Admin Committee Minutes 2005 12-01-05 Page 1 of 4
City Hall Conference Room
Paul James — Alderman Art Prochaska — Mayor
Wanda Ohare — Alderwoman Traci Pleckham — Finance Director
Bill Powell — Treasurer
John Crois — Interim City Administrator
The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm by Alderman Paul James
1. Minutes for ApprovaUCorrection: November 3, 2005
The minutes were approved as read.
1. Monthly Budget Report for October 2005
At the end of fiscal October the following was noted for the fiscal year:
• At 50% of the budget
• At 30% of expenses
• At 46% of the revenue
Ms. Pleckham noted that the shaded comment area on the report, denote new comments.
This report was generated to provide a snapshot of the yearly budget and insure the
numbers are on track. Mr. Crois said that the budget is doing quite well and that the
projections were very accurate. Mayor Prochaska suggested also looking at any
outstanding payments or incoming revenue that might only occur once a year.
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Overall, he added that this report is a very good tool. Any residual interest or late
payments might not be reflected in this report according to Ms. Pleckham.
Mr. Powell added that he was evaluating bank statements each month for the
minimum/maximum and also transfers in/out in order to provide a picture of the cash
flow in a given month. He also tried to invest some of the funds into short term CD's for
additional interest. Ms. Pleckham said she will be doing comparisons of a year ago and
is working on computer - generated comparison reports rather than having to do it
Mr. Powell then handed out a bar chart showing the percentage of the tax levy since
2001, for residential, commercial, industrial and "farm new construction ". Mayor
Prochaska commented that the chart showed stability in maintaining the ratio and that
more commercial growth will be desired in the coming years. This type of chart also
helps to set goals and realistic targets. Alderman James suggested doing some research
to establish a target goal.
Mr. Crois stated that the commercial growth will naturally increase as more businesses
move to Yorkville such as Wal -Mart. He also suggested reviewing the comprehensive
plan and when more commercial growth occurs, the residential taxes may be able to be
decreased over time. Mr. Powell added that the City Council can do the following to help
increase commercial growth:
1. Establish incentives to draw commercial growth
2. Work with and share information with Lynn Dubajic to assist her in attracting
Mayor Prochaska also cautioned that residential growth must not be limited or
commercial growth will not be secured. He agreed that incentives for industrial growth
would be beneficial.
It was decided to track this data on a yearly basis, since it is based on tax levies.
Alderman James also suggested adding some comments regarding commercial growth for
review next year. The data will also be given to EDC for developing possible incentives
for attracting businesses and will be placed on the EDC agenda for an upcoming C.O.W.
Alderwoman Ohare complimented Mr. Powell on this report.
2. ADM 2005 -17 Monthly Treasurer's Report for October 2005
The following highlights were noted from this report:
1. The beginning balance: $21,569,808.82
2. Revenues: $1,885,854.89
3. Expenses: $2,497,024.53
4. Ending balance on October 31: $20,961.264.18 j
5. Combined Fund Balance reserve is at 31%
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Alderman James voiced his approval of the use of the agenda item tracking numbers and
asked that it be added to the actual document.
The Treasurer's report will be placed on the consent agenda for C.O.W.
3. ADM 2005 -18 Revised Purchase Order Policy
Joe Wywrot recommended that this policy be reviewed by this committee. He had
received a memo from IDOT stating that the competitive bidding threshold has increased
from $10,000 to $20,000. For purchases up to $10,000, City Council must approve. Ms.
Pleckham will add the verbiage, "bid form required" for purchases up to $10,000.
This item will move to City Council for more discussion, however, not on the consent
4. ADM 2005 -19 Bristol Bay I SSA 2005 -109 Proposing Ordinance &
5. ADM 2005 -20 Autumn Creek SSA 2005 -108 Proposing Ordinance
The Bristol Bay SSA had previously been approved and the intent resolution was
approved in October. The next document to be approved is the proposing ordinance and
a public hearing will follow that. Mayor Prochaska commented that currently there are
no limiting factors on the SSA's and the question arises as to how the SSA funds are
being spent. He suggested that not all proposed SSA's should be approved and that
explanation should be provided in the proposing ordinance showing how the funds will
be used. This explanation is needed because elected officials will be asked about these
A decision on the Bristol Bay and Autumn Creek Proposing Ordinances should not be
delayed according to Ms. Pleckham, because Public Hearings are already scheduled for
January. In addition, a delay in approval of these ordinances would stall the front
funding. She will review the policy and bring her findings to the next C.O.W.
It was decided to move items #4 and #5 to C.O.W. and two factors will be considered:
1. What is being proposed in the SSA
2. Comparison of the proposal to the ordinance
Ms. Pleckham will research the amounts of each SSA.
6. ADM 2005 -21 Central Grande Reserve SSA 2004 -104 Abatement Ordinance &
Z ADM 2005 -22 Total Grande Reserve SSA 2004 -106 Abatement Ordinance
Ms. Pleckham provided an explanation of abatements. When an SSA is in place, no taxes
are levied to the homeowner for 3 years. After 3 years, a tax rate is levied. If the full
amount is not charged, (following tax calculations), the difference must be abated back
(deducted from the bill) to the homeowner.
This item will be placed on the C.O.W. agenda for December 6 th under Mayor's Report.
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8. ADM 2005 -23 City Administrator Draft Job Description
Alderman James said he was pleased with the draft and suggested moving it on to
C.O.W. for more discussion. Mr. Crois said he made some suggestions regarding the
description, in a memo to the committee members. He said there is confusion regarding
the Economic Development Director referred to in Item #10 under Job Functions. The
Mayor said this could also refer to the new position of Community Development Director
rather than the position currently held by Lynn Dubajic of the YEDC. After discussion, it
was decided to revise #10 to read "Works with Yorkville Economic..." Mr. Crois also
suggested eliminating #14 under Job Functions.
Ms. Pleckham asked if a Bachelor's Degree was adequate education for this position,
especially in view of the fact that the Community Development Director is required to
have a Master's Degree. Mr. Crois added that Administrator applicants will most likely
have Master's Degrees.
After a brief discussion, it was decided to move this Job Description on to C.O.W. with
the recommendation to have Bart Olson look at the education/experience and adjust to
match the current guidelines. This will be moved to a C.O.W. in January.
9. ADM 2005 -24 City Administrator Recruitment and Hiring Proposal
This matter will be taken to C.O.W. for all the Council members to discuss the hiring of a
City Administrator. City staff has recommended the soliciting of proposals to assist in
the hiring of an Administrator by outside consultants. The proposals will state the cost.
It was noted that McGrath has done a good job for the City in the past and they have a
pool of applicants. Bids will be obtained prior to the December 20 C.O.W. and brought
to that meeting for discussion.
Items to be discussed at next month's Administration Committee Meeting.
This information on the agenda is to preview what will be discussed next month.
Mayor Prochaska updated the committee on the Community Development Director.
Three candidates have been selected, they have been interviewed and the Mayor is
working with McGrath to check references. He hopes to make recommendations soon
and they would be discussed in Executive Session.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:42pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Marlys Young, Minute Taker