Plan Council Minutes 2006 06-22-06 APPROWEPT y Plan Council '70>0- >0 June 22,2006 Attendees: Travis Miller,Comm.Dev. Director Laura Haake,Park Designer Dave Mogle,Dir. of Parks&Rec. Anna Kurtzman,Planning Coordinator Eric Dhuse,Dir. of Public Works Rebecca Houseman,Bldg. Safety Dept. John Whitehouse,EEI Bill Dunn,EEI Guests: Paul Machaver,Greenberg,Farrow Luay Aboona,KLOA,Inc. Scott Mai, SEC Pete Huinker, SEC Jim Synder,HIC Tedd Lundquist, SEC Phil Richardson,Mid America Dev. David Schultz, SEC Marvin DeLahr,DCS Dan Kramer,Attorney Emo Furfori, Schoppe Design Pat Hughes,Ocean Atlantic Kevin Serafin,Cemcon Chris Lannert,Lannert Group The meeting was called to order at 9:30 am by Travis Miller. There was one correction noted to the May 25th minutes. The August 14th meeting will be moved to Monday,August 10th. Kendall Marked lace—Rezone to PUD and preliminary plan This plan follows the recently revised PUD ordinance. Chapter 13 of the zoning ordinance outlines the requirement. Concept and preliminary plans have been submitted to plan council. There is not an island necessary for every 20 parking spaces,providing the requirement is met for the total number of spaces. (see EEI comment#24 and Laura Haake's#2 comment under General). Pruning heights for ornamental trees in the parking lot will be done according to the landscape ordinance standards. Travis Miller stated the commercial area exceeds the comprehensive plan guides and staff is stating this plan is within compliance. Items(a-e)under concept plan comments should be added to the schematic design and re-submitted as the concept plan. A separate title plan should be submitted also. An aerial plan should state this serves as a zoning plan. The PUD ordinance should include typical elevations. Architecture plans submitted exceed 35' height and a dimensional variance may need to be applied for. Anna Kurtzman will contact the developer with dates on submittals for the ZBA meeting in August. Anna Kurtzman and Travis Miller stated the building appearance code and any possible variances and/or blanket waivers should be addressed. Each retailer is acting independently for building permits. Pete Huinker has only talked to the Fisher/Conovers for easements on the basin out lots. The infrastructure route is yet to be determined,especially on the south west comer of the PNA camp will need to be determined. Saturday traffic counts(comment#66)according to the developer are higher than weekday pins. Steve Grabowski at EEI will provide his counts to the developer. Residents along Cannonball Trail have met with Jim Synder and associates regarding a reduced rate of speed.Paramount is safety issues. Buffer distance treatment is being addressed by the developer. It is not in the city's long range plan to make Cannonball Trail a major collector,but is being treated as a collector. The developer has a three lane section proposed for Cannonball Trail,curved,and holding the eastern edge. City ordinance requires street lights every 300 feet. John Whitehouse stated that the collector road in existing rural neighborhoods, as in Bristol Ridge,may deviate from the city subdivision standard. The lights may be 5-600' feet apart and near intersections,and this will be subject to engineering approval. Pete Huinker will check with Tim Fairfield at the Bristol-Kendall Fire District for any comments on the proposed parking lot layout and emergency vehicle access. Scott Mai and Bill Dunn have met regarding the loading docks. All are subject to final engineering. They are all rear access,with the exception of 6-7 smaller 1 shops, in the lifestyle section,next to Home Depot. Lot 22, detention area,will be a part of the storm water basin.A Schoppe Design drawing shows the expansion and match-up to the Cannonball park. The eastern edge is adjacent to the Blackberry Creek watershed. It is being proposed to keep it as a half rural section, and John Whitehouse suggested upgrading the shoulder and leaving the crown remaining. Joe Wywrot will be contacted regarding the prescriptive right of way and the possibility of an overlay. Anna Kurtzman asked that the lot width information be provided. Specific lot layouts will be provided to her so parking requirements can be checked. This is scheduled for the July 12 Plan Commission. Aspen Ridge Estates Final Plat The city has a concern for homeowners accessing the Lot 224 park. This proposed pedestrian trail would be maintained by the homeowner's association and could be a 5' sidewalk on a 20'easement. The developer will consider a path near lots 188-190 and near lots 162-165 and make a drawing. The trail along Pavillion Road should be labeled and Dave Mogle asked that the marketing department let the homeowners know there will be a path. The back yards of lots 220-21 have been minimized,perceived by the homeowners that the property belongs to them. There is a partial credit of 20 feet to the developer. Final grading timing will be coordinated with Laura Haake for park development. The area can be fine graded and seeded,and the city will take ownership in 2-3 years when grass is established. Or the city can do the improvements first,then the developer will grade and seed, and ownership would be immediate. This should be noted in the annexation agreements. The parks department requires that the improvements are done within one year of the recording of the final plat. EEI will meet with the developer on the storm water management issues. Indexing by Smith Engineering will be done on future plans(#6). The 65' right of way diameter and 100' back of curb is a city standard(#45)and should not be an issue with the fire department. Regarding#46,the water main will remain on the west side and the loop will be shortened. Street lights are in the island and on the opposite side of the street on the sanitary side and Smith Engineering will check to see that the street lights are as far as possible from the hydrants. The light poles should be at the top of the T-intersections, if it works with the water main. Generally, if the light is still within back to back curb of the street coming into a T, 15 feet either way of the center line would be acceptable, according to John Whitehouse. Driveway on lots#32, 162 and 153 should be moved away from the T—intersections. Lot 153 should be a garage left. Lots 51 and 99 should be garage rights.Regarding EEI comment#49, a note should state that trench backfill is required within two feet of any paved or ridged areas. A separate sketch should be provided if there are conflicts at manhole 544(comment 61). End of line mains should have valve vaults and a hydrant outside the vault(hydrant 706-comment 83). Also a note should be added: Temporary hydrant to be relocated by future developer or others when the water main is extended. Handicap ramps should be spotted(comment 105 & 114). A cross section of Pavillion Road has not been determined,but a note will be added: See annexation agreement for Pavillion Road required improvements. The developer will provide a list of lots and driveway slopes to 8%(comment 117). The developer will check with Joe Wywrot regarding this item. Regarding comment 123,the first sheet will contain all tags. Anna Kurtzman stated building setbacks should be on the final plat or listed on separate sheets. Lot eight's abutting line with lot 37 is the side yard and should be noted on the plat. Lot 224 is all city property and the public utility easements will be a blanket easement. This will be at the July 27 Plan Council. Kleinwachter Preliminary Plan Dan Kramer said this would all be B-3, and the legal description needs to be amended. as to what is residential based on the current preliminary plan. 2 The Autumn Blaze landscaping,because it is a cross with a Silver Maple,will no longer be allowed by the city for street trees. At final engineering all street lamp and parking lot issue will be addressed. YBSD and BKFD have been given copies,and the developer will give Travis Miller IDOT's comments. Anna Kurtzman needs dimensions at building setback lines. Lot 7 is not 80' at the building setback line and the developer needs to look at setbacks on lot 6. Bill Dunn asked about alignment and separation requirements between Streets B and C. Dan Kramer stated the petitioner does not believe there is a likelihood of residential to the north. The large Pottinger parcel which accesses both on Rt.47 and Legion Rd. The developer will look at a realignment. One access to Street C and one access to Street A,west from the day care on Lot 4, is a possibility,rather than two accesses from the day care to Street A. This will be at the July 12 Plan Commission. Westbury Concept Plan The new PUD ordinance and steps for approval were discussed by Travis Miller. The plan commission and City Council will treat this as a zoning amendment, so this concept plan will now be the zoning map. Entitlement will be given on the concept plan. A draft annexation agreement for this property is being prepared. No amendments are being proposed for the prior Westbury annexation agreements. Mr. Hughes stated funding of proposed Rt.47 improvements will be in the agreement. Recommendations for gross density is 1.5—2.25. Staff recommends this area be within the guidelines. Mr.Hughes stated a natural extension is being proposed from the east and south villages. They seek higher density because of golf course, offsetting the expense of the course and maintenance. Staff is recommending comments from the Plano school district,because much of this planning area falls within their district. The City would like to have in writing the impact this would have for Yorkville. The developer has met with Dr.Engler. The school site plan,prepared in 2003, shows this area as manufacturing, and Mr.Miller stated his concern with adequate sites in this area, in particular, an elementary site.Mr.Hughes stated they have a piece north,the Schultz piece,which may be a potential site for a school. Flood plain management,providing regional benefits,will be further discussed. John Whitehouse shared his concerns regarding the re-alignment of the southern section of Beecher Rd. and connecting with Westbury Boulevard. The City does not favor a T-intersection from the south at Beecher with Westbury, or from the north. The developer is trying to provide connectivity and spread the traffic. John Whitehouse and Travis Miller agreed to round a bouts at the intersections of Beecher Rd. and Westbury Blvd.,which calm traffic. The golf traffic crossing issue needs to be addressed. John Whitehouse suggested a stub to the Hageman/Konicek property to the west between the multiplex areas. The access point far south(north of the clubhouse 25 acres)is less than 400 feet from the South Village and alignment should be looked at. The City Council might look at a variance on the density issues,depending on the monies Westbury would bring to the Route 47 improvements. This is in the north water supply zone,and a new tank site is being looked at near Galena Rd. and Eldamain Rd. Deep well and water treatment facility will be needed for this development. EEI is exploring shallow well sites,and will forward copies to Dan Kramer. Irrigation of the golf course with a shallow well and use of the northern pond on the Feltes property is being considered by the developer. John Whitehouse stated that considering the area,the storm water should be managed, looking at them as a reservoir capability,to pump out of them. Management should be such that they would not need to be replenished by ground water.EEI would like to use volume in the ponds to store late spring and summer rains,with reduced volume available in the storm water basins. John Whitehouse stated a shallow ground water source should not be impacted by golf course irrigation, unless there are 5-6 wells. Any wells must be approved by City Council by a variance. The golf course requirement is 250,000 gallons a day. John Whitehouse suggested pumping from Raymond outfall. 3 r The plan should be coordinated with YBSD and if capacity is supported by requested density. ComEd should be contacted regarding right of way near the golf course. This area will be protected by the BKFD and they are looking at a site in Centex,on Galena,and a site west on Beecher might be considered. The Park Board will have a have Westbury as the sole presenter on July 13. The developer will contact Joe Wywrot to apply for a temporary access at Rt. 47 at Westbury Blvd. This will be presented at Plan Council on July 13 and Plan Commission on July 26. Six Pillars of Yorkville Annexation and Zoning Street A is a minor collector and the minimum width is 80 feet,not 70 as shown. The exiting at the school site parcel is a safety concern. Of concern is an access from Highpoint Road, and the location should be verified by a traffic study and spaced appropriately from adjacent intersections. Suggested to the developer was lining up of the Brighton Oaks entrance. A draft annexation agreement using design guidelines from Walker,Wheeler and Highpoint Roads should be completed. This will be at the July 26 Plan Commission. Prairie Pointe Rezoning Due to the unique configuration of the lot Anna Kurtzman indicated that the front, side and rear setbacks will need to be shown on the plans. The private drive can be used as a frontage road,but should be noted in the development agreement. The city is in agreement with the uses in accordance with the comprehensive plan. Crimson Lane, on the Wal-Mart plans,is noted"by others"and apparently not the responsibility of the developer. There is a 12"water main leading from Wal-Mart to McHugh. The discharge leads to the Hamman basin. This will be presented at the July 26 Plan Commission. The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 pm. Minutes by Annette Williams 4