Plan Council Minutes 2006 07-13-06 `. Appme
Plan Council
July 13,2006
John Crois,Interim City Administrator John Whitehouse,EEI
Eric Dhuse,Director of Public Works Bill Dunn,EEI
Anna Kurtzman,Planning Coordinator Joe Wywrot,City Engineer
Travis Miller, Comm. Dev. Director Rebecca Houseman,Building Safety
Craig Knoche,Knoche Engineering Dan Kramer,Attorney
Randy Witt,Lundmark Group Tim O'Keefe, O'Keefe Family
Jim Urhausen,Lundmark Group Bill Grieve, GHA
Kate McCracken,HMMC Bill Broderick,Property Concepts
Vince Rosanova,DBCW,Ltd. Jim Uecker,JAS Associates
Matt Whisler,JAS Associates Patrick Hughes,Ocean Atlantic
Ryan Walter,Cemcom Chris Lannert,Lannert Group
Greg Stevens,Lannert Group David Peregrin,Ocean Atlantic
The meeting was called to order at 9:35 am by Joe Wywrot. Corrections of the June 22 meeting were made.
Dave Mogle stated that the Westbury Village would not be the sole presenter at the Park Board meeting on July 13.
O'Keefe Water Park annexation, rezoning and preliminary plan
The petitioner is seeking annexation and zoning of approximately 141 acres. They are proposing a sub-
division of four lots. Lots 2 and 3 will be used for the water park, and lot 4 will be for further commercial usage.
Travis Miller stated B-3 zoning is appropriate and supported by the comprehensive plan. The plan,as
recommended in the comprehensive plan, shows an east west connection from Rt.47 connecting to the east. Prior
to preliminary plat approval,the subdivision control ordinance requires a preliminary plan submission. It is the
city's understanding that each lot's developer will have its own site plan submittals following subdivision approval.
Minimum engineering requirements must be met, and should be included with the preliminary plan submittal.
Mr.Miller stated that proposed building layouts and footprints should be on each lot. Tim O'Keefe stated
there are no end users proposed for the northern most lot. Mr.Miller stated the city would ask for setbacks on the
plat,which would show the build-able envelope. All access points should be shown on the preliminary plan,as
well as public roads from Rt. 47 and Galena Road. In addition all utilities and general grading should be shown.
The developer will have a meeting with Anna Kurtzman, determining the buffer yard requirements between lots,
and other property uses. If variations or deviations are needed,this information should be given to the city.
John Whitehouse and Bill Dunn stated they had previously completed reviews of the plat and the plat of
annexation,which should be included in the plan council packets. Lot 1 will be retained by Tim O'Keefe,and John
asked if he would be doing a final plat of Lot 1. Needed on the preliminary engineering plan will be the water main
looping and the sewer line extensions that serve all lots.If any properties north of Galena Rd.will be served by
sewer,these should be shown on the plan. If all is platted in one final plat,all the improvements should be
included in the letter of credit.
Mr.Knoche has completed the topography survey. Standard easement and right of way language
recommended by the city was discussed by John Whitehouse. Some storm water will come from north of Galena
Rd. going to the basin, and needed is routing to the basin. This depress ional storage area is not an Army Corp
jurisdictional wetland. If the developer is participating in the regional storm water management, 100 yr. flows must
be conveyed to the basin. Fill on the site must be above the high water level of the basin. Excavation of material
from this basin can be used for fill. For all material excavated the developer is providing volume in the regional
basin. There may be a credit given for materials excavated as to the amount of storm water detention volume that is
needed for the site. The outlet pipe will be 10' below the high water level.
IDOT's access points have been forwarded to the developer. John Whitehouse, in an exhibit provided,
moved the south easement so the north line of the access point would abut the southern O'Keefe property line. Thus
the road will not be built over the YBSD sewer and spacing requirements are met. There has been a request for
recapture participation on the northwest and southwest corners of the intersection, and there is no road extension
proposed to the west. Westbury Blvd. is in the middle of lot one.
Mass grading permits are contained in the sub-control ordinance(comment# 10). There are three aspects
to right of way acquisitions on this property: 1) Galena Rd. is a 60 foot half right of way that the county engineer
requires,which is an additional 20 feet of right of way off Lot 1;2)Regarding Rt. 47, any time an access permit is
applied for on a state highway,the state looks at long range improvement plans. The state does not want to get in a
land acquisition position regarding any highway improvements because the additional construction costs if a wait is
necessary for right of ways. The state needs approximately 55 feet along Rt.47. Because of the IDOT's SRA
angle realignment for Galena Rd./Rt. 47 intersection, some of the requirement regarding the urban cross section
vs. rural cross section have changed. The intention is as lanes are added in the future,these would be added to the
inside,to take away from the wide median width. John Whitehouse stated the city would be receiving information
regarding 1)additional right of way width based on the access and right of way study that IDOT has accepted
and 2)the additional width beyond the 50-55' foot right of way based on the realignment of Galena Road. The city
is looking for the developers funding cooperation and local initiatives for rebuilding Rt.47. The existing Rt. 47
will be the two existing south bound lanes. Two new north bound lanes will have left and right turn lanes at the
intersections, and ultimately would be the eastern most lanes. Future lane needs would go into the median.
Tim O'Keefe questioned speed limits,metering and signalization along Rt. 47,to possibly lessen the
number of acres along Rt. 47 that would be impacted because of improvements. John Whitehouse stated that IDOT
believes the rural designation is no longer appropriate. A reduction in speed is not,he believes, in the short term a
reality. John Whitehouse stated that the 3/4 mile stretch and the 55' width will require approximately 5 acres of
land from the O'Keefe's and additional right of way,which would be shared, is approximately 3 acres.
The water park right of way will be increased from 100-155 feet. Mr.Knoche asked if this might be
reduced. John Whitehouse explained that long term future plans include three lanes in each direction,dual left turn
lanes at the signalized intersections, and right turn lanes at these intersections. IDOT is allowing this project to
occur within the permitting process. Temporary pavement scenarios are considered unwise, according to John
Whitehouse,because this is being considered by the city as a commercial corridor bringing in sales tax revenue.
Mr. Knoche asked if a mix of right of way and public no build easement might be possible along the east side. John
Whitehouse stated that, specifically, along the eastern frontage is the electric lines. They will need to be moved
only one time. The city prefers the lines be underground.
Dave Mogle asked the 10' bike trail in lieu of sidewalk along the south side of Galena Road. It should be
shown on the preliminary plan and will be a part of the regional bike trail. It can be noted on the plat and
understood that it is part of the improvements,and the trail's route may change.
John Whitehouse said the geometry of the access road is 500 ft.minimum radius,and the internally the city
will discuss waiving the tangent between the reverse curbs to soften the curbs. Residential subdivision speed limit
is 30 mph.Joe Wywrot stated the city would be unable to accept the 118 foot center line radius as proposed by Mr.
O'Keefe. The developer is being asked to develop the road with larger commercial vehicles in mind. The
development of Lot 1 is,at this point,not a certainty. On the first curve from Rt. 47,Mr. O'Keefe hopes to net 300
ft. of the right of way take to the point where the curb starts to maximize the use of the out lots. John Whitehouse
proposed looking at the spacing on the intersection on Galena,moving it 80 the north to help the curve flatten
The original water main plan had an extension along Galena Route 47 water main through the
O'Keefe property, connecting at the Rt.47 intersection. This has been revised to go through Bristol Bay,which
would reduce the overall cost. Any credit consideration should be addressed in the annexation agreement.
Anna Kurtzman stated the preliminary plan should include building setback lines. The developer should not
have any building closer than 50 feet to any property line. Cross access to all lots should be included on the plans.
Annexation and zoning of this property is scheduled for the July 26th plan commission. The re-submittal of the
preliminary plan will be at the August 14th plan council.
Westbury West, Middle and North Village Concept PUD
The BKFD is requesting afire station near Beecher Road,near the 1-M single family entrance. Beecher
Road frontage is needed.
Travis Miller stated the city has received the draft annexation agreement and is under review. The
petitioner is proposing a density greater than 1.5-2.25, as recommended in the comprehensive plan. The 3.6 gross
density,proposed on the concept plan should not include commercial,maintenance or right of way areas, is
incorrect,and recalculated should be 3.83 units per acre. Chris Lannert stated they are blending south and east, in
regards to the entire plan. Travis Miller stated the current annexation would be just for the new portion. Regarding
the PUD ordinance section 11-1-4,and a gross density question,Mr.Miller will research and verify with the
developer and correct if needed. His table illustration is intended to point out the density concentrated areas.
Travis Miller needs definitions for villa, courtyard and condo/flat as proposed on the concept plan and a
typical lot layout for each. It is staff's opinion that there is 267 acres of open space,and the park board will
determine the number of acres which will be dedicated for parks.
A zoning plat should be provided to the city with a legal description included. Travis Miller suggested the
developer should consider articulating sketches or narratives with architectural styles,facade improvements, and
masonry for the golf course. The appearance code is also applicable.
Ordinance PUD plans should provide footprints,vegetation types and sizes,and a written statement
regarding transportation impacts to this PUD. Per the developer a traffic study was done on the east side and the
city will receive a copy of this.
Dan Kramer stated they had met with Plano schools and they would like the developer,most likely,not to
put a school on the site. The developer will be funding the school site on the east village and will meet with Dr.
Engler, following up on methods of financing. It is uncertain if the district will ask for an additional school site.
Dave Mogle is asking for regional 10' bike trails, in lieu of sidewalks: 1)west side of Beecher Rd.; 2)east
side of Eldamain Rd.; 3)south side of Galena Rd.; and 4)west side of W.Village Boulevard. Mr.Mogle would
consider rerouting the trail north up W.Village Eldamain Rd. and connecting to Galena Road trail,rather
than having the two trails so close in proximity.A trail is needed on the west side of Rob Roy Creek, shown on the
east village, connecting to the south. The trails can straddle the right of way line.
Mr. Mogle would like a park sites: 1)north of Westbury Blvd. and east of Beecher Rd.—5 acres or more;
2)north of Corneils Rd. and east of Beecher Rd.—5 acres or more(3 11 units); 3)west of W.Village Road and
north of the Yorkville/Plano school districts— 10 acres or more(600 units). There is a 5 acre park proposed just
south of the 6-W/R-4 acres west of the Com Ed easement. The developer hopes to use the Com Ed right of way
areas to develop field and sports activities in these right of ways. Park sites should have road frontage on two sides
and off street parking. Historically,the park board does not give credit for detention or open space,however,Mr.
Mogle is uncertain if the park board would give credit for the golf course open space. He will meet with the
developers regarding additional park rec. amenities(driving ranges,training areas)on the golf course site serving
the entire city.
The 6 acre site tucked behind the golf course needs road frontage if it will remains in this area. The city
questions the site placement of this park and the exact placement will be determined at a later date.
The floodplain and floodway exhibits have been provided to EEI, and road re-alignments have been
completed as requested. The petitioner should request interceptor comments from YBSD, and if the interceptors
planned will adequately service the number of units in the Westbury plans. The county should be contacted
regarding the W.Village Blvd. and Eldamain Road intersection spacing. The county requirement is 1700 ft.,and
Fran Klaas has a 15%administrative variance he can issue,otherwise a variance will be needed.
This will be at plan commission on July 26. Dave Mogle will put his comments in writing for the commission.
Cobblestone Preliminary Plan
Anna Kurtzman stated the site plan does not meet the definition of a plat or a plan and she recommends the
petitioner check the PUD ordinance for preliminary plan submittal. The property is covered under the previous Fox
Hill annexation agreement,and city staff will check the annexation agreement for clarification on which PUD
ordinance should be followed. All setbacks should be noted on the plat. There is 33 ft. of frontage on Lot 9.
Sidewalk connection should be reflected on the plan. She will need stacking and loading bay information. There is
a drive through on the east side of lot 5.
Travis Miller will need the landscape plan, incorporating signage information. A wetland delineation
report is needed. The regional trail should cross this property, either following Eldamain Rd. or can be put through
the site. A connection to the east is needed. Dave Mogle will check on the crossing along Rob Roy creek and also
the crossing in Unit 7 of Fox Hill. The discussion at that time was that the trail was along the flood plain,coming
into Rena between town homes,and out to Eldamain Rd. south.
Bill Dunn needs a title sheet, completion of geometric information and additional information on the
preliminary plan. Looping of the water system is adequate. Three quarters of this lot is depress ional storage of 5'
or better. Twenty acre feet of storage is on site with 80 acres northwest is tributary area(see 19). Corrected is"the
city has waived the requirement to include this volume in the detention area". In fact,this was not a part of the
storm water requirements at the time Fox Hill was annexed, and Joe Wywrot stated that the current ordinance
would not apply. Bill Dunn stated his concern regarding the release of the additional 20-acre feed of this property.
The code period will also be checked by staff. Best management practices should be practiced to pre-treat the
water before it goes into storage. The developer and EEI will meet to discuss further.
Travis Miller and Anna Kurtzman have not calculated parking spaces required because square footage of
buildings in unknown. Mr.Miller suggested the city waive a portion of the requirements for parking,which is 3,
To allow for additional green space because restaurant and retail use are good compliments. He suggested
additional planting islands, and reconfiguring the parking.
The county is obligated to provide an access to Eldamain Road. To the west in Plano is residential
development, and Dan Kramer stated the developer had not filed. Joe Wywrot stated Craig Knoche has engineering
for the Plano project and suggested the developer might want to contact him. Joe Wywrot stated there is no storm
water outfall from the sag in Eldamain Road and he would like confirmation on this.
Joe Wywrot stated he believes Paul Dresden has satisfied his contribution to the redevelopment of
Eldamain Road with dedication of right of ways. Site distance into the proposed entrance should be checked. The
city would like a commitment from Fran Klaas regarding the entrance point.
Regarding the drive aisle(comment#42—EEI)Anna Kurtzman stated this would not be a zoning problem.
This is scheduled for plan commission on August 9.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Annette Williams.