Admin Committee Minutes 2005 11-03-05 Page 1 of 5 APPROVED 12 -01 -0$
City Hall Conference Room
Mayor Art Prochaska (6:30 -6:55) & (7z5 to 7:45) Finance Director Traci Pleckham
Alderwoman Rose Spears City Treasurer Bill Powell (arr. 6:45)
Alderwoman Wanda Ohare Intern Bart Olson
Alderwoman Valerie Burd Payroll & Benefits Specialist
Denise Kasper (6:30 to7:35)
The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm by Alderwoman Wanda Ohare
1. Minutes for ApprovaUCorrection: October 6, 2005
The minutes were approved as read.
2. Historical Street Name Procedures
The forms and procedure pertaining to street name submissions have been updated and
misspelled street nominations have been corrected. A street name in Grand Reserve that
had been misspelled will remain as is. At the present time, there is a shortage of
suggested names. Glory Spies will submit a press release regarding the street naming
project, as well as placing information on the website and in the January City newsletter.
The Mayor suggested a follow -up form also.
3. Tuition Policy
A revised copy of this policy was submitted by Bart Olson. Revisions were made to
Section 8.6b and Section 8.6d; Section 8.6h of the existing policy will be removed from
the employee manual. A list of eligible degrees for employees was also included.
This revision moves to the November 15 C.O.W.
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4. Audit Update
Ms. Pleckham said that it was originally planned that the auditors were going to be
present for a November C. 0. W., however, they were unable to be present so the date has
been changed to December 6 The final audit will be available at that time.
1. Tax Levy
Two tax levy options were presented: Option #1 maintains a zero rate and Option #2 is
the maximum amount. Mayor Prochaska recommended trying to maintain the zero rate
for existing residents and to use the 0.6571 rate from 2005. The final EAV rate will not
be available until February 2006 with the estimated EAV being $309,827,006. Ms.
Pleckham reminded the committee that Kendall Township was reassessed this year and
Bristol Township was not.
The Mayor said that the residents have been told that the City is trying to hold the line on
taxes, however, if an increase was approved, the citizens' bills would increase by an
estimated $3.88. Treasurer Bill Powell said that while he did not advocate collecting the
maximum amount, it could compound the situation for future years if too little is
collected. If the amount is decreased, the Mayor recommended doing so in a year of
substantial increase in EAV for new growth. It was noted that the total difference
between the two options presented was $13,000. Ms. Burd added that new staff will
need to be added in the future and she favored the increase.
This will move to C.O.W. for more discussion since the limiting rate may decrease.
2. Fox Hill SSA Abatement Ordinance
3. Raintree Village I SSA Abatement Ordinance
4. Windett Ridge SSA Abatement Ordinance
The above agenda items were discussed together.
Ms. Pleckham reported that the maximum amount for this SSA is no longer needed and
therefore the City will issue abatements. The City oversees the SSA's rather than the
developers because the City controls those revenues. An administrative fee is also
charged and Ms. Pleckham serves as a liaison for the SSA process.
These three items will move to the C.O.W. consent agenda.
S. IMLRMA Insurance Rate
The rate for 2005 is $119,142.52. If this is approved before November 22 the City
would still be eligible for a 2% discount. The bonding minimum is $50,000 and the
bond for the Finance Director and Treasurer has been increased.
This item will move to the C.O.W. consent agenda.
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6. Monthly Budget Report for September 2005
Finance Director Pleckham said a spreadsheet has been added to answer questions that
are asked each month and revisions will be added as needed. This month's budget
showed 23% on expenses and 43% on revenues. She said permits and state revenues are
slightly down and the anticipated state revenues are slightly delayed.
Ms. Spears reminded the committee that the contract services still need to be reviewed,
especially for those areas that are very high. The details for the increased travel for
Engineering will be added on a spreadsheet.
This report was for information only.
7. Monthly Treasurer's Report for September 2005
Ms. Powell said the beginning balance total was $19,763,613.01 with revenues of
$5,582,152.05 and expenses of $3,804,520.92. The transfers were carryovers from a
previous month. Ms. Pleckham explained that her department tries to keep the transfers
on the first bill list of the month, so that the amounts zero out, to avoid having transfers
on the Treasurer's report. The ending balance is $21,569,808.82.
The combined Fund Balance Reserve for the month is at 34 %.
This item moves to C.O.W. consent agenda.
8. Attorney Hours Spreadsheet and Draft Job Description
This item was tabled. Ms. Burd suggested tabling this item for longer than December
since the future Community Development Director will be assuming some of the work
currently done by the Attorney. This will change the number of hours the Attorney
works. It was decided to move this item to March for further discussion. Ms. Pleckham
will advise the attorney of this.
9. Accounting Clerk HRevised Job Description
This was an old job description with the H.R. functions being deleted and the accounting
clerk role added. Ms. Pleckham said she would like the "Accounting Clerk II" to be
changed to "Senior Accounting Clerk", however, there is no change in the salary.
Educational requirements for this position were also increased to a Bachelor's Degree
plus experience. The salary range is $32,085 to $43,675. The Labor Attorney will be
asked to review the revised description.
This moves to C.O.W. consent agenda.
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10. Engineering Assistant Revised Job Description
It was noted that the "Land Planner" referred to in this description is Mike Schoppe at
this time. Ms. Pleckham said this new description revises the job functions and increases
the educational requirements to an Associate Degree. This position would then be
eligible for tuition reimbursement for a Bachelor's Degree. A suggestion to change the
title to Engineering Administrative Assistant was made by Ms. Spears. The typing
requirement was also removed from the description as recommended by Mr. Wywrot,
since the position is less clerical.
Mr. Wywrot will be advised of the job title change and this item will move to C.O.W.,
however, not on the consent agenda.
11. Library Levy
This levy relates to the library expansion. Ms. Pleckham stated that in 2005 the City
issued $7,250,000 in bonds to fund the library expansion. The remaining portion of
$1,500,000 will either be front - funded or in authorized bonds. In the next calendar year,
$454,000 is needed to pay for the first 1 -1/2 year's interest. If the City wants to abate any
of that amount, there must be cash in the bank in December and pledged to the trustee
who has the bond, by the time the abatement ordinance is filed. She said that there are
commitments from developers for front - funding, however, it is contingent upon final
plats. She felt that the full amount should be levied due to time issues for those plats.
She also said to be mindful of the City tax levy.
If no action is taken, the levy will just move forward. The recommendation is for no
abatement and Ms. Pleckham will advise the Library Board of this.
Ms. Burd asked for occasional construction updates from the Library Board during the
building project.
Ms. Spears said she had previously requested a spreadsheet detailing the City contracts
and information concerning expiration/renewal dates etc. It was requested to have this
information for the December or possibly January meeting. Mr. Olson will coordinate
this project.
Mayor Prochaska gave a report regarding the cable consortium. Videotaping classes will
begin in February and advanced classes for editing are available. Televising of Yorkville
meetings will be done twice a month. Bills currently in the House regarding
communication were also discussed. A current bill in the State legislature deals with
franchises and if passed, will end all franchises. Fees may be imposed, up to 5% of the
gross video revenues, to State or local government. In this scenario, the City stands to
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lose money. At the current time, the money is split between the City and Waubonsee
College. The Mayor said he would provide the website to look at this bill.
Alderwoman Ohare questioned the need for a liaison to the School Board. She felt that if
an issue arose, a School Board representative could attend a City meeting. The Mayor
said the liaison is meant to be the "contact person" and the agenda is sent to that person.
A decision could then be made if attendance at that meeting was necessary. She said the
School has always contacted the Mayor or City Administrator about a given matter rather
than the liaison. Alderwoman Spears suggested a memo be written to each School Board
member to let them know Ms. Ohare is available if needed. Ms. Burd said she felt it was
important to maintain a relationship especially in view of the school referendum in the
Treasurer Powell stated that some CD's had been placed into a "ladder" and that one CD
is coming due. He will have a new CD issued in the amount of $50,000 with an interest
rate of 4.4 %. He said this rate is 1 % better in the CD than in a money market account.
Compliments were given to Bart Olson and Traci Pleckham on the "Summary Memo"
form included as a cover page to agenda items.
Bart Olson reported that a census test had been given and qualified applicants could start
in 1 -1/2 weeks. The starting pay is $12.50 per hour.
As there was no additional business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by
Marlys Young, Minute Taker