Committee of the Whole Agenda 2005 04-19-05 Co. United City of Yorkville
County Seat of Kendall County ' 800 Game Farm Road
E sr =;1636 Yorkville, Illinois, 60560
�- Telephone: 630- 553 -4350
O - fib= Fax: 630 - 553 -7575
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
7:00 p.m.
City Conference Room
Revised 4/18/05
Public Hearing: None
1. Pulte Homes - Del Webb Development
2. Grant Writer Contract Renewal - Laura Ross - Admin 4/7/05
Detail Board Report (Bill List):
Items Recommended by Committee for Consent Agenda:
1. None
1. Future of the Park Board - COW 3/15/05
2. ZBA 2005 -09 - 802 S. Main - Request for Setback Variances - ZBA 4/6/05
3. Blackberry Creek Watershed Program Contribution Request
Economic Development Committee:
1. Prestwick of Yorkville Annexation Agreement - CC 2/22/05 public hearing
2. Aspen Ridge Estates Annexation Agreement - CC 3/22/05 public hearing
3. Lincoln Prairie Yorkville Annexation Agreement - CC 3/22/05 public hearing
4. Landscape Depot Annexation Agreement - CC 3/22/05 public hearing
5. Bristol Bay Annexation Agreement and Preliminary Plan - COW 4/6/05
6. Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Professional Engineering Services Proposal for
Feasibility Study of a Western Roadway Corridor Between Route 34 and Base
Line Road
7. Smith Engineering — Needs and Feasibility Study for Fox River Crossing
Page 2
Committee of the Whole
April 19, 2005
Park Board:
1. Park, Gazebo, Shelter Reservation Policy Update - COW 4/6/05
2. Agreement Renewal with Congregational Church - Pk Bd 4/11/05
3. River's Edge Park II - Concept Design and Request for Town Meeting
- Pk Bd 4/11/05
Public Works Committee:
1. Cannonball Estates Phase 2 - Letter of Credit Reduction #4 - COW 4/6/04 &
PW 3/28/04
2. Cannonball Estates Phase 1 - Letter of Credit Reduction #5 - COW 4/6/04 &
PW 3/28/04
Public Safetv Committee:
1. No Report.
Administration Committee:
1. Special Census Agreement - Admin 4/7/05
2. Land Cash Valuation Analysis & Report - Admin 4/7/05
3. Resolution Declaring Intent to Issue Special Tax Bonds for Autumn Creek SSA -
Admin 4/7/05
4. Resolution to Dissolve and Transfer Chief's Account - Admin 4/7/05
5. Dental/Vision Self Insured Plan - Admin 4/7/05
6. Revised FY 04/05 Budget
7. Proposed FY 05/06 Budget
Executive Session:
1. For the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body.
Additional Business:
0 C1,* United City of Yorkville
County Seat of Kendall County
800 Game Farm Road
1636 Yorkville, Illinois, 60560
Telephone: 630 - 553 -4350
O� �;_ '- O� Fax: 630 - 553 -7575
<LE �V
Wednesday, April 19, 2005
7:00 p.m.
City Conference Room
Public Hearing: None
1. Pulte Homes - Del Webb Development
2. Grant Writer Contract Renewal - Laura Ross - Admin 4/7/05
Detail Board Re wort Bill List):
Items Recommended by Committee for Consent Agenda:,
1. None
1. Future of the Park Board - COW 3/15/05
2. ZBA 2005 -09 - 802 S. Main - Request for Setback Variances - ZBA 4/6/05
3. Blackberry Creek Watershed Program Contribution Request
Economic Development Committee:
1. Prestwick of Yorkville Annexation Agreement - CC 2/22/05 public hearing
2. Aspen Ridge Estates Annexation Agreement - CC 3/22/05 public hearing
3. Lincoln Prairie Yorkville Annexation Agreement - CC 3/22/05 public hearing
4. Landscape Depot Annexation Agreement - CC 3/22/05 public hearing
5. Bristol Bay Annexation Agreement and Preliminary Plan - COW 4/6/05
6. Engineering :Enterprises, Inc. Professional Engineering Services Proposal for
Feasibility Study of a Western Roadway Corridor Between Route 34 and Base
Line Road
7. Smith Engineering — Needs and Feasibility Study for Fox River Crossing
Page 2
Committee of the Whole
April 19, 2005
Park Board:
1. Park, Gazebo, Shelter Reservation Policy Update - COW 4/6/05
2. Agreement Renewal with Congregational Church - Pk Bd 4/11/05
3. River's Edge :Park I1- Concept Design and Request for Town Meeting
- Pk B d 4/11/05
Public Works Committee:
1. Cannonball Estates Phase 2 - Letter of Credit Reduction #4 - COW 4/6/04 &
PW 3/28/04
2. Cannonball Estates Phase 1 - Letter of Credit Reduction #5 - COW 4/6/04 &
PW 3/28/04
Public Safetv Committee:
1. No Report.
Administration Committee:
1. Special Census Agreement - Admin 4/7/05
2. Land Cash Valuation Analysis & Report - Admin 4/7/05
3. Resolution Declaring Intent to Issue Special Tax Bonds for Autumn Creek SSA -
Admin 4/7/05
4. Resolution to Dissolve and Transfer Chief s Account - Admin 4/7/05
5. Dental/Vision Self Insured Plan - Admin 4/7/05
6. Revised FY 04/05 Budget
7. Proposed FY 05/06 Budget
Executive Session:
1. For the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body.
Additional Business: