Admin Committee Minutes 2005 02-03-05 Page 1 of 5 APPROVED WITH REVISONS 03 -03 -05
City Hall Conference Room
Mayor Art Prochaska (arrived 7:48pm) Police Chief Harold Martin
Alderman Paul James Finance Director Traci Pleckham
Alderwoman Wanda Ohare City Treasurer Bill Powell
Alderman Joe Besco City Intern Bart Olson
Payroll & Benefits Specialist,
Denise Kasper
Tony Scott, Kendall County Record
The meeting was called to order at 6:33pm by Chairman Paul James
1. Minutes for Approval/Correction: January 6, 2005
The minutes were approved with 1 correction.
2 Monthly Budget Report for December 2004
Chairman James briefly summarized the budget report. Ms. Pleckham then addressed
some questions that Alderwoman Ohare had asked earlier:
1. On page 47, the Personal Property Tax of $9,139.99 should be moved into the line
above it which is Real Estate Taxes.
2. Ms. Pleckham will suggest that next year a "Grant" line item be included.
A construction grant had been received for the library and it was included under
"Memorials ".
3. On page 51, Ms. Pleckham clarified that the $488.25 under "Reserve" was for 2
invoices for Fox Hill Industrial.
Ms. Pleckham said that revenue was down slightly due to a decrease in building permits.
No further action was taken.
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3. DentaUVision & FSA — Survey Results and Cost Analysis
Mr. James gave an overview of this agenda item. Currently the City is self-insured for
dental and vision insurance, but is considering a plan through an insurance company for
approximately the same annual cost as the self-insured plan.
A meeting was held with City employees and over 80% strongly support a new program.
It was noted that many employees remained neutral regarding the flexible spending
account, however, this was attributed to a lack of understanding or no negative feedback.
Ms. Pleckham said that EBC (Employee Benefits Corporation) presented information to
the employees as well. She suggested that an open session explaining all benefits would
be beneficial. It was reiterated that a 90 -day notice must be given to the employees
pertaining to the possibility of health insurance plan changes. That date would be
February 1'
The general feeling of the committee regarding a new health plan was: there is less risk,
it is HIPPA compliant and it is less work for the employees. Alderman Besco suggested
that the $30,000 spent for dental and vision be shown as justification for implementing a
new program.
The contract with the insurance company along with other pertinent information will be
placed in the packets for review at the next C.O.W. meeting.
4. Director of Public Works Salary Survey
Alderman Paul James reminded the committee that a "range" of pay had been
established. A chart was presented at this meeting that showed the salary ranges for
Public Works Directors for many other communities in the area. It was suggested by
Mr. James that a mid -year adjustment be made. Ms. Pleckham added that if a salary
adjustment were made for this position, the committee might need to look at adjusting
other positions as well. She also suggested that an outside firm be used to complete an
analysis of the current salaries.
Alderman Besco said that the committee should research when the last salary adjustment
was made for the Director position. A recommendation could be made by this
committee and given to the City Administrator. However, according to the labor
attorney, care must be taken because of concern of singling out one individual. Mr.
Besco suggested that a written opinion be requested from the labor attorney. A salary of
$75,000 was suggested.
This item will be brought back to committee in March..
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1. Bristol Kendall Fire Department Request for Fee Consideration for
Permits/Reviews for Building Their New Station
After a very brief discussion, it was recommended that this matter should be handled by
EDC. Alderman Besco asked for a copy of the plans.
2. 2004 Audit Proposal
Ms. Pleckham gave an overview of the audit proposal. The contract with the current
auditors, PTW & Co., has expired and at the present time, the City has no auditor. One
option is to extend the contract and the second option is to seek bids. Since the services
are needed in April, Ms. Pleckham said the lack of time would be a concern if seeking
bids. She asked John Weber of PTW & Co. to provide a scope of services for this year.
The cost of the current audit was about $15,000 and the fee for the current fiscal year will
be approximately $26,500. The significant increase is due to the "GASB Statement No.
34" compliance and the reporting method. Ms. Pleckham gathered audit costs for 2005
for neighboring towns for comparison. She added that is it difficult to compare due to
the number and types of funds that must be audited for each town.
Ms. Pleckham said that PTW has been the auditor for the City since 1992 and that their
fees have risen approximately 2% each year. Alderman Besco questioned if audit costs
can be charged back to TIF's. Although TIF dollars are not available at this time, Ms.
Pleckham said she will track them..
Alderman Besco asked if Requests for Qualifications must be obtained or just proposals,
if the committee decided to seek bids. A combination would most likely be done.
Alderman Paul James asked what had occurred to cause the fee to be doubled. Mr.
Powell said that basically the City has been receiving a lower rate for many years. Mr.
Pleckham felt that due to GASB compliance, the long - standing relationship with this
company and the knowledge of the City, that it would make sense to use PTW & Co. at
least this year.
In conclusion, Ms. Pleckham recommended retaining the present audit firm for at least
this year and possibly 2 years. This will move forward to C.O.W. with 2 more options
and Ms. Pleckham will try to obtain other quotes before that meeting as well.
3. 200512006 Budget
Ms. Pleckham placed this on the agenda as an opportunity to add any other items.
Additionally, she said the recommended COLA is 3.3% this year. After various
considerations, Alderwoman Ohare suggested the following plan:
1. 2.5% for COLA
2. Merit raises not to exceed 4%
3. Range of 1.5% for raises
This proposal will be moved forward to C.O.W.
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There was additional discussion on recommended items for the budget. Intern Bart Olson
recommended a Laser Fische and also funds (approximately $52,000) to be budgeted for
schematic designs for the master facility plan. Ms. Pleckham added that Human
Resource Performance Review updates be budgeted. She said that only the budget might
be reviewed at the March 3 rd meeting.
4. City Planner /Organizational Charts
An organizational chart and job descriptions were presented. Six position changes are
proposed for 2005/2006, four of which are new positions. To accommodate these
personnel, Intern Bart Olson noted that the downstairs conference room would need to be
converted to office space. Alderman James also suggested that the upstairs conference
room could be converted to office space and all meetings could be held in the Council
Chambers. Alderman Besco added that the City should also look at the old Post Office
as possible office space. There is also space open downstairs. It was recommended by
Alderman James to move this onto C.O.W.
Mr. Olson told the committee that Mike Schoppe had recommended that all 3 positions —
the City Planner, Technician and Community Development Director - be hired at the
same time. Ms. Pleckham added that the Community Development Director would work
closely with Building and Zoning, thus relieving the City Administrator of this time -
consuming duty. This position is budgeted for next fiscal year and could start in April.
Alderman James recommended that Ms. Pleckham budget for the other 2 positions as
The Administration committee was in agreement that recommendations for the positions
and their respective job descriptions should be discussed and finalized in this committee
before moving onto C.O.W. Mr. Olson will revise the flow chart to emphasize the
proposed position changes. Mayor Prochaska added that all committees will be
reviewing staff needs such as this and he stated that all recommendations and related
paperwork should be finalized before moving to C.O.W. These items will be brought
back to Administration in March for further review.
Alderwoman Ohare asked about a job description for a J.U.L.I.E. coordinator, that had
previously been discussed. Mr. Olson did research on this topic, however, it was
recommended that a second full -time engineering technician be put into the budget to
help handle these duties.
Ms. Ohare also commented that she was glad to see that the tom City Hall flag had been
Next month the committee will review a refund program for certain administrative fees.
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The tuition reimbursement program will be reviewed on the February agenda, regarding
those individuals who are already involved in classes. The Mayor also asked about
reimbursement for training related to the job.
Ms. Pleckham said that rates for health insurance should be available at the next meeting.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:03pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by
Marlys Young, Minute Taker
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