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Ordinance 2009-48
i Ordinance No. 2009- 4% AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE INTEGRATED TRANSPORTATION PLAN AND FOX RIVER WATERSHED FOR THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE WHEREAS, the United City of Yorkville (the "City ") is a non home -rule municipality in accordance with the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970 and has the powers granted to it by law; WHEREAS, the City Council of the United City of Yorkville has discussed and considered that it is in the best interests of the City to adopt the Integrated Transportation Plan and Fox River Watershed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. That the United City of Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan and Fox River Watershed, dated September 8, 2009, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A, is hereby approved. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this day o 2009. ROBYN SUTCLIFF DIANE TEELING GARY GOLINSKI ARDEN JOSEPH PLOCHER ts WALTER WERDERICH MARTY MUNNS ROSE ANN SPEARS v GEORGE GILSON, JR. Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this day of SEE ftA4 E2 2009. MAYOR ATTEST: M. jj RK i I i II United City of Yorkville nte r 9 t d Tr ta Pt Et FOX RIVER W ATERSHED STUDY Shared Use Trail Plan Downtown Streetscape Plan September 8, 2009 >ared By: • '` i SEC Group, Inc. . l Are HR Green Cu rpany �' United City of Yorkville — Office of the Mayor: Mayor Valerie Burd United City of Yorkville City Council: Ward 1 Wally Werderich George Gilson, Jr. Ward 2 Gary Golinski Arden Joseph Plocher Ward 3 Marty Munns Robyn Sutcliff Ward 4 Rose Spears Diane Teeling ITP Task Force Members: Brian DeBolt Yorkville Community Unit School District 115 Jason Pettit Kendall County Forest Preserve and Fox River Eco System Partnership Gary Neyer Home Builder /Architect Jeff Farren Downtown Business Owner Dan Nicholson Downtown Business Owner Don Duffy Yorkville Chamber of Commerce Lynn Dubajic Yorkville Ecomonic Development Corporation Jeff Wilkins Kendall County Administrator Rick Powell IDOT District 3, Studies & Plans Engineer Dave Longo IDNR Local Representative Ben Niles Yorkville Bike Club Russell Rogers Chicago Area Mountain Bikers ITP Project Team: United City of Yorkville Staff Project Lead: Travis Miller - Community Development Director Project Manager: Stephanie Boettcher - Senior Planner City Engineer: Joe Wywrot City Park Designer: Laura Haake Superintendent of Parks: Scott Sleezer ITP City Consultant - SEC Group Principal in Charge: Jason Poppen - Executive Vice President Project Manager: Phil Stuepfert Staff Planners: Tedd Lundquist and Marisa Currier Transportation Engineers: Glenn Tredinnick and Tony Simmons EC Group is pleased to submit the Integrated to create a more livable community through a cohesive Transportation Plan (ITP), including the Shared and interconnected trail system. Use Trail Plan and Downtown Streetscape Master Plan, to the United City of Yorkville (City). This plan is Downtown Streetscape Plan both visionary and achievable, and will benefit Yorkville The Downtown Streetscape Plan portion of the ITP and its surrounding communities in Kendall County. focuses primarily on non - vehicular transportation and includes recommendations for both vehicular and pedes- Shared Use Trail Plan trian safety. While not a Downtown Revitalization Plan, As Yorkville continues to grow, more and more vehicles or detailed Downtown Streetscape Plan, this ITP project will be on the roads resulting in increased congestion. identifies and addresses constraints and opportunities This increased traffic volume not only causes frustration in Yorkville's downtown. This core area of Yorkville is for residents, but also increases maintenance costs of the geographic heart of the overall community, and this roads, and is detrimental to the environment through the ITP provides general recommendations to improve the harmful vehicle emissions. Yorkville can take steps toward aesthetics, "walkability" and "bikeability" in this important creating a more comprehensive and highly - utilized trail section of the community. Recommendations for busi- network system by implementing the recommendations nesses, property owners and the City include providing of this ITP. Implementation of the concepts and plans walkable streets, establishing a theme and streetscape within this document, potentially improves and protects design standards that maintain the character and history air quality by decreasing reliance on the automobile and of the region. Creating walkable streets should provide consequently promoting healthier lifestyles. encouragement to residents and visitors alike to use al- ternative modes of transportation. F ' 4 The ITP process consisted of a detailed data collection and analysis stage, followed by concept development. One of the primary goals of the ITP project was to develop a sense of what the general public desires with respect to bicycling and walking. Through the creation of a Task Force committee, survey data collection and public input meetings, valuable information was collected to help to shape the project's vision, goals and objectives for the project. During the planning process, goals and objec- tives were finalized, existing and proposed trail corridors were created and analyzed, design standards were deter- mined, and priorities were identified. The residents of the Yorkville area, City leaders and staff, the ITP Task Force, and other involved parties collectively established a plan Integrated Yorkville Transportation Plan I United City of • ii CHAPTER PAGE CHAPTER 1 — INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Study Area 1 1.3 Purpose and Benefits of the ITP 2 1.4 ITP Process and Timeline 3 CHAPTER 2 - VISION, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 2.1 Vision, Goals and Objectives 5 CHAPTER 3 — DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS (EXISTING CONDITIONS & INVENTORY) 3.1 Document Review and Collected Data 9 3.2 Overall Bicycle and Pedestrian Conditions 10 3.3 Downtown Existing Conditions and Analysis 12 CHAPTER 4 - PUBLIC /STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT, INPUT AND PARTICIPATION 4.1 The Process and Importance of Public and Stakeholder Involvement 17 4.2 Coordination and Partnership 19 4.3 City Staff and City Council 19 CHAPTER 5 - ITP RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Overall ITP Recommendations 21 5.2 Shared Use Trail Recommendations 23 5.2.1 Shared Use Trail Plan 5.2.2 Design Criteria and Standards 5.3 Downtown Streetscape Plan Recommendations 32 CHAPTER 6 - PLAN OF IMPLEMENTATION 6.1 Shared Use Trail Implementation Plan 49 6.1.1 Implementation and Strategy Plan 6.1.2 General Maintenance Program 6.1.3 Funding Strategies (Local, State, and Federal) 6.2 Downtown Streetscape Implementation Plan 72 6.2.1 Implementation and Strategy Plan 6.2.2 Funding Strategies UsMUFURRUMMIMR9no CHAPTER PAGE APPENDIX A: EXHIBITS Exhibit 'A' - Study Area Exhibit 'B' - Study Area Inventory Exhibit 'C' - Downtown Study Area Exhibit 'D' - Regional Trails Exhibit 'E' - Key Nodes and Connections Exhibit 'F' - Downtown Study Area Analysis Exhibit 'G' - Downtown Area Sidewalk Inventory Exhibit `H' - Theme and Character Vision Exhibit `I' - Gateways and Wayfinding Signage Concepts Exhibit `J - Shared Use Trail Plan (Overall and four details of quadrants) Exhibit 'K' - Shared Use Trail Plan - Priority Corridors (Overall and Detail) Exhibit 'L' - Potential Bike Lane /Shared Roadway Routes Exhibit'M' - Loop System Plan Exhibit 'N' - Gateways and Wayfinding Signage (Overall and Detail) Exhibit 'O' - Trailheads and Wayfinding Signage Exhibit `P' - Gateway and Wayfinding Signage — Downtown Plan Exhibit `Q' - Streetscape Elements Exhibit 'R' - Downtown Area Sidewalk Improvements Exhibit 'S' - Downtown Recommendations Exhibit 'T' - Illustrative Downtown Streetscape Plan APPENDIX B: ITP Survey Results ITP Comment Card Results APPENDIX C: VISUAL PREFERENCE STUDY Downtown Theme and Streetscape Elements APPENDIX D: LIST OF DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL AND OTHER REFERENCES Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I United City of YorkviL[e transportation guidelines and policies. The Illinois Department of Transportation (I DOT) awarded Yorkville funds through the Illinois Tomorrow Corridor Planning Grant to complete this Integrated Transportation The United City of Yorkville, Illinois (founded in 1830) is Plan (ITP). The purpose of this study is to improve and located 50 miles southwest of Chicago and lies along the encourage bicycle and pedestrian transportation within Fox River in Kendall County, Illinois. The community has Yorkville, and to plan for connections to the surround- experienced tremendous growth in the past decade both ing area. This ITP addresses community transportation in terms of population as well as expansion of physical issues, potential for economic opportunities, protection area. A 2008 report by the United States Census Bureau of natural resources, and improving non - vehicular public identified Kendall County as the fastest growing county access and mobility. in the nation from 2000 to 2007, with a 77.5% increase in population during that period; the greatest growth having The ITP is designed to achieve the goals set forth by taken place from 2005 -2007. During the period from 2000 the Illinois Tomorrow Corridor Planning Grant Program. to 2005, the City expanded its territory by more than 13 Tasks completed as set forth by the Grant Program and square miles. The study area is the same as the City's Yorkville are summarized below; planning area used for the 2008 Comprehensive Plan. The Shared Use Trail Plan and the Downtown Streetscape Data Collection and Analysis Plan study areas are described below and are shown on Collect data such as demographics, corridor statistics, the referenced exhibits. traffic maps, orthophotos, land use, and other relevant information from forest preserve districts and municipali- ties; conduct site visits and evaluate the corridor's pres- ent condition. Public Involvement Conduct a series of open and ongoing public meetings involving local, county and state officials, businesses, The Fox River is a valuable natural resource within the study area. land developers, property owners, forest and waterway authorities, citizens, and other stake holders, to present Shared Use Trail Plan — Study Area the plan, gather input, identify and deliberate issues, and The study area for the Shared Use Trail Plan includes formulate a context - sensitive solution. approximately 74.6 square miles. The boundaries are, generally, U.S. Route 30 (to the north), Helmar Road (to Coordination and Partnership the south), Eldamain Road (to the west), and Grove Road Coordinate with the Kendall County Highway Department (to the east). The Study Area encompasses significant and IDOT's District 3 Office regarding its road capacity transportation routes such as U.S. Route 34, Illinois assessments, zoning changes, and walking and bicycle Routes 47, 71, and 126, Galena Road, Baseline Road, paths. Establish a partnership with waterway authori- Caton Farm Road, Kennedy Road, and the proposed ties, adjacent communities, the Kendall County Forest Prairie Parkway (see ExhibitA -Study Area). Preserve District and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) regarding its plan affecting the Fox Downtown Streetscape Plan — Study Area River, wildlife, and wetlands; coordinate with land devel- The Downtown Streetscape Plan addresses a study area opers on land use management. within the Shared Use Trail Plan area, generally bounded by Somonauk Street (to the north), Mill Street (to the east), Concept Development Illinois Route 126 (to the south), and Morgan Street (to Assess the performance and effectiveness of existing the west) (see Exhibit 'C'- Downtown Study Area). This transportation plans; develop specific plans for non- includes the "core" downtown area as well as the Fox vehicle access, "bike- friendly" streets, pathways and River, which traverses in an east -west direction, just north parking areas; enhance land -use design in the target cor- of Hydraulic Street. Other significant physical features ridor, including complementary amenities; recommend within this study area include the Yorkville Intermediate changes to zoning codes and sign standards; promote School, Town Square Park, Bicentennial Riverfront Park, the preservation of open space; and build multi- faceted the whitewater recreation facility and the Historic Kendall Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I United City of Yorkvitte 0- County Courthouse and campus. Additionally, open space, trails and greenways can help manage community storm water issues, by utilizing the open space areas for storm water management. The ITP The ITP project was prepared to achieve the goals set promotes this idea in order to assist in minimizing flood - ing, improve water quality, protect wetlands, conserve forth by the Illinois Tomorrow Corridor Planning Grant habitat for wildlife, and buffer adjacent land uses. Program, and addresses items targeted by Yorkville com- munity leaders: Health • Community -wide transportation issues • Impact on economic opportunities A well - planned and integrated • Natural resources protection trail system throughout the • Public access and mobility improvement Yorkville region can have ex- The ITP builds upon Yorkville's current Comprehensive tensive health benefits. Daily Land Use Plan approved in 2008, the 2008 Park and exercise (bicycling, walking, Recreation Master Plan, and the Downtown Vision Plan " 1''o; etc.) significantly improve created in 2005. h mental and physical sical health. _ _ - Safe and convenient trails and Shared Use Trail Plan — Purpose and greenways encourage people to walk and utilize bicycles. Benefits Additionally, it provides opportunities for people to travel The purpose of this Shared Use Trail Plan is to guide to their workplace, retail shopping, or to simply enjoy the Yorkville in the planning of current and future non - vehic- outdoors for recreational purposes. ular transportation facilities, in order to meet the demand of citizens. In 2004, the Yorkville Parks and Recreation Safety Department completed a conceptual trail development Safety for residents of all ages in Yorkville and the im- plan, as part of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, mediate area is another important reason to implement outlining the location for major trail alignments throughout the ideas and principles set forth in this ITP. The con - the study area. The original plan was further refined and sequences of bicycle /pedestrian accidents with vehicles detailed to indicate trail connections and links in the 2008 are often serious and sometimes fatal. Children are es- Parks and Recreation Master Plan revision and update. pecially vulnerable, because their movements are often This ITP project utilizes that plan as a base and provides unpredictable, and they are inexperienced at riding in a more comprehensive Trail Plan with recommendations. traffic. Young children often ride their bikes or walk across The benefit of completing this study and implementing busy streets and highways to schools, parks, neighbors' the recommendations are many. As Yorkville's popula- houses, or other destinations in Yorkville. The addition of tion continues to grow, the overall goal is to create a liv- any new bicycle or pedestrian facilities indicated in this able community that offers non - vehicular transportation plan will immediately increase the safety of residents and options that are convenient, reliable, safe, and efficient. If children who use them. implemented successfully, residents will be able to travel from the places where they live to the places they, work, shop, learn, dine, and recreate, without requiring the use Downtown Streetscape Plan — Purpose and of a vehicle. Benefits As a part of the Integrated Transportation Plan, a Economic. Health and Safety Benefits Downtown Streetscape Plan has been prepared, in- Economic cluding a Downtown Pedestrian Analysis and Design Standards for Streetscape Elements. The focus in these Awell- planned and well- constructed trail system offers po- areas is to provide standard guidelines for an improved tential economic benefits, including higher pedestrian environment, helping to re- create a vibrant real estate property values, increased tour- downtown for years to come. This can be achieved by ism and recreation - related revenues, and building upon the vision set forth by the Downtown Vision cost savings for public services. Trails and Plan created in 2005. The ITP specifically recognizes greenways are viewed as amenities by resi- the Downtown Vision Plan, and incorporates its overall dential, commercial, and office park devel- concepts and ideals, as set forth. The Vision Plan estab- opers, who realize higher property values lished the "ultimate vision" or "big picture" for Yorkville, when in close proximity of these features. while the ITP Downtown Streetscape Study focuses on tangible and more immediate goals to improve walkability and bikeability. Therefore, the primary focus is to set the Data collection and Analysis stage for a better pedestrian environment and providing streets that are safe, pedestrian - friendly, and aestheti- cally pleasing. Public Involvement, Coordination and Partnership Implementation of the Downtown Streetscape Plan will (Continues thi -ou /enwre /, help to create an overall environment that encourages ex- isting businesses, residents, and institutions to stay and prosper in Yorkville, as well as attract new businesses concept Development and new residents to the downtown. Creating this plan subrask l - shared use Trails system Design subtask is merely the first step to creating a more successful and 2 - Downtonn Streetscape Plan vibrant downtown. Forging long- lasting partnerships among private investors, local businesses, property P,;oritization, Phasing, Implementation owners, public agencies, and community representatives ana Funding strategies will also be crucial for success. The following table provides an overview of the general Integrated Transportation Plan Final timeline followed while preparing this ITP project. Also a Report diagram is provided representing the various steps taken in order to complete the study. For a detailed description of each step, see the associated sections in this report. Final Public Meetings and Approval Development Data Collection &Anal complete Begin Concept C ONCEPT & ANALYSIS AM - 0 DEVELOP -8 End 04.2009 End 07.2009 CD Q. DRA 04 issued issued c) N PLAN REPORT 'D A 10.16.2008 12.04.2008 01.15.2009 03.05.2009 04.30.2009 05.14.2009 Task Force PUBLIC Task Force Task Force Task Force PUBLIC Meeting #1 WORKSHOP/ Meeting #2 meeting 03 meeting #4 WORKSHOP/ INFORMATION INFORMATION MEETING #1 MEETING #2 Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I United City of Yorkville 0 Page Left Intentionally Blank J1 4 • 1 rcm ral •• -. . • Shared Use Trail - Goals and Objectives During and following the public input process, a clear and The following goals for the Shared Use Trail Plan provide specific vision statement capturing the goals and inten- the context for the specific policies and recommenda- tions of the project was developed, to accurately describe tions discussed in the ITP. The goals support the long - the desired outcome of the ITP. term vision and serve as the foundation of the plan. The goals are broad and general statements of purpose, not Shared Use Trail Plan - Vision Statement intended to provide details, but show the plan's direction Imagine Yorkville has evolved its non - vehicular trans- and provide overall guidance. The corresponding objec- portation system into a cohesive and connected network tives provide more specific descriptions and methods to of trails, consisting of walkable and bikeable streets and achieve each goal. ample greenways. This integrated system accommo- dates users of all ability levels and is safe and accessible GOAL 1: IMPROVE THE EXISTING TRAIL for all users. The City's trail network provides a variety NETWORK SYSTEM of recreational opportunities such as running, walking, Objective 1: Improve and expand the existing trail and bicycling, and connects important recreational des- system, by completing and connecting to local trail tinations, such as Yorkville parks, Kendall County Forest networks and adding trail segments in high priority Preserves, the water park, local gyms and other facilities. corridors. Safety features such as landscaping and lighting provide a sense of security. Continued maintenance and high GOAL 2: FACILITATE PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT quality design of the trails maintain the infrastructure in useable condition, as well as create a pleasing environ- Objective 1: Provide multiple opportunities for ment for its users. The trails within Yorkville create op- residents of Yorkville and the surrounding area to portunities for people to use other modes of transports- provide input and ideas regarding the Integrated tion to reach shopping, places of employment, residential Transportation Plan. This objective was accom- neighborhoods, schools and other key destinations. plished by establishing a Task Force and conducting While implementation of the Vision will take many years, a series of meetings with stakeholders, including this future scenario is the ultimate vision of the Shared local, county and state officials, business owners, Use Trail Plan. land developers, property owners, and citizens. GOAL 3: PROVIDE CONNECTIVITY Downtown Streetscape Plan - Vision Statement Objective 1: Complete a network of trails that ac- commodate bicycle and pedestrian modes of travel, Imagine downtown Yorkville being a lively place where especially to key destinations such as employment people can meet, eat, shop, and live —a place that cel- centers, residential neighborhoods, schools, parks, ebrates its history and embraces its rich natural environ- recreational facilities, civic establishments, future ment located on the Fox River. The sense of place and transit stops, and commercial centers. ambiance is unique and memorable. Signs leading to the downtown make it easy to find, welcoming visitors Objective 2: Focus on local connections and imple- and residents to town. These attractive "gateways" frame menting trail connections where gaps or uncompleted each approach to downtown Yorkville, and the friendly trail corridors currently exist. atmosphere and unique character provides visitors with Objective 3: Create "loops" north and south of the a lasting impression. There is truly a unique sense of Fox River of various lengths (short, medium, and place that provides a pedestrian - friendly environment en- long) that are high priority and connect to existing trail hanced by a great streetscape. The downtown consists systems. of tree -lined streets, inviting sidewalks, attractive street Objective 4: Coordinate regional trail connections lighting, colorful landscaping, well- maintained storefronts with adjacent and nearby municipalities. and public areas, appealing street furniture, and welcom- ing green spaces. Residents and visitors are attracted to GOAL 4: ENSURE SAFETY AND SECURITY downtown Yorkville because of its unique sense of place, Objective 1: Improve overall safety and security aesthetically pleasing environment and natural features of existing and future shared use trail facilities for all such as the Fox River. users. Objective 2: Seek funding and grants for Yorkville -. Transportation Plan I United City of • 0 improvements to walkways and bike routes surround- GOAL 8: CONTEXT SENSITIVE SOLUTIONS ing schools. Objective 1: Utilize Context Sensitive Solutions Objective 3: Implement appropriate signage, light- (CSS), in order to blend the Shared Use Trail Plan ing, pavement markings and comply with American with the character of Yorkville's existing neighbor - with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. hoods and the surrounding region. Objective 4: Provide recommendations for imple- menting traffic calming techniques and minimizing conflict zones. GOAL 5: DESIGN STANDARDS Objective 1: Provide or reference established standards and guidelines for the shared use trail, to accommodate safe non - vehicular travel (such as bicycling and walking). Objective 2: Provide or reference established guidelines and specifications for developing bicycle and pedestrian - friendly streets. Objective 3: Incorporate theme and design stan- dards, to integrate the community character within the trail system and focus on aesthetic quality. GOAL 6: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Objective 1: Protect and enhance the Fox River watershed, by utilizing environmentally - friendly techniques, such as Best Management Practices (B M P's). Objective 2: Emphasize the use of drought - tolerant and native trees, wildflowers and grasses along the shared use trail. Objective 3: Highlight the Fox River as a major component of the shared use trail system. GOAL 7: FUNDING Objective 1: Explore and identify available federal and state funding to construct and maintain future pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Objective 2: Establish a method for all future road improvements to include bicycle or walking accom- modations and /or contribute funds to the shared use trail system. Objective 3: Explore other revenue sources, such as including the shared use trail system in the annual capital expense budget, and requiring new developments to contribute funds. Downtown Streetscape Plan - Goals and GOAL 5: DESIGN STANDARDS AND Objectives GUIDELINES Objective 1: Develop general streetscape design GOAL 1: DOWNTOWN AS A DESTINATION standards and guidelines, establishing a model for Objective 1: Contribute to the revitalization of pedestrian environments to be consistent with the Yorkville's downtown and create a destination that course of future development in the downtown. becomes the centerpiece of the community by im- Objective 2: Create design standards, to require proving accessibility via walking and bicycling. inclusion of pedestrian - friendly features in the down - Objective 2: Improve access and visibility to the town area. Fox River, and integrate multiple recreational oppor- tunities along the Fox River corridor. Objective 3: Maximize riverfront connectivity op- portunities such as the Bicentennial Riverfront Park, river walk, whitewater recreation facility, fishing and other recreational amenities. GOAL 2: FACILITATE PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Objective 1: Provide multiple opportunities for residents of Yorkville and the surrounding area to provide input and ideas regarding the Integrated Transportation Plan. Accomplish this objective by establishing a Task Force and conducting a series of meetings with stakeholders, including local, county and state officials, business owners, land develop- ers, property owners, and citizens. GOAL 3: IMPROVE ACCESS AND CIRCULATION Objective 1: Improve pedestrian access to and between key elements, such as the existing down- town storefronts, Bicentennial Riverfront Park, future plazas, key overlooks, and the Fox River. Objective 2: Focus on providing trails and walkways connecting the downtown core area to residential areas throughout Yorkville. GOAL 4: ESTABLISH THEME AND CHARACTER Objective 1: Establish a unique and identifiable theme for the downtown that ties into its historical character. Objective 2: Create ideas and conceptual sketches for "gateway" features, to establish a sense of arrival into the downtown. Objective 3: Identify theme features that can be replicated within the trail system (i.e. directional signage), to tie the downtown to the surrounding community. Transportation Yorkville Integrated -• City of • Page Left Intentionally Blank Blackberry Creek, Middle Aux Sable Creek and Rob Roy Creek also exist within the study area (see Exhibit 'B'— Study Area Inventory). Other significant features In preparing the Integrated Transportation Plan the proj- inventoried and shown on Exhibit `B' are: ect team collected data and created an inventory of the Municipal Boundaries existing study area, ultimately providing an overall site School Districts analysis. A sampling of the information and data col- Schools lected is as follows; Floodplains (100 year and 500 year) • Current Yorkville Demographic Information Environmental Corridors (minor and major • Corridor Statistics and Traffic Maps drainages) • 2003 Transportation Plan City Parks (Existing and Proposed), State Parks and • Kendall County Trail and Greenways Plan 2004 Forest Preserves • 2006 Aerial Photography • 2007 Kane and Kendall County Bike Map._ <. • 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update • 2008 Parks and Recreation Master Plan • IL Route 47 Engineering Plans (for future widening) • CMAP 2040 Draft Plan (Trails and Greenways) rl • Existing Standards from otherAgencies (i.e. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) The Fox River and Fox River Watershed are sensitive natural resources in the Yorkville region. Context Sensitive Solutions One of the unique methods utilized during the ITP project ` is called Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS). This method identifies existing conditions and character of an area and then establishes recommendations, based upon !~ the context of the region. The CSS process works as a partnership between Yorkville and local stakeholders to Existing conditions of cannonball Trail - looking north. develop working solutions that incorporate the context of the area to ensure that final recommendations preserve During the assessment and analysis stage, an initial and respect local character and natural resources. kickoff meeting occurred, with the project team touring the study area and specifically focusing on the downtown area. The study areas, as described previously for both the Shared Use Trail Plan and the Downtown Streetscape Plan, were studied and inventoried. The project team completed tasks such as: • Inventory of existing conditions • Analysis of population projections and trip generations Kendall County Courthouse • Cross - section analysis and recommendations The CSS process respects architecture of a region. • Opinion of probable costs "Context sensitive solutions is a collaborative, interdisci- At the completion of the data collection and site analysis plinary approach that involves all stakeholders to develop stage, the information and graphics were compiled for a transportation facility that fits its physical setting and use throughout the process and, specifically, through preserves scenic, aesthetic, historic and environmental the public involvement stage. Many municipalities are resources, while maintaining safety and mobility. CSS is adjacent to the ITP study area boundary (see Exhibit A' an approach that considers the total context within which - Study Area). Natural features such as the Fox River, a transportation improvement project will exist." Source: Federal Highway Administration Integrated Yorkville Transportation Plan I United City of • - 0 All information and knowledge is shared within a col- a cohesive or connected trail system, even though the laborative process. This process leads to flexible ap- demand exists. In a 2007 survey by the Parks and plication of design standards, focusing more attention Recreation Department, trails were identified as the on pedestrians and bicyclists. The ITP utilizes Context number one facility request by residents. However, in Sensitive Solutions by analyzing the "context" of Yorkville the results of a recent survey (2009), over 86% of respon- and the Kendall County region, and incorporating the dents reported that the "level of accessibility of the trails findings into design solutions that are in harmony with the they travel" are average to very poor. Then when asked area's natural features and resources that could be oth- "which of the following would do the MOST to encourage erwise harmed. Scenic, aesthetic, historic, and environ- you to utilize trails and sidewalks in Yorkville ? "a significant mental resources were examined and inventoried, such number (61.8 %) responded "more connected sidewalks as the Historic Kendall County Courthouse, Fox River, and trails ". However when asked about the "quality of Blackberry Creek, Aux Sable Creek, Forest Preserves, the trail " almost 75% responded favorably saying they are and existing rural character of the area. Yorkville, like average to excellent, which may be due to the fact that many communities, values these types of features be- constructed trails in Yorkville are fairly new (see Appendix cause they are an important aspect of the cultural history B for a// survey questions and responses). and character of the Kendall County region. It can be assumed that if the facility improvements con - Harris Forest Preserve tained in this ITP report were implemented, non - vehicular travel could substantially increase in Yorkville. Connections to Local Trail Systems The ITP provides an inventory of the local trail systems that are constructed or planned. Yorkville is developing a large cohesive trail system, with implemented trails typi- cally located in new developments. Successful grant ap- plications and the use of developer land /cash funds have directly funded some trail construction. In other areas, the trails were designed as part of the development in -lieu of sidewalk on no -load roads, or in greenways behind homes. To date, over 20 developments in Yorkville currently have trail easements secured and agreements with the devel- Richar oa o es re e opers for construction as part of their development proj- ects. Continuing this practice will greatly benefit the City through reducing cost to connect the various residential developments and maintenance fees if the developments homeowner's association can maintain internal trails that Bicycle and pedestrian conditions vary greatly throughout are primarily utilized by the developments' residents. the study area. In the past, as with most growing commu- For future trail development, negotiations in annexation nities, Yorkville focused on immediate needs such as infra- agreements can create regional trails, and this is espe- structure improvements including roads, water and sewer cially beneficial in an area where all development plans system, and trail plans were not developed, or required in are under review at the same time. Another example of developments, to connect to facilities in town. In 2006 with how connections to local trails may occur, IDOT is now the creation of the Community Development Department, required to plan for non - vehicular facilities on all major the trail system began to develop further, roads. This is especially beneficial to Yorkville with the with careful watch on completing missing multiple regional roads such as U.S. Route 34,11- Routes connections as developments came in. In 47, 126, and 71 within the ITP study area. some cases, trails have been constructed along the roadway in lieu of sidewalks, with the hope that, someday, it would provide connectivity to a greater system. Today many gaps in the system remain and the Yorkville region, specifically, does not have T Yorkville looks for opportunities - on a regional level - to partner with other organizations with similar goals of cre- ating a regional shared use trail network, while meeting the needs of Yorkville. An example would be the linking and coordination with the Village of Oswego, Oswegoland Park District and their trail system, which is immediately east of the ITP study area. Also, it will be important to i coordinate with Kendall County and the Kendall County Connecting to existing trails (Windett Ridge picture above) is a primary goal of Forest Preserve District regarding their trail plans, and the ITP study. examine potential partnership opportunities. - _ Successful local trail systems include the Grande Reserve Trail, Autumn Creek, Fox Hill, Heartland, Windett Rid Raintree, Heartland Circle and Bristol Bay, all developer installed trails. A future trail corridor (see exhibits for lo- ,. cation) is an example of a key local trail location that the City is currently pursuing grant funding. The /TP focuses on connecting to existing and proposed regional trails • '� (pictured above is the Kendall County Subdivision - Fields of Farm Colony trail system). Yorkville has coordinated trail planning and construction when appropriate and will continue to pursue opportuni- Some constructed trails exist in Yorkville (as shown in Grande Reserve, above) ties In the future to connect any geographically con - however connectivity of these existing trails to downtown and other built trail nected projects. For example successful coordination systems is lacking. and implementation with Kendall County and the Kendall Connections to Existino and Potential Re. ional County Forest Preserve District will produce a unified regional trail system for all residents of this area to enjoy. Trail Systems The ITP has identified potential regional connections and One of the primary goals of the ITP project was to ana- it will be important for the City to be knowledgeable about lyze regional trail systems and pursue connectivity with the programming and current status of the groups listed these regional trail networks. Maps were collected and below. the project team met with or discussed the ITP with other municipalities and organizations in order to identify po- Adjacent Municipalities tential regional connections (see Exhibit 'D'— Regional Oswego Trails). Montgomery w� Sugar Grove Plano • Millbrook • Millington • Lisbon • Newark The Fox River Trail is a key regional link for Yorkville. Plattville • As the Yorkville trails system expands, it will be very im- Joliet portant to coordinate and understand the conceptual trail plans of other municipalities and organizations and their overall programming and implementation schedules for those plans. Therefore, the ITP includes an emphasis on inventorying and pursuing connections to existing and proposed regional trails. This coordination is essential, as Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan United City of Yorkville Other Agencies and Potential Regional Trail parks, restaurants, shopping areas, public buildings, Corridors churches, banks and medical facilities (see Exhibit 'E'- Kendall County and Kendall County Forest Preserve Key Nodes and Connections). The ITP has considered District important features and has identified many destinations • Kane, Grundy, and Will Counties including but not limited to: • Oswegoland Park District Downtown Yorkville • Plainfield Park District Yorkville High School /YHS Academy • Fox Valley Park District (Fox River Trail) Kendall Marketplace Shopping Center • CMAP (Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning) Yorkville Public Library and City Hall • Conservation Foundation Yorkville REC Center and Parks and Recreation • Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) Administration Office • Adjacent Townships and Road Commissioners • IL Route 47 Corridor (potential link to the I & M Canal Trail) • Middle Aux Sable Creek Corridor • Virgil Gilman Trail In order to provide ideas and recommendations for im- • Illinois Railway provements, it is important to gain an understanding and • Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) thorough inventory of the existing conditions in down- town Yorkville (see Exhibit 'F'- Downtown Study Area Connectivity to o Key Nodes and Destinations Analysis). This ITP study expands beyond the strengths, One of the primary goals of the Shared -Use Trail System weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as identified in is to provide connectivity by linking existing neighbor- the current Vision Plan. These items will be taken into hoods and trails to "activity nodes" and destinations consideration throughout the ITP. around Yorkville. The project team examined how po- Analysis tential connections to existing trail networks might be Strengths achieved in developments such as Heartland Circle and Intact vintage blocks and character Rai ntree Village. Ultimately, trails will connect to adjacent Quick growth and high traffic counts municipalities, Kendall County, and to state -wide trail net- Nearby tourism attractions and Fox River access works, as mentioned previously. and recreation (whitewater recreation facility, fishing, _ etc.) • Adjacent traditional neighborhoods, available sites, strong businesses downtown and owner occupied t- — properties • Leadership and government interest 5f Trail connections to shopping areas, schools and work places is a primary goal of the ITP proposed trail system. Connectivity of key nodes, places, features, -° and destination points is very important when implementing a successful Shared Use Trail system. In Yorkville, there are Weaknesses many key nodes that should be linked to- Hard edge of the river dividing the downtown area gether, such as forest preserves, library, Illinois Route 47 as a barrier between the east and SC employment and work places, west downtown regions Vehicular Transportation IL Route 47 is the main north -south arterial route through the downtown carrying significant traffic volume and di- viding the area into an east and west side, which inhibits safe non - vehicular travel. Future plans for Route 47 are to widen the road and increase the number of lanes, - -6 thus eliminating the parking that currently exists. The removal of the parallel parking requires its replacement elsewhere in the downtown. IDOT is currently working with the City to relocate these parking spaces. Lastly, since a high - volume, four lane arterial road such as this -- can disrupt a pedestrian - friendly environment due to the loud noises, faster travel speeds and space constraints, 47 shown on the left and IL Route 47 shown on the right. Existing conditions in Downtown Yorkville historic residential building is Yorkville and the Illinois Department of Transportation are working together in order to optimize a safe non - vehicular Opportunities transportation system. • Fagade and building rehabilitations • Historic resources and design guidelines • National retailer and restaurant recruitment • Advertisement to potential new residents • Build out of density �- r Threats LLB r • Future widening of IL Route 47 _ • Lack of modern commercial space and aging hous- ing stock Bicyclists desire to ride in the Yorkville region however more trail facilities need to be constructed, • Distance to new residents Riders at IL Route 47 and Hydraulic Ave pictured above. • Lack of connection between new and old streets • Competitive atmosphere of nearby communities Additionally, collector streets pass through the downtown study area and include Van Emmon, Fox Street, and In addition to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities River Road. These important road corridors have bicycle and threats listed above, the ITP identifies the exist- and pedestrian safety concerns and some mitigation ing conditions in the categories: land use, streetscape will be needed in the future. For example, pedestrian conditions, vehicular and non - vehicular transportation bump -outs can be added at some intersections and conditions, existing sidewalk conditions, lighting and site clearly marked pedestrian crossings will be needed at furnishings. key intersections. Land Use Parking A range of land uses exist within the downtown study The downtown area currently has City parking lots scat - area, such as retail, restaurants, parking lots, service, tered in various locations (see Exhibit `F' — Downtown office, institutional, public and residential, all of which are Study Area Analysis). Most residents, business owners fairly "typical" in small town commercial districts such as and users of the downtown area perceive a parking short - Yorkville. Auto - oriented uses dominate the core area age, and this would worsen as IL Route 47 is widened and of the downtown, as well as the immediate surrounding the on- street parallel parking is eliminated. Therefore, area. Residential uses are located to the east, west, parking is a critical issue that needs to be addressed. north (across the Fox River), and south of the downtown core area. (The downtown has some green space and important amenities such as the whitewater recreation facility. In the future connecting such features with trails and walks will be key.) Transportation Yorkville Integrated -. City of • 13 Pedestrian and Bicycle Existina Conditions and Existing condition on South Main Street near the Kendall Count Courthouse. Analysis (Core Downtown Area) i _ The ITP strives to improve walkability and all types of non - vehicular circulation in and around the core downtown area and, therefore, an inventory of existing conditions was necessary. The ITP team examined the existing sidewalks within an approximate 10 minute walking radius of the downtown, to identify the conditions and walkability. . — The results or findings of the inventory (see Exhibit 'G'– Downtown Area Sidewalk Inventory) are listed below. • Over half of the roadway corridors within the 10 J I TJ minute radius do not have pedestrian facilities (side- walks or trail). Some existing sidewalks within a ten minute walk of the downtown are non- Many existing sidewalks are fairly narrow, undefined existent or in poor condition. and /or in poor condition. • Existing sidewalks often terminate in the middle of In the core downtown area (IL Route 47, Hydraulic Street the block. and Van Emmon) sidewalk encroachments, including • Recent improvements to streets and sidewalks (In building facades, street and traffic lights, signage poles, Town Road Improvement Program) with the goal of etc., limit the effective width of sidewalks in many areas to providing continuous sidewalks on at least one side as little as three (3) feet, which is not recommended. This of the street initially and both side ultimately. width is acceptable only in low traffic areas, and the width North of the Fox River can cause conflicts when there are a greater number • Liberty Street of pedestrians and streetscape elements. In addition, • Colton Street the narrow sidewalk clearance can cause difficulties for • Center Street people with strollers and wheelchairs. • E. Main Street South of the Fox River In order to achieve the goal of improved walkability in the • Hydraulic Avenue core downtown area, many improvements are needed. • W. Van Emmon To provide safe and convenient pedestrian circulation, • W. Madison Street sidewalks will need to be completed, pedestrian cross- E. Fox Street ings added and some sidewalks will need to be widened, • E. Washington Street repaired, or in many cases constructed where no walk • Orange Street currently exists. • Morgan Street • Adams Street Existing Streetscape Conditions • Huestis Street While some attractive • Mill Street streetscape improve- Sidewalks in the residential area surrounding the ments or facade im- Yorkville Intermediate School need to be improved provements have been due to poor conditions undertaken within the downtown in recent years, these have been implemented incremen- tally, and are not con- sistent throughout the core downtown. It was identified, through the inventory and analysis stage, that Yorkville The west side of /L Route 47 in the core needs clear and con - downtown area — parking to be removed as sistent Streetscape part of future widening project. Design Standards and Guidelines, to improve the walkability and aesthetics in the downtown. These potential improvements should build upon the existing qualities and historic character of the region. Consistent streetscape elements, such as street trees, street lighting, paving materials, banners, bollards, benches, trash receptacles, and planters should be provided. •ik; Above lights currently exist in the downtown and they are located in Town Square Park. Railroad parallels Hydraulic Street. This lighting style is also being installed in new parks throughout Yorkville. - Existing Site Furnishings Downtown Yorkville currently has few existing site furnish -; ings with various types and colors of lighting, benches, planter boxes, etc. Many of the furnishings are fairly old and in need of repair or replacement. e Existing Lighting Pedestrian scale street lighting al- Picture taken in the 1930's shows the "Victorian Style" street lights. ready exists within the Downtown Study Area. This style of lighting has been around for many years which emulates the City's historic lighting of the 1930's, and is cur- rently being installed in most new parks within Yorkville. In order to create a bicycle and pedestrian- friendly environment, lighting will be critical and key to the success and safety of a vibrant downtown at night. The ITP proposes street lighting solu- tions that are designed to pedestrian scales, with shorter light poles and attractive fixtures. This lighting method should be effective in illuminating the pedestrian travel way, but not obtrusive or harsh aesthetically. The street and pedestrian lights should minimize light projecting into the sky. The current street lights project light upward, creating light pollution, which is not in compliance with the City's current dark sky standards. This can be amend- ed by adding a special cap to the fixtures. Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan United City of Yorkville Page Left Intentionally Blank 16 • -. •. . -. . • In addition to the partnership with the stakeholders, the study team coordinated and partnered with other local The key to the success of the ITP is frequent and agencies that may have a vested interest in the Plan. For meaningful communication with the general public and example, the Fox River and the Fox River Watershed are key stakeholders. Without the involvement of the local important environmental assets to the region, and are citizens of Yorkville and the surrounding region, the ITP to be protected. The Fox River Ecosystem Partnership plan would not realize its full implementation potential. (FREP) has established a plan to ensure the long -term If residents have a vested interest in a project or idea, health of the Fox River Watershed which is a major goal realization of the vision and goals can be achieved more of the ITP, therefore participation of a FREP representa- quickly, and with more benefit to the residents than if they tive was solicited. had not been involved. The exchange of knowledge and ideas between residents and the City can greatly enhance ITP Task Force Committee the outcome of this plan and its final products. For these The ITP Task Force Committee was established to repre- reasons, the ITP sought the early and active participa- sent a cross - section of stakeholders and experts who vol- tion of residents during the planning process. The project unteered their time in providing direction and input on the team utilized the following methods to involve the public project. Task Force members have diverse backgrounds, in its planning efforts: ITP Task Force, resident survey, interests, perspectives, and technical expertise. downtown business and property owner survey, comment The ITP Task Force is comprised of the following organi- cards, information sharing, and public workshops. zations and representatives: 1. School District #115 — Brian DeBolt The following groups were involved in the formulation of 2. Kendall County Forest Preserve District — Jason the ITP; Pettit • Yorkville Area Residents 3. Local and Active Developers /Builders — Gary Neyer • Task Force Committee 4. Downtown Businesses /Property Owners — Jeff • Community Leaders and Elected Officials Farren, Dan Nicholson • Downtown Business and Local Property Owners 5. Chamber of Commerce — Don Duffy • Yorkville Economic Development Corporation 6. Yorkville Economic Development Corporation (YEDC) • Yorkville Chamber of Commerce — Lynn Dubajic • Yorkville School District 7. Fox River Ecosystem Partnership (FREP) — Jason • Illinois Department of Transportation Pettit • Kendall County Planning Department, Highway g, Kendall County — Representatives Department, and Forest Preserve District g. Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) District • Illinois Department of Natural Resources 3 office — Rick Powell • Local Developers and Homebuilders 10. Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) — • Fox River Eco System Partnership Dave Longo 11. Yorkville Bike Club — Ben Niles Yorkville leaders involved the stakeholders, in order to 12. Chicago Area Mountain Bikers — Russell Rogers establish the guiding principles of this study, which will ultimately improve safety and mobility for everyone, while Task Force participation and input throughout the process also preserving and enhancing the scenic, economic, was vital to the success and overall usefulness of the final historic, and, natural qualities of Yorkville's setting. document. Primary responsibilities of the ITP Task Force r , were as follows: • Offer overall general guidance for the ITP project development. • Provide input to develop prioritization as to the shared use trail system projects and implementation. Provide input as to theme, way- finding, gateways and signage. • Offer guidance as to bicycle use and type of trail for Task Force and Public arks dp eetings were held periodically throughout design guidelines. the process. Provide overall recommendations to increase Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I United City of YorkvitLe 0 pedestrian and vehicular access to the downtown Park and Recreation Survey and ITP Survey/ area for economic development enhancement. Questionnaire Results • Offer input for improvements to the downtown aes- The City's website was utilized as an informational tool for thetic quality. the public. The newsletter (described below), ITP survey, • Provide general input on the framework for downtown and other project information were placed on the website, development /re- development design standards/ so as to be easily accessible and available to the public guidelines for land uses, sign standards, lighting, and interested parties. The online survey was conducted parking, landscaping, furnishings, sidewalk improve- to gain input on current and potential trail usage. As ments, hardscapes, etc. mentioned previously in this report, the survey recently • Provide a forum for consensus - building on key issues completed by the Parks and Recreation Department (see and decisions. Appendix B - ITP Survey Results) also ascertained the wishes of Yorkville residents, by demonstrating that 83% of residents desire trails. By collecting this feedback from the various surveys, -- the ITP was able to address respondents' attitudes and opinions on various subjects and issues. Input gathered through these surveys impacted the direction and deci- sions made throughout the process of the ITP. The ITP Task Force meetings provided a forum to directly ITP Newsletters communicate progress on the project, and to receive input Four project newsletters and fact sheets were developed from the members on key issues and components of the and distributed throughout the course of the project. The plan. Additionally, public comments or concerns were newsletters served as a written source of easily under - communicated to the members for input and consensus- stood, up -to -date information regarding the ITP project. building. The ITP Task Force helped to create the Vision The newsletters were available at Task Force meetings Statement, Goals and Objectives. The ITP Task Force and public workshops, and were available at several lo- met 4 times throughout the project time frame on the fol- cations throughout Yorkville. The newsletters informed lowing dates: people of the status of the project, important milestones, and next steps of the project. Meeting Dates: Meeting # 1 - October 16, 2008 Publication Dates: Meeting # 2 - January 15, 2009 Publication # 1 - August, 2008 Meeting # 3 - March 5, 2009 Publication # 2 - March, 2009 Meeting # 4 - April 30, 2009 Publication # 3 - May, 2009 Publication # 4 - Following Plan Approval Public Workshop Meetings Two public workshop /information meetings were held for Downtown Business Owners /Stakeholders the ITP. Downtown Business Owners Stakeholders Public Workshop # 1 - December 4, 2008 Meetings Public Workshop # 2 - May 14, 2009 It was critical to gain input and participation from business owners in downtown Yorkville. Early in the process, the The purpose of these meetings was to gain an under- project team held an open meeting for downtown busi- standing of underlying issues and concerns ness owners (held on September 30, 2008) to introduce regarding the plan, as well as solicit input the project and ask for participation on the task force and comments, thereby building consensus committee. This was followed by the May 14, 2009 public and ownership forthe project (see Appendix workshop, which was held in the downtown, where spe- B— ITP Survey Results). Valuable input was cial invitations were sent to downtown business owners. received at both public meetings, through feedback from the survey and from opinions expressed verbally at the meetings. Visual Preference Survey A Visual Preference Study was completed by the down- City Staff town business and property owners (see Appendix City staff had significant involvement throughout the ITP C - Visual Preference Study - Downtown Theme and process, at public and stakeholder meetings and in the Streetscape Elements). The technique is based on the creation of this report. Through internal coordination and development of one or more visual concepts to determine ongoing communication with SEC Group, Inc. the com- which is most pleasing to the viewers. This process gave bined effort resulted in a document with significant input downtown stakeholders the opportunity to review, study, and support from City staff. and comment on their preferences regarding features that may be implemented in Yorkville's downtown. The group was able to define their preferences for architectur- Meeting Dates: al style, theme, signage, landscaping, and other design February 18, 2009 elements. April 7, 2009 Coordination and communication occurred A summary of the results or preferences for the Downtown throughout the ITP Process Theme and Streetscape Elements are: • Theme — A general theme relating City Council to historical features of Yorkville was The Economic Development Committee (EDC), a City desired Council Committee made up of 4 of the 8 alderman and • Streetscape elements such as benches, trash cans, the Mayor, received reports regarding the progress and lights, etc. — generally a black color selection was status of the ITP. The EDC was continuously updated preferred and informed throughout the ITP process. Upon review • Windows with awnings of the plan by the EDC, it was reviewed by the entire City • Curved features (benches, trash cans, signs) Council. • Streetscape lighting with a decorative feature (i.e. banner or flower basket) Meeting Date: • Landscaping — mixture of annuals and natives — bright EDC: July 7, 2009 colors preferred City Council: September 8, 2009 • Planter boxes • Brick pavement with a border - most pavement de- signs were unique, not a simple running bond Individual stakeholders were met with or contacted, to discuss project issues, concerns, potential solutions and options. The project team met with the following organi- zations throughout the ITP process: • Yorkville Economic Development Corporation 08 -13 -08 • Chamber of Commerce 08 -21 -08 • Kendall County 09 -03 -08 • Kendall County Forest Preserve 09 -03 -08 • Downtown Business owners 09 -30 -08 • Meeting with IDOT and the City 12 -08 -08 Transportation Yorkville Integrated -. City of . 19 Page Left Intentionally Blank 20 -. .. -. with native landscape material that absorbs and cleanses As mentioned previously, there are two areas of focus the water before releasing to the adjacent creeks and Fox within the ITP Project, the Shared Use Trail Plan and River. the Downtown Streetscape Plan. Sections 5.2 and 5.3 provide specific recommendations for these elements; ITP Recommendation # 2: however, there are some recommendations that apply to Incorporate Consistent Theme, Gateway and both sections that are addressed below. Wayfinding Signage in the Downtown and ITP Recommendation # 1: Within the Shared Use Trail System Protect the Fox River and Fox River Watershed Theme, Gateways and Wavfindina Gateways and Wayfinding Signage are an important Knowing the Fox River and component of the Shared Use :r Fox River Watershed are ex- i4l Trail Plan and Downtown tremely valuable assets to Streetscape Plan. These fea- Yorkville and Kendall Count tures can help motorists, pe- the ITP recommends environ- destrians, and bicyclists find mentally- sensitive techniques specific locations in the down - be utilized, in order to preserve town area, navigate through and enhance this most valu- the core area and through the , public able feature. Therefore, pro- Yorkville's history and character trail network find ark - tecting the Fox River through should be celebrated and p p Protecting the Fox River through preserved for future generations ing lots, and locate major ac- Best Management Practices and preservation of natural fea- to enjoy. tivity areas, destinations, and other environmentally - friendly tures utilizing various tech- trailheads. An important step storm water runoff solutions is niques, such as innovative highly recommended. in the ITP project was to identify a theme that would storm water solutions, is the impact the ultimate design concepts for Gateway and first ITP recommendation. Wayfinding Signage (see Exhibit `H' — Theme and Environmentally - friendly methods such as Rain Gardens Character Vision). and other Best Management Practices (BMP's) are highly recommended within the trail system corridors and /or the Important historical items, proximity to the Fox River and downtown area, where feasible. These innovative storm the general character of the Yorkville area were incorpo- water solutions will ensure steps are being taken to pro- rated into the theme for downtown Yorkville and, subse- tect and preserve the Fox River and Fox River quently, the overall signage program. (see Exhibit ` Watershed. — Theme and Character Vision and Exhibit `I'— Gateways The ITP recommends imple- and Wayfinding Signage Concepts). menting alternative storm _ As the Vision and Concept water management techniques - demonstrates, the overall (i.e. biobasins and bioswales) theme is focused on the physi- to limit the potential for flood- cal and natural characteristics ing and to cleanse storm water of Yorkville. For example, the runoff. Additionally, these existing buildings in the down- techniques should be used town area demonstrate a L when impervious areas are Victorian "Italianate" architec- added to the landscape. These' Example of Rain Garden to ture which were typically con - cleanse storm water runoff shown innovative storm water tech- structed with a lower level of in a parking lot. niques allow infiltration of block limestone (quarried from areas along the Fox River) runoff into the ground to re- with brick above for the main walls of the building. charge the groundwater and aquifer water resources. The natural systems can occur in parking area medians, The ITP recommends this concept theme be implemented Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I United City of Yorkvi[Le at key locations in highly visible areas, along sidewalks, periodically for bicyclists and pedestrians public parks, plazas, trailheads and the like. See sections Barriers are minimized - designed for people with of the Downtown Streetscape and Shared Use Trail Plan disabilities, older adults and children (ADA compat- later in this report (Section 5.3), for examples of how the ibility with curb ramps, etc.) theme was incorporated into signage and wayfinding On- street parking is provided, but does not dominate concepts. the street scene • Vehicle access, speeds and geometrics are designed ITP Recommendation # 3 : with the pedestrian in mind Implement Walkable and Bikeable Street Signing is placed at key locations Concepts Throughout Yorkville For street cross - section concept ideas for the downtown, see Section 5.3 - Downtown Recommendations. Walkable /Bikeable Streets ITP Recommendation # 4 : The ITP plan calls for refocus- Incorporate and Promote Sustainable and ing transportation projects and Environmentally - Friendly Land Use Planning x planning efforts on creating walkable and bikeable streets that provide transportation op- Sustainability and Environmentally - Friendly ` tions and a better balance be- Land Use Planning z = tween cars, bikes and pedes- t - While a land use study was not trians. These roadways are a - M the focus of the ITP project, it " key part of a safe, enjoyable is an important aspect when r downtown for Yorkville and the creating a bikeable and walk - overall region. The pedestrian is the priority, however, - able community that is sustain - the automobile is still accommodated. Streets are a sig- able. The United City of nificant component of a downtown area, and their role is `,� Yorkville Comprehensive Plan very important in the safety of bicycle and pedestrian traf- addresses many related as- fic. Well- designed streets can also dramatically impact pects of sustainability and en- the look and feel of Yorkville. vironmentally- friendly land use planning. The ITP supports the incorporation of such v The recommendations below planning and recommends that sustainable design prin- •= - have been created in order to ciples be implemented in the future, to ensure that non- encourage a safe, comfort- vehicular options are maximized. Opportunities should able, pleasant environment be provided for people to get everywhere they want to go throughout Yorkville. The ITP on a daily basis by walking or biking. proposes future improvements !� to the downtown streets, spe- Shared Use Trail cifically, in order to create Sustainable development streets and environments that sc hool user friendly to bicyclists practices include a framework Existing Hall crossing of open space and greenways Yorkville C ity HallandH gh and pedestrians. Some of the A.. , '���;;;,,' � School. design aspects to consider are interconnected with trails and as follows: walkways. Additionally, this �- • Pedestrians of land use design ans are effectively separated proposes a mix of land uses, from moving traffic (wide sidewalks or a variety of housing types, � medians) and higher densities next to • Pedestrians can cross the street safely commercial areas to make neighborhoods more com- and easily at designated locations, such as pact and walkable. These innovative land use patterns clearly marked crosswalks are critical to a cohesive shared use trail network. • Intersections are designed to reduce pe- Therefore, the ITP highly recommends these innovative destrian crossing distances (bump outs) concepts because they have impact on the walkability, • Safe refuge (resting) islands are provided 22 M999 .• -. bikeability and aesthetical quality of Yorkville. Priority Corridors • Loop System Concept Sustainability in Downtown Yorkville Design Criteria and Standards In order to develop the downtown as a sustainable envi- ronment the following aspects should be promoted: Non - vehicular facilities, such as trails, provide an impor- • Promote walking and biking by creating safe tant mode of transportation that goes beyond recreational streetscape environments use and should provide a means of transportation that • Implement innovative storm water solutions, such as allows residents of all abilities to travel to multiple des - rain gardens tinations safely. Therefore, it is important to identify the • Require landscape plantings that minimize water use intended users of the trail system and design or prioritize (Xeriscape) corridors appropriately. • Create ample green space and open space Types of Trail Users • Install street trees throughout the Bicyclists of all levels (see below) downtown core, to reduce the heat Joggers island effect (higher air temperatures Walkers and parents with strollers due to pavement, rooftops, etc.) Roller bladers • Promote mixed uses (entertainment, recreation, com- Skate boarders mercial, office and residential uses) allowing people to recreate, shop and live in the downtown ITP Recommendation # 5: • By promoting ideas such as these, downtown Yorkville provide Trails Throughout Yorkville for can become a more pedestrian and bicycle - friendly environment in the future - one that is sustainable for Various Skill Levels of Bicyclists and Users generations to come ___J The ITP recognizes that there are various trail users and skill levels of bicyclists. Each level of bicyclist should be - The Shared Use Trail Plan an- accommodated within the overall trail system. There are alyzed existing conditions and three basic skill levels; avid and /or experienced, basic provided recommendations to bicyclists, and children, as described below. improve bicycling and walking throughout the City and sur- 1_ Avid and /or Experienced Bicyclist rounding region. The recom- Avid or experienced riders generally use bicycles as they mendations listed in this sec - would a motor vehicle. They ride for convenience and tion are a guide to be speed, and want direct access to destinations - usually 0 referenced and utilized when via the existing street and highway system, with minimum considering individual improve- detours or delay. Avid cyclists are, typically, comfortable Safe and accessible trail connec- ments to the non - vehicular tions to schools is a primary focus riding on high speed routes (they comprise the majority network. It is of the ITP allowing children safe transportation of the current users of collector and arterial streets). In routes to School. understood that trail improve- motor vehicle traffic, however, they desire routes that ments will occur over the are relatively uninterrupted by traffic lights and stop course of many years, and design standards and guide- signs. The avid cyclist will often choose to ride on the lines will need to be updated periodically. The ITP Shared road and along major transportation routes without any Use Trail Plan focuses on direct and safe access to des- bicycle facilities (i.e. bike lanes, signage, etc.). This group tinations around Yorkville and Kendall County. The ITP of experienced cyclists will typically avoid separated bike also recommends solutions that balance the vehicular paths, particularly in neighborhood greenbelts because transportation needs of the community with the highly they feel it slows them down. Avid cyclists are highly at- desired non - vehicular trails. Therefore, the following tuned to bicycle safety, so they are sensitized to potential items are identified, and recommendations provided, re- hazards. This group of riders is a relatively small segment garding the following categories: of the cycling population. • Types of Trail Users • ADA (American Disabilities Act) • Trail Locations Transportation Yorkville Integrated -. City of . 23 2, Basic Bicyclist Children, riding on their own or with their parents, may not Basic (or less confident) riders travel as fast as their adult counterparts but still require may use their bikes for trans- access to key destinations in their community. Residential • __ _ - portation purposes, but prefer streets with low motor vehicle speeds, linked with shared to avoid roads with fast and use paths, and busier streets with well- defined pavement busy motor vehicle traffic. markings, or greenways and open space corridors, can Basic riders are typically more all accommodate children without encouraging them to !� casual adults or teenage riders ride in the travel lane of major roadways. Detached trails who are less confident of their with ample separation from vehicular traffic are the ideal ability to operate in traffic with- environment for children. Beginning bike riders are a out special provisions for bicy- relatively smaller segment of the cycling population. Basic or less confident riders cles. Comfortable riding on typically prefer to be "off- road" on a trail. lower traffic volume streets Although the trails in Yorkville should be designed (as and shared use paths, they much as possible) to accommodate all three groups listed prefer designated facilities such as bike lanes or wide above and all types of trail users, it is intended that the shoulder lanes and sometimes avoid routes that may be Basic Bicyclist will be the primary user of the system in hazardous or dangerous. This group of cyclists will typi- Yorkville. cally utilize a bicycle as the preferred transportation mode, provided that the destination is reasonably close Americans with Disabilities Act (ADAL and a good bicycle route exists. Usually comprised of Compliance working adults or high school students and parents with The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 has child seats /carts, these cyclists desire safe and efficient stringent guidelines to improve accessibility for those bicycle facilities /routes. High -speed arterial streets make with disabilities. Public and private agencies must ensure them uncomfortable, even when bike lanes are provided. that all users have access to all services and facilities. This type of cyclist typically comprises a large segment of Guidelines for the ADA include the minimum dimensions the cycling population in any given community. required to achieve that access. As trail segments are improved, ADA will need to be examined on a case -by- 3. Children case basis. This group is comprised of school age children (elemen- tary /junior high school) who routinely ride to and from school or to visit friends, neigh- after to the park, and other after - - - sc hool activities. This iTP (recommendation # 6 : group of cyclists tends to have Execute the Shared Use Trail Master Plan with less experience negotiating a Focus on High Priority Corridors traffic, and is not always aware Heartland Circle Trail in Yorkville of potential hazards. They a m men n t for children to travel t invitingand tra vel a oa often disobey traffic laws and Trail Locations friend house or the park, traffic control devices, and The Shared Use Trail Plan (see Exhibit 'J'— Shared Use tend to prefer the shortest Trail Plan (Overall and four details of quadrants)) identi- route possible. They also tend to prefer bike lanes and fies the location ( *) of all existing and future trail corridors. bike paths. Until children reach age nine or ten, they do The Shared Use Trail Plan indicates on which side of the not have well - developed peripheral vision, roadway or waterbody the trail should be located, how - and have difficulty with concepts such as ever specific engineering design and field verifications C losure speed (e.g. approaching motor ve- will need to be completed as each project comes to frui- hicles). Younger bicycle riders typically tion, thus dictating the final location of the trail. Below are have difficulty following a straight track, and the general guidelines and goals as to the locations and they frequently weave from side to side alignments of the shared use trail: when riding. Finalize trail locations and alignments per input from residents, city leaders and staff, Task Force 1 i[r#J KI, MI= Committee and all stakeholders. Discussion revolved around the desire to create short, • Mid -block crossings were avoided, where possible, medium and long distance loops to serve residents in the for high volume and /or low visibility roadways. immediate downtown area. The various lengths would • Where possible, street crossings were made at inter- allow users to start in one location and loop back to their sections where a safer crossing could occur. origin and have various options for distance to travel. • Railroad crossings are avoided, where possible, Ultimately six loops were created (three north of the Fox though a limited number of designated crossings will River and three to the south). See Exhibit `M' - Loop be needed, to facilitate trail linkage throughout the System Plan for the locations and distances of the trail community. corridors. • Trails are sited along greenways or waterways and some are located within floodplain areas, assuming ITP Recommendation # 7: no fill will occur. For significant and highly - traveled Require StrictAdherence to Section trail corridors it is recommended that paths be located g_ pathways and Trail Standards (Park outside of the floodway and ten (10) year floodplain limits, to avoid frequent inundation. Development Standards within Subdivision • Some bridge underpasses or overpasses are required Ordinance) and are shown on the Shared Use Trail Plan. Goals of these areas are minimal impact to the natural (wet- lands) or physical environment and minimum bridge span. Prefabricated bridge structures with aesthetic features are recommended. - - - - - -- • Trail locations were sited to minimize areas that cross f Design Criteria and Standards E " provide a regional -wide trail or conflict with vehicular traffic (separate from traffic system of safe, convenient, where possible). and attractive bicycle and pe- destrian networks. Yorkville `Locations and trail alignments shown on the Shared Use currently utilizes Section 8 Trail Plan are conceptual. Specific geometric and spatial (Pathways and Trail Standards) constraints will need to be looked at carefully for each of of the Park Development the trail corridors. Additionally, development patterns and Standards (as part of the unknown road improvements may also dictate changes to ) Subdivision Control Ordinance the Shared Use Trail Plan. Therefore, the Plan should be Recently constructed trail along as the guiding document. e) updated every two (2) years or as needed, based on the Cannonball Trail Road. g g level or intensity of development activity. an important part of this ITP study, these standards were thoroughly reviewed and recommended changes were Priority Corridors and Potential Bike Lane/ provided to the City. City staff has revised the standards Shared Roadway Routes accordingly, and the draft will be presented to the Park Priority corridors were studied once a draft of the Master Board and City Council for final approval. All trail devel- Plan was completed. Through input from the public, city opment should follow these approved standards and, staff, etc. a plan depicting high, medium and low priority where items are not addressed in that document, users routes was created (see Exhibit K- Shared Use Trail should follow other accepted planning and engineering Plan - Priority Corridors). As part of this step, the proj- guidelines such as; ect team studied corridors where bike lanes or signed AASHTO (American Association of State Highway shared roadways might occur (see Exhibit V- Potential and Transportation Officials) - "Guide for the Bike Lane /Shared Roadway Routes). If space exists on Development of Bicycle Facilities" certain routes bike lanes and signed shared routes are BDE Manual (Bureau of Design and Environment fairly inexpensive to implement. For a detailed descrip- Manual -IDOT Chapter 17) tion of this plan and the priorities see the Implementation MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) section (Chapter 6) of this report. BLR Manual (Bureau of Local Roads - IDOT) Loop System Concept Summary of Section 8 (Park Development Creating a loop system was an idea that surfaced from Standards) and General Guidelines; a public workshop meeting as part of the ITP process. For approved detailed technical information regarding trail Transportation Yorkville Integrated -. City of • 25 standards, see Yorkville's Park Development Standards Railroad Crossings noted above. Below is a summary of key items pro- vided for general information. Some elements not cur- Coordination with the rently addressed in Section 8 are provided in this section various railroads needs to and should be followed for all trail development within occur, to ensure safety pre - Yorkville. cautions are taken into con- sideration when designing, Design Speed constructing and maintaining • Twenty mph design speed should be utilized, unless f these crossings. the grade exceeds four (4 %) percent, whereupon 30 Special pavement sur- mph is advisable. faces at railroad crossings • The minimum horizontal radius of curvature at 20 Well marked example of a may be installed, to provide mph shall be at 30 feet, and at 30 mph it shall be 90 railroad trail crossing, safe and smoother transitions feet. and to alert trail users of the upcoming crossing. Grades • Vertical grade on the trail shall be kept to a minimum, Si na e although it may not be possible in some areas. Trail Route Signage • Horizontal grades should allow for sufficient drainage Overall trail signs provide to occur (2% minimum). users with helpful information • A ten (10') foot wide area with a gentle slope should to assist in navigating the trail be adjacent to both sides of the trail. F - ' system. Yorkville will utilize the • Culverts for drainage at ravines, ditches, swales, and Manual of Uniform Traffic small creeks may be required. Control Devices (MUTCD) • Inventory of Existing Facilities - An inventory and site standards for most signage analysis of the existing conditions and facilities along within the system. However, the proposed trail shall be conducted. trailhead and directional sig- • Analysis of all bridges and drainage structures will Trail map signage example. nage may be customized (see be needed, to determine their compliance with the related section in this report), to resemble the theme and local and state requirements. character of the wayfinding signage presented in this report. There are five basic types of sign groups: Trail Access Informational signs (educational or interpretative) • Appropriate access to the trail system shall be de- Identification markers (mileage markers /trail names) signed for all authorized users, emergency and main- Warning signs tenance vehicles. Regulatory signs • Entry points shall be designed to control and prevent Directional markers access by unauthorized vehicles. • Parking facilities, information for users site ameni Informational Signs ties, access for maintenance, emergency and secu- r�gtkeFoxKwer These typically provide the rity vehicles, items to prevent unauthorized use and trail user with educational or assist with security, landscaping for aesthetics and interpretative information. function shall be considered at appropriate access locations. Identification Markers These are for trail users and Example of educational signage. for vehicular users. This may include mile markers - which are important for trail users, maintenance forces, police, and emergency personnel. Warning Signs These alert users of safety issues (curves, intersections, and steep slopes or terrain). Typically these signs are yellow and diamond - shaped with black lettering. seclH �� AHEAD ENDS NicNT 1� uNE Regulatory Signs BIKE. LANE riEEa Ta al><Es These are usually white and rectangular, with black let- 1.M17 2,R3-17Q 9,83 -,7b 4. R44 tering. Regulatory signs provide information on trail use and etiquette. N s1 a11,.11re1,a Directional Markers �nN . Q 30'x21' _ 2 30•xtr These ty use arrows or wordi to indicate in which 3. WOW YP Y 9 s. w -s a o1.3 � 7. �-t e � �. WOW 2a direction to travel, and include the trail name, distance S. 12' s. tr xt8' and direction. Yorkville will utilize customized directional SHARE 7. t2•xt8• B. 12'x12' signage at trailheads and key overlooks, or special points RIDE 9. 21•x24• WTH THE 10. 18'x24• of interest. TRAFFIC ROAD Per Section 8 (Park Development Standards), the follow- a. RP-k 9. W11.1 10, W74-1 S —MUTCD ing applies to signage for the Yorkville shared use trail system: Examples of MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) specific to • Approved standard precautions and signage shall be trail signage used in the design of the trail at intersections with the Trailheads roadway. Warning signs, stop signs, striped cross- walks should be utilized at all roadway crossings and Designed to be effective and usable, the trail system shall must be ADA compliant incorporate trailheads and access points throughout the • A uniform signage system, incorporating the Park community. These elements should be designed to pro - and Recreation Department and the United City of mote safe, efficient and easy access to the trail system. Yorkville sign standards, shall be designed for the For conceptual locations of trailheads, rest areas and trail. All signage shall conform to the guidelines of the directional signage (see Exhibit `N' - Gateways and MUTCD and the Illinois Supplement to the Manual of Wayfinding Signage). Not all features are located on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (ILMUTCD) City or public property and, therefore, easements or land • All custom signage shall be approved by the Parks acquisition /donations may be required. For guidelines Department, prior to installation. Custom signs will be and more detailed information on Trailheads (see Exhibit considered on a case -by -case basis '0'- Trailheads and Wayfinding Signage). - - U E Custom Trail Signage (Trailheads and F Directional) All custom trail signs should incorporate consistent visual reps dIC elements, to reflect the look and feel of the Yorkville 1, 91.1 7.91.7 3R43 4.RM 5. R9.7 parks and trails system and the established Theme and Character, as defined by this ITP document. Each sign should feature a consistent logo, material palette, 7. IB'xl8'rt8' N�+ ( � 3 `��'•' sign shape, typeface and color scheme (see Exhibit 1Ta i8' d 12'. MOTOR o 4 � � `O' - Trailheads and Wayfinding Signage for example 2;:;15: VEHICLES � 9 0 'E— concepts). 8. .18• 9 t8' a 18' 11 18`M 18'a IS• 6.953 '.9'5.1 a °`' II, Rest Area and Overlooks 18' 17. 15' dnm•Hr Rest areas and Overlooks should be incorporated along the shared use trail at key points. These areas allow R a users to rest, gather, socialize and, if located at a scenic location, encourage users to take in the view. Rest areas can be a simple shaded bench or more comprehensive, 9. W3 -1 10. W3.7 II. W33 17. WI0.1 with educational and interpretative signage. • Sitting areas will be located in conjunction with Transportation Yorkville Integrated -. City of . 0 existing or proposed parks, historic, scenic, or unique points of interest • Each location will be individually designed, and take into consideration the existing features of the site and trail alignment Trail Widths and Clearances • The trail width shall be ten (10') feet, not including the area needed for shoulders. • For high traffic volumes, a twelve (12') foot trail width is suggested. • Reduced widths of eight (8') feet will be considered on a case -by -case basis, based on use, site constraints, or topographic features. • A minimum two (2') foot wide (preferable three (3'), foot) level graded shoulder with grass on each side, for safety clearance. • Vertical clearance shall be a minimum of eight (8') feet above the trail. • A minimum separation of five (5) feet from the face of curb of the roadway, to the edge of trail shoulder. • Railings shall be considered on a case -by -case basis. Steep side slopes or a fixed hazard that cannot be removed or relocated may dictate railing locations. Trail Bridges In places where trails cross creeks or drainage corridors, pre- fabricated single span bridges or culvert crossings may be utilized to create safe passage, while providing visual interest along the trail. Bridges provide trail access during pe- riods of high water, and miti- gate safety concerns and Example of trail crossing over the Fox River maintenance costs associated with low water crossings. • Bridges shall be installed to connect trails across valleys, streams, creeks, ra- vines, etc. • New bridges shall be constructed with a minimum width of ten (10') feet. • A barrier shall be provided to prevent use by unau- thorized vehicles. • The minimum clearance width for trails shall be the same as the approaching paved trail. • Handrails, barriers, or fences shall be located on both sides of the trail, where appropriate. Taller barriers or fence sec- tions may be desired at locations such as a highway or ravine. 28 .. -. • • SHARED USE TRAIL SEPARATION BACKFILL DISTURBED AREA WITH TOPSOIL AND SEED. a s ,• PROVIDE FOR POSITIVE DRAINAGE OFF TRAIL.. • 10' trail width MINIMUM 2' GRADED AREA - 1.6 MAXIMUM SLOPE.. PREPARED AND COMPACTED SUBGRADE t' PROOF ROLL WITH LOADED SIX WHEELER) Multi -use trait for bicyclists, joggers, rollerbladers, walkers, etc. 2' COMPACTED BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE SUPERPAVE MIX C.N50 • Handicap accessible i (MAX. AGGREGATE SIZE 31V') *� • See Section 8 of Yorkville's Park ; Development Standards for approved t . detail and specifications ( 7i, 1 PAVEMENT MOTH 3 —11 6' COMPACTED AGGREGATE CLEARANCE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE CL E (CAB GRADATIONI EARANC (NO SIGNAGE OR OTHER (NO SIGNAGE OR OTHE VERTICAL OBSTACLES) VERTK;AL OSSTACLESI NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOR UNSTABLE SOIL NOTE THE TRAIL CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SHALL: BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH IDOT$_ i SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, 4� SHARED USE TRAIL SEPARATION x? '• • 10' trail width ADDITIONAL SEPARATION FOR SAFETY FOR PROPER DRAINAGE • Multi trail for bicyclists, joggers, BIO - SWALE TO CLEANSE STORMWATER rollerbladers, Walkers, etc. BEFORE RELEASING TO WATERSHEDS • Handicap accessible • See Section 8 of Yorkville's Park # Development Standards for approved detail and specifications r ' X 12' 10' PAVEMENT WIDTH 7 - DRIVING LANE SHOULDER 6 CLEA. (TYP) ADDITIONAL SEPARATION FROM TRAIL Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan United City of Yorkville i I Landscape be constructed per the approved standards (see Trail While landscape adds to the aesthetic quality of a trail Cross - Section). corridor or trailhead it also provides shade and other en- vironmental benefits. Below is a summary of landscape Limestone Screening Surface guidelines specific to trail routes and /or at trailheads: Another option for shared use trails is a surface consist- Utilize native landscape plant material that is drought ing of limestone screenings. This surface is muchless tolerant. expensive to install than asphalt, but does require more • Trees of heights and patterns complementary to intensive maintenance. This material is desirable for human scale, with high branches and upward branch- low traffic areas or in areas of environmental concern. ing habits. Limestone screenings are typically constructed by strip- At trailheads, perimeter landscaping should define ping the topsoil, placing a compacted gravel base, and edges that reduce the impact of parked vehicles, then applying a 2 -3" surface of limestone screenings. and enhance the trailhead, yet provide visibility for The screenings compact very well and continue to harden security reasons. over time. The surface provides excellent traction for • Wind screens may be incorporated, to protect users cyclists, although is undesirable for in -line skaters due to from cold winds, particularly on ridges and exposed the loose material that can occur. areas. This type of surface actually creates more noise than other Trail Cross- Section and Surface surfaces, however, this can improve safety in a shared use • The trail shall be designed to accommodate the environment, by providing a warning to pedestrians of an wheel loads of occasional service vehicles, such as approaching cyclist. Finally, because of their lower initial emergency, patrol, construction, and maintenance. cost, limestone paths can provide an interim improvement • The trail surface shall be suitable for bicyclists, jog- until funds are available for an asphalt surface. Loose gers, roller bladers, walkers, etc., and it shall be material is typically limited to the top eighth of an inch, handicap accessible. while material below the surface has consolidated into a firm structure. The loose material provides good traction, There are several types of trail surfaces that may be con- but tends to erode on steep slopes. structed depending on location and existing conditions. The City will determine which trail surface is appropriate Proper drainage and storm water runoff control is ex- as more detailed studies are completed for the trail seg- tremely critical with limestone trails. In locations where ments. The section below provides a summary of each slopes over 4% cannot be avoided - or within floodplains type of surface that is available for consideration. - an asphalt, concrete or grass surface should be used. Tyaes of Surfaces Bark or Grass /Mowed Surface Hard or Paved Surfaces Bark or Grass /Mowed trail surfaces are rarely utilized for Most existing, shared use paths within the City have been bicycle travel, however, for trails located on steep slopes constructed as asphalt trails. Concrete surfaces will only and within floodplains they may be appropriate. Bark or be considered if constraints or other reasons deem this wood chips should be at least four (4 ") inches deep and surface is necessary. While a Portland Cement Concrete should be replaced every year, due to compaction and (PCC) surface is extremely durable, and perhaps aes- dislocation. Bark or wood chips should not be used near thetically preferred in some cases, it is not ideal for trail streams or wetlands, within the floodplain, or on portions use for several reasons. First, PCC construction is very of the trail with cross - drainage or storm water runoff. costly. Second, the rigidity of the surface is undesirable for runners, and thirdly, the required expan- I Recommendation # 8 : sion and contraction joints cause discomfort Design and Construct Various Types of Trails for cyclists and especially in -line skaters. Within the ITP Study Area For these reasons, Bituminous (asphalt) is the preferred surface for trails; however this Trail T/Lpe material does require periodic maintenance (e.g. filling cracks, periodic resurfacing, To address the non - vehicular transportation needs, the etc.). Asphalt or bituminous paths should ITP provides vision, recommendations, and direction, in TME t ra �Fvirf "§:J From W.1 0.4 9*1 order to create a comprehensive and cohesive shared use 2, Signed Shared Roadways trail system. To successfully implement the Shared Use A more recent prac- Trail Plan, the ITP proposes that there be many types of tice and option to the trails with associated cross - section options, which allow Shared Use Roadway adjustment to the trail section, depending on the location, E' ��� designation is to have constraints and need of the trail users. There are six basic a Shared Use Symbol types of bicycle facilities that can be implemented: shared painted on the pave - use roadways, signed shared roadways, wide shoulder, ment - with associat- striped or marked bike lanes, shared use trail (detached s ed signage along the from road), and greenway or nature trail. This section right -of -way. This fa- provides a description of each type of trail. cility type encourages the motorist and the bicyclist to share the road and, most 1. Shared Use Roadway importantly, shows the cyclist where they are expected to The term Shared Use ride. This type of facility is most appropriate on roads Roadways simply refers to with wider pavement widths. They are typically signed, t roads and streets that may be and serve to provide continuity with other bicycle facilities legally used by cyclists. Under through corridors where construction of a dedicated five Illinois law, cyclists may use (5) foot bike lane or detached shared use path is not fea- any street or highway unless sible. The signage of these routes indicates a determina- posted otherwise. Generally, tion has been made that these routes are suitable for bi- bicyclists are prohibited only cycle use. Low traffic neighborhood streets or collector on Interstate Highways and streets without on- street parking (or minimal on- street other high speed limited parking) are the best candidates for this type of system. Fox Road, River Road and Lisbon access routes. Therefore, The markings on the pavement may demonstrate the Road are examples of potential Shared Use Roadway Facilities almost all streets in Yorkville destination of the route as well (i.e., Downtown Yorkville) for the short term, until future and Kendall County technically so that cyclists know where they are going. improvements occur qualify as Shared Use Roadways. While cyclists may 3, Wide Shoulder legally use any public roadway, it does not guarantee that A wide shoulder (e.g. existing the routes are safe for cyclists, and they may not have situation along Van Emmon signage designating it as a bike route. Cyclists can utilize , Road generally from downtown any part of the road lane and, therefore, cause vehicle to Route 71) is also an accept - and bicycle conflicts. This type of facility is only used able means of promoting bicy- where there are significant spatial constraints, or reasons cle use on roadways, that preclude other options, as listed in this section. Given Occasionally they may only be these constraints, the corridor becomes very important, 2' to 3' wide, however five (5) in terms of reaching destinations and, therefore, needs to foot is preferred, so bicyclists be included as part of the system. Fox Road may be a + can feel more comfortable and good candidate for this type of trail, until future road im- have an area in which to ride. As compared with the provement can occur or funding is provided for more sig- Signed Shared Roadway, which may designate the bicy- nificant trail improvements. Rural roads with low traffic clist to ride within the vehicular travel lane, this use pro - volumes, such as Lisbon Road, may be good corridors for vides a wider shoulder, separating bicyclists slightly more. this type of facility as well. This can help to minimize erratic maneuvers on the part of motorists, and enhance the comfort level for the bicyclist. Trans portation Yorkville Integrated - City of • 31 4. Striped or Marked Bike Lanes also have a gravel or Portland Cement Concrete surface. Spatial constraints within the More importantly, shared use trails serve as extensions right -of -way may hinder the of road networks, offering viable connections between construction of a side path or key nodes and destinations, such as work, schools, Ii- detached trail and, therefore, brary, parks, shopping areas, historical and cultural sites sometimes a bike lane makes and tourist attractions. Most of the trails shown within the more sense for the experi- ITP study limits are shown as this type of trail. Sidewalks enced bicyclist's direct travel, are not considered shared use paths, primarily for safety as part of the street cross- reasons. In selected high traffic pedestrian areas, namely section. Also, bike lanes on downtown Yorkville, bicyclists should walk their bikes if roadways provide an excellent using the sidewalk until they can access a shared use means of achieving efficient, trail or roadway. Yorkville may need to revise or update non- motorized transportation ordinances in the future to address potential conflicts. Bike lane example. through Yorkville and the sur- rounding region, without significant cost. Striped bike 6. Greenway and Nature Trails lanes are configured along the right edge of the roadway '` ,;_` 9 9 9 9 Y t Greenway and Nature Trails with a solid white painted line. They help to define the := typically incorporate varying space to ride, decrease stress for bicyclists, encourage types and intensities of human bicyclists to ride in the correct direction, and alert motor- uses, including trails for recre- ists that cyclists have a right to the road. Overall these ation and travel and passive or types of facilities help to better organize the flow of traffic, F active park facilities, including and reduce the chance that motorists will veer into a cy- open playing fields. Nature clist's path of travel. Bike Lanes are intended for the ex- trails are a form of shared -use clusive use of bicyclists, so vehicular traffic is often pro - path, although they typically hibited from crossing into a bike lane, except when making run through environmentally - a turn. Vehicles can sometimes be allowed to park in the sensitive areas. The surfacing and width specifications bike lane on low traffic volume roads, or where minimal are more flexible than for shared -use paths; for example, parking use occurs. If parking is allowed, there is typi- nature trails may have a soft, permeable surface, such as cally space and room to pass the cars without veering bark, wood chips, or crushed aggregate (limestone into the adjacent lane. "Share the Road " signs and pave- screenings) in lieu of asphalt. Therefore, nature trails are ment markings can also be utilized in this type of facility. not necessarily designed to be ADA accessible, except at Design guidelines published by AASHTO do present rec- parking areas, restrooms, and picnic areas. The width of ommendations for inclusion of Bike Lanes on routes that the nature trail may be very narrow to allow for passage allow parallel parking. through densely vegetated areas and hilly terrain. The ITP study specifically examined where bike lanes or signed shared roadways could occur. In the Implementation section of this document, roads are listed with designations regarding the type of on -road facil- The purpose of the Downtown Streetscape Plan is to pro - ity that may be possible (see Exhibit 'L'— Potential Bike vide general standards and guidelines for the pedestrian Lane /Shared Roadway Routes). and bicycle environment in the downtown area of Yorkville. While the ITP study is not a comprehensive or detailed 5. Shared Use Trail Streetscape Plan, general standards are provided which Shared use trails are typically focus on the pedestrian and bicycle environment, circula- physically separated from tion, and safety. An active downtown seeks to achieve roadways, and are normally elements such as reduced traffic speeds, which can shared by bicycles, joggers, result in making the streetscape more enjoyable, aes- _. wheel chairs, strollers, pedes- thetically pleasing, and safe for all users. Therefore ben - T trians, roller bladers, skate- efits are recognized, such as: reducing conflict between boarders, and dog walkers. non - vehicular and motorist traffic, increasing pedestrian They are usually paved, with and vehicular access to the downtown area (enhancing an asphalt surface, but may economic development), and providing connections to recreational opportunities like the Fox River, Local Students and Youth The following categories are addressed in this section: Many young people are attracted to downtowns and, • Attracting Market Groups to the Downtown therefore, outh- friend) stores should be y y provided. • Theme and Character Stores selling clothing, toys, music, candy, soda, etc. • Environment in and Access to Downtown, Including and restaurants attract younger consumers. Additionally, Discussion on IL Route 47, Bicycle Access, Pedestrian community events attract high school students and young Environment, and Downtown Streets families to the downtown. • Traffic Calming Techniques, ADA, Parking and Facade Treatments Downtown Residents • Streetscape Elements A fair number of people already live within walking distance of Downtown Yorkville and this plan proposes efforts to ITP Recommendation # 9: increase the number of residents in the immediate area. Attract a Variety of Market Groups to the Higher densities that are typically appropriate in an urban Downtown core bring additional consumers within walking distance to a marketplace. Also, having a significant population in the downtown draws visitors from out of town. Having Attracting Market Grouns to the Downtown significant population (purchasing capacity) is typically a A market study was not included in the scope for this critical component of a successful downtown. ITP project, however, it is important to understand how Yorkville might attract various market groups to the down- Downtown as a Workplace town. Streetscape improvements alone do not bring Attracting businesses and offices is a key component to residents and businesses to a downtown, and therefore having a vibrant downtown during the day. People who a comprehensive approach is needed. Working with the work downtown represent a significant market for res- Economic Development Corporation, the City should en- taurants (breakfast, lunch, and coffee break). Also, after deavor to design a vibrant downtown, appealing to - and work hours, bars and restaurants are prime destinations, attracting - the various groups listed below. and shops can offer convenience shopping, as well. As mentioned above, it is important to have a downtown Community Residents that is appealing to these groups, to truly make it a vibrant For this group, downtown Yorkville should represent the area. While some streetscape improvements can attract center of social recreation, as well as a place to live and People to an area, it is often the synergy of the above conduct business. For example, if City Hall is located in items that brings people to a downtown. the downtown, residents from all over Yorkville will travel downtown to attend City Hall meetings, and conduct other ITP Recommendation # 10: government business. In addition, downtown Yorkville Apply the Gateway and Wayfinding Signage can also draw residents from throughout the City for Throughout the Downtown Region per the special events and other occasions. Many citizens also Established ITP Theme Concept periodically frequent downtown retailers, restaurants, and bars. A truly successful downtown revitalization will cause more community residents to visit the downtown more often, greatly contributing to the vitality of the area. Theme. Character and WayfindinalSignage As described previously in the report, the ITP defines Shopping, Food and Entertainment a theme for the shared use trail signage, as well as the Many vibrant downtowns are home to a large number downtown wayfinding and signage. The signage for of restaurants and entertainment options. As Yorkville downtown Yorkville can be applied at key "gateway "loca - grows, the downtown can improve on the food and enter- tions, parks, public spaces, and along roads at the city tainment options. Restaurants, bars, and other entertain- limits and other key gateway locations. Gateway signage ment venues can often benefit greatly from proximity to for the downtown welcomes visitors and residents into other similar venues along with special events or occa- the region, and establishes pride in the community. As Exhibit sions. Visitors are likely to stay longer (and spend more) described in the Theme and Character Vision ( downtown, if additional venues are located there. H), incorporating historical items of Kendall County and Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I United City of YorkvilLe 0 Yorkville will ensure the history of the area is preserved 'R'- Downtown Area Sidewalk Improvements. for and enjoyed by future generations. Wayfinding and Priority corridors shown on the exhibit as "identified for signage concept sketches for Yorkville's downtown em- improvement" were chosen because they achieve one or brace the theme described previously. (see Exhibit `I' more of the following goals: — Gateway and Wayfinding Signage Concepts). Also, a Improve walks in areas devoid of sidewalks Gateway and Wayfinding Signage Downtown Plan reflects Provide direct access to the downtown core area potential locations of features, such as public spaces, Provide efficient mobility and direct routes plazas, parks and open space corridors. (see Exhibit `P' Enhance accessibility and connectivity — Gateway and Wayfinding Signage— Downtown Plan). Promote a comfortable /attractive environment Pedestrian informational signs, directional signage and Improve slope or grade kiosks are located throughout the downtown area. By implementing the sidewalk improvements, the core of downtown Yorkville will become a much more walkable Pedestrian Environment, Downtown Streets and area. Traffic Calming Techniques Design improvements should be provided for key streets Pedestrian Zones within the downtown, to create a pedestrian environment Appropriate pedestrian zones in the downtown core area and to improve accessibility to the downtown within the are an important focus, when trying to achieve a better pe- core area. Pedestrian - oriented streets place emphasis destrian environment. The pedestrian zones are located on areas where buildings abut the streets, and should fea- from the curb to the front property line or building fagade ture proper spatial relationships for streetscape elements, of the adjoining parcels. These zones provide areas including landscape plantings, street lighting and street along the street corridor for landscaping, street furnish - furniture, such as bench seating. The streets in down- ings, and pedestrian circulation. Currently the downtown town Yorkville are very visible and, if properly designed, street corridors lack defined or appropriately designed can vastly improve the aesthetics and pedestrian /bicycle zones. This ITP recommends incorporating these design environment, thus inviting people to come downtown. recommendations as property re- develops, and as future streetscape improvements occur. The following section ITP Recommendation # 11: discusses the specific functions and minimum dimensions for each sub -zone within the pedestrian zone. There are Improve Downtown Streets, Pedestrian typically four sub -zones (see descriptions and exhibits on Environment and Non - vehicular Access with the following page) Traffic Calming Techniques 1. Frontage Zone 2. Pedestrian Zone 3. Planting /Amenity Zone Pedestrian Environment 4. Edge Zone The primary pedestrian routes 1) Frontage Zone within downtown are the side- walks. While many of the side- The frontage zone is the area adjacent to the property walks within the downtown line. It may be defined by a building facade, landscaping core area are in fair condition, area, fence, or screened parking area. A minimum width sidewalks in other areas are of three (3') feet should be provided for the frontage zone. either missing, or may require The width of the frontage zone may be increased, to ac- significant maintenance and commodate a variety of activities associated with adja- repair. The plan should identify cent uses, such as outdoor seating or merchant displays. a continuous, safe and attrac- If space does not permit, this zone can be eliminated. tive sidewalk system, to service all areas of downtown Yorkville. The existing pedestri- 2) Pedestrian Zone an network has been examined, specifically, The pedestrian zone is intended for pedestrian travel within a 10 minute walk of the core down- only, and should be entirely clear of obstacles and pro - town area, as described in Chapter 3 of this vide a smooth walking surface. The throughway zone report. Based upon those findings, the ITP should be, at a minimum, six (6') feet wide, which is the recommends sidewalk improvements within minimum comfortable passing width for two wheelchairs this defined area - as specified on Exhibit on a sidewalk. 3) Planting /Amenity Zone The planting /amenity zone is the key buffer component between the active pedestrian walking area and the vehicle traveled area. Street trees, planting strips, street furniture, bollards, signal poles, signals, electrical, tele- phone and traffic signal cabinets, signs, fire hydrants and bicycle racks should be consolidated in this zone, to keep them from becoming obstacles to pedestrians. The plant- ing /amenity zone should have a minimum width of three (3') feet in narrow road sections. A more comfortable and, therefore, desirable dimension is eight (8') feet for the planting /amenity zone. 4) Edge Zone The edge zone (sometimes called obstruction free zone) provides an interface between parked vehicles and street furniture. This zone should, generally, be kept clear of any objects. Parking meters or other small vertical features may be placed here with consideration to door swings. The edge zone should have a minimum width of one (1') foot, preferably two (2') feet. Often existing conditions do not allow the appropri- ate amount of space for all of the pedestrian zones. Therefore, Options A, B, C, and D are provided below for reference, and each street or area should be studied in detail and planned on a case -by -case basis, depending on available space. The exhibits below show the "typical" treatments in plan and section view. Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I United City of Yorkville DOWNTOWN AREA DOWNTOWN AREA , TYPICAL PEDESTRIAN ZONE 1. FrWL eZone 10 TYPICAL PEDESTRIAN ZONE 2. Fadesbu n Zom 8• 1. Frontage Zone 10' 8. 1lanb,41Am*My Zone 8' 2. Pedestrian Zone 6' 4. Edge Zm* l' 3. Planting /Amenity Zone 8' 4. Edge Zone 1' 4 3 2 : 'l STOREFRONT 4 3 2 1 25'total width - Typically, street right of way does not allow the space for this option, so the front setback will need to be increased, resulting in the property owner having the "frontage zone" on their property - Utilized for restaurants and businesses that desire the public space in front of their facility DOWNTOWN AREA t "_ DOWNTOWN AREA TYPICAL PEDESTRIAN ZONE 1, F=tage2a 2• TYPICAL PEDESTRIAN ZONE 2. Pedeanan male a , 1. Frontage Zone 2' --- -_ - - -- 3. Mftugtanaaty ZW id 2. Pedestrian Zone 6` 4. Edge Z" 1' 3. Planting /Amenity Zone 10' 4. Edge Zone 1' 1 7 STOREFRONT 4 3 ? i 19'total width -Large frontage zone is eliminated (space for planter boxes) - Emphasis on the planting /amenity zone, to allow maximum area for street trees, benches, bike racks, flower beds, etc. DOWNTOWN AREA DOWNTOWN AREA TYPICAL PEDESTRIAN 2 TYPICAL PEDESTRIAN ZONE a paiwrun Z� 6' 1. Frontage Zone 2' -- ---- 3. Planbvm*n3y tort 3 ..:. 2. Pedestrian Zone 6' 4. Edge2one t' 3. Planting /Amenity Zone 3' 4. Edge Zone 1' i 3 2j - •j STOREFRONT -_ M WMA DU4 I PFRXING 1 1 I 11 1 1 i I 11 I I I 1 11 1 1 I Limited space exists (12' total), so amenity planting zone is reduced, however, space exists for small landscape plants, light poles and hanging baskets -This situation is fairly typical in most downtown areas, due to limited space in the right of way DOWNTOWN AREA DOWNTOWN AREA T TYPICAL PEDESTRIAN ZONE 1. `'°"'ige D' TYPICAL PEDESTRIAN ZONE z. pweonan Zane 5' 1. Frontage Zone 0' 3. PlantirglMaeniry Zone Y 4 • 1 ' 2. Pedestrian Zone 5' 3. Planting /Amenity Zone 2' 4 3 '' 2 STOREFRONT 4. Edge Zone 1 .¢ i^ DRIVE LA14 I PARKIdc•nY5 r =f -311 I e I TREE ISLANDS I I I I i� ?PTI!)P:s F' I I I 1 I This situation occurs when only eight (8") feet or less exists No frontage zone can be accommodated Space may exist in the amenity zone for lighting poles and bollards - Parking bays should be added periodically (eliminate some parking spaces), in order to provide a streetscape program Trans portation Yorkville Integrated - City of • 37 Route 47 The future widening of IL Route 47 and additional im- provements considered for the downtown Yorkville area will, potentially, have a negative impact on the pedestrian environment. Crossing IL Route 47 at Van Emmon and Hydraulic is a significant constraint, as pedestrian cross- ings will need to be clearly identified for the pedestrian and the automobile user. Also, the east and west sides of IL Route 47 are very narrow and with the elimination of parking and widened lanes the pedestrian environment is challenged. To accommodate the negative factors, as part of this ITP project, Yorkville and IDOT are pursu- e , - ; 1 " ing solutions to these impacts. Currently a wall /raised �» planter bed is being proposed along each side of Route 47 along with decorative fencing. The ITP recommends that this wall be faced with materials that match the theme Based upon the understood pedestrian zones de- for signage and wayfinding (see Exhibits `H' -Theme and scribed above, the ITP suggests future improvements Character Vision and `I' - Gateways and Wayfinding to specific streets in downtown Yorkville. The overall Concepts). characteristic of street cross - sections should create an environment that is appropriate to the design speed of the street. When modifying a street cross - section, the ROUTE 47 (WEST SIDE) design elements need to be considered, along with the traffic volume. Design elements relevant to the vehicle (From Hydraulic Ave. to van Emmon Rd.) include lane widths, pavement markings, materials and 1. Frontage Zone o' -2' colors; curb design, and on- street parking. Design ele- z. Pedestrian zone 3'Min. ments more relevant for the pedestrian include: building setbacks, street trees, sidewalks and furnishings. The 3. Planting /Amenity Zone 2'Min. greater the level of pedestrian activity, the lower the 4. Obstruction Free Zone 1-6 design speed and posted speed should be, to improve _ the pedestrian environment in downtown Yorkville. The streets listed below were studied to determine how they could be modified in the future to be more pedestrian and bicycle - friendly. Note: These are conceptual illustrations only designed to fit within the existing right -of -way. However field condi- tions and other variables may not allow the exact dimen- sions as shown. Roadway improvements and easements a 3 2 1 may need to be acquired in some areas, to achieve the proposed cross - section. The sections also assume po- tential redevelopment on sites where easements could be acquired. • Route 47 (focus on west side) • Hydraulic Street • Fox Street (residential sections or areas only) • South Main Street 38 - -. .. -. • • Proposed Conceptual Street Section for Hydraulic HYDRAULIC AVENUE Existing R.O.W.: Varies 54'- 66' 1. Pedestrian Zone 5' 2. Planting /Amenity Zone 2'& 1' 3. Parking Zone 8' 4. Drive Lane 12'& 12` - - - PLAN 5. Railway Right OPWay 18' Total 5$' SOUTH SIDE I IWNOIS RAILWAY REC FENCE DRIVE LME I DRIVE LW I PARALLEL PARH M I 1 SIDEWALK I NORTH SIDE 1 wcNr ar wAr 11 I 1 vim 1 I I I a 11 1 I INTERMITTENT TREE I 1 I '. NO7E CnceDHua+d4eUKpn Hrb�sve ►[ I:AAND.`,' � AawnweW w9Mq mnJVn Pr000sed Conceptual Street Section for Fox Street (Residential areas only] FOX STREET (Res)dendal Areas Only) Existing R.O.W.: 66' 1. Pedestrian Zone 6'& 8' 2. Planting /Amenity Zone 15'& 13' 3. Drive Lane 12'& 12 Total 66' M� J J 3 3 J SOUTH SIDE I SIDEWALK I I •.. I 1 I I LAM � To K i Twt I NOR SIDE 1 I I 1 1 ADDED WHERE NEEDED 1 I Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan United City of Yorkville � M7lE r —_ . , + MWVMIM Q^rkf6ANn xc � .�owe.mwc aN n,YUp arw .ary Proposed Conceptual Street Section for South Main Street SOUTH MAIN STREET Existing R.O.W.: 66' 1. Pedestrian Zone 6'& 6' 2. Planting /Amenity Tone 5'& 4' 3. Parking Zone 8' & 8' 4. Bike Lane 5' S. Drive Lane 12'& 12' Total 66' 1 2 3 5 5 4 3 2 1 Proposed Conceptual Street Section for Van Emmon r VAN EMMON ROAD Existing R.O.W.: 60' 1. Pedestrian Zone 6'& 6' 2. Planting /Amenity Zone 4'& 4' 3. Parking Zone 8' & 8' lir 4. Drive Lane 12'& 12' — =*' Total 60' t _ i 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 Traffic Calming Techniques Crosswalk Treatments Modifying or improving street \ Crosswalk treatments can • = cross - sections is an important_ occur at intersections and mid - NERE • step in making downtown +• block crossings. Improved Yorkville a more pedestrian- crossings should be estab- ..:. friendly place. In relationship lished at intersections (as - to the street sections there are mentioned above), to better various other traffic calming unify the downtown areas and < and safety techniques to be provide safe connections be- considered and, therefore, tween existing and future loca- recommended as part of this tions such as: Example of traffic calming sign. ITP. Existing downtown core (IL Route 47 and Hydraulic/ Van Emmon) Traffic calming is a combination of techniques used to: Surrounding residential areas reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter Whitewater Recreation Facility driver behavior and improve conditions for pedestrians Riverwalk and bicyclists. Traffic calming objectives are: enhance Bicentennial Riverfront Park the street environment and aesthetics, reduce cut - through Future public plazas, shopping areas, civic uses vehicle traffic, slow vehicles down, reduce accidents, and increase safety perceptions. The ITP recommends con- When designing crosswalk treatments, appropriate sig- sideration of traffic calming techniques such as; nage and striping measures should be applied per the • Refuge islands (bump outs) with barriers (where MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices). needed) to protect the pedestrian The hierarchy and appropriate locations include the fol- • Intersection improvements lowing applications: • Alternative trail and sidewalk surfaces and colors at Standard Markings - All crossings should be identi- crossings fied with parallel lines • Raised pavement areas Enhanced Markings - Ladder striping, if colored/ • Safe sight and stopping distances textured pavement is not utilized (i.e. stamped • Clearly visible traffic and directional signing and concrete) pavement markings Colored pavers — A distinctly patterned paver may be applied to distinguish intersection crosswalks and In summary, the ITP recommends solutions to im- mid -block crossings in the core or transition zone, prove interactions between vehicular, bicycle and consistent with the proposed theme and as shown on pedestrian routes, and to overall improve the walkabil- the Streetscape Elements Exhibit `Q' ity of the downtown area (see Exhibit `S' — Downtown Recommendations). Slope / Grade Where possible, the cross slope of pedestrian street Intersection Improvements crossings, at either marked or unmarked crosswalks, Several intersections have been identified as prime should be not more than eight (8 %) percent, measured candidates for future improvements for pedestrian perpendicular to the direction of pedestrian travel. Also, safety. (see Exhibit `S'— Downtown Recommendations). where possible, the running grade of pedestrian street Improvements at these intersections may include bump crossings, at either marked or unmarked crosswalks outs, pedestrian refuge islands, special crosswalk pave- should be not more than five (5 %) percent in the direction ment (see below), and additional signage and pavement of pedestrian travel in the crosswalk. Crosswalks at sig- markings. nalized intersections should be marked on the roadway with pavement markings, and should be at least eight (8') feet wide and preferably ten (10') feet wide. Transportation Yorkville Integrated -• City of • 0 Intersection Sight Triangles Curb Extensions (Bump Outs) A corner tri an g I e of thirty (30') feet by thirty (30') feet should Curb extensions are the side - be kept clear of any unnecessary visual obstruction. In walk areas that extend beyond addition, minimal obstructions should be maintained in a the regular curb lines, into the sight triangle, as defined using AASHTO recommended / traveled way or parking lane. methodologies and appropriate street cross - section and y When on- street parking is pro - intersection designs. vided, curb extensions should be provided at all intersections. High Visibility Crosswalk Markings They are encouraged at mid -block crossings in limited High visibility crosswalk mark- locations. Curb extensions should not be constructed ing is an added feature beyond beyond bicycle and vehicle travel lanes. the use of the standard or en- hanced pavement markings, Applicable MUTCD Standards colored pavement, or special MUTCD standards should be followed for crosswalk pavers. High visibility cross- improvements in Yorkville. Below are some of the appli- walk markings can be in the cable standards for this ITP project. Pedestrian crossing form of signage, special pave- intervals should be calculated at the walking speed of four ment markings, flashers, or (4) feet per second (less if other factors are present, such in- ground lights. High visibility as steeper slopes, or if the crosswalk length is greater crosswalk markings should be provided at all mid -block than 50 feet). Extended time for pedestrian crossing may crossings and at intersection crossings where no traffic be initiated by a long (e.g., greater than three (3) seconds) control is provided. Signage identifying the pedestrian button press. MUTCD recommends calculating the crossing location should be incorporated wherever a mid- clearance interval, based on the pedestrian reaching the block crossing is designed. In high pedestrian and bicycle farthest edge of the traffic lane on the opposite side of activity areas, or for pedestrian and bicycle path cross- the street. Total crossing distance, as defined by MUTCD, ings, enhanced features such as flashers or in- ground should include the entire length of the crossing - plus the lights should be considered. length of one curb ramp. Mid -Block Crossing and Pedestrian Refuge ITP Recommendation # 12: Islands Encourage redevelopment opportunities and Mid -block crossings and pedestrian refuge islands with improve bicycle and pedestrian connectivity curb extensions should be considered at locations where between the core downtown and key a substantial number of pedestrians or bicyclists attempt destinations /attractions to cross streets, regardless of the presence of protection or identification of the crossing. These circumstances typically occur in locations with pedestrian attractions Pedestrian Environment Along the Fox River on both sides of a roadway, in areas with a combination - Bike /Pedestrian Bridge, Riverfront Park and of street - facing retail shops and on- street parking, and Whitewater Recreation Facility the presence of long blocks (i.e., blocks of 600 -feet or Yorkville has a tremendous greater). Mid -block crossing will only be applied to limited opportunity given the recent locations, and will be analyzed on a case -by -case basis. construction of a whitewater Multilane un- signalized, controlled mid -block crossing recreation facility on the Fox should be avoided. Refuge islands should, generally, be River. Combine this amenity considered for crossings wherever there is a with natural beauty of the Fox median. Refuge islands in medians should River Valley, Riverfront Park be at least six (6') feet wide. _ and the proximity to downtown Yorkville there is endless po- tential. The ITP recommends the City maximize on this po- tential by taking actions steps such as pursuing additional public land along the Fox River, and acquiring easements report can be implemented. and accessibility to expand the Riverwalk. Alleys Behind Businesses on IL Route 47 Fox River Bike /Pedestrian Bridge „ Behind the businesses that rF!txrr� }, f Yorkville recognizes that or- P g p front on to IL Route 47 alley «•....:„;' tions of the Fox River water- �' — ways exist that access City »u�u�aarjy " " front is privately owned yet V tt�r, owned public parking. The h ' access along and across the t` P ITP recommends improving natural feature is desired. The r � �, the vehicular and pedestrian Plan shows a river side trail � r " • ' ' environments in this area. (along the south side of the Pedestrian promenades could T. 4 - sW '4 ". Fox River) and four potential, ., be developed and landscaping r -' bridge crossing locations. As and other streetscape ele- part of this ITP project the The existing alleys behind the ments could be incorporated crossings have been identified and a priority assigned. businesses along Route 47 to improve the aesthetics and has potential to be improved Two viable locations for the Fox River Trail crossing have aesthetically while also providing walkability. Further study of been identified (1A and 1 B) however both are not needed, improved pedestrian access. details for this area should be Further study is required to determine which location is conducted. best suited for a bridge and associated landing areas on the north and south banks of the River. Focal Points and Gathering Places Focal points (identified on Bike /Pedestrian Bridge Priority # 1A E x h i b i t ` S ' - D o w n t o w n West side of Riverfront Park to the north bank Recommendations) could be Bike /Pedestrian Bridge Priority # 1B locations for small plazas, East side of Riverfront Park to Worsley _ courtyards, open spaces and Bike /Pedestrian Bridge Priority # 2 — vertical features. The features Beecher Extension are located at a very prominent Bike /Pedestrian Bridge Priority # 3 position - often at the terminus Van Emmon (Saw Wee Kee Park) to Route 34 of a street in downtown - Yorkville. Because of the iA areas' high visibility and vicinity within the downtown, '_ "'; "'� s� these are ideal areas to implement pedestrian gateways, "' t'#. •-••' �,. signage monumentation, streetscape amenities, public art, perennial flower beds and the like. These areas could I also simply be gathering places designed to accommo- date both passive use and organized events. #2 #1A #1 • Bicycle Access in the Downtown •.... «....,.fir. ,.r Downtown bicycle access needs to be improved. It is an a�� r ,.�- • �"�.:� important mode of current and future transportation in Yorkville. A clearly- designated bicycle route should be de- veloped downtown, with connections to core businesses Potential Redevelopment Areas /Sites or public areas (whitewater recreation facility, riverwalk, Many redevelopment opportunities exist in the downtown etc.). Exhibit 'S'— Downtown Recommendations shows (see Exhibit `S'- Downtown Recommendations). Unlike the potential location for bicycle access and routing. many downtowns, Yorkville has large parcels of land that are either under one owner or can be compiled into sig- The downtown streets should be designed to be "bicycle - nificant development projects. The City should encour- friendly" however, in some isolated areas, bike traffic age cohesive parcels of land to be assembled and should may be limited due to potentially high pedestrian traffic or also pursue purchasing key properties for future public limited space (IL Route 47, Hydraulic, etc.). The existing use (parking, parks, and open space). Lastly, as these and future Riverwalk may be a prime location to provide properties are improved, recommendations within this bicycle access; however, the corridor will need to be very Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I United City of • 43 wide to accommodate significant pedestrian traffic, as identify the growth potential in future years. well as other users. Parking types and general recommendations Americans With Disabilities Act (ADAM There are, generally, two types of parking in a downtown. Coml2liance "Point" parking represents spaces that are provided at _ Similar to the overall Shared- the demand location. They include both on- street and Use Trail Plan, ADA compli- off - street spaces adjacent to the destination. `Area" park - ance will be extremely critical ing entails off - street lots and on- street spaces located in the downtown environment. within a convenient walking distance of the destination. Pedestrian facilities to be uti- Area parking lots can often be designated for employees, lized by the general public commuters and other long -term users. The City should should be planned, designed, promote a balance between the overall supply of parking constructed and maintained, spaces and the amount of future `point" parking. so that a wide range of people can use them and rely on them Furthermore, parking should ADA improvements need to for their daily travel, including be located with entrances visi- be incorporated in downtown p eople with disabilities and ble from the streets or alleys, Yorkville. older adults. This ensures however, the entire parking lot people with various degrees of ti .� should not be located along mobility and disability can all enjoy downtown Yorkville, the street corridor. Rather, and will bring great diversity to the downtown parking should be located in environment. ; s, the rear of buildings or, if lo- cated on the street, it should be screened appropriately. ITP Recommendation # 13 : If parking is visible from Parallel parking is preferred Improve Availability and Treatment of Parking pedestrian walkways or streets, it should be visible yet screened over angle or 90- degree park - Areas appropriately as shown above. ing. Parallel parking shall be encouraged over angle park- ing. Typically the slight increase in the number of stalls Parking Recommendations realized using angle or 90- degree parking vs. parallel Parking is a critical use for parking is more than offset by the benefits of parallel downtown. Three spaces per parking such as fewer parking accidents, improved drain - 1,000 occupants is the ratio age, and ease of street cleaning and snow plowing. used for new suburban office Additionally, for angle parking and 90- degree parking development, but Yorkville vehicles have to back out into traffic lanes with limited should plan on doubling that visibility of oncoming traffic. Other parking - related rec- amount for the core downtown ommendations are: y area. As housing development Apply and enforce parking and signage standards ' and re- development occurs in to all new developments downtown. However, new the downtown, there will be a businesses should provide adequate parking, without Parking is a critical component of need for additional parking. placing unnecessary restrictions on property owners a successful downtownr of small lots IL Route 47 Parking The City should continue to acquire vacant property The movement of motor vehicles is the pri- for future parking lots mary function of IL Route 47 and, therefore, Examine reorganization of existing parking and the MOT is eliminating all on- street parking. identification of new sites As a result, coordination with IDOT is oc- curring to obtain and develop off street As Yorkville and the downtown expand, parking will parking areas to replace these spaces that become more of a premium and, therefore, planning will be eliminated. The vehicular needs of needs to occur now. the downtown businesses, residents and festivals must meet current demands and ITP Recommendation # 14: work, cornice lines, window shapes and bulkheads should Utilize Form -Based Codes in the Downtown be reflected in the architecture of infill buildings. Core Area Building Form /Elevation The floor level of an infill building should relate to, and be consistent with, the floor levels of adjacent structures. All Form -Based Codes sides of a building should receive design consideration. To create a vibrant mixed -use downtown, the ITP recom- Expanses of blank wall should be softened through the mends changes and modifications to the Zoning Code, use of landscape treatments such as foundation plant - Subdivision Ordinance and sign standards, in order to ings or trellises. be friendlier to pedestrians and bicycles - specifically in the downtown core area. Concepts, such as form -based Mechanical Equipment codes, should be considered, to achieve the desired look Or other utilities should be located so as to not be visible and feel in the downtown area. Items such as street from any public ways, customer parking areas or neigh - widths, street patterns, vehicle parking requirements, boring residential or public uses. building location and orientation, safety standards and open space amenities should be flexible, to ensure that Utilities downtown Yorkville is a walkable environment versus a Newly installed utility services, and service revisions ne- vehicular- dominated environment. Therefore, the ITP cessitated by new construction, shall be underground. recommends exploring the use of form -based codes as a solution. Form -based codes are less focused on strict zoning standards. The concept of form -based ITP Recommendation # 15: codes is to address the relationship between buildings Apply Consistent Downtown Streetscape and the public realm, such as open spaces, open space Elements to Future Improvements and green space, form and mass of buildings, quality of architecture, the pedestrian scale and types of streets. The goal is to designate the appropriate form and scale Streetscape Elements of development, rather than only distinctions in land -use A successful implementation types. Form -based zoning prescribes build -to lines, spe- of Streetscape Elements (see cifically defining desired development patterns. Mixed Exhibit `Q' — Streetscape use is encouraged and promoted, where traditional strict Elements) will increase attrac- zoning codes make mixed -use development difficult, if tiveness, thus creating a desir- not impossible. able location for shopping, en- tertainment and recreation. Improve Building Fagades and Relationship to The following recommenda- Pedestrian Corridors tions address: To make the pedestrian environment as pleasing as pos- sible, building fapades should be appropriately designed. Example of landscaping along a Materials, colors, forms, textures, building setbacks, etc. downtown street. all impact the look and feel of the streetscape and pedes- Landscape Plantings trian experience. The ITP recommends these general Street Tree Program guidelines, as they relate to creating pedestrian friendly Planters and Planter Boxes environments: Foundation Plantings and Wall Expanses Decorative Streetscape Elements Building Materials Bench Materials used in the construction of infill buildings should Trash Receptacle be similar to that used of adjacent buildings. A new Bollard building should not stand out from other buildings on the Lighting and Banner block. Bike Rack • Tree Grate Detailing Fencing Details from adjacent buildings, such as the masonry Crosswalk Paving and Hardscape Treatments Integrated Yorkville Transportation Plan I United City of • 45 Downtown Street Tree Proc ram The ITP recommends a specific Street Tree Program for the downtown. Location, species and treatment of street trees in an urban environment differs from a more non -urban environment. The absence of a cohesive and Y a • • consistent street tree program in downtown Yorkville provides a great opportunity to improve the look and feel of the area. Parkway trees, for example, frame the street, provide shade for pedestrians, and help soften tall walls and buildings. Listed below are recommendations regarding landscaping in downtown Yorkville. • A consistent spacing of street trees is recommended, Landscape Plantings unless adjustments need to be made in order to mini- mize the obstruction of signage or businesses Downtown Yorkville contains Tree species with compact narrow forms should be minimal landscape plantings, utilized, due to the limited space available between therefore improvements to the building face and curb. In areas of limited space, a landscape environment can smaller canopy of tree (10' -15' in diameter) should be greatly enhance the aesthetic utilized appearance. The addition of Street trees should be located in areas that still pro - landscaping can help to soften vide an adequate sight stopping distance for drivers areas in the downtown, by of approaching vehicles to observe stop signs or traf- adding color and life to an oth- fic signals erwise hard and noisy area. A tree should be located at a minimum of three (3') When properly located and maintained, landscape ele- feet from the curb ments can enhance the appearance of the streetscape, Street trees should be trimmed to eight (8') feet in and provide a place of relaxation and refuge for residents height to allow appropriate sight lines and safe pas - and visitors. Landscaping, overall, plays a significant role sage of people under the trees. in defining downtown character. The landscape plan for the downtown should include parkway trees, planting WIT R -- As part of the ITP and the beds and raised planters in strategic locations, potted Downtown Streetscape Plan, planters and hanging baskets. It may also include hard- a recommended plant list (in- scape items, such as masonry walls, textured concrete, cluding many native trees, paver bricks, and flagstone. shrubs and perennial plants) is The ITP recommends land- provided below. While not all recommended plants are scape planting schemes and native to northeastern Illinois, treatments, to make Yorkville a most of the trees, shrubs and "greener" city. There are sev- perennials have been chosen eral goals that the City can because they offer the following advantages and pursue, in order to achieve this goal: benefits: Adapt to our soils and climate • Encourage the imple- Less water usage mentation of the Downtown Attract birds and butterflies Street Tree Program as part of Require less care and watering, once the Parkway Tree Program that has already established and thrive with no fertilizers been established Aesthetic and ecological value • Create more planting areas (bump outs, Salt resistance parkways and boulevards) • Preserve existing trees in the core down- town area • Promote the use of native plants and xeri- scape plant material (lowers water useage) 46 .. -. • • Botanical Name Common Name Kev Shade Trees Acer miyabei 'Morton' State Street Miyabe Maple Acer platanoides 'Emerald Lustre' Emerald Lustre Norway Maple S, U Celtis occidentalis ' Chicagoland' Chicagoland Hackberry P Ginkgo biloba Autumn Gold' (male only) Ginkgo S, U Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis 'Skycole' Skyline Thornless Honeylocust S, P, U Gymnocladus dioica Kentucky Coffeetree S, P, U Pyrus calleryana Aristocrat' Callery Pear U Quercus rubra Red Oak S * ** Quercus macrocarpa Bur Oak S, P * Tilia americans Redmond American Linden U * ** Tilia cordata, spp. Littleleaf Linden U Ulmus x 'Homestead' Homestead Elm P Ornamental Trees Amelanchier x grandiflora Autumn Brilliance' Apple Serviceberry S Malus spp. (light fruiting varieties) Crabapple Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk' Japanese Tree Lilac P Shrubs Cornus racemosa Gray Dogwood P * ** Cornus sericea 'Baileyi' Redtwig Dogwood U Cotoneaster acutifolius Peking Cotoneaster P, U Euonymus alatus 'Compactus' Dwarf Burning Bush U Forsythia viridissima 'Bronxensis' Forsythia U Juniperus (all) Juniper P, U Rhus aromatics 'Gro -Low' Fragrant Sumac S, P * ** Ribes alpinum 'Green Mound' Alpine Currant S, P, U Rosa (shrub varieties) Rose S Spiraea japonica (all) Spirea P Syringa meyeri 'Palibin' Dwarf Korean Lilac P Viburnum dentatum 'Synnestvedt' Arrowwood Viburnum S, P, U Perennials Aster novae- angliae New England Aster ** Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Overdam' White Feather Reed Grass Echinacea pallida Pale Purple Coneflower ** Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' Purple Coneflower Hemerocallis spp. Daylily Liatris spicata Spike Blazingstar ** Monarda fistulosa Wild Bergamot Panicum virgatum Switch Grass* Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Dwarf Fountain Grass Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Little Spire' Dwarf Russian Sage Sedum spectabile Autumn Joy' Sedum Sporobolus heterolepis Prairie Dropseed ** Key S: Tolerate Salt P: Tolerate Poor Dry Soil U: Tolerate Urban Conditions USA Native * *Illinois Native ** *Northern Illinois Native Integrated Yorkville Transportation Plan I United City of • 0 Planter Boxes and Hanging Baskets concepts presented in this report. Variables such as utili- Currently some of the properties in downtown Yorkville ties, access points, building setbacks and existing field have planter boxes or window treatments with landscape conditions will all impact a final design (see Exhibit `T' plants or various annuals and perennials. Hanging bas- — Illustrative Downtown Streetscape Plan). kets exist, as well, along IL Route 47. These types of elements add color to the streetscape, storefronts or rear entrances. This is highly encouraged, to provide inter- est and aesthetic improvements, as well as creating a cohesive look throughout the downtown. Planters and hanging baskets should not infringe upon pedestrian and bicycle access to sidewalks or trails. Foundation Plantings and Wall Expanses Adding landscaping (low growing shrubs, perennials, an- nuals and groundcover) along the foundation of the build- ing is encouraged. Large wall expanses can (and should be) interrupted with foundation plantings, such as shrubs and trees. Trellises and arbors are also recommended, as they soften expansive walls that are, typically, visually obtrusive. Decorative Elements a Decorative elements such as signage, benches, trash receptacles, bollards, street lighting, banners, bike racks, tree grates, fencing, crosswalk paving, and hardscape treatments can enhance an area's pedestrian environ- ment and commercial viability. These streetscape ele- ments will help to identify downtown Yorkville as a special and distinct place for visitors, residents, and shoppers. As mentioned in the data collection section of this report some elements exist of mixed colors, textures and forms. Some of the street furniture is deteriorated or in poor con- dition. Lastly, certain elements are not at an appropriate scale for the space. Downtown Streetscape Plan An Illustrative Plan has been created as part of the ITP in order to conceptually demon- strate streetscape improvements and gen- era] land uses that could occur in the down- town. This graphic is for illustrative purposes only to demonstrate the implementation of 48 Iral -• .• -• • • The most important part of the ITP study is the imple- mentation. This document explains several critical ele- ments for the long -term development, financing, and implementation of this project. It outlines the priority cor- ridors and associated action items and estimated costs. The ITP recommends an Implementation and Strategy Potential funding opportunities are provided, and a sug- Plan, with specific steps and action items for the Shared gested monitoring method is recommended. The plan Use Trail Plan. More importantly, continued communi- also appeals to partners and the public (citizen -based cation and involvement by multiple individuals, orga- groups) to provide oversight and to be actively involved in nizations and agencies is critical to the success of this implementing the plan. Residents, local government, the project. The stakeholders in the immediate region will school district, law enforcement, local businesses, de- need to work closely together to take this ITP study from velopers, and other agencies will need to work together paper to reality. to accomplish the overall vision and goals. Successful implementation will require a conscientious effort over A goal of the ITP Plan is to use the approved Shared Use many years. Following approval of the plan, implementa- Trail Plan to determine appropriate phasing of projects, in tion steps and action items could be followed in order to order to be most effective and efficient with the funding ensure this plan comes to fruition. allocated to this effort. A consensus regarding final trail locations and priority areas was reached. Overall, the plan ITP Approval and Implementation Steps/ identifies routes of high priority and medium priority. Action Items Imi2lementation Team ITP Recommendation # 16: Appoint or accept volunteers to create an implementa- Implement the Trail Master Plan and Focus on tion team that will meet regularly and track progress and Identified High Priority Corridors effectiveness. On -going Communication and Education A priority list of trail projects (high, medium, and low) has Promote constant cooperation and communication be- been created (see Exhibit `K'- Shared Use Trail Master tween all interested parties during and after completion of Plan — Priority Corridors). Priority routes indicated on this study. Provide a copy of the final plan to all surround- the plan only specifically identify high and medium prior - ing municipalities, as well as to property owners and key ity routes. The remaining routes shown on the plans not stakeholders within the study area. specifically assigned a high or medium priority are of low priority. The following factors dictated and guided deci- Intergovernmenta/ Coordination and /or sions when assigning trail priority; Agreements Potential connections linking to constructed trail Pursue and approve intergovernmental coordination and/ segments (see connection opportunity locations as or agreements between the City of Yorkville and Sur- shown on Exhibit`K' - Priority Corridors) rounding municipalities, including Kendall County. Focus Responsive to community input and needs on connecting trails between the entities and partnering Direct routes and connections to key destinations in regards to construction or completion of important re- (shopping areas, schools, and residential areas) gional trails. • Potential funding and feasibility Safety factors • Potential user volumes Modify Key Documents Equal geographic distribution to residents in the study The ITP recommends the City continues to review and area (loop system north and south of the Fox River) modify key documents, as needed, such as Section Land availability and easements that may be needed 8 "Pathways and Trail Standards," Comprehensive Potential connections with other municipalities and Land Use Plan, Subdivision Regulations, and Zoning regional trail systems Ordinances. Pleasant environmental riding surroundings for vari- ous levels of riders Specific implementation ideas for the Shared Use Trail Minimal or environmentally sensitive crossings of Plan and Downtown Streetscape Plan are outlined in this natural features (i.e. Fox River, Blackberry Creek, section of the report: existing drainage ways) Transportation Yorkville Integrated -. City of • 0 Some segments in currently undeveloped sections of the study area are likely to be constructed as residential and commercial developments occur, as part of the improve- ments for that project, thus, the timing will be dictated by the location of development activity. Therefore, it is difficult to prioritize and predict the timing of these seg- ments, as it depends on many factors, such as progress and location of development activity. List of High Priority Corridors 1. IL Route 47 (Cannonball Trail to IL Route 71 - Excludes Section from IL Route 126 to Somonauk Street) 2. Kennedy Road (IL Route 47 to Mill Road) 3. Cannonball Trail (IL Route 47 to US Route 34) 4. Cannonball Trail (US Route 34 to Carly Circle - Blackberry Woods Development - Option A) 5. Beecher Road (US Route 34 to the South Side of Blackberry Woods Development - Option B; Part 1. North -South Leg) Blackberry Woods Trail (Along Southern Edge of Development - Option B; Part 2. East -West Leg) 6. Route 34 (Center Parkway to Eldamain Road) 7. Blackberry Creek Trail and Bridge (Blackberry Woods Development to Game Farm Road) 8. Game Farm Road /Somonauk Street (US Route 34 to IL Route 47) 9. Somonauk Street (IL Route 47 to McHugh Road) 10. East Main Street (IL Route 47 to McHugh Road) 11. Fox River Trail Crossing and Bridge (Hydraulic Avenue to East Main Street - New Trail and Bridge East of IL Route 47 Existing Bridge) 12. Riverwalk (South Main Street to Riverfront Park) 13. Van Emmon (Downtown to IL Route 71) 14. South Main Street (Elizabeth Street to Hydraulic Avenue) 15. Heustis Street (Orange Street to Riverfront Park) 16. Fox Road (IL Route 47 to Highpoint Road) 17. Route 126 (IL Route 47 to ComEd Trail) 18. ComEd Trail (Van Emmon to Windett Ridge Subdivision) 19. Route 71 (ComEd Trail to Kendall County Fairgrounds - Highpoint Road) 20. Trail Parallel to Dick Young and Lyons Forest Preserves 21. McHugh Road (South of Route 34 Only) # 1 - IL Route 47 (Cannonball Trail to IL Route 71- Excludes Section from IL Route 126 to Somonauk Street Trail Type: Asphalt - Separated from Road Approximate Length: 9,756' (north - Cannonball Trail to Somonauk St.) and 5,622' (south - IL. Rt. 126 to IL. Rt. 71) Approximate Construction Cost: $909,000* *Costs assigned to this route are per the application that has been submitted to CMAQ for grant funding. Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Include trail in engineering documents for IL Route 47 IDOT 0 -2 years Yes Improvements (Kennedy Road —IL Route 71) Currently in Phase II 2 Secure road construction funding (Kennedy Road —IL Route IDOT Yes 71) 3 Apply for grant funding for trail City of Yorkville *' CMAQ grants awarded in Yes • Applied for 2009 CMAQ funding (Kennedy Road — IL November, 2009 Route 71) 4 Preparation of engineering documents IDOT Occurring in 2009 for area north No of Kennedy to Route 30 Include trail in engineering documents for IL Route 47 Phase I Engineering Improvements (north of Kennedy Road) 5 Secure road construction funding (north of Kennedy Road) IDOT No 6 Apply for grant funding for trail City of Yorkville After Phase I I documents are in No progress 7 Trail construction IDOT "' 2 -3 years No * *This is a cost sharing effort where IDOT pays for 50% of the construction costs and the City pays for the remaining 50% The City will be pursuing a grant for their portion. ** *City to share in cost of trail construction as required by /DOT. # 2 - Kennedy Road (IL Route 47 to Mill Road) Trail Type: Asphalt - Separated from Road Approximate Length: 15,102' (does not include stretch from Mill to Galena) Approximate Construction Cost: $1,101,660* *Costs assigned to this route are per the application that has been submitted to CMAQ for grant funding. Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Acquire trail easements across two private properties City of Yorkville 2010, minimum of 1 year to No secure -In Progress 2 Secure ROW for trail along Grand Reserve development City of Yorkville In progress No 3 Apply for grant funding for trail City of Yorkville Yes • Applied for 2010 CMAQ funding 4 Preparation of engineering plans and construction documents City of Yorkville Phase I complete No 5 Trail construction as part of Kennedy Road improvements City of Yorkville & Kennedy Road Improvements No Local Developers along Grande Reserve triggered by building permit issuance- 6 Potential for IDNR Recreation Trails Grant Funding (if CMAQ City of Yorkville Need to secure easements No is not received) across all properties, then can apply to continue Blackberry Creek Trail south to IL Route 47 Kennedy Road from Bristol Ridge north to railroad crossing: within 1 year of issuance of 500 building permits within neighborhoods 6 -16 or sooner, if funds are available. Mill Road & Kennedy Road north of railroad crossing. within 1 year of issuance of 500 building permits within neighborhoods 1 -5 or sooner, if funds are Integrated Yorkville Transportation Plan I United City of • 0 # 3 - Cannonball Trail (IL Route 47 to US Route 34,E Trail Type: Asphalt - Separated from Road Approximate Length: 5,161' Approximate Construction Cost: $180,635 (does not include purchase of right -of -way, easements or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Determine trail easements necessary for construction in ROW City of Yorkville No along Cannonball Trail 2 Acquire trail easements across private properties City of Yorkville No 3 Secure additional ROW in areas necessary City of Yorkville No 4 Preparation of engineering plans and construction documents City of Yorkville Yes 5 Secure funding for trail installation City of Yorkville May not be possible to get grant No on this section 6 Trail construction City of Yorkville No 4 - Cannonball Trail (US Route 34 to Carly Circle - Blackberry Woods Development - Option A) Note: Two options exist (A and B) in this area as alternative routes from US Route 34 to a potential Blackberry Creek crossing. Both routes are considered viable and either route is an acceptable option. Trail Type: On Road Bike Lane and /or Signed Route Approximate Length: 2,434' Approximate Construction Cost: $7,302 (does not include purchase of right -of -way, easements or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Determine feasibility of line striping or sidewalk replacement City of Yorkville No for recommended bike lane from Route 34 south to Carly Circle (can be on road bike lane or can choose to replace sidewalk with trail, when sidewalk replacement is necessary) 2 Stripe bike lane or replace existing sidewalk with trail City of Yorkville No Pill Iii Ulu FM &III=- IlIxims WrIN'T # 5 - Beecher Road (US Route 34 to the South Side of Blackberry Woods Development - Option B• Part 1. North -South Lea) Note: Two options exist (A and B) in this area as alternative routes from US Route 34 to a potential Blackberry Creek crossing. Both routes are considered viable and either route is an acceptable option. Trail Type: Asphalt - Separated from Road Approximate Length: 2,773' Approximate Construction Cost: $97,055 (does not include purchase of right -of -way, easements or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Trail constructed along Rush Copley frontage Rush Copley Installed 2008 Yes Developer 2 Road extension to be constructed south from Rush Copley site Local Developer No 3 Trail constructed as part of road improvement Local Developer No 4 Consider a "temporary" trail constructed in advance of road City of Yorkville No improvements. 5 If "temporary" trail preferred, annex property (consider City of Yorkville No annexing just property necessary for trail)* & Property Owner 6 Lease agreement for property in order for City to apply for City of Yorkville No grant funding & Property Owner 7 Preparation of engineering plans and construction documents City of Yorkville No 8 City to apply for funding City of Yorkville No 9 Trail construction City of Yorkville No Not required, but suggested if City to lease # 5 - Blackberry Woods Trail (Along Southern Edge of Development - Option B: Part 2 East -West Le c� Note: Two options exist (A and B) in this area as alternative routes from Route 34 to a potential Blackberry Creek crossing. Both routes are considered viable and either route is an acceptable option. Trail Type: Asphalt - Separated from Road Approximate Length: 2,253' Approximate Construction Cost: $78,855 (does not include purchase of right of way, easements or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Secure trail easement City of Yorkville No 2 Annexation of property may be necessary (consider annexing City of Yorkville No just property necessary for trail)* 3 Lease agreement for property in order for City to apply for PNA Camp No grant funding City of Yorkville 4 Preparation of engineering plans and construction documents City of Yorkville No 5 City to apply for funding City of Yorkville No 6 Trail construction City of Yorkville No Not required, but suggested if City to lease Transportation Yorkville Integrated -• City of • 53 # 6 - US Route 34 (Center Parkway to Eldamain Road) Trail Type: Asphalt - Separated from Road Approximate Length: 10,806' Approximate Construction Cost: $970,975 *Costs assigned to this route are per the application that has been submitted to CMAQ for grant funding. Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Trail constructed along Rush Copley frontage Rush Copley 2008 Yes Developer 2 US Route 34 Improvements from IL Route 47 to Center ]DOT Currently in Phase II In Parkway included in Route 47 Project. Trail will be included in engineering Progress engineering plans 3 US Route 34 Improvements from Center Parkway to IDOT Phase I engineering Yes Cannonball Trail. Trail included in engineering plans 4 Route 34 Improvements from Cannonball Trail to Eldamain City of Yorkville Phase I engineering In Road. Trail included in engineering plans & Progress Local Developers 5 Apply for grant funding for trail City of Yorkville CMAQ grants awarded in Yes • Apply for 2010 CMAQ funding (Center Parkway to November, 2009 Eldamain Road) 6 Trail construction IDOT, City of Yorkville City to share in cost of trail No & Local Developers construction as required by IDOT 54 oQUIMHUMMILInt -. . • # 7 - Blackberry Creek Trail and Bridge (Blackberry Woods Development to Game Farm Road) Trail Type: Asphalt - Separated from Road Approximate Length: 1,784' Approximate Construction Cost: $62,440 (does not include purchase of right -of -way, easements or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Approximate Blackberry Creek Bridge Construction Cost: $1,126,000 (560 lineal feet) Approximate Limestone Loop System Construction Cost: $606,700 Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Annex property (woods along Blackberry Creek) * School District #115 No City of Yorkville 2 Lease Agreement for property, in order for City to apply for School District #115 No grant funding *` City of Yorkville 3 Cost Estimate City of Yorkville No 4 Apply for grant funding for trail /bridge including engineering, City of Yorkville Phase I engineering can be No EA /EIS, and Phase 1 /11 engineering, and construction included in grant funding application, but this will also determine feasibility of project and can include the EA /EIS as well. 5 Environmental assessment, potentially then an environmental Assessment will determine if a No impact statement full statement is required by the National Environmental Policy Act. EA - 6 months to EIS - 2 years 6 Preparation of engineering plans and construction documents City of Yorkville No 7 Trail /bridge construction City of Yorkville No Not required, but suggested if City to lease ** School can only apply for Safe Routes to School Grant for trail /sidewalk development. Lease Agreement allows City to apply for grant funding from other programs. # 8 - Game Farm Road /Somonauk Street (Route 34 to Route 47) Trail Type: Asphalt - Separated from Road Approximate Length: 4,784' Approximate Construction Cost: $738,485 (Cost derived from Estimate of Cost for Game Farm Improvements). Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Complete Game Farm Road /Somonauk Street Engineering City of Yorkville & End of 2009 No Plans and construction documents, as trail is included KKCOM 2 Grant funding has been applied for this project, trail City of Yorkville CMAQ grants awarded in Yes construction not subject to funding. November, 2009 • Applied for 2009 CMAQ funding 3 Road and trail construction City of Yorkville & 2010 No KKCOM T I Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I United City of Yorkville 0 # 9 - Somonauk Street (IL Route 47 to McHugh Road) Trail Type: Signed Route Only Approximate Length: 2,397' Approximate Construction Cost: $7,190 (does not include purchase of right -of -way, easements or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 On road bike lane (sidewalk exists on both sides of road), City of Yorkville No determine feasibility of line striping or just bike route signs 2 Stripe bike lane and /or place bike route signs City of Yorkville No # 10 - East Main Street (IL Route 47 to McHugh Road) Trail Type: On Road Bike Lane and /or Signed Route Approximate Length: 2,254' Approximate Construction Cost: $6,762 (does not include purchase of right -of -way, easements or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 On road bike lane (sidewalk exists on both sides of road), City of Yorkville No determine feasibility of line striping or just bike route signs 2 Stripe bike lane and /or place bike route signs City of Yorkville No 56 T7111174 .. -. . • # 11 - Fox River Trail Crossing and Bridge (Hydraulic Avenue to East Main Street - New Trail and Bridge East of IL Route 47 Existing Bridae) Trail Type: Asphalt - Separated from Road Approximate Length: 1,000' Approximate Construction Cost: $35,000 (does not include purchase of right -of -way, easements or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Approximate Fox River Bridge Construction Cost: $1,575,000 (750 Lineal Feet) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Conduct a preliminary feasibility study of the Fox River Bridge City of Yorkville 6 months No crossing (east of IL Route 47) to determine permits needed, potential location(s) of bridge, estimated costs, identify needs, potential environmental impacts, funding sources and identify the process required for approval and construction of the bridge 2 Phase I Engineering Study including geometry and City of Yorkville 18 months No environmental screenings 3 Upon completion of above steps and once the final location City of Yorkville No of the bridge is determined, pursue easements, lease or land purchase if needed 4 Apply for grant funding for trail /bridge City of Yorkville No 5 Final Cost Estimate City of Yorkville No 6 Preparation of final engineering plans and construction City of Yorkville No documents 7 Trail /Bridge Construction City of Yorkville No # 12 - Riverwalk (South Main Street to Riverfront Park) Trail Type: Riverwalk - Surface TBD Approximate Length: 1,225' Approximate Construction Cost: (cost not provided - needs to be studied in more detail and multiple variables exist) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Cost Estimate - for acquisition or for construction City of Yorkville 6 months No 2 Acquire trail easements across private properties City of Yorkville & 1 -2 Years No Property Owners 3 Apply for grant funding for riverwalk City of Yorkville 6 months No 4 Environmental assessment— required for Phase I engineering City of Yorkville & 1 year No IDNR 5 Preparation of engineering plans and construction documents City of Yorkville 1 -2 years No 6 Trail construction City of Yorkville 1 -2 years No Transportation Yorkville Integrated -• City of • 0 # 13 - Van Emmon (Downtown to IL Route 71) Trail Type: On Road Bike Lane or Wider Shoulder Approximate Length: 8,043' Approximate Construction Cost: $24,129 for marking and signage only (does not include purchase of right -of -way, ease- ments, wider shoulder, or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Coordinate efforts between City and Kendall County Highway City of Yorkville No Department, as road is under both jurisdictions K.C. Highway Dept. 2 On road bike lane (or wider shoulder)" City of Yorkville No Determine feasibility of line striping or just bike route signs'* K.C. Highway Dept. A two (2') foot wide trail shoulder currently exists 3 Stripe bike lane and /or place bike route or share the road signs City of Yorkville No K.C. Highway Dept. 'A wider shoulder is recommended on Van Emmon from IL Route 71 to Heustis St. "Van Emmon, from Heustis St. to S. Main St. will require further study to determine the feasibility of an On Road Bike Lane. The City should also consider a potential bike ordinance pertaining to bike use throughout the Downtown area. #14 -South Main Street (Elizabeth Street to Hydraulic Avenue Trail Type: On Road Bike Lane and /or Signed Route Approximate Length: 2,923' Approximate Construction Cost: $8,769 (Cost estimate does not reflect, but improvements may require, purchase of right -of -way, easements or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 On road bike lane (sidewalk exists on both sides of road in City of Yorkville No majority of the corridor), determine feasibility of line striping or just bike route signs 2 Determine if ICC approval is necessary for bike lane striping City of Yorkville & ICC No as within street right -of -way 3 Stripe bike lane and /or place bike route signs City of Yorkville No 58 • - ►. • -• • • # 15 - Heustis Street (Orange Street to Riverfront Park) Trail Type: On Road Bike Lane and /or Signed Route Approximate Length: 3,496' Approximate Construction Cost: $10,488 (does not include purchase of right -of -way, easements or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 On road bike lane (sidewalk exists on both sides of road) City of Yorkville No Determine feasibility of line striping or just bike route signs 2 Determine if ICC approval is necessary for bike lane striping City of Yorkville & ICC No as within street right -of -way 3 Stripe bike lane and /or place bike route signs City of Yorkville No # 16 - Fox Road (IL Route 47 to Highhpoint Road, Trail Type: On Road Bike Lane or Wider Shoulder (initially short term) Off Road Trail (long term) Approximate Length: 15,290' Approximate Construction Cost: $45,870 for marking and signage only (does not include purchase of right -of -way, ease- ments, wider shoulder, or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Coordinate efforts between City and Kendall County Highway City of Yorkville No Department, as road is under both jurisdictions K.C. Highway Dept, 2 Determine feasibility of line striping, bike route signs, or share City of Yorkville No the road signs. K.C. Highway Dept, 3. A detached off -road trail is desired ultimately. Pursue grant City of Yorkville and funding options. K.C. Highway Dept. `May be separated path west of Hoover and a bike lane east of Hoover to IL Route 47 Sidewalk existing on both sides of street (majority) from Route 47 to Morgan Street Transportation Yorkville Integrated -• City of • 0 # 17 - IL Route 126 (IL Route 47 to ComEd Trail, Trail Type: Asphalt - Separated from Road Approximate Length: 2,332' Approximate Construction Cost: $81,620 (does not include purchase of right -of -way, easements or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Portion of IL Route 126 trail (from IL Route 47 to School IDOT Yes District Property) included trail in engineering documents for IL Route 47 Improvements (Kennedy Road —Route 71) 2 Secure road construction funding IDOT Yes 3 Apply for grant funding for trail City of Yorkville CMAQ grants awarded in Yes November, 2009 Applied for 2009 CMAQ funding (for IL Route 47 trail) 4 Trail Construction IDOT No 5 Verify desired trail can be accommodated in ROW along IL City of Yorkville No Route 126 6 If not, acquire trail easements City of Yorkville and No property owners 7 Secure additional ROW in areas, if necessary City of Yorkville No 8 Secure funding for trail installation (from School District City of Yorkville No property to ComEd Trail) 9 Preparation of engineering plans and construction documents City of Yorkville No (from School District property to ComEd Trail) 10 Trail construction City of Yorkville No 60 •. -• • • # 18 - ComEd Trail (Van Emmon to Windett Ridge Subdivision) Trail Type: Asphalt - Separated from Road Approximate Length: 8,963' Approximate Construction Cost: $1,600,000* in 2007 dollars *Costs assigned to this route are per the application that has been submitted to CMAQ for grant funding. Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Complete preliminary engineering documents for IDOT and City of Yorkville Yes ComEd to review 2 Obtain permission from IDOT for trail crossing at Route 126 City of Yorkville Yes and Route 71 IDOT 3 Acquire easement from Raintree Village Homeowners City of Yorkville Yes Association and YBSD for trail around ComEd substation Raintree Village HOA YBSD 4 Lease agreement with ComEd to construct trail City of Yorkville Yes ComEd 5a Apply for grant funding for trail City of Yorkville Awaiting award notice for ITEP No Applied for 2007 ITEP Grant 5b If grant is not awarded to Yorkville pursue the next grant cycle No and work to secure funding 6 Preparation of final engineering documents and construction City of Yorkville Phase I complete No documents 7 Trail construction City of Yorkville No # 19 - Route 71 (ComEd Trail to Kendall County Fairgrounds - Highhpoint Road) Trail Type: Asphalt - Separated from Road Approximate Length: 6,857' Approximate Construction Cost: $239,995 (does not include purchase of right -of -way, easements or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Preparation of engineering documents. Include trail in IDOT No engineering documents for IL Route 71 Improvements 2 Secure road construction funding ]DOT No 3 Apply for grant funding for trail City of Yorkville No 4 Trail construction IDOT No Transportation Yorkville Integrated -• City of • 61 # 20 - Trail Parallel to Dick Young and Lyons Forest Preserves Trail Type: Asphalt - Separated from Road Approximate Length: 9,023' Approximate Construction Cost: $315,805 (does not include purchase of right -of -way, easements or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 Begin discussion with Kendall County Forest Preserve Board City of Yorkville & No about trail connections to (and potentially through) forest K.C. Forest Preserve preserve property 2 Determine ownership and maintenance structure for trail along City of Yorkville & No western edge of forest preserves K.C. Forest Preserve 3 Joint grant funding application for trail construction City of Yorkville & No K.C. Forest Preserve 4 Preparation of engineering plans and construction documents City of Yorkville & No K.C. Forest Preserve 5 Trail Construction City of Yorkville & No K.C. Forest Preserve 6 If City is unable to use Forest Preserve property, consider City of Yorkville No securing trail easements from property owners immediately west of Forest Preserve (Option A) 7 Apply for funding for trail construction City of Yorkville No 8 Preparation of engineering plans and construction documents City of Yorkville No 9 Trail Construction City of Yorkville No 10 If City is unable to secure trail easements, await potential City of Yorkville & No Penman Road extension and /or development plan (Option B) Local Developer(s) 11 Include trail in engineering and construction documents for City of Yorkville & No road extension Local Developer(s) 12 Trail construction Local Developer(s) No # 21 - McHugh Road (South of US Route 34 Only) Trail Type: On Road Bike Lane and /or Signed Route Approximate Length: 9,370' Approximate Construction Cost: $28,110 (does not include purchase of right -of -way, easements or other special field conditions that may exist -see cost assumptions at end of this section) Step Action Party Estimated Timeline Done Responsible 1 On road bike lane (sidewalk exists on both sides of road), City of Yorkville No determine feasibility of line striping or just bike route signs 2 Stripe bike lane and /or place bike route signs City of Yorkville No 3 Intersection of McHugh and US Route 34 City of Yorkville No Needs to be studied in more detail 4 North of Route 34 the trail may be separated from the road City of Yorkville No Needs to be studied in more detail Cost estimate assumptions and exclusions; Note: Each trail corridor and specific project will result in various ranges of cost per linear foot. Additionally, the exclu- sions listed below can greatly impact the cost of each trail segment. Therefore $35 per linear foot is provided for the aggregate base course and surface. Assumptions; -Costs are approximate and for budgetary purposes only -All costs are based upon 2009 numbers -Costs are for the aggregate base course and trail surface only (all other items excluded are listed below) -Cost ranges will depend on project size (smaller sized projects will incur higher costs per linear foot as compared to larger projects) - Bridge crossing estimates (i.e. Blackberry Creek and Fox River)- $175 per square foot of deck at a width of twelve (12') feet. This is a rough constructed cost and does not include engineering, environmental studies, etc. -15% Contingency is added to all costs Exclusions; -Costs for land acquisitions, land purchases and easements - Excavation and grading, retaining walls, stormwater drainage, geotextile fabric, tree removal, restoration - Fences, gates, bollards and lighting - Preliminary and final engineering - Construction administration and management - Insurance, legal, permits, review fees - Surveying - Testing, inspection, and other potential environmental fees - Bridges - Maintenance costs -Trail heads, parking lots, etc. -Trail signage (directional, educational and informational) Surface material and sianina /bike lane cost assumptions Bituminous Path (i.e. Asphalt) -$35 per linear foot (ten (10') foot wide trail) -3" Bituminous surface material over eight (8 ") inch aggregate base course Limestone Aggregate Path (Assumes eight (8 ") inch thick) -$13 per linear foot (ten (10') foot wide trail) Striping and Signing for bike lanes -$3 per linear foot Signing only for bike lanes -$0.30 per linear foot Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I United City of Yorkvil.Le ITP Recommendation # 17: Provide signing and /or shared roadway pavement mark- ings until road is improved /widened or modified in some Consider Bike Lanes and /or Shared Use way, to accommodate bike lane. Roadway Designations on Selected Routes E: Striped /Marked Bike Lane Not Recommended Potential Bike Lane /Shared Roadway Routes Consider detached shared use trail. Pursue additional (On Road Facility) right -of- way /easement acquisition, if needed. In order to realize some immediate improvements to the trail system, and to explore cost saving techniques, bike lane (on road) facilities were examined on selected cor- ridors. In some cases, bike lanes make the most sense, given the location and low traffic volumes. Below are some advantages and justifications for bike lanes and on road trail facilities: • Collector roads or arterial roads do not typically have parking and have minimal driveways, therefore reduc- ing the cross conflict areas. • Avid or more experienced riders prefer being on the road and are comfortable in a bike lane. • Bike lanes and adding signage and markings are fairly cost - effective, especially as part of a road re- surfacing program or re- construction project. The project team examined multiple corridors that may be good candidates for these types of trail facilities. The "type" A, B, C, D or E is a designation intended to cat- egorize the various situations and potential trail facilities that may be feasible. For a graphic representation of the proposed corridors (see Exhibit V— Potential Bike Lane/ Shared Roadway Routes). A: Striped /Marked Bike Lane (On- Street) Recommended Few impacts or minimal cost implications. Short -term im- provement can result in immediate benefits, with minimal cost. B: Wide Shoulder Recommended At time of re- surfacing or improvements, widened shoul- der should be added by making the road wider. C: Striped /Marked Bike Lane (On- Street) Possible May incur higher costs or impacts, due to existing constraints. May need road re- work, right -of- way /easements acquired, or parking eliminated on at least one side. D: Striped /Marked Bike Lane Not Recommended 4 Wrol Type Street From To Comments E McHugh Kennedy U.S. Route 34 Collector of newer construction -no parking but travel lanes are not very wide - potential to add to replace walk with trail when improvements are needed. E McHugh U.S. Route 34 Marketplace Drive Narrow lane widths and turn lanes exist at US Route 34 — Between Farmstead and Marketplace Road -has not been improved and would need significant rework to accommodate a bike lane. Existing trees exist in r.o.w. on east side as well. Easements or land purchases may be needed. D McHugh Marketplace Drive Spring Narrow lanes exist - may have to be a signed shared roadway route or roadway needs to be widened to accommodate. A McHugh Spring E. Main St Wide lanes exist in this section - bike lane recommended C E. Main McHugh Church St May be able to achieve side path or detached trail, but significant existing trees and other constraints exist. B/C Van Emmon IL Route 47 IL Route 71 When resurfacing occurs, widen shoulder to 5' if possible from IL Route 71 to Heustis St. Van Emmon, from Heustis St. to S. Main St. will require further study to determine the feasibility of an on road bike lane. The City should also consider a potential bike ordinance pertaining to bike use throughout the Downtown area. D Heustis Hydraulic Van Emmon May be more difficult, due to parking being utilized by restaurant and businesses. Railroad crossing needed, slope is steep. A Heustis Van Emmon Orange St Through residential area, parking could be eliminated on one side, to accommodate space for bike lanes. A S. Main IL Route 126 Fox St Bike lane or signed route is possible - needs detailed study. C S. Main Fox St Hydraulic Angled parking exists on the east side of S. Main St between Fox St. and Madison St. that is often utilized - would need to be modified. Steep slopes exist north of the courthouse on S. Main. Needs detailed study. B Fox Heustis St City Limits Bike route often utilized currently due to Silver Springs destination and scenic nature of the route - narrow lanes exist. Widen shoulder to five (5') feet if possible. A Cannonball U.S. Route 34 John Street Pursue bike lane, since further south a bike lane is feasible. Parking needs to be examined. A Cannonball John Street Cul De Sac Parking currently not allowed for most of the corridor — bike lane very feasible. E Somonauk IL Route 47 McHugh Minimal right -of -way available, and constraints at IL Route 47 area are significant - may have to do a Signed Shared Roadway facility for this corridor. B River Road IL Route 47 Eldamain Rd Scenic route used significantly by bicyclists - pursue widened shoulder - five (5') if possible. A Spring IL Route 47 Birchwood Dr Wide pavement exists through most of the corridor. May be an alternative east -west route to the Somonauk corridor between McHugh and IL Route 47. B Lisbon /Highpoint Rd Fox Rd South Study Area North /south corridor, as Lisbon Road continues south Limits past Caton Farm Road. Public comment preferred this regional route. No shoulders currently exist. Yorkville -• Transportation Plan I United City of • 0 Type Street From To Comments B Legion Rd. IL Route 47 Harris Forest Preserve Narrow lanes — extremely aesthetic route and potential to connect to Immanuel. Need wider shoulder - three (3) minimum B Immanuel Rd. Forest Preserve Caton Farm Rd Possible to complete a large regional route, if Legion, Caton Farm and Lisbon bike routes can be achieved. B Penman Rd. IL Route 71 Caton Farm Rd May be able to have detached shared use trail on new constructed segments — If Pennman not feasible, pursue Ashley Road with widened shoulders as the north /south trail corridor. B Caton Farm Lisbon East study Area Caton Farm has a widened shoulder east of IL Route 47 (2.5' + -) — pursue wider shoulder west of IL Route 47 connecting to Lisbon Road C Route 71 Highpoint Oswego Village Limits Key east /west corridor to be completed at time of road re -work or resurfacing A Faxon Rd. IL Route 47 Beecher Collector with wide pavement in recently constructed areas. Accommodate bike lanes as improvements occur to Eldamain. B Bristol Ridge Rd Kennedy Rd Cannonball Trail Narrow lanes - Route provides excellent opportunities for regional connection. Widen shoulder to five (5) if possible. C Center St Cemetery IL Rt 47 Existing conditions include various types of curb cross sections. Existing curb and gutter located on both sides of the street between IL Route 47 and King St., the south side only between King St. and West St., and no curb west of West St. A recommended bike lane should be incorporated into any future improvements to Center St. Many of the corridors are proposed as future on- street to crashes, and to promote correct actions for both. It is bike routes that will supplement existing and proposed very critical to educate children and young adults about off - street paths and serve to interconnect Yorkville to the the importance of bicycle safety. greater region (see section below on Potential Bike Lane / Shared Roadway Routes). Yorkville currently holds Safety Town at Green's Filling Station Park, and it is recommended that the City further Education, Awareness, Safety and Security establish programs through the City police department, An important aspect of a Shared Use Trail Plan is the to educate children and the general public. The police implementation of education, awareness, safety and se- department could sponsor a bicycle education program curity programs throughout the community. The issues of for elementary and high school students throughout bicycle safety cannot be fully addressed without mention- the community. When requested, officers regularly visit ing the importance of educational programs. local schools to teach students about bicycle safety. This instruction includes bicycle maintenance, safety precau- ITP Recommendation # 18: tions, riding tips, and defensive cycling techniques and serve cyclists of all ages and riding abilities. As part of the Continue Current Programs and Implement safety and encouragement programs discussed below, a Additional Education, Awareness, Safety and bicycle safety brochure would include safety tips and can Security Programs be distributed through the schools and local businesses. The brochure could contain information regarding bicycle maintenance, safety precautions, riding tips, and rules of Bike collisions typically involve improper the road. actions on the part of bicyclists, motorists, or both. Therefore, crash reduction efforts The following objectives and programs are recommenda- need to include educational programs to in- tions for Yorkville to implement, as part of a successful crease awareness of improper motorist and long -term program. cyclist actions that are known to contribute Potential Safety and /or Encouragement Rules of the road for bicyclists, and illegal motorist Programs behaviors that endanger bicyclists Programs regarding safety and encouragement should be Bicycling behaviors that are dangerous and common implemented as part of this ITP study. Some programs causes of bicycle crashes exist (i.e. Safety Town) however, increased awareness How to prevent bicycle theft and additional programs are recommended, to increase Additionally, residents and visitors to Yorkville will become bicycle and pedestrian safety in Yorkville. Additionally, more aware of bicycle safety and awareness if "Share recommendations may be made to the City Council to the Road" signs can be posted throughout Yorkville, to adapt and amend ordinances for the purpose of promot- spread the message that motorist must share the road ing and enforcing a safe environment for bicycling and with cyclists. walking. High School Programs Yorkville Bicycling Ambassador High School Education Programs gives teens an un- The Yorkville Bicycling Ambassador educates and en- derstanding of how to travel by walking or biking safely. courages the public to bike and walk more often and more Additionally, programs can educate new drivers on the safely. The main goal will be to improve skills, knowledge importance of respecting people walking or biking. The and the road - sharing behaviors of cyclists, motorists and Yorkville Bicycle Advisory Committee could work with the pedestrians. Driver's Education Departments, to integrate programs and curriculum into the existing class structure. Topics, The Ambassador hosts demonstrations for kids, teens as described above in the Education Campaign, could be and adults by participating in community events and run- addressed. ning special programs. The Ambassador works with part- ners in the community to identify and address local trans Creating Safe Trails and Walkways to Schools portation safety concerns. The program would run over Safe Routes to School the summer months. The Ambassador will increase the The purpose of Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is to offerings of bicycle education classes through the Parks increase the number of children who walk or bicycle to and Recreation Department. The Ambassador will begin school, by funding improvement projects that remove the offering bicycle safety and encouragement programming barriers that currently prevent them from doing so. Those to Yorkville schools, and will be available for block parties barriers include lack of trails and walkways, unsafe cross - and other local festivals. The ambassador should also ings, and lack of programs that promote walking and bicy- consider organizing 'International Walk to School Day cling through education /encouragement programs, aimed USA' for the community, and be a leader in organizing at children, parents and the community. New sidewalks Safe Routes to School events. need to be constructed immediately surrounding schools that are safe and ADA accessible. Bicycle Advisory Committee A Bicycle Advisory Committee and the designated In August of 2009, the City was awarded two grants to help Bicycling Ambassador would work to ensure the imple- improve existing sidewalk conditions in the Downtown mentation of the education and encouragement programs residential area. The City should continue to work with the described below, and also address bicycling concerns Yorkville School District to determine which routes need and needs in the future. The mayor could appoint a com- improvements, and apply for grants, as appropriate. mittee to review plan progress and catalyze next steps and implementation. This group could be an extension of � Regarding Safe Routes to the Task Force created for the ITP project. E School (SRTS), the Yorkville �, : : 1• ~ School District should take the Education Campaign lead (with the City's support) to Many bicyclists and motorists do not know or understand promote education and en- bicyclists. Educating -:mod couragement projects such the rules of the road for bic y g people in the �.s,a•, ,,..,.., as: community of Yorkville will create a safer environment for • Walk and Bike to School bicyclists and should cover: Week celebration • Benefits of bicycling and walking Pedestrian and bicycle • How to take care of bicycles Area near major school crossing safety skills in relevant physical at Yorkville Freshman Campus Integrat Yorkville Transportation Plan I United City of • 67 education and extracurricular programs the shared use trails. For example the Department may • Sustainable transportation benefits of walking and need to have a bicycle enforcement officer who periodi- bicycling in relevant health, environmental and aca- cally travels the trails. Also, the Department may provide demic classes introductory and ongoing training in the community, re- Crossing Guard Day should be recognized by the garding enforcement of the traffic laws that create a safe School District and Police Department to honor the bicycling environment, as outlined above. The League of crossing guards that help keep the kids safe Illinois Bicyclists and the Chicagoland Bicycle Federation Note: See the Implementation section of this report re- can provide training and resource materials. garding grant and funding options, for a more detailed description of SRTS. Organize volunteer groups to assist with the programs. Maintenance of Existina Trails School Zones All of the existing paths in Yorkville are relatively new, To create a truly walkable and bikeable community for and have not yet experienced significant deterioration. children, well- designed and signed school zones should However, the importance of maintaining bicyclist safety be a high priority. This ITP study recommends additional and enjoyment through a proactive trail maintenance plan discussion and action items be developed, in order to im- cannot be understated. Therefore, a trail maintenance prove school zones and the environment for children trav- component should be included within Yorkville's Capital eling to school by bike or foot. For example, as a result Improvement Program Budget, in order to keep the trail of the ITP study discussions with IDOT that occurred re- system operating at maximum effectiveness. garding the future IL Route 47 improvements, additional crosswalk markings at intersections will be provided. The Typical trail maintenance includes: City should continue to focus on school zones and work- Shoulder maintenance ing with the school district on these issues. Additionally, Re- painting striping and markings safety programs and education programs are discussed Crack filling, seal coating later in this report, to further address the importance Pavement patching of safe crossings within school zones and education of Resurfacing young people. Replacement • Implement pedestrian safety programs such as the "Orange Flag" program and Adopt -A- Crosswalk Note: for on- street bike lanes and routes, maintenance • Install Pedestrian Countdown Timers and Overhead should be part of the annual Public Works Department Crosswalk Warning Lights, where possible budget program Yorkville should keep track of user complaints and results Bicycle Competitions and Challenges from inspections, and then complete maintenance on an A competition could be held between grades, organiza- "as-needed" basis. It is important to identify and prioritize tions, or high schools, to encourage students to bike system maintenance needs often, and make sure a Por- to school. Various clubs and the Physical Education tion of the City's Capital Improvement Budget is allocated Departments could organize competitions and "chal- to trail maintenance. An estimated timeline of routine lenges "to encourage students to bike to school. For ex- maintenance are outlined below; ample a punch card could be created and based on miles traveled by bike students could receive awards in order Maintenance Item and Approximate Timeframe to motivate them to participate. The Yorkville Bicycling Shoulder maintenance annually Ambassador could also offer bicycle skill trainings and Re- painting pavement markings 3 years rules of the road classes for all students who plan to Bituminous (asphalt) seal coating 3 years participate. Crack filling 5 years Pavement patching 5 -8 years Law Enforcement (bituminous - asphalt) Law Enforcement helps to improve the Pavement patching (concrete) 7 -10 years safety of bicycling and walking around Re- painting pavement markings 10 years Yorkville. As Yorkville continues to grow, (if thermoplastic) the Yorkville Police Department may need Pavement resurfacing 12 -15 years to adjust for a higher volume of traffic on New trail construction / reconstruction 20 -25 years • Safety: 10% of STP funds are available only for safety ITP Recommendation # 19: programs, such as railway- highway crossing projects Pursue Multiple Forms of Funding Options in and hazard elimination. Order to Execute the Shared Use Trail Plan Transportation Enhancements: 10% of STP funds are available for projects that include pedestrian and and to Provide Financial Means for Short and bicycle facilities, educational programs, landscaping, Long -Term Maintenance of Trail Facilities and historic preservation, among other factors. • The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) provides funding for greenways and trails projects, if they can demonstrate an air quality benefit. Many trails are planned and implemented with funding The Illinois Department of Natural Resources assistance from the state or federal level. A variety of Recreational Trails Program (RTP) provides funds programs are available to assist local units of government to the states to develop and maintain recreational with the development of trails and greenways. These pro- trails for motorized and non - motorized trails and trail - grams differ in the amount of funding assistance, require- related projects. ments of the local units of government and administration The Public Lands Highways Discretionary Program methodology. Funding for projects may come from a (PLH) provides assistance to improve access to, and combination of Federal grant funds, State grant funds, within, federal lands. City fee programs, TIF districts, special service areas or The National Scenic Byways Program provides other community financing districts, gas tax, and trans- funding for state scenic byways programs and portation sales tax. The following funding strategies are improvements. recommended and described in detail below: The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, through the Department of Housing and Note. Funding programs through state and federal fund- Urban Development, offers grants to communities ing change periodically and the latest information should for neighborhood revitalization, economic develop - be obtained when pursuing. ment, and improvements to community facilities and services, which can include trails. Federal Funding The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Grants are used by federal agencies to acquire addi- The Intermodal Surface Transportation tions to national parks, forests, and wildlife refuges. Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) and its succes- They are also available for communities. sor, the Transportation Equity Act For the 21st Century (TEA -21), provided eligibility for State funding pedestrian and bicycle transportation facilities, includ- IDOT Participation in State Highway Projects ing trails. After 2003, new legislation, titled the Safe, Four [DOT- maintained highways are located in the City of Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Yorkville: US 34, IL 47, IL 71 and IL 126. Under IDOT's 3R Act of 2003 (SAFETEA), would continue to provide fund- or reconstruction policies, IDOT will pay 100% removal ing for such projects. and replacement costs for adjacent sidewalk or multi -use trail damaged or removed by construction of an IDOT The Federal -Aid Highway Program highway project. In addition, IDOT will participate on a This program provides financial assistance to the states 50% state /50% municipal basis for elective additions to to construct and improve the National Highway System, the sidewalk or multi -use trail system along the highway, other major roads, bridges, bicycle and pedestrian facili- or replacement of adjacent sidewalk or trail, that is oth- ties, and trails. Trail projects have to compete for funding erwise not affected by the IDOT highway project. The with other eligible transportation projects. municipality is responsible for 100% cost of removal of existing sidewalk or trail where elective replacement The Surface Transportation Program (STP) work is performed. New or replacement highway bridge This program provides funding for all types of transporta- structures (such as IL 47 over the Fox River or US 34 tion projects, including pedestrian and bicycle facilities. over Blackberry Creek), when constructed by [DOT, typi- Within STP funding, there are several unique funding cally will be designed and constructed to accommodate programs: existing or planned sidewalks or trails at no cost to the Yorkville -. Transportation Plan I United City of • 0 municipality. Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ)— Illinois Bicycle Path Grant Program - Illinois Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Department of Natural Resources (CMAP) The primary purpose of the Illinois Bicycle Path grant pro- This program supplies federal funds to local units of gram is to provide financial assistance to eligible, local government through CMAP. These funds are to be used units of government, to assist them with the acquisition, for projects that alleviate vehicular congestion or improve construction, and rehabilitation of public, non - motorized air quality. Eligible programs include, but are not limited bicycle paths and directly - related support facilities. to: transit improvements, commuter parking facilities, Agencies that apply for projects that accommodate addi- traffic flow improvements, bicycle and pedestrian facil- tional trail users, such as equestrians, will receive special ity projects, bicycle parking and bicycle encouragement consideration in the review of grant applications. Project projects, and diesel emissions reduction projects. applications are limited to land acquisition or trail devel- opment along a single trail corridor. Bicycle routes shar- Greenways and Trails Planning Assistance ing existing roadway surfaces are not eligible for funding program — Illinois Department Of Natural consideration under this program. Resources (IDNR) The Bicycle Path grant program provides up to a maxi- The IDNR's Division of Planning offers assistance for mum of 50 percent funding assistance on approved local greenways and trails through the Planning Assistance project costs. Maximum grant assistance for develop- Program. This program is designed to assist communi- ment (construction) projects is limited to $200,000 per ties, counties and multi- county coalitions with greenway annual request. No maximum grant amount limit exists and trail planning. The program is an extension of suc- for acquisition projects, other than the established annual cessful IDNR- assisted greenway and trail planning for state appropriation level for the program. northeastern Illinois and downstate metro - areas. The goal of the program is to encourage and facilitate com- Grant assistance may be obtained for, but not limited to, prehensive, cooperative and coordinated planning, to the following items: protect high priority greenways and, where appropriate, • Bicycle path development or renovation costs in- provide public access to them by developing trails. cluding, but not necessarily limited to, site clearing and grading, drainage, surfacing, bridging, fencing, Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program access control devices, signage, and associated (ITEP) Illinois support facilities/ amenities, such as access parking The goal of ITEP is to allocate resources td well - planned areas and roads, shelters, lighting, benches and re- projects that provide and support alternate modes of strooms - including necessary professional design or transportation, enhance the transportation system through engineering services. preservation of visual and cultural resources, and improve • Land acquisition costs (fee simple title, permanent the quality of life for members of the communities. ITEP easement, long term lease), including associated ap- requires communities to coordinate efforts, to develop praisal costs approved by the IDNR for securing a and build worthwhile projects in a timely manner. linear corridor /right -of -way to be used for bicycle path development. Agencies contemplating the acquisition Federal funds will provide reimbursement up to 50 per - of a linear corridor should always consider allowing cent for right -of -way and easement acquisition costs, and multiple uses. The width of the future bike trail, or par- up to 80 percent for preliminary engineering, utility relo- allel unpaved paths within the bike trail corridor, may cations, construction engineering and construction costs. be guided by the types of trail use allowed. Trail cor- The 20% or 50% sponsor participation must come from a ridor width approved for grant funding generally does local government or state agency. not exceed 100'. Reimbursement is based upon 50 percent of the approved certified IDOT accepts project applications for ITEP funding in the fair market value (CFMV) of the land and following twelve categories: associated costs. Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles • Scenic or historic highway programs (including the provision of tourist and welcome center facilities) • Landscaping and other scenic beautification • Historic preservation 70 •. -• . • • Rehabilitation of historic transportation buildings, structures, or facilities (including historic railroad fa- Open Space Lands Acquisition and cilities and canals) Development (OSLAD) — Illinois Department of • Provision of safety and educational activities for pe- Natural Resources destrians and bicyclists • Acquisition d scenic easements and scenic or his- This program can provide up to 50 percent funding as- toric sites sistance to eligible units of local government for the ac- • Preservation of abandoned railway corridors, for quisition and /or development of land for public outdoor the conversion and use thereof, for pedestrian and recreation. Actual funding assistance for approved bicycle trails projects is provided on a reimbursement basis, after sat- Control and removal of outdoor advertising isfactory project completion. OSLAD grants are awarded • Establishment of transportation museums through a competitive application process, which are due • Environmental mitigation to address water pollution no sooner than May 1 and no later than July 1 of each due to highway runoff or reduce vehicle- caused wild- year. Proposed bike paths and snowmobile paths eligible life mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity under IDNR's Bike Path Grant Program are not eligible • Archeological planning and research for OSLAD consideration. Eligible projects include, but are not limited to: play - Illinois Tomorrow Corridor Planning Grant grounds, walking /hiking /jogging trails (excluding bike trails), sports fields, nature observation and sightseeing Program — Illinois Department of Transportation facilities, camping, fishing and hunting facilities, con - (IDOT) struction of a Safety Town, and development of dog park The program will support planning activities that promote areas. the integration of land use, transportation and infrastruc- ture facility planning in transportation corridors in Illinois. Illinois Green Streets Initiative — IDOT The goals of the program are to: The Governor's new Illinois Green Streets Initiative is part of the Replanting the Prairie State Initiative to fur - Promote land use and transportation options, to reduce ther reduce greenhouse emissions in the state. Although the growth of traffic congestion: funded through the ITEP program, applications for the • Connect infrastructure and development decisions Illinois Green Streets Initiative will utilize a separate ap- • Promote balanced economic development to reduce plication unique to that program. Project sponsors may infrastructure costs receive up to 80% reimbursement for project costs. The • Promote intergovernmental cooperation remaining 20% is the responsibility of the project sponsor. Funds for this program can only be used for planting of In addition, the program strives to: trees or prairie grasses. • Promote public - private partnerships and coalitions • Promote collaboration among local governments, the Local Funding Sources development of industry, labor and environmental Sales taxes can be used to raise funds for trails ac- organizations quisition and development • Minimize the cost to taxpayers for infrastructure and "Trail Bank " - Impact fees are one -time charges levied maximize the use of existing infrastructure by a local government on new development that can Examples of projects that qualify include: be used to finance trails and other projects located outside the boundary of development • Creation of transit oriented /mixed use development Require developers to provide public trails as part of plans, to increase transportation options, improve development walkability and enhance access to transit General obligation bonds can be used to fund green- • Development of intergovernmental agreements that ways and trails projects, but many require referenda. provide for multi - jurisdictional planning of land use, Referendum is an opportunity to educate the public zoning and developmental decisions and build support for trail programs • Development of public - private plans and agreements The local Capital Improvements Program can have a that provide for, and encourage, affordable housing for yearly trails appropriation workers that is convenient to employment centers • Creation of multi- community corridor plans to develop efficient transportation facilities and land uses Transportation Yorkville Integrated -• City of • 71 Private Sector Funding Sources ITP Recommendation # 20 • Local businesses can donate funds for specific trail pursue Multiple Forms of Funding Options segments or amenities, donate services to reduce the cost of developing trails, reduce the costs of materi- and Pursue Policy Orientation and Regulatory als for trail construction, and /or contribute employee Action in Order to Implement the Downtown volunteer time to work on trail projects. Streetscape Plan • A land trust is typically a private, nonprofit organiza- tion that is engaged in the protection and conservation priority. Timing and Coordination Between the of real estate, which can include trail corridors. Local organizations can play a key role in trail development City and Downtown Business Owners and construction. Priority and timing of projects • Local and national foundations can be solicited for is dependent on the availability trail funding; local foundations are more likely to fund of funds as well as the relative local interests than national foundations. importance of the element. To • Service clubs can hold fund - raisers for greenways understand and prioritize the and trails projects. future improvements, conver- • Individual sponsors can contribute to greenways and sations between the City and trails projects by sponsoring the purchase of facilities local business owners need to or parts of a trail. occur. As part of this ITP study • Volunteer work can decrease construction costs of coordination and communica- trail projects. tion is already occurring and the efforts should continue • "Buy -a- Foot" programs raise funds and promote in the future. It will take the combined effort of City lead - awareness of trail projects. Public- private partner- ers and the business community to implement this plan ships have been deemed the most successful way to and future endeavors. The earliest actions might be initi- raise funding for greenways and trails projects. ating discussions among business owners to address parking concerns in regards to the IL Route 47 widening "To be truly successful, implementation of a trail project project. For the long term, the City could convene the should not become the sole responsibility of local govern- discussions, serve as a facilitator, and manage imple- ment, but a collective pursuit. " — Trails mentation of the vision and ultimate plan. A committee (i.e. Streetscape Committee or Riverwalk Committee) could be formed that would work on the priority, funding and timing of various downtown improvements. To start, the committee may decide to focus on one streetscape element such as street lighting. The group could investi- gate grants and funding for various amenities and finalize the selection of lighting type (manufacturer, model, and The process and recommendations described in the preferred phasing). Or the committee could work with the previous section seeks to achieve the vision set forth by City to further develop a priority list of projects for imple- residents and City leaders. This Implementation Plan mentation. Some potential priority projects may be outlines actions steps the City can focus on such as: • Priority and timing 1. Work with ]DOT on future IL Route 47 improvements • Policy orientation 2. Develop a detailed Downtown Streetscape Plan for • Regulatory Action including potential code changes phase one improvements (Van Emmon, Hydraulic) • Funding options 3. Building and facade improvements Policy Orientation The City should take a strong, proactive stance toward downtown improvements for pedestrians and bicycles. While the City does not hold the sole responsibility for implementation, community leaders can energize the pri- vate sector to become the steward for, and developer of, the downtown. This plan requires a greater commitment 72 - .• ClUiTill • 02 -� . • by the City to support, act, demonstrate, and to fund coor- Business Improvement District dinated downtown improvements affecting non - vehicular A BID is a tool to coordinate, manage and redevelop travel. The key here is to have the City, like all the down- downtown as it allows a host of strong municipal powers town stakeholders, maintain a continuous and consistent for bonding, condemnation, and the like. There are many commitment to the implementation. benefits of BID's. For example they are very versatile in using its powers and funds for a wider range of initiatives Re,, ucLlator, Action and activities than are available under an SSA. A BID Many of the components of this plan require regulatory may be an effective tool for the City and should be further action. Probably the most significant is modification of the investigated. street standards for downtown. However, there are also other regulatory issues to be addressed, such as how the Capital Improvement Programming City will structure its general improvements, in response Funding sources through the Capital Improvement to the dictation of the plan. Additionally, there may need budget should be pursued to finance the Downtown Plan to be changes in ordinances such as; and Streetscape Plan. Since capital improvements will • Building massing /setbacks (Form Based Codes) likely need to be phased based on funding availability, • Landscaping and screening the City should develop a list of projects and prioritize • Regulating hours of operation them as mentioned previously. Some forms of financing • Signage improvements for the downtown have been put in place • Shared parking and additional revenue streams will be necessary in the • Loading area and mechanical equipment future. • Property maintenance and code enforcement In general, the most successful street improvement proj- Funding options ects result from cooperative public /private effort. Direct There are a variety of funding sources that may have benefits of the street improvements will fall tothedowntown potential to fund various recommendations found within business community, therefore sharing of organizational this ITP report including: and fiscal responsibility is recommended. The overall suc- • TIF (Tax Increment Financing) cessfully upgrading of downtown Yorkville's streetscape • SSA (Special Service Area Financing) will require significant funds and directing the appropriate • BID (Business Improvement District) resources that will achieve the greatest impact. A list of • CIP (Capital Improvement Programming) grant sources is included in the appendix, however, com- petition for funding is high, and grant sources are limited. Tax Increment Financing The most effective funding means for most projects will TIFs have been implemented for the core downtown be a combination of grants substantially matched by City Yorkville area. This method of financing should be re- funds and business and /or property owner contributions. viewed, to determine whether changes are needed to the The City and Economic Development Corporation should boundaries, objectives, projects and budget. review the feasibility of these programs as well as State and Federal funding. Special Service Area An SSA is a state authorized financing program that can be administered by the City that provides financing re- sources for a specific area. It is funded through a special tax assessment paid by property owners in a designated area. An SSA is initiated by property and business owners wanting certain services above those already provided by the Village or other services not provided such as advertising, marketing, parking, loan programs, capital improvements, and maintenance. A group of contiguous property owners vote to form an SSA consisting of all properties that will benefit from the services, and elect to levy an additional property tax to pay for the services. If approved by the City Council, the tax will be levied and distributed to the SSA on an annual basis. Transportation Yorkville Integrated -• City of • 73 Page Left Intentionally Blank 74 Exhibit 'A - Study Area Exhibit 'B' - Study Area Inventory Exhibit 'C' - Downtown Study Area Exhibit 'D' - Regional Trails Exhibit 'E' - Key Nodes and Connections Exhibit `F' - Downtown Study Area Analysis Exhibit'G' - Downtown Area Sidewalk Inventory Exhibit 'H' - Theme and Character Vision Exhibit 'I' - Gateways and Wayfinding Signage Concepts Exhibit `J - Shared Use Trail Plan (Overall and four details of quadrants) Exhibit 'K' - Shared Use Trail Plan - Priority Corridors (Overall and Detail) Exhibit 'L' - Potential Bike Lane /Shared Roadway Routes Exhibit 'M' - Loop System Plan Exhibit'N' - Gateways and Wayfinding Signage (Overall and Detail) Exhibit 'O' - Trailheads and Wayfinding Signage Exhibit 'P' - Gateway and Wayfinding Signage — Downtown Plan Exhibit 'Q' - Streetscape Elements Exhibit'R' - Downtown Area Sidewalk Improvements Exhibit 'S' - Downtown Recommendations Exhibit 'T' - Illustrative Downtown Streetscape Plan Transportation Yorkville Integrated -. City of Yorkville • • 111 A '� * � !�E�► �.ti� 1 A • I ri �1{ � � '� - • ...►mil � �.,,,� t (�i A •.� � � i.+ ;� *,* Cam, 1 �1 • ® w �� nl�f ,o t k ,; 1'r. , pct- _.� i ; , w r •, U WIN i Al IN ' • ! r�, MAENT RD WHEELER RD iY 5 Q Z U. - •.. WALKER 'AU = - .'sg! z CATON FAA.9 RD v I J . ar . SEC Group, Inc. Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan United City of Yorkville ` LEGEND O� 1 1 1 YORKVILLE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY 00 1 HINCKLEY - BIG 1) 1 KANELAND : — ROCK CUSID X429 ' CLISD# 07 1 C � STUDY AREA — — —� • US RT . . - OSWEGO MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY • A OR ILL I�� �a l y .. �: { = MONTGOMERY MUNICIPAL BOUNDAR >� 1 DISTRIC #8 I I CUS t — — — — — CD r \ _L A PLANO MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY O Q I (YILIT/`(t� `" PLATTVILLE BOUNDARY 11 a — �✓ A • `, 0 — — ■ SCHOOL DISTRICTS U u GgL��A f _ r - _ _ _ EXISTING ROADS r PROPOSED ROADS � O 1 �� ZONE AE FLOODPLAIN J j ZONE A FLOODPLAIN a i — O _ 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN L r ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDORS Y cC CITY PARKS w z , J >� a PROPOSED CITY PARKS Q r .. 1 STATE PARKS JrL ® � m ,g E jp no RE ® FOREST PRESERVE ss _ I' �.' w ' y y�,,�I N '�'� w ` s k , I !!j �S EXISTING SCHOOL LOCATIONS i'' y - m � "g n L A GE ..rte ri US: RT._ 34 — �,..a._ KWY��gP ri / E CO: GOU TRYSIDE r ♦ 1 -� - I f dP YORK LLE 4 U a c FOX . `I r Y i — ■ f b } I i A AID r cc WALKER RD tit O 1 1 z r z� w 1 Y ' — 1 n CO Y 1 � 1� i C13 w 1 I Z p1. U ': ^ :1 TON FARM RD - tl ' J � 1 II x ♦ 1 -'1 O >iw PARKWAY � PROPOSED PRAIR IE MA RD _� v , O NEWARK RD } r _ _. _ _- — — —.. 1 J w _'��/{ EST "Z ''�.�._ 1838 - 1 co GE Q ¢ ` rn >� 1 1 D >� w PLATT _ 1 Y s " > " � y -, 8 .r a x, r - -.. .... L Q T I I TV API INN NORTH SEC Group, Inc. Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I United City of Yorkville r .• z i � 111 iPr„ _ -- i — - -- — I T , I !� 1 —r- 1 � ✓ _ psi I , ■ '7 ' � I .''YI'�ig l �°�'I' ' � a � • � 1 � �t I r r) + I ■ �, - J I1 , , t j 1r 1� � !' j i - �!� ®� . � / I _' 7rP� PR��- , 7 Lam- I I ly v f�lf�i�rlll ��_A .'�`y._ '` ' � ""��� 1 ��il !I � 1 r ■ C Y`° l JW I T / 40/ Jo j IN y - � I M S� Ali "•' � � 1 •, � 1 t _. y�l - �Prq • � ■ r ti r !� — �g r I w I j a� v W_ t It it Ir I n al � I ' - s kr� ® SEC Group, Inc. Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan United City of Yorkville .r ILLINOIS PRAIRIE; PATH-AURORA[ BRANCH VIRGIL GILMAN t f REGIONAL TRAIL' — VILLAGE OF' - VILLAGE OF BIG ROCK SUGAR GROVE CITY OF - r AURORA i VILLAGE OF JA I SUGAR GROVE }; TRAILS -, ' VILLAGE OF MONTGOMERY VILLAGE OF Q O TRAILS MONTGOMERY FOX RIVER O . _ �� - s U ~1�T. 3n' _— REGIONAL O\ , F ik" k CITY OF VILLAGE OF 1 PLANO �, �•, Fes. OSWEGO & �. CITY OF i r OSWEGOLAND PLANO TRAIL PARK DISTRICT _ TRAILS MILLINGTON & MILLBROOK' ng ' TRAILS UNITED CITY VFW ..' *`' R� C OF YORKUILLF= ' _ FO f 1 1 11 � • +r_ x VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD MILLBROOK PARK DISTRICT J ;c TRAILS e, h i CITY OF JOLIET II I CC r rt r . _ CITY OF O D PRAI 'AIE PAR VILLAG 1 __. _.___ JOLIET E OF r �RZ)R NEWARK AND LISBON TRAILS - -- i I I II VILLAGE OF i f PLATTVILLE. ROUTE 47 I & M CANAL -I REGIONAL i; REGIONAL TRAIL j:. MIDDLE AUX TRAIL 11 VIA PRAIRIE SABLE CREEK - -- It - - -- PARKWAY O R CORRIDOR & �� cf ROUTE 47 TRAILS POTENTIAL TRAIL, — n f i I EST, yeas p qc <LE 1 EXHIBIT n RE TFAIL, N ORTH Gr SEC Yorkville Integrated Transportation - d City of • LEGEND MEN POTENTIAL TRAIL LOCATIONS 0 COMMERCIAL LOCATION CIVIC LOCATION BRISTOL BAY ELEMENTARY CONNECT TO RECREATION LOCATION E t E MONTGOMERY GALS G A L TRAIL SYSTEM (VIA GORDON ROAD) SCHOOL LOCATION FUTURE REGIONAL METRA PARK AND METRA LOCATION SOCCER COMPLEX RIDE rb v 1 6 STEVEN G. BRIDGE rA PARK RAGING WAVES r � - BRISTOL BAY WATER PARK J REGIONAL PARK _4W Isis BRISTOL GRADE p SCHOOL GRANDE RESERVE POTENTIAL _SCHOOL -� EL EMENTA RY COMMUTER RAIL STATION � DOWNTOWN OSWEGO KENDALL MARKETPLACE�� - I AUTUMN CREEK Dc WV 4 �ELEMETARY SCHOOL `�j FA 4 6 FA "IIIIIIIIII _ _jk COMMERCIAL 5 YORKVILLE PUBLIC CENTERS LIBRARY 1 CITY HALL / POLICE STATION 46 EXISTING CONNECT TO YORKVILLE HIGH OSWEGO TRAIL SCHOOL FRESHMAN DOWNTOWN 104* SYSTEM ( rA CAMPUS LI RE VIA GROVE ROAD) w ��� hA YORKVILLE 'HOOVER EDUCATION `f�� INTERMEDIATE AND LYONS AND CENTER GRADE SCHOOL ` RICHARD YOUNG 4k SILVER SPRINGS *'00 FOREST PRESERVE is STATE PARK KENDALL COUNTY rA FAIRGROUNDS 126 F Is rA YORKVILLE MIDDLE HARRIS RSFOREST SCHOOL $ EXAMINE MAJOR NORTH -SOUTH CONNECTION ALONG EASTERAN PROPOSED H IGH STUDY AREA SCHOO (VIA HOPKINS ROAD)" FUTURE EMPLOYMENT OFFIC RESEARCH CENTER 0% V � r S �► r A Is rA Ilk r* a IPA 0 FUTURE REGIONAL 1 COMMERCIAL CENTER k rA PRAIRIE PARKWAY 0 - - r A EST. . +eYl 4k Irl; �, cz—XHIBIT P K Y Nt IV T� : N I'�IF T I N ORTH SEC Group, Inc. Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I United City of Yorkville F' � a� LEGEND >G(y BLACKBERRY ` ✓/ CIVIC 1 / ,��� H �� ,, RAIL ROAD TRACKS /— _ i� COMPLEX ROUTE 47 nuynyt�yyy _ y .r y G REEK u - ` ° •Beecher Community Center / KAtNU� CORRIDOR COLLECTOR STREETS ARTERIAL STREETS y n 10 Imp Library f h' �� y n • Potential regional Vail corridor and north / • City Hall fR '} ELI •Important connection from Route QHHf• �, SLE IR y /south route along the Blackberry \ fi f f $4'1 Route 47 intersection and AO R PARK MAJOR STREETS e Creek Corridor �� f I �� J LOCAL STREETS J major commercial center • Connect to Jaycee Park, Town Square f n a / •Co prov m Route M c H U G H RD y Park and campus wn SCH Yorkville from ordinate with Rt 47 ! -:. / / ��` hail /walkway improvements LIGHTED INTERSECTION school campus - ' GATEWAY j • Potent trailconnectiontoKendall Marketplace - COMPLEX f 6�T CORRIDOR Marketplace � M:9x+ � y y •Game Farm Rd. improvements ! s A � •Important corridor to commercial © EXISTING PUBLIC PARKING y yorrxvuE scheduled to be completed in O 2010 and employment areas n y H04 SCHOOL • Connecting to Rt. 47 improvements (D EtNf -- . Existing lighted intersection at KEY ELEMENT y will help connect to the downtown ¢ Route 34 n S I SCHOOL n tics SCFICOL Z E- FR�ST '7 o { E A'� - - --- 100 YR. FLOODPLAIN (A, A -E) y FRESHMAN CAWUE j 2 � POTENTIAL BRIDGE CONNECTION _ y b I ' ► GATEWAY SPRING ST. y � 11111 GAME FARM RD. TRAIL }" `F yn ' • Potential entrance to downtown y' EXISTING RIVERWALK core. CORRIDOR n} J J_ J J J 1 J J J `\ • Connect major residential areas FUTURE RIVERWALK n a aaa aaw - - ` J y t- y f ( ) PROPOSED TRAIL ON ROAD r e Heartland Circle &Heartland y y to school campus and existing HO •J y I �Z trails • • s • • PROPOSED TRAIL OFF ROAD i 3 z_ j 'J J CITY OWNED PROPERTY a ! STATE OWNED PROPERTY SCHOOL J J 1 EXISTING PARKlOPEN SPACE WHITEWATER , Jq°` - -', ' fa, row TEf tiS� `— — PARK/OPEN SPACE OPPORTUNITY SQU PAR r " - ' R ECREATION _ ROUTE 47 CORRIDOR rh L_ FOX RIVER- ER- 1 FACILITYrgEHRENS r - YORKVILLE DOWNTOWN CORE FOX RIVER �`� y ISLANDS" ; r. /� ¢ ..Future recreation amenity for Yorkville TRAIL •O pen speck and rec yielding new pedestrian opportunities _ t r J.,;j� pp ° opportunity reation y � ` such as paths along Bicentennial ® „� g y ` ; - Rivehront Park and onto the dam to.., • Constructed trail exists west along the • Potental trail bridge crossing _ f m + newly constructed islands Fox River at Crawford Park (Rivers • f carpi ! . Amenity will' ' v as regional n Edge Subdivision) s1Ak om, f attraction OPEN SIA • Make connection between the PRAPER Y / -{+ °PPofVAJNry PLANT y downtown area, Millbrook, Hoover PLANT '►_ • Educational Center and Silver Springs i . " a !`y, y *' VIEW / , P TATS p4*Trz SANTAR State Park r Y J p , ers� tb " MP PU • - - {�� _-. STATIC n ,.� ✓' Ir /'arra�irti��,'Yi�r - r Zc�r��au�i�+�e ®na��rr•rr.r�gj �J � ~ ...._ � rrrr:r RIVERWALK y J m rwr n n, a � �rr+G ` s V , r�'Y t r J OPEN SPACE • asa roar wa gs ' a _ o t CORRIDOR - J y r - _. J � y ° J n y J A Pursue con j ous Rrverwaik continu BRIDGE ! y y y :ly e' opportunities ^---�� N hbRA7JLJC : P _ ' r Connect east and X �•�•, // / /� • wesEsldeof. w U / {�f /t'r /l �Y �F� / �� +� Route 47 under the existing bridge O and 'inc CROSSING z � r J _ r.. v / " /` }+ access reaseopportum6es for nver f • Pursue trail connection through � CIVIC Yorkville Bristol Sanitary District ' � . >, p rope • Hall Complex �' 6 J r s n ✓ "�fhl q R t �Lr_yY s�sq ; fi a s r COMPLEX Potential City � , � � �-- �- �- J_:>,�. �. , y , �' '� '• ,.������ -. n Y P y locations and s' nificant re-development pportunities J KEjq z + ' - -1 .i ' J J „✓ J J j J J J FOX STREET 6FiOarao TRAIL �' �' n 0 J �u , y z J J VAN EMMON DOWNTOWN w � f �� CORRIDOR • Key connection between Hoover „� zJ \} " E°RfOGE S.T, ' Educational Center and Silver CORE- , S f I � ri n . ComEd Springs State Park to Downtown - �- f � •Scenic Corridor ideal for bicycling SD Cl p n •Pedestrian focused environmenl � � HEUSTIS ST . !J, "' * and walking ��� 0 • Commercial re- development EASEMENT • Key connection to southeast opportunities +j +J j CORRIDOR n . Key connection to downtown -q. Yorkville area Es sae Improved ©�K n •_ SEE DOWNTOWN program J ` +.! J Important trail corridor to Yorkville y Yorkville from south Yorkville Np Oq • Currently unsafelpoor visibility \ • Recent shoulder improvements J Intermediate School and residential y om residential areas (i.e. Raintree p (� ti co J RECOMMENDATIONS PLAN for allow for bike travel but will need to l neighborhoods) Village, Country Hills, Windett r J more details ,, -� J J be enhanced in the future <LE 1� EXHIBIT F - DOWNTOWN STUDY AREA ANALYSIS N O j W LEGEND E SOM � W $Oh10NAUt< $T ONAtiK ST oil all *all EXISTING SIDEWALKS - GOOD/FAIR 44,859 LF.* EXISTING SIDEWALKS - POOR 8,521 LF.* 1 1 �T +_I I — .� I , i —I— �� NO SIDEWALK 48,956 LF.* 10 MINUTE WALK RADIUS 1 ' I PROPERTY LINES 1 '• I 1 1 J I I I T Good /Fair: New sidewalks or those in acceptable, safe, and travelable condition Shown on a block by block basis I I I f I Poor: Unsatisfactory sidewalks showing signs of damage due to cracking, -7-L— I ' , . deteri oration, tree uprooting, etc. Shown on a block by block basis (some small segments may be in good condition) r l I f �_ —_J _j_ *All sidewalk lineal footages are approximate _jj R Co ROUTE 47 WILL BE - - - -- - ? ; ` IMPROVED PER ;THE WIDENING PROJECT g -1i 4 0 ' P �� �► i _J i , T ' -' -( Q F'� X [31 VIS R t � -1 LL I j – —� I r -_ lNb� i I –� –� I I r r "LWAy INC, 1 '{ I - i l l +r 111 I I _ I J I I t - - ,_ L - - -- — t r L� lL I - '�•t i i _ � - � 1 j � I i � �-� I , I � � �_- *' 1 51 I N li _j 0 — �' CIRCLE ,a — t— — _ I CENTER GRADE — T— L SCHOOL r -- t — �_— [YORKVILLE INTERMEDIATE ' �tio t rr SCHOOL � • � � ji Sr. E 1896 �O <CE EXHIBIT G - DOWNTOWN AREA SIDEWALK INVENTORY N ORTH Y�ORKVILLE r IN THE EARLY 1830'S A WILD UNTOUCHED LANDSCAPE OF PRAIRIE GRASS AND WILDFLOWERS - ' STRETCHED AS FAR AS THE EYE COULD SEE. WILDLIFE WAS ABUNDANT AND TRACES OF HUMAN PRESENCE SCARCE AS EARLY PIONEERS WERE JUST BEGINNING TO SETTLE THE AREA. NATURAL LIMESTONE ' OUTCROPPINGS LINED THE FOX RIVER V ALLEY AND EARLY PIONEERS SKILLED IN MASONRY BEGAN TO IMPLEMENT THIS AS A BUILDING MATERIAL. BY 1836 RULIEF DURYEA HAD ESTABLISHED YORKVILLE � NAMING IT AFTER HIS NATIVE STATE OF NEW YORK. OVER THE YEARS THE CITY BEGAN TO FLOURISH AND THE DOWNTOWN BECAME ALIVE WITH ACTIVITY; A PLACE WHERE PEOPLE CAME TO SHOP AND VISIT. IN 1845 -� THE COUNTY SEAT WAS MOVED TO OSWEGO BUT SHORTLY AFTER, IN 1862 IT WAS RETURNED TO YORKVILLE WITH THE REALIZATION THAT THIS WAS THE MORE SUITABLE LOCATION, CENTRAL TO THE ENTIRE COUNTY. - THE KENDALL COUNTY COURTHOUSE WAS THEN BUILT IN 1864 AND THE SCHOOL IN 1887 MADE *� PREDOMINANTLY WITH NATIVE CLAY BRICKS FROM A LOCAL BRICKYARD AND NATIVE LIMESTONE FROM THE RIVER VALLEY. TODAY, SOME OF THOSE ICONIC STRUCTURES STILL STAND. FOR EXAMPLE FROM THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN YORKVILLE, TALL ABOVE THE ROOFTOPS AND CITY BELOW, THE CUPOLA OF THE KENDALL COUNTY COURTHOUSE EXEMPLIFIES THE ITALIANATE ARCHITECTURE THAT ONCE DOMINATED THE UNITED �'TATES DURING THE MID TO LATE 1800' . THE BRICK AND LIMESTONE FACADES AND ORNATELY DETAILED ,ORNICES AND BRACKETS ON THIS STRUCTURE AND OTHER BUILDINGS THROUGHOUT THE DOWNTOWN REVERBERATE THESE HISTORICAL ELEMENTS OF YORKVILLES PAST. r THE INTEGRATED TRANSPORTATION PLAN (SHARED USE TRAIL PLAN AND DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN) ESTABLISHES AN IDENTIFIABLE THEME FOR THE YORKVILLE AREA, IMPROVING ITS AESTHETIC QUALITY WHILE PRESERVING THE CHARACTER AND HERITAGE OF THE CITY. FOR EXAMPLE IN THE DOWNTOWN ORNATE DETAILS OF STREETSCAPE ELEMENTS WILL REFLECT THE UNIQUE HISTORICAL CHARACTER OF THE CITY. OLD ACORN LIGHTING WILL RESONATE A BYGONE PERIOD. THE WELCOMING „ f ENTRANCES INTO THE CITY, GATEWAYS TO THE DOWNTOWN AND SIGNAGE ALONG THE SHARED USE TRAILS WILL RESEMBLE THE ARCHITECTURE OF THESE ICONIC BUILDINGS FABRICATED OUT OF BRICK, LIMESTONE AND j IRONWORK. AS EACH ELEMENT COMPLEMENTS ONE ANOTHER IT WILL STRENGTHEN THE COMMUNITYS - � m i r IDENTITY AND FURTHER CREATE A STRONG SENSE OF PLACE., �• --..;. ` `j -1 EXHIBIT The GATEWAYS CURVILIWEAR WALLS A WD SIC,N r PAWEL REFLECT THE WATURAL & WAYFINDING CHARACTER OF T1fi FOX RIVER VALLEY SIGNAGE �L LIMESTOWF COLUMW AWD BRICK l m '°.- CONCEPTS drawdirect) W ALLS REFLECTIVE OF OCA from the character of the historic Yorkville y ARCHITECTURE AWL MATERIALS n • 4r "`" downtown. The Fox River, Kendall County DECORATIVE METAL PAWEL Courthouse building, and existing WITH CITY LOGO architectural style found throughout the downtown area were used for inspiration. - Utilizing familiar brick and limestone CURVILIWEAR LAWDSCAPE materials, consistent with existing PLAQTERS PROVIDE COLOR Arab architecture, each concept reflects the ESTABLISH A POUWbATTOW POP character of Yorkville. MOWUMEWT' The proposed concepts utilize horizontal layers, archway elements, and detailed cornices to reflect the Italianate architecture so prevalent in the downtown area. The distinct image of the courthouse cupola also inspires the design for the Downtown Major a -< Gateway and Informational kicsk, establishing a visual connection between City Gateway Feature the elements and creating a consistent identity for Downtown Yorkville. COL UMW EMULATES ARCHITECTURE OF HISTORIC KCWb COUrJT'Y a COURTHOUSE . DECORATIVE METAL PAWEL WITH CITY LOGO L IMESTOWE OUTCROPPIWCnS IWCORPORATE T14ErJXTURAL < i CHARACTER OP THE PDX e RIVER VALLEY` Downtown Major Gateway COLUMW EMULATES ARCHITECTURE OP HISTORIC KEWDALL — -- COUWTY COURTHOUSE PA PROVIDES PUBLIC bECORATIVE BRACKET \; SPACE POR LOCAL MATCHES CHARACTER OF IWPORMATIOQ AUD PROPOSED STREET EVEQT5 PARKING LIGHTS sICgW MATERIALS �Ytm �T CITY DOWWT VAJ LOGO COWSISTEWT WITH •• RI Y LRWtW ESTABLISHES A ARCHITECTURAL 'c COrJQECTIOW SETWEEW CHARACTER OF HISTORIC T CITY HALL S ICIQACtE aMEtiITTTES au=LDI,�Gs =ra T LIBRARY BOLD POWT AWD SIMPLE DOWWTOWW YORKVIL LE WAMTWC1 COWVEWTTOWS ! -4 RIVE POR DESTTW PA RR MAXIMIZE IMPACT OF VEHICULAR SIGWACiE M . VEHICULAR SIC•tWS HAW4cj MOM PROPOSED AM STREET LICnHTS AT KCY AREAS TDEWTTFYIW6 MAJOR DESTLrJATIOS 4' IW DOWWTOWW AREA Vehicular Directional Signage Informational Kiosk ITALIAWATE ARCHITECTURAL ^ ELEMEraTS REFLECT CHARACTER OF " HISTORIC BUILDIWGs IW F - brSWWTLSWW YORKVILLE ,r FEATURE SERVES AS BOTH A � '�^' y'n t FOCAL POIWT AWD CIATEWAY - +�► F' LAWDSCAPIWG FRAMES THE VIEW OP THE RIVERWALK GATEWAY a �; TOWER AWD SOP -WS THE �., OVERALL FEATURE - LOW SEAT WALL CREATES A .� LAWDSCAPE P_AWTER AWIWG VISUAL IWTEREST TLS THE FEATURE C /T Key Focal Point Feature / Riverwalk Gateway I M LLE l�� I . r ' rrmrrrrmr D LEGEND ' e � ♦. 1 ♦ s p � a. 1 1 PARKS 1 1 ♦ Nrr , O 1. PURCELL PARK ♦ 1 1 1 2. FOX HILL EAST PARK lr, ♦� 1 3. Fox HILL WESTPARK rt ° °i ; k '__ f _� +1- �� r 4. 1 HIDING SPOT PARK 5. EMILY SLEEZER PARK -�- s� - =T-x�_ ® 9 C' ♦ - 8. T ARE PARK 7. BEECHER EECHER PARK 9 tl .� - mrnr flrrr.r -'- 8. 9 VAN EMMON PARK O g 11 l r♦ ` ,tx�r t /y�+d mrr `-J . PRICE PARK /F O v .:v -c'° 1 c-� _ t} _g t BICENTENNIAL RIVERFRONT PARK 10. tlq LI 1 11. KIWANIS PARK i u evuvvaay aay c 10 Il • 12. RICE PARK " I °= 13. WEST HYDRAULIC PARK m 11 t� �:_ ��� -� •�- rrr.ml 14. RIVERS EDGE PARK r r.r � a ^`e 1 « U a t - 15. CRAWFORDPARK i7/ '� 1 16. SUNFLOWERPARK I n " fj� tl - tl 0 17. CANNONBALL RIDGE PARK RP 11 18. 16. ROTARTPARK p J� 11 q�/ `✓ ^I g 9 tl 11 -.mmf ♦ � , 19. ROTARY PARK �� 0 g 1 /� 0 tl- '�rririr 20. BRISTOL STATION PARK n 21. JR. WOMEN'S CLUB PARK - HEARTLAND CIRCLE i B \\ q R /1 22. JAYCEE POND 11 f 11 G �-� Z$ �� . 23. COBB PARK ( U f tl. y Al 24. RAINTREE VILLAGE PARKA v =v va B G Il n q "���_ ,.f - 't 25. STEVEN G BRIDGE PARK acoa °r °S p 4 <' ° i f R I - STEPPING STONES PARK ? 11 O 0 -v,. - if gyp b ♦rr 27. WHEATON WOODS nil 11 11 q 9 _ Q -'r•M 1' If 28, GREEN'S FILLING STATION PARK 29. RIEMENSCHNEIDER PARK 0 �I',4 0 9 O .r�r4 rrrrrrr rr.r. 1 I 30. GRANDE RESERVE PARKA n �/� 103aa Q4- 31. GRANDE RESERVE PARK 8 mm v c rre _coil. a r n v . it ca = ='a4y q c��� 0 A. r ° FORESTPRESERVES (I tl f 11 �1 ^� .11 -� ♦t f 32. HOOVER EDUCATIONAL CENTER 0 If 7 ` 36. R OUTE YONS FOREST PRESERVE r.. �4 - - �.. n.�ad 111 °'° ~ �� n O /// lrv`,` �/1 ' 11 i Vii f ❑ t 34. CANNONBALL SEDGE MEADOW I II n � �`. 1 « p LJ 35. SUBAT FOREST PRESERVE II 11 wS 37. DICK YOUNG FOREST PRESERVE f1 r � ` � q 38. HARRIS FOREST PRESERVE" .. 39. PICKERILL- PIGOTT FOREST PRESERVE - 40- BLACKBERRY CREEK FOREST PRESERVE i q 'o - ♦ ~♦ - g; g� .mod O ' ny * A - STATE PARKS 41. SILVER SPRINGS STATE PARK ;P r� ♦Ir� Jd F � / / mo d �4 ,,,ppp ' ♦ ♦m ♦i ° ° ° <IF °o bQ °Qp SCHOOLS I n a v�y dd al g`�� / G ` ,G� ~♦ uo"� ° °Qp i ✓7 A. YORKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ' ✓ ! ¢y , (`' B. YORKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMY ♦'• / {\ B t a .� _ r n-- 0 C. YORKVILLE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - 'r4 - 9rrnr� ®® li. pL --ova 1g 'f1 , � f 0. CIRCLE CENTER GRADE SCHOOL ri 8 !tr E. YORKVILLE GRADE SCHOOL �q F. GRANDE RESERVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL G. BRISTOL BAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL H. BRISTOL GRADE SCHOOL 1 m L YORKVILLE MIDDLE SCHOOL - yL.■ rtl1,♦m °ai G u(_, = l `r _` 4 J. AUTUMN CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL p �a . i1° f iP �'b °d'®sil none p M... IT , am , O © .� a ■----- m ° ■ ° ■�, J a 8� a o� « d=maai a rdl - to Jr if d ^ q >~`��` III 0 t y tl r _ -r l1Ca 9 .. �di lr `�\ tl...., -- - ♦ a■ '`. 191, li- � ±� ,= ^= nv ° °tt 9nt�1 ._�,' M1` ti �\ if wow in 17 it V til r R _., -_ `11 r ♦♦ .ice d, Il « �' -aac %' n ��-� ` 1 )� 9 $` y. _ ( Iti U \ 77 1 II s ft -11 y�+�,t4'r� ♦9 td� 0 0 -4 . Fl. fl ��1� « IT ri rrtmrr�{,Lr� ♦ ♦♦ ` 11 tt ° B n'�4d� U a 0 - c` c fi � f _. -1 aM ♦.'>d' 6 J ll l .._..�vv Ja nc - il \ l\ y,7 fl.. .�:T' Q A 8 ■. n .. If t '' , 'p �: ' 11 i it P �')� 0� -C1. f If a u a a « n U � If !r i a �_I1 ::iir. ins 0 fl 0 a 9 0 ,, ; ate.. -n ry r! « a 1 Al 1 Gd `� -� t 11 a 6 1 ` n paQ q 0 11 1 it G 4 n ri a� LEGEND 7 � n n. u 0 « n `� ° u =�= YORKVILLE STUDY AREA 0 �? 11 I Laocvp - B i II ' u n va ?aao EXISTING SCHOOL LOCATIONS �o n a = it u a n u « 12 PARK ID 1- o B n e cam u $. I e I 0 � u � n � 0 7� BRIDGE /UNDERPASS! OVERPASS � - B 6 1 1 Ivcv avtt= cccc °aa TRAILS j CITY OWNED 1 MAINTAINED ASPHAL i f �� ° u q a- FOREST PRESERVE If yrr ♦ ♦rrm dn, p` Y Ii o n u� g mm ♦ ° °aID0 - COUNTY TRAIL o r� aa >,. N 1 II =--e ems❑ =4 ,y ,�_ ■rm ■■ IN DEVELOPER PUD AGREEMENT If - PRIVATE/ PUBLIC TRAIL (HOA)- asPnan 1 - n = 11 °�_° - `1 n PRIVATE /PUBLIC TRAIL IHOa > -r«� 0 n n 11 n 10j %.v°viA+n rmrrdSv =' n - tl el if n u . °__° PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL II n n n ifa p= °== ° ° °o °= n = = vc�_ __,, = aR =_ °t >ql� == _��_�___ L4 - n FUTURE YORKVILLE URE RAIRIEPARKWAYTRAIL n - - gg it u ° n E. n il u u n a LOCAL PARKS / FOREST PRESERVES ry p ;° es\ o . `� a CITY PARKS n II aa °an ° =� e �'do a PROPOSED CITY PARKS 1� B If r 1 n n I. u IN f • 4 ° �� 5° z° a =off ti °�� m,� -�., STATE PARKS rp If FOREST PRESERVE n ® j 9 GREENWAYS if R PROPOSED PRAIRIE P .R A'N� J All ®+ f U 71 11 1 Ed C1,- ( i ?� • O I t J I n 1 ja -- - 1 CE EXHIBIT J - SHARED -USE 1RA11 0 f AEI NORTH SEC Group, Inc. Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I United City of Yorkville ■ ■ yy *yy ■...� -.90 ,.�. ,. d ❑ • ID LE GEND p n • ■ ■ • Ct Ci - .. , nJl, . _ PARKS ■ ❑ ■ T 1. PURCELL PARK nT �1� ■r`r- � '-- -- -�T* p I II 2. FOX HI LL EAST PARK U 1 �. 1j \\ 3. FOX HILL WEST PARK ■ I n I 4. HIDING BPOTPA ■ ■ 13 � q 5. EMILY SRK _■ O / - { R. TOWN SQ U ARE PARK ARE PARK • ,� .... 7 ®+ - -^ - flopp npn Gn ° ❑flo 0 p 13 17 C 0 013* 7. BEECHERPARK ■ ■'■mnpflflo "'99■ I > D 8. VAN EMMON PARK A ❑flp13n ❑ppaflfl fld�,3 �_�-�. I m 9. PRICE PARK _ _ 11 ^_,___ -_ r __ ____..___ - = _ I � p {i ` � � -❑ � ■ 10. BICENTENNIAL RIVERFRONT PARK O 0 rD= -` -- ''""`- -_ -_ - ro J 0 F r,y f -■ 11. KIWANIS PARK I I LI 1� Yr�-1' l ■ t2. RICE PARK 0 i i I� f- { 13. WEST HYDRAULIC PARK I 14. RIVERS EDGE PARK 13 I1 1 ? ■ r + ■r �; I\\ �Il I� '� 1UN 13 11 I ■ 6. S FLOWER PARK y , DAq p } p ❑ _. ' ' _ -1 r ^ q _- �v�.1] -�� O ■ 17. CANNONBALL RIDGE PARK I I ■r� = - -'1 -1 ■ 18. GILBERi PARK fir■ ■yrr■��Y ° J I ■ ❑ r , ■ 2 ROTARY PARK II II p I • 20. JR. STATI ■ o / //) 2/. R. WOMEN'S CLUB LUB PARK-HEARTLAN CIRCLE ■ 22. JAYCEE POND O p • ° � ■ 23. COBB PARK h`J ll ! ■ 13 ' ■ 24. VIL L A GE PARKA �.. r I � ■ - d STEVE G BR q � ■ 25. STEVEN G BR I D GE PARK . 1 `p Ir � - r . ■- hh0 , -- ': 26. STEPPING W O D SPARK ■ h 171 n ■ ■ 11 Il r,, ■ n O '1 28. GREEN'S FILL WG STATION PARK Y 30, GRANDE RESERVEPARKA ❑° 31. GRANDE RESERVE PARK B ° ♦ .• 1" FOREST RVES 32 HOOVER EDUCATIONAL CENTER 4s� !r ci Y ��� ` O ❑ ♦ �nry� !J rt 13 + 33. ROUTE 47 REST STOP "J g13e ® ■ ■rry 34. CANNONBALL SEDGE MEADOW 7 (,4 . ~�/ . N 35 SUBAT FOREST PRESERVE ■ , f .. w LYONS FOREST PRESERVE 37 DICK YOUNG FOREST PRESERVE I 1 i 38. HARRIS FOREST PRESERVE " ■ ❑ L ` ► ,'?" 39. PICKERILL.PIGOTT FOREST PRESERVE ® ® *� IJ `�. ��. \\ h `l 1 �," ° 40 BLACKBERRY CREEK FOREST PRESERVE t'T' Vy �r 1 �. STATE PARKS ima, ❑ �� �Jl - - - -.. 41. SILVER SPRINGS STATE PARK SCHOOLS I1 to ■ ■ ® ,2 5 i . �- !? 1 1 A. YORKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ❑ B. YORKVILLE HIGH SCHOOLACAOEMY ' Ll fi d [J p ,@ C. R INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL G0 ©• ■S /mrr ■ CIRCLE D. CI YORKVILLE R LE CENT GRADE SCHOOL U FJ ® E. GRADE SCHOOL � If °' O -Al (^ It GRANDE RESERVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ❑ ® r45�'fi ■ G. BRISTOL BAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Llt ^�� ^¢ ❑ ^c , J,� G. 9 Irl`ry� n H. BRISTOL GRADE SCHOOL D t. Or h J j 1. YORKVILLF MIDDLE 11 w..,Cu = == ❑ I1 /�- I J- AUTUMN CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL '� O rt. cY l is; 0 1T 1 � IJ Il � I • IS P 1/ / ` fr . ■ if t it Ljppflfl❑pflcQao ❑ y n r'y n In to o s' ¢ �!'�' / / o ey1••'{ T q n �'' 0 , > . >; r ♦- "10a..- a�at7❑ 6 �� 7 H ❑T7 tl a a flfl fl ' s 19fl. I b ,no (e i N _L1ti $yyyr o�' nrJfl o cop❑ °enai 6 a aa tk� ❑n aaCaa u r, I- =�'� o 4 t >! Il' 4IN %, ,�, O ■ t3 C C1 • I1 ti ❑ fl- 13 , LEGEND �0.C3 �o <� _C= YORKVILLE STUDY AREA = =`y, lc' a� �h `!. EXISTING SCHOOL LOCATIONS ii 9 C+ 4n i @ PARK ID BRIDGE / UNDERPASS! OVERPASS tit I1 �� If ❑ I1 �'� � a E ■ "~11 -I ,' - -- II _..Ir - - -Gl. a a *y.�'' M■■u� TRAILS CITY OWNED / MAINTAINED ASPHAL > If v FOREST PRESERVE if n � ❑ 1. if /� LT COUNTY TRAIL In __ Tj , / p p p p n IN DEVELOPER PUD AGREEMENT n I+ ❑ If t' . iri ' 1 n / i > fir `•. Lx , r -� _ PRIVATE I PUBLIC TRAIL(HOA) - phalt I PRIVATE PUBLIC TRAIL (HGA)•I;- w-. i -- nvm■m PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL - -tl -°- _ 1 TRAILS OUTSIDE OF YORKVILLE ti r,- - - If r Jr _,f FUTURE PRAIRIE PARKWAY TRAIL IT LOCAL PARKS / FOREST PRESERVES r) c e s t:r 0 CITY PARKS =i a 1 PROPOSED CITY PARKS I _ n S V it Y _ ', Sy STATE PARKS n n -- -= =u O u FOREST PRESERVE n rl Id .��� LrpwTSS�TEiEte ❑�� GREENWAYS II �1 n ff tr L " Ts 0 > k,� if III - 1 L d- ® ! �rj h r 'n, p , 17 ry 00 C n As / �■� x�� ► 3 ri rid: >f �L EST '� 1 � m36 p n �� (•I� ��ZmtR•T -: -''__ ❑_.:_ tt � t C1. �7/ (3 � ��� �'l IT '�I ���(E V1'� L7 if LI T1 EXHIBIT H/ \ 1 1 r F �F NORTH NORTHE-Ag i ..('' LJL SEC Group, Inc. Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan United City of Yorkville n n ID LEGEND ' ° °° 40L ' {]naann■■■■ PARKS , 1. PURCELL PARK 2. fOX HILL EAST PARK 4- ■ r[s[ Z[�L ZC =_� =� 3. FOX HILL WEST PARK - r ■ /:+ 4. HIDING SPOT PARK ■ 5. EMILY SLEEZER PARK 6. TOWN SQUARE PARK - t ■ I� !^r7y ■G.. — - \�}" 7 13EECHER PARK - C ■ �E 1 { t tt W VAN EMMON PARK ' 9. PRICE PARK � - ' - 10. BICENTENNIAL RIVERFRONT PARK /7 13 11. KMIANIS PARK 12. RICE PARK 13. WEST HYDRAULIC PARKS _. ~ ■_ ^_ ❑ CI II ERS EDGE 16. GBERT PARK DGE PARK n fl ■! °j ❑ 11 III_ 1 s. 1 r ,.: �!!I{J1 1 19- ROTARY PARK 20. BRISTOLSTATIONPARK 21. R. WOMEN'S CLUB PARK - HEARTLAND CIRCLE I !J t I It 22. JAYCEE POND Pj 1 13 �'�d�. ?J rr 23. COBB PARK 24. RAINTREE VILLAGE PARKA 25. h �1 p STEVEN G BRIDGE PARK b� 7y 26. STEPPING STONES PARK 27. WHEATON OOD 28. GREEN'S FIL TATION PARK 29. RIEMENSCHNEIDER PARK r �n B 111 \� - ` n / 30. GRANDERESERVEPARKA 31 ERVE P .. .. ___ -! 1 J` . GRANDE RESERVE B FOREST PRESERVES .(j y TI 32. HOOVER EDUCATIONAL CENTER f 33. ROUTE 47 REST STOP `4 ❑ ii 13 (1 p� 34.. CANNONBALL SEDGE MEADOW IT 35. SUBAT FOREST PRESERVE 36. LYONS FOREST PRESERVE - -' -- _ R 1�} Cr L I f7 37. DICK YOUNG FOREST PRESERVE - - -" ' -- - ■ ❑ I i 13 r, n FOREST 38. HARRIS ST PRESERVE M 3 38, PICKERILLPIGOTT DTT FOREST PRESERVE l7 R' R RR7 eJ 1J� 40. BLACKBERRY CREEK FOREST PRESERVE op �y,.p, -, Ct�R� -�--'R Q` � f� II �p II STATE PARKS I I OO + 41, SILVER SPRINGS STATE PARK - - - - - -- ■ Ay�O "� (7 =`!1 SCHOOLS FI 0 17 A. YORKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Lt I/ ^/�flP j n B. YORKVILLE HIGH SGHOOLACADEMY _ _ _ R 4 It r/ C. YORKVILLE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL L U ,4 �,G�1 [7 I, CIRCLE E CENTER GRADE SCHOOL _ � IT ( t E. YORKVILLE GRADESCHOOL j , IT (T' F. GRANDE RESERVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL d G. BRISTOL BAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL _ H. BRISTOL GRADE SCHOOL � - 4 JJ� I tL I ' l l L YORKVILLE MIDDLE SCHOOL - t l n i t '! J. AUTUMN CREEK ELEMENTARV SCHOOL FJ ! 1 b Lt tt a tI in 41 ✓.� II G I � ..i'� - n n n n J 11 41 fl I I7 II 1 _ 1✓� I 11 l� LI it V�11 - II W L1 I1 11 I■ (t fl �� /1 y N= ==wee ❑ = = =all ;.:mac 1, r Y it tl CI aa - � J 1 tt p V A t I f rg ii I ii II ,.aEfla�`1i- c'. - Ir 1 a.J GOV r7 n Q13 n n Q T n II u ii II yC�'" ~ \ II L 11 II � i �✓ \�\ 11 'mo FT I � 11 11 i L h� U r7 p Q� 11 J 17 I1 � L` 1h J n u LEGEND r„ �j ■ =C= YORKVILLE STUDY AREA y � Wax Rr ° ■o ■1aaa �'r �� i „ fib EXISTING SCHOOL LOCATIONS 0 PARK ID =?, 1� i f BRIDGE / UNDERPASS IOVERPASS ■aa= acR ?`� ■ { 11 _,___?I TRAILS 1 a lit_ 0 — CITY OWNED / MAINTAINED ASPHAL - - y 4 - -` - - - -- FOREST PRESERVE _ _= / - - - '7 1 >�rt it r COUNTY TRAIL ■■!!■ IN DEVELOPER PUD AGREEMENT Iet a ■ i, n �- � `_'= rl � /-_ _ PRIVATE /PUBLIC TRAIL rHDA >- aspna¢ { ® ® � r = rj PRIVATE /PUBLIC TRAIL (HDA).r t— IN i ®■' °■ PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL ji TRAILS OUTSIDE OF YORKVILLE a �� ti ; ! i t FUTURE PRAIRIE PARKWAY TRAIL a� ';D IN /ec is i ii L: . 17 H 1 fy IN il - N, LOCAL PARKS / FOREST PRESERVES 0 CITY PARKS PROPOSED CITY PARKS -- - ® is i n p4 C rt _ STATE PARKS ! �, it i n ii , C /T. It FOREST PRESERVE Ja` C� a' P o n n dm t �.g V . , % -I 1 1 1 \ `."s ` ESL `-� 1636 GREENWAYS t ,� �m n - b � LE NORTH Inte SEC Group, Inc. Yorkville • • U City o f Y ID LEGEND ® 7J PARKS 1. PURCELL PARK j tr 2. FOX HILL EAST PARK tty `max ^, 3. FOX HILL WEST PARK !/ `: ==- ='C L`ry = = =GG =, Cv n"I _ r; nC..�nn1 4. HIDING SPOT PARK @ I7 5. EMILY SLEEZER PARK - ®. t) 6. T ARE PARK tf EECHER \ i ttt 7. BEECHER PARK h 8. VAN EMMON PARK 3 ! 9. PRICE PARK 10. BICENTENNIAL RIVERFRONT PARK rr� --�` 11. KIWANIS PARK •I 12. RICE WEST H PARK •. 13. YDRAULIC PARK ' \ Q I �// !) 14. RIVERS EDGE PARK j �h \> 11 �/ 1) _j 15. CRAW _ORD PARK ��� A t I 1p 1fi. SUNFLOWER PARK \\ fI fj 17. CANNONBALL RIDGE PARK • 1i!' *'. ❑ Ty n 18. GILBERT PARK 19 20. ROTARY PARK . BRISTOL STATION PARK 21. JR. WOMEN'S CLUB PARK - HEARTLAND CIRCLE \ \ t7 - // r J 22. JAYCEE POND \ \1 D ,y^ 11 23. COBBPARK it n - _ _ (I 24. RAINTREE VILLAGE PARKA - \ \1 n ` 25 STEVEN G BRIDGE PARK `\ \\ �n�, - n - -- 4`O 26. STEPPING STONES PARK \ 27' WOODS \ \ - 28. GREEN'S FILLING STATION PARK e 29- RIEMENSCHNEIDER PARK 30. GRANDERESERVEPARKA 31. GRANDE RESERVE PARK 8 (/ 7 - FOREST PRESERVES 32. HOOVER EDUCATIONAL CENTER 33, ROUTE 47 REST STOP - 0 34, CANNONBALL SEDGE MEADOW tr 35. SUBAT FOREST PRESERVE fj /2 j M 36. LYONS FOREST PRESERVE /) i7 i1 37. DICKYOUNa FOREST PRESERVE J a 11 - 38. HARRIS FOREST PRESERVE p j �/ bpzy.�� U F1 rl M 39. PICKERILL- PIGOTT FOREST PRESERVE 40. BLACKBERRY CREEK FOREST PRESERVELf O ff/ fi t �yy �> n ^ i r1 60 ❑ �r'1.1rE !� n STATE PARKS 41. SILVER SPRINGS STATE PARK t OP® i 1 /il In SCHOOLS 1 A. YORKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL B. YORKVILLE HIGH SCHOOLACADEMY C, YORKVILLE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL D. CIRCLE CENTER GRADE SCHOOL E. YORKVILLE GRADE SCHOOL II t7 t1 r . F. GRANDE RESERVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL +� U f� G. BRISTOL BAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL L fl I1 H. BRISTOL GRADE SCHOOL I. YORKVILLE MIDDLE SCHOOL ,� �v r'I 1 -t7 I 1 n J. AUTUMN CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL e A IT h n t i1 Il � d 1 e+� r�ya�cecp ^nncnec ^4 t4 ! � ` Ina C "' 7 6 a$ n 1 f47 �`�i e cm�� n 17 r (J 11 7 L4 r V) g4�'an.�fV^ rl n IT 17 - o is ❑ r� n n CI ❑ 13 11 rT „�ar� :annacc coca.❑ n= nncncnnnccnnoacncannca- ❑ers,� w. i � arlrl�rmcc cncn�.:�cnc -t-- n �� t II nnL7nr11'111t7 r'r' ; U n C7 L ii ��nmy . La n r, IT /i ° 1u 13 I7 11 n Cvu� f.] IT �n V Mn11 n M of / t D n L n / n 1 e) a - - - n i 11 IT n n (T L_ n n n n w' u n n n c1 n - li n d v _ ccccc' n I ' � `s. Oan cl c n r1 L. n n a Cl l ❑ 0 II 61 tl n u d ��ccc= nacnccn� P � O t�� �p 6• 7� I1 n 11 �4 T � ®® amp in -n=. f!O ❑ nnnmm Oq © {�G �.`C% n i n n n tl n n I n 71 n :n __ _nnn..�nnnnnnnnecccn�YPllXill[! MILS' If lmcenncccaann�cc� '�Y'1y71rrYiiYi'V�i1f� - m _ n i n � n n LEGEND n n n 11 n n =C= YORKVILLE STUDY AREA �...� n n m (1 n M fib EXISTING SCHOOL LOCATIONS tl a t 12 PARK ID L n �( BRIDGE I UNDERPASS /OVERPASS L1 �V" tt\ 0 o "� ° �� n n r9 TRAILS � � cv 11 D � I s CITY OWNED I MAINTAINED ASPHALT o n FOREST PRESERVE rI IT n C_ <1 n n nogacncmm�ann uC c*< n ^' �tir .- � COUNTYTRAIL Cc3 _ he ^9 cc^ cna ccccn= _ccnccnnancncaccnnnccco �nccq 't ■ur■ IN DEVELOPER PUD AGREEMENT lnnccncWn cucacnjflucccuYJc n ti t1 T7 PRIVATE / PUBLIC TRAIL(HOA) -e phMl ❑ - 4 -y L PRIVATE / PUBLIC TRAIL (HoA).i -t- �i ?� n i ®rave PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL rrrrr� TRAILS OUTSIDE OF YORKVILLE i n 1.1 n FUTURE PRAIRIE PARKWAY TRAIL lyy n LOCAL PARKS / FOREST PRESERVES 04 't' `I �a16 \ �1 CITY PARKS \ n k PROPOSED CITY PARKS -- _ _ STATE PARKS FOREST PRESERVE C= lr -LtrFLR -l7 -tT - CI LIL _LZ- 5_7Z�� 7J -7J JT_7I�7� T1i=l rr�t> -r �? o� ! f &@ 11 r �1 .GI : EST. "S 1836 GREENWAYS un -- -_ m 14 ro ` <CE 17 1 _Aw I EXHIBIT J - SHARED -USE TRAIL PLAN N PF..ncT QUARTER SEC Group, Inc. Y orkville Integrated Trans portation ' '• City of • yi 0 ye 1 L9 _ n a I• 6C 3} © ' S�j f7 II ■' ID LEGEND I1 != Ctl PARKS i. PURCELL PARK 2. FOX HILL EAST PARK 3. FOX HI LL WEST PARK 4. HIDING SPOT PARK tll N ,,'� Q n II 5. EMILY SLEEZER PARK F� X11 /r 6. TOWN SQUARE PARK 7. 13EECHER PARK "� 11 ]rt( -.� Q EI , 3 �'7 It L'� 11 !1 e. VAN EMMON PARK . I I 8 ' 1 `>' �- ❑ f I 1 I r7 9. PRICE PARK 1 I �� 10. BICENTENNLAL RIVERFRONT PARK "- ':� 17. KIWANIS PARK 72. RICE PARK -- i II 4 11 11 13. WEST HYDRAULIC PARK 14. RIVERS EDGE PARK '_- - -'I I I �, �., ^flfl Sp 15. CRAWFORDPARK Q Il SI it 16. SUNFLOWERPARK i 11 aflQ t. TI 17. CANNONBALL RIDGE PARK =" o m m - 0 L7 ❑ ❑ ■ t Tt �� I 1 Tl 18. GILBERT PARK II �.�4 � 3^S [. - i n 16. ROTARY PARK II -,i1j Cl �� 41 20. BRISTOLSTATION PARK 21. JR. WOMEN'S CLUB PARK - HEARTLAND CIRCLE 1 � tl �> p 22. JAYCEE POND -� - 13 23. COBBPARK 11 110P ��g 4 � �.� -5 I tl rl 24, RAINTREE VILLAGE PARK A 1 1 i G �y ,.. n � 11 [t 25. STEVEN G BRIDGE PARK 11 n p j = Un = " 11 Ci n 26. STEPPING STONES PARK II 27. WHEATON WOODS it t] fl tl- It li 28. GREEN'S FILLING STATION PARK it 13 9 29. RIEMENSCHNEIDER PARK II ■ n © J t it II - 3 3 30. GRANDE RESERVE PARKA /1 '■ fl 31. GRANDERESERVEPARKB f/ /f !Y 4 1 �pG ®G i FOREST PRESERVES f! ■ 0 32. HOOVER EDUCATIONAL CENTER rr 13 33, ROUTE 47 REST STOP - 1 13 ) - 34. CANNONBALL SEDGE MEADOW ff ❑ l`SJ� �5 35. SUBAT FOREST PRESERVE It f1 36. DICK YOUNG FOREST FIVE ! O 37 r1 �� . DICK YOUNG FOREST PRESERVE 38. HARRIS FOREST PRESERVE - / / 10 39. PICKERILL PIGOTT FOREST PRESERVE ' f / .1 40. BLACKBERRY CREEK FOREST PRESERVE j STATE PARKS 41. SILVER SPRINGS STATE PARK 1 {r ❑ �J✓ ty�' SCHOOLS Irf! n A. VORKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 71 ❑ .fig t3IIp3fl B. YORKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMY N - ��i $Lapgpp M.©❑_mmm1'lpes�,g6+o C. YORKVILLE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL r f q ! M L3 FA 0 D. CIRCLE CENTER GRADE SCHOOL f1� ■ qd 0 >, 4 ti E. YORKVILLE GRADE SCHOOL "$ F. GRANDE RESERVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I t H. t7 �., ^ - / - G. BRISTOL BAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I I ('] A� q _ ' _I H. BRISTOL GRADE SCHOOL I f ❑ r' %` �� _ G :.$ / L YORKVILLE MIDDLE SCHOOL I I y _ fy ■ J. AUTUMN CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL :- �l u ■ n IN za HI n .r��■■■■iidfln�c�nf� „n ^ ❑cn>1z?et�■'r���.��� l ti # �s� ® nJ 0 \ � n n I I , ��8 ■ ��^� n ri Cn +a ;nn ^�cc3__nn =acccc ❑cc==cn 'I 11 cna=❑ =❑ -=cnn Z:l 7 p n Ii ° ii ll I'll 111 .■bl#4 n / ❑ n n :I II ❑ II r;. 00 n ri n n n 7 A n ti i ow ; . I I n n In 3 i j ❑ a__ _ -cn_ _nc= M = =_n= nn� nne ml= enancn ❑ =e ' . ■nLl i aecnen e== a_ ncn c_ nccrcn=_n;.Ln ^ ^ ^.nne= = ��� .. TT �^ MM n 1 p n 1I n 1 ❑ u Li n ■ n II I n I■ n n u (■ n f3 LEGEND " '° n � ■ n 11 I n n n f1 R CI mm ==C.7,^� _[- YORKVILLE STUDY AREA n u _ =nom 13 EXISTING SCHOOL LOCATIONS n , ■ �O n n 1 11 I■ qi`` =r C 1© PARK ID I1 ■ J� BRIDGE /UNDERPASS /OVERPASS TRAILS ( m n ■�■� CITY OWNED / MAINTAINED ASPHALT I ~ n ti FOREST PRESERVE n n u n n IT W - �nnnone?Lynn'n:�nnnnWnnnnnnnnn� COUNTY TRAIL VI _L ^ Gnacnnnenvennnanennnf lonnnconc�nonon ^^ n n ■■■■■ IN DEVELOPER PUD AGREEMENT ii I n n 31 I I ri n PRIVATE / PUBLIC TRAIL (HOA)- Sph It Al ❑ n % H n n z� PRIVATE / PUBLIC TRAIL (HoA) - im wone t, I n n I ■■■ ■e PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL n 3 ., - ;;... = = - ___ =- n === = =n == rj r` ■■ee■� TRAILS OUTSIDE OF YORKVILLE ---------- - - - -- -- - - -- - - ^-' FUTURE PRAIRIE PARKWAY TRAIL i _ LOCAL PARKS / FOREST PRESERVES _ CITY PARKS H ® PROPOSED CITY PARKS r _ STATE PARKS� _ _ w - -� - -�-y -� -L =JT - SS ---� _ TL FOREST PRESERVE GREENWAYS EST 1>s3s ILE I _ EXHIBIT J - SHARED - USE TRM . PLAN N ORTH SOUTHWEST OLIA,R FFR SEC Group, Inc. Yorkville integrated Transportation Plan I United City of Yorkville ID LEGEND . + ;% aanao ooa o ae° a °armada °° o °n ° ° °a °n 8 °atrpnrav aGL6�v ■ i °emmJJ ■ pevvve PARKS ■ ■ o po v ° ® p ° p 1. PURCELL PARK ♦ p p 2 FOX HILL EAST PARK ' +� ti + + + + ► ° �! p nv N Q 3. FOX HILL WEST PARK , HIDINGSPOTPARK _ _ f s ; 1 ■ p°evvaoc ov � 4 . % 5, EMILY SLEEZER PARK -.:+ --• / -y1 - -- p ° ° O 6- TOWN SQUARE PARK II ■ ® ° v.0 7 BEECHER PARK p R.. p , g 0 A - wnv fP °v = °+ 9 BICENTENNIAL RVERFRONT PARK I ._ den = °a 0 0 oc= ,tJU> >._ �___.. -L. oo ° r ° �1� A VAN E MON PARK d7 , 71, KIWANIS PARK U d 7 p 12. RICE PARK q f rrr ❑' r �vvv ° ... -.: 13. WEST HYDRAULIC PARK /Y r ,rr ❑ I r p ■ ❑ t4. RIVERS EDGE PARK 1S. CRAWFORD PARK ■) aar�,� 9�i ■ n J ■ 16. SUNFLOWER PARK ` �.. N - ° B _ f 17- CANNONBALL RIDGE PARK �,w, ■ g °' 1 IS. GILBERT PARK p I n + 19. ROTARY PARK .- -!- 20. BRISTOL STATION PARK �\`\ f i ® ■ °o * N m � I 1 1 ; ~ ru•.r ' a 21. JR. WOMEN'S CLUB PARK - HEARTLAND CIRCLE 7 22. JAYCEE POND 0+( f "' r / OA 23. COBB PARKA ■ !1 - g it 24. RAINTREE VILLAGE PARKA '.a ° =na 17 oD T �- "._ ,, �J + 25, STEVEN G BRIDGE PARK �. C Q ° °- -40 'p� it go \ r� ° 26. STEPPING STONES PARK Og ^til rr . 27. WHEATON WOOD A S 9 ye It Q 28 v . GREEN'S FILLING STATION PARK q + I_ 9 '] ° p �►y v 29. RIEMENSCHNEIDER PARK _ .I n ■ g 7 I v i-• 30. GRANDE RESERVE PARKA 3 1 . GRANDE RESERVE PARKB p ° D D n FOREST PRESERVES ❑ D D 0 ° D ~ter ❑ 32. HOOVER EDUCATIONAL CENTER ; ❑ n D JS °'v �' f' 33. ROUTE 47 REST STOP T1 ti 34. CANNON BALL SEDGE MEADOW -° 35. SUBAT FOREST PRESERVE - !I 1 �- I n { 1 ❑ '�. n D 36. LYONS FOREST PRESERVE L � - It ° 1 _ .. D ��U ° e9 37. DICK YOUNG FOREST PRESERVE 11 - °= i ^� - ))) t 7 �`y It 4 36. HARRIS FOREST PRESERVE _ u J + t( °e sf�q �� t `'" a p ®'• 39. PICKERILL- PIGOTT FOREST PRESERVE i ❑ �'� >.; 'i1 �p LJ "`� 1 Ao♦ 40 BLACKBERRY CREEK FOREST PRESERVE ■ STATE PARKS ', ' 41. SILVER SPRINGS STATE PARKa% '_ = `�'� _ �� ; ' f ws r . +so + ° �� oo r�<*' ° aarra • ' f° � o SCHOOLS "1• p =o°>' G��' ua' A. YORKVILLE HIGHSCHOOL B- YORKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMY ♦oN - + ' 7 - - <'r} \ � C. YORKVILLE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL D. CIRCLE CENTER GRADE SCHOOL E- YORKVILLE GRADE SCHOOL I T S . '} a ■ p F, GRANDE RESERVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ('➢�� ®c �� �)/ j y g p G. BRISTOL BAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL t ■ H. BRISTOL GRADE SCHOOL ■. �•t n _ ''' f f r rrrr I. YORKVILLE MIDDLE SCHOOL III`/ I; =,�q - s ! 4' ■ J. AUTUMN CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL // ■ HIGH PRIORITY TRAIL CORRIDORS l f� '�■ \�i� ~ .r r r + + + + + + +r•� 1. ROUTE 47 (FROM CANNONBALL TRAIL TO OPTION A ROUTE 71) 2. KENNEDY ROAD (FROM ROUTE 47 TO MILL OPTION B 7 7 ' ROAD) '' ❑ _ 3. CANNONBALL TRAIL (FROM ROUTE 4770 +i ,onm +r _ 7 n �� / /�/✓ 11 g ROUTE 34) it !! OPTION B ( '�v'� ❑ i�� ` �r - - 4. OPTION A CORRIDOR- CANNONBALL TRAIL O ° ❑= :a 4 (FROM ROUTE 34 TO CARLY CIRCLEBLACKBERRV CREEK AREA) 11■ + ❑ • a r ®1?p'+ \ J - � II 5, OPTION B CORRIDOR (NORTHSOUTH SEGMENT) ECHER ROAD (FROM ROUTE 34 - - �'� 12 r' m ° • ssw 11 1I / 70 IDE OF BLACKBERRY WOODS DEVELOPMEELOPME NT) 5. OPTION B CORRIDOR (EASTIWEST SEGMENT) - j r 4l1 p _ BERRYWOODBTRAIL(ALONG °,• ��11 '0 +=''rra- 13 BLACK SOUTHERN EDGE OF DEVELOPMENT) 1. �00� - VI 11 - - 15 � ■ ° "t ■ (� )r `� _ 6. ROUTE 34 (FROM CENTER PARKWAY TO ,di, g �- � - p ELDAMAIN ROAD) LI.4� '■ � N 7. BLACKBERRY CREEK BRIDGE (FROM i '?'e �N 9" 'a' ■ , F7 BLACKBERRY WOODS DEVELOPMENT TO { o4 - f. F: "f -b l '� % N GAME FARM ROAD) , y �. 1 4 6 ® L� )% - 20 6 � b ry n } 8. GAME FARM ROAD /SOMONAUK STREET FROM ♦ yy.. - n ° r7 }� � t� t ROUTE 34 TO ROUTE 47) - g Fd41. J.. 11 t) _ 9,iG �i p ■ 9. SOMONAUK STREET (FROM ROUTE 47 TO .1 �A 1 \' n Q J\ �., )� ■ MCHUGH ROAD) 4 ° 18 10. EAST MAIN STREET ROUTE 47 TO r tt .■ +�`� �,� n MCHUGH ROAD) - I n cs �.© T1 _17 JQZn N 11. FOX RIVER HYDRAULIC AVENUE TO EAST MAIN STREET) 6'. _ _ _ _ .. -" _�.�J�'' - 1 n „ ■ 12. RIVERWALK(FROM SOUTH MAIN STREET TO pf �- - ., .. _�'u n \} BICENTENNIAL RIVERFRONT PAR 13. U - q n C 13. VAN EMMON(FROM SOUTH MAIN STREET TO ■�;'_ �c� 1J +I li LYONS FOREST PRESERVE) a s - J4' ❑ d LEGEND 14. SOUTH MAIN STREET (FROM ROUTE 47 TO -- 9 - / �� I � - ��r !�\� ` . = 0 /1 HYDRAULICAVENUE) r n - '+� f 15. HEUSTISSTREET(FROMROUTE12fiT0 n ! - - �' 't, t� , '` z n ® - '� 4 r -��e ° _ g =co YORKVILLE STUDY AREA RIVERFRONT PARK) 16, FOX ROAD ROM HEUSTIS STREET TO V ,P U }S ��} ❑ I II F 'o,o �+ D ' c , HIGH POINT ROAD) 6Q !� ,'� � 1 - �� p O ri `ay l � EXISTING SCHOOL LOCATIONS 17. ROUTE 12B (FROM ROUTE47 TO COM ED ^- =. p q 8 I ❑ TRAIL) - ■ 20 TRAIL PRIORITY ID COM ED TRAIL (FROM VAN EMMON TO 1B ■ �!�'! U v ° WINDETT RIDGE SUBDIVISION) `a• 9 t( �v A.- �0 p //! 12 PARK ID ± 19. ROUTE 71 (FROM COM ED TRAIL TO KENDALL �4 )) n .0 U Il "` o II h COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS /HIGHPOINT ROAD) 6 ri •` ❑ ° ■ U�{> I]..n�_ 7U. CONNECTION OPPORTUNITIES 20. TRAIL PARALLEL TO DICK YOUNG AND LYONS foygm 0 % 0 '� 0 -C J - a \,4 FOREST PRESERVES f' 0 {I D " p °` ❑ ���� 21. MC HUGH ROAD (FROM EAST MAIN STREET TO + - s ■ : ; ° n ° ag °e a ❑ Ir r=Y BRIDGE / UNDERPASS / OVERPASS KENNEDY ROAD) /) TRAILS ❑ n ❑ e f h_ ❑ ❑ q qn� ° ° °° _ °° CITY OWNED/ MAINTAINED ASPHAL o a ii FOREST PRESERVE nr ® > • It fl u COUNTY TRAIL It P 11 n ®• q ❑ % n a 11 n ° u 1 IN DEVELOPER PUD AGREEMENT n I u a h 6 9 ti rrr. a ra ®° PRIVATE /PUBLIC TRAIL(HOA )- asPnau n a ��+ PRIVATE / PUBLIC TRAIL(HOA)- It `eon m v n n�o, �,'.. ° o- 0 + + + °+ PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL Q c 3 n ii n a °'•c°°n 1 � r TRAILS OUTSIDE OFYORKVILLE 11 n I al ❑ n LI n n - n It ° FUTURE PRAIRIE PARKWAY TRAIL t+ n It n n °n° n oe ° ° °� ° °_� °_ ". °° °° °° °_�= ° ° °> �� a= n TRAIL PRIORITY - HIGH ■ N ❑ u n 11` n TRAIL PRIORITY - MEDI UM j FI ° ° ■ A ° LOCAL PARKS / FOREST PRESERVES Bp ii P °=`• u n JI h a °�` °Q e n CITY PARKS ;9 fl (\ Il I1 I I n n ° " +•t) °a ° ■■ .'� it ® PROPOSED CITY PARKS n i tl l - n ^n ° ° ° ° °a STATE PARKS �1°° ° °a ..'+gin =n ' FOREST PRESERVE It o it GREENWAYS fi PROPOSED PRAIRIE PA •« ❑ }� I`7'C■CICCC` -- G:.- 3�]�I�[,�C�- G� Il -._ II f" n , . EXHIBIT K- N SEC Gr G ■ rw' r ID LEGEND �'""'�� ■ � •rr �Yi[■■r■rrr we■ ■ r ■ ■ r 1 I I � ❑ PARKS 1. PURCELL PARK TT7 2. FOX HILL FAST PARK ! O t1 11{ q 3. FOX HI LL WEST PARK r O 4. HIDING SPOT PARK ® O 5. EMILY SLEEZER PARK -- ❑ \t ` © I U� 1 CD ❑❑D ❑❑DDO013 D ❑ ❑ ❑D ❑ ❑OD 6. TOWN SQUARE PARK Fj ._ -.: O j �C}�lyq,ry rrM ■r■rr ®■ ' 7. BEECHER PARK - ' , ❑ ^_emu ____.- _:__(. .._... .. 8. VAN EMMON PARK I J � J p I 1 I l I . 9. PRICE PARK [�7 q I I 10. BICENTENNIAL RIVERFRONT PARK .. _ _ - „ •} D 1 I I7 11. KIWANISPARK L � _ ^- ^_- , ^_u`. 4 zr_ I 12. RICE PARK 17 I �. 13. WEST HYDRAULIC PARK 11 14. RIVERS EDGE PARK CI I 1S. CRAWFORD PARK r,' In IS 16. SUNFLOWER PARK J. I - • ,�.5 . IT _ 17. CANNONBALL RIDGE PARK 17� !7 ; �° 13 �* 18 GILBERT PARK 19. . ROTARY PARK II + " +�` O�ryJ '� n ® ■ e� 20. BRISTOL STATION PARK �� ` _ +` f) I ■ ®. +� J 21. JR. WOMEN'S CLUB PARK - HEARTLAND CIRCLE I ` If ; 'y ■ �• -• fly .�, yy 22. JAYCEE POND +'++ r 13 23 C0138 PARK t1 1 -R t . , ~` +�� 1 / 24, RAINTREE VILLAGE PARKA T1 1 EI I I ` * D p© , 25. STEVENGBRIDGE PARK q tVY L7 O + - +® LLLJJJ 'a 1113 Y / MM- 26. STEPPING STONES PARK ❑ �� ® - 61 ■ ■ ® 0� V.C/ 27. WHEATON GREEN'S FIWOODS 28 STA q @} '� j` -- 'J ■ ♦ +■� // �I . LLING TION PARK !) p ® : � �]MI9 r ® • /y � J 2B. RIEMENSCHNEIDER PARK q C1 ii' l-k • �� • ;� / .0 30. GRANDE RESERVE PARKA 31, GRANDE RESERVE PARKS FORESTPRESERVES IT I? 32. HO OVER EDUCATIONAL CENTER .1\ 1 I❑0' -M E1 G . I it p ip+ 33. ROUTE 47 REST STOP 34. CANNONBALL SEDGE MEADOW --rl ✓- __ I ' 36. SUBAT FOREST PRESERVE per' J �. I o- + i t ❑ u - 36. LYONS FOREST PRESERVE 37. DICK YOUNG FOREST PRESERVE ❑ fl ' �pt '.' U❑ `� - 11 38. HARRIS FOREST PRESERVE I IT 39. PICKERILL- PIGOTT FOREST PRESERVE j I7 40. BLACKBERRY CREEK FOREST PRESERVE 13 A d a V ' Ir Li STATE PARKS C rCuj� D 41 q 41 SILVER SPRINGS STATE PARK „Ct `Ca ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑Q❑❑131� D SCHOOLS L] p fpFyi�- A. YORKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL IT c1. I 11 B. YORKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMY C. YORKVII LE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL I l ❑ O. CIRCLE CENTER GRADE SCHOOL n - H E' YORKVILLE GRADE SCHOOL _ I F, GRANDE RESERVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I IT 1 i _ C ! ' %_ - - G. BRISTOL BAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL q II F'-. +II H. BRISTOL GRADES it I. YORKVILLE MIDDLE SCHOOL I1 J. AUTUMN CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IT HIGH PRIORITY TRAIL CORRIDORS Y 1. ROUTE47(FROM CANNONBALL TRAIL TO S.,cd ROlITE71) II tt �1.■• ■'rr® 2. KENNEDY ROAD (FROM ROUTE 47 TO MILL I I -t t it -� `°'•� �� f ROAD) 3. CANNONBALL TRAIL (FROM ROUTE 47 TO �I ROUTE 34) I I p •' J I C OPTION A CORRIDOR - CANNONBALL TRAIL (FROM ROUTE 34 TO CARLY 5, OPTIIONB ORREOOR(NORTHIS UTH f`�.� - _ ' %/ - : 4 •� ✓ -�,''' :.,',. ��/ `r ylrr SEGMENT) - BEECHER ROAD (FROM ROUTE 34 TO SOUTH SIDE OF BLACKBERRY WOODS DEVELOPMENT) �:� 5. OPTION B CORRIDOR (FASTNJEST SEGMENT) - BLACKBERRY WOODS TRAIL (ALONG S UTHER ON EDGE OF DEVELOPMENT) 6. ROUTE 34 (FROM CENTER PARKWAY TO EL ROAD { ❑ ❑ ❑ A' 7. BLACKBERRY CREEK BRIDGE (FROM tT ❑ � ❑p❑Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑t7 �!! I _ - I' ®� • BLACKBERRY WOODS DEVELOPMENT TO 0 ❑ / �' • GAME FARM ROAD) L ' f ,/ I ` e B. GAME FARM ROAD!SOMONAUK STREET (FROM . p t` \l Zr •' `"`� Q ■ ROUTE 34 TO ROUTE 47) . ` _ 9. SOMONAUK STREET (FROM ROUTE 47 TO MCHUGH ROAD) 10. EAST MAIN STREET (FROM ROUTE 47 TO 4 �, ❑ „_J1'� A rj F e -* �\ [�� MCHUGH ROAD) •- • __ - tl u Dj ='+. L, �� O / 11. FOX RIVER BRIDGE (FROM HYDRAULIC AVENUE TO EAST MAIN STREET) �q 12. RI VERWALK (FROM SOUTH MAIN STREET TO of ± YI v BICENTENNIAL RNERFRONT PARK ) - Cf 13. VAN EMMON (FROM SOUTH MAIN STREET TO ..-�� I + _ LYONS FOREST PRESERVE) LEGEND 74, SOUTH MAIN STREET (FROM ROUTE 47 TO I i _ - ~ ` -' - _ _ HYDRAULIC AVENUE) 5 OPTION A ~, n 15. HEUSTIS STREET (FROM ROUTE 126 TO - •• rt I I I . -� RIVERFRONT PARK) OPTION B .• �, ` � ' t i l �,`% J U \ - =C= YORKVILLE STUDY AREA 16, FOX ROAD (FROM HEUSTIS STREET TO I n ` I 1 HIGHPOINT ROAD) EXISTING SCHOOL LOCATIONS 17. ROUTE 126 (FROM ROUTE 47 TO COM ED 1 01121 ■ [• TRAIL . ✓ TRAIL PRIORITY ID 16. _OM ED TRAIL (FROM VAN EMMON TO WINDETT RIDGE SUBDIVISION) OPTION B 11- . I II Q PARK ID 19. ROUTE 71 (FROM COM ED TRAIL TO KENDALL ��. 11 14 � _ ' 1 COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS/HIGHPOINT ROAD) H c \�' I �. 0 CONNECTION OPPORTUNITIES 20. TRAIL PARALLEL TO DICK YOUNG AND LYONS ��A - - 1 '� ) { `+ FOREST PRESERVES 8�- '' 11 t1 21. MC HUGH ROAD (FROM EAST MAIN STREET TO .. - ( -" - -- _ _ j� ��C BRIDGE / UNDERPASS l OVERPASS KENNEDY ROAD) Ir . -_,�__ ! • . 10 _ -��� TRAILS ,- 1- 11 � _'' _ � � ii 3 � �'�� ■� CITY OWNED I MAINTAINED ASPHAL - 12 e a= , ," FOREST PRESERVE war- FOREST - = c_..- = 9� COUNTY TRAIL B • N ' r - n t w i 1 5 o MESON IN DEVELOPER PUD AGREEMENT I PRIVATE [ PUBLIC TRAIL (HDA) asphalt e 174 = j ( PRIVATE /PUBLIC TRAIL (HOT)) - times «ro (( �f p it ■e-== PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL V ; - -' �® �? ' r� .� � TRAILS OUTSIDE OF YORKVILLE J �► 5 �t FUTURE PRAIRIE PARKWAY TRAIL 1 1 �� t n, n j ii TRAIL PRIORITY -HIGH � 13 f I SV v2 'r i. n r TRAIL PRIORITY- MEDIUM LOCAL PARKS / FOREST PRESERVES CITY PARKS PROPOSED CITY PARKS e l l , - ••.�.• - • , K , . II a �� %'' Y \' 11 STATE PARKS FORE ST PRESERVE l y5 . e 19 ='' 1 ._ GREE � 1 5 I IT O p a "+ F -•Oa■■ l U V \VVV UU C � O �®ia y •* b lot' n e ® " u A 2 O 13 r y � + ��f e l n o u r� t . - ,. -'.° _ ❑ ^y -w.ra❑ _ �, a Vti 13 J,r EST. ' ti 1836 .=-- k� q u D C_IL a r� O 0O i n -u t`i V 7 0 ` r >� t���aq,= ❑ =m= If �n yam _�ay n ICE 14 X H I`-, H A P t ' f °- P,- NORTH SEC Group, Inc. Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan United City of Yorkville ?F�i! m " y0 C R ®m g mm {rm [ 7 � p T. V s w ! �`" f -.. — tl_ _JCT -- - 1 1 1 _= F11=:'b -tl 3 i.^_CTr�' R r f �r. / I ' � � 11 � i • I �h J'1��. j - t`T - . , r� y � � � � , / �� 1 � b •r! � fin: f t -. y � ► � L ` ♦ r ! w ` ro ems° f M! � PPPlll �- TN' ;""rte ;�L�a „Ifs\ 1 y� y �, f ° D y � � : I • �.. ' � -- g f 34 �� � n 4 ; \ \ a <.... ' <,• t i �.; :;. !� ./ ". .: 26� �l ;1'r ..+ �� ♦ ,: ."�- µ`, rte• y - - �.` 1 .... 4. r i rr.sr , ., 7 J I � . • , A� r i LEGEND �. (� BIKE LANE /SHARED ROADWAY ?p( .;! „�' PA�p�: ROUTES i e - ,��,o cr ... _ .. EST. � ?838 F. t 1 '��JTENTIAL BIKE LAf�! ! QHAP�n PnAnXAIA,v R��T - Q N ORTH SEC Group, Inc. ' Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan United City of • @11[A�JOA JO Al!:) pai!un - :)ul IdnojE) :)3S Ueld UOLlelJodsuej_L palei5alul al]IA)J.JOk H.LHON L Ll ol ;Ila alp, I kI _ '' -,tea- . -,u .'�' ". _ -.fi •..4 S��lj�. e� lii it -z I t i 11 o 11 1. fr iii til 9 dOOl L 0 dool 14 "14 Ll 0 at IL . t. q I L Z:7:. ii II . a is �>`' - _ — — 3 — I I Ll Ll 4 It G n 4 8 dOOl 4 11 I.I I1 I1 fl Lj 0 dOOl _zm Lt V Ll 4 3SVHd) SOV3H 4 '!w z9 (-Ueis]P BUOO 0 dOO '!w 9L "£ (9ouelsp wnipaw) 0 dOOl Li L.1 'lW 89* ( IJNs) V dOOl LI zz- Hinos C Sr Z . (3 U sv U S q H d) 9� 1p S 6 u 'V 9L Z a I p np.- 3H ) 0 ' ' d 0 0 2 doo 1.1p V 00 VN�3) d I It H-Ln( 'lW 6Z ( 6 UO0 :D dOO Sp w 13 d 00 i V l f (actuelspwnipew) El OO '!w 9LZ .1.1p P. V 00 -1 ( lJO-qS) V dOO Ll di HDJON it L aN3931 Ll cl ID LEGEND PARKS 1. PURCELL PARK 2 FOX HILL EAST PARK . -- FOX H LL WEST PARK 6 TOWN S ARK -I 3 7. , Q UA PARK 8. VAN EMMON PARK i 9. PRICE PARK 10. BICENTENNIAL RIVERFRONT PARK _ ' 1 l It 17. KMIANIS PARK y 12. RICE PARK Y "y 13. WEST HYDULIC PARK 1- 4 EDGE RA PARK 15. CRAWFORDPARK r 'J cr U - 18. SUNFLOWER PARK 17 CANNONBALL RIDGE PARK ? - 18. GILBERT PARK Y I 6 C 19. ROTARY PARK � �I 20, BRISTOL 22, COBS PARK JAYCEE POND ATION PARK 21. JR. WOMEN'S CLUB PARKHEARTLAND CIRCLE . / ✓ - P ' /� �,NN - -• 24. RAINTREE VILLAGE PARKA ..r . __ i 25. STEVEN G BRIDGE PARK a , `-�� 26. STEPPING STONES PARK I� i eJ r -� 27. WHEATON WOODS II Q. 28. GREEN'S FILLING STATION PARK 1 , 29. RIEMENSCHNEIDER PARK r, 30. GRANDE RESERVE PARKA A , 4 C; 31. GRANDE RESERVE PARKS ,_. - -,. i ♦ -•":� - �° , FOREST PRESERVES 32. HOOVER EDUCATIONAL CENTER 33. ROUTE 47 REST STOP CJ 34. CANNONBALL SEDGE MEADOW 35. I I. - f ,,• - - a �.?�� - F _ , u SUBAT FOREST PRESERVE - '- ! @ , o r t i 36. LYONS FORESTPRESERVE Y. _ �pw - I q riL 37. DICK YOUNG FOREST PRESERVE u 38. HARRIS FOR PRESERVE 39. PICKERILL- PIGOTT FOREST PRESERVE ARKS 5 40. SIL ER SPRINGS STATE PARK o SCHOOLS .,.. g.. A. YORKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL trl .'� '" Y ' y. , $3 (T B. YORKVILLE HIGHSCHOOL ACADEMY A ,y , C C, YORKVILLE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL I - R D CIRCLE CENTER GRADE SCHOOL E. YORKVILLE GRADESCHOOL F. GRANGE RESERVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1 . 7 !' G. BRISTOL BAVELEMENTARY SCHOOL �~ ^' ' • ^�- �" 1 t - H. BRISTOL GRADE SCHOOL ? I - -7 L YORKVILLE MIDDLE SCHOOL c - J. AUTUMN CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Pill �v Y f I 10 / N f C vz a i6 I / , `tlI y..: LEGEND - -- =c= YORKVILLE STUDY AREA 1 �s ° ! 3 ` EXISTING SCHOOL LOCATIONS � c & I1 f 12 PARK ID 11 4 j CRTY GATEWAYRPASS /OVERPASS 1 m TRAIL HEAD REST AREAS • --°?_ i ° ` DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE TA 6 TRAILS I CITY OWNED 1 MAINTAINED ASPHALT 7e + � ► _�s..:7.�. FOREST PRESERVE COUNTY TRAIL IN DEVELOPER PUD AGREEMENT - , _ / ! a�_ : PRIVATE / PUBLIC TRAIL cHOA>- asphalt <.ft At r _ PRIVATE /PUBLIC TRAIL (HOA>- 6macrone ..... n s r. ��L `�*� PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL _IR ��`. !� TRAILS OUTSIDE OF YORKVILLE FUTURE PRAIRIE PARKWAY TRAIL J-- , TRAIL PRIORITY - HIGH ^ s TRAIL PRIORITY - MEDIUM LOCAL PARKS / FOREST PRESERVES CITY PARKS h I PROPOSED CITY PARKS t- e,R6; . `' STATE PARKS A # FOREST PRESERVE p ly j s GREENWAYS PROPOSED PRAIRIE PARKWAY, - , EST. 1836 a � - , - -. I PLAT .�F III.. N - GATEWAYS & WAYFINDING SIGNP( N ORTH P�,iKF TRAIL c SEC Group, Inc. Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I United City of Yorkville ID LEGEND �I PARKS ., JL I . PURCELL PARK _CCDC7�ICL 2, FOX HILL EAST PARK , 3. FOX HILL WEST PARK' ! - h 4. HIDING SPOT PARK ' ' ' - 5 EMILY SLEEZER PARK 6 U TOWN SQUARE PARK _- - - - - - BE ECH ER PARK 8. VAN EMMON PARK L.I: ! 9. PRICE PARK 10. BICENTENNIAL RIVERFRONT PARK 11, KIWANIS PARK - t2. RICE PARK - - - -� _ I � I E 13. WEST HYDRAULIC PARK ! -. I J ' 14. RIVERS EDGE PARK v ' L t5. CRAWFOROPARK _ I �'- _ 16. SUNFLOWER PARK - - _ 17 CANNONBALL RIDGE PARK '�� 18. ROTARY PARK - _ ( 19. ROTARY PARK 20. BRISTOL STATION PARK 21. JR WOMEN'S CLUB PARK - HEARTLAND CIRCLE �r Y 22. JAYCEE POND 23. COBBPARK ♦ O 1 ' 7' ' 24. RAINTREE VILLAGE PARKA I , 25. STEVEN G BRIDGE PARK _ . I.I O u 26. STEPPING STONES PARK �� - 27, WHEATON WOODS _ O- 28. GREEN'S FILLING STATION PARK - - - - - - _ ! ^$ _ �,C - 29. RIEMENSCHNEIDER PARK ' I -t - - 30. GRANDE RESERVE PARKA 31_ GRANDE RESERVE PARK B �) `7 � ' 1 - � FORE ST PRESERVES•.�� 32. HO OVER EDUCATIONAL CENTER 33. ROUTE 47 REST STOP 34. CANNONBALL SEDGE MEADOW 41 _. 35. SUBAT FOREST PRESERVE - 38. LYONS FOREST PRESERVE 37. DICK YOUNG FOREST PRESERVE 38. HARRIS FOREST PRESERVE i ■ -.� - - 39. PICKERILL- PIGOTT FOREST PRESERVE ■ I ■ �,' STATE PARKS 40. SILVER SPRINGS STATE PARK � 5 I � - A1' �, ` y "� - • I scH LS A. YORKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL - y OO B. YORKVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMY YJ C. YORKVILLE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL 8 LRj D CIRCLE CENT ER GRADE SCHOOL .� 1 - - , f � E. YORKVILLE GRADESCHOOL I N F. GRANDE RESERVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL + - �•�' -+ �" ;® I f11 /` te n, _ �I G. BRISTOL BAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL H. BRISTOL GRADE SCHOOL I. YORKVILLE MIDDLE SCHOOL �� ■ .. ` L c �t _ n J. AUTUMN CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A k , { - .m n , y R 1 f- To - LEGEND i< 1 0Z EXXISTING SCHOOL LOCATIONS f► ® PARK ID BRIDGE / UNDERPASS / OVERPASS U_ 7 t r CITY GATEWAY TRAIL HEAD {f 1` - '�' a r;n r I _ �� ® o•J _ � REST AREAS i q r 5 ` '4 4�' DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE . l 1 . o r 1. TRAILS y t CITY OWNED !MAINTAINED ASPHALT u PRESERVE r nF O -- v LT , �� COUNTY TRAIL " ® - - „�° / _ � Eamon IN DEVELOPER PUD AGREEMENT Immoom PRIVATE IPUBLIC TRAIL IHGA7- asphalt 7aJ, mommimm PRIVATE /PUBLIC TRAILIHOAJ- Ilm,eae swoon PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL � - TRAILS OUTSIDE OF YORKVILLE J L i r ' -C1 5 -' -" FUTURE PRAIRIE AY TRAIL 'A O� - - -- FU U E PRA RI PARK pt TRAIL PRIORITY- HIGH i - t TRAIL PRIORITY- MEDIUM LOCAL PARKS / FOREST PRESERVES O CITY PARKS '1 • - v V, PROPOSED CITY PARKS STATE PARKS O FOREST PRESERVE GREEN WAYS L _ a I n ry �t : 1 n I / t I / EST v 1838 l �. � EXHIBIT N - GATEWAYS & WAYFINDING SIGNAGE DETt N40 BIKE TRAILS 1" SEC Group, Inc. Yorkville `d Transp o rtation Plan I United City of Yorkville A Trailhead is aspecified area for public access located at the beginning of a trail or periodically along a trail. These areas will typically provide a range of services for trail users depending on the trallhead's location. A MAJOR TRAILHEAD is typically located along a roadway corridor and in a situation where vehicular access is available to the amenity.' These facilities will typically offer the most services to trail users (vehicular parking, restrooms, benches, bike racks, etc...). A MINOR TRAILHEAD is typically used as a starting/stopping point and will offer limited amenities (for example: benches, trash receptacles, and drinking fountains, etc...). EXAMPLE OF MAJOR TRAILHEAD s TYPICAL RESTING AREA EXAMPLE OF MINOR TRAILHEAD KEY ELEMENTS OF A DECORATIVE VI C MAJOR TRAILHEAD b�UMU ADDS VISUAL TOTE-REST TO TQPORMATIpuAL slG�l CONVENIENT J SICZU PANEL ♦ Trailheads should be easily accessed from the street ♦ Adjacent to public right -of -way LIMESTOQE BASE REFLECTS ♦ Located in Key Locations I uaTURAL CHARACTER OP Pox ♦ Provide Ample Space for Loading and Unloading RIVER VALLEY ♦ Provide shelters if targeting long -term bike parking ♦ Trail heads are typically not used if out of the way and inconvenient FP'vcri'ront lark 1 4" SECURE ♦ Located in visible public spaces ♦ Controlled Access ♦ Well lit and maintained • Separated from high-traffic vehicular routes ♦ Do not impede pedestrian traffic Trail Wayfinding Signage - Trailhead Marker & Directional Scale: Y = 1' o" VISIBLE ♦ Should be visible to passersby to identify and encourage use • Must be well landscaped and well maintained. Trailheads establish a first impression for the greenways, trail corridors, and community. TYPICAL TRAILHEADS MAY INCLUDE: Vehicular Parking ' Motorized vehicular parking should be provided at Major Trailhead locations Y r r Restrooms` Restrooms should be provided for trail users' convenience and should meet ADA accessibility requirements •� s� Shelter $IGNAGE. Long term storage for bicycles can be incorporated into shelters located at Major Trailheads in order to make trail usage more convenient for users. Shelters also provide relief for trail users' from the t elements, r Bike Racks M ILE MARKER Bicycle parking should be provided at all Trailheads in order to encourage use of trails. Benches, Picnic Tables, Trash Receptacles These amenities facilitate the comfort of trail users and improve the overall experience of a bicycle TYPICAL DIRECTIONAL S IGNAGE trail system. Informational Kiosk & Directional Signage BIkE RACKS uIMUM LOT - MS 2 Informational Kiosks and directional signage must be placed located at all trailheads. These TYPICAL THUH 10 0i SHELTER amenities should include Trail system maps, Trail Rules and Regulations, and can include site SPACES IQCLUDINC7 specific information about the City, interpretive information about the area, and also highlight RESTROOMS 4 LOQ,T distances between facilities along the trail. PUBLIC TERM BILE RIGHT -OF- W G STORACIE Landscaping A Trailhead establishes a first impression for a trail user of not only the trail system, but of the community it is located within. It is important for these areas to be well landscaped and maintained in order to enhance the visual experience of the users, and to encourage use. Vegetation should be non - invasive and should incorporate native plant material. Shade trees should also be utilized to provide relief for trail users from the elements, and evergreens can be planted to serve as a windbreak. Drinking Fountains id a L�i PAT14 These facilities should be provided at all Trailheads and should meet ADA accessibility BE+�GkCS requirements. � IQPORMATIO.IAL ��' O� Lighting - - - Esr- It - All Trailhead locations should be well lit in order to increase the safety and security of the facilities. � ,ess Lighting should be at a pedestrian scale. ~ m Typical Trailhead Plan Scale: V=20'-O" EXHIBIT 0 - TRAILHEADS & WAYFINDING SIGNAC''T Gr SEC Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I U nited City of • LEGEND —I-F'F+F RAIL ROAD TRACKS !►♦ ARTERIAL STREETS + JJJJJJJJJJJ`JJpJ7JJJJJ s) ���III �U11N� -f�♦1 COLLECTOR STREETS ti J MAJOR STREETS LOCAL STREETS ��jj JJJ J, J JJJ �I LIGHTED INTERSECTION w "r ■ ~ 1 JJJ` ����J�J- JJJ co I tiaw " w� l • I JJJJJJU J:JJUJJJ DOWNTOWN MAJOR GATEWAY �j I PRIVATE w ! SECONDARY DOWNTOWN GATEWAY J JJJJ�� j `�-- — -� SCHOOL 0 1 i FOCAL POINT FEATURE TIP w RIVERWALK GATEWAY FEATURE JJ J �JJJ)J•)• ■� INFORMATIONAL KIOSK o VEHICULAR DIRECTIONAL SIGN —� ( Ij PEDESTRIAN DIRECTIONAL SIGN A POTENTIAL LOCATION ., P EXISTING PUBLIC PARKING FOR DOWNTOWN MAJOR Tg SCHOOL GATEWAY FEATURE Y f -- - 100 YR. FLOODPLAIN (A, A -E) v, n POTENTIAL BRIDGE LOCATION +. » JJ" 13c�!� • 11111 GAME FARM RD. TRAIL .� ` ®R a`" `F,Y� • ■ rmrar�is I EXISTING RIVERWALK "" a i ntr' go�rrr•� FUTURE RIVERWALK J j R L / STATE Y.B.S.D. PROPOSED TRAIL ON ROAD PLANT ' ". L A - • • :Id J nROPERry �y - 1 ..... PROPOSED TRAIL OFF ROAD j sir •J J� j' , 7ATE N CITY OWNED PROPERTY ,��, * � i 4`p P PER �� rrM. / art* �•ele� Arerro STATE OWNED PROPERTY s�fr�s`1 ... EXISTING PARK/OPEN SPACE J J inr�,a 'A'00,0 JJJ , JJ�JJ� ,l.lJJ 1 ? PARK/OPEN SPACE OPPORTUNITY . 1,lJ . 'I YORKVILLE DOWNTOWN CORE J jj J J J J J J J J j ..t __ i J y t r �����l�" • � •. � ,. ��� rJ • ' , +T r ■ .. 1 , . ,, r ; r � , ` � ;tea =n¢�C� I , < 1 L � . , ,n >`` - - _ -_ -- If x i I J�: + i P � li ' -_ = - i � � i fit`' i� ,.,► V�7 ggp co uj �j J I J JJJJJ.,;J,Jr J7' n II� iIJ I I-- J II as ° :J J? 1,! ar 9 J J j C PA , :POTENTIAL LOCATIONS J A 1 - FOR DOWNTOWN MAJOR @' N S ' GATEWAY FEATURES �� T J J �•j JJ JJ] Ik r� r :J J J � s � m Iw4w& - pwI W BLS EST. "\ 1836 li i D� Iar�, —r p EXHIBIT P - GATEWAY AND WAYFINU" -- ' SIGNAC3E N® DOWNTOWN PLAN BENCH TRASH RECEPTACLE PLANTER BOLLARD Manufacturer: DuMor, Inc. Manufacturer: DuMor, Inc. Manufacturer: Wausau Tile or Longshadow Manufacturer: DuMor, Inc. Model: Bench 58 Model: Receptacle 102 Planters Model Bollard 451 Color: Black Color: Black Model: TF4177, Oxmoor or Caron Color: Black Jardiniere Color: To Match Limestone TREE GRATE LIGHTING FENCING CROSSWALK PAVING Manufacturer: Ironsmith, Inc. Manufacturer: Sternberg Lighting Manufacturer: Master Halco Manufacturer: Butterfield Color Model: Del Sol or Sunrise Model A: 1- 1914A/478EFPM- 8'18530SRTF- Model: Imperial Fence - Style D Modified Model: Old Chicago Herringbone Color: N/A 12FF/1 1 30A/A/5P/478EFPM/SSCC or Custom Design Color: U31 - Weathered Terra Cotta Model B: 1130A/A/5P/PT/4216FP5 Color: Black P13 - Deep Charcoal Color: Black Options: Banner Arm, Planter Arm, Flag �,,,�� ♦ �,�,� c � ♦ ,, Pole, Wreath Hook, Speaker , Mount or Outlets ;'�►'ti��i _.. _ _ - ►� ♦�♦�♦� ♦ yip. 30 , �� ♦,►� ♦! 18' 18' ♦fir � ♦ i ♦ �� ♦ ! Model A Model B � ,y�w►� ! (For Route 47 & (Pedestrian Scale ►� r ♦ I � - � � � Major Intersections) For Minor Streets) - i S-TREE bCA ELEMENTS . MMORM1115411111 IN 11 . • • • . - i • i UJ LEGEND W Sp#�9t]tdAl}K 5T _ ,_�... SQMO HAUK ST - �...,,,.f� Air � ,. .... �..1 JIJJ IJ JJJ1......... JJJ, I (� _ ROUTE 47 IMPROVEMENT CORRIDOR I � I y i II PRIORITY CORRIDORS L11 PRIORITY SIDEWALK I MPROVEMENTS ���• J+vays �mo�.v�pv a � vv ! I PROPOSED TRAIL L- i I - -� �' •...a:e,. POTENTIAL BRIDGE LOCATION STEEP SLOPES I T 1 yin I e say a� + [ I r - fi •' °"• `� ` '! -I ' I I 1 ' ' •"' " g• nh.�a I I I I 10 MINUTE WALK RADIUS APPROXIMATE Jgb F' -1 n ! I i Lp� J nv _ �•v I I �_ 133 �L�� I i i � s��nSsrm J .� _ m ti j I Iw -- T - - r I f I I � -, PROPERTY LINES -� �- i )• r I i I 1 T i I _�_�_I {, ,� - RAILROAD CROSSING �- I EXISTING SIDEWALKS -GOOD /FAIR 44,859 LF.* �� ��� 1 :'� -I -_� i__ _ . _ ! aevy.JU �•r� .v . J I I I I � 1 - - ROUTE 47 WILL BE I I , ; — - -- `�'► e I I EXISTING SIDEWALKS -POOR 8,521 LF. IMPROVED' PER THE v - - j _I� � NO SIDEWALK 48,956 LF.* T '►� WIDENING PROJECT : 0' �� G Show s ide w alks t able, safe, and tmvelable condition � �- � (� x Shown on n b a block by block basis k basis Poor. Unsatisfactory sidewalks showing signs of damage due to cracking, deterioration, 1 W �.J.J.JSJJl :JS nm•�yf LJ'JY. J T � - � I I IL I'.. • �\j �� a : tree uprooting, etc • s ' J Ju. Jnsv`El�• J __ _ I I I I I I a ` +`vO Shown on a block b block basis some small segments may be in g ood candition l , - `r Y g I _ ( 9 Y -- -. }'� Proposed: Recommended Improvements where slope and existing Conditions permit i L ___._ 'All sidewalk lineal footages are approximate I * be improved Pa the widenin 9P 1 - Route 47 will r project • L -:J \v- --J- j _ ���r�„ I ��r I - 11 I .J_--- s, �___I P Q __T y I !- I -t I-JOI " mom ° I i I I I 1 I A I �_fl 41L Ap 7NC, J -- I IQI - - ! , I y9J:•JaevJymn m�riu�,. i. r J I Euun — 4` S - i - �7j 'z�I,'9 --i'1_J I r '- f I f I I 1 I I �'.G -i9i Ybt � 9J � }a JC a aL 5,, y m:JSI • - 1- n _ - Ip r'I I ! I I I I 'yl Jyne +J•Jy9v ill -_ -i - - I F I I- I ( -+ L_I ¢ l_ ,wr r f I I I � Jz f i. ! 1 a I -L Iwl -I- _trJlI--j 1 C - __ .W — I_ I I y _ I I - i }~ LI R - r +- i n r - -� E r- Ri[�GE y 9 � -� _ r { - LE I j , z; ¢ � _ y - - -!_I_ LI ! 1�� j - _ u, `r - E sn I f - { - - �! . y r -- 1 �•1t!' aa�r I w _ -_ us" [ I j I i' cut__ 3+4.I I �(F It • I I ! -�� -. l I I " _ _ ICG, _ 1�1'_I L_ 111 r Jn���••y m T -- w• T I I I r ,� r 1 -I �� - � .1 r `T - r I I i T I e r _ - _ gve: J+in - J - - 1 1� / L` j` _ - �, _ _ b -rJ i — I 1 r I I -. I i FOX ST I r �• ; L - ROUTE 47 WILL BE _ - _L_, -% `, . 7-1 - / y ` �/ IMPROVED PER THE [ r _ I I- 4 L _ I I I I _ E W 1 3 ", WIDENING PROJECT N . 1 I _ m t ! f N ST / + ` O g pp �p 1♦ 'av mavbn�nu Tr �� I � I I [ -- � j- � ���iiJ ��� J. r _. E L _ r I fi r``_ -1 t(• ORANG ST. F -"- -' �_iI Z - i I - rr T -� - � I '`� I [� �it � C-7 � �' + r I 4 J- I- _ w 06t - I I - - - F -I r .. - - a�r sr 1 r -, M sr i y CIRCLE + I ' -, CENTER 1 �� � I - { - GRADE O { -_1 I g _f_SEtV S - W EEC -ST I �,� art j L -_ I i ! ` flJJ. � f� y SCHOOL � I I ♦' a iH y -� r L t � ` . r 41 1 7 ii _J �`- FT4 r�1 � __ l v YORKVILLE Air -� r 0 `T ERMEDIA �,.-,,., -- ` � ' r " f Irll [1- �j \ "�_ ����D CrP o �.. •�_ ���■••��•,' „� -1_ fl C�a 7��{� - -{ __� ESL 836 a.. x •�,. �'.���• moo' <LE O� EXHIBIT R - DOWNTOWN AREA SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT N ' TOWN ® LEGEND SQUARE RAIL ROAD TRACKS JJ x .ate • �' '� 7 ARTERIAL STREETS COLLECTOR STREETS i J ♦i�.< _ J MAJOR STREETS a: J "S LOCAL STREETS �� a� %' z . �_ {' 1 • �-- `� r .L Zj,j r ii INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT ? • � R ■ �• J. LIGHTED INTERSECTION :a RI " • f GATEWAY Ift t A EXISTING PUBLIC PARKING � - g• s° :��• 1 � i � x w as ■Y *' I ■t ■!■(� ■! 1 ` KENDALL COUNTY CIVIC CAMPUS •i i r • , ggg W p PRIME RE- DEVELOPMENT Y.B.S.D. x ® i c� +► �! , M 1�lM� . OPPORTUNITIES PLANT t ��• ' W re's ! ��'" #ilk r� ♦�►�$` ! FOCAL POINT FEATURE �, t ® �•.�# • +�y +���M ®�� STATFX SWTAJE a 100 YR. FLOODPLAIN (A, A -E) OPERTY PRBPSRT �� ♦� ' >< PRIMARY PEDESTRIAN ROUTE m .` yt` ■`�1■� � � *11 ■it►` iml ? ,�tfi POTENTIAL BRIDGE LOCATION �! ■I�A��a ®f ®i■I ■� �\ ■�■ s �� EXISTING RIVERWALK �������� ■1ii ■!{Ay ■r�y� ■�■�� BRIDGE LOCATION FUTURE RIVERWALK ...� A ( ALLOWS FOR IVER PROPOSED TRAIL ON ROAD T s • • e • PROPOSED TRAIL OFF ROAD J CITY OWNED PROPERTY r '+f • L WE STATE OWNED PROPERTY EXISTING PARK(OPEN SPACE ��a� • • • • • ES /r {' J ` PARK/OPEN SPACE OPPORTUNITY war �� • • f /� ' � =r?` `"1`� a I ®�` T i :`� ''s • • • , �d P -- ` " J YORKVILLE DOWNTOWN CORE W W, , - �,- ►_ * _ � � —�` li(rd / � O • vIEV+ SEV, • �+� Jj !I a s 1 lam L_ ° "r Jael t J f , I - HITORI,G VIEW - >.' -' ..j !JJ )JJJJ 177 I -- C��UNTY U T'�{O y. , ._. t �•' I,r ...AND KEN ILL � � � � ®r ' J J 1 � „' "1 • t j s - CIVIC CypMPus ■ �d �C/,' s� VIEW ! /^' • x Z it rr 2 71 ��� .5 �J — tT� •J W r ' „ esr. j _� EXHIBITS- DOWNTOWN RECOMMENDATIONS NORTH RIVERWALK AREA °4 - V FOX RIVER ENHANCEMENTS _ , PROPOSED BRIDGE PROVIDES A RIVER CROSSING FOR BICYCLE R _ AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFC i h l I GIVIG USE/ I `i IVIC I t RIVERWALK PROVIDES LANDSCAPED PEDESTRIAN DECORATIVE FENCE SCREENS ) G PLAZAS E� ' PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO THE FOX D MIXED USE p IUSE _ - - -. _ RIVER, ONE OF YORKVILLE'S MOST ACCESS TO RIVERWALK. RIGHT -0F•WAY AND IMPROVES RI � t S Y � GA ES TABLISH— ^ SIGNIFICANT RI y{ ONNECTION PROVIDES i VIEW OF RAILROAD PEDESTRAN ENTRYWAY TO _ GNIFICANT NATURAL FEATURE _ VEM —AREAS � - . MIXED -USE i CONNECTION LOCATED AT SAFETY FOR PEDESTRIANS I USE TERMINUS OF STREET VISURALLLIMP PTO MAXIM ' ! ; VEHICULAR STREET i w IMPROVEMENTS IMPROVE POOR ADD - ' WIDE SSEW OK/T AIL ' ILA T WHERE' _ s i ADDITIONAL SIDEWALKS ACCESS TO EXISTING FEASIRI.E TO ADD LANDSCAPING AND THROUGHOUT DOWNTOWNT DOWNTOWN VISUAL INTEREST THROUGHOUT THE - - -- - - ^` ENHANCE ACCESSIBILITY AND DOWNTOWN CONNECTIVITY 7 - -- 1 EISTL LANDSCAPING WITHI N T T HETIC$OF THE IMPROVES F -- .. _ TE AESHETIC$OF MAXIMIZED RESID �i DOWNTOWN AREA AND ENHANCES 54r ��� p� THE PEDESTRIAN EXPERIENCE ESTABLISH FOCAL POINT AT _._, / - _. p ,r ^. TERMINUS OFSTREEf -. MIXED -USE I INTERSECTION TO DESTABLI VISUAL IMPACT AND ESTABI.I$HA r MER R __— SENSE OF PLACE — -- — MIXED —USE ESTABLISH CONSISTENT �- _ ED -USE - AMENIT A4 MI ROUGHOUTTFE X I DOWNTOWN AREA FOR STREET A FURNISHINGS, AND LANDSCAPING PEDESTRIAN STREET INCORPORATE PARKWAYTREES IMPROVEMENTS _ AREATOHMPROVE AEN TO j THE STREETSCAPEAPPEARANCE - I UPS CUTS) T IMPROVE BUMP IMPROVE APPEARANCE AND SAFETY AT INTERSECTIONS fffl I r, :ESID €NITIAL MIXED —USE I tirr F �- i 1 1 1 ENHANCED CROSSWALK gDDITONAI AND PROVIDE MID•BIOCKCROSSWALKS '- ;� TREATMENTS AT INTERSECTIONS IMPROVED ONS7REET WHERE APPROPRIATE IN ORDER AND MID BLOCK CROSSINGS TO PARKING LOCATED TO IMPROVE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS GIVIG I '- IMPROVE PEDESTRIAN THRO HOUTDOWNTOWN THROUGHOUTTHEDOWNTOWN CIRCULATION, SAFETY. AND f AREA AND TO CALM TRAFFIC FLOW USE OVERALL AESTHETICS OF DOWNT AREA — ENHANCED LANDSCAPING, a r FURNISHINGS, & PEDESTRIAN ° SPACES RESIDENTIAL a MIXED -USE IDENTIAL GIVIG ' ESIDENTIAL I OPEN SPACE PROVIDES AND USE j A - FRAMES VIEWS TO HISTORIC ' KENDALL COUNTY COURTHOUSE j FROM ROUTE 47 I I I 1 T E57. 7836 NOTE: Conceptual illustration. Dimensions are approximate and existing conditions vary. _ y <LE EXHIBIT T - ILLUSTRATIVI DOWNTOWN STREL. I jE II L—f-ia A . N TH Scale: N.T.S. Do you live in Yorkville city limits? Yes: 72.37%(55) No: 27.63%(21) Do you bike, jog or walk in the Yorkville area? Yes: 88.16%(67) No: 11.84%(9) If you answered yes to Question 2, please indicate the general area you bike, jog or walk. NE: 27.54%(19) NW: 34.78%(24) SE: 14,49%(10) SW: 23.19%(16) What is your mode(s) of non vehicular travel? (Check all that apply) Bicycle: 84.21%(64) Jog: 31.58%(24) Walk: 61.84%(47) Rollerblade: 11.84%(9) Other: 2.63% (2) On average, how often do you bike, jog or walk? Once a Day: 42.67%(32) Once a Week: 40.00%(30) Once a Month: 12.00%(9) Once a Year: 5.33% (4) Never: 0.00% (0) Where do you travel when you bike, jog, or walk? To Work: 7.89% (6) To the Park: 34.21%(26) To my School: 6.58% (5) To the Library: 10.53%(8) To a Rec Center: 19.74% (15) To the Home of a Family Member or Friend: 25.00 %(19) To do Errands, Dining or Shopping: 19.74% (15) For recreation /exercise: 85.53%(65) Other: 1.32% (1) Yorkville •. -. City of • When you bike, jog or walk, which do you use? Designated Trails: 57.89%(44) Sidewalks: 55.26%(42) State Routes: 15.79%(12) Neighborhood Streets: 73.68%(56) Hiking Trails: 53.95 %(41) Other: 3.95% (3) What is your average one -way distance? 0 - 1/2 Mile: 2.67% (2) 1/2 - 1 Mile: 8.00% (6) 1 - 2 Miles: 32.00%(24) 2 - 5 Miles: 36.00%(27) 5 - 10 Miles: 9.33% (7) 10+ Miles: 12.00%(9) How would you rate the level of accessibility of the trails you travel? Very Poor: 26.67%(20) Poor: 29.33%(22) Average: 30.67%(23) Good: 12.00%(9) Excellent: 1.33% (1) How would you rate the quality of the trails you travel on a regular basis? Very Poor: 13.33%(10) Poor: 12.00%(9) Average: 44.00%(33) Good: 28.00 %(21) Excellent: 2.67% (2) Which of the following would do the MOST to encourage you to utilize trails and sidewalks in Yorkville? More connected sidewalks and trails: 61.84%(47) Better conditions of sidewalks and trails: 1.32% (1) Safer crossings at intersections: 5.26% (4) Separate bicycle paths, wider shoulders: 17.11% (13) Better access to shopping, schools, parks and other destinations: 10.53%(8) Don't know: 1.32% (1) Other: 2.63% (2) .. -• • • On which road corridors (in Yorkville) would you bike, jog or walk most often? Route 47: 44.74%(34) Mill Road: 14.47%(11) Cannonball Trail: 30.26 %(23) Route 34: 32.89%(25) Van Emmon: 27.63%(21) Kennedy Road: 23.68%(18) Route 71: 14.47%(11) Fox Road: 28.95%(22) Other: 10.53%(8) Route 126: 13.16% (10) River Road: 26.32%(20) To which of the following regional trails would you most likely access via a trail from Yorkville? Fox River Trail: 50.67%(38) Virgil L. Gilman Trail: 20.00%(15) AM Canal: 6.67% (5) Illinois Prairie Path: 2.67% (2) Route 66 Trail: 4.00% (3) Don't know: 13.33%(10) Other: 2.67% (2) Please indicate your age category: 6 - 18: 0.00% (0) 19 - 35: 40.79%(31) 36 - 54: 32.89%(25) 55 - 65: 25.00%(19) 66 and over: 1.32% (1) Please indicate the number of people in your household that fall into the following categories: 0 - 5 Years: 0.54 6 - 12 Years: 0.53 12 - 18 Years: 0.79 18 - 30 Years: 0.59 30 - 55 Years: 0.29 55 and over: 0.05 Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan United City of Yorkvi[Le Shared Use Trail Master Plan Topic #1: Layout and Location of the Shared Use Trail 1. Decide which type of trail improvements are of the highest priority. (Pick the top 3 and list the letters in order from highest priority to lowest priority) Example_d, b, a a. Adding more local trails b. Adding more regional trails c. Improving existing trail conditions d. Complete local connections e. Complete regional connections Priority 1 - d Priority 2 — e/c ( tie) Priority 3 — a 2. Prioritize which municipalities you would like to see a trail extended to from Yorkville. (Pick the top 3 and list the letters in order from highest priority to lowest priority) a. Aurora b. Joliet c. Millbrook d. Montgomery e. Oswego f. Plano g. Newark h. Sugar Grove Priority 1 — e Priority 2 — c/f (tie) Priority 3 — a 3. Prioritize which of the following regional trail connections is most important. (Pick the top 3 and list the letters in order from highest priority to lowest priority) a. Fox River Trail (Oswego to McHenry) b. Virgil L. Gilman Trail (Aurora to Sugar Grove) c. I &M Canal Trail (Channahon to Peru) d. Illinois Prairie Path (Aurora to Hillside) Priority 1 — a Priority 2 — b/c (tie) Priority 3 — d 4. Prioritize the most important trail connections to local places. (Pick the top 3 and list letters in order from highest priority to lowest priority) a. Downtown b. Residential neighborhoods c. Parks and recreational facilities d. Schools e. Shopping /commercial f. Workplaces Priority 1 — d Priority 2 — a/c (tie) Priority 3 — e/b (tie) 5. Prioritize the most important road and /or environmental corridors to locate a trail along. (Pick the top 6 and list the letters in order from highest priority to lowest priority) a. Route 47 b. Mill Rd. c. Cannonball Trail d. Route 34 e. Van Emmon f. Kennedy Rd. g. Route 71 h. Fox Rd. i. Route 126 j. River Rd. k. Blackberry Creek I. Rob Roy Creek m. Aux Sable Creek n. Fox River o. Other (Please Specify) Priority 1— d Priority 2— a Priority 3- n Topic #2: Design Criteria and Appearance of the Shared Use Trail 6. Prioritize the most important design criteria for trail development. (List letters in order from highest priority to lowest priority) a. Trail safety at intersections b. Trail accessibility c. Trail sensitivity to environmental features d. Trail material and quality e. Establishment of consistent design standards for the long term /future development f. Separation of bike paths and trails from vehicular routes Priority 1 — b/a (tie) Priority 2 — a Priority 3 - d 7. Prioritize the type of trail surface you desire. (Pick the top 2 and list the letters in order from highest priority to lowest priority) a. asphalt b. concrete c. crushed limestone (fine gravel) d. Grass e. Other (please specify)_________ Priority 1 — a Priority 2 — b 111rallair-E M, Downtown Streetscape Plan Topic #1: Layout 1. Prioritize the following list of downtown streetscape enhancements (list letters in order from high- est priority to lowest priority). a. Aesthetics b. Riverfront access /crossings c. Vehicular circulation /access /parking d. Pedestrian circulation /access e. Storefront /cafe seating areas f. Pedestrian safety /traffic calming Priority 1 — b/a (tie) Priority 2 — d Topic #2: Design Criteria and Appearance 2. Prioritize the most important design standards for the downtown streetscape development. (List letters in order from highest priority to lowest priority). a. Entrance gateway signage b. Way finding signage c. Theming /identity (see below) d. Green space /street trees e. Paving /hardscape f. Lighting g. Architecture style (historic, prairie style, etc.) h. Other (please specify)_____ ___ _ _ ___ Priority 1— d Priority 2— g Priority 3— e Topic #3: Theme 3. Prioritize your desired theme style for the downtown. The final theme selection may impact the look and feel of items such as signage, color of materials, paving color and design, architecture style of pavilions. It will also impact way finding signage for the Shared Use Trail System a. Kendall County Courthouse /Downtown Buildings b. Historical element(s) of Yorkville c. Prairie Style d. Limestone and Fox River Valley e. Other (please specify)__ _____ _____ ___ ___ _ ___ Priority 1— a Priority 2— b Priority 3— c Yorkville .. • -• City of • Page Left Intentionally Blank A Visual Preference Survey is a series of photographs representing the various aspects of a downtown streetscape plan. Six (6) images representing twelve (12) aspects of a downtown streetscape plan were presented to downtown business and property owners. Those filling out the survey were asked to rank each photograph (six total) in a category on a scale of -3 to +3, with 0 being neutral, -3 being strongly dislike, and +3 being strongly like. Images were selected to demonstrate a range of design possibilities. Visual Preference Survey Results Fifty (50 %) percent Response Rate (distributed to 22 downtown business and property owners, received 11). A "pre- ferred picture" was determined by average score received and most reoccurring score (mode). Images with high rank- ing scores had an average score of two (2) and a mode of three (3). The results have been split into two (2) categories. The first is set of pictures is where one (1) picture was the clear winner or "preferred picture" among the six (6) choices. The second set of pictures is where two (2) or three (3) pictures could be selected as the "preferred picture." Clear Winners: Pedestrian Environment Trash Receptacles Wayfindina Si ncnaage (A v e rage Score. 1.9 Mode: 3) (Average Score: 1.3 Mode: 2 ) (Average Score: 2.3 Mode: 3) 1 - Gateway Sianage, " (Average Score 2.0 Mode: 3) Street Furniture (Benches) Fagade Sty (Average Score: 1.5 Mode: 2� (Averag Score: 2.3 Mode: 3 , rai it a "` Public Art jai (Avera e Score: 1.3 Mode: 2 Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan United City of Yorkville r Multiple Preferred Pictures: Liahtina Fixtures Pavement Materials Landscape Materials Avera e Score: 2.0 Mode: 3) Avera e Score: 2.3 Mode: 3 Avera e Score: 1.8 Mode: 3 PF w _.._ (Average Score: 2.1 Mode: 3 (Average Score: 1.9 Mode: 2 I xss= Avera e Score: 1.8 Mode: 3 Fencing Style Public Space Avera e Score: 2.4 Mode: 3) '(Average Score: 2.1 Mode: 3 1. ..;. Average Score: 2.4 Mode: 3 (Average Score: 2.2 Mode: 2 I►, Average Score: 2.0 Mode: 3) Avera e Score: 1.8 Mode: 3 9 stil-1*611iruR Lei im w MRIIIM Records of Meetings and General Project Information Park Development Standards: Section 8 (Pathway and Trails) American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials ( AASHTO) Standards Bureau of Design and Environment Manual (BIDE) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) References: IDOT - Bureau of Design Manual, Chapter 17, Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations IDOT - Bureau of Local Roads Manual, Chapter 42, Bicycle Facilities AASHTO - Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities Capital Development Board - Illinois Accessibility Code Federal Highway Administration - Implementing Bicycle Improvements at the Local Level Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan I United City of Yorkville r United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 630.553.4350 630.553.7575 http://www.yorkville.it.us t