COW Minutes 2001 01-04-01 I CITY OF YORKVILLE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JANUARY 4 MEMBERS PRESENT: Art Prochaska, Paul James, Richard Sticks, Larry Kot, Valerie Burd, Rose Ann Spears, Mike Anderson, Tom Sowinski, Robert Allen, Tony Graff, Dan Kramer, Jim Nanninga, Joe Wywrot, Cindy Green. Guests: Sharon Ness, Jennifer Wintermote, and Lynn Dubajic. Harold Feltz Easement Verbiage needs to be added that would include property to Brian Shillinger. It would require the Cities vacation of the alley and half of the property going to each home owner. A grant of easement is needed from both homeowners. This Item is to be placed on the January 11 council agenda. Municipal Well Set -back Ordinance -This ordinance is necessary If the City plans to use well set - backs. It also must be approved by the State of Illinois EPA. This item will be placed on the January 11 council agenda. Squad Car Bid Results -The only bid received was for $100. After much discussion and the determination of costs to take the squad to auto auction, it was decided to go with the $100 bid. Additional Business: There is a streetlight out at the intersection of Route 34 and Game Farm Rd. The sign at the door directing the public to the City Offices needs to be replaced. On Tuesday January 9, the Riverfront Foundation will be meeting to- determine what upcoming projects needed to be looked into. A permanent cover over the Plaza area has been suggested. Volunteers, donations, and laborers will be recruited. A suggestion was made for available information that would allow citizens financial aid for the season's heating bills. A question was raised if the Illinois Municipal League had any programs available. This issue will be researched and information will be posted in the City Offices, The November Police Report will be presented on the January 11 council agenda for approval. A correction stating that Public Safety meetings are held on Tuesday, to the 2001 schedule. A meeting is being planned to discuss the "Ecstasy" drug Issue on January 29, at 7:00 PM. State Representative Tom Cross will be in attendance. Mayor Prochaska stated that it is likely that he will have names of possible replacements for Dave Dockstader, Ward 3 Alderman and the position vacated by Larry Langland on the Plan Commission. Mayor Prochaska also receive information that a Sign Committee board member will be needed. Plainfield Boundry Agreement Plans are currently being developed. Respectfully submitted by Cindy Green