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Ordinance 2009-33
STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )ss j COUNTY OF KENDALL ) i Ordinance No. 2009- �3 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING REGIONAL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY EASEMENT AGREEMENT i BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. That the Regional Stormwater Management Facility Easement Agreement dated September 25, 2006, by and between Chicago Title and Trust Company, as successor to LaSalle Bank National Association, not personally, but as Trustee under the provisions of a trust i agreement dated April 1, 2005 and known as Trust Number 133368 and Chicago Land Trust Company, as successor to LaSalle Bank National Association, not personally but as trustee under the provisions of a trust agreement dated April 1, 2005 and known as Trust Number 133370 (the "Easement Agreement "), in the form presented to this meeting is hereby approved; and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver said Easement Agreement. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said Easement Agreement with the Recorder of Deeds of Kendall County. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately from and after its passage and approval according to law. i i Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this day of , A.D. 2009. ROBYN SUTCLIFF � GEORGE GILSON, JR. ARDEN JOE PLOCHER DIANE TEELING GARY GOLINSKI MARTY MUNNS ROSE SPEARS � WALLY WERDERICH APPROVED by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this k of uN , A.D. 2009. 0104 � '&W r4 ayor Attest: I C ler I i I 2 1: JE7 1 y T. J[ F I;I_h117F11_:L. i.flUhl'1 Y, 11._ RECORDED: 6/29/2009 9:58 AM AGR:_55.00 -RHSPS FEE: 10.00 - - RAGES: 10 REGIONAL STORNMATE MANAGEMENT FACILITY EASE MENT AGREEMENT THIS FEASEMIiXIT ACiR�NT (this.. "Agreement "), is made and enured into of the clay of September, 2006, by and between Chicago Title; [flrirl Trust Company, as successor to LaSalle I3 r st onal tlsSWiation} not personally; but ag trustee under the provisions of a trtut agreement -dated April I X005 and known as trust 'number 13336.8 and Chicago Titic : Land Trust Company, as successor to LaSalle Bank National Assaeiatitin. n:pt. personally, but as (rustee; under the provisions Of a trust 'greeme it dated April 1, 2003 and known as imst number 13337{} (pollectivel referred :tt� herein as fl►v "l'rusts "p rr "Grantor") and the Unitc d City Of Yodwille, lllinois an llli Bois muhiaipal- corpdrativn C "), RECITALS: A. Grantor is the a caner of that certain real property located in Kendall Counter, 111inois sand more particularly described on Scbc dulo I attached hereto aInd made; a part hereof (the: "Grantor Propdrtylfi B. Cirantnr along with tite Laity _ ate parties to that certain AIti NEXA 1'1ONT A6RI EMEW AS .TO -A POR`l`I - OF THR FRf�T'l✓RTY; .Ahfl)ti1�I)ED AND - 1t;ES'1 �11'1�I7 ANNE ATIC} 1 A1;PMEMt ENT T AS TO A PORTION ION QF I` IE PROPER11" AND PLAl` NI-D (NIT D >yLQI'�[Er1T AGI ]<I. 1E: T elated a s'ofth i day f Dc cc rnbw 1 , 20t�5 :find. r� - trded as document tio,2 rCDO1 33 y by and bctc eicn. the -MSRET ILC, a Delaware limited liability company, Chicago, Title Lane! TNst Compaaiy, us sucea ssvr to LaSalle Bank Vativt)al - Association, not Personally, rsonally, but as trustee under the prop isiorls of` a gust agreement dated April 1. 2005 and known as trust number 033.367, the- :Trusts, L ay=Com, 1110., .aia :Illinois c ipa ratihcn, IR YorkN ille I ,L.C_, an Illinois limited liability compan }� and ' R yurkville, L.L.G., an lllinuis limited liability company, as tcna lts in common and John kosen%vinkel and Susa .Rosenwink 1. individually, and as:Cv- Tru4tccs of EMR Trust lid. 100 Dated December l0, 2002 and Centex Hvnxcs and the City (thc " n'"exai0on agreeynen ).' C, Pursuant to Section l p of the A:»texatiotl Agreement, Grantor desires to grant to City a Fx:rpetual, non-exclusive-, and irrevocable easement on, under over-, across and through a - _ (itr►rt 0070 t�ia G rMtor :Property . fhr :tnp City to construct and maintain a-- Regional StormwMer 1V(4n4gcment Facility (as tleftncd in the Annexation Agreement), pursuant to the terms loud conditions: hereof Nowi VIE FQ , for and :iit cnnsidertion of TEN AND NCJA00 QOJ CARS ($.117,00) and other` d and valuAle considi Itiaitr rind the mutual covenants cvntainc d in this A.greMOM, the rte mm ainil sufficierney of which are hereby ackncawled Granto and City a Trim as follows: 1: grant of Easement Grantor hereby gives, gartts, bargains, sells, ccatYcya and. confiniis onto City, its successors and: assigns, a perpct o, nun- cxulusive and iii vticttblc m oment (`thy 'flg"emen#') oA ttratier, live, , hcross and tlirougl that portion of the Grantor `Property as legally described and fur. her `depicted on. xbibit A attat±hed Hereto andInade a part hereof (the `' ascmeftt Area "j, to de;�sign, construct, instill, reconstruct repair, rcm"ovn, replace ixtspect, maintain and operate the Fcegional :Stprinwatcr Management acilityt to sotviee the Grantor property, contigmus property and other property within:tl e City as required by Section lQ of the Annexation Agreement,- The Easement granted herein shall include the right of a ccess acros.� the Grantor Property for necessary persons and: equipinent to perform any of the above work fall of the.foregoing, collectivelyihe"L asement'Purposes "). Na E n croacbmichl . Grant shall not construct or permit the construction o f any structure or obstruction in the Easement AWAI ineluding but not limited to:, any building, masonry wall, or curb, that'would in any manner interfere wit the ase of the ESemettt for the Easement PtarEwses, `as rcas0 nably deterranincd ty City: 3. Rights of City City shall have the right to cut, trim pr remove. any frees, .shrub's or other plants located_ within the Easement Area, to the: extent an o f t3ic :fnrcger ng unreasonably interfere with -: he use of the Easement for the Easement Purposes,. 4. X -laintena of Easement Areta Except gas otherwiso set forth in the Annexation Agroement, the coast and expense of inairtaining, altering, constructing. repairing iniprovi or I econstructing the. Easenxer t- Area ;fear. the Easeme of Purposes shall lie paid solely by the: City; City hereby .ate to mtiintain or cause the Easement Area to be: main tained ' iii a c1can and workmanlike s ondition.. 5. - Mutual bideinaiaty To the extent not prohibited by 1<xw, City a&'ecs. to Bold Grantor and its officers, directors, assigns or emplayces harmless and to indemnify each of thern against claims and expenses, or liability inctvred in defense tlicre+ii including reasonable attorney tees 4n'sitig from City eaxe rcising,aity of its rights under the'tcrtns of this AL inct7t. TO the extent riot prohibited by laty, Grantor agrees to hold the City each of its offtc�'rti, dircwtears assigns or eFnpl".ees h.arniiess and to indemnify each of tlavan against claims and expenses or liability incurred in defense thereof in Gludurg rsasat3reblc attornc rs' fees arising tirnm Crantorcxerei iitg any of its, rights underthe ternis ofthis Agreement: 6. Bind t . This Agrcernent and the Easement, rights and obligations set forth he ruin shall rtan %vith the land. and shall be binding upon laid shall in tci thy: bujtet t of the -2 _ - 4s 11aS '�`p;{4 t "r {1r �$ }i?1 urn s beret , T of ht a r�c�ord titlOwIdar, of the land gild thou respective heirs,. repro cnt hives M and ass igns. Latltit A ' cement This Agreement constitutes the. entire agreement between n the parties with respect to the wbimt.matt r hereof. S. Mod ification of 4a ment Any modificatiran of tjiis .Agrceme nt: shall be, binding only if evidenced by a Writing ;ze9ned by each party hereto. 3 No Waiver No pt c�-k ion of this Agrecet�cnt may b+e` ve �vc�tl except by a: Wra vur ----� - sigtaed by trite party agwrist Whom the wove r,is hsserteil. l0. Sevcrabthty If any provision of k#ri, Agi eetnent shall Iae. determined ley a court crf competent ,jurisdktion to he i-avAtid or imenfei e:ettbl' ' uch determination shill not tif'fcet khe other provisions of this Agreement; which shall b e enforced to the Rill C ttiit ttIlvwed by Iaw. _ 1 1. Gct verning_Lary This Agrueinent shall be governed by and construcd in acoordanee with the It, s of the State of Illinois tvithottt regnrd tc� eaett�icts bi' lAv►r principles. 1 2. counlgMA This Agreertrient may be executed in one or more counterparts, all of which %ken t0gc:ther shall Writ tote but one. document* i l 3. Tntstee *s lJxcul ati n. Anything lierein,to the contrary notwithstanding, all ofthe warranties. indcninities, representations, covenants, undertakings and, agreements lle;rein.made; on the part of the'T rusts, while in form purportir�p to be t ie re:prese.nttitions, covenants, undertakings and al e=_mIts of the Trusts, are nevertheless .made and irtteride l not as personal representations, covenants, undortakings:anet agreements by the Tntsts or fair an }r ether purpose or intention ether than the limited purpose of - binding; oft. that Portion of the trust property spe e:i #icalTg = - dextiarib c el herein'. T}iis instrument i$ .;'executed and delivered# by, the Trusts not in their owo right, but solely in the exercise of the P0%NTrs conferred upon them as trustem No perituil liability or personal responsibility is assumed by nor shall at any time be ttrt�erted nr enfors eal?le against the Trusts on account of this imtrument or on account Of arzy EVarrancy, indemliih' representation, covenant und"king or agrcenicnt of trio - usts in'this instrument contained, tither exprcsscd or implied all such personal liability, if any, being expressly waived and released. The terms -of !his paragraph shall not be construed, however, to ;modify or discharge any persona[ liability, e xprGssly assunled by any bentfsciaru pI' the trusts or other party in iht transaction pursuant 10 which this instrument is executed and delivered.. IRI+',NIAI NDER OF THIS l AGF, LNT)±: ;4'i'I(3NALLY LEE= r Bi,,k Kj �b�r { rct;,c i j IN w rl'NESS VVI I1 Rl OF, the pairlies hereto have exccute:cl this Agreement on (lie elaty arid year brat abow written. .Ilit~F1CSC} T I `JL�I' 1, ANN) � '(��.r T �C'�)l�`T��AINF', s 4> ct cssar to LaSalle Bank National Assoeiation► a � �,>• nt personally, but solely as tratstCr; ut ovistons (If-ar rust aarceme zt dMed April !, Name'. CI IIC� (;O TITLE LAND "I RUST CUlV PANY, as successor to LaSalle Bmik N ational Association, not pmonaally, but solely as tt'aistce un(jer prOvts o; 'a trust agreement dated April 1, 2005 � and k1i x aas Trust No. 1.3370 �i s ^., a -- - ;. Its. - w UNI1'Ell.l,1'CY OF YORK'4°ILLE ILLINOIS, ztn Ill is int niciptal corporaticaaa w� Its: This Insfi°extt untPrepared by and Mesirow Financial Real Estate, Inc. After Recording - Itouni to By: Iacs V. Inenelna Name: 2 We st Monme St Its: Chit a,90,, Illinois 60606 -- t`aJi�id€,���Slr> �9�3zpJ >i3:�re�- -------- ------------- - - - - -- - STA`l'E OF ILLINOIS } / SS. Y, the, uMersigi) a Nota Publics in : anc _ f r said out�lty, in the State aforesaid, DO fi C RTIFYthit _ I pctsoitally known — to me is be the 155 V r. _ _ of I[IC TITLE LA1' D TRUST COM., P�lYY As suoc mot to LaSalle Bank i�fational Association, as trustee as doiegaid and personally kn6Nvri to me to. be the s ame perm �'l -ose mint' is subseribed to the foregoing instrutrient appeared before me this day in, person— and cicnawletlgact .that sttel (s)he signed and 'delty r+ - said insirumant t1s of std catporatio n, pursuant t i! aut hority, givi h by the )3aacd of Directors of said corporation ens hMier free Snd- act, and as the free a nd voluntary . act ai d deed of said s.orPoiatian as tr stea, for tlto mst*s and purposts tix erein . set forth: Civen under riiyhand and official seaI,'this 3 day. of 200& Notary Public J ,My Cc3mrnis�i�n - E F,F,ICIAL SEAL„ GRACE MARIN PUBLIC STgTE OF ILL INOIS STATE OF ILLINOIS } mission Expires 03 /09/200 ) S5. g COUNTY OF KE N DA LL � 1, ow undmigil 1, a :Notes Public in Fend for said County, ill the State aforesaid. DO HEREBY CERTIFY that GAR Cn _ —, personalI }f known to the In be the M IofZ �2 I Enk o G`NITED, CITY` OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS, an Illinois n1vilionpal corporation, and personally know to ine to be the sonic persatl wliosc: n.imc is suhst ribcsi to the foregoing instintment, appeared before me this day in person an :tckn wlt�lgcd: that a, such signed and delivcred said inxtrumctat as Maori. Pep TEM f City-, pursuant .to authority, given by the 4mrd - ref rr` Cou&jci.L of City as hiWbor free and voluntary act, an a the free and volutatnxy act and do �'d trftltc City °, fr►r Lh uses end pum os es therein sot forth, th, c2w Give u. nder ' MY hand and off ial xeal, this � day of �Gtx, 0 Notary Public My Canunisxinn Expires: 1 6L 13 a - OFFICIAL SEAL LISA PICKERING NOTARY PUBLIC • STATE OF ILLINOIS COWANION EVIRES:1?113113 _;_ C`tf i>r� - te�•4^St r tale 1 {'� (t:kF. f 4 SC�EDi3L11'� I -- -- - - - - -- GI A1ITOR PT�4?�ERT!' CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUST COMPANY,. AS S UCCESSOR TO LASALLE BAIT NOT PERSONALLY, BUT AS TRUS'T'EE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF A TRUST AGREEMENT DATED AAPIUL 11 AND mO'Wx i1 � TRUST hrUMBER133368 LE r . i FSClt 1 7Yt t TIiiAT PAR`C OF TI I~ I`iQRTI IEAST gUARTER 0F SECT-ION �I, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH. RANGE TIE C?ETI 11tIIt2 FRTNCII'1� MERIDIAI, LS�INC`i� S?ITFIT�tLY C3I` 7FI.G. SCJUTH RIOHT OF' WA's LINE OF GA�I.ENA R0?AIX, PER DOCt.11�o 9N} hIO. 145193 AS Ct1 131,V A. XE 5 ;. 19 4, DESCRIBED: AS . .t O LOWS BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER - OF THE NORTHEAST : QUARTEW OF SAID SECTION 9; - THENCE SOUT14 89 DEGRLE MINUTES 32 SECONDS NEST, r�i.ON THIS; SOtTCH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QU�1,1t I`�R, 2651.75 FEET TO THC SOL1'I`ITW COR - 1488 CIF SA [) i C RTfIEAST f itAR'CER; TH) -NCE NORTH' 12 DECREES 27 MINUTES 41 SECONDS FAST ALONG A LINE. IF EXTENDED WOULD INTERSECT THE CENTER LINE OF SAID GALEN: RC)i�D 390;72 VEE.T SOUTHEASTERLY OF (AS ?YWA ALONG SAID CENTER. L:INE) 'I'HE INTERSECTION OF SAID. C ENTER LINE WIT14 'I HE WEST LINE OF THE NQRTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 9,170633 FEET TQ ITIE SOUTHERLY 'R[GHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID GALENA ROAD; TH BNC'E SOUTH 75 DEGREES 1 MINUT 39 SECONDS EAST, ALONG SA ID SOUTH tIGI l' OV WAY LINE, 724.30 'FEET} THENCE SOUTH 14 DEGREES 46 - MINU`:f CS 21 SECONDS WEST, PERPENDICULAR WITH SAID SOUTH RI OF WAY LINE, ?70,00 .FEET; T SOUTI 75 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 3-9 SECONDS EAST, MtA ME L WITH SAID SOUTH TtIo!iT 01 WAY I Ii41E '350M PLET THENCE NORTH l DEGREES. MINUTES 21 SECONDS CASE, PERPENDICULAR WI'[H All S(�ur -I RCGI -I`I' O WAY LINE, 270.00 M ET. , TO A POINT ON 'SAID, �iOUT1-1 R1 jHT OF WAY .LIFE; THENCE SOUTH 75 UEGRE138 13 391 SECONDS: EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTH RIG M' GF WA-Y L1NEa '143.77 FFETTO A POINT OF CURVATURE THENCE S013T EASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTH RCGIIT Of WAY LINE; BEING At_ONG A Cllk" TO THE RIG WITH A RADIUS OF 11,420b AND A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 72 DEGREES 1 MINUTES 28 * D$ EAST AN. ARC' LENGTH OF 1 t60.82 FEET TO A POINT ON 7T1E EAST LINE OF THE NORTI'IEAST ,QLARTER OF SAID SECTION 9; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES OQ MIN'1Jx7'ES'13 SECONDS FAST, ALONG SAID EAST LINE. 959.76 FEE'r'l'O THE POT N7 OF BEGINNING AN THE TOWNSHIP NSHIP OIL BRISTOL, K.ENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AN 8) CON- TAINING. 74.61 ACRES OF LAN 4IORE CSR LESS, i - -- -- - - - - . - tMCAC ' '1'i R LA TRUST-MMPANV; AS S:UCCEss Ok--tO - -- -- - -- LAS:AI:M.W K? NOT`PERSONAL>LY, SGT AS TRUSTM VNDEH'CHE P"12fJVIS)iUNS OF A Ti >i 5'r A,GRXEMENT DA 'E13 AI'RIL.1, Z{ltl :A KNOWN AS'VRVST DUMBER 13337Q LEGAL, DESCRIPTION THE WEST I14 OF TIII 80 t7HEAS`l' 114 OF SECsTIC)I, AIyS© 1'1IAT PRT CAF SAID SECTION.- MSC12T13EI), AS OLLOW- S; COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST 'C:ORN> It C)F TH)✓ IC)RT IWEST TAP Z SAID SliCTION 9 ``I'I1 ONCE NEST ALt1NG THE SOUTH LIME OF SAID (NORTHWEST 1 /4, 14,15 CIIMNS (942.48`FE]1T) FOR THE PC1lNT OF BEGINNM, THEN'CE NORTH - - I4 DECxR$ES 50 :MINUTES ]BAST -30.14 CHMNS (1989:24 FEET) TO THE CENTER LME OF GALENA ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 75 DEGREES 15 MINUTES EAST ALONG SAI D CENTEIt.LINE 6.77 CHAINS _(44682.: FEET) TO. THE EAST LINE OF SAID NOI€THWE -ST 114; THENCE SOUTH 75 DE GM- 1.4 MINuTrIS. EAST ALONG THE CENTEk LINE QI? SAJi7 GALENA;.RI.7AT?'S.92 :CTTAINS - (390.72 FEET); THENCE SOUT- 14 13 DEGREES 15 MINUTES NEST 26.50 CHAINS - (I749-4 F-jEl) TO THE 'NORTIMAS'T CORNER OV THC Sout . HWEST IA OF SAID SECTION-, THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE FAST -LINE OIL SAID SOUTHWEST 114 210 CHAWS (1320 FEET) TO TffE' S01 'I'HJ'AST CORNER , O1 THE NORTH I/2 OF SAID SOUTHWEST 114; THENCE WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE 0I `J7H NORTH 1/2 OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1, 220.25 CHAINS. {133 .5 FEET} TO A POINT I ROD (16,5 FEET) WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST I A OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1A THENCE NORTHEASTERLY TO T1-I.E POINT OF BEGINNING. (EXCE3''1' TILE NOIC111 WESTERLY.40.00 FEET THEREOF FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES PER RECORD IN BOOK, 136 PAO, F 15 4) I:N ' ' C?'ffNNSI IIP 37 I+IQ1t °"III, RANGE 7, EAST OF TI fC `I HJ_RI) PRINCIPAL :MERIDIAN, IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BMTOL. KENDALL COUNTY, ILI,INOJS, EXHIBIT fBIT A -- LWAL "P1~SCWTION OF ]R1S E iE ►1TT . AREA l�'�1RC`EL 47� IaSC'?1P7'1111Vr THAT CART OF THE SOTJTH HALT+ OF SECTION,9, TOWNSHIP :37 NORTH, RANGE 7 EAST QF TkIE TH1RI? PRTNCI ?AI.. M> [III)IA1�f; UE CRIHED AS FOJ l.0' ►± -S: BEGINNING AT THE- SOUTHWEST' CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUA fER ELF TIIE SOUTII't�EST QUARTZ R OF 10. N,- SAID SEC 9' THENCE SOIJTFL 89 (DEGREES _04 :MN (TES > 59 SECONDS WEST, ALONG THE .LOUTH LINE OF T11E NORTHWEST QUARTER Of SAly ' $0VTI-1WLl$'.' QUARTER. :16.5 } FEE;(', THENCE NORTH 16 DFDOR1.ES 4 MINUTES I6 SECONDS EAST, 119935 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 63 DEGREES 4I MINUTI✓S- 49 SR( BAST 148.01 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 82 DEf18EI S 17 MINUTES 51 SECONDS EAST,: 2-71 �0: F EET; THENCE NORTH 83 DEGREES 49 MINUTES 54 SECONDS EAST, 457.38 FEET; THENCE NORTH 75 DEGREES II 'MINUTES 43 SECONDS CAST; 1 6.152 FEET; THENCE NORTH 50 DEGREES 48 MINUTES. 52 SECONDS EAST, 370 95 FEET(; THENCE SOUTH 41 I DEGREES 27 MINUTES 17 SECONDS .EAST, 98.93 FEET; THENCE SOUTH a4 DEGREIV 31 MINUTES 25 3ECOND8 EAST, 75.55 FEE`T`;, THENCE 'SOUTH: 17 DEGREES 55 MI'NUTES 1 8 SECONDS EAST, 81,80 FEET THENCE SOLITIf 52 DEGREES 51 MI 49 SECONDS FAST, 1 38.17 FEET; THENCE NORTH 16 DEGREES 02 MfNL;TrS 42 .SKQN17S EA�ST� ('44.40 FEK 1' .1'H13 IC E H�t,STEALY ALONG A CURVE T(3 THE LEFT W117H A RADIUS OI- 66.00 FEET AIND A CHORD FARINCY OF NORTR 82 IDI GREFS 38 MINTUTES 43 SECONDS EAST, A-N ARC L<ENGTI1 O 53.9( FEET 'THENCE SOUT -1 30 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 17 SECONDS EAST, 136.22 MEET, THENCE NORTH 45 EOREES 00 MINUTES 12 SECONDS .[ ',AST, 904 FE.f r; THENCE NORTH ?G LDEGREES 54 MINUTES 04 SECONDS EAST, 80.71 FEET, THENCE NOI;TH 49 DEGREES 36 MrNUTES 25 SECONDS EAST, 77.74 FEET Tt uENCE NO.II:T T 43 DEGREES' 43 IV1fN-UTI S 5U S11C`C)N DS; EAST, 166;02 E•EEJ' THENCE i�:C RT'lf 32 DEGR°1 1s8 29 MINUTES 54 SECONDS EAST, 64.38 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 9; T14ENCE, NORTH '89 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 33 SECONDS; MAST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 126.92 FEET TO TIIE NORTHNVEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUAR`rER OF THE `SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 9 ;- THENCE SOUJTH -00 (DEGREES 08 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST, ALONG THE EST LINE 'OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SOVrl-IEAST QUAR'ISER, 1325.50 FEET TO THE SOI<ITI'IWI ST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER T1 ENCF SOUTH S9 (DEGREES. 01 M 11 SECONDS. WEST. ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF TL1F i( RT14WEST QUARf'E , OF SAID SC3U I`HEAS'f' QLJARTfrl 1328-38 FEET 7 °O THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SOUTHE, -1,s T CIIIAK'f'EIt THENCE SOUTH $ DE:GRI ES 04 MI�IU`I - E S 59 SI- CO DS WEST, 1,326,54 :FEET TO T14E POINT OF BEG_ NNING, IN THE UNITED CITY OF 'YORKVILLE, KINDALL C0UNTY, IL-LINOIS. I :PARC EL .TWO 4464 DESCRIP - -- - - - - - -- — THAT PART`OE Tai i NORTHEAST QUARTER Or SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RAN 7 EAST € F THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DE AS FOLLOW BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 9 111ENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 33 ,SECONDS MltST, AI,O)NG j THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER 1452.81 l EFT ;. THENC,E NORTH 2 ,DECREES 29 1VITNUTI S 1 SEO t N1DS EAST; 1.0 4 I EU ; THENCE N1O)RTH 2S DEG LEE 52 MI�'ES 37 S ECOND BAST, 166 02 'FEE'T` THENCE NORTH 14 A1~GkE S . M I.ITES 41 SEGG 3S !*AS T, - ;620.51 I;EE 1118 O E �IO)It`:I'11 03 DEGREES 17 XMINUTES 29 SECONDS WEST 125:14 VEE'I THE NCE NORTH 23 DEOR:1 ES 5.I Ml .INUTES 54 SECONDS WEST, 135.11 FE F1 THENC E NORTH 75. DEGREES 1 a M1 UTES .19 SE COIVI)S" VILEST,. SlS.G9 . Fri T1 EN E . t� ORT14 14 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 2 t S ECONDS EAST, 270,00 'FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT. : 0F WAY LINE OF GALENA ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 75 DECREES 13 MINUTES 39 SECONDS EAST, ALONG SAID. SO)U.T:HERLY RIGHT OF WtW LINE, 144.21 FEET:; T HENCE 'SO UTH AS TERLY AI,ONG SAID SO UTHERLY. RIGHT OF WAY LINF", t3I 1NG ALONG A CURVE TO 7't -1R RIGHT WITH A RADIUS OF 11420 :00 FEE "I` AND A MORD BEARING Or- SOUTH 72 DI_CiREES 18 MINUTES 48 SECONDS EAST, AN ARC LENGTMOF 1160.34: FEET' TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID :VOR'1`I.II AST QU ARTER; THENICE SOUTH 00 DEGRE F S 00 MINUTES 2 3 liC`O} t)S "V EST, ALONG SAID. EAST 'LINE, 1002,45 FEET TO THE POINT OF BE'oINNIXT(j, IN `1`TfE UNITED CITY" OF 'i ORKVILLE, KE COUNTY",11- LINQIS. I - I i I I i t:.ia a a7ht.uw�_ a: ... <.« w�l9akiil ! Yea e4 '—"' M ^ " ^"*. yw --:,.• .._._,,.a, '...n'..._. ' DI aw 4 scox Yo - lLNd Y��fa� tr.wr.x,urr a R t�wrwawrre . .a , „ i ,ksr1F RY �1'F►aG''iaidY�l' - Lrr YW tee.Y[{yngyw�lr�rry: .� .. ., �.. .. ... w _. ............ r r ... .. �* �`Y. ^•�"�" ... s� be am:" t.; 1 � l i '- w �.. SVWt+irt'Wr YMiyaYiN�M !Ky 1!� i 1 w 1.k1V T L+Md�YSb+ W FW) ON `� ++' __ t; � - I . w,rv r. w � #' wsi�� •.+w �', � - A ( .eNr yww � � w�� ae+r+s� r x �i....ft ' . r yw i* '�r r "�".�► M +�.... Y +�wa. ,�,.e * �- r►"p"r_'YJ. y ` � - .'i.er nmwr<--- +'r--- ':wYr. .a aYii+lw�r.r� r_��__w w+..,,.:,,_arw '"+.�„ " "'^ --•• -! - �^'n..,,,� � "M rle, +ia Yy "is�.ii '�w.e +;°�iM �i.�` ,` .. : p waf a whe /�fMt ib�/ M r �� ivayYxwrioeiw ���+`li F dYYYIfYetali "' r .. � rr w� `,1.L7.ww� + w .. � � °"ax a rr wiw '�"�a.�a� �7� � sYM 'L/NAk ' D • rv W 'I'r T w.wM .••• w�'+.. 4ti 1:sM.f Sr�7�aY. -kl84W lie ofM'�0W f fr'.YIItRl1(R TYaR�R/, �YIM'1�M2 YNwM1a 7 ;e rn AdNl. T, Yf,.r YtrWY'yY.1Mpy1rR "W.fa! a FHVfufY J! AM fit -. �w�YwY p yv�H ��v' _ S �MRr XL/Itl r y �} 'M .A��`b Y PP r M kl >3y.V ` 't7.:?�� V - �1 0 I N DV O r�.""�''�. i