Ordinance 2009-50 i
Ordinance No. 2009 - ! M_
WHEREAS, the United City of Yorkville (the "City ") is a non home -rule municipality in
accordance with the Constitution of the Sate of Illinois of 1970 and has the powers granted to it by law;
WHEREAS, the City Council of the United City of Yorkville has discussed and considered that
it is in the best interests of the City to repeal the 2008 Park Development Standards in its' entirety and
adopt new Park Development Standards;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the United City
of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, as follows:
Section 1. That the United City of Yorkville 2008 Park Development Standards, which was
approved by the Corporate Authorities on February 26, 2008 is hereby repealed in its' entirety, and the
United City of Yorkville Park Development Standards dated August 18, 2009, a copy of which is
attached as Exhibit A, is hereby approved in its stead.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval, and
publication as provided by law.
Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this
day o 2009.
Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this O?E_
day of 5E.P - 1EM e>E/2 2009.
r, ;Ij
August 18, 2009
SECTION 1: DEFINITIONS .............................................................. ..............................4
SECTION 2: OPEN SPACE SYSTEM AND GUIDELINES .......... ..............................6
A. Categories of Open Space
1. Environmental Capacity .......................................... ..............................6
2. Shaping Capacity ..................................................... ..............................7
3. Recreational Capacity .............................................. ..............................7
B. Land /Cash Dedication Ordinances ........................................ ..............................8
SECTION 4: PARK IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS .................. .............................11
A . Park Design .......................................................................... .............................11
1. Size
2. Location
3. School /Park Site
4. Service Area
5. Dimensions
6. Street Frontage
7. Adjoining Developments
B. Timing of Dedication and Acceptance ................................. .............................12
1. Final Grading
2. Boundaries
3. Natural State
4. Environmental Assessment
C. Utilities ................................................................................. .............................12
D. Topsoil ................................................................................. .............................13
1. Suitable Material
2. Unsuitable Material
3. Topsoil respreading
4. Soil stockpile
E. Grading /Filling ..................................................................... .............................14
F. Turf Grass ............................................................................. .............................14
G. Mulching .............................................................................. .............................15
SECTION 5: DETENTION AND RETENTION BASINS ............. .............................17
A . General ................................................................................. .............................17
B. Retention Basins (Wet Ponds) ............................................. .............................17
1. Design
2. Planting Specifications
C. Detention Basins (Dry Ponds) .............................................. .............................20
1. Design
2. Planting Specifications
D. Maintenance ......................................................................... .............................23
E. Inlet and Grate ...................................................................... .............................26
SECTION 6: NATURAL AREAS ..................................................... .............................27
A. General ................................................................................. .............................27
B. Management Practices 28
C. Development Standards ........................................................ .............................28
D. Greenways /Wetlands /Floodplain Areas ............................... .............................28
E. Conservation and Protection Areas ...................................... .............................28
F. Lakes ..................................................................................... .............................29
SECTION 7: PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS .......................... .-.................................. 30
A . Existing Vegetation .............................................................. .............................30
B . New Landscaping ................................................................. .............................30
1. Planting Standards
2. Backfill Mixtures
3. Planting
4. Planting Operation
5. Watering
6. Mulching /Wrapping
7. Pruning Procedures
SECTION 8: PATHWAYS AND TRAILS ....................................... .............................34
A . Trail Standards ..................................................................... .............................34
B. Inventory of Existing Facilities 35
C. Trail Access .......................................................................... .............................35
D. Roadway and Crossing Signage ........................................... .............................36
E. Sight and Stopping Distance ................................................ .............................37
F. Widths and Clearances ......................................................... .............................37
G. Trail and Roadway Bridges ................................................. .............................38
H. Cross Sections ...................................................................... .............................38
I. Subgrade and Base Course .................................................... .............................39
J. Surface Course ...................................................................... .............................40
K. Additional Site Improvements ............................................. .............................40
L. Trail Conversions ................................................................. .............................41
SECTION 9: PLAYGROUND IMPROVEMENTS ........................ .............................42
SECTION 10: DEVELOPER OBLIGATIONS ............................... .............................44
A . General ................................................................................. .............................44
B . Turf ....................................................................................... .............................44
C. Planting ................................................................................ .............................44
REFERENCES .................................................................................... .............................46
A. Standard Specifications: Whenever reference is made to the "Standard Specifications" it
shall be understood to mean the latest issue of the "Standard Specifications for Road and
Bridge Construction" (SSRBC) and subsequent revisions of the "Supplemental
Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions" of the Illinois Department of
Transportation, or the "United City of Yorkville Standard Specifications for
Improvements" (SSI).
B. Developer: Refers to and means the individual, corporation, co- partnership or other
person or organization who or which has desires to bring a new subdivision or planned
unit development within the corporate limits of the United City of Yorkville.
C. Americans with Disabilities Act: (ADA) Refers to the federally mandated Act passed in
1990, and /or State Accessibility guidelines (Section 504), whichever may be more
D. Buffered: Areas designed to reduce the sound or visual impact on the neighboring
community or houses. Buffer yards can be made by planting of shrubs or a mixture of
vegetation. Buffer yards must comply with the Landscape Ordinance.
E. Conservation Area: Natural area identified as having rare plant or animal species, or
areas identified within the Parks Open Space Master Plan. This area may include or be
identified as a fen, watershed, or other area identified to have historic value needing
preservation or protection.
F. Detention (Dry Ponds): Areas designed to hold storm water runoff for a period not to
exceed 72 hours.
G. Flood Plain: That land adjacent to a body of water with ground surface elevations at or
below the base flood or the 100 year frequency flood elevation. The floodplain is also
known as the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).
H. Private facilities and parks: Parks or facilities that are secluded from the general
population; or owned and controlled by a person or group rather than the public or
I. Public Open Space: Any publicly owned open area, including but not limited to the
following: parks, playgrounds, conservation, trails, greenways, etc.
J. Retention (Wet Ponds) Areas designed to hold storm water and natural groundwater on a
permanent basis. Retention areas are designed with normal and high water levels, and an
overflow point for large storms.
K. Public Sidewalk: That portion of street or crosswalk, paved or otherwise surfaced,
intended for pedestrian use only.
L. Trail: A bituminous path a minimum of ten (10') feet wide that provides active
recreation opportunities through shared -use trails that connect throughout the City.
M. Wetlands: As defined by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) as "land
that has a predominance of hydric soils and that is inundated or saturated by surface or
groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal
circumstances does support, a prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation typically adapted for
life in saturated soil conditions" (Interagency Wetlands Policy Act of 1989). Or as
defined by the US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE).
N. AASHTO Whenever reference is made to the AASHTO it shall be understood to mean
the "Guide for the development of bicycle facilities" and subsequent documents
referencing pedestrian or bicycle facilities published by the American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials.
O. CMAP Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, formerly titled the Northeastern
Illinois Planning Commission (NIPC).
The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) states that: "Open space provides
more than recreational opportunities; it is land that society needs to conserve as natural,
cultural, historic, and agricultural resources. One of the most common misconceptions
regarding open space and recreation is that the two terms are synonymous. A strong
relationship does exist between open space and outdoor recreation but, in most cases,
recreation is something separate and distinct from open space."
Therefore, a park is open space, but open space is not necessarily a park.
The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) has developed six (6) categories of
open space that the United City of Yorkville has simplified into three recognized categories
of land capacity: environmental, shaping, and recreational. The United City of Yorkville has
determined that acquisition and development of land meeting the recreational and
environmental requirements of its residents is its role in the fabric of the community. These j
functions are subdivided into both local and regional classifications. The Parks Department's
responsibilities pertain to the local classifications.
1. ENVIRONMENTAL CAPACITY - protects natural and or cultural resources
from development.
a. Natural Resource Park (Linear Greenway /Trail System) - is utilized as a
buffer zone, watershed, or conservation area, and affords a passive appearance
with managed natural habitats and plant ecosystems. These areas can be used
to protect fragile or rare ecosystems. Often these areas require management to
maintain sustainability and preserve healthy biodiversity of plant life.
When utilized as a linear greenbelt and /or trail corridor, natural areas can
serve as environmental bridges, supporting the movement of wildlife between
other larger areas. When combined with public use areas, development can
include open play areas, pedestrian and bicycle paths, park benches, picnic
and rest areas, and water oriented facilities. Detention or retention ponds can
be included in these areas. In instances where this classification of park is
flood prone, construction of permanent structures is discouraged. The public
use infrastructure should remain supplementary to the functional classification
of lands described.
b. Conservation of local resources, such as streams, wetland habitats, and
c. Preservation of environmental and /or historic resources in conjunction with
local historic preservation agencies.
2. SHAPING CAPACITY - provides relief from extensive urbanization and
promotes the integration of neighborhoods. City, county, state, and federal
planning agencies commonly define this land as "land that shapes a community
and is reflected in greenbelts, county forest preserves, state, and national parks."
This category is also reflected in local ordinances stipulating density formulas
and open space requirements for subdivisions.
3. RECREATIONAL CAPACITY - provides space for single or multiple, active
and passive recreation activities.
a. Mini -Parks — The mini-park is used to serve isolated or limited recreational
needs. Mini -parks are often tot lots, created to serve a resident population too
distant from a community park, or in an area with high density populations.
The mini -park is larger than one (1) acre in size. Development is usually
limited, requiring no parking or extensive site work.
b. Neighborhood Parks — The neighborhood park is intended as a supplement to
or substitute for a play lot where population density, geographic barriers or
distance preclude easy access. Examples of such facilities include: play
apparatus areas for pre - school and elementary children; hard surface areas for
hopscotch, shuffleboard, tetherball, four - square; court games for basketball,
volleyball, badminton, tennis, etc.; and open play areas for softball, football,
soccer, and winter sports. The minimum park size for a neighborhood park is
five (5) acres. The concept of development emphasizes spontaneous rather
than higher organized play. The playground should be easily accessible to
pedestrian use.
Neighborhood parks can have additional special use classifications to include
activities such as active play and specialized courts. These parks may be
combined with school sites. Although any classification of park can be located
next to a school, the age of users makes it preferable that neighborhood parks
and elementary schools share a common boundary.
c. Community Parks - The community park is larger than ten (10) acres, and
development is intended for people of all ages. It is preferred that the park be
centrally located and serve at least four neighborhoods. Amenities found in a
neighborhood park shall be included, supplemented by large multipurpose
open spaces. Internal walk patterns for pedestrians and bicycle paths are
desired to connect the various functions. It should be accessible by motorized
and non - motorized traffic. Adequate off - street parking shall be provided in
accordance with amenities constructed. The classification may also serve as a
neighborhood park facility for the area in which it is located.
1. Athletic Parks — Multiple athletic fields in one location, representing the
functional needs of each agency, which can be located in close proximity
to schools where the public and students can share facility use. The
location and design shall satisfy one or more of the following
requirements: (1) avoid duplication of land and facilities unless existing
facilities are over utilized: (2) coordination of services, and (3) diminish
capital expenditures and satisfy the needs of each agency. Development
should be similar to the neighborhood park.
2. Sports Complex - Developed to meet the needs of specific users groups
and local athletic associations for practice, team, and tournament play.
These sites have adequate parking and are located on good traffic routes.
They may also be located to take advantage of bicycle and pedestrian trail
systems. Fields should be as multipurpose as possible, so a wide variety
of flexibility can be maintained. It is best to allow for additional space
when acquiring sports complex space, as needs and trends are subject to
constant change.
3. Special Use Parks - Intended for single interest activities and large j
enough to accommodate the demand. Examples include: tennis center,
outdoor education center, museum, conservatory, golf course, children's
farm, sports complex, skate park, splash / spray park, swimming pool /
aquatic center, etc. Since users are going to come from a distance, the site
should be near major vehicular access routes and regional bike trails.
d. Regional Parks — The regional park attracts people from outside the
community. Regional parks shall be a large piece of property, greater than
forty (40) acres in size with more than one major attraction or function. The
regional park can encompass any neighborhood and community
1. The United City of Yorkville Land Cash Ordinance requires ten (10) acres per
1,000 population be donated for parks as part of the subdivision or planned unit
development approval process. The contribution of land cash is in accordance
with the City Land Cash Ordinance. It is for these stipulated acres that the
following standards have been developed. These standards will also act as
guidelines for land donated to satisfy other functions of open space.
The ultimate population density to be generated by a subdivision or planned unit
development shall bear directly on the amount of land required to be dedicated for
park and recreation sites. The acreage of land dedication requirement shall be
determined by obtaining the total population of the development times ten (10)
acres per 1,000 population. Total population is determined by applying the
estimated ultimate population per dwelling unit table to the number of respective
units in the development. Each single family home will be calculated to have four
bedrooms; Duplex unit will be calculated as 50% two bedroom units and 50%
three bedroom units; Town home and apartments will be calculated with two
2. If the city determines that available land is inappropriate for park, or recreational
use, the City shall require a cash contribution. This is based on the land cash
calculation and the value per acre of the land based on the "Fair market value ".
The amount of land cash distribution shall be determined by Staff and Board
analysis of the site and relationship to neighboring parks.
3. In cases approved by the Park and Recreation Board, the contribution of land cash
can be a mixture of 50% land 50% cash, or other agreed upon contribution
4. A developer may donate the land together with cash for park development upfront
to have the construction of the park expedited. Front funding for park
development is preferred. Otherwise, a 75% build -out standard for the subdivision
shall be set in place for park development.
5. No land cash credit shall be given for the following:
a. Exclusively private facilities & parks.
b. Retention or detention areas, measured at the top of the bank.
c. Lands located within the 100 year floodplain.
6. Full or partial credit will be given for the following:
a. Active wet areas (lakes, rivers, creeks), historical areas, conservation areas,
etc., that are identified to have recreational or conservation value. This will
be considered on a case -by -case basis. Studies shall be required to verify
historical and /or conservation areas.
b. Paths or trails constructed and dedicated in an exclusive easement to the City,
or paths identified as infrastructure or connecting trails to a regional trail
system. Partial credit may be given for undeveloped exclusive easements
dedicated to the City for future trail development.
c. Land donations that are usable and /or classified as developable for use by the
general public.
A. The Park and Recreation Board and staff will plan the development of the park and /open
land site with the following guidelines [whenever possible]. There may be occasions
when a developer provides development support in advance to a subdivision being built
which may require these procedures to be adjusted or altered.
1. Based on the established Land Cash Ordinance a developer donates park land to the
United City of Yorkville Park and Recreation Department for future use and
2. The Park and Recreation Board and staff determines park utilization and design in
conjunction with the Parks Open Space Master plans to establish needs and determine
priority and fiscal needs.
3. The staff recommends annual budget projections for park development based on
available fiscal resources.
4. A Concept plan by the Park Planner or United City of Yorkville Staff indicates park
design and preliminary cost projections.
5. Whenever possible, a public meeting is held for residents of the surrounding
subdivision and impacted area for input.
6. A finalized concept plan and cost projection is developed and submitted to the Park
Board for approval and a recommendation is given to the City Council for
7. Timeline is established for project management.
8. Project / Park plan work begins.
9. Project completion.
A. Park Design: The following criteria are considered desirable traits for a park to be
acceptable to the United City of Yorkville:
1. Size: Park size shall meet the requirements of the Park Department Master Plan, and
the approval of the Park Board. Plan must also be approved per City Staff comment.
2. Location: Park location shall be close to the geographic center of the population
served, or as approved by the Park Board.
3. School /Park Site: Park and school property located in the same development may be
located and developed in the best interest of both parties.
4. Service Area: Shall serve residential areas within one -half (' /z) mile radius from
pedestrian barriers. A pedestrian barrier is defined as:
a. Any street presently classified or planned by the United City of Yorkville,
Kendall County, or State of Illinois as major arterial street or highway.
b. Any street with speed limits over 30 miles per hour.
c. Collector streets with an average daily traffic count exceeding 3500 cars and stop
signs or stop lights further than one -half mile ( mile apart.
d. Railroad tracks.
e. Natural barriers.
f. Land use barriers.
5. Dimensions: Parks shall have a minimum dimension of 450 feet on all sides if the
acreage of the park allows.
6. Street Frontage: Street frontage shall be the full length of the park on a minimum of
two of its sides. Said streets shall be local or collector streets within the
neighborhood. Additional access lots provided shall be a minimum of forty (40') feet
in width. Where a school site is adjacent to a park site the school site can be
considered as one of the two required street frontages.
Reasons for street frontage include:
a. Enhanced security and visibility.
b. On- street parking availability.
c. Encourages users to access the park through trail or sidewalk connections.
d. Encourages neighborhood to take ownership and responsibility for their park.
7. Adjoining Developments: Whenever possible, the dedicated parcel shall be combined
with dedications from adjoining developments.
-11- �
B. Timing of Dedication and Acceptance: All requirements stated herein for acceptance of
the site shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City.
1. Final grading
a. The City encourages, whenever possible, that at the time rough grading and
placement of topsoil is completed on the first residential structure of a particular
unit development, the park site(s) should also be completed and ready for grading
and seeding or sodding.
b. The City will verify that all requirements have been met and the site is ready for
turf. Final acceptance of the site is determinate on the condition of the turf as
stated herein these requirements.
c. In cases of more than one park site, or linear parkways, the developer shall
determine a schedule of completion with the approval of the City.
2. Boundaries: The developer shall be required to install permanent metal boundary
markers at each corner of the park site. Markers shall be of typical federal style
aluminum marker four (4 ") inches in diameter that can be placed on top of a rebar.
3. Natural State: The City has the option to require conveyance of areas designated to be
maintained in a natural state prior to commencement of any site work. A separate
site- specific plat of conveyance shall be prepared and submitted prior to issuance of
any permits. The developer is responsible for securing all areas to be conveyed in a
natural state with temporary fencing from the time the areas are platted to conveyance
of the remainder of the site.
4. Environmental Assessment: For all lands to be dedicated to the City, the developer
shall provide a minimum of a Phase I Environmental Assessment, produced by a
recognized consultant. This assessment shall check for hidden, or unknown
environmental factors including, but not limited to, buried or contaminated soils and
aquifers, underground storage tanks, and dump sites.
C. Utilities: Unless otherwise authorized by the City, each park site shall be fully improved
with water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and electric service to a location specified and
approved by the City.
1. At the time of installation of public improvements in the subdivision or planned unit
development. The location shall be approved by the City and shown on the approved
engineering plans.
2. The site shall be free of all private gardens, woodpiles, swing sets, sump pump
discharge pipes, and other items that give the impression that a portion of the site is
part of the adjacent property. No sump pumps shall discharge directly onto the site,
unless connected to a catch basin on the site if approved by local authorities and the
United City of Yorkville. No private utilities, water, sewer, or drainage lines shall be
located on City property. Any overflow path must be approved by City Staff.
3. No blanket Public Utility Drainage Easement, including storm sewer and overland
stormwater management, can be located through or across a future park site. The park
site cannot function as a storm water control facility unless the site is a detention
basin that is to be conveyed to the City or the developer is given City approval.
4. Perimeter easements area allowed by Staff approval.
D. Topsoil
1. Suitable material:
a. Topsoil shall be a loamy mixture (USDA Loam, Sandy Loam, or Silty Loam
soil) with an organic content between five (5 %) percent and ten (10 %) percent.
At least 90% must pass the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve and the pH must be between
5.0 and 8.0, from the "A horizon" of local soil profiles. Topsoil shall be capable
of supporting the germination of vegetation. It shall not contain toxic substances
harmful to plant growth.
b. Topsoil shall be typical of the locality of the work, tilled to the satisfaction of the
city, free from large roots, sticks, weeds, brush, subsoil, clay lumps, or stones
larger than one (I") inch in diameter or other litter and waste products.
c. Subbase for paved surfaces (asphalt courts, paths, etc.) shall be clay that meets
the requirements of Section 204 of the Standard Specifications. It shall be free
from topsoil, organic matter (roots, tree stumps, etc.), rocks larger than three
(3 ") inches in size, and building debris.
2. Unsuitable material:
a. For paved areas, the soil cannot be highly organic soil; contain topsoil, roots, tree
stumps, vegetable matter, trash, and debris.
b. Any unsuitable material found on the site must be removed from the site and
legally disposed of.
3. Topsoil respreading:
a. Topsoil shall be spread to a minimum depth of six (6 ") inches across all lawns,
clay and embankment filled areas, constructed berms, sledding hills, excavated
areas, and over backfilled areas of all other construction.
b. All irregularities or depressions in the surface due to weathering or other causes
shall be filled or leveled out before the topsoil is placed. All topsoil finish grades
will provide positive drainage over all areas covered.
c. If the existing surface has become hardened or crusted, it shall be disked or raked
(broken up) to provide a bond between the surface and the topsoil to be applied.
4. Soil stockpile: Contractor shall not stockpile any topsoil or other soil materials on the
park site without written authorization from the City.
E. Grading/ Filling
1. All park areas shall maintain a minimum slope of two (2 %) percent, or two (2') feet
in 100 feet, and a maximum slope of three (3 %) percent, or three (3') feet in 100 feet.
The developer shall submit grading plans to the City for review during the grading
approval process.
2. Drainage swales may be located on private property, either in the yards of residential
units that border the park or in homeowner's association property. The park site
should have a uniform slope from one end of the property to another.
3. There shall be absolutely no burying permitted of site debris, construction debris or
rubbish, or any other extraneous matter on the park site(s). Areas to receive approved
fill shall receive clean fill, free of large boulders, concrete, or other debris. The park
site may not be used as a borrow pit.
4. At all times during construction, the Developer shall take appropriate precautions and
prevent the discharge and /or dumping of hazardous wastes, liquid or solid, from his
or other's operations on any sites within the development, including those to be
dedicated to the City. Local Police and Fire Departments shall be notified of any
temporary storage of hazardous materials during construction.
5. Environmental Assessment - For all lands to be dedicated to the City, the Developer
shall provide a minimum of Phase I Environmental Assessment, produced by a
recognized consultant. This assessment shall check for hidden, or unknown
environmental factors including, but not limited to, buried or contaminated soils and
aquifers, underground storage tanks, and dump sites.
6. An as -built of the final grading of the site is required upon completion. This includes
the submittal of an AutoCAD drawing in digital format with grades shown in one (1')
foot intervals within 60 days of a written request by the City.
F. Turf Grass
I . Developers shall install turf grass in agreement with the City. This work shall occur
after the placement of all topsoil, fine grading, and installation of sidewalks,
pathways, and plant material.
2. All park access points of 100 ft. width or less shall be sodded, no greater than 50 ft in
width of any entrance. Sodding procedures shall be in compliance with all City
regulations regarding sodding and watering practices.
3. The seed shall be a premixed Bluegrass / Ryegrass mixture approved by the City.
The mixture shall be by weight a 70% mixture of three (3) Kentucky Bluegrasses
(equal percentages) and a 30% mixture of three (3) perennial Ryegrasses (equal
percentages). The mixture shall be sown at the rate of 220 lbs. per acre. All seed
shall be certified 98% purity and 80% germination.
4. Prior to seeding, all lawn areas shall be fertilized with an approved starter fertilizer at
an approved rate. The fertilizer shall be cultivated into the top three inches of the
5. The seeding season for turf grass shall be as follows and shall not be adjusted except
as approved by the City in writing:
Spring: April 1 to May 15
Fall: August 15 to October 1
6. The developer shall reseed all areas that do not germinate and repair all eroded areas
and reseed them until 90% germination has taken place. All other aspects of
maintenance, such as mowing, watering, and application of herbicide, will be done by
the City after the property is accepted.
G. Mulching
1. Erosion Control Blanket: All seeded areas flatter than a 3:1 slope shall be mulched
within twenty four (24) hours of seeding.
a. Seeding areas designated to receive erosion control blanket shall be
covered with biodegradable seed blanket as specified.
b. All seeded areas of slopes steeper than 4:1, the bottom of swales and
around drainage structures, shall be covered with erosion control blanket
the same day as seeded.
c. The blanket shall be laid out flat, evenly and smoothly, without stretching
the material. The blankets shall be placed so that the netting is on the top
and the fibers are in contact with the soil.
d. For placement in ditches, the blankets shall be applied in the direction of
the flow of the water and require a two (2 ") inch overlap of blanket
e. All blankets shall be stapled in place, using four (4) staples across the
upstream end at the start of each roll and placing staples on four (4') foot
centers along each side. A common row of staples shall be used along
seams of adjoining blankets. All seams shall overlay at least two (2 ")
inches. On slopes, the blankets shall be applied either horizontally or
vertically to the contour and stapled in place similar to ditch applications
except that the staple space interval shall be six (6') feet.
2. Areas seeded with an annual temporary mix to prevent erosion until permanent
seeding is completed, does not require mulching.
3. Turfgrass seeding areas shall be mulched in accordance with the `Standard
Specifications'. Contractor is responsible for obtaining all water for the work.
4. All seeded areas with a slope flatter than 4:1 shall be mulched within 24 hours of
seeding using straw with tackifier.
Straw — rate: two (2) tons (4000 lbs.) per acre
Mulch binder for straw — 40 lbs. per acre
A. General: It is not the practice or desire of the City to accept retention /detention basins as
part of a neighborhood park. Any variance from this practice must be approved by Staff
and Park Board.
1. Special consideration may be given for acceptance of detention /retention ponds if
they are adjacent to other park areas and meet usability criteria at the discretion of the
Staff and Board. This may include, but not be limited to, safe access, fishing,
incorporated trail systems, overlooks, or natural habitats. At no time shall the City
accept said basins only for storm water management purposes.
2. Should detention or retention ponds be part of the local donation, they shall meet the
following requirements:
a. Construction shall be in accordance with engineering drawings approved by the
City and shall meet all applicable City standards.
b. All changes to the plans including, but not limited to, percent of slope, grading,
depth of top soil, location of structures or other improvements shall not be
implemented without written approval unless first approved in writing by the
c. Basins shall comply with state statute 605 ILCS 5/9 -115.1 regarding distance
from right -of -ways.
d. Best management practices are encouraged, which includes the addition of rain
gardens, natural water infiltration systems, meandering drainage swales, and
maintenance practices typical of naturalized basins.
B. Retention Basins (Wet Ponds)
1. Design: Retention ponds shall be designed to facilitate a low degree of maintenance
through natural plantings and to reduce potential hazards for users and maintenance
a. No pond shall be less than two (2) acres in size. BMP Practices implemented to
create naturalized drainage characteristics can allow for a reduction in basin size.
The surface area of wet ponds on non -park property may be less than 2 acres if
justified by topography, tributary area, and is approved by City Staff.
b. Pond configuration
1. Pond configuration shall be natural in appearance featuring varying slopes
running down to the shoreline. Shoreline shall undulate at varying curves
around the pond perimeter. Shoreline areas selected for the planting of aquatic
and emerging aquatic vegetation, slope requirements shall be appropriate to
ensure healthy growth and development of the specified vegetation type.
2. An area six (6') feet wide measured from the shoreline around the entire
perimeter of the pond shall slope towards the pond at the rate of two (2 %)
percent to five (5 %) percent. No slope beyond the six -foot strip shall be
steeper than a 5:1 slope (20 %).
3. Pond configuration shall have provisions in the plans to allow access for
dredging, grate maintenance, and accommodation of maintenance
requirements or needs. The City and developer shall jointly determine final
shoreline configuration.
4. Wet ponds shall be designed to a minimum depth of six (6') feet below
normal water level. If fish are to be maintained, 25% of the pond shall be a
minimum depth of twelve (12') feet. Wet ponds must have a safety shelf that
is five (5') feet to ten (10') feet in width at a depth of two (2') feet below the
normal water elevation. The slope to the bottom of the pond beyond this
safety shelf shall be 2:1 and the slope up from the safety shelf to the normal
water level shall not be steeper than 3:1.
c. Inlets/ Sedimentation
1. All storm water inlet points must have calculated sediment basins below
the required six (6') foot depth.
2. Sediment basin volume shall be 4000 CF per acre of tributary area (with a
minimum volume of 4000 CF)..
3. The developer shall provide engineering plans, estimating probable
quantities of sediment from the watershed at five -year intervals for a 25
year period.
4. Developer will then install sediment traps to handle the aforementioned
sediment. A cleaning /dredging plan shall be included with the plans.
5. The City shall approve all engineering and installation. Existing Public
Ordinances and annexation agreements shall regulate all additional storm
water design considerations and management.
d. Buffer yards /Trails
1. In areas where a trail occurs between the property line and a pond, there
shall be a minimum fifty (50') foot wide buffer between the property line
and the high -water elevation. The fifty (50') foot wide buffer will be
broken down into a minimum twenty (20') foot wide area between
property line and outside edge of the path, and a minimum twelve (12')
foot wide area between the inside edge of path and the high -water
2. In areas where there are no paths between the property line and a pond,
there shall be a minimum thirty (30') foot wide buffer between the
property line and the high -water elevation.
e. Aeration:
1. Developers shall incorporate aeration systems into all retention basins that
do not have sufficient water flow as determined by the city. The city shall
approve all engineering and installation.
2. Aeration may be required by the city even if aeration was not called for in
the plans approved before construction if the water flow is deemed
insufficient by the city.
f. Erosion Control:
I . Protection against erosion and water level fluctuations is required. The
use of rip -rap and retaining walls as a sole means of shoreline protection
will not be permitted for the entire basin perimeter, but can be used in
severly affected areas. Stabilization of affected areas shall be provided
through one of the following means:
a. Complete establishment of perennial ground cover, water tolerant
grasses, or natural vegetation to the approval of the City standards.
b. Construction of retaining walls.
c. Use of rip -rap underlain by gravel and filter fabric.
2. Wetland Basin Planting Specifications:
a. Soils:
1. Hydric soils as classified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil
Conservation, or the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils.
b. Plant material:
I . Seedlings, Tubers, Rhizomes and Other Propagule Materials: Shall have at
least one viable shoot or growing point capable of initiating above ground
2. Plugs: Cubes or cylinders of soil containing crowns, stems, roots and
rhizomes with one -half ( ") inch or more diameter and depth sufficient to
contain rhizomes and the majority of the fibrous root systems. All plants
shall be well established and have a minimum shoot height of twelve (12 ")
inches at the time of installation (minimum one year old plants.) Plants
larger than specified may be used if approved by the City.
3. All plugs shall be free of Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) and
Cattail (T)pha angustifolia) seeds, seedlings, and propagules.
4. Plants shall be of local orgin (within 200 mile radius of project site), hardy
under the climatic conditions at the project site, free from insects and
diseases, and having the appearance of health, vigor, and habit normal for
the species.
5. Substitutions of plants will not be permitted unless authorized in writing
by the City.
c. Planting timeline
1. Planting shall occur where water is present and when the soil is
completely saturated.
2. Plants shall be hand - planted carefully and firmly in place on the spacing
specified to the minimum depth necessary to anchor them in wetland soil.
3. If submersion of plants is required, plants shall be placed in meshed bags
with non -lead weights attached to each plant and then dropped into the
4. The beginning and termination dates for planting shall be as follows and
shall not be adjusted except as approved by the City in writing:
Spring: May 1 to June 15
Fall: August 15 to September 15
d. Herbivore Protection:
1. Herbivore management shall be provided to protect the plantings. Steel
posts, wood posts, box protection, or overhead protection are all
acceptable methods of herbivore management that shall be provided to
protect the plantings. Herbivore management is defined as, but not limited
to protection from geese, ducks, muskrats, carp, and rusty crayfish.
C. Detention Basins (Dry Ponds)
1. Design: Requirements for detention basins shall satisfy design criteria as set forth in
the Grading Section of these Standards. Consideration will be given only to basins
for the dual use of detention and recreation. In order to facilitate the review of park
areas, the proposed outline of the detention basin at the two -year, 25 -year, and 100 -
year high water line shall be illustrated on the preliminary plan or the P.U.D. plat.
a. Basin configuration:
1. The basin shall be natural in appearance featuring varying slopes running
down to the basin bottom. Plantings shall reflect the soil and moisture
content, which includes, but is not limited to: wet - mesic, mesic prairie,
etc. Slope requirements shall be appropriate to ensure healthy growth and
development of the specified vegetation type:
2. The bottom slope shall be a minimum of two (2 %) percent except that a
zero (0 %) percent slope will be allowed directly over the underdrain pipes.
b. Inlets:
1. Dry ponds shall be designed with an underdrain, subject to the approval
of the City, so that ponding during dry periods does not occur and that a
good stand of grass can be maintained.
2. All incoming and outgoing conduit shall have concrete flared end sections
or poured in place headwalls with grates.
3. Two (2') foot inlets can be placed over the underdrain.
4. The maximum water depth below the HWL shall be four (4') feet.
c. Buffer yards /Trails
I . Buffer yards shall include natural plantings of trees, evergreens and
2. In areas where a pedestrian /bicycle trail occurs between the property line
and basin, there shall be a minimum fifty (50') foot wide buffer between
the property line and the high -water elevation. The fifty (50') foot wide
buffer will be broken down into a minimum twenty (20') foot wide area
between property line and outside edge of the path, and a minimum twelve
(12') wide area between the inside edge of path and the high -water
3. In areas where there are no paths between the property line and a basin,
there shall be a minimum thirty (30') foot wide buffer between the
property line and the high -water elevation.
2. Planting Specifications
a. Soils:
1. Topsoil shall be a loamy mixture (USDA Loam, Sandy Loam, or Silty
Loam soil) with an organic content between five (5 %) percent and ten
(10 %) percent. At least 90% must pass the 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve and the
pH must be between 5.0 and 8.0, from A horizon of local soil profiles.
Topsoil shall be capable of supporting the germination of vegetation. It
shall not contain toxic substances harmful to plant growth.
2. Topsoil shall be typical of the locality of the work, tilled to the satisfaction
of the city, free from large roots, sticks, weeds, brush, subsoil, clay lumps,
or stones larger than one (1 ") inch in diameter or other litter and waste
3. Topsoil for paved surfaces (asphalt courts, paths, etc.) shall be clay soil
that meets the requirements of Section 211 of the Standard Specifications.
It shall be free from topsoil, organic matter (roots, tree stumps, etc.), rocks
larger than three (3") inches in size, and building debris. j
b. Plant Material:
1. Seed quantities indicated shall be the amounts of pure, live seed per acre
for each species listed. Pure, live seed shall be defined as the sproutable
seed of a specified variety and calculated as the product of the viable
germination times the purity. The seed (pounds per acre) are designed to
yield specific amounts of pure, live seed per acre based on the pure, live
seed percent values listed in Table 11 of Article 1081.04 of the "Standard
Specifications." Seed which, according to tests, has actual pure live seed
yield less than the intended yield; will have the specified quantity adjusted
to meet the intended pure, live seed yields.
2. All seed shall be guaranteed by the vendor to be true to name and variety.
Whenever a particular orgin is specified, all seed furnished shall be
guaranteed to be from that orgin. The contractor shall provide the
prairie /wetland /forb seed mix showing the percentage by mass (weight) of
each of the kinds of seed.
3. All prairie /wetland /forb seed shall have the proper stratification and /or
scarification to break dormancy for the appropriate planting season.
4. Legumes: Inoculate all legumes with the proper rhizobia and rate at the
appropriate time prior to planting.
5. Seed Mix: The seed mix for the prairie /wetland seed and forbs shall be as
shown on the plans or as attached to these specifications.
c. Seeding Time:
1. Prior to seeding, the ground surface shall be smooth, dry, friable and of
uniformly fine textures.
2. No seed shall be sown during high winds or wet conditions.
3. All prairie grass seeding shall be done with a drill -type seeder. The
optimum depth for seeding shall be one - quarter ('/4 ") inch.
4. All forb seed shall be mechanically or hand broadcast. Forb seed shall not
be incorporated into the soil, or otherwise buried, but shall be rolled to
ensure good soil /seed contact.
5. Broadcasting seed, mechanically or by hand, will only be allowed in
inaccessible areas. The seed shall be covered with a thin layer of topsoil
and rolled to place seed in contact with the soil. The optimum depth is
one - quarter (%4 ") inch.
6. No hydraulic seeding (hydro- seeding) is allowed.
7. The beginning and termination dates for prairie or wetland seeding shall
be as follows and shall not be adjusted except as approved by the City in
Spring: May 1 to July 1
Fall: September 15 to October 1
8. All seeding requires erosion control blanket. See Section 4.G for
D. Maintenance: After all initial work has been completed satisfactorily according to the
specifications, the following establishment and maintenance work shall be performed by
the Contractor for a period of three (3) years or until 90% of the plant material is
established as outlined in the contract. The three year establishment and maintenance
period shall start the following growing season after all the initial seeding /maintenance
work is completed as specified and approved by the City. For initial spring seeding
completed by July I the maintenance period shall start September 1 For fall seeding
completed by October 1 the maintenance period shall start May l
1. Maintenance, including watering, mowing, herbicide application, and burning will be
required to assist the native vegetation in growth and reduce the competition of weeds
until all plant material has established and matured and been accepted by the owner.
a. First Year
1. Inspection
a. Contractor shall inspect planting and /or seeding areas June 1, June 15,
June 30, and not more than every 30 days thereafter during the first
growing season following completion of the seeding and report
findings to the City.
2. Evaluation:
a. Planting and /or seeding areas will meet or exceed the following
performance criteria by the end of the first growing season following
seed installation: 95% overall aerial vegetative cover with no areas
larger than 100 square feet with less than 75% cover, seedlings of a
minimum of two planted grass species found, and seedlings of a
minimum of three planted wildflower species found through annual
naturalized basin reports submitted to the city that have been reviewed
and approved.
3. Weed Control
a. Review the site and treat all noxious weeds with a herbicide by a
"wicking application" and hand weeding as appropriate once per
month from May through September. (Herbicide by spray application
will not be allowed because of overspray and the drifting down of
herbicide killing the plant material below the weeds.)
b. When the vegetation reaches the height of twelve (12 ") inches, the
Contractor shall mow it to a height of six (6 ") inches. No more than
two mowing per season is necessary. (Mowing the site helps to control
weeds and allows prairie /wetland plants to compete.)
4. Species Enrichment
a. Overseed or re -plant thin, bare, or weedy areas with the appropriate
seed mix or plant materials per dates as specified.
b. Plant herbaceous plugs for greater impact (optional).
b. Second Year
1. Inspection
a. Contractor shall inspect planting and /or seeding areas once a month
from May through October during the second growing season and
report findings to City.
2. Evaluation
a. Planting and /or seeding areas will meet or exceed the following
performance criteria by June 30 of the second growing season
following seed installation: 95% overall aerial vegetative cover with
no areas larger than 100 square feet with less than 75% cover,
seedlings of at least 25% of all seed species found. These performance
criteria will be maintained throughout the second growing season.
3. Controlled Burn
a. Prepare and obtain a controlled burn permit from the IEPA in January.
b. Conduct controlled burn in early spring. (Burning is necessary to
reduce the non - native weeds while promoting the desired mesic /wet-
mesic species.) Weather conditions may necessitate schedule changes
and shall require City approval.
c. Review site and mow areas that did not burn.
d. If there is not enough "fuel" to have a successful controlled burn,
mowing as specified in Section 3.08,D.,1.,b. shall be performed in lieu
of burning.
4. Species Enrichment
a. Overseed thin, bare, or weedy areas per seeding dates as specified.
b. Plant herbaceous plugs for greater impact (optional).
3. Weed Control
a. Review the site and treat all noxious weeds with a herbicide by a
"wicking application" and hand weeding as appropriate once per
month from May through September. (Herbicide by spray application
will not be allowed.)
b. When the mesic /wet -mesic vegetation reaches the height of twenty -
four (24 ") inches, the Contractor shall mow it to a height of twelve
(12 ") inches. Only one mowing per year is necessary.
c. Third Year
1. Inspection
a. Contractor shall inspect planting and /or seeding areas once a month
from May through October during the third growing season and report
findings to City.
2. Evaluation
a. Planting and /or seeding areas will meet or exceed the following
performance criteria by June 30 of the third growing season following
seed installation: 99% overall aerial vegetative cover with no areas
larger than 100 square feet with less than 90% cover, seedlings of at
least 50% of all seed species found. These performance criteria will be
maintained throughout the third growing season.
3. Controlled Burn
a. Prepare and obtain a controlled burn permit from the IEPA in January.
b. Conduct controlled burn in early spring. Weather conditions may
necessitate schedule changes. Such changes shall require City
c. Review site and mow areas that did not burn.
4. Species Enrichment
a. Overseed thin, bare or weedy areas per seeding dates as specified.
b. Plant herbaceous plugs for greater impact (optional).
5. Weed Control
a. Review the site and treat all noxious weeds with a herbicide by a
"wicking application" and hand weeding as appropriate once per
month from May through September. (Herbicide by spray application
will not be allowed.)
b. When the mesic /wet -mesic vegetation reaches the height of twenty -
four (24 ") inches, the Contractor shall mow it to a height of twelve
(12 ") inches. Only one mowing per year is necessary.
2. Final Inspection and Acceptance
a. Acceptance of the work will be determined through a naturalized basin report
submission to the City that has been reviewed and approved. The percentage of
species planted with area present and apparent as live plants must meet IDNR
and USACE standards.
b. If the performance standards are not met, the contractor shall reseed, replant, and
remulch as specified herein all unacceptable areas to the satisfaction of the City.
E. Inlet and grate design
1. All grates for drainage inlets shall be bicycle safe and accessible per the ADA when
placed in walkways or drives.
2. All trash covers for storm inlets shall have a maximum opening of three and one -half
(3.5 ") inch square to prevent a child's head entrapment. All grates on drain culverts
and pipe inlets and outlets shall be bolted in place.
A. General: It is not the practice or desire of the City to accept any natural area, including,
but not limited to woodlands, greenways, or conservation areas, as part of a park. Any
variance from this practice must be approved by Staff and Park Board.
1. Special consideration may be given for acceptance of natural areas if they are
adjacent to other park areas, include threatened or endangered plants, specimen trees
species, wildlife habitat, create a vital link in the parks master plans, and meet
usability criteria at the discretion of the Staff and Board.
2. This may include, but not be limited to, safe access, incorporated trail systems,
overlooks, or natural habitats.
3. Woodlands: should woodlands be part of the local donation, they shall meet the
following requirements:
a. A tree survey, as outlined in the Landscape Ordinance, shall be completed and
submitted. This shall include the site topography and future development plans.
b. Stormwater shall be conveyed through wooded areas via open swales to improve
stormwater quality.
c. Outflow is not allowed to be directly piped into riparian forests. Backyards shall
slope to the side of the lot and drain into an inlet, or follow a swale to the street.
Turfgrass runoff shall not directly infiltrate the woodland.
d. It can be expected that the developer will assume responsibility to bring the
woodland to park standards. In cases where existing trees and shrubbery are
present on the site, deadwood, undesirable trees, and thinning of dense growth,
which may include branches or entire trees and shrubs, shall be removed. All
stumps shall be ground to twelve (12 ") inches below grade, backfilled and
restored in accordance with grading and seeding requirements. Improvements
standards includes, but are not limited to, the following items:
I . Clear understory trees
2. Remove dead or decaying material
3. Remove hanging tree limbs
4. Clear vines from trees
5. Clear underbrush
6. Clear invasive species and noxious weeds
7. Perform a prescribed burn (by certified contractor)
8. Clear fence or repair damaged fence
B. Management Practices: If the natural area is to be conveyed to the City or Homeowner's
Association. Details and specifications must be included with the landscape plan
submittal. The following methods /practices must be followed to manage the natural area:
1. Best Management Practice (BMP) this shall include, but is not limited to
minimizing site disturbance, providing tree protection, installing silt fence, etc.
Changes to the plans including, but not limited to, percent of slope, grading, depth
of top soil, location of structures or any other improvements shall not be
implemented unless first approved in writing by the City.
2. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) use a combination of manual, mechanical,
biological, chemical and preventative techniques to minimize the impact of
insects, diseases, and unwanted vegetation. Common chemicals used in forest
land management are generally pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, and
fungicides) and fertilizer. These chemicals are used to control pests - including
insects, diseases, and unwanted vegetation - and to enhance tree growth.
3. Streamside management zones (SMZs) includes land and vegetation areas next to
lakes and streams where management practices are modified to protect water
quality, fish, and other aquatic resources. These areas are complex ecosystems
that provide food, habitat and movement corridors for both water and land
communities. Also, because these areas are next to water, SMZs help minimize
nonpoint source pollution to surface waters.
C. Development Standards: City staff will evaluate the condition of the natural area to be
dedicated. A report submitted by the developer will outline the items the developer is
responsible for completing prior to conveyance. The report shall include, but is not
limited to, the following items:
1. Environmental Assessment
2. Species survey /habitat
3. Historical survey /Archaeological study
4. Wetland survey
D. Greenways /Wetlands /Floodplain Areas: For areas of natural habitat re- establishment or
enhancement such as floodplains, wetlands, or greenways, the Developer shall submit
complete installation and maintenance plans to the City prior to acceptance of the
development plat.
H. Conservation and Protected Areas: For areas to be dedicated, as a conservation or
protected area, an environmental study including a topographic map shall be completed
by the developer identifying the endangered and protected areas, summary of floristic
quality, wetland, and floodplain maps and inventory of wildlife, vegetation, and habitats.
Watershed areas shall be identified with recommendations for management. All studies
shall be completed prior to the land dedication. Developer shall comply with all City
wetland standards.
1. Lakes: Any body of water considered a lake, or large body of water, will be considered
on a case -by -case basis. Preliminary submissions should include a condition report, and
future maintenance requirements.
A. Existing vegetation includes, but is not limited to, trees, shrubs, grasses, perennials,
groundcovers and wildflowers shall be protected during the construction process if
determined by the City to be preserved. Development plans shall include methods of
protecting such vegetation during the developer's construction process.
B. New Landscaping
1. Planting Standards
a. All landscape material shall meet the standards of the "American Standard for
Nursery Stock" (ANSI Z60.1 -2004) of the American Standard of Nurserymen.
b. All plant material must be grown in Northern or Central Illinois.
c. The limits for the source of plant material shall be zones 5a and 5b in Northern
Illinois only. Plant hardiness zones shall be as designated in the current
Miscellaneous Publication No. 1475, Agricultural Research Service USDA. All
Illinois counties located in sub -zone 5a shall be considered a part of sub -zone 5b.
c. The plants and material shall be inspected by the City at the nursery and project
site if they so desire. The City reserves the right to tag material prior to digging.
d. Trees planted in parks shall be a minimum size of.
SHADE ................................ ..............................2 '/2" caliper BB
ORNAMENTAL ................. ..............................2 %2 caliper BB (single stem)
6' BB (multi -stem)
EVERGREEN ...................... .............................6' BB
Plants marked "BB" are to be balled and burlapped, and shall be dug with a
sufficient quantity of earth taken equally on all sides and bottom of the plants to
include the depth of the roots according to species. The balls shall be prepared in
a workinanlike manner and firmly bound.
2. Backfill mixtures
a. Backfill may be excavated topsoil. The backfill shall, at the time of planting, be in
a loose, friable condition.
b. Mixture for backfilling plant holes of all deciduous trees, shrubs, and evergreen
plant material shall consist of approved topsoil as needed to match the level of
existing grade.
c. Mixture for broadleaved evergreens shall consist of one -half ('h) volume topsoil
mixed with one -half (' /2) volume uncompressed sphagnum peat moss or one -third
( volume topsoil, one -third ('/3) volume sphagnum peat moss and one -third (
volume coarse sand pH 6.5 or lower.
d. The beds for groundcovers, perennials, annuals, etc., shall consist of one -half (' /z)
volume topsoil, one - fourth ('/4) volume peat moss and one -fourth (' /a) volume
mushroom compost (composted manure). Beds shall be cultivated to a depth of
six (6 ") inches and be raked smooth during the process of plant installation.
3. Planting -1
a. Regardless of calendar date, trees must be dormant at the time they arrive at the
site of the work or storage site. If trees are dug in- season, they must be properly
watered and sheltered until the time of planting.
1. Spring Planting: This work shall be performed from the time the soil can be
worked until the plant, under field conditions, is not dormant. Evergreen
planting shall terminate on May 15, perennial planting shall terminate on May
4. Fall Planting: This work shall be performed from the time the plant becomes
dormant until the ground cannot be satisfactorily worked except that evergreen
planting shall be performed between September I and October 31 and perennial
planting shall be between August 15 and September 15.
b. Excavation of Plant Holes
1. The sides of all plant holes shall be angled at approximately 45 degrees. All
plant holes shall be dug in such a manner that the inside surfaces of the hole
shall be in a loose friable condition prior to planting. Glazed or compacted
sides will not be permitted.
2. The equipment used to dig the plant holes must be approved by the City Staff.
3. Plant holes shall be twice the diameter of the root ball. The root ball shall set
on compacted, undisturbed earth.
4. On slopes, the depth of excavation will be measured at the center of the hole.
c. Planting Procedures
1. All plants shall be placed in a plumb position and set at the same depth as they
grew in the nursery field. Backfill shall be placed around the root system.
2. Tamping or watering shall accompany the backfilling operation to eliminate
air pockets. Set the base of the tree trunk two inches above the surrounding
4. Planting Operation
a. Plants shall be set in the center of the holes, plumb and straight at such a level that
after settlement, the crown of the ball will be slightly above finished grade.
1. All balled and burlapped plants shall have the twine or ropes removed that
secures the burlap to the trunk of the plant. - -
2. All wire baskets around the ball of the tree shall be cut away from the top one
half of the ball.
3. The top one -third ('/3) of burlap shall be removed from the balls after setting
the plant in the hole.
4. Container grown plants shall have the container removed with care as to not
break the ball of soil that contains the root system. If the root system is "pot
bound ", scarify before placing in the hole.
5. A circular water saucer with the soil shall be constructed around each
individual plant.
5. Watering
a. A thorough watering of trees, with a method approved by the City shall follow the
backfilling operation. This watering shall completely saturate the backfill and be
performed during the same day of planting. After the ground settles as a result of
the watering, additional backfill shall be placed to match the level of the finished
b. Approved watering equipment shall be at the site of the work and in operational
condition prior to starting the planting operation.
c. All water must be provided by developer or contractor.
6. Mulching /Wrapping
a. Immediately after watering, plants shall be mulched. A layer of wood chips shall
be used to cover the circular water saucer to a depth of four (4 ") inches when
b. All mulching shall be kept in a minimum of six (6 ") inches from the trunk of all
trees and shrubs.
c. Immediately after planting, trunks of all deciduous trees shall be wrapped spirally
from the ground to the lowest major branch (after pruning) overlapping the wrap
at least one -third ( of its width. Trees shall not remain wrapped during the
summer months.
7. Pruning Procedures
a. Qualified personnel, experienced in horticultural practices and operations, shall
perform all pruning. The method and location of pruning and the percentage of
growth to be removed shall meet the approval of the.City. All pruning shall be
done with sharp tools in accordance with the best horticultural practices.
b. Pruning shall consist of thinning the twigs or branches as dictated by the habit of
growth and the various types of the trees to be pruned, and as directed by the City.
The leader and terminal buds shall not be cut unless directed by the owner.
c. The ends of all broken and damaged roots one - quarter ('/4) inch or larger shall be
pruned with a clean cut, removing only the injured portion. All broken branches,
stubs, and improper cuts of former pruning shall be removed.
d. Evergreens shall not be pruned except to remove broken branches.
A. Trail Standards
1. The following standards shall be used in design and development of both local and
regional trails:
a. The design and development of the trail system shall be in accordance with
Chapter 17 of the IDOT — Bureau of Design and Environment Manual (BDE),
Chapter 42 of the IDOT Bureau of Local Roads and Streets Manual (BLRS) and
the Capital Development Board's Illinois Accessibility Code (IAC) in addition to
the most recent Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, as published by
the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials j
i. When developing trails adjacent to city streets, the BLRS manual should be
the design guide used.
ii. Trails adjacent to U.S. or State marked routes should be designed according to
the BDE manual.
iii. The AASHTO manual should be used as a reference when the BDE or BLRS
manuals do not address the presented design.
iv. All questions regarding accessibility should reference the IAC.
b. A minimum design speed of 20 mph shall be used for bicycles on the trail. When
the grade exceeds four (4 %) percent, a design speed of 30 mph is advisable.
c. The minimum horizontal inside radius of curvature at 20 mph shall be at 30 feet,
and at 30 mph, 90 feet.
d. For most trail applications, the super- elevation rate shall vary from a minimum of
two (2 %) percent to a maximum of approximately five and one - quarter (5.25 %)
percent. The minimum super- elevation rate of two (2 %) percent will be adequate
for most conditions.
e. Grades
i. Vertical grade on the trail shall be kept to a minimum, although it may not be
possible in some areas. A grade of five (5 %) percent should not be longer than
800 feet. A grade of eight (8 %) percent (12:1) will be the maximum to allow
for handicapped accessibility.
ii. The surface of the trail shall typically have a maximum cross -slope of two
(2 %) percent, running from one edge of the trail to the other..
iii. The grade for trails adjacent to and part of an existing roadway shall be the
same as the roadway.
iv. A ten (10') foot wide area with a maximum slope of 20:1 shall be graded
adjacent to both sides of the trail. If the shoulder is less than ten (10') feet in
width, shoulder width cannot have less than two (2') of clearance on each
f. Drainage
i. Crossing scuppers and culverts for drainage at ravines, ditches, swales, and
small creeks may be required.
ii. Minimum pipe diameters must be met where required by engineering in
accordance with the City Subdivision Ordinance.
2. City and regional trail plans shall be referenced for approximate potential trail
B. Inventory of Existing Facilities
I . An inventor and site analysis of the existing conditions and facilities aloe the
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proposed trail shall be conducted to determine their effect and relationship on the
design, development, and usage of the trail. The site analysis includes, but is not
limited to the following:
a. Review of the proposed trail locations to determine their impact on all adjacent
property owners and land uses.
b. A review of the proposed trail locations, structures, and adjacent facilities for all
historical, unique, or local significance.
c. Analysis of all bridges and drainage structures to determine their compliance with
the local and state minimum loading requirements, if applicable.
d. Identification of significant or unique ecosystems.
e. It is the developer's responsibility to obtain environmental clearances from other
jurisdictional governmental agencies for analysis of the trail.
C. Trail Access
1. Appropriate ingress and egress to the trail system shall be designed for all authorized
users, emergency and maintenance vehicles. Entry points shall be designed to control
and prevent access by unauthorized vehicles.
a. Major entry points are located at or near the beginning and termination of the
trail, at major or special points of interest along the trail, and at locations to
provide maintenance of the trail.
b. Minor entry points are locations along the trail for the purpose of allowing users
to enter the trail.
c. Road crossings shall be considered entry points and access will be provided.
d. Parking facilities, information for users (park signs, trail I.D. signs, information
signs, traffic signs, display cases, etc.), site amenities (bike racks, benches, picnic
tables, drinking fountains, etc.), access for maintenance, emergency and security
vehicles, items to prevent unauthorized use and assist with security (bollards,
drop gates, fencing, lighting, etc.), landscaping for aesthetics and function (shade,
screening, delineation and beautification) shall be considered at appropriate
ingress and egress locations.
e. Trail heads shall be required at locations outlined in the Interated Transportation
Plan, or other locations specified by the city.
D. Roadway and Crossing Signage
1. Approved standard precautions and signage shall be used in the design of the trail at
intersections with the roadway.
a. Warning signs identifying an intersection with a roadway shall be posted a
minimum of 200 feet before the intersections.
b. Stop signs shall be posted for the trail user at the intersection of the roadway. A
sign with the cross street name shall be located below the stop sign.
c. Striped crosswalks shall be the same width as the trail and shall consist of two
parallel six (6 ") inch white thermoplastic lines.
d. All roadway crossings must be ADA compliant regarding detectable warnings.
2. A uniform signage system incorporating the Park and Recreation Department and the
United City of Yorkville sign standards shall be designed for the trail. All signage it
shall conform to the guidelines of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
(MUTCD) the Illinois Supplement to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
(ILMUTCD) and any signs or pavement markings that the City wishes to
develop.Signage shall be placed on posts or on the pavement, or on both where
necessary. Sign posts shall be as required by the Public Works Department. All
signage shall be approved by the Parks Department prior to installation. Custom signs
will be considered on a case -by -case basis. The signage shall include the following:
a. Rules and regulations for usage of the trail (posted at all major access points).
b. Information, interpretative, points of interest, directional, and warning signs
(posted as applicable).
c. Park identification signs.
d. A four (4 ") inch wide painted yellow centerline stripe shall be used to separate
opposite directions of travel on primary trails, as determined by Staff.
E. Sight and Stopping Distance
1. Sight and stopping distance is the distance required to see an obstruction, react to it,
and brake to stop. The formulas and charts in the Guide for the Development of
Bicycle Facilities shall be used for each special location to insure minimum safe sight
and stopping distances. For example: A five (5 %) percent grade would require
approximately 260 feet of stopping distance. Reference BLRS or BDE manuals for
stopping and sight distance charts.
F. Widths and Clearances
1. The paved width and the operating width required for a shared use path are primary
design considerations. The current width for all primary trails shall be ten (10') feet,
not including the width needed for shoulders. For high traffic volumes, determined by
figure 42 -3A of the BLRS manual, a twelve foot (12') trail width may be required.
Reduced widths of eight (8') feet will be considered on a case -by -case basis, based on
use, site constraints, or topographic features.
a. There will be good horizontal and vertical alignment providing safe and
frequent passing opportunities.
b. During normal maintenance activities the path will not be subjected to
maintenance vehicle loading conditions that would cause pavement damage.
c. Vertical clearance shall be a minimum of eight (8') feet above the trail.
d. If the trail is to be located parallel to a roadway, the BLRS manual recommends
a minimum separation of five feet (5') from the face of curb of the roadway to
the edge of shoulder of the trail. If the distance is less than five feet (5'), the
BLRS manual recommends a three and a half foot (3.5') high barrier be
installed between the path and the road. In a rural session, the BLRS manual
recommends that the path be located at the top of the back slope of the roadway
ditch but a minum of ten feet (10') from the edge of the traffic lane.
e. Railings shall be considered on a case -by -case basis. Steep slopes or a fixed
hazard that cannot be removed or relocated could dictate railing locations.
G. Trail and Roadway Bridges
1. Bridges shall be installed to connect trails across valleys, streams, creeks, ravines,
etc. All bridge design plans are to be sealed and prepared under the direction of an
Illinois licensed structural engineer.
a. New bridges shall be constructed with a minimum trail width of ten (10') feet. On
existing bridges, an eight (8') foot width is acceptable.
b. Bridges designed for bicycles shall be designed for pedestrian live loads and snow
loads. The design shall also accommodate maintenance and emergency vehicles.
A barrier shall be provided to prevent use by unauthorized vehicles.
c. A minimum clearance width for trails shall be the same as the approaching paved
trail. The desirable clearance width shall be the minimum two (2') feet on each
side towards the handrail side. - I
d. Handrails, barriers, or fences shall be a minimum of forty -two (42 ") inches high
and located on both sides of the trail where appropriate. Taller barriers or fence
sections may be desired at locations such as a highway or ravine.
e. On all bridge decks, bicycle safe expansion joints shall be used at all joints and
transition points.
f. Drainage requirements for floodway crossings and freeboard and overtopping
requirements as well as design period for the 50 and 100 year storm elevations
shall be in accordancde with the Flood Control Ordinance and the Subdivsion
Control Ordinance.
H. Cross Sections
1. The trail surface shall be suitable for bicyclists, joggers, roller bladers, walkers, etc.
and it shall be handicap accessible. The trail shall be designed to accommodate the
wheel loads of occasional emergency, patrol, construction and routine maintenance
vehicles. The following cross sections as shown in the detail below are typical for the
majority of the applications.
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I. Subgrade and Base Course
1. The area shall be excavated to the depth required, graded, and compacted. Geo- textile
fabric Amoco 4551 or approved equal shall be used for subgrade stabilization in areas
of non - granular soils, unsuitable soils, or for limestone screening surfacing.
2. Aggregate base course (Type B): eight (8 ") inch compacted thickness of aggregate
base course of crushed limestone (CA -6 gradation) shall be placed and compacted on
the prepared subgrade.
3. A subgrade proof -roll for trails will be required. The proof-roll vehicle shall be a
tandem -axle dump truck carrying at least 14 tons of aggregate. A delivery ticket
confirming the weight of aggregate is required. Any subgrade deflections in excess of
one -half (1/2 ") inch will require over- excavation of the subgrade and a follow -up
proof -roll after the aggregate base is placed. If the subgrade passes the proof -roll test
with no deflections in excess of one (1 ") inch, then no additional proof -rolls will be
required. Any deflections in excess of one (1 ") inch during follow -up proof -rolls will
require thickening of the asphalt section by an amount to be determined by the city.
4. If the trail is along a utility corridor, the path's subgrade and subbase thickness
should be analyzed /designed to carry the utility's maintenance vehicles.
5. Permeable pavement will require additional information on the subgrade soil for
verification that the water can percolate. If poor subdrainage conditions exist, an
underdrain storm sewer or drainage system shall be recommended and designed.
J. Surface Course
1. Limestone screening surfaces shall consist of limestone screenings (FA -5) with a
minimum compacted thickness of two (2 ") inches to be placed and compacted on the
prepared aggregate base course. The finished surface shall meet all minimum slope
requirements, and be free of ruts, depressions, or humps.
2. Bituminous concrete surface course shall be two (2 ") inch compacted thickness of
bituminous asphalt surface course and shall be placed on the prepared aggregate base
course. The finished surface shall meet all minimum slope requirements and
compaction tests and be free of ruts, depressions, or humps.
3. The concrete surface should be a minimum thickness of five (5 ") inches of concrete
on an aggregate base course, and six (6 ") inches thick where it crosses driveways,
farm lanes, or other areas where vehicular traffic is anticipated. The concrete shall
have a minimum breaking point of 3500 p.s.i. at 28 days and the finished surface
should have a cross slope of one - quarter ( ") inches per foot. Broom finish tooled
joints every six (6') feet. Expansion joints every 100 feet.
4. Stamped concrete must follow IDOT policies and guidelines.
5. Porous pavement can be used for trails and must follow the most current industry
standards and installed by a contractor knowledgeable in the trade. All designs are
subject to City approval.
6. Concrete pavers are not desired for bike trails unless they are incorporated into a trail
head and will meet the industry standards for concrete pavers.
K. Additional Site Improvements
1. Sitting areas: Areas specifically designated where trail users may safely stop and sit
and /or rest adjacent to or away from the trail. Sitting areas will be located in
conjunction with existing or proposed parks, historic, scenic, or unique points of
a. Each location will be individually designed and take into consideration the
existing features of the site and trail alignment.
b. The design of a sitting area will be an integral part of the final approved site plan
for the park.
c. The design of a sitting area along the trail itself will not interfere with user traffic.
d. The site design will be approved by staff and park board.
2. Landscaping: Additional landscaping may be required to buffer residential,
commercial, or industrial land uses as recommended by Staff.
a. The landscape plan approved must be compliant with the City's Landscape
b. Fencing may be considered (where necessary) because of right -of -way space
limitations. The fencing shall be appropriately designed to be consistent with the
character of the location and trail system. Fencing must meet the ordinance
requirements and be approved by the City.
L. Trail Conversions
1. Converting existing trails shall be done to conform to the requirements of these
standards. After existing conditions are reviewed, the City can grant design variances
on a case by case basis.
A. Playground or other park improvements desired by the developer must submit all
construction methods, including, but not limited to, equipment, materials, grading, and
B. Playgrounds shall be designed with accessible curbing, concrete retaining curb, and
surfacing as shown on the following details.
1. The Playground safety Surface shad be an engineered wood fiber made
from virgin hardwoods, with no chemicals or recycled or used materials.
2. II shall meet or exceed all required Playground surfacing guidelines and
Comply with A.DA requlreNrlenls for wheelcllalr eNxa:selWitty end shock absorbency.
3. The City shall receive a sample of the woad fiber surface and the
name of the supplier for approval.
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C. Until acceptance by the Park Board, the developer shall maintain any park improvements
in a safe and clean condition, including inspections for dangerous objects, vandalism,
trash pick -up, and wear and tear. Turf must be fully established and all improvements
and requirements specified in this document must be completed prior to City acceptance.
The following items are regulations and requirements of all developer improved park land until
accepted by the City.
A. General
1. All rubbish and debris including, but not limited to, old tires, construction material,
fencing, tree houses, trash, and other material not desired by the City, shall be
removed from the site.
2. The City shall not be held liable for any injuries or damages that may occur on such a
park site, and shall be held free and harmless from any and all claims that may be
3. All storm water structures shall include proper grates and covers to protect the public
and shall be maintained free of debris to ensure unrestricted flow of storm water
B. Turf
1. Turf shall be mowed at regular intervals and shall not exceed four and one -half (4.5 ")
inches in height.
2. Areas of erosion, including but not limited to swales, slopes and around storm
structures shall be repaired /restored in accordance with grading and seeding
requirements. All areas within ten (10') feet of on -site structures shall be sodded
rather than seeded for erosion control purposes. Full establishment of turf is required
before acceptance.
3. In cases where existing trees and shrubbery are present on the site, deadwood and
undesirable trees or thinning of dense growth shall be removed. This may include
branches or entire trees and shrubs. All stumps shall be ground to twelve (12 ") inches
below grade, backfilled and restored in accordance with grading and seeding
4. Fully established turf is defined as 90% free of weeds and bare spots, vigorously
growing, and containing a well established root system with multiple blades per plant.
C. Planting
1. Maintenance shall begin immediately after the planting is completed and shall
continue until final inspection and acceptance. This shall consist of weeding,
watering, mulching, spraying, resetting plants to proper grades or upright position,
repair of water saucers or other work that is necessary to maintain the health and
satisfactory appearance of the plantings.
2. Watering: Additional watering, up to 50 gallons per tree, shall be performed at least
once within every 30 days during the months of May through October. The schedule
for watering within the 30 day increment will be determined by the City. Should
excessive moisture conditions prevail, the owner may delete any or all of the
additional watering cycles or any part of said cycles. The contractor shall not be
relieved in any way from the responsibility for unsatisfactory plants due to the
amount of supplemental watering.
3. Weeding: Weeds and grass growth shall be removed from within the earthen saucer
of individual trees and from the area within the periphery of the mulched plant beds.
This weeding shall be performed at least once during the months of May through
October. The City will determine the weeding schedule. The contractor shall not be
relieved in any way from the responsibility for unsatisfactory plants due to the extent
of weeding.
4. The contractor shall guarantee all plant material for a period of one (1) year from the
date the plants are accepted by the City.
Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, AASHTO, 1999
Illinois Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, 2002
Kendall County Trails and Greenways Plan, 2004
United City of Yorkville Land Cash Ordinance
United City of Yorkville Park Development Standards, 2004
United City of Yorkville Standard Specifications for Improvements
Yorkville Parks and Recreation Department, Bicycle /Pedestrian Trail System,
Standards and Design, 2002
IDOT- Bureau of Design Manual, Chapter 17, Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations
IDOT- Bureau of Local Roads Manual, Chapter 42, Bicycle Facilities
Capital Development Board - Illinois Accessibility Code
Federal Highway Administration - Implementing Bicycle Improvements at the Local Level