Plan Council Minutes 2006 04-27-06 APPROVED
Plan Council
April 27,2006
John Crois, Interim City Administrator Joe Wywrot, City Engineer
Anna Kurtzman, Zoning Official Travis Miller, Comm. Dev. Director
Eric Dhuse, Dir. of Public Works Scott Sleezer, Director of Parks
John Whitehouse, EEI William Dunn, EEI
Dave Mogle, Ex. Dir. Parks & Rec Sgt. Ron Diederich, Police Department
Mike Schoppe, SDA
Rich Olson, GRWA Glen McMaster, Pacific Development
Jim Menard, Pacific Development Jim Wallin, Pasquinelli Homes
Kevin Carrara, Rathje & Woodman Mellisa Gillund, Cowhey, Gundmonsen
John Philipchuck, DBC & W Gary Neyer, Richard Marker Inc.
Clayton Marker, Richard Marker Inc. George Fisher, Fisher Comm. Construction
Jim Rundle, EMO Architects Mike Hartel, EMO Architects
The meeting was called to order at 9:35 by Joe Wywrot. The April 13 minutes were
approved as corrected.
Bristol Ridge—Preliminary Plan
A park site was added in the northeast corner and located a school site in the
southeast corner. Duplexes were added, instead of townhouses, along the southern most
street. There is through street to Charity Lane. The entry is larger along the main entry.
There was an increase in single family units and a decrease in multi-family units. All
town homes and duplexes will have two car garages.
The city asked for a concept of the Rider-Silagyi property to the north showing
town homes and stubs to the north. The developer is working on a contract for this
additional property. According to Dr. Engler and the developer, there will be no school
on the Rider piece. The total acreage will be 93.5 with the homestead, 92 without the
Silagyi homestead.
Anna Kurtzman clarified this would be straight zoning. She recommended this
petition be revised to allow R2-D allowing duplexes. She needs a legal description for
each zoning district. The developer should make certain all lots are clarified, showing
the front(as narrower of two frontages) and rear lot lines (lot#111, 123, 173). Driveway
locations should be located on these lots, and building setbacks shown should be shown
for each lot at final plat. Because this is straight zoning, Travis Miller suggested that
variances and changes in setbacks on specific lots would be part of the preliminary plan
approval and tied to the annexation agreement rather than having a public hearing. Any
signage, monuments drawings, and offsite signage and the locations should be turned in,
so deviations can be noted in the annexation agreement.
The city requests an 8 foot trail, in lieu of sidewalk, along the main east-west
thorough fare, and along the east side of the park. The developer will create an out lot
along lots 264-265. Uniform parkway width will be maintained,with a wider trail on one
side and a pedestrian easement. A pedestrian 8 ft. access is needed along the west side of
Charity Lane, until it meets the street. In addition a 10 ft. path along the Cannonball Trail
is requested. Twenty spots for off street straight parking, on the west curved edge of the
park was requested by the city. A 6 foot carriage walk was suggested in front of the
parking. Scott Sleezer said there would not be a park in the Rider property, and the city
may acquire MPI property on the side of the creek from the regional site, with a bridge
leading to the Grande Reserve site. Mr. Sleezer stated all trails be marked in Bold. The
trail on the west side of Jacksam Estates will be marked"to be determined".
Travis Miller would like to speak with Dr. Engler regarding a possible portion for
a school on the Rider property. In addition, Bristol Ridge name needs to be changed.
Regarding comment#40 by EEI, the last sentence should read "sanitary collection
and conveyance" systems. All intersections should have a 25' right of way radius.
Islands in cul-de-sacs will be owned by the city and maintained by HOA's and this
should be noted on the plat.
The developer will check on a collector to the northwest area. The city will
receive the traffic study, and will determine the loop through Comeils Crossing to
Comeils Road. The detention in the NW corner will be modified, accommodating
outfalls and release rates. Turn lanes will be in the areas of lots 301 and 166. `
The developer will contact the owner of the 4 acres to determine if they might
annex or may consider being a part of this development.
This item will be on the June 14 plan commission.
Grande Reserve— Unit 18 Preliminary/Final Plat
A road stub may be needed to the east, off one of the Preston Drive cul-de-sacs,
because Oswego is putting residential, not manufacturing, in the area to the east. The
land owner is asking for a stub for continuity. Mike Schoppe is meeting with the Village
of Oswego and the Fire Protection District and will advise the developer. There would be
improvements to Mill Road, and John Whitehouse suggested that Oswego should be
asked to contribute road fees, if the connection goes through. A detailed landscape plan
needs to be provided for the areas around the buildings.
Bill Dunn would like a timing schedule for grading limits of Unit 18. The site
development permit for the region 3, (which includes Unit 18)has been approved.
This will be at Plan Commission on May 24.
Grande Reserve Unit 19—Preliminary/Final Plat
There is a bike path crossing Mill and comes down along the west side of the
detention basin. Mike Schoppe will check on maintenance of the path. Lot#3048 will be
noted as owned by the HOA. Language should be added stating that a storm water
management is granted over all of Lot 3048.
Bill Dunn needs the engineering's probable cost. Final grading for the trail will
be checked by Bill Dunn.
This will be presented at May 24 Plan Commission.
Grande Reserve— Unit 20 Preliminary/Final Plat
The water sheet flow should go to the basin, and rear yard storm sewers should
be eliminated. (Mike Schoppe's comment#2 under final landscaping plans actually is an
engineering comment). The limits of plantings in detention basins should be on the
The bike trail is in lieu of sidewalk(in the Tuscany right of way) and runs along
the east side of Tuscany north to age restricted villa, crosses at Mill and goes to Orchard
Street lighting should be on the same side as the water mains. Regarding EEI
comment#8 it should read: the HWL for each of the overflow routes between lots 36-40
is at least 1.5 below the "lowest opening in the foundation"per John Whitehouse. Bill
Dunn clarified that valve layouts should be per every 12-15 homes in the single family, or
every other hydrant in multi-family areas. Joe Wywrot voiced concern with trench
backfill settlement in the warranty and later time (comment 19) in public walks and
aprons. Joe stated he would inspect granular materials, kept clean after excavating for
re-use. The developer can screen out on-site materials rather than trucking materials in.
Anna Kurtzman needs an exhibit with the lot widths at building setback lines.
This will be presented at Plan Commission on May 24.
Heartland Crossing—Preliminary PUD Plan
Bill Dunn stated the northern most road east of Penman, and others,that exceed
the 3000 ft. city standard block length. The developer has added stubs at 467 and 477. .
Because of potential commercial development to the south, Travis Miller asked that lot
432 be shown as a public street. Connector streets should be added at between lots 778
and 684, and near lot 794,providing access to long stretches of roadway. The traffic
study has been submitted to EEI. Pete Huinker has not received comments from IDOT
regarding the three full access points proposed along Rt. 47.
John Whitehouse reminded the developer that ComEd right of way issues, and
overhead vs. underground, need to be addressed because of IDOT improvements. Lot
812 is designated as the lift station. Because the force mains are 18" and 36", John
Whitehouse is requesting an additional right of way or property strip. Penman and
Ament Roads will remain rural. There will be no water main along Wheeler Road.
Pete Huinker stated their wetland consultant will re-evaluate the area after May
15, and submit to CDF. The jurisdiction determination has been sent in and will be
forwarded to CDF when it is received by the city. Travis Miller stated the landscape
ordinance requires all shrubs be 24". Buffer yards need to be considered when
considering the size of the commercial property—a note can be provided on the plat
stating that minimum landscape requirements are being met. Clear connectivity should
be shown on the plans between lots 818 and 819.
Anna Kurtzman expressed a driveway concern with Lot 58. Legal descriptions
should be provided for the R2 and B3 components.
Travis Miller stated that the school district is ok with a 19 acre school site, as long
as there is detention off site. There will be an amenity center across the street from Park
B and additional acreage is 3. Two lots were removed from park site, lot 812,to make it
more visible. Trails are recommended along the east side of Penman and the north side
of Wheeler Rd. These should link the school sites, commercial areas and the park sites.
If build according to park standards, 10' width,the developer will receive 50% credit for
the trails. The HOA will maintain the trails. The developer will check on the easement
needed outside the 100 yr. floodplain along Aux Sable Creek.
This will be at Plan Council on May 25.
Tuscany Plaza—Special Use Request
Variations will go to Plan Commission. Travis Miller said this plan complies with
the YAS downtown vision plan. The zoning ordinance is limited in down town
development language and will hopefully be subject to changes in the future.
The aisle width in parking area is 22.4' wide,typically required is 24 feet. The
zoning ordinance requires a set number of parking spaces. Attorney Wyeth will be asked
if parking garages dimensions in this design are variances to the code.
Ten feet is the floor depth from the slab to the grade. Borings have been done up
to 8 feet,but the structures will be at a depth of 20 feet. A system will need to be in place
for ground water control.
John Whitehouse questioned the radius into and accessibility of the elevator from
the alley. The elevator must clear 14' from the floor grade. Mr. Fisher will look at an
alcove recess for the elevator and movement of the storage areas. Support columns are 16
x 16, and the developer will minimize the width to accommodate additional parking
areas. Each owner of a condo owns a parking space, and vehicle size may be limited in a
covenant. The handicapped spaces will be moved closer to the elevator. The developer
will attempt to get the parking spaces 9 feet long.
The developer will find a site similar to this plan if the zoning appeal board
wishes to make a visit. The elevator is key coded with a standard cycle time. It is
signalized and operates at 80 feet per minute. Thermo plastic striping would be marked
in the alley to determine lanes. Additional radii will be looked at in the rear for better
traffic movement in the alley and Mr. Fisher will contact SBC to the rear for possible
purchase of additional property.
The developer will contact the property owners and ComEd for relocation of
movement of power poles. The plan should show underground utilities.
There are 104 parking spaces within 1000 feet of the building. The Rt. 47 spaces
will not be in existence when the highway is widened. According to the building foot
prints,the project has 10,000 square feet of foot print at 3 spaces per thousand, and is
deficient 41 spaces. The developer will conduct a downtown parking assessment and add
it to the plan commission packet.
Exhibit B should include name and addresses of landowners within 500 feet. This
will be provided to Bart Olson for packets. The basement has air exchange systems and
This will be at Plan Commission on May 10.
Minutes submitted by Annette Williams