City Council Minutes 2024 03-26-24 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE,KENDALL COUNTY,ILLINOIS, HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 651 PRAIRIE POINTE DRIVE ON TUESDAY,MARCH 26,2024 Mayor Purcell called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL • City Clerk Behland called the roll. Ward I Koch Present Transier Present Ward II Plocher Present Soling Present Ward III Funkhouser Present Marek Present Ward IV Tarulis Present Corneils Present Staff in attendance at City Hall: City Administrator Olson, City Clerk Behland, Chief of Police Jensen, Attorney Lamb,Public Works Director Dhuse, and EEI Engineer Sanderson. Staff in attendance electronically: Community Development Director Barksdale-Noble, Finance Director Fredrickson,and Parks and Recreation Director Evans. Members of the public were able to attend this meeting in person as well as being able to access the meeting remotely via Zoom which allowed for video, audio, and telephonic participation. A meeting notice was posted on the City's website on the agenda,minutes,and packets webpage with instructions regarding remote meeting access and a link was included for the public to participate in the meeting remotely https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84315579830?pwd=QjJyOHlOV StYdGlw Vj V wbj Rwd3p3QT09. • The Zoom meeting ID was 843 1557 9830. QUORUM A quorum was established. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA None. PRESENTATIONS None. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS None. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes of the Regular City Council—March 12, 2024 2. Bill Payments for Approval $ 1,004,639.63 (vendors) $ 100.00 (wire payments) • $ 385,355.30 (payroll period ending 03/15/24) $ 1,390,094.93 (total) 3. 2024 Road to Better Roads—Construction Engineering Agreement—authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute(PW 2024-23) 4. 2024 Water Main Replacement Contract A—Construction Engineering Agreement—authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute(PW 2024-26) 5. Resolution 2024-14 Authorizing the Execution of Certain Contracts (Certificate of Authority for Rock Salt Purchases)—authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute(PW 2024-27) The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council—March 26,2024—Page 2 of 5 6. Resolution 2024-15 Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the United City of Yorkville and Bristol Township—authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute(PW 2024-28) 7. Treasurer's Report for February 2024 (ADM 2024-08) 8. Water, Sewer,and Road Infrastructure Fee Renewal(ADM 2024-13) a. Ordinance 2024-08 Amending the Infrastructure Maintenance Fee for Water and Sanitary Sewer Service—authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute b. Ordinance 2024-09 Amending the Termination Date of the Motor Vehicle Tax in the United City of Yorkville—authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute • 9. FY25 Travel Authorizations—approve travel authorizations for elected officials as presented packet materials(ADM 2024-14) Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve the consent agenda. So moved by Alderman Tarulis; seconded by Alderman Marek. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Koch-aye, Plocher-aye,Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye, Transier-aye, Soling-aye,Marek-aye, Corneils-aye REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT Appointment to the Library Board (CC 2024-18) Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve the Mayor's appointment of Wendy Gatz to the Library Board to a term ending May 2024. So moved by Alderman Soling; seconded by Alderman Transier. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Plocher-aye, Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye, Transier-aye, Soling-aye,Marek-aye, Corneils-aye, Koch-aye • Ordinance 2024-10 Approving the 2024-2025 Fiscal Budget for the United City of Yorkville (CC 2024-19) Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve an Ordinance Approving the 2024-2025 Fiscal Budget, incorporating budget adjustments#1 through#4 and authorize the Mayor to execute and City Clerk to execute. So moved by Alderman Transier; seconded by Alderman Plocher. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Funkhouser-aye,Tarulis-aye, Transier-aye, Soling-aye, Marek-aye, Corneils-aye, Koch-aye, Plocher-aye Resolution 2024-16 Expressing Official Intent Regarding Certain Capital Expenditures to be Reimbursed from Proceeds of Water Revenue and/or General Obligation Alternate Revenue Bonds to be Issued by the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County,Illinois (CC 2024-20) Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve a Resolution Expressing Official Intent Regarding Certain Capital Expenditures to be Reimbursed from Proceeds of Water Revenue and/or General Obligation Alternate Revenue Bonds to be Issued by the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County, Illinois and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. So moved by Alderman Funkhouser; seconded by Alderman Corneils. • Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Tarulis-aye,Transier-aye, Soling-aye,Marek-aye, Corneils-aye, Koch-aye, Plocher-aye, Funkhouser-aye The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council—March 26,2024—Page 3 of 5 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT 2024 Road to Better Roads— Contract Award (PW 2024-22) Alderman Koch made a motion to approve the bid and award contract to D. Construction, Inc., in an amount not to exceed$1,382,442.77 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute; seconded by Alderman Marek. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 . Transier-aye, Soling-aye,Marek-aye, Corneils-aye, Koch-aye,Plocher-aye,Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye 2024 Asphalt Rejuvenation— Contract Award (PW 2024-24) Alderman Koch made a motion to approve the bid and award contract to Corrective Asphalt Materials, LLC, in an amount not to exceed$82,748.25 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute; seconded by Alderman Soling. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Soling-aye,Marek-aye, Corneils-aye, Koch-aye, Plocher-aye, Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye, Transier-aye 2024 Water Main Replacement Contract A— Contract Award (PW 2024-25) Alderman Koch made a motion to approve the bid and award contract to Conley Excavating,Inc.,in an amount not to exceed$2,312,286.15 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute; seconded by Alderman Transier. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Marek-aye, Corneils-aye, Koch-aye, Plocher-aye, • Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye,Transier-aye, Soling-aye 2024 EEI Hourly Rates (PW 2024-29) Alderman Koch made a motion to approve the Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Hourly Rates as specified in the 2024 Standard Schedule of Charges; seconded by Alderman Marek. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Corneils-aye, Koch-aye, Plocher-aye, Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye,Transier-aye, Soling-aye,Marek-aye Rob Roy Drainage Ditch—Additional Work (CC 2024-30) Alderman Koch entertained a motion to approve a quote from Homer Tree Service, Inc. in an amount not to exceed$50,000 for additional work on the Rob Roy Drainage Ditch and authorize the Mayor to execute; seconded by Alderman Corneils. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-6 Nays-1 Present-1 Koch-aye, Plocher-aye, Funkhouser-nay, Tarulis-aye, Transier-aye, Soling-present,Marek-aye, Corneils-aye ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT No report. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT No report. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council—March 26,2024—Page 4 of 5 ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT Health Insurance Proposal (ADM 2024-12) Alderman Marek made a motion to approve a contract for the renewal of existing HMO and PPO plans with Blue Cross Blue Shield; to approve a contract with Blue Cross Blue Shield for the dental plan; to approve a contract with Dearborn National(BCBS) for vision plan,to approve a contract with Blue Cross Blue Shield for the life and AD&D plans; and to authorize non-union employee contribution percentages in the amounts of 10.5% for HMO coverage and 12.5% for PPO coverage and with union employee contributions rates in the amount as authorized by the Police Department and Public Works union • contract; seconded by Alderman Koch. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Plocher-aye,Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye, Transier-aye, Soling-aye,Marek-aye, Corneils-aye,Koch-aye PARK BOARD St.Patrick's Day Celebration Parks and Recreation Director Evans thanked everyone who helped and attended the St.Patrick's Day Celebration. He stated that there was a great turnout, and the weather was amazing. This event has grown every year. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Ordinance 2024-11 Approving an Amendment to the Yorkville Unified Ordinance Development Regarding Alternative Energy Use Standards(Solar Farms) (PZC 2024-06&EDC 2024-18) Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve an Ordinance Approving an Amendment to the Yorkville Unified Ordinance Development Regarding Alternative Energy Use Standards(Solar Farms)and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. So moved by Alderman Plocher; seconded by Alderman Marek. • Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-7 Nays-1 Funkhouser-aye,Tarulis-nay, Transier-aye, Soling-aye, Marek-aye, Corneils-aye, Koch-aye, Plocher-aye CITY COUNCIL REPORT No report. CITY CLERK'S REPORT No report. COMMUNITY&LIAISON REPORT Aurora Area Convention& Visitors Bureau Alderman Funkhouser reported that their Go Guide,their brochure,won the Excellence in Tourism award for Best Printed Collateral.Alderman Funkhouser shared that they strive to do this, and it's a high honor. They print over 24,000 copies of their Go Guide annually,which are circulated throughout the Midwest area. Yorkville Educational Foundation Alderman Marek reported that the Yorkville Educational Foundation's 6th Annual Fostering Our Future event is coming up on April 3, 2024. Please check out their Facebook page, where you can see the list of nominees for staff, support staff,and community members. They hit a record of 160 nominations this year. • STAFF REPORT No report. MAYOR'S REPORT(cont'd) City Buildings Updates (CC 2021-04) No report. Water Study Update (CC 2021-38) No report. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council—March 26,2024—Page 5 of 5 ADDITIONAL BUSINESS None. CITIZEN COMMENTS None. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to go into executive session for the following: • For litigation,when an action against,affecting,or on behalf of the particular public body has been • filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal,or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent,in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. • For the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline,performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. • For collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives,or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. • For the setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body. • For the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body. • For the discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes. So moved by Alderman Marek seconded by Alderman Koch. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Tarulis-aye,Transier-aye, Soling-aye,Marek-aye, Corneils-aye, Koch-aye, Plocher-aye, Funkhouser-aye The City Council entered executive session at 7:29 p.m. • The City Council returned to regular session at 7:50 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to adjourn the City Council meeting. Motion unanimously approved by a viva voce vote. Meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Behland, City Clerk, City of Yorkville,Illinois •