Plan Council Minutes 2006 09-14-06 Plan Council Sept. 14,2006 Attendees: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Eric Dhuse,Director of Public Works Dave Mogle,Dir. of Parks&Recreation Travis Miller, Comm. Development Director William Dunn, EEI John Whitehouse, EEI Anna Kurtzman,Planning Coordinator Rebecca Houseman,Zoning Analyst John Crois, Interim City Administrator Guests: Scott Mai, SEC Jim Synder,Harlem Irving Companies The August 24 minutes were approved with corrections. Dave Mogle stated that Townes at Windett Ridge parks were moved to the Sept. 28`h Park Board meeting,not the meeting on the 14th,as stated in the Aug. 24"'Plan Council minutes. Kendall Marketplace—Final Plat Bill Dunn stated that the developers plan stated the water main connection would be 12" on High Ridge and this is acceptable place to connect. There will be no offsite easement to Faxon Road but there should be a stub to the northwest corner of the property. Scott Mai will put the contour lines on a separate sheet and include in the plans. This will include the open,residential area, and detention spaces. In regards to the pond in comment #12,this is a landscaping pond in the southeast corner,and details will be on the overall landscaping plans. There will be a note referring it to the landscaping plan and individual site plans. Scott Mai spoke with IDOT and they are looking for a corner clip(see comment#128). The City wants 30' x 30' clip and setbacks should be modified on lot 2. Blanket easements are being proposed for lots 1, 19, 54, 55 and 56. The model Fountain Village blanket easement was discussed, and the developer will check the language used. The language would be very clear for exceptions where buildings are placed. In addition there will be exceptions for signage,as noted by Anna Kurtzman. Travis Miller stated the language for High Ridge Road should be updated on the final plat. Perimeter easement provisions will be on lot 20 and 22,and on the out lots also. Single family lot#s should be omitted from comments#7 on the final plat. The cul-de-sac(comment 142) should be retained permanently,per Mayor Prochaska's request. Bill Dunn stated the right of way should be modified with no connection to Beecher Rd. A bulb will be offset in lot 51, and a 65' right of way radius is needed. High Ridge Lane will not go straight through lot 51 as shown on the plat,and the new plan shows it servicing the town house area. There will be a connection near lot 45. The right of way ends as it comes north from High Ridge Lane and it will become a private street. In the residential area,the road will be mountable curb with depressed townhouse driveways. The wording in# 144 will be changed to"all subdivision monuments will be set". The petitioner should submit a revised final plat consistent with the preliminary plan that has been approved. Anna Kurtzman stated she needs a list of PUD minimum zoning deviations from the B-3 zoning. The 9-1 plat shows: 1) a 30' rear deviation; 2)verbiage states 20' corner side,but graphic shows 30'. In addition building set back lines should be shown as the front. Scott Mai said IDOT is requiring a corner cut is being required where the Daniels property meets with this property on Route 34. Travis Miller hopes a concept/PUD plan will be submitted by December for the Daniels property. The petitioner will prepare a dedication document for the NW corner and the City will present it to Sexton. 1 The developer will meet with Anna Kurtzman regarding monument signage language, because the City is revising the sign ordinance. A 16"main will be extended to the west,and a 12"will be on the NW corner. There are currently no plans for Lot 21 and it may be sold to the developer across the street. On the final plat, a right of way dedication will be aligned at the north end for possible connection to Beecher Road. There is no connection to this property shown on the Sexton concept. The Kohl's party wall needs to be on the lot line.The cross section will be a 5 lane approach with a corner clip of 25' at Rush Copley. This will be at the Oct. 11 Plan Commission. Bristol Bay Units 11 12 and 13—Final Plat The developer was not in attendance. Jim Berry has a copy of all memos that were in the packet. Lot 1984 should be adjusted should be 9000 sq. feet per Anna Kurtzman. This is stated in the annexation agreement. Bill Dunn recommends revised plans for the plan commission. This is scheduled for Oct. 11 Plan Commission. Minutes submitted by Annette Williams 2