Ordinance 2018-41 DEBBIE G11 L-ETTE RECORDER - KENDALL COUNTY, IL RECORDED: 7/16/2818 89:15 AN ORDI: 48.88 RNSPS FEE: 18.88 PAGES: 5 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 201841 AN ORDINANCE OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE,KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS,GRANTING AN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE LOCATION VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 515 WEST MADISON STREET (Detached Garage) Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County,Illinois This 26`h day of June,2018 Prepared by and Return to: United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville,IL 60560 Published in pamphlet form by the authority of the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County,Illinois on July 5,2018. Ordinance No. 2018-41 AN ORDINANCE OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, ]KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, GRANTING AN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE LOCATION VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 515 WEST MADISON STREET (Detached Garage) WHEREAS,the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County, Illinois (the"City")is a duly organized and validly existing non home-rule municipality created in accordance with the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970 and the laws of the State; and, WHEREAS,pursuant to the Illinois Municipal Code(65 ILCS 5/11-13-5)the Mayor and City Council of the City(the"Corporate Authorities")may provide for and allow variances to provide relief when strict compliance with the requirements of the Yorkville Zoning Ordinance (the "Zoning Ordinance") presents a particular hardship; and, WHEREAS,James McNamara(the Applicant"), requested to locate a detached garage on his residential property in the front yard that is not permitted pursuant to Section 10-3-12 of the Zoning Ordinance; and, WHEREAS,Notice of a public hearing on said application was published and pursuant to said notice the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City conducted a public hearing on June 13, 2018, on said application in accordance with the State statutes and the ordinances of the City; and, WHEREAS,the Planning and Zoning Commission made the required written Findings of Fact finding that the variation met the standards in Section 10-4-7C of the Zoning - Ordinance and recommended that the variance be granted; and, WHEREAS,the Corporate Authorities of the City of Yorkville have received and considered the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Ordinance No.2018-41 Page 2 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED,by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1: That this Ordinance shall apply to the Subject Property legally described as: THE WESTERLY 24 FEET OF LOT 2 AND ALL OF LOT 3 IN BLOCK 23 IN BLACK'S 2ND ADDITION TO YORKVILLE, AND THE NORTHERLY '/2 OF THAT PART OF VACATED MADISON STREET LYING BETWEEN THE EXTENSION SOUTHERLY OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 23 AND THE EXTENSION NORTHERLY OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 7 IN BLOCK 21 IN SAID BLACK'S 2ND ADDITION, IN THE CITY OF YORKVILLE,KENDAL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PIN: 02-32-252-010 Commonly known as 515 West Madison Street,Yorkville, Illinois, Property Index Number: 02-32-252-010. Section 2: That a variation pursuant to Section 10-4-7 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a detached garage as an accessory structure to be located in the front yard of the Subject Property is hereby granted. Section 3: That the detached garage shall be constructed,operated and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Yorkville City Code and generally located as shown on the attached plat of survey prepared by Nekola Survey, Inc. dated September 2, 2014 and made a part hereof as Exhibit A. Section 4: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this 26a'day of June, 2018. �Q , 'b E-'P Ty CITY CLERK Ordinance No.201841 Page 3 CARLO COLOSIMO Ue KEN KOCH 11ye JACKIE MILSCHEWSKI Ue ARDEN JOE PLOCHER absent CHRIS FUNKHOUSER Ue JOEL FRIEDERS Ue SEAVER TARULIS Ue ALEX HERNANDEZ Ue Approvedbyby me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this c3 day of J U 92018. MAYOR Ordinance No.201841 Page 4 Exhibit A PLAT OF SURVEY OF THE WESTERLY 24 FEET OF LOT Z ANO ALL OF LOT,Y IN BLOCK Z3 IN BLACKS ZNO AODITIDN TO YORKYILLE, AND THE NORTHERLY 1/2 OF THAT PART OF YACATEO MADISON STREET LYINC BETI►BEN THE EXTENSION SOUTHERLY OF TILE tESTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 29 ANO THE'EXTENSION NORTHERLY OF THE EASTERLY LINE' OF LOT 9 IN BLOCK Zl IN SATO BLACK'S -NO ADDITION, IN THE CITY OF Y0R471LL4 KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS x 90.001 SOUM,%, POST IS 0.3' T S SSVO'00'E �? PROPER(Y LII'tE' E ' 0.7`E o AST OF PROPERTY SOUTH CORNER ' I x'000 O.i'FENCE POST IS 2.4' !+ `2J • Q %E'ST OF PROPERTY I F6RAME TkEO I ! /A 24.0' ham► � I � ® 'V• � I�TY� � I 13.6' Y Q � Qom. Y tiry f I ,i, nO ! ^ ~ > WOOD WE"FENCE OF PPROPERERTYT ISUNE W CMCE POST 13 E1EAASSOT a PRmERTy LINE • ° E o ��i • 4 1.LI5�OF C-T,LINE n � ' 1 S I N0r27H-INE VACATED MAOI (66,) '• )-` 18.009 SIR "` E(' ' =' _`Ji_' S 6S•00'00'E (06') I VACA i ASPHALT �o ncv N 85,00'00•W 108.001 LEGEND \WWMR NM (R/M) - RECORD/MEASURED 'LA�G L - ARC LENGTH AREA = !5,300 50. FT. ,.'•�'••• .� CH - CHORD MORE OR LE55 o.WAYNE W NEKO-4;9t 00S,002g� .4 1(•T.80UNG8ROpIT:*ZZ PREPARED FOR: CRAIG HURWITj (ATTORNEY AT LAW) •,,,_ =fitly;•, ILLINOIS JOB ADDRESS; 5155 W. MADISON STREET, YORKVILLE, IL �qy'4�+'"••••••'�'LO� SELLER/Bu YE.R: GARTNER / McNAMARAT� •� MMAWLL."- SCALE: 20' JOB NO.: 14-08-0146 FIELD WORK COMPLETED ON THE 2NO DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2014. N E KO LA SURVEY, INC. (STATE OF ILLINOIS) PROFESSIONAL LANG SURVEYING SERVICES (COUNTY OF WILL) SS F6301W W W.N E K O L A S U R V E Y.COM NEKOLA SURVEY INC. DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IT HAS 400 N. SCHMIDT RD., STE. 203 SURVEYED THE TRACT OF LAND ABOVE DESCRIBED, AND THAT "LINGBROOK, ILLINOIS 60440 THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONFORMS TO THE CURRENT ILLINOIS 226-1 530 PHONE (630) 226-1430 CAx MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR A BOUNDARY SURVEY �111) . DATED THIS 2ND DAY OF EP BER. 2D 4 ®- .%•M.-I.-.11:1ME HEREON PRAWN PLAT AS ORDERED AS A NDN MONUMENTED SURVEY. NO IUMOVEMENTS SHOULD BE MADE ON THE BASIS OF THIS PLAT ALDW FIELD MONUNENTATION OF CATICAL PORTS SHOULD BE ESIABUSHED PR:OR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY AND ALL CONSTRUCTION. FOR EftnowG fig NO, 2923 IINCS. EASEMENTS AND OTHER RESTRICTIONS NOT SHOWN HEREON RCFCR TO YOUR DEED.ABSTRACT,nkt LICENSE RENEWAL DATE: 30 NOVEMt3ER 2014 �OJCY, CONTRACTS AND LOCK BUILDING AND ZONING ORDINANCES.