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Resolution 2020-54 Resolution No. 2020-54 A RESOLUTION OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE,KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS,AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE FOR SCADA UPGRADES THROUGH METROPOLITAN PUMP COMPANY,ROMEOVILLE,ILLINOIS,IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $67,000. WHEREAS, the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois (the "City") is a duly organized and validly existing municipality of the State of Illinois pursuant to the 1970 Illinois Constitution and the Illinois Municipal Code, as from time to time amended (the "Municipal Code") (65 ILCS 5/65-1-1-2, et seq.); and, WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to authorize the expenditure for SCADA upgrades through Metropolitan Pump Company, Romeoville, Illinois, in the amount not to exceed$67,000, substantially in the form attached hereto marked as "Exhibit A". NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,by the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. That the City is hereby committed to meet all of the requirements as set forth in"Exhibit A". Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, Resolution of Authorization and to undertake any and all actions as may be required to implement the terms of the contract. Resolution No.2020-54 Page 1 Section 3. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this 23rd day of June, A.D. 2020. CITY CLERK KEN KOCH AYE DAN TRANSIER AYE JACKIE MILSCHEWSKI AYE ARDEN JOE PLOCHER AYE CHRIS FUNKHOUSER AYE JOEL FRIEDERS AYE SEAVER TARULIS AYE JASON PETERSON AYE APPROVED by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this c78day of J UAIE , A.D. 2020. MAY R Attest: CITY CLERK Resolution No.2020-54 Page 2 METROPOLITAN PUMP COMPANY QUOTATION A Oivision of METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES,INC. Page 1 of 1 37 FORESTWOOD DRIVE•ROMEOVILLE,IL•60446-1343 (815)886-9200 FAX(815)886-4573 PROJECT: Bruell Lift Station TO: Mr. Tom Soelke Yorkville,Illinois 610 Tower Lane BIDS DUE: ASAP City of Yorkville r Cell:630-886-2374 ENGINEER: N/A Office:630-553-4349 � Tsoelke(aa-) We are pleased to provide a QUOTE on the following equipment for the subject prof 1 Control Panel Uparade(LMS 11 Level Controller and Cloud SCADA) Furnish Qty(1)New LMS II Level Controller Upgrade including,Allen Bradley 1400 PLC w/Operator Interface with 7 screen, all mounted into existing cabinet. Existing LMS 400 will be removed and remain the property of the City of Yorkville and replaced with the New LMS II Level controller. Includes new submersible transducer and floats with 100ft.Of cable. Labor included for removal and replacement of new controller Total Amount For LMS II Controller Upgrade is: $12,969.00 (Taxes Not Included) Total Monthly Cost For Verizon Cellular Service based on 250 Tags $45.00/Mo. at 5 minute polling is: (Taxes Not Included) Note: Taxes,permits,fees are not included. Our proposal is based on the site visit Quote assumes all existing and necessary conduits are available and re-usable. Quote assumes all exising power/pump control components are operattional for re-use as needed. f,1114 . ?4'I! Q„,j fr0-'. ct i i}f s;?Vw _. ",if i,:%'O!, „_,-ll Cl'a .n I'll! „t. I C!lI .It : , . CcTh i.l. i11 i'.l..,. THIS QUOTATION,SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF,MAYBE ACCEPTED ONLY BY SIGNING ONE COPY OF THIS QUOTATION AND RETURNING IT TO METROPOLITAN PUMP CO.NOT LATER THAN THE DATE INDICATED ON THE FACE HEREOF AFTER WHICH THIS QUOTATIONS IS VOID. THIS QUOTATION AFTER ACCEPTANCE BY BUYER MAY BE CANCELLED BY EITI-fER PARTY WITH NO PENALTY ONLY IF NGIN ER FAGS TO APPROVE SELLERS APPROVAL BROCHURE. Accepted: Quotation No: KT22719MN Firm: UM ITF-b CI?Y Of Yoo vi" Submitted: 5/11/2020 By. J04-V ( PL&ACELL, Void after: 30 days Title: MA%(012 Prepared By: Ken Turnquist METROPOLITAN PUMP COMPANY QUOTATION A Division of METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES,INC page 1 of 1 37 FORESTWOOD DRIVE-ROMEOVILLE,IL-60446.1343 4W (815)886-9200 - FAX(815)886-4573 PROJECT: Raintree Lift Station TO: Mr. Tom Soelke Yorkville, Illinois 610 Tower Lane BIDS DUE: ASAP City of Yorkville Cell:630-886-2374 ENGINEER: N/A Office:630-553-4349 TsoeIke(@VorkviIle, We are pleased to provide a QUOTE on the following equipment for the subject project. Control Panel Upgrade(LMS II Level Controller and Cloud SCADA) Furnish Qty(1)New LMS II Level Controller Upgrade including,Allen Bradley 1400 PLC w/Operator Interface with 7"screen, misc. parts all mounted into existing cabinet. Existing LMS 400 will be removed and remain the property of the City of Yorkville and replaced with the New LMS II Level controller. Includes new submersible transducer and floats with 100ft. Of cable. Labor included for removal and replacement of new controller Total Amount For LMS II Controller Upgrade is: $12,969.00 (Taxes Not Included) Total Monthly Cost For Verizon Cellular Service based on 250 Tags $45.00/Mo. at 5 minute polling is: (Taxes Not Included) Note: Taxes, permits,fees are not included. Our proposal is based on the site visit Quote assumes all existing and necessary conduits are available and re-usable. Quote assumes all exising power/pump control components are operattional for re-use as needed. F!"PrI .. Nt.0 (1 :1"ty !joh I d`tlt t, Ir:,'.. ii 0IVO ': iI ,r-tta 1i3.1 T..:1i i:ht .If d'tt., wti flH ftU I(CIaineeq;c. 010tlF'& THIS QUOTATION,SUBJECT 70-HE CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF,MAY BE ACCEPTED ONLY BY SIGNING ONE COPY OF THIS QUOTATION AND RETURNING ITTO METROPOLITAN PUMP CO NOT LATER THAN THE DATE INDICATED ON THE FACE HEREOF AFTER WHICH THIS QUOTATIONS IS VOID, THIS QUOTATION AFTER ACCEPTANCE BY BUYER MAY BE CANCELLED BY EITHER PARTY WITH NO PENALTY ONLY9 ENGINEER FAILS TO APPROVE SELLERS APPROVAL BROCHURE Accepted: Quotation No KT22719MN Firm: Lw tTED Ct 0121K Submitted: 5/11/2020 By: JONtJ "PaRCIE-L Void after: 30days Title: m ftotl2 Prepared By: Ken Turnquist METROPOLITAN PUMP COMPANY QUOTATION A Division of METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES,INC. page 1 of 1 37 FORESTWOOD DRIVE-ROMEOVILLE,IL-60446.1343 (815)886-9200 - FAX(815)886-4573 PROJECT: Preswick Lift Station TO: Mr. Tom Soelke Yorkville,Illinois 610 Tower Lane BIDS DUE: ASAP City of Yorkville Cell;630-886-2374 ENGINEER: N/A Office:630-553-4349 Tsoelkegg We are pleased to provide a QUOTE on the following equipment for the subject project. Control Panel Upgrade(LMS II Level Controller and Cloud SCADAI Furnish Qty(1) New LMS II Level Controller Upgrade including,Allen Bradley 1400 PLC w/Operator Interface with 7"screen, misc. parts all mounted into existing cabinet. Existing SCADA Pack will be removed and remain the property of the City of Yorkville and replaced with the New LMS II Level controller. Variable Frequency Drives will be rewired to the new controller. Includes new submersible transducer and floats with 100ft. Of cable. Labor included for removal and replacement of new controller Total Amount For LMS II Controller Upgrade is: $14,561.00 (Taxes Not Included) Total Monthly Cost For Verizon Cellular Service based on 250 Tags $45.00/Mo. at 5 minute polling is: (Taxes Not Included) Note: Taxes, permits,fees are not included. Our proposal is based on the site visit Quote assumes all existing and necessary conduits are available and re-usable. Quote assumes all exising power/pump control components are operattional for re-use as needed. Tfa"<PAS: Pir:t .iU 1ciYt�TrOID ,-IrtUT�Of ir;.oh< t',.I iinli..a e'' aie VJ--fhI0 Ill lull Uti+, witi' Itt, allowix� d THIS QUOTATION,SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF,MAYBE ACCEPTED ONLY BY SIGNING ONE COPY OF THIS QUOTATION AND RETURNING IT TO METROPOLITAN PUMP CO NOT LATER THAN THE DATE INDICATED ON THE FACE HEREOF AFTER WHICH THIS QUOTATIONS IS VOID. THIS QUOTATION AFTER ACCEPTANCE BY BUYER MAY BE CANCELLED BY EITHER PARTY WITH NO PENALTY ONLY IF EN NEE FAILS TO APPROVE SELLERS APPROVAL BROCHURE. Accepted: Quotation No: KT22719MN Firm: Oi`( �Ep Ct'K OF KoIRIGVuAwE- submitted: 5/1 1 12 0 2 0 By: JoHN ?txleC-F-LL. Void after: 30 days Title: PA ll k012. Prepared By: Ken Turnquist METROPOLITAN PUMP COMPANY QUOTATION A Division of METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES,INC. Page 1 of 1 37 FORESTWOOD DRIVE•ROMEOVILLE,IL•60446-1343 (815)886.9200 FAX(815)886-4573 PROJECT: Fox Hill Lift Station TO: Mr.Tom Soelke Yorkville, Illinois 610 Tower Lane BIDS DUE: ASAP City of Yorkville Cell;630-886-2374 ENGINEER: N/A Office:630-553-4349 Tsaelkegbywkville We are pleased to provide a QUOTE on the following equipment for the subject project. Control Panel Upgrade(LMS II Level Controller and Cloud SCADA) Furnish Qty(1)New LMS II Level Controller Upgrade including,Allen Bradley 1400 PLC w/Operator Interface with 7"screen, misc. parts all mounted into existing cabinet. Existing LMS 400 will be removed and remain the property of the City of Yorkville and replaced with the New LMS 11 Level controller. Includes new submersible transducer and floats with 100ft. Of cable. Labor included for removal and replacement of new controller Total Amount For LMS 11 Controller Upgrade is: $12,969.00 (Taxes Not Included) Total Monthly Cost For Verizon Cellular Service based on 250 Tags $45.00/Mo. at 5 minute polling is: (Taxes Not Included) Note: Taxes, permits, fees are not included. Our proposal is based on the site visit Quote assumes all existing and necessary conduits are available and re-usable. Quote assumes all exising power/pump control components are operattional for re-use as needed. TEFMS: Net Cj(j,y•. ItotII Matt: 01 11IVoas '. All it.;"II ,ztc-I -dnk� in TIFii 44it:u Maur,ivitl; no alinweli. THIS QUO TAI ION,SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF,MAY BE ACCEPTED ONLY BY SIGNING ONE COPY OF THIS QUOTATION AND RETURNING IT TO METROPOLITAN PUMP CO.NOT LATER THAN THE DATE INDICATED ON THE FACE HEREOF AFTER WHICH THIS QUOTATIONS IS VOID, THIS QUOTATION AFTER ACCEPTANCE BY BUYER MAY BE CANCELLED BY EITHER PARTY WITH NO PENALTY ONLY IF GIN R FAILS TO APPROVE SELLERS APPROVAL BROCHURE Accepted: Quotation No: KT22719MN Firm: Uhi rMb Ct-d of:* IL1.E. Submitted: 5/11/2020 By: 3101ktJ PLt9.CEtA. Void after: 30 days Title: M AIM1112— Prepared By: Ken Turnquist METROPOLITAN PUMP COMPANY QUOTATION A Division of METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES,INC. Page 1 Of 1 37 FORESTWOOD DRIVE-ROMEOVILLE, IL-60446-1343 (815)886-9200 - FAX(815)$86.4573 PROJECT: Rivers Edge Lift Station TO: Mr.Tom Soelke Yorkville, Illinois 610 Tower Lane BIDS DUE: ASAP City of Yorkville Cell:630-886-2374 ENGINEER: N/A Office:630-553-4349 Tsoelke(&yorkville,i We are pleased to provide a QUOTE on the following equipment for the subject project. Control Panel Uuarade(LMS II Level Controller and Cloud SCADA) Furnish Qty(1)New LMS II Level Controller Upgrade including,Allen Bradley 1400 PLC w/Operator Interface with 7"screen, misc. parts all mounted into existing cabinet. Existing LMS 400 will be removed and remain the property of the City of Yorkville and replaced with the New LMS II Level controller. Includes new submersible transducer and floats with 100ft. Of cable. Labor included for removal and replacement of new controller Total Amount For LMS II Controller Upgrade is: $12,969.00 (Taxes Not Included) Total Monthly Cost For Verizon Cellular Service based on 250 Tags $45.00/Mo. at 5 minute polling is: (Taxes Not Included) Note: Taxes,permits,fees are not included. Our proposal is based on the site visit Quote assumes all existing and necessary conduits are available and re-usable. Quote assumes all exising power/pump control components are operattional for re-use as needed. uI ry�. tlAntl o<to:J hi'doic_:. �'dl iu ro, ..._arse I-Iy_-1h]" I I rml::ht:iI Our--, "4itll I:o Ii�triina;je THIS QUOTATION,SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE S,DE HEREOF,MAYBE ACCEPTED ONLY BY SIGNING ONE COPY OF THIS QUOTATION AND RETURNING IT TO METROPOLITAN PUMP CO.NOT LATER THAN THE DATE INDICATED ON THE FACE HEREOF AFTER WHICH THIS QUOTATIONS IS VOID, THIS QUOTATION AFTER ACCEPTANCE BY BUYER MAY BE CANCELLED BY EITHER PARTY WITH NO PENALTY ONLY IF ENGINEER FAILS TO APPROVE SELLERS APPROVAL BROCHURE Accepted. Quotation No: KT22719MN Firm: Ut l tMb C tTy Orr R.(LYiLL►ESubmitted: 5/11/2020 By: P URCE.LL Void after: 30 days Title: P(OR Prepared By: Ken Turnquist