the salary schedule was not needed this year however raising it keeps the City "ahead of the game". Mayor Prochaska stated that the increase keeps the salaries at the COLA rates; approving the schedule does not give The Minutes of the Regular MeetinLy of the Citv Council — November 23. 2004 — uaae 10 employees a raise of salary. He also stated that if the salary schedule is not revised, three police officers will be exceeding the maximum salary for their level of employment. Mayor Prochaska and Alderman Sticka questioned Alderman Spear's numbers; they did not understand how she determined the increase to be 10 %. She explained that the City is currently covering 5% under its current salary schedule. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the calculation of the increase. Mayor Prochaska explained that last year there was a 1.6% COLA increase and this year the increase is 1.8% (3.4% total); these were the figures used to calculate the increase which was only applied to the maximum salary for any specific job. Alderman James stated that this was the same discussion as the one at the last Committee of the Whole meeting and nothing new was coming out of it He called the question. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -5 Nays -1 Besco-aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -nay, Sticka -aye ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Future Planning Alderman Ohare stated that she would like to see future planning for Yorkville include hotels and or motels in the area. Mayor Prochaska noted that this is being investigated. Grant Writer Alderman Ohare also asked for an update from the grant writer and Director Brown stated that she would be addressing the Council in December with an update. There was no further additional business. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to adjourn. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman James. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. Minutes submitted by: Jacquelyn Milschewski, City Clerk City of Yorkville, Illinois CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 23, 2004 PLEASE PRINT NAME: ADDRESS: C t:1 YYl � oN P-,4- - 7(c, --b�5sc i I SIGNIN US ROUTE 34 & IL ROUTE 47 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND PLAN United City of Yorkville November 23, 2004 TIF BASICS 0- 1977 IL Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act go Multi -year funding tool to revitalize or redevelop blighted and declining areas Qk TIF does not increase tax rates * Municipalities facilitate private investment and development via public improvements, site assembly, incentives, etc. * New private investment enhances property valuation and increases tax revenues * New tax revenues create a pool of funds for targeted redevelopment activities within the TIF district 1 lquallmd Assois,W • Vtilcl�tf�� (EAV) . � 5 10 ,1 . 2€1. r3. Yid arTIF TIF IF Adootd fIolv�d & Base EAA/ xTax Rate Tax Revenuest€r AlITAxIng Distrlds -' h rement FAVxTax Rct1A =Tax Rewoues to Pay Ell gibleProjKt Casts =� Total EAVxTaxRate =Tax IlevenuestaAlI Districts i i US ROUTE 34 & IL ROUTE 47 TIF PROJECT AREA Countryside Shopping Center "Single site" project area 20.2 acres Entire area is classified as "improved" 2 EXISTING LAND /BUILDING USE �.ye'de NMwaY awx a • Pelce1: P15 1 o J W W Nea 9waquy US R". q � 9enb ® P+Sm•Aarc Q Vxan Bwa'. Et-OWS 'AWgV a JS Route 34 & IL Route 47 Yorkville, IL I ELIGIBILITY FINDINGS Blighted Area a Improved Area eligibility analysis Meaningful presence of 5 eligibility factors (5 of 13 are required) plus an additional four factors also impact the Project Area a Characteristic findings: vacancies, deterioration, obsolescence, declining /lagging EAV, structures below code standards, need for environmental remediation Improved area qualifies as a Blighted Area 3 ELIGIBILITY FINDINGS Redevelopment Project Area 0 Property value has been declining over recent years and lagging generally The average annual growth rate in Project Area EAV from 1997 -2003 was only .1 % compared Y � P 0 to 12.6 for the balance of the City, a rate over four times that of the Project Area. Area on the whole qualifies as TIF Redevelopment Project Area TIF REDEVELOPMENT PLAN GOALS 0 Stabilize and enhance the value of property Increase real estate tax base for all districts 0 Increase full -time employment opportunities 0 Eliminate blighted area conditions 0 Increased sales tax base 0 Improve overall appearance and vitality 0 Revitalize an anchor location of a primary commercial district 4 LAND USE PLAN it 6 g I•gxluei6wevi � Cenrwar Lale1 VRrS.sl TIF LAND USE PLAN Cohesive, distinctive, and active shopping area with commercial and retail uses 0 Provide contemporary space for retail, restaurant, and service businesses Provide safe and convenient access a Cohesive urban design -- quality building materials, pedestrian amenities, distinctive lighting, signage and landscaping 5 SITE PLAN - VERSION 1 Nx SITE PLAN - VERSION 2 \ i � `� ' !' � i gR9!4d•P_BN_Nie �r'i Rw -- , : a I 6 SITE PLAN - VERSION 3 �, /• -...`� ` -- 41 H ill ii ,1 3 � i ' I ��i 11 i s PY�.6Yioi1 rj '- Il I •, .?t•:..�.: ....... CT 9 SITE PLAN - VERSION 4 MW 1� I \� ~•� F-- `� � e� � ` \� ••; Iii 11 �_ it 1 j4 f1L I i I! w tea... �'�-'" ,j: = � - � •'�,'�7, {�. ;; :Iii �. [JIJTRYSI$ �- -,_ ,� __ - _,i i�!� _ ���u.�,,� - -- �«>•�.I 7 COUNTRYSIDE SHOPPING CENTER JlJ A TIF REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ACTIVITIES o Public infrastructure improvements Site assembly and demolition *Site preparation and environmental remediation I s i TIF POTENTIAL & PLAN COSTS * EAV in 2003: $1.5 million o Potential Private Development . 175,000 sq. ft. of retail development o Estimated EAV in 2028: $8.5 million o Estimated Redevelopment Project Costs: $7.2 million • property assembly and prep $5M • public infrastructure $1M • rehab of buildings $.25M • interest subsidies $.5M • relocation $.1 M • job training $.1M • admin, legal, studies, surveys $.25M QUESTIONS? 9