Admin Committee Minutes 2005 04-07-05 i
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THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005 6:30 PM
City Hall Conference Room
Mayor Art Prochaska (arr. 7:20PM) Police Chief Harold Martin
Alderwoman Wanda Ohare Finance Director Traci Pleckham
Alderman Larry Kot (left 7:45pm) City Treasurer Bill Powell
Alderman Joe Besco City Administrator Tony Graff
The meeting was called to order at 6:33pm by Alderwoman Wanda Ohare.
1. Minutes for Approval/Correction: March 3, 2005
One correction was noted on page 1 under Item #2 Monthly Budget Report: MCI should
be MPI. Minutes were then approved.
2. Monthly Budget Report for February 2004
It was noted that as of February 2005, the budget is at 83.3% of the fiscal year. Ms.
Pleckham added that the State revenues lagged and in the next few months it will even
Page 1: Alderman Besco asked if any refuse stickers had been sold. These are now
included in the "Garbage Surcharge" on page 1. In the future budget, Ms. Pleckham will
delete the line item for refuse stickers.
Page 12: it was noted that a vacuum was purchased for the leaf pickup.
Page 19: The "Skidster Update" shows an increase of 271.4% due to the purchase of a
new one.
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Page 23: Investment Income showed an increase of 247.8 %. Treasurer Powell
explained that some of the increase was due to bond issues. Ms. Ohare complimented
Mr. Powell on his wise investments for the remainder of the increase.
Page 27: Ms. Ohare questioned the deficit in the Fund Surplus. This is due to
connection fee shortfalls according to Ms. Pleckham.
Page 39: The 100% deficit for Cannonball Hill is due to not budgeting this item. The
money will come from land cash and must be spent within 10 years. Treasurer Powell
asked if land cash was tracked. It is tracked and revenue and expenses are kept separate.
3. Planning Department Organizational Chart
Administrator Graff said there would be a legal review of this chart by the labor attorney.
The City Council will be asked to approve the chart in the future. Treasurer Powell asked
about the chart as it related to his position and that of Finance Director. Administrator
Graff said this is a supervision chart, more than a communications chart. There was also
a brief discussion regarding the relationship between the Community Development
Director and Community Relations Manager. Parks was also discussed. Alderman Kot
commented that some very key people were at the bottom of the chart and should be
moved up. Mr. Graff will work with the Mayor to revise the chart.
The next three items were discussed together:
4. Community Development Director Job Description
S. Land Use Planner Job Description
6. Park Designer Job Description
Mr. Graff said the labor attorney reviewed these descriptions and offered some
recommendations and also had questions regarding the role they each played. It was
suggested by Ms. Ohare these do not have to be finalized now and especially in view of
the fact the committees may be changing. Conversely, Alderman Kot stated there was
some urgency since the City Council will need to approve the positions before they can
be filled. It was suggested to accept the attorney's recommendation and move them on
to C.O.W.
There was discussion as to whether the Community Development Director should be a
department head or a supervisor. Alderman Besco said he felt it should be a department
head and Alderman Kot concurred. It was decided to move this on to C.O.W. after the
description is revised.
7 Dental/Vision Self - Insured Plan
The labor attorney said there are two components to consider. If the City decides that the
self - insured plan should be dissolved, it can be allowed to dissolve on its own. Mr. Graff
felt the attorney was recommending this course of action. The 2 nd component is that a
police representative would have to sign a letter of agreement for the new plan.
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Since the Council has approved this health plan, it was requested that the HR Specialist
should write a letter to a FOP representative to verify that the same benefits are available.
The letter should be finalized before this matter goes to City Council.
A letter will also be sent to other employees to notify them of the rollover remaining, if
any, in the self - insured policy. The committee agreed that after this matter is presented
at City Council, a memo will be sent to employees.
1. Quarterly Department Vehicle Reports
This report included January —March and provided a brief overview of repair and
maintenance work done in that time. It was noted that a new Engineering Department
vehicle is approved in the budget. Alderwoman Ohare asked why the miles were very
high in January and March. This was attributed largely to snow plowing. In the future,
the Public Works Director will be asked to detail the number of snow plowing days.
Two replacements and one new vehicle will be purchased for the Police Department this
year. The rebuilt cars are no longer in the fleet.
Z Engineering Department Organizational Chart/Salary Schedule
Engineer Joe Wywrot recommended a Senior Tech in the proposed budget and this
recommendation was brought to this committee as information. When the Maintenance
Worker is hired, the Senior Tech position will then be posted. The Senior Engineering
Tech is under Public Works and Engineering while the Maintenance Worker II (new
hire) is in Public Works. This committee is being asked to adopt a salary range
($41,000 - $57,000 suggested) for the Engineering Tech. A new job description will be
needed for the Tech position.
This item cannot be sent to C.O.W. at this time since there were not enough committee
members present to make a recommendation, however, those present supported this
position. Administrator Graff will research IML for salary ranges.
3. FY 04105 Budget Line Item Revisions
Mr. Graff prefaced this discussion by saying that April is normally the time when the
budget is revised. He went on to say that other revenue streams identified might be
shifted into projects where money is due and this helps to balance the budget. One item
that needed to be changed was the health insurance benefits. GASB and the special
census also needed changes. This revised budget will be moved to C.O.W.
Ms. Pleckham added that as of February, the City has collected 115% in development
fees and that the City has realized $100,000 over the budgeted amount.
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4. Special Census Agreement
This item needs committee recommendation to sign the contract for a full census. An
analysis Ms. Pleckham had .prepared, showed the revenues to be gained from this census.
She estimated the total revenue gained on an annual basis would be $172,000 and that
covers the cost of the census. Mr. Graff noted that a census must be done at least every
10 years. This item will move to C.O.W.
S. Land Cash Valuation Analysis and Report
A land cash evaluation completed by David Thompson of Thompson Appraisals, showed
the land cash value of one acre as being $80,000. Mr. Graff recommended that the City
adjust that value as reported by Mr. Thompson. Attorney Wyeth will review the
appraisal and prepare the adjustment for the April 19 C.O.W.
6. Grant Writer Contract Renewal and Update
This contract is up for renewal and it was noted by Administrator Graff that grants had
been secured as a result of Ms. Ross' efforts. It was agreed that the grants received
justified her annual salary of $15,000. He added that the grant writer will be attending
the April 19 C.O.W. meeting.
Alderman Besco said that one directive given to the grant writer was to investigate other
grants as well as the Parks grants she has secured. Ms. Ohare said that Ms. Ross may be
researching other grants, however, Parks grants might just be easier to obtain. It was
suggested that her contract, which expires May 1 should be discussed after her C.O.W
appearance. Mayor Prochaska said that the committee should identify what Ms. Ross is
currently working on.
Alderman Besco mentioned the possibility of contamination from the dry cleaning
business in Countryside Center and he asked if there might be a grant for such a cleanup.
There is a separate fund for such purposes according to Ms. Graff.
7. Rob Roy Creek Financing Agreement
The attorneys for the Rob Roy project have received the revisions to the agreement and it
was brought to this committee for review. Mr. Graff stated that if the developers and the
City Attorney are ready to sign, this should be taken to C.O.W. This agreement is a
guarantee for a bond from the developers. Intent letters are being given to all developers
involved and approval of the agreement is sought by the May 10 City Council meeting.
Advertisements could then be placed for the bonds that will be sold in June.
8. Resolution Declaring Intent to Issue Special Tax Bonds for Autumn Creek SSA
The Autumn Creek (Hinsdale Nursery properly) annexation has not been approved yet,
however, it is on the April 12 City Council agenda.. The bond council recommended to
move this through committee to be included on the April 19 C.O.W (pending
annexation) and then on the April 26 City Council meeting. There is a 90 -day window
for this process and dirt is being moved shortly after the planned closing of June 15
There is a limit of $16 million according to Mr. Graff.
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9. Request to Dissolve Chief's Account
The City auditors discovered this account. It was created in 1987 and held funds from
forfeitures and from the courts. There has been no recent activity on this account worth
$27,000 and it has been included in the Fund Balance. Upon account closure, the money
would be transferred to CPAT and used for City police purposes. The signers for the
account and the City Treasurer can give the authorization to close the account. Attorney
Wyeth will bring a resolution to C.O.W. to dissolve this account.
10. Request for Fixed Asset Appraisal
Ms. Pleckham presented a letter requesting a study detailing the value of the City's
assets. This request is for GASB 34 implementation and Ms. Pleckham wishes to obtain
quotes from appraisal companies. This item has been included in the 04/05 budget.
Administrator Graff said the City has the asset information it needs, but the value must be
verified. Some of the assets include infrastructure, easements, lights, sanitary sewers
and other City property. An appraisal was done in 1999, but did not include
infrastructure. The appraisal is needed by August 1 St and is needed for GASB
compliance. This matter will be moved on for authorization to obtain three quotes.
The discussion of the Community Development Director was summarized for the Mayor.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:46pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Marlys Young, Minute Taker