Admin Committee Minutes 2005 01-06-05 i
2 -3 -05
City Hall Conference Room
Mayor Art Prochaska (arrived 6:45pm) Police Chief Harold Martin
Alderman Paul James City Administrator Tony Graff
Alderworpan Wanda Ohare Finance Director Traci Pleckham
Alderman Joe Besco (left 8:00pm) City Treasurer Bill Powell (arrived 7pm)
Alderman Larry Kot City Attorney John Wyeth
Denise Kasper, Payroll & Benefits
Specialist, United City of Yorkville
Hugh Robinson, Tri -Land Properties
Greg Hafemann, Tri -Land Properties
Kathleen Field Orr /TIF Attorney, Kathleen Fields Orr & Associates
Jeffrey Warren of Burke, Warren, Mackay &_ Serritella
Representing Tri -Land Properties
Joe Roberts, Caywood & Associates
Andrea Visione, EBC
Harold Oliver
Mason Oliver
The meeting was called to order at 6:34pm by Chairman Paul James.
1. Countryside Center TIF - Alternate Revenue Bond Ordinance
Kathleen Field Orr, TIF Attorney, was present to speak about the issuance of bonds in
conjunction with Countryside Center. She stated a total investment of $26 million is
required for the rehab of Countryside Center. The developer believed that TIF permitted
reimbursement for acquisition and that the City would assume acquisition costs.
However, that is not the case. She further stated that the money the City will contribute
cannot be used for acquisition. Further, the problem with this property is that money
must be spent to tear down the present structure.
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Alderman James asked what the City liability would be. Ms. Orr explained what she
considered the "worst case" scenarios:
1. purchaser does not close on property
2. purchaser buys property and does not secure a lease within 3 years.
The City would then lose $500,000, but the property would be more marketable after
demolition. If the developer can't pay the debt service on bonds and the City must pay,
this would reduce the $2.2 million note. She proposes that The City should withhold
City money until some movement is seen and that will reduce the City's overall liability.
Ms. Ohare added that the taxpayers' money must be protected.
Ms. Orr summarized the project:
1. Once the owner acquires the property and demolishes the buildings, the City
issues $2.5 million in bonds.
2. The owner secures a lease
3. When the work is completed, an additional $2.2 million note is issued
4. If any City fundsare_used, the amount of money for the developer is reduced
Ms. Orr stated that TIF's are successful at least 75% of the time. If a plan does not
proceed as scheduled, it can be amended.
Administrator Graff asked Ms. Orr about a "trigger date" for sales tax to be used to pay
down to the developer's note. Ms. Orr stated the tax is used as soon as it is generated or
at the opening of the retailer.
The Mayor left the meeting at this point of the meeting.
Following additional discussion, Alderman James recapped Ms. Orr's presentation:
1. Developer must acquire property and raise all the money to purchase same
2. Reimburse purchaser for demolition: $500,000
3. Time frame for bond sale: March 22
4. Timeline for demolition to contract is 2 years
5. Time frame to secure contract and then building permit: not more than 3 years
6. $2.5 million is then released
7. Time frame is driven by business, written timeline will be provided.
8. The longer it takes for this process, the less money developer receives
9. Economic incentives built in
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This matter now goes before the C.O.W. on January 18 Administrator Graff asked
Ms. Orr to prepare the agreement and a timeline of development events for that meeting.
He also asked her to be present on January 25 at the City Council meeting.
(moved forward in agenda to Presentations)
1. Health and Employee Benefits Presentation
a. Joe Roberts of Caywood and Associates
b. Andrea Visione of EBC
Mr. Roberts reiterated that the City's current dental and vision plan does not meet the
guidelines of a qualified plan and has extreme liability. Mr. Roberts had been asked to
research the best price possible for employee benefits. At this point, Mr. Graff
introduced new City employee Denise Kasper, Payroll and Benefits Specialist who has
been working with Mr. Roberts.
MetLife was recommended as the dental insurance carrier- -they currently provide the life
insurance for the City. VSP was recommended by Mr. Roberts, as the vision plan. Based
on 60 employees (33 families), the total premium would be (monthly) $3753 for dental
and $634 for vision, for a total annual premium for both of $52,644. Ms. Pleckham said
that approximately $40,000 was spent last year for employee claims. She also said that
the employees have been asking for this type of coverage. More discussion will be held
to determine if the employees must share in the cost. The proposed new program would
be scheduled for a May 1 St implementation. Alderman Besco voiced his approval that
the program is HIPPA compliant.
Alderman James then stated there were 2 decisions to be made:
1. Whether to terminate self-insurance and utilize proposed policy
2. Will the City pay for the entire program or are employee contributions necessary?
Employees must receive a 90 -day notice whenever a plan changes. February 1 St would be
the date the City must advise employees that this plan is being considered. Literature will
be distributed to all employees. Alderman James asked Mr. Graff to advise the City staff
that the Administration committee favors this plan and then he would like to bring this
matter back to committee. He would like to review what has been spent in the last 3
years and also explore some options or variable costs depending on different scenarios.
Alderman Kot said that if the City can afford the premium costs, it would be a goodwill
gesture to not require the employees to share in the cost. A capped payout option is
another alternative.
Mr. Roberts then reminded the committee that he had previously suggested looking at a
plan called the "125 Plan" which deals with pre -tax programs. He then also introduced
Ms. Andrea Visione of EBC (Employee Benefits Corporation) to explain this program.
She explained that the "125 Plan" gives employees /employers a "legal tax dodge" by
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using flex plans. She said the average employee would save 25 cents tax on each dollar
when using this plan.
There are 3 items that the IRS code will allow under the "125 program"
1. Employee categories which do not apply to the employees at present
2. Voluntary health care reimbursement account FSA (Flexible Spending Account)
which uses no -tax dollars (the downside is that funds are forfeited if not used)
3. Day care expense account with a cap of $5,000.
The cost to the City is $720 for the set -up fee for the first year, with a fee of $450
annually thereafter. Alderwoman Ohare asked what the benefit to the City is. Employees
in these flexible spending programs tend to pay more attention to costs in these
consumer- driven programs. The other benefit is this gives some "insulation" to the City- -
when/if the employees must help pay premiums, the City can remind them these FSA's
are available to help absorb out -of- pocket expenses.
A survey of the number of employees interested in the programs offered, will be taken
and reported back to Administration in February. Alderman Kot concluded that these
programs are excellent and education of the employees regarding these programs is very
This discussion concluded at 7:55pm.
2. Director of Public Works Salary Survey
Alderman James explained that Eric Dhuse' salary range needs to be aligned with
department heads in neighboring towns. His salary was overlooked in a previous survey
of other department heads in the City. If a raise were given, it must be recommended by
the City Administrator and would be part of the budget process. Alderman Kot
suggested that the budget be researched for any available money to give Mr. Dhuse a
raise prior to the next budget. This issue will be brought back to the February
Administration meeting.
It was decided that a range will be determined by City staff. Administrator Graff will
then call each committee member with that range in order to expedite this matter and
move it onto C.O.W.
At this time in the meeting, Alderman Besco left due to illness.
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Treasurer Powell asked that "Old Business" Budget Report and Treasurer's Report be
covered at this time.
(next 2 items out of sequence)
2. Monthly Budget Report for November 2004
Ms. Pleckham noted that the budget is on track on the revenue portion with the expenses
being down. The budget is at 58.3% of the fiscal year, the incoming revenue is at 60%
and 45% has been spent. Revised budget numbers will be on the December report.
3. Monthly Treasurer's Report for April 2004
Ms. Pleckham and Mr. Powell said there will be many treasurer's report at the next
meeting. No further discussion.
This moves to the consent agenda.
(next item out of sequence - ; from New Business)
3. IRS Code Section 61 Rule on Cell Phone Usage
The IRS has a new rule that now considers cell phone usage for personal use, as a benefit
that must be applied as wages or must be reimbursed. Mr. Graff said some options will
be presented at the next Administration meeting. He added that Nextel has an option to
have one line designated for business use and the second line designated for personal use.
Personal calls would be billed directly to the employee.
Auditors will be asked for direction on this new ruling and this issue will be discussed in
1. Minutes for Approval/Correction: December 1, 2004 & December 15, 2004
Minutes were approved for both dates.
(items 2 & 3 discussed earlier)
4. Quarterly Department Vehicle Reports
These reports have been moved from a monthly review to a quarterly review. Alderman
Kot noted that Public Safety Committee reviews the police reports on a monthly basis.
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S. Draft Donationl5ponsorship Policy
Intern Bart Olson completed a revision on this policy for a final review. Mr. Graff noted
that the Mayor is asking for money in the budget for the Human Resource Commission.
The Commission will be asked to research grants for special events sponsorship requests.
The Commission would then make a recommendation to the Council.
This issue moves to C.O.W.
6. Draft Wearing Apparel Policy
The committee decided to allow an employee to spend up to $60 per fiscal year for shirts
and that amount can be reimbursed. Language will also be added stating the $60
reimbursement will be contingent upon available funds.
This moves forward to C.O.W.
7. Draft Tuition Reimbursement Policy
Other towns were surveyed regarding their policies on tuition reimbursement. One
revision made in the policy was re- wording "Council approval" to "department head
approval". This change was made because Councils in other towns were not involved in
this function. It was noted that City Council approval is required in the Employee
This moves on to C.O.W.
8. Draft Disposal of City Property Policy
Ms. Kramer revised this policy. Mr. James noted that 2 storage units have excess items
that will be disposed of when this policy becomes effective. The current rent on these 2
units is $75 per unit.
This policy draft will move on to C.O.W.
Consent will be requested at C.O.W. on the various policies that were discussed.
9. Special Census
Full and partial censuses were explored. If a partial census were to be done, 13 new
developments (577 units) would not be counted. The previous full census cost was
$30,000 and $150,000 in revenue was gained. An application for a full census will be
recommended. There is no limit to the number of times a census is taken. The City will
attempt to use the previous census takers to minimiz the training. When the contract is
received, the matter will betaken to C.O.W. A timeline will also be brought to C.O.W.
to indicate when the next census should be done.
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10. Utility Locator Position
When J.U.L.I.E. requests are made, the City must also assist in these locations. Many
more locates are being requested and as a result, a full time position might be justified.
Ms. Pleckham said the current J.U.L.I.E. City locator estimates 5 hours per day are spent
on this function. She is working on a job description for such a position, which would
report to the Public Works Director.
The job description moves to C.O.W. for information and for approval of such a position.
In February, a draft of the job description will be reviewed by the Administration
Committee. The memo in this agenda packet will be included as part of the annual
11. Last Five Years Medical Costs
Mr. Graff reported that no premium costs were included in the information from
Caywood, however, general costs were included. Blue Cross will provide the percentage
and actual amount of increase to the City over the past few years. Administrator Graff
noted that there is now a $40 monthly charge for the Police and he anticipates an increase
of 35 -40 %.
" I
This item will be discussed again at the February Administration meeting.
12. RFQ Policy
It was recommended to adopt a policy to require RFQ's for all professional services. One
of the issues stressed was the interview process and who would be involved in the
process. One suggestion was to require Council approval of all RFQ's before being
advertised. Many more RFQ's are anticipated in the future.
A policy will be drafted and moved to C.O.W. When approved by Council members, the
matter would be sent to the appropriate committee for action.
Alderman Kot said off -hour use of equipment (copiers, phones etc.) should be placed on
the next agenda. Pass codes were suggested for all equipment users. It was noted that
elected officials now have computer logons available. There is no cost for these logons.
Fencing around the air conditioning units, for security /safety reasons, was suggested by
Alderman Kot. Chief Martin added that the generators would also be fenced. This issue
will be addressed at a future meeting.
Alderman Kot asked that it be noted in the minutes that Intern Bart Olson has done a very
professional job.
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Alderwoman Ohare noted that the City Hall flag is ripped and needs replacing.
Any budget requests should be suggested to Ms. Pleckham prior to the February 3rd
Administration meeting. A special meeting will be requested in February or March.
Administrator Graff would like to initiate surveys of each department regarding their
manpower allocation in relation to expected growth and how that compares to other
communities. He would bring that information to the March meeting.
He would also like to request staff input for redoing the bill list. Because of the growing
bill list, he would like to suggest a list review meeting prior to the regular committee
meeting. Chairman James cited the amount of time Ms. Pleckham must spend to prepare
for questions regarding the bill list. Mr. Graff would like to research how other
communities handle this procedure.
This bill list matter will be placed on the Administration February meeting agenda.
Alderman Kot reminded the committee that the bill list must still be approved by the
Council, which in turn, opens the possibility of added discussion. Mr. Kot added that
there had been previous discussion to expand the "detail" area of the bill list.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at.8:55pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by
Marlys Young, Minute Taker
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