Ordinance 2024-55 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 2024-55 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY,ILLINOIS REGULATING ON-STREET PARKING (GARDEN STREET) Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County, Illinois This 26'day of November,2024 Published in pamphlet form by the authority of the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois on December 3, 2024. Ordinance No. 2024-55 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS REGULATING ON-STREET PARKING (GARDEN STREET) NOW THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. Title 6, Chapter 2, Section 6-2-2, of the United City of Yorkville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding the following: 6-2-2: PARKING PROHIBITED ON DESIGNATED STREETS: GARDEN STREET A"no parking"zone shall be created on the north side of Garden Street from Route 47 to Garden Circle, except on Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and between the hours of 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Section 2. If any Section, subsection, sentence, clause,phrase or portion of this Chapter is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this 26th day of November, A.D. 2024. vV AA)25 TY CLERK KEN KOCH AYE DAN TRANSIER AYE ARDEN JOE PLOCHER AYE CRAIG SOLING ABSENT CHRIS FUNKHOUSER AYE MATT MAREK AYE SEAVER TARULIS AYE RUSTY CORNEILS AYE Ordinance No.2024-55 Page 2 APPROVED by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this anilay of j(rQ, n, /Y A.D. 2024. MAYOR Attest: JRA tOAILVj C Y CLERK Ordinance No.2024-55 Page 3 . '‘..‘.; t ...a,, , .. 4 ', -',•ree',.,,,Ahir- ; ,,. •• : - ••'.',.:— .•-•, ., . ,, -,..',7-r.,;... . .,.);,• . . -'' ,.." - ' , ' •,.! •'• ; • • - . ,. „..1 :,-, - „. .„,.,„i. ,.v :..:, , ,- '- -,. ' -,, , , - ". - , ‘• ' OF sTREt ,': ,%t:''' . - , , ,.., 4"." ;- .:;•*- , f : -'•• - .., . -,„ • . * er•. .(' ,.,, ..5,-,1,J ,•:••,' •'." **^*, • '4 •- ------- •,,, 3*1--* .,-- :' • ' ....-- *,;' " ,. .'••:,. ::.2 ' , ' EXCEP1 MON-FR - . 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