Plan Council Minutes 2006 02-23-06 Plan Council February 23, 2oo6 Attendees: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Eric Dhuse, Public Works Director Mike Schoppe, Schoppe Design Travis Miller, Comm. Development Director John Whitehouse, EEI John Crois,Interim City Administrator William Dunn, EEI Scott Sleezer, Parks Director Tim Fairfield, BKFD Guests: John Philipchuck, DBC&W Dwight Trostle,CGL Randy Blocker, Pasquinelli Jim Wallen, Pasquinelli Scott Guerard,Wyndham Deerpoint Richard Guerard,Wyndham Deerpoint Kevin Serafin, Cemcon Ryan Walter,Cemcon Ron McGinnis,Ocean Atlantic Greg Stevens, Lannert Group Dave Peregrin, Ocean Atlantic Dan Kramer,Attorney Debbin Peregrin, Ocean Atlantic The meeting was called to order at 9:3o am. Corrections to the February 9th meeting were discussed. Grande Reserve Unit 14 — Final Plat(now titled Unit 15) Plans submitted as Grande Reserve Unit 12, Phase II were improperly numbered as submitted.The plat and all plans should be corrected and resubmitted to show that these are Unit 15. EEI has held meetings with Mr.Wallen to attempt to correct these numbering problems. Mike Schoppe noted that the inlets, 5-42 and 5-45,should be shifted east to allow flexibility of the park site. Bill Dunn stated if SSA resources are used,then proper SSA language should be included in the plat. Overflow routes and ponding addressed in the storm water comments, and modeling revisions should be made. Bailey Rd. overflow routes,blocks 6 and 7, onto Mill Rd. should be addressed so overflow elevation allows the water to run over Mill Rd. Flushing hydrants are noted if it was best to loop back to a water main. Mr. Fairfield would like to have engineering plans so he is better able to comment on the placement of hydrants. Mr.Trostle commented on #17. The developer offered trench backfill within the entire site. Joe Wywrot and Eric Dhuse recognized that the models will be built immediately per neighborhood,but are concerned about settlement in these areas. Staff suggested that 85-90% compaction requirements be on the plans. If settlement occurs the sidewalks will be replaced by the developer. The question on comment#21, according to the subdivision ordinance for a minor collector,is whether these units are row houses or apartments and if these details are consistent with detail on Neighborhood 5 in the annexation agreement,which was approved for this unit by the concept plan. There is no definition of a row house in the zoning ordinance,however Travis Miller stated on the table in the ordinance there is a distinction between single family and attached unit(apartments), and the determination of the 150 foot radius in a multi-family unit by Bill Dunn is clarified. The developer will submit,within two days,a drawing layout to staff showing the impact of a 150 foot curvature on Bissell Drive.A determination by staff will then be made. 1 Bill Dunn stated the developer needs to provide an overall utility sheet with call outs,with a spread sheet attached for rims and invert information labeled. Comment #12 was clarified that those exceeding 4'in depth the structures can stay at 24 inches. Mill Road relocation is scheduled for 2007-8. Building of Mill Road is triggered by the number of building permits issued. The developer can front fund road improvements, subject to recapture or credit toward fees as permits are issued. The developer can also issued credits on the building permits as they are issued.Staff prefers the road stub remains and the city would be responsible for moving utility lines overhead and gas lines when the road is connected. The property on the north side of the existing Mill(intersection of Kennedy)will remain as an access point to the property,until the city has a definite land plan. This property also has frontage on the relocated Mill Rd. This will be presented at the April 12th Plan Commission. Grande Reserve Unit 15 (now titled Unit 14) Originally Unit 15 was submitted as Grande Reserve Unit 12, Phase II. Resubmittals will be labeled as Unit 14. Mike Schoppe stated that street and building layouts should be consistent with Exhibit C of the annexation agreement. Bill Dunn stated fire hydrant coverage and storm water comments should be noted. The plat references a future unit that should be removed from the plat(labeled Unit 14). These are public roads except those in Neighborhood#1. There is an island in the cul-de-sac and the developer will have the homeowners association maintain this. Tim Fairfield stated the fire district boundary is the existing Mill Rd.,and asked that the developer define boundaries with the Oswego fire district. Plans will be submitted to the Oswego district. Comment#23 should be deleted. The parking area west of the cul-de-sac should be dedicated on the plat to the HOA. A full 30'back to back width is being provided. The developer asked for a ponding 1"definition. The design of the city storm sewer system is a 10'storm and the depth of the ponding will be defined by the function of the storm sewer system. Taking the loo year flow into consideration,the issue is a large amount of water flowing to the areas where inlets cannot handle the flow. The ratios and flows coming to inlets,and the loo year flow will be evaluated by the developer. The high water level should function with the inlets. Two hydrants per 300 feet, as the fire hose lays,is the maximum spacing as long as two hydrants serve any spot of any point of any building. This will be scheduled at the April 12 Plan Commission. Yorkwood Estates —Preliminary Plan This will move forward as a PUD, as is the Chally property. This connection joins the county's subdivision. Travis Miller received drawings from the county for the property and Mr. Miller recommends maintaining connections to Maple Grove to the north and to Brighton Oaks to the south. Smith Engineering has these drawings. A road profile connecting to Maple Grove will be prepared by the developer. A trail in Brighton Oaks should be coordinated with the County. 2 + Tree species will be evaluated in a survey, so preliminary plans can be amended to create flexibilities. The smooth leaf elm was approved by Travis Miller. The land use legend colors on public and private parks need to be reversed. The engineering comment#13 note requires trees surveyed 4"and above. There is no ordinance prohibiting under story cleaning of the trees now. The cleaning should be coordinated with Travis Miller. Once this has been annexed and stated in the PUD agreement,then the city has control over the removal of trees. Staff needs a preliminary indication in writing from IDOT regarding the access points and right of way information to Route 71. There is a 16"water main that goes across the property and final determination can change depending on what is proposed for Brighton Oaks. Mr. Guerard requests a lo'minimum for setbacks. John Whitehouse proposes a 20'total side yard setback,with flexibilities for trees. Joe Wywrot questioned if a temporary cul-de-sac or road stub should be on the west side. Staff proposed a"future road connection"sign. Lot 171 is over sized and staff proposed an off set bulb to the north only,with the pavement radius to code. There are 30'front yard setbacks,with all utilities in the front now. Staff proposed mains go to the rear,with side yard laterals from storm water areas,thus one parkway would be for sewer and one for water. Bioswale or infiltration friendly practices in the back yards were also suggested. It was noted that the old Stagecoach Roads previously ran along the westerly property south of Route 71. There will be a sidewalk crossing and sidewalk along Rt. 71. The hydrant number as is relates to units built will be addressed in the PUD agreement. It was recommended the Fire District addresss a letter to the city with his concerns. The plans will be resubmitted to Plan council on April 13. Chally Farm— Preliminary Plan This will move forward as a PUD,with the B-3 included. The plan is being presented with a larger density than the standard. The developer park is 3.74 acres, which was enlarged to accommodate the school district. The property adjacent to the park will be designed as a dry detention area. The minimum lot depth is 200 feet. In the separate park, the developer will take only 1/2 credit, to accommodate the park district's need for cash, and the developer wishes to retain trees. Monies will be spent up front to bring sewer and water to the area, and they are increasing detention, to assist water issues in Pavilion Heights. These will be noted for the plan commission. Per the PUD ordinance, one document is needed that is called the preliminary PUD plan, which can also be used as the preliminary plat. If the developer is seeking preliminary plat approval per the subdivision regulations, then these can be superimposed and called a preliminary plat and plan. There will not be a school on this site There should be a 50-70 foot corridor for a trail to the park, then to Route 71. Scott Sleezer prefers the trail through the westerly lots 49-64 and off the roadway, and knowing that the ultimate goal is connection to the Hoover property. The 30'trail could be in the 30' conservation easement,taking into account the tree lines. The lots are 3 deep,providing a buffer, and giving room to a trail, which is required by ordinance along County Rd. #71. . Suggested was landscaping between the trail and the back of their property, with a cross section provided to staff. Open space will be owned by the HOA and this should be noted on the plan. Regarding the Gateway along Rt. 71, the developer will take out lots 157 and 158, landscaping these, putting in split rail fence. Mr. Schoppe stated that the landscape buffer remain at loo'minimum. EEI stated the 16"water main comes through the site and there will be need for a booster station, near lots 230 or 231. This will be at resubmitted to Plan Council on April 13. Westbury South Village— PUD Amendment A response letter,dated Feb. 22, 2006,was presented by Cemcon to staff. The developer asked for further guidance on Corneils Rd. and the bridge. They are preparing a tree survey. They will bring the trail through the creek corridor along the west side and connect to the proposed trail along Corneils. A bike trail is being proposed within the collective road right of way. It will be on the west side of the creek and cross at the tracks. The developer will meet compensatory storage per city standards. The loo-year high water level for the storage will be at the 10 year high water level of the creek. Anything above this level will be available for compensatory storage. The developer is requesting a 120' diameter for the cul-de-sac and the developer will need to address the justification for any variance. There is a new classification,which Corneils Rd.fits into, called a"collector". The new submitted info to EEI shows this radius on the easterly bend to a 500' radius. John Whitehouse believes a rural cross section may be most appropriate. Two options are flattening the curve by obtaining right of way on private property, or realigning the intersection. There is a 250'tangent between reverse curves,via code. John Whitehouse is asking the developer to consider a second access to Corneils Rd.There will be environmental concerns with a floodway permit and culvert maintenance. The developer wants the residents to be able to reach the central clubhouse. The floodway crossing road could be spanned by a bridge,or there will be floodway impacts by box culvert installations, and wetlands will be affected. Mr. Kramer said they could design with a bridge. Needed would be a second access to Corneils Road west of Rob Roy Creek. Mike Schoppe said if the Johnson property remains zoned manufacturing,there should not be a road stub. Tim Fairfield stated his concern on the center cul-de-sac for a second fire access. One of the lots in the cul-de-sac would remain as a temporary access. John Whitehouse is requesting a 30'back to back to curb should be maintained. Mr. Fairfield will draft a letter to the city stating his concern with the number of units built before there are enough hydrants. Concern was raised regarding the number of cul-de-sacs proposed east of Rob Roy Creek as well as the crossing of the creek. Recommendation was made to reconfigure the layout to reduce the amount of cul-de-sac streets and potential eliminate the creek street crossing. Due the amount of recommended changes to the preliminary plan,the Plan Council has concerns forwarding this request to the Plan Commission. Travis Miller and John Whitehouse agree that if the plan could be reconfigured based on the Plan Council 4 Y comments and the engineering issues could be address and resubmitted for review no later than the end of day Monday February 27, 2006, staff would review and if appropriate,recommend scheduling for the Plan Commission on March 8. Westbury East Village —PUD Amendment A response letter,dated Feb. 22, 2oo6,was presented to staff by Cemcon. The developer has increased the commercial acreage from 22-23 acres and reduced the residential component number by 30 units. They modified detention facilities on the north side and the YBSD interceptor#7 runs along to the north to serve Pulte and other northern developments. The regional trail should run along the side of the creek, and Travis Miller would like it oriented along Route 47. It stops at the Westbury/County property line. There is a concern regarding the four sided frontage on the commercial area. Mr. Miller needs more detail on the landscaping requirements,including plant counts and buffer yard types. The Mystic Drive frontage road serves lots 1-6 and the developer is proposing a 400'intersection spacing, moving the intersection down,looping it down and keeping the same number of lots. Backloads to the interior lots with access easements could eliminate the frontage road. A tree survey is being prepared. The developer will pull the end sections back and put in a bioswale. The cud-de-sac south of the creek was shortened because reconfiguration of the storm water management area. John Whitehouse stated that Del Webb's access point will be opposite the most northwesterly access on this plan. County engineering's position,per Mr.Whitehouse, is that whoever is permitted first will have the edge for fewer engineering changes on their final plan. The $2000 per unit transportation contributions is provided on this unit.The cross section on the plan should be removed, as it notes there may be overlay and improvements on Corneils Rd. Mr.Whitehouse stated this is not the plan for Corneils Rd. If improvements are to Corneils Rd. are made in conjunction with the improvements to this development,the fees would be credited to the extend it was extended on the improvements. Or if the city collects these funds on building permits and put it towards a larger product,the same would occur. The "33"back to back is a typing error on Cemcons comment #io. The hybrid collector is a 34,but revised numbers will be determined in the final traffic study. It ws shown on the preliminary plan as 34 ,which was okayed by John Whitehouse. The 28 back to back curb, on privates streets are ok,but city guidelines are 30'for public streets. With the change in the commercial and the potential for Galena Road's widening,final determination may be 34,which will confirmed after the traffic study. Additional reviews may need to be completed on the Rob Roy Creek fish study, compensatory storage and storm water management plans. A water main must be extended along the commercial property along Rt.47 because the commercial property is a part of the PUD application. The city standard is that water main should be extended to the extreme ends of the developments. Staff will consult regarding this matter. The developer does not have a concept for the commercial area. A note should be made on the preliminary plan that extension of water mains to the far extend of the commercial property will be required at final plat. This will be scheduled for the March 8 Plan Commission. Minutes submitted by Annette Williams