Plan Council Minutes 2006 04-13-06 APPROVED
Plan Council
April 13, 2006
John Crois, Interim City Administrator Dave Mogle,Dir. of Parks &Rec.
Travis Miller, Comm. Dev. Director Scott Sleezer, Director of Parks
Eric Dhuse, Public Works Director Joe Wywrot, City Engineer
Anna Kurtzman, Zoning Coordinator Sgt. Ron Diederich, Yorkville Police
John Whitehouse, EEI Bill Dunn, EEI
John Zediker, MPI Wendy Yaksich, MPI
Tom Small, MPI John Martin, Jen Land Design
Luay Aboona, KWA, Inc. Paul Leder, CGL
Kevin Micheli, GCL Patti Bernhard, DBCW
Jason Nijim, MPI Daniel Oefner, GGL
Shelli Schweickert, PDG Rich Guerard, Windham Homes
Scott Guerard, Windham Homes Bill Zalewski, Jacob &Hefner
The meeting began at 9:30. Minutes from the March 23`d meeting were approved as
Grande Reserve— Unit 17 Final Plat
There are no outstanding issues with Mike Schoppe. Travis Miller will check on
the landscaping cost estimates and forward to MPI.
EEI needs an opinion of probable cost. The water main extending east through
the cul-de-sac,then south a block, should be a 12" main(comments 5 and 6). The
revised study for storm water management has been received by EEI, and the developer
will receive comments early next week.
Jason Nijim commented that that the Bristol Ridge Road, neighborhoods 12, 13
and 14,have been dedicated to the city. EEI will send finalization of Kennedy Road
project to MPI.
MPI has added more street frontage along Park G (Unit 16) and grading will be at
2 %. EEI needs easement for Unit 16— 16"water main.
The corners at Scofield and Kennedy should be rounded.
MPI will submit documents for plan commission labeled preliminary/final plat.
(only 35 sets will need to be submitted). For viewing by plan commission,two
documents will be exhibited, one labeled as preliminary and one labeled as final. There
will be two separate votes for the two separate documents. There will be a cover memo
with explanation. The city council final motion should be approved with preliminary/
final with a copy prior to recording. Prior to recording,the"preliminary" will be
This will be at the May 10 Plan Commission.
MPI Yorkville South Annexation Zoning and PUD
Yorkville South is the marketing name. The area north of the creek is suburban,
with SF lots 12,000 SQ. ft. + , and south transitions according to the comp plan. The
western perimeter transitions from single family to open space. Commercial area at
Caton Farm Rd. is a 45 acre site, and a 25 acre site at Walker and Rt. 47.
The high school acreage has increased to 68.5 acres,with a potential, ultimately,
of 70 acres if the adjoining developer adds acreage at Rt. 47 and Wheeler Road. Park
sites are 3 acres at the far north, 10 acres in the north central area(was 14 acres), 13 acres
in the middle (the community park) and a 5 acre site on the far south. The ten acre park
site may be used for tennis courts, according to Dave Mogle. An open space bike system
connects all neighborhoods/park sites between Walker and Caton Farm Roads. The park
department is considering a tennis court and soccer field within the development. There
is a trail link to the high school north of Wheeler Rd.
Rt. 47 and Caton is the entry corridor and shown is a 100 ft. buffer. There is a 25'
commercial buffers added along Rt. 47 and Caton Farm—these are in addition to the
ComEd right of ways. The pipeline cuts across the lower section diagonally. This is
open space in the residential areas, and the association will take care of the space.
Additional acres (triangle wedge) adjoining the 13 acre park site south of Walker,
and to the west, may be picked up with another developer, according to Dave Mogle. He
asked if the developer might change the far park to the south, and the corridor/farm
ditch will be considered by MPI. All build-able dry ground is now being shown. The
club house will serve the suburban area north of the creek. The five acre site in the south
may be suited to a second club, which would be HOA maintained.
John Whitehouse stated that MPI has addressed road layouts, flood plain issues,
Wheeler Road extensions in the concept plan. He recommended that the new draft PUD
ordinance be followed and go to preliminary PUD approval prior to final,however the
City will follow the procedures used in Grande Reserve. Regarding 2 a& b, John
Whitehouse, staff and Mr. Small were in agreement to look at"reasonable common
language"in all developers' annexation agreements that would require the developers to
grant easements when requested by the city. This is in the best interest of timely
Regarding EEI comment 46 John Whitehouse asked MPI to consider setting a
minimum number of acres for single family and minimum number of multi-family units
for the final platting, to cut down on administrative timing. Mr. Whitehouse would like
to see this consistent in all annexation agreements, especially with developments of this
The EEI water study will be on the public works committee for discussion and
then to city council for approval. Mr. Small will receive the infrastructure costs from Joe
Wywrot in a spread sheet and a cost breakdown of the pending agreement. Mr.
Small would also like to know scheduling and potential storage issues. Also, MPI is
requesting a siting analysis.
MPI has met with YBSD. There are no new developments on the design. YBSD
will build and control. YBSD stated the infrastructure participation fees could be used
for construction. YBSD said no to the developers having their own engineers working on
the project. John Crois will clarify whether or not the contract with Deuchler is with
YBSD or the city. John Zediker stated he believes YBSD would not credit the
connection tap fees.
John Crois said annexation fees will not be credited per the Mayor's meeting
with YBSD. Mayor Prochaska and John Crois understanding is that the developers will
be in contact with YBSD. The developers: Montebano, Fagenal, MPI and Marker,hope
to meet with YBSD and bring phasing funding solutions to the city. There are IPF fees
available from Hudson and Prestwick.
To be considered are long term improvements along Route 47,particularly in
regards to Prairie Parkway, and northern improvements from Comeils to Baseline Roads.
In particular, right of way temporary intersection improvements need to be avoided.
IDOT will be asking for access permits now, not wishing to look at these road projects
again, eg. should two additional lanes need to be constructed in the future.
Disproportionate right of ways will be dedicated from respective properties to the east of
Walker and west of Walker adjacent to Route 47.
John Whitehouse suggested that home owners along the gas pipeline easements
know that if easements rights would be sought from them, should additional pipe lines be
Comprehensive plans comments were addressed by Travis Miller, in particular
changing the I00'maximum wall plane length to 65'in the commercial design standards
street orientation and the massing details language. Also Caton Farm Rd. and Route 47
"Gateway Corridors" should incorporate landscape treatments according to the comp
plan. Miller recommended density in the transitional neighborhoods should be 3.5 .
Concept plan comment# 2 will be stricken from the records. The area being
considered is Walker Rd. north to Wheeler along the west edge of the property. The area
is sensitive because of the Aux Sable Creek watershed,the width of the flood plain, and
the 160 undeveloped acres southwest of the creek. The creek and flood plain area will be
undeveloped open space. Because the creek is between Walker and Wheeler and most of
the traffic in this area most likely will move toward 47,the north south collector status
road '/2 mile west of Rt. 47 may not be a necessity. Other improvements may be
recapturable from other developers to increase the traffic capabilities on Route 47 and
Immanuel Rd.
In order to determine the road issue and the stubbed road out of neighborhood#9
the city is requiring additional topography information. The city will look at the
comments received from Paul Pocius regarding Aux Sable Creek crossings. Additional
floodplain information is needed by the city for the area west of Immanuel. John
Whitehouse okayed the alignment of the Wheeler at Immanuel Rd.
Sidewalks should be included in plan along Ament, Immanuel, Caton Farm, and
Route 47. Neighborhood retail is shown on the opposite corner of the school, at Wheeler
and Immanuel. This is where the firehouse is dedicated.
Dave Mogle asked about creek enhancements on the park plans, although
regarding and replanting are being considered. He does not believe these enhancements
should not be a part of the land cash but should be the responsibility of MPI. He needs
the cost of the bike path. Timetables are set for park completion in the annexation
agreement(neighborhood by neighborhood). Ms. Yaksich said that the club house and
aquatic center will be built before homes are sold in the park site next to the school.
Mr. Mogle suggested that his department would like to consider each
development as its own community, determining the amenities needed for the population
residing there. The parks department would put together a plan, including the time table,
and also prioritized. The city will prepare a plan to possibly be incorporated in the
annexation agreement.
This scheduled for COW on the 18th and city council on the 25th. Joe's comments
are needed for packets.
Yorkwood Estates Preliminary Plan
Mr. Guerard stated he has additional reports for Bill Dunn, including IDOT
comments. Entrances match from Yorkwood into Chally. IDOT is looking for a three
lane cross section into the development from Route 71. They also want existing
driveways within 1000' either side of the development. The tree survey is completed
and being compiled and will be copied to CDF.
The city wants to see the feasibility study regarding the slope and storm water
concerns connecting to Maple Grove subdivision. There is now a 7' drop.
There are three archeological sites on and needed is Phase II for these. A water
tower is probable on the eastern perimeter of this site. The concept plan has been
approved by the city council. The developer is ok with annexation, in agreement to the
southwest infrastructure, prior to preliminary plat final approval.
The petitioner will resubmit for a plan council later this year.
Chally Farm Preliminary Plan
Bill Dunn said that the mains need to be looped without crossing into the
adjoining pressure zone. EEI is looking for a booster PRV station. EEI has a concern on
the radius on Road A, with basins on either side. Mr. Guerard stated the purpose of the
road configuration is to make it traffic calming. There could be a potential stop control at
Road A and Road L. These issues will be re-addressed in final engineering. The city
will look at a PRV site near lots #16 and 17.
There is a trail connecting the north and south which goes through open areas, no
street or drive way crossings. This plan has seven fewer lots.
The pond where the road stubs in at Pavillion Heights(parcel 3) will need to be
addressed by Mr. Zalewski, perhaps with a new storm sewer drainage reconfiguration.
Parcel 8 is proposed as dry, depending on engineering. If wet, it will maintained by the
HOA,with a backup SSA.
An internal traffic study is needed. Anna Kurtzman stated that at the building
setback, all width lots are needed to meet the minimum requirements. On pie shaped lots,
side and rear setbacks need to be noted.
This is scheduled for the May 24 plan commission.
Minutes submitted by Annette Williams