Library Board Minutes 2019 06-10-19Page 1 of 3
Yorkville Public Library
Board of Trustees
Monday, June 10, 2019, 7:00pm
902 Game Farm Road – Michelle Pfister Meeting Room
The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by President Darren Crawford, roll was called and a quorum
was established.
Roll Call:
Wamecca Rodriguez-present, Russ Walter-present, Susan Chacon-present, Darren Crawford-present,
Ryan Forristall-present, Theron Garcia-present, Jason Hedman-present
Absent: Krista Danis
Others Present:
Library Director Elisa Topper, Technical Services Director Dixie DeBord, Judy Somerlot-Friends of
the Library, Aaron Stoeckel-Aurora Sign Company, Carol Kicker-Kylynn's Ridge
Recognition of Visitors: President Crawford recognized the library staff and guests present.
Amendments to the Agenda: None
Minutes: May 13, 2019
Mr. Crawford moved and Mr. Hedman seconded the motion to approve the minutes as presented.
Roll call: Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Chacon-yes, Crawford-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-
yes. Carried 7-0.
Correspondence: None
Public Comment: None
Staff Comment: None
Report of the Treasurer:
Treasurer Chacon said the budget is one month into the new FY and almost $10,000 in development
fees have been received. The invoice for a chiller part will be forthcoming and there were three
payrolls in May. Imprinted items questioned by Mr. Crawford were for giveaways.
Payment of Bills
A motion was made by President Crawford and seconded by Trustee Garcia to pay the bills as follows:
$36,536.70 Accounts Payable
$57,162.07 Payroll
$93,698.77 TOTAL
Roll call: Walter-yes, Chacon-yes, Crawford-yes, Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, Rodriguez-
yes. Carried 7-0.
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Report of the Library Director:
1. Ms. Topper reported on the cost of chiller repairs and reduction in bill from Daikin resulting
from a letter she wrote to them.
2. Summer reading program titled “It's Showtime”.
3. Multi-cultural theme for Friday storytime, storytellers are all volunteers.
4. Working with Park District to prepare patio area for Boy Scout project.
5. Received reimbursement (over $1,900) from Konica for microfilm reader part.
6. Submitted application for $500 grant for Financial Literacy. Will hold programs for children,
breakfast for various senior groups with program on Social Security and a night program
regarding retirement preparation.
7. Met with Facilities Managers Group with electric doors being one topic. Library doors
malfunctioned that day and newly acquired repair company's name was contacted. Discussed
possible maintenance contract for doors and HVAC. Mr. Hedman asked about assistance from
city maintenance person or calling another company for cost estimates. Mr. Forristall gave
professional opinion and will assist in making company recommendation.
City Council Liaison No report
Standing Committees: No committee meetings
Unfinished Business:
Digital Sign
Mr. Aaron Stoeckel of Aurora Sign Company presented new digital sign designs per the Board's request
and said the price is unaffected. Mr. Walter noted that the Park District suggested they could help with
the sign cost in exchange for sharing content. Mr. Stoeckel said the sign size is slightly over the
allowed ordinance, however, there has been initial approval from the city. There were various
questions and comments offered about the new sign. President Crawford took a preliminary voice vote
on the preferred sign and then made a proposal to adopt sign example #7 from Aurora Sign Company at
a cost of $24,994 which is being paid from a donation. Mr. Walter seconded, pending city approval of
the design.
Roll call: Forristall-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Chacon-yes, Crawford-
yes. Carried. 7-0.
Mini-Golf Event
Ms. Somerlot gave the Board an informational notebook with all details needed to organize the mini-
golf event. The Board discussed the possibility of hiring a coordinator or staff member to organize the
event and pay hourly or by stipend. The Board thanked Ms. Somerlot for all the time and hard work
she invested in this event.
E-Rate Discussion
Mr. Walter reported on the e-rate program and said the bid process begins at the beginning of July for
internet service. Discussed were technical details of the program, bandwidth, wi-fi upgrade, router
speed, etc. Mr. Hedman asked if Comcast could provide utilization results for the library. Board
members discussed increasing the speed of the wi-fi and the eventual reimbursement through the e-rate
program. Mr. Walter will inform the e-rate representative what equipment the Board wants along with
Strategic Plan Review & Discussion
Mr. Hedman compiled the objectives from Ms. Topper and from the discussion last month. Mr. Walter
suggested a possible goal of replacing all the library lights with LED lights. It was decided to send
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this matter to the Facilities Committee for discussion. Ms. Topper asked if computer classes could go
forward and it was stated that wi-fi can be improved separately in that area if needed. Ms. Garcia
made a motion and Mr. Walter seconded to approve the strategic plan as presented.
Roll call: Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Chacon-yes, Crawford-yes, Forristall-
yes. Carried 7-0.
New Business:
Nomination of Officers
The following slate of officers was determined with the vote occurring at the July meeting:
Darren Crawford-President
Theron Garcia-Vice President
Wamecca Rodriguez-Secretary
Susan Chacon-Treasurer
List of Community Partnerships
Ms. Topper presented the list for review.
Additional Business: None
Executive Session: None
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 8:17pm on a motion by Mr. Crawford
and second by Mr. Walter.
Minutes respectfully submitted by
Marlys Young, Minute Taker