Admin Committee Minutes 2005 03-03-05 Page 1 of 4 APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS 04/07/051 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2005 6:30 PM City Hall Conference Room CITY OFFICIALS IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Art Prochaska Police Chief Harold Martin Alderwoman Rose Spears Finance Director Traci Pleckham Alderwoman Wanda Ohare City Treasurer Bill Powell Alderman Joe Besco City Administrator Tony Graff Alderman Larry Kot (6:40pm) City Intern Bart Olson GUESTS: Ken Koch, Park Board Tammy Smock, Park Board Dean Wolfer The meeting was called to order at 6:32pm by Alderwoman Wanda Ohare. PRESENTATION None OLD BUSINESS 1. Minutes for ApprovaUCorrection: January 8, 2004 and February 3, 2005 The minutes were approved for both dates, with one minor correction on the February notes. 2. Monthly Budget Report for January 2005 Alderwoman Ohare questioned the 559% on page 30 under water operations. Ms. Pleckham explained it as being reimbursements for salaries for work done by MPI at Grande Reserve. She also inquired about "undefined code" on page 47. Ms. Pleckham said that the working cash account was closed and moved to the general fund as a transfer shown on page 2. Mr. Powell asked about the Building & Zoning figure of $253,100 on the summary sheet. He thought the budget figure was $110,700. Ms. Pleckham said this fund is at 84% due to the Master Facility Plan and YEDC was also paid their full amount. Page 2 of 4 In summary, Ms. Pleckham added that the budget is running well and things are on track as expected. She said State revenues appeared to be lagging, but it is a matter of timing. She added that any excess funds at the end of the year will be transferred to the Fund Balance. 3. Health Insurance Renewal FY 05106 The rates have not changed on the update included in the packet, however, the number of new hires did change. Ms. Pleckham noted that there is an average of a 13% increase in j HMO's and 14% on PPO's. She said there will be an open enrollment for health insurance the second week of April. i I NEW BUSINESS 1. YBSD Intergovernmental Agreement This agreement is being drafted at this time and was included in the packet. This item was budgeted in 04/05. Ms. Pleckham stated that the city will receive $10,000 to send out the billings for YBSD and this payment will be formally requested through the inter- , governmental agreement. YBSD has already paid for the billings to reflect a split in the charges. The agreement, being drafted by Attorneys Dan and Colleen Kramer, will be presented at the March 15' C.O.W. meeting. Language will be included to allow for a cost increase each year. 2. In -Town Road Program Bond A bond issue was done last year for this program and this is the next step to be taken in order to finish the project. It is an alternate bond and was brought to this committee at this time due to a 30 -day waiting period. The bond will be callable after seven years if it is a 20 -year bond. Utility taxes will be designated as an alternate revenue source. Ms. Pleckham will request a public hearing date. 3. MFT Obligation Retirement Resolution for Fox Industrial Park Board Per the 04/05 budget, money will be transferred from MFT to Fox Industrial to pay a portion of the bond issue, approximately $9,000. MFT requires that the City obligate any money for the calendar year that might be needed from MFT funds to pay the bond before a transfer is completed. 4. Proposed FY 05106 Budget Ms. Pleckham stated that there was an attempt to project the 06/07 budget as well any new hires and any known projects. Budget projections were partially based on the population projections done by Intern Bart Olson. Page 3 of 4 Alderman Kot, Public Safety committee, commented that four new police officers had been requested, however, only two were budgeted. He cautioned that overtime, morale etc. will be jeopardized if there is a lack of officers. He further stated that four officers will be needed in 06/07. Mr. Kot added that police personnel should be based on population and that areas under construction must also be patrolled. Mayor Prochaska said this year's budget was conservative since not all revenue sources are known, but he wanted to ensure that departments received the items really needed such as uniforms, squad cars and personnel. Other items discussed were as follows: • A special census will be done this year for new subdivisions only, according to Administrator Graff. This process will take six weeks and results will be provided after four months. • The City Planner and Park Planner /Tech positions were discussed. These positions could be included as part of the Engineering Department since the design software would be similar. Ms. Brown added that approximately 11 -17% of the Parks' budget is spent on consultants' design fees. • Adequate funds should be appropriated for policing in the additional parks. • Alderwoman Spears suggested putting a developer fee schedule in place now to help fund new positions. The Mayor said the City needs to have an increased administrative fee put in place in the next year's budget to fund a City Planner position. Ms. Spears said she thought that position should be in the budget this year. • Page 6: Police pension is based on actuarial numbers • Page 7: The Mayor said if the City hires a Planning Tech in the Administrative budget, funds for the Planning Consultant from this page, could be used. Ms. Pleckham added that "Contractual Services" included the remainder of the fees for Yas Fischel. • Page 8: Alderman Kot asked if this budget included the salary adjustment for the Public Works Director. It was not included in the budget, only the salary range had been decided. It was noted by Alderman Besco that the sidewalk program will coincide with the in -town road program and the City will take full responsibility • Page 9: The contract for garbage pickup comes due in 2007. Thus far, the City has absorbed any increase in this service, however, Mr. Powell said he would like to see the citizens help with these costs. Page 4 of 4 • Page 11: Ms. Pleckham noted that the 06/07 carryover balance should be zero and the reserve should be $24,577. The "transfer to debt service" is to pay the City Hall bond. • Page 13: The Public Works equipment to be purchased as well as the department vehicle, were briefly discussed. • Page 14: "Playground Repairs" should read "Playground Replacement ". • Page 15 & 16: Ms. Pleckham said there will be a meeting with EEI to determine the status of the Rob Roy interceptor. As a result, more accurate numbers will be provided at the next C.O.W. meeting. • Page 21: Sewer Maintenance - -The new J.U.L.I.E. locator will be titled Maintenance Worker II. In addition, street department employees are trained to do these locates. It was also noted that the reserves are being built up and some of the debt has been retired as a result of connection fees. • Page 23: "Land Cash" is based on permits. • Page 27: Parks & Recreation —It was noted the salary for the Recording Secretary jumped $2,000 and is partially due to two meetings per month • Administrator Graff noted that City Clerk Jackie Milschewski mentioned a possible increase in pay for typing for minute takers since the last adjustment was three years ago. Intern Bart Olson will be asked to research the fees for other area minute- takers. • Page 29: Library Board —Costs are down due to part-time workers and it was noted that the Library Board prepares their own budget. • Ms. Pleckham handed out a timeline with regards to public hearings and the budget. She will bring information to the next Administration meeting showing current revenue streams. As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:16pm Minutes respectfully submitted by Marlys Young i PLEASE SIGN IN MEETING: DATE: - a� NAME BUSINESS PHONE #