Admin Committee Minutes 2005 08-04-05 i
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THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 2005 6:30 PM
City Hall Conference Room
Alderman Paul James Treasurer Bill Powell
Alderwoman Rose Spears (arr. 6:36pm) Mayor Art Prochaska (7:10- 7:15pm)
Finance Director Traci Pleckham
Interim City Clerk Bart Olson
Alderman Dean Wolfer (arr. 6:38pm)
Tony Scott, Kendall County Record
The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Alderman Paul James.
1. Minutes for ApprovaUCorrection: July 7, 2005
Not all committee members had an opportunity to review the minutes, so it was decided
if there were any corrections, they should be brought to the September meeting.
2. Monthly Budget Report for June 2005
It was noted that the monthly Budget Report as of June 30 showed expenses being greater
than revenue, however, some tax distribution and state revenues are still expected. Ms.
Pleckham stated that transfers are being done quarterly and the numbers will be "trued
up" in July. She also stated that the report is given to all Aldermen and in the future
months, "FYI" will be added to this report.
3. Monthly Treasurer's Report for June 2005
The following items were specifically discussed:
• The "Municipal Building" item is a carryover from the renovations and fees are
still being collected.
• #85 Fox Industrial -will be adjusted based on a transfer from MFT. An
appropriation resolution was done earlier this year.
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• #95 Trust & Agency -funds collected by the City for other agencies such as the
School District (land cash), Library etc.
This report will move to the C.O.W. consent agenda..
4. Create Ordinance for City Administrator
a. Revising of City Administrator Job Description
Mr. Graff noted that his position was never created by an ordinance, but rather by a job
description. The revised job description was reviewed by the committee and it was
decided to discuss this after the IML conference.
Ms. Pleckham said that she now tracks items from meeting agendas so that no item will
be dropped off. It was suggested that these lists should be printed quarterly for a review.
This agenda item will be brought back to committee in October for further discussion.
5. Powers of Council as it Relates to I and 4 Year Appointments
This item will move to a future meeting when the Attorney is present and after more
research from him.
6. Revising ofAdministrative Secretary Job Description
Bart Olson's memo was discussed and he noted that the education requirements have
been a point of conversation for each job description. The high level of education
was the minimum for support staff. He had done a survey of similar positions in other
towns to compare functions for this particular position. Ms. Spears asked him to also do
a salary survey for this job, however, Mr. Graff said this information could be found on
the computer
Mr. Graff said this position was mostly clerical, but this particular position has evolved
and includes extra duties. This position works with the Mayor, Administrator and
Attorney and a confidentiality requirement was added to the job description.
Mr. Olson said that if the education requirements are raised, it could be challenged and
the City would have to justify the change. The job description will be reviewed by an
attorney after the committee finalizes the revisions.
Alderman Wolfer shared some recent information he received that it may be illegal to
conduct a background check as a requirement except for Police Departments. It was
noted by Ms. Pleckham and Mr. Graff that at the present, a release must be signed for
such a check. The attorney will be consulted and Mr. Graff said this requirement should
be placed in the employee manual.
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After much discussion, it was decided that the job description should require a high
school degree along with a preferred Associate degree and/or 64 hours of job- related
college courses.
Alderwoman Spears recommended a rubber stamp to note "legal review" on all
documents being reviewed. Mr. Graff responded that a "synopsis page" is being drafted
to indicate legal, financial or other types of review and the action to be taken. He said it
will be brought to the next meeting.
Mr. Olson was asked to email surrounding towns requesting a job description for similar
This job description will move to C.O.W. after a final revision and legal review.
7 Videotaping Public Meetings
This is an item that had been discussed at a previous meeting and no decision was made.
Mr. Graff added that in the past, there was no one qualified to do the videotaping. At this
time, City employee Glory Spies is qualified to do so. Ms. Spears said she is also
qualified to videotape and Mayor Prochaska said that the person who tapes "Music Under
the Stars" might also be available. The City I.T. Tech -Ron is coordinating with the
consortium regarding the videotaping.
This will be placed on the next C.O.W. agenda for input from the other Council
8. Salary Survey: Mayor, Aldermen, Clerk and Treasurer
This item was skipped at this time.
1. Clerk and Treasurer — Elected Positions?
The Clerk and Treasurer positions were necessary in the past, however, with full time
staff positions, the question arose if those two positions can be handled by present staff.
Mr. James said he spoke with Treasurer Bill Powell and City Clerk Jackie Milschewski
and both of them feel their positions could be appointed rather than elected and should be
full -time. Two separate referendums would be needed to take this action. The current
stipend for each is $3600 annually.
This item will be brought back next month for discussion. Prior to the next committee
meeting, a survey will be done of surrounding communities to determine if the positions
are full -time, elected or appointed, the salaries, etc. Bart Olson said that some
communities do not have a Treasurer position or the role is minimal. Mr. Powell added
that it is difficult to oversee the financial functions as a part-time official. The "check
and balance" of the finances is done by auditors.
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Also prior to the next meeting, Attorney Wyeth will give an opinion on the legality of
this issue. If the City moves forward with a referendum, 90 days must be allowed.
(Moved back into agenda to discuss #8 under Old Business)
8. Salary Survey. Mayor, Aldermen, Clerk and Treasurer
This issue was brought back from a previous meeting. Alderman James said that he
wished to keep the salary on the lower end in order to attract citizens who want to serve
the City, rather than those who do it for the money. He wishes to bring this item back to
the next meeting when Alderwomen Burd and Ohare are present.
(Moved forward in agenda to item #2 under New Business)
2. Special Census Update
The special census coordinator recently met with Bart Olson and Annette Williams. The
City will solicit office space in town by using an RFP and a contract will be obtained and
brought directly to a future C.O.W. Three to four locations have already been identified.
The office must be set up by September and must be off -site from the City building.
This census should bring in more than $600 per home. The cost of the survey is
approximately $102,000, up from the previous time due to more homes.
3. Salary Survey and Performance Review Proposal
Currently, the City is examining employee salaries and the Police Department will also
conduct a compensation salary survey. Mr. Graff asked if the City wished to hire a firm
to study salaries. Three companies have been contacted and asked for quotes. The
questions to be answered are:
1. Does the Administration Committee wish to do an RFP for a study?
2. Does the City want to do a formalized compensation review?
Mr. Graff said that firms that study salaries often review job descriptions and revise
performance reviews. He said some initial prices for this were obtained from a website.
Montgomery did such a survey at a cost of over $100,000.
Chairman James suggested taking this matter to C.O.W. for further input and also obtain
a copy of Montgomery's recent survey. It was stated that the City already has that copy
and has been using it. Alderwoman Spears said she does not think the expense of such a
survey is justified at this time.
The committee discussed the current performance review and suggested that these should
be updated. Alderman James suggested pulling one off the internet. Mr. Graff said IML
could provide input or perhaps a Ph.D. candidate or intern could do a study for a stipend.
It was noted that two interns are approved for the next budget.
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This item will be brought back in October for further discussion after more information is
4. Waterworks System Contract B.2 and B.3 Alternate Revenue Bond
This item is an update on the EPA loan, though the loan is not certain at this time.
Administrator Graff reported that two good bids had been received for running pipes
under the river. He recommended moving forth with the alternate revenue bond
available, since it is not known if the loan will be approved. He added that the low river
level this year would be an advantage as well and the contractor already has equipment in
the area.
The City must be in full EPA compliance by 2007 and Mr. Graff said that the City would
not be notified until at least November, if the loan is approved. There is $50 million
dollars available in the State with 65 communities seeking a portion of those funds. j
It was suggested to do the bond sale on August 23 award the bid contingent upon the
funds and move this forward to C.O.W. on August 16
S. Liability Insurance Renewal Process
This is a renewal update for IML -RMA. It was questioned if other rates were desired or
if the current vendor should be retained. A past concern was a lack of response from the
company, however, that has been rectified. In addition, they offered a better rate.
Ms. Pleckham said that the current policy needs to be revisited after the Library
expansion is complete to insure the proper coverage.
It was decided not to seek other bids since this is a recurring contract, but a quote will be
requested from the current vendor in October. This item will move forward to C.O.W.
6. Contracted Vendor Information
Ms. Pleckham compiled a list of the current preferredCity vendors per an IML request.
It was suggested by Alderwoman Spears to ask City staff if adequate service is being
received from these vendors and if there is a good working relationship. Mr. Graff will
ask department heads for input and report back to the committee. A "length of contract"
column will be added to Ms. Pleckham's list.
Alderman James suggested moving this on to C.O.W. to inform all Council members of
the yearly contracts
7. City Administrator's Request for NIU Class
This request is for approval for Administrator Graff s 3 rd of 12 classes. The cost is $900.
This will move to C.O.W. for approval on consent agenda. The tuition reimbursement
policy will be brought back to committee next month for more discussion. Bart Olson
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will bring the existing document and any proposed changes. The focus is to make the
policy consistent for all employees and to make it very clear.
8. FY 04105 Audit Update
Ms. Pleckham said the auditors are currently working at the City and also reminded the
committee that this year the City must be GASBY34- compliant. Because of this, the
auditors are also looking at all the fixed assets that includes such things as water, sewer,
streets, any infrastructure, etc. On this date Ms. Pleckham received the fixed asset
appraisal for the land portion.
The draft of the audit is expected typically in September, but may take additional time
due to the asset appraisal that will need to be added. Mr. Graff asked if an audit
presentation should be done at a C.O.W. or at a special meeting. A presentation will be
done at C.O.W., however, a decision on a date will be made at a later time.
Alderwoman Spears asked if the historical street naming procedures could be brought to
the committee for discussion. This will be brought back in September or October.
Ms. Spears also said the sponsorship policy does not match the form that is given out. It
was decided to give it to Mr. Graff for revision by City staff and then bring it back to
Administration. The Attorney will be asked to review it as well.
Administrator Graff reported that Dr. Gabris from NIU will hold a special meeting on
August 30 for strategic planning. A memo will be given to each Council member. An
IML member will also be attending the meeting in compliance with their rules.
It was questioned by Mr. Powell if item #1 regarding the Clerk and Treasurer becoming
elected positions could move to C.O.W. However, it is desired to have the attorney
review this matter first and it was felt the Clerk should be at the meeting too.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:18pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Marlys Young, Minute taker