Plan Council Minutes 2006 03-09-06 APPMVED Plan Council �/a Z))b March 9,2006 Attendees: John Crois, Interim City Administrator Eric Dhuse, Public Works Director Anna Kurtzman, Zoning Official Joe Wywrot, City Engineer John Whitehouse, EEI Bill Dunn, EEI Mike Schoppe, Schoppe Design Travis Miller, Comm. Dev. Director Sgt. Ron Diedrich, Yorkville Police Dept. Tim Fairfield, BKFD Dave Mogle, Dir. of Parks and Rec. Scott Sleezer, Park Director Guests: Jim Olguin, Goldstein, Skrodzki & Assoc. Phil Stuepfert, Smith Eng. Co. Dan Harper, Kendall Creek Michael Mondus, Spaceco, Inc. Rodger Brown, Inland John Philipchuck, DBC &W, Ltd. Daniel Oefner, Cowhey & Gundmundson Jason Nijim, MPI Dave Schultz, Smith Eng. Co. Mike May, Cemcon Andy Fitz, Montalbano The meeting was called to order at 9:35 by Joe Wywrot. Corrections to the February 23 minutes were noted. Hudson Lakes—Preliminary Plan Primary changes were made to the north side property to be conveyed to the school. Of concern was the relocation of the street,placing it adjacent to the site, providing the district flexibility for entry ways. Travis Miller stated the grading on the school site should be at 3 %for flexibility of placement of playing fields. He will be meeting with the school district next week, in hopes of coming to a final design. The developer would look at options for grading changes, if need be, after this meeting. The developer is completing the traffic study and average daily traffic analysis. John Whitehouse will check with the Mike Crouch at Kendall Co. for the correct spelling of Penman. The lot lines on # 153, 155 and 156 have been modified. John Whitehouse has no recommendations today regarding the sizing of the lift station in Prestwick discharging to Raintree's gravity system. Also,transportation and construction of the Aux Sable Creek pump station needs to be finalized. John Whitehouse stated any engineering basin deviations, should be noted in the annexation agreement, stating"in accordance with the attached exhibit/s" . The minimum should be stated and also location of the variance. EEI recommends a deviation from city standards in proposed wet basin 2A to be below the park development standard of 2 acres minimum size at normal water level. Upon completion of Prestwick and Hudson Lakes, traffic signals will be warranted at Penman Rd. and Rt. 126. The developers will be responsible for the turn lane improvements. The annexation agreement should have language to determine how the signalization will be paid for, and what triggers/timing will be in place, and how the impact fees will be used for this. 1 . Eric Dhuse stated that contiguous street names should be within the subdivision, eg. Tremont, and either Boulder Ridge or Hudson Drive (as it crosses Penman) as it changes names. Also in the SE corner, the developer should continue the name from Prestwick to the east(showing Hudson Drive on Hudson Lakes). Arbor Lane crosses Hudson, and should continue all the way to Shoreline Drive. Springbrook Lane should extend to Springbrook Court(or Poppen Lane to Poppen Court). Dave Mogle stated the .85 park will be in the NE corner and asked for a 10' trail, in lieu of sidewalk, along the south side of Penman. The parks department would like the land cash front funded. They are asking the developer to consider an 8' asphalt trail linkage, in lieu of a 5' sidewalk, crossing Boulder Ridge Drive. Scott Sleezer would like the 8' trail to continue across the school frontage. The developer will copy Travis Miller on letter received stating that the wetland is non jurisdictional. This is scheduled for Plan Commission on April 12, with resubmittal of plans and summary of comments from Eric Dhuse and Travis Miller. Bailey Meadows—Revised Preliminary Plan Anna Kurtzman recommends that a note on the plat, for all commercial lots, states all lots meet the setback, bulk regulations, etc. of the zoning code. This provides consistency for all commercial lots. Travis Miller asked that comment#2 under his general comments regarding Capra Street has been previously approved. The buffer yards between the multi-family and single family home needs to have the minimum landscaping required. On the prior preliminary plan the regional bike trail starts at the trail head and continues south to the corridor line. There needs to be clear police visibility of the trail. Mike Schoppe suggested the trail be moved along Rob Roy Creek,with 10' off the curb line along Rt. 47. Needed would be two crossings of Rt. 47. This trail would also run along the Del Webb corridor. And a connection is needed west of the trail head, along the north line of the basin onto Bailey Street, connecting to the sidewalk. A thirty foot landscape buffer yard easement will be noted on the west side of the commercial properties. A typical berm or masonry wall is required by ordinance to be 3' tall. There is a lack of planting material on lot 194, buildings 24-29. One tree per 30 lineal foot is required around the basin. The design standards for the creek cross sections need to be revised. Mr. Miller will be preparing minimum planting standards and best management plans, and will forward these to Inland. These will be tied into the city's consideration for the 1:1 ratio. An out lot(#205) for the trail will be created, and ownership will be conveyed to the city. Ownership will be 5' west of the trail all the way to the center of the creek. The edge of this lot would be 7.5' to the back of curb and the corridor would be approximately 40 wide. The city will come up with a proposal for the trail corridor and maintenance for Inland. The allowable set back for a parking lot, for the amendment for the annexation agreement, not the standard 20 feet. There will be a cross section.No concurrence is needed by YBSD for this trail. 2 • Inner-connectivity should be shown on the plan, moving the two street stub along the south. Needed are right of ways to the south, and to be determined is whether or not this will be public or private. The stub on the west will be maintained as a stop control, "L" intersection. The area between lot 190 and lot 67 will be a buffer lot. A note will be added to the plan"intend L shape to be entrance to the park". The sanitary sewer will be determined, not to run too close to the creek. Water mains extensions will be determined in conjunction with Del Webb. Travis Miller will provide the Rob Roy Creek typical cross section criteria to the developer by March 23. This will be at the May 100'Plan Commission. Grande Reserve Unit 16—Final Plat Comment#2 under Final Plat, was withdrawn by Travis Miller. Dave Mogle pointed out that the park could be accessed with sidewalk along lots 962 through 976, crossing at Linden Avenue and north to Park G. Bill Dunn stated routing of the 16"water main is being discussed with the developer. There is a need for an internal ADT. Under EEI comment 8, Bill Dunn will check on street names (i) and 0). These may be deleted. The operation and maintenance plan, as presented per the other units, will be sufficient(comment#12). Driveway locations will be determined at home building stage, and utilities have been in the center of each lot, per Mike May. Bill Dunn cautioned that a 2-3' differential must be maintained on all lots. If foundation is 3.2' above the road,the driveway slope should not be more than 8%, so garage floor must be lowered. If the grade exceeds 8 % then the maximum finish floor elevation in the garage should be noted on the grading plan. Profiles for main line sewers,with 4 or more structures connecting to it, should be provided for those in the rear and side yards. Bill Dunn will give the developer a list of specific storm sewers that need revisions, not meeting the 3 foot depth requirement. Inlet depths,noted on comment#28, and less that 3', are listed. Dan Oefner stated that generally,this is the first 20 foot from each inlet. Bill Dunn will look more closely at each location and comment. The developer will put the street lights, whenever possible, at the opposite side of the water mains and at"T" intersections. If the water main is on the back side this is not applicable. John Whitehouse stated that, based on the internal ADT,MPI should prepare for city review(including a copy to public works), an overall plan, including stop and yield sign locations, on neighborhoods 17-19. Water main extensions along Galena Road will be completed, and monies credited to developers will be determined by the annexation agreements and negotiations with EEI and the city. Sanitary and water service will be provided by MPI to Park G. Park plans are not finalized, and Dave Mogle asked about additional street frontage at this park, for usability and visibility. Lot 3037 is all storm water management. MPI will address obtaining more frontage on the north south road. Access during construction will be off Kennedy Road, not off Rt. 34. On the mass grading permit, it will be noted that barricades will be placed on Linden Avenue, not to be opened until construction activities are completed. 3 A note on the plat, for lots 3037-3042, should state"to be conveyed to" Lot 3037 will be conveyed to the home owner's association. Comment#53 should be deleted. The zoning on the plat is stated, which the building department reviews. Regarding comment#49, legal descriptions on the plat needs to describe the property as it is subdivided. MPI submitted a letter from the IHPA signing off on the use of the historical site. The preliminary and final plats will be submitted as two separate documents. Park "H"need specific easements, not a blanket easement. This will be scheduled for Plan Commission on April 26. Yorkshire Estates (Lee Farm)—Final Plat Andy Fitz stated the annexation agreement states the park site could be split between the parks department and school district. Mike Schoppe feels the school district does not want to split the site, and that district, in all probability, was not interested in the site, because of the wait for the easterly property to develop and the fact that Heartland Crossing has proposed an entire site on their subdivision. In question is whether the park board would swap the 10 acre section in Montelbano Homes and swap it with the school district for the four acres in the Heartland Crossing. This is an issue John Wyeth will address, and a change in annexation language may be necessary. The developer should provide a schedule, phasing and time line for phasing and construction. A vegetated swale 50 feet in length should be between all outfalls entering the creek. Anna Kurtzman stated that in the typicals that the rear yards setback are going to vary from underlying zoning, based on lot size, and this should be on the plat. Dimensions should be provided where the front building setback lines are deeper than the typical. A listing of lot widths at the building setback lines is needed. John Whitehouse stated the city needs a NRI report and that the endangered species consultation has been terminated and the property is exempt under the IDNR letter received. The owner's certificates should contain standard language which EEI has given to the surveyor. A note on plats (comments 13-15), regarding vehicular access to these area should be added. Storm water management easements should be granted over all of parcels 2, 5 and 7, which allows bike trails within the easements. John Whitehouse will check on the correct spelling of Penman before the mylars are prepared. The developer is working with MPI south and Heartland Crossing for water distribution solutions. Water comes down the east side of Rt. 47 to Ament Road,then east to this property. There will be a second feed, which may be down Ashley to Ament. Eric Dhuse stated that street names should be continuous within the subdivision (eg. Manchester and Huntington). Yorkshire Boulevard should continue across the frontage of lots 218 and 219. A historic street name is needed in the subdivision. Lot 115 and lots 146 need a 45' radius on the corners. Parcel 2 at Ament and Penman will require a 50' right of way radius. Lot 114 needs proper identification of the side and rear setbacks. EEI will review the geometry of the Yorkshire Boulevard taper south from Ament Road. Fee schedules for construction of perimeter roads, and sidewalks along these roads are to be determined. 4 Sanitary and water should be provided to the park site and Scott Sleezer would like the service to be in the middle of the park(lot 5). This will be all in one phase, and there will be no stockpiles at the park site. This is indicated on the final plans. This will be scheduled at the April 26 Plan Commission Minutes submitted by Annette Williams 5