Plan Council Minutes 2006 10-12-06 � D00O Plan Council I o C( /O(Q October 12,2006 Attendees: John Crois, Interim City Administrator Eric Dhuse,Public Works Director Travis Miller,Comm.Dev.Director Joe Wywrot,City Engineer Sgt.Ron Diederich,Yorkville Police Dept. Anna Kurtzman,Zoning Coordinator Rebecca Houseman,Zoning Analyst William Dunn, EEI John Whitehouse,EEI Ralph Pfister,YBSD Guests: Rick Murphy,Pasquinelli Homes John Philipchuck,DBC&W David Schultz, SEC JR Landeck, SEC Craig Knoche,Knoche Engineering Jim Urhausen,Lundmark Group LLC Randy Witt,Lundmark Group LLC Kate McCracken,Hoschin,McGuirk,McCracken The meeting was called to order by Joe Wywrot at 9:30 am.The Sept. 27 minutes were approved as written. Grande Reserve Unit 25 Final Plan Rick Murphy said his surveyor was able to address EEI's comments. Bill Dunn questioned how the City would treat dormant SSA's. If a special service area will not be established prior to plat recording,the statement on the plat should be revised to read"a special service area will be created to cover all the lots in this subdivision for the purposes of installation of on-site infrastructure and all lots will be subject to a tax liability".On this plat, funding of SSA's will not be provided by Pasquinelli so no note is needed. Rebecca Houseman said the typical building envelope setback,not including the blanket easements,need to be shown on the plat. Rick Murphy said the architectural review has been done for Units 13, 14, and 18 and these should be used for Unit 25. John Philipchuck asked that they would like this Unit approved as a preliminary plat.The notation on the plat will be changed from final to preliminary. This will be at the December 13 Plan Commission. Hudson Lakes Final Plat David Schultz stated they would be removing access easement provisions,and adding a blanket easement(EEI comment#36). The lift station is in Lot 237.There is a grant of easement coming across from Prestwick but it has not been recorded. There is storm sewer along Penman Rd. which is now in a blanket easement. Easements noted in comment#42 in Unit II have not been submitted yet. Regarding comment#12 and driveway slopes,Mr. Schultz stated there may be some steps and foundation slabs and he will put together a list and submit to EEI. Mr.Dunn suggested the storm water management reports should be updated."Hudson Drive"(at the west end of Pebble Beach) should be continued as Forrester Drive. Joe Wywrot stated Smith can use 12" storm water pipes(comment#35)or the slopes can be changed. Rebecca Houseman has received the building setback lines via email. Lot 235 should be an exception to the blanket easement so a sign can be put on this lot.Anna Kurtzman will send a draft of the new sign code to Smith Engineering. The developer will comply with landscaping comments by Laura Haake. 1 The school site concept for Raintree Middle School has been received by the City. Dave Schultz said they are asking for 31,000 yds. of dirt from the Hudson Lakes. Travis Miller suggested the grade on Hudson Lakes property will change and that it not have a negative impact on the area. The Hudson Lakes acres are proposed as potential ball fields and sewer here could be through Raintree Village or through Hudson Lakes.There is a pedestrian link from the school frontage dedication going north into the school property. Penman Rd. connects only to Unit I of Prestwick. Phase II gives a second access point for Forrester connection. Hudson Lakes has not been annexed into YBSD. Mr. Landeck will check with the county recorder to document plat numbers in subdivisions to the north and west of Hudson Lakes. This will be at Plan Commission on December 13. O'Keefe Preliminary Plan The petitioner prefers a street name(coming off Rt. 47)that would refer to"water", because the street goes into the water park. Travis Miller will be emailed their preferences and he will contact Bristol Bay regarding the recommended names submitted by O'Keefe. Bill Dunn stated his concerns regarding the hose bibs and how the water will be metered. Mr.Knoche stated lines will be run off the 8"mains,and putting a meter in each building. There are 4-5 meters. The developer will check into pricing and may use 1 %z"lines. EEI is reviewing the sizes of the perimeter mains and will contact the developer if modifications need to be made. EEI has concerns regarding mass grading on the property to the north. According to the plans there is no safe haul route to bring materials into the north parcel. EnCap has been hired to do the wetland study and Knoche Engineering will be doing the topography study. The results will be done in time so the stockpile can be moved, and the City will give Mr.Knoche a plan for digging and shaping the pond. Ralph Pfister said that John Frerich at Deuchler will need a set of plans. The developer is waiting for comments from the Bristol Kendall Fire Department. At seasons end,Randy Witt said there is a certain amount of water kept for hydro-static pressure. There are check valves that are closed off, and"antifreeze"is put in. He will advise the City on the specifics of this operation. The backwash is put in a holding tank for 16-24 hours, when the chlorine flashes off and then used for irrigation and does not go through the sanitary sewer system. Mr. Pfister is concerned with the sludge and quantifying the amount that goes through the system. The petitioner will check into the box culvers rather than the twin large diameter sewers and send the information to EEI. Mr. Knoche stated the 4' manholes will be cast into the pipes. Galena Rd. on the subdivision plat for the O'Keefe property should show an additional 20' dedication. There is 40' shown now to the center line and it should be a 60' half according to John Whitehouse. The Route 47 right of way will be subject to Phase I engineering, as is described in the annexation agreement. Phase I engineering needs to be completed before it is recorded. Lot 1's final plat does not need to be recorded at this time. The City is ok with a 70' right of way with adjacent wider easements for the sidewalks and utilities. The walkways will be 5 feet wide. The pedestrian trail along Galena Rd. is 10 feet wide. Joe Wywrot stated there should be language on the plat regarding the access drive on the south side of Lot 4`". John Whitehouse stated there should be a corner clip on the southwest corner of Lot 4 for the right of way for signalization. Final plats for Lots 2, 3 and 4 will be at the Nov.8 Plan Commission. Minutes submitted by Annette Williams 2