City Council Minutes 2010 03-09-10 i
Mayor Burd called the meeting to order at 7 :04 p.m. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Clerk Milschewski called the roll.
Ward I Gilson Present
Werderich Present
Ward I I Golinski Present
Plocher Present
Ward III Munns Present
Sutcliff Present
Ward IV Teeling Present (arrived 7:35)
Spears Present
Also present: City Clerk Milschewski, City Treasurer Powell, Attorney Orr, City Administrator/Interim
Director of Park and Recreation Olson, Police Chief Hart, Police Lieutenant Schwartzkopf, Public Works
Director Dhuse, Finance Director Mika, City Engineer Wywrot and Public Relations Officer Spies.
A quorum was established.
Mayor Burd asked the staff and guests to introduce themselves. She welcomed the guests and asked them
to enter their names on the attendance sheet provided.
Alderman Werderich requested that the item under the Public Safety Committee Report - Ordinance
Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the United City of Yorkville and the
Bristol - Kendall Fire Protection District for Fire Prevention Code Enforcement (PS 2010 -02) be removed
from the regular agenda and be placed on the consent agenda.
Alderman Gilson requested that Item #3 - Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances Providing for a
Payment Plan Option for Delinquent Water Bills (ADM 2010 -06) be removed from the consent agenda
and placed on the regular agenda under the Administration Committee Report.
Amendments approved unanimously by a viva voce vote.
Public Works Committee Meeting: 6:00 p.m., March 16, 2010
City Hall Conference Room
Economic Development Committee: 6:30 p.m., April 6, 2010
City Hall Conference Room
Administration Committee Meeting: 6:00 p.m., March 18, 2010
City Hall Conference Room
Public Safety Committee Meeting: 6:00 p.m., March 25, 2010
City Hall Conference Room
Jackie Dearborn, member of the Green Committee, reported on the 2n Annual Environmental fair held
March 7, 2010. It was estimated that 750 people attended the event which offered workshops, rain
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — March 9. 2010 — pate 2
barrels, etc. She thanked the City Council for their support. She reported that this year an art fair was also
held with school children in the area participating and receiving ribbons. The committee is already
planning the event for next year on March 5, 2011.
She reminded everyone that on March 27, 2010 Earth Hour is being held where people are asked to turn
out their lights for one hour to conserve energy. Last year 40% of resident's in Singapore participated
and saved enough energy to light an American home for three years.
Alderman Sutcliff asked what the fair cost the city. Mrs. Dearborn explained that exhibitors were charged
which offset the costs of the event. The Community Relations Department provided publicity, the cost of
which is included in the department's budget. Mayor Burd added that the Chamber of Commerce
oversees the funds for the event so the city does not handle or earn any of the money. She thanked Cheryl
Lee, Mrs. Dearborn and Mrs. Spies for their help and thanked the aldermen who attended.
Todd Milliron thanked whoever figured out the audio problem in the council chamber because the audio
of the meetings is better on television. Administrator Olson explained that Mike Reynolds with
Waubonsee Community College and Diane Oakley, the videographer, worked on the problem and found
that one of the microphones had a bad wire in it.
1. Police Reports for December 2009 (PS 2010 -01)
2. Police Reports for January 2010 (PS 2010 -05)
3. Resolution 2010 -06 - Authorizing the Establishment of a Checking Account for Flex Spending -
authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute (ADM 2010 -10)
4. Ordinance 2010 -11 - Approving a Special Use Permit Application for Pam Kleinwachter dba
We Grow Kids, Inc. Daycare at 101 Garden Street - authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute
(PC 2010 -01)
5. Ordinance 2010 -12 - Ordinance Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the United
City of Yorkville and the Bristol- Kendall Fire Protection District for Fire Prevention Code
Enforcement — authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute (PS 2010 -02)
Mayor Burd entertained a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. So moved by Alderman
Werderich; seconded by Alderman Golinski.
Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0
Werderich -aye, Plocher -aye, Spears -aye, Munns -aye, Sutcliff -aye, Gilson -aye, Golinski -aye
Administrator Olson reported that the Plan Commission was meeting March 10, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. with
one item on their agenda. They will be discussing the rezoning of a parcel of Bristol Bay from R3 to B3.
A motion was made by Alderman Sutcliff to approve the minutes of the City Council meeting of February
9, 2010; seconded by Alderman Spears.
Alderman Gilson asked for corrections on:
• Page 3, 4 d ' paragraph from top — he asked that his entire statement regarding the contract's lack of
a completion date be added to the minutes.
• Page 4, 4` full paragraph from the top — he asked that the word "downtown" be added before the
word businesses in the 5` line.
• Page 4, 2 nd paragraph from the bottom — he asked that the minutes reflect that he corrected Mayor
Burd's statement saying he voted in favor of the grant application: he did not vote yes.
• Page 5, 3r paragraph from bottom — he asked that his entire statement regarding eminent domain
be added to the minutes.
Clerk Milschewski stated that she would listen to the recording of the meeting and make the revisions
verbatim. She asked if the City Council wanted to table the approval of the minutes until the corrections
were made. It was the consensus of the City Council to approve the minutes as amended.
Motion approved unanim ously by a viva voce vote.
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — March 9, 2010 — na eg_3
A motion was made by Alderman Sutcliff to approve the paying of the bills listed on the Detailed Board
Report dated March 2, 2010 totaling the following amounts: checks in the amount of $303,428.44
(vendors); $256,517.99 (payroll period ending 2/13/10); $242,186.74 (payroll period ending 2/27/10); for
a total of $802,133.17; seconded by Alderman Munns.
Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0
Plocher -aye, Spears -aye, Munns -aye, Sutcliff -aye, Gilson -aye, Golinski -aye, Werderich -aye
Re- appointment of Interim Building Inspector /Zoning Officer
(CC 2010 -25)
Mayor Burd entertained a motion to approve the re- appointment of Paul Zabel as the Interim Building
Inspector /Zoning Officer. So moved by Alderman Sutcliff; seconded by Alderman Munns.
Mayor Burd explained that she was re- appointing Mr. Zabel as an interim inspector for six months due to
Administrator Olson being new to the job and because a new Community Development Director was
coming aboard. This will allow Administrator Olson and the new director to evaluate Mr. Zabel in the
Alderman Spears noted that when Mr. Zabel was originally appointed she questioned his licenses. Mr.
Zabel stated at the time he would pursue getting various licenses he did not have. She asked if this has
been done. Administrator Olson explained that Mr. Zabel has joined some professional organizations and
is pursuing some licensing.
Alderman Gilson asked if the city is outsourcing due to the lack of Mr. Zabel's certification and if so what
the cost is. Administrator Olson stated that things like plumbing inspections, at a cost of
$45.00 /inspection, are being outsourced. Alderman Gilson asked if Administrator Olson could provide a
report of the costs and what the true cost of saving is by using Mr. Zabel. Administrator Olson stated he
would provide this to the City Council.
Alderman Golinski noted that it was previously discussed that a vote was not needed on interim
appointments. Mayor Burd stated that Alderman Golinski was correct_
Alderman Munns withdrew his second. No vote was taken.
Resolution 2010 -07 Supporting the Creation of the Northwest Water Planning Area
Intergovernmental Agreement
(CC 2010 -26)
Mayor Burd entertained a motion to approve a resolution supporting the creation of the Northwest Water
Planning Area Intergovernmental Agreement and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. So
moved by Alderman Sutcliff; seconded by Alderman Golinski.
Mayor Burd reported that this is Metro West's resolution. She has been on the task force for the water
planning area. She explained that the state may require a regulatory planning area -and this is taking the
initiative in forming a group so CMAP doesn't take the authority out of the hands- of municipalities.
Metro West is asking for support in moving this forward.
Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0
Gilson -aye, Sutcliff -aye, Munns -aye, Spears -aye, Plocher -aye, Werderich -aye, Golinski -aye
Budget Statement
For informational purposes, Mayor Burd read a statement on the budget process (see attached).
Administrator Olson gave the tentative timeline for the budget process; the public hearing notice will
appear in the Kendall County Record this week, water billing will be discussed at the March 16, 2010
Public Works Committee meeting, the General Fund will be discussed at the March 18, 2010
Administration Committee meeting and the budget will be on the March 23, 2010 City Council meeting
agenda. There will be two City Council meetings afterward to discuss the budget and a special City
Council meeting could be called if necessary.
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — March 9, 2010 — page 4,
Yorkville Economic Development Corporation Liaison
Mayor Burd reported that the Economic Development Committee discussed their liaison to the YEDC.
She reported that Alderman Spears will be the liaison however there are two positions; one is the ex
officio member created by the City Council and another is appointed by the mayor and can vote in her
absence. Mayor Burd reported that she was designating Alderman Munns for this position. She felt that
this was a win -win situation for everyone.
No report.
No report.
Clerk Milschewski reported that she and Deputy Clerk Pickering and Administrative Assistant Ostreko
attended a seminar on the new FOIA -OMA laws, records retention, counterfeit money prevention and TIF
districts. She indicated that it was an informative seminar and that she was proud of the clerk's office for
being so well run and organized.
No report.
Administrator Olson continued his report the International City Government Association code of ethics.
He stated that he has to affirm the dignity of and maintain a constructive and creative attitude toward
government affairs. One guideline is that when he is contacted by a trustee from another town for advice
on an issue, he is allowed to give advice however he is required to contact the administrator of the
trustees' town to discuss the discussion.
No report.
No report.
Director Dhuse reported that now that the weather is better, residents will be seeing Public Works
employees cold patching and cleaning sewers. Also, they will be constructing a 1500 gallon rain barrel to
collect rainwater to be used on plantings.
Chief Hart reported that participation in the Polar Plunge was down this year however it is estimated that
over $100,000.00 in donations were collected. Also, the Respect for Law Banquet was held and several
members of the City Council attended along with the mayor. Officers Johnson, Bledsoe and Sergeant
Klingel received life saving awards while Officer Kolowski and Detective Mott were up for the Officer of
the Year award. Mayor Burd added that Chief Hart received a certificate for ten years of meritorious
Interim Director of Park and Recreation Olson reported that registration for softball leagues will be
opening on March 15, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. and they sell out fast. There are two leagues; coed adult and
men's competitive.
No report.
Mayor Burd thanked Mrs. Spies for helping out with the Environmental Fair. Mrs. Spies reported that
many of the venders commented that they will be back for next year's fair. Mayor Burd stated that she
met with representatives from Best Buy who also expressed interest in next year's event.
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — March 9, 2010 — one 5
Yorkville Bristol Sanitary District
Alderman Gilson reported that he attended the Yorkville Bristol Sanitary District meeting where Deuchler
reported on their recent study. The YBSD will be bringing the report which indicates that the south side
of town has a lot of inflow and infiltration to the sewer lines to a future City Council meeting.
Library Board
Alderman Gilson stated that he attended the Library Board meeting where they went over the library
district fact finding report. Some of the things discussed were:
• A library district is its own entity with its own tax levy
• Taxes collected from the levy go directly to the district which is responsible for its own budget
• The library district is responsible for its own utilities, building maintenance, administrative costs,
• Library trustees are elected and not appointed.
• If a district is formed, the library levy will not be a part of the city's tax levy and the city will not
be responsible for providing services. The library district's tax levy will be at the same rate as the
one currently included in the city's levy however they can ask for an increase.
• Those living outside the city will not be impacted until areas are annexed into the district.
• The library district is formed after the City Council and Library Board approve a resolution
approving the conversion or residents initiate a petition calling for a conversion.
• Advantages and disadvantages of converting.
Alderman Gilson stated that there were quite a few people in attendance and many good questions such
as what are the advantages for those living outside the city and what does it take to be annexed into the
district were asked but not necessarily answered. He noted that the Library Board stated that they asked
the city for a report on the cost of the services provided by the city. Director Mika stated that she has
never been asked for this information from the Library Board but had discussed it with the Library
Director. Administrator Olson estimated the cost of maintenance, human resources, etc. to be around
$35,000. Mayor Burd added that there has been some confusion that the School District contributes funds
to the library. She clarified that no money comes from the School District for the library.
Aurora Area Convention and Visitor Bureau
Alderman Sutcliff reported that she attended the Aurora Area Convention and Visitor Bureau meeting
where they discussed the many free seminars offered by Waubonsee Community College, finances and a
factory that is relocating back to Aurora from China.
Yorkville Economic Development Corporation
Alderman Spears reported that she attended the Yorkville Economic Development Corporation meeting
where several new upcoming projects such as the Hampton Inn, the Car Care Collision Center and
Buffalo Wild Wings were discussed. Also discussed was the Moose Lodge moving into the old Sunfield
Restaurant building, Rush Copley's plans for a new building and the new addition to the Nelson - Larsen
Funeral Home.
Integrated Transportation Plan Committee
Alderman Werderich reported that the Integrated Transportation Plan is moving forward on the sidewalk
and trail plans. Putting sidewalks which run in front of homes into a trail bank will be discussed at a
future Public Works Committee meeting.
Ordinance 2010 -13 Adopting a Stormwater Management Program Plan for the
United City of Yorkville
Second Reading
(PW 2010 -17)
Alderman Plocher entertained a motion to approve an ordinance Adopting a Stormwater Management
Program Plan for the United City of Yorkville and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. So
moved by Alderman Sutclif, ,, seconded by Alderman Gohnski.
A motion was made by Alderman Plocher to amend the Stormwater management Plan to add a
measurable goal for tracking the usage of herbicides and pesticides; seconded by Alderman Spears.
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — March 9. 2010 — nage 6
Motion to amend approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0
Munns -aye, Spears -aye, Plocher -aye, Werderich -aye,
Golinski -aye, Teeling -aye, Gilson -aye, Sutcliff -aye
Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0
Teeling -aye, Gilson -aye, Sutcliff -aye, Munns -aye,
Spears -aye, Plocher -aye, Werderich -aye, Gohnski -aye
Authorization to Initiate a Zoning Text Amendment to City Code Title 10, Chapter 8, Article A,
Section 1 (10 -8A -1)
(CC 2010 -27)
A motion was made by Alderman Golinski to authorize the Plan Commission to conduct a public hearing
on a proposed text amendment to City Code Section 10 -8A -1 that would allow the manufacturing of
alcoholic beverages within the M -1 Manufacturing district; seconded by Alderman Spears.
Mayor Burd noted that the amendment will allow a micro - brewery in a manufacturing district.
Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0
Gilson -aye, Sutcliff -aye, Munns -aye, Spears -aye,
Plocher -aye, Werderich -aye, Golinski -aye, Teeling -aye
Sign Ordinance Amendment — Update
(CC 2010 -28)
Mayor Burd reported on the update due to Alderman Gohnski's absence at the Economic Development
Committee meeting. She stated that the committee discussed an amendment to the sign ordinance
regarding permitting temporary signs. The Economic Development Committee approved the amendment
which will be on the next City Council agenda for a first reading. Mayor Burd encouraged the City
Council to familiarize themselves with the amendment. Alderman Sutcliff asked if the Zoning Board of
Appeals was contacted regarding the amendment and Mayor Burd stated they were not but she would
pass the information on to them. Alderman Sutcliff asked if the matter was time sensitive and
Administrator Olson stated it was not.
No report.
Ordinance 2010 -14 Amending the Code of Ordinances Providing for a Payment
Plan Option for Delinquent Water Bills
(ADM 2010 -06)
A motion was made by Alderman Sutcliff to approve an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances
Providing for a Payment Plan Option for Delinquent Water Bills and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk
to execute; seconded by Alderman Munns.
Alderman Gilson questioned the rationale behind the amendment. Director Mika explained that the term
of repayment was based on the city's billing cycle of every two months. The payment plan will allow
residents to catch up their past due amounts with a time fiame. The current plan did not allow any ground
to be recovered with regards to past due amounts. Residents currently on the payment plan will be
notified and a payment plan will be worked out according to this new plan. Attorney Orr added that
residents will be responsible for their current bill as well as the past due amount.
Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0
Sutcliff -aye, Munns -aye, Spears -aye, Plocher -aye,
Werderich -aye, Golinski -aye, Teeling -aye, Gilson -aye
Yorkville Economic Development Corporation Liaison
Alderman Spears addressed Mayor Burd's decision to please Alderman Munns with a YEDC liaison
position. She felt that the City Council should be offended that Mayor Burd disregarded the Economic
Development Committee's unanim decision to appoint her as the liaison. Alderman Spears noted that
Mayor Burd sent a letter to the YEDC designating Alderman Munns as her representative as a concession
to him however she didn't make any concessions to Alderman Spears by allowing her to remain on the
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council — March 9, 2010 — page 7
KenCom board. She felt the power struggle being exhibited was harming the residents of Yorkville and
she stated that she was going to discontinue addressing and/or arguing with Mayor Burd. She stated that
she felt that mayor's action were embarrassing to her. She also noted that serving on the City Council
used to be professional and fun however it was no longer that way.
_ Mayor Burd thanked Alderman Spears for her input. She stated that she wrote to Kendall County Board
asking that Alderman Spears be removed from the KenCom board. She added that according to the
YEDC, she can appoint a designee to represent her and vote for her in her absence. She noted that
Alderman Spears disagrees with her on many issues so she would not be representing the mayor's opinion
however she respected the City Council's right to appoint Alderman Spears as a liaison. Mayor Burd
continued by saying that members of KenCom told her that Alderman Spears was not 100% behind Chief
Martin. Alderman Spears interjected that this statement was not true. Mayor Burd continued by saying
that her appointment had nothing to do with her or her relationship with Alderman Spears but had to do
with what is best for the city. She indicated that Alderman Munns has done a good job standing in for her
at the YEDC. Alderman Spears stated that she enjoyed Alderman Munns YEDC reports especially the
one on the golf outing.
Alderman Munns commented that the aldermen are all independent and should not have a say if he is on
his laptop during a meeting. He also stated that what he reports is no one's business except for the people
who voted for him. If they feel he is not representing them properly, they can call him. In regards to the
YEDC, he stated that he has always been the designated substitute so this wasn't a change. He also
commented that he thought the Governing Ordinance gave consistency to the liaisons for two years. Now
at any moment liaisons can be changed with two votes. He stated that he does not have to hear about
things from other aldermen who do not live in his ward.
Mayor Burd noted that she did remove Alderman Spears mid- session however she did not appoint her as
a liaison to KenCom in the first place. She did not re- appoint her after the election, the City Council did.
When she was made aware she was responsible to appoint a representative to KenCom she exercised her
authority and replaced Alderman Spears. She stated that several other mayors in the area have replaced
their liaisons for similar reasons.
Alderman Spears asked to go on record however Mayor Burd would not recognize her.
Alderman Golinski stated that originally he asked to be the liaison to the YEDC because he felt it would
be a good fit as he was the chair of the Economic Development Committee. However he stepped aside to
let Alderman Munns be the representative as he "got burned" on his committee assignments. Alderman
Gohnski stated that in retrospect he feels he should not only be the City Council liaison but the mayor's
representative. He stated that he was taking this matter back to the Economic Development Committee
meeting for further discussion.
Alderman Sutcliff stated that Alderman Spears noted that the Economic Development Committee
unanim ously voted for her to be liaison however she voted for Alderman Spears after Alderman Spears
misrepresented the Governing Ordinance.
Stormwater Management
Alderman Sutcliff suggested that builders be offered incentives to reduce stormwater runoff. She asked
that this be looked at by the Public Works Committee.
Alderman Teeling reported that a former United City of Yorkville intern, Hailey Jones, was currently in
Washington, D.C. accepting a scholarship and meeting with President Obama.
Mayor Burd entertained a motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of collective negotiating
matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning
salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. So moved by Alderman Sutcliff; seconded by
Alderman Werderich.
Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -8 Nays -0
Spears -aye, Plocher -aye, Werderich -aye, Gohnski -aye,
Teeling -aye, Gilson -aye, Sutcliff -aye, Mums -aye
The City Council entered into Executive Session at 8:35 p.m.
The City Council returned to regular session at 8:50 p.m.
The Minutes of the Regular Meetine of the Citv Council — March 9, 2010 — nag
Mayor Burd entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. So moved by Alderman Golinski; seconded by
Alderman Teeling.
Adjournment of the meeting was unanimously approved by a viva voce vote.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Jacquelyn Milschewski,
City Clerk City of Yorkville, Illinois
\ oj A q y 2010
tj c Gro ICS °�r
To: City Council
EST. ;; leas From: Susan Mika, Finance Director
CC: Mayor Burd; Bart Olson, City Administrator
Date: March 8, 2010
<LE Subject: Bill List Questions 3 -9 -10 City Council Agenda
The following are questions from the March 8, 2010 bill list:
1. Page 16 - MetroWest COG - Please detail what two people attended this breakfast and if
the breakfast cost was $22.00 per person. If not, please detail exactly what this cost of
$44.00 paid for.
Response: The Mayor and City Administrator attended the legislative breakfast that
was $22.00 per person.
2. Page 16 - MetroWest COG- Please detail what two people attended the Jan 28th board
meeting and breakdown exactly what the $54.00 cost paid for.
Response: The Mayor and City Administrator attended the monthly board meeting of
which the total cost for dinner was for both attendees.
3. Page 22 - TPI Bldg. Code Consultants - Please detail where these plumbing code
inspections took lace and how this $90 fee is broken down.
Response: 1/6/10 1310 Evergreen final inspection $45.00
1/12/10 284 Windette Ridge Rd rough inspection $45.00
{ 4. Page 25 - Waterpro RI Waterman Properties - Please detail what the $22,988.77 court
order is paying for. How many more payments are due and when per the court order?
j Response: This is for the Grande Reserve recapture agreement that the City owes
( $827,595.72. This is an agreed monthly payment amount until paid in full. There are 36
total payments due of which 4 have been made, leaving 32 more payments to go.
5. Page 26 - Yorkville Area Chamber of Commerce Luncheon for Two People - Please
detail which two people attended this luncheon and if the luncheon was $25 per person. If
not, please detail exactly how these costs were broken down.
Response: The Mayor and City Administrator attended the Yorkville Area Chamber
of Commerce Luncheon and the cost was $25.00 per person.
6. Page 26 - Yorkville General Fund - Was the $25.13 cost just for coffee? Please detail this
cost and place at which this coffee with the mayor was held.
Response: This expense was for bagels, cream cheese, and coffee for the Congress on
the corner with Congressman Bill Foster held here at City Hall.
Tomorrow the City's Finance Director, Susan Mika, will be sending to each of the
aldermen a copy of the 2010/11 budget that is to be voted on by the City Council before
the end of this fiscal year. This budget includes a column that also shows a proposed
2011/2012 budget. This entire document, with both budgets, also will be available
tomorrow to the public for review. In addition to the proposed budget, Director Mika
also will be sending aldermen a memo explaining the different funds and outlining
proposals for obtain new revenues for the next fiscal year.
Tomorrow is destined to be marked with all kinds of financial news. Tomorrow
Gov. Quinn also will be outlining his new budget for the State of Illinois. Yesterday I
attended a Metropolitan Mayor's Caucus executive board meeting in Chicago. At that
meeting, we were handed "The Illinois Report 2010," prepared by the Institute of
Government & Public Affairs at the University of Illinois. It's a very enlightening report.
I read it on the train ride back from Chicago. It says that the recession began at the end
of 2007 and, except for the federal government's intervention with the economic bailout
and stimulus package, we would now be in the depths of a severe depression. But
according to this report, the recession ended at the end of 2009. Predictions are that it is
going to be a very slow recovery, with the unemployment rate continuing to be high for
at least another year. In Illinois, the report says, the economic downturn was
compounded by the state's continuing inability to balance its budget, even in good
economic times, because of what it terms structural deficits. These deficits are caused by
expenditures rising higher at all times than projected revenues. Pension funds are only
one of these expenditures.
The reason I am mentioning the state's financial problems here tonight is because,
1. the state is now four months behind in paying municipalities the tax revenues that it
owes us and 2. the Gov.'s staff has indicated that tomorrow the governor will be
proposing reducing the municipal share of the personal property tax by 3 per cent. The
first issue is already playing havoc with our budget, and is the reason that you may see
some areas showing a deficit when in fact we do know that the revenue will be coming in
to the City. The second next year will cause us a great deal of grief. The governor's staff
says this is being proposed because we all need to have skin in the game. I can tell the
governor that the municipalities are feeling the crunch, and we all already have skin in
this game.
Despite all of this negativeness, Yorkville actually is in a relatively strong
position. Unlike a large percentage of municipalities, are general fund is not in a deficit.
But are fund balance has all but disappeared because of extreme financial obligations to
pay legal fees associated with landfill litigation, and because of the downturn in the
economy that cause many developers to face foreclosures.
That being said, we have our challenges. One of them, you will see, is with our
water fund. I am asking that when you receive your copy of the budgets, and the
recommendations that come with it, you review the packet with an open mind. That you
do not look on this as an opportunity to attack your fellow aldermen, the staff, or me, but
that you realize in an open, transparent government, all options should be put on the table
for discussion and considered by all the aldermen. At this time, and I want to make this
clear, I am not advocating for any one of these solutions. And if any one can come up
with other proposals that address the issues we are facing, we should all be willing to
welcome the discussion.
I also hope that we can all go into the budget discussion with the understanding that
1. the staff is and has been doing a great job in holding the line on spending during
the past two years
2. that we as a city have been fiscally responsible in managing the economic crisis.
3. that the city's reporting procedures are now greatly improved and accounting
irregularities have been corrected so that you should have a totally clear picture of
the city's financial position, and all the funds true conditions;
4. and finally, that this budget, like every budget, is an estimate. In these tough
economic times, we realize that historical data that in the past has been used to
make projections, can't be totally relied on. The staff, inmaking its projections,
has been very conservation, but these are all projections. There is nothing in a
budget that is ever written in stone. If we've learned nothing from the past three
years, I think we should have learned that fact.
I look forward to having an open and constructive debate on ways to solve our
financial issues.