City Council Agenda 2009 05-12-09
United City of Yorkville
800 Game Farm Road
Yorkville, Illinois 60560
Telephone: 630-553-4350
Fax: 630-553-7575
7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call by Clerk
Wally Werderich Gary Golinski Marty Munns Joe Besco
Bob Allen Arden Joe Plocher Robyn Sutcliff Rose Ann Spears
Establishment of Quorum
: Swear-in newly elected officials: Ward 1 Alderman, George Gilson, Jr.;
Ward 2 Alderman, Gary Golinski; Ward 3 Alderman, Marty Munns; Ward 4
Alderwoman, Diane Teeling
Introduction of Guests
Amendments to Agenda
Committee Meeting Dates
Public Works Committee Meeting:
6:00 p.m., May 19, 2009
City Hall Conference Room
Economic Development Committee:
7:00 p.m., June 2, 2009
City Hall Conference Room
Administration Committee Meeting:
7:00 p.m., May 14, 2009
City Hall Conference Room
Public Safety Committee Meeting:
6:00 p.m., May 28, 2009
City Hall Conference Room
1.Presentation to Departing Aldermen – Joe Besco and Bob Allen
City Council Meeting Agenda
May 12, 2009
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Public Hearings:
1. Pulte Home Corporation, petitioner, has filed an application with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall
County, Illinois, requesting an amndement to the Annexation Agreement and Planned Development
Agreement dated April 12, 2005 for approximately 285 acres. The amendment would change the timing
for payment of city building permit and development fees for residences that are built within that part of
the Annexation Property which is zoned for residential purposes. The Residential Property consists of
approximately 265 acres north and south of Kennedy Road and north of Route 34, Yorkville, Illinois,
Citizen Comments
Consent Agenda:
1.ADM 2009-30 Amended and Restated Governing Ordinance Regarding Use of City Equipment –
authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute
2.CC 2009-42 Resolution Approving a Revised Policy for Athletic Field Use Policies and Procedures –
authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute
Plan Commission / Zoning Board of Appeals
Minutes for Approval (Corrections and Additions):
Minutes of City Council – March 24, 2009
Bill payments for approval from the current Bill List (Corrections and Additions)
Checks total these amounts:
$ 102,607.61 (vendors – FY 08/09)
$ 488,890.47 (vendors – FY 09/10)
$ 264,895.97 (payroll period ending 4/25/09)
$ 18,008.20 (payroll period ending 4/30/09)
$ 874,402.25 (total)
Mayor’s Report:
1.CC 2009-43 Proclamation for Poppy Days
2.CC 2009-44 Appointments to Boards and Commissions
3.CC 2009-45 Selection of Mayor Pro Tem for FY 09/10
4.CC 2009-46 Aldermen – Selection of Aldermen to the Standing Committees of City Council:
Public Works, Public Safety, Administration and Economic Develoment Committees
5.CC 2009-47 Development Issues – Discussion
City Council Meeting Agenda
May 12, 2009
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Reports (con’t):
City Council Report:
1.CC 2009-48 Windett Ridge Development Issues
City Attorney’s Report:
City Clerk’s Report:
City Treasurer’s Report:
City Administrator’s Report:
Finance Director’s Report:
Director of Public Works Report:
Chief of Police Report:
Director of Parks & Recreation Report:
Community Development Director Report:
Community Relations Officer:
Community & Liaison Report:
Committee Reports
Public Works Committee Report:
1.No report.
Economic Development Committee Report:
1.EDC 2009-01 Wind Energy Systems Ordinance – Rooftop Systems Regulation – First Reading
2.EDC 2009-17 Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances Providing for the Regulation of Signs
3.EDC 2008-53 Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of the First Amendment to the Annexation
Agreement and Planned Unit Development Agreement (Autumn Creek Subdivision)
Public Safety Committee Report:
1.PS 2008-55 Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances Providing for the Regulation of Truancy –
Second Reading
Administration Committee Report:
1.No report.
Additional Business:
City Council Meeting Agenda
May 12, 2009
Page 4
Executive Session:
1.For the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific
employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a
complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to
determine its validity.
Committee Departments Liaisons
Chairman: Alderman Besco Water and Sewer Park Board
Vice-Chairman: Alderman Plocher Streets and Alleys YBSD
Committee: Alderwoman Sutcliff Sanitation and Waste
Committee: Alderman Allen
Committee Departments Liaisons
Chairman: Alderman Golinski Planning & Building & Zoning Chamber of Commerce
Vice-Chairman: Alderman Allen Business & Economic Dev. Kendall County Econ. Dev.
Committee: Alderman Munns Plan Commission
Committee: Alderman Besco Bristol Plan Commission
Yorkville Econ. Dev. Corp.
Aurora Area Convention &
Tourism Council
Downtown Re-development
Committee Departments Liaisons
Chairman: Alderwoman Spears Police Human Resource Comm.
Vice-Chairman: Alderwoman Sutcliff Schools School District
Committee: Alderman Werderich Public Relations KenCom
Committee: Alderman Plocher
Committee Departments Liaisons
Chairman: Alderman Munns Finance Metra
Vice-Chairman: Alderman Werderich Public Properties Library
Committee: Alderwoman Spears Personnel Cable Consortium
Committee: Alderman Golinski