Plan Council Minutes 2006 07-27-06 APPROVED
Plan Council � 466
July 27,2006 / f
John Crois,Interim City Administrator Bill Dunn,EEI
Travis Miller,Community Dev. Director Anna Kurtzman,Planning Coordinator
Scott Sleezer, Supt. of Parks Rebecca Houseman,Zoning Analyst
Sgt. Ron Diederich,Yorkville Police Tim Fairfield, BKFD
Joe Marx,Centex Homes Kevin Biscan, Smith Engineering
Jim Berry, Centex Homes Sean Michels,McCue Builders
Sam Kikadra, Cemcon Ltd. Bill McCue,McCue Builders
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 Travis Miller. The July 13 minutes were
corrected and approved.
Travis will check on the PUD ordinance,based on the annexation agreement,for a definitive
answer on the preliminary plan submittal for Cobblestone(see page three July 13 minutes).
Bristol Bay Unit 8 Final Plat
EEI's engineering letter dated July 14 is a review of Units 8, 9 and 10. Individual letters
were issued for each plat. Bill Dunn stated there is no storm water management review required
on Phase II because there is participation in the overall regional detention basin. He suggested to
the developer make changes to boiler plates to streamline reviews.
Mr.Biscan stated he believes the storm structure rims,grates,forms are different than
those in Bristol Bay 1, and Mr. Dunn said that the specifications are standard from the sub-
division control ordinance. (comment# 12). Mr.Dunn will review and check on discrepancies.
Travis Miller stated building setback lines should be shown on the parkland green space,
per the sub-division ordinance. Phase II quantity differences on the landscape plan need to be
Bristol Bay Unit 9 Final Plat
Anna Kurtzman stated building setback should be shown on the plat. The garages on the
engineering plans are not shown as exceptions to the blanket easement on the plat. This should be
corrected so building permits can be issued. On the engineering plans size and dimensions of
parking places should be noted. Typically two parking spaces are required per unit. Jim Berry
will check the annexation agreement for parking in Phase I. Minimum parking spaces need to be
Bristol Bay Unit 10 Final Plat
There are no unique engineering issues for this unit and zoning concerns are the same as
those in the Units 8 and 9.
Bristol Bay Units 8,9 and 10 will be presented at Plan Commission on August 9.
The meeting was adjourned from 10-11 am.
Blackberry Woods Final Plat
Bill Dunn stated he would check with Joe Wywrot regarding a variance,concerning the
revision of grates used in back yards(comment#8). Mr.Dunn would like to delete comment
#59, as there are a few lots where access is permitted. Ralph Pfister's comments from YBSD will
be forwarded to EEI from the developer,regarding the manhole at the property line and in
particular,the 5' drop here. The developer is tying into Purcell Drive to the west and connecting
into the manhole over the YBSD interceptor. Mr. Dunn requested a temporary hammer head turn
grounds at each road terminating at the development line,to be extended at a later time.Mr.
Kikadra voiced a concern regarding the adjacent properties. If these are at the dead ends streets
would payment for reconstruction of sidewalks in the right of way,taken out of the hammer head,
would be passed on to owners of the new development. Travis Miller stated this would be
reasonable,since the City has no formal policy. He will document, even though this occurs in the
City's right of way,and communicate it to the next adjacent developer/s.
Travis Miller recommended that the developer to put signage at the end of the stub streets
that the streets"would be extended"(use standard language).
Sean Michels stated they have a parcel#2 legal description and that it needs to be
recorded. Bill McCue stated the survey conducted by PNA differed from the boundary survey
conducted by McCue Builders. This created a sliver gap,now called parcel#2 and is three feet
wide. Mr. McCue stated they own the parcel and they are in control of this piece. There may
have been contention when the annexation agreement was drawn up,and Anna Kurtzman
suggested this may be covered under the"scrivener's error"and, if so,the legal for parcel 2 may
be attached to the previously recorded documents. The developer will contact John Wyeth. This
final plat includes this 3 foot—parcel#2, so this issue needs to be resolved.
The developer changed the name of Carly Circle to Williams Lane. Travis Miller
suggested the developer split the circle,at Purcell Street. There would be a N. Carly Circle, and
south would be Carly Drive.
Mr.Michels stated they are revising their basin landscape plans because the areas are
very sandy,especially in the detention areas. Laura Haake will review the plans given to Mr.
The City will not ask for reconfiguration of lots 4 and 13. Ms.Kurtzman stated Patrick
Ct.will be the side between 13/14,and on lot 4 Cody Ct.will be the front and the side lot line
will be between 4 and 5. On lot 34,Carly Ct will be the front,south property line will be the rear,
scaled at 3 5 feet.
The developer will comply with engineering comment 46.
Travis Miller stated the Park Board is not able to design a useable park with the 4 acres
proposed for dedication. His suggestion was to look at the southwest corner area to reconfigure a
park board. The remedy suggested by Scott Sleezer and Travis Miller did not decrease the lot
number in the sub-division. The intent is to permit additional park development to the south
when another developer expands to the south. Mr. Kikanda said parcel 134,the area suggested
for movement of the lots, is contained in the overland flood route to the basin going to Blackberry
Creek. The wetland delineated area,according to Bill Dunn, is 115-120' off the back property of
a typical lot if moved there. A typical lot width of 80' leaves area to channel the flood route and
would leave maintenance area. Mr.Dunn suggested this section of Cannonball Trail would not
be heavily traveled and he did not see a problem with additional access points. He proposed a
possible swale along the rear lots to enter into a detention basin,and offered a reduced basin size
on the north adjacent to lot 23 on Carly Circle which may give McCue another buildable lot. Mr.
McCue is willing to look at a reconfiguration of the park contribution at lots 99-101 and will
determine if it can be engineered.
Tim Fairfield shared his concern with no second access in this subdivision.
This is scheduled for the August 9t'Plan Commission.
Minutes submitted by Annette Williams