Plan Council Minutes 2006 08-24-06 APMED
Plan Council
Aug.24,2006 �1/f �0
John Crois,Interim City Administrator Bill Dunn,EEI
Dave Mogle,Dir. of Parks&Recreation John Whitehouse,EEI
Travis Miller,Comm.Dev. Director Eric Dhuse,Director of Public Works
Anna Kurtzman,Planning Coordinator Rebecca Houseman,Zoning Analyst
Joe Wywrot,City Engineer Tim Fairfield,BKFD
Pat& Steve Smart, Smart Start Pre-K Ltd. Pete Huinker, Smith Engineering
George Keck, Smith Engineering Craig Duy, Smith Engineering
David Schultz, Smith Engineering Mike Schoppe, Schoppe Design
John Philipchuck,DBC&W Tim Sennoit,LK Capital,LLC
Peter Lappin,LK Capital,LLC Malcolm Kanute,LK Capital,LLC
Dan Kramer,Attorney
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 am by Joe Wywrot. The August 10'minutes were
approved as corrected.
GCM Properties—Special Use
Anna Kurtzman stated 2-3 parking spaces would be adequate for the facility,because
there will be 2 employees. There will be 20 children(maximum) in both the am and the pm. Ms.
Smart stated licensing by DCFS states no outdoor play space is needed for a'/2 day program. She
will provide this information to Travis Miller.
The planned hours of operation are 8:15— 11:30 am,and 12:15—3 pm. Traffic generated
is drop-off and pick-up of 15-20 students per day session,which totals 80 trips.There is no
striping change proposed for the parking lot. DCFS does not require curb ramps. The day care
will be near the curb ramp.
This is scheduled for Plan Commission on Oct. 11,2006
Prairie Pointe—Preliminary and Final Plan
Zoning has been approved for the entire plan as B-3. Pete Huinker stated he understands
the private drive along the south lot line of Lot 2 would be treated as a public street for
determining frontage and be clarified in the development agreement.Lot 2 setbacks will be 30 ft.
along Prairie Meadows,the 254' south lot line will be a side yard and the jogging line between
lots 1-2 will be a side yard. The setback will be 50 ft.along Crimson Lane,30 ft. along the private
road on Lot 3.Lot 4 will have 30 ft. along the private road, 30 ft. along Crimson Lane and 50 ft.
along Countryside Parkway.
The private road is offset about 30 feet from the Wal-Mart access. Lot 3 should have no
access to Crimson Lane other than where the private drive is according to John Whitehouse.Lot 4
should have one access to Crimson Lane(not Countryside Parkway).
Smith Engineering did an initial mass grading submittal, and their resubmittal has
addressed many of the engineering issues.If there are no provisions for Crimson Lane or a letter
of credit posted by a developer/individual,the city is asking for provisions/plans in Prairie
Pointe's subdivision. Wal-Mart's preliminary plan was approved for at City Council on 8/22.
The developer will check on the curb cut outs at the post office, and the realignment across Lot 4.
The developer suggested at this time that there would be a hotel site on Lot 4. City staff
suggested an 8""U—shaped"water loop along, and south of,the northern lot line of lot 4.The
connection would be made at the northeast corner of the post office site. An additional 10 foot
easement will be on the south west side. The second supply will be at Autumn Creek.
The USPS storm sewer easement should be a public utility and drainage easement. The
20' easement along the post office fence will remain as it is. The storm sewer outfall discharge
point will be along Crimson Lane then north to the swale along the east side. It flows into Don
Hamman's pond.
Travis Miller is recommending a cross access easement location on Lot 4.A
determination needs to be made where the post office drive crosses this parcel. The developer
will contact the post office.
This will be at the Sept. 13 Plan Commission.
Townes at Windett Reserve—Annexation and Zoning
Bill Dunn stated that the collector route needs an 80' right of way,but at this time only
the minor collector roadway section to be installed,which would be 34' back to back. He stated
there is high probability,because Legion Road is not to be extended to Penman Rd.,the traffic
count will be considerably higher than the 2500 ADT originally projected.
Minor modifications to lot size(comment 48)of 13,000 sq. ft.were suggested by Mike
Schoppe. The east west road, at final platting,may need to go further north, and this lot size
would not be restrictive on the annexation agreement. An additional 52 parking spaces will be
calculated and provided in the town home areas. Parking spaces will not be on Road A. The
right of ways will stay consistent,and the area will be encumbered with easements, including
sidewalks for public maintenance. John Philipchuck stated they would bump the right of way so
sidewalk will be in the public right of way and not in the private property,and state the home
owner's association is responsible for the maintenance of the spaces.
Regarding#38 -it is an extended eyebrow and the median is part of the right of way. It
will be redesigned as a sideways teardrop with a single access. Parking spaces could be
northwest of the island.
David Schultz stated they have submitted an IDS to IDOT. He will add a note to the plan
"Rt. 47 improvements as required by IDOT". Regarding comment# 7,this will be handled in the
plat of dedication for the roadway.
There are four units in each building, and there are cleanouts in each building. Each
building will have one sanitary service and individual water services. Water will be 1 '/2"
minimum for each unit,tapped off a 6". Each valve box will be within 10' of the main line.
Regarding EEI comment#15,the developer will need a minimum cover of 5 feet in the
western portion only. Smith Engineering needs clarification on the amount of discharge or
restriction coming to this subdivision. Currently they are providing 11 acre/feet extra in
detention.Bill Dunn will clarify comment#43 and reply to Smith. Comment 44 should be
addressed in the final plat. EEI will send language/requirements to Smith regarding
requirements on comment#57.
John Philipchuck stated the concept plan was started as a PUD, and is asking the city for
consideration, since the new ordinance was passed in the meantime. Offered to the petitioner
with current submittals are: 1)Delineate what additional information is needed,treating is as the
concept PUD under the current ordinance or 2)show lots meeting R-3 zoning classifications,
which require preliminary plat changes.
John Whitehouse suggested having a condo declaration to cover the entire subdivision,
then as each building is built a condo plat is filed on each 4 unit condominium. When filed each
becomes a part of the original declaration. To avoid the PUD plan development process,because
all building setbacks are being met,lots can be created to include the common areas. A blanket
easement would cover all area outside the building area regardless of where the lot lines are.
It was determined that the petitioner will submit a concept plan and a preliminary plan
Anna Kurtzman's comments,preliminary plats#2 and#3,will be addressed as a
deviation to the zoning code.
There was no delineation on the 21.34 acreage for school and park. There will be a path
separating the two areas. Shown is a 3 acre park site(outlined)which essentially would be
nothing more than a trail corridor. The petitioner will meet with the park board again on
September 14.
This will be presented at the October 11 plan commission.
Beaver St. /Rt. 47—Rezoning
There is no issue with the request for B3 re-zoning of this one parcel,which is currently
zoned Ml. The use will be more commercial than manufacturing. John Philipchuck is requesting
a full access onto Beaver Street,which is developed on a site by site basis. The current access is
too far east. The storm water may be revised but no additions are suggested. No setbacks can be
determined until a site plan is turned in.
IDOT is proposing intersection improvement,but no signalization.
This will be at the Oct. 11 plan commission.
Nelson Property—1 % mile review
A site plan is requested by City Staff. The City is recommending a dedication of right of
way of a minimum of 40 feet along River Road. The east-west lot line between lot 1 and lot 2
will be the front lot line for lot 2.
Dan Kramer stated that the R-1 setbacks recommended as staff would be okay with the
petitioner.No sidewalk is required.
This will be at the Nov. 8 Plan Commission.
Minutes submitted by Annette Williams