Admin Committee Minutes 2005 06-02-05 Page 1 of 5 [APPROVED 7/7/0$
THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2005 6:30 PM
City Hall Conference Room
Alderman Paul James Attorney John Wyeth
Alderwoman Rose Spears Finance Director Traci Pleckham
Alderwoman Valerie Burd Chief Harold Martin
Intern Bart Olson
Tony Scott, Kendall County Record
The meeting was called to order at 6:32pm by Alderman Paul James.
1. Minutes for ApprovaUCorrection: May 5, 2005
The minutes were approved as read.
2. Monthly Budget Report for April 2005
The committee reviewed the General Fund Summary ending April 30 and noted that the
General Fund revenue was at 88 %. Ms. Pleckham noted that one more bill list is yet to
come. Currently there is $750,000 in general surplus and more State revenue will be
coming in June and July. Ms. Pleckham said overall, the budget is doing very well.
Auditors are slated to come the second week of July.
This item moves forward to C.O.W.
3. Treasurer's Reportfor January —April 2005
Reports for January through April, 2005 were included for review by the committee.
Alderwoman Spears said that at the last Administration meeting, she had raised the issue
of why so many reports were received at once since they are to be submitted on a
monthly basis. Since Treasurer Powell was not present, Ms. Pleckham will review the
State Statute time requirements for these reports. The local ordinance will also be
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researched and other communities will be surveyed for their practices regarding these
4. Senior Engineering Technician Salary Schedule
S. Senior Engineering Technician Job Description
These two items were discussed simultaneously. Mr. Olson stated that Mr. Wywrot
considers two of his employees to be senior techs. The current salary range is $37,000 to
$53,000 and Mr. Wywrot is recommending a range of $41,000 to $57,000. Ms.
Pleckham added that the job description has already been approved and that just the
salary issue is being revised.
The committee then discussed the salary. Mr. Olson stated he had tried to do a survey of
comparable positions in the area, however, the positions had different job duties with
similar salaries.
The committee decided to move this issue on to C.O.W. with Mr. Wywrot's salary range
recommendation being added to the salary schedule sheet.
Ms. Spears requested a spreadsheet from Mr. Olson, showing the number of employees,
full or part time and salaries, of the communities he surveyed. Mr. Olson added that
many towns outsource engineering duties and he will research the percentage of
engineering work sent out. He will narrow the research down to those communities with
similar growth and having a similar budget. The communities decided upon by the
committee for comparison were Naperville, Plainfield and Oswego
Ms. Spears also suggested that educational requirements be upgraded on all future job
descriptions in general, because of the excellent salaries and benefits the City offers.
Alderwoman Burd added that residents of her ward have expressed the opinion that the
City should hire more educated employees.
The Accounting Clerk I job description was then reviewed. Ms. Spears suggested
changing the Education Requirements in item #1 to an Associate Degree rather than high
school diploma or GED. Chief Martin added that the Police Department currently asks
for a minimum of an Associate Degree.
The Senior Engineering Tech job description was also reviewed. The committee felt a
minimum of an Associate Degree should be required for this position also. Ms.
Pleckham suggested leaving the "60 credit hours..." in current job descriptions to allow
for those situations where an Associate Degree has not been achieved, but a Bachelor's
Degree will be attained. In addition, some potential candidates might have a technical
degree, license or certificate but, not an Associate Degree.
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In summary, the Engineering Tech job description will be changed as follows:
1. Item #1 under Education: remove the high school degree or GED or equivalent.
2. Add: 64 credit hours of college coursework including coursework in civil
engineering or construction - related fields.
3. Item #4 will be revised as follows: Experience and education that provides the
required knowledge, skills and abilities is preferred or a plus.
4. Item #5 will be eliminated.
5. Ms. Spears asked to make this position non - exempt.
Alderman James recommended these changes be moved forward to C.O.W.
1. Deputy Clerk Ordinance
This ordinance recently had some revisions made and the committee also decided to omit
paragraph three -- training and qualifications regarding State laws. In addition, the second
paragraph will be changed to omit "Administration Department and Mayor's Office.
This item will move forward to C.O.W. on June 21
Attorney Wyeth added that a resolution for a recommended stipend will be needed. A
stipend amount of $1,000 was suggested.
This also will move forward to C.O.W. on June 21
2 Administrative Assistant Job Description
a. City Council Administrative Assistant
Ms. Burd suggested adding that the City Council should have input into the performance
evaluation. It will be added at the end of the first paragraph. Also, Ms. Spears said that
in the future, a minimum three years administrative and government experience should
be required. Also preferred in the future, is 64 hours of college coursework. Item #3
under Experience will also be changed to read: "Experience and education that provides
the required knowledge, skills and abilities is preferred or a plus. "
Salary range was discussed next. Ms. Pleckham will identify what the salary range
should be. It was also noted that "Salary Classification" was omitted from the job
description, but should be indicated as Administrative Support Staff. Mr. James said that
all future job descriptions should include the "Salary Classification" so that the salary
ranges can easily be determined. This issue will be brought forward to a department head
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In addition, Ms. Pleckham will suggest at a future department head meeting, that City
employee Glory Spies should attend Human Resource Commission meetings in regards
to the Historical Street Naming project. It was also noted that she should attend other
City meetings as well.
This item moves to C.O.W.
I Clerk's Office Assistant Job Description — Revised
This job description was revised slightly and "deputy clerk" was removed along with
other minor changes. Ms. Spears noted that the education requirements should be
standardized according to the earlier meeting discussion and the 64 -hour education
requirement will be added. The salary range will be in the "General Support" category.
Current employees will be grandfathered for their current positions if they lack the
education. Item #2 under Education will be deleted. Mr. James said he did not agree
with the proposed education requirements on this position.
This moves to C.O.W.
4. Full -Time Accounting Clerk I Job Description
The bill list will be done by the employee filling this position. This position was changed
to full -time and the standard education requirements will be added with a Bachelor's
degree preferred. "General Support Staff' will be added to indicate the salary range.
Item #4 under Position Requirements will change to ...with frequent interruptions...
S. Part -Time Utility Billing Clerk Job Description
Alderman James questioned why a separate job description has been written since one
exists for the full time position. Ms. Pleckham stated that the job responsibilities are
different. It was recommended by Ms. Spears that strong mathematical skills be required
also. Under Essential Job Functions, the word "periodically" will be removed from item
#5. Item #7 will change to delete the word "by" and change to "on established ". Minor
changes will be made to items numbers 8, 9 and 10. Experience and Education will
include "computer literate, Word, Excel and Word based environment ".
6. Organizational Chart. City, Administration, Finance, Engineering, Public Works
and Community Development
Mr. Olson said that he updated this chart and that it was for the Administration -based
departments. Ms. Burd commented that revision is needed to show that the City
Administrator, Police Chief and Parks & Recreation Director report to both the Mayor
and the City Council. It was suggested by Ms. Spears, that the Community Development
Director should report directly to the Mayor, however, Mr. Olson disagreed based on
surveys he has done. A revision will be shown to reflect that the Library Director reports
to the Library Board, rather than the Mayor. Elected officials will be shown in a
different color as well as a few lines will be moved.
There was also a brief discussion of some other departments on the other charts.
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7 Appointment of City Administrator, City Attorney, City Engineer, Director of Public
Works, Chief of Police and Building Code Official
These appointments traditionally have been done yearly. Upon examining the City code,
some revisions may be needed according to the Attorney. However, the City Attorney
recommended the re- appointments be done until clarification of the codes is complete.
Alderman James recommended the re- appointments be made in accordance with past
practices and move this on to C.O.W. Then, the second issue is to bring a revised draft
back to committee for discussion. Also to be considered, is the length of the
re- appointments. Four and one year terms were discussed. It was noted that the City
Administrator position would not be re- appointed since it is not technically an "office ".
Alderwoman Burd asked that a future discussion be held regarding the powers of City
Council in relationship to State Statutes. Attorney Wyeth will research some of the
appointed positions vs. contract positions and will gather associated documents.
These matters will be discussed at the July Administration meeting.
8. Single Audit Engagement Letter for $950 Water Radium Grant
Ms. Pleckham stated that whenever federal funding is received, an audit must be done
that relates to that funding and must be independent of the overall audit. This is a federal
This item moves to C.O.W. consent agenda.
Alderwoman Burd said that Batavia had asked a Northern Illinois University Professor to
present a workshop to the Aldermen regarding the role of Aldermen and the Mayor. She
felt it would be beneficial for those - newly elected persons in Yorkville. Ms. Pleckham
will research the cost and report to the Administration committee.
Mr. James suggested that a policy be established giving the authority to committees to
approve certain items. He said it should require a quorum and that a list of items that
could be approved would need to be established. This process would help shorten
meetings. Attorney Wyeth suggested increased use of the consent agenda for such items
so that all Council members can at least be made aware. Next month the committee will
discuss ways to streamline such matters.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted
By Marlys Young
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