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Resolution 2004-06
"' aooti• ob it Resolution for Maintenance of Illinois Department Streets and Highways by Municipality of Transportation Under the Illinois Highway Code S L-rL.GLA -pae:)G(-:)-- CEO°-C.,W BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and City Council of the (Council or President and Board of Trustees) United City of Yorkville Illinois,that there is hereby (City,Town or Village) (Name) appropriated the sum of 3 ) of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code from 05/01/04 to 04/30/05 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the approved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connection with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon a practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department , a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s)for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation, at Ottawa Illinois. Clerk in and for the Un��'�L G►�`�l (City,Town or Village)T- �QC"W`� County of K�Q-^ ,cLl� hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by n the Mayor and City Council at a meeting on (Council or President and Board of Trustees) Date IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this q�~ day of J\A,U.rC� (SEAL) Clerk (City,Town or V Ilage) APPROVED 31 3v D D to Department of Transportation © .0 District Engin r BLR 4123(Rev.04/03) Illinois Department Municipal Estimate of of Transportation Maintenance Costs Section Number (")fA_d n )0 0 0b — GWA' reriod from 05/01/2004 to 04/30/2005 Municipality United City of Yorkville Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operations Maintenance For Group I II or III Material Ecquio ment or Labor Operation Group Unit Operation (No.—Description) (1,ii,111.iv) Item Unit Quantity Price Cost Cost 1. Bit. Patchin Bituminous Cold Patch Ton 90.00 77.00 6,930.00 Class 1 Surface Course Ton 82.00 36.00 2,952.00 $9,882.00 2. Signs & Posts Various Street Signs ea 150.00 50.00 7,500.00 Sign Post& Brackets ea 150.00 15.00 2,250.00 $9,750.00 3. Snow Removal Bulk Rock Salt Ton 1,200.00 36.50 43,800.00 $43,800.00 T' D• Total Day Labor Costs Total Estimated Maintenance Operation Cost $63,432.00 Preliminary Engineering Engineering Inspection Material Testing Total Estimated Engineering Cost Total Estimated Maintenance Cost $63,432.00 Submitted 03/01/2004 Approved )o a 4j .r .y Director �A?L4�-_R 0j,Q A-o Municip K661 Title District Engineer Submit Four(4) Copies to District Engineer BLR 8202(Rev.04/03) t , LR 1013 I Page 1 of 1 State of Illinois DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Bureau of Local Roads and Streets SPECIAL PROVISION FOR ROCK SALT Effective August 1, 1969 Revised January 1, 2002 All references to Sections or Articles in this specification shall be construed to mean a specific Section or Article of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, adopted by the Department of Transportation. Description. This item shall consist of furnishing rock salt (sodium chloride) in bins or stockpiles at location designated in the Proposal. Materials. Material shall meet the requirements of Article 1013.02 except that the gradation shall be as follows: Passing 12.5 mm (1/2 inch) sieve 100 % Passing 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) sieve 95 - 100 % Passing 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve 20 - 90 % Passing 2.36 mm (No. 8) sieve 10 - 60 % Passing 600 lam (No. 30) sieve 0- 10 % The Department reserves the right to reject any shipments of rock salt which are delivered in a frozen or caked condition or which contain free water. The Department reserves the right to accept delivery of Rock Salt which, according to analysis by the Department, has a sodium chloride (NaCI) content of less than 96.0 %, but is not less than 90.0 %. Material with less than 90.0 % sodium chloride will be rejected. When such exceptions are allowed, payment will be adjusted. Method of Measurement. Rock salt will be measured by the metric ton (ton). I Basis of Payment. This work will be paid for at the contrail unit price per metric ton (ton) for furnishing and transporting ROCK SALT based on the sodium chloride content. Payment will be in accordance with the following schedule: NaCl Content 96.0% to 100.0% Net Bid price per ton. NaCl Content 95.0% to 95.9% Bid price less $0.50 per metric ton (ton). NaCl Content 94.0% to 94.9% Bid price less$2.00 per metric ton (ton). NaCl Content 90.0% to 93.9% Bid price less$4.00 per metric ton (ton). Stace o: r:!inois Oeparcneric of T_ransporcacien Division or Highways Springfield SPECIFICATIONS FOR BITUMINOUS PREMIX FOR ;lAINTENA1NCE USE El•gjLSIFIED :,SP:iALT [IF E-300 OR I`IvERTED afULSIFIED ASPHALT C3AF.-2 Serial Number: M 48-79 (Revised April 1, 1979) I. OESCREPTIO?1. 'The bituminous pre-mix shat ' be composed of mineral aggregates lnirorly coated :pith either emulsified asphalt HFE-300 or inverted emulsified asz�halz C3AE-2 olus additive, prepared hot as further described herein, shall zcz-bit no stripping of the bituminous material from the aggregate when immersed is :rater i=ediately after mixing, and shall be capable of being stockpiled over a oer�ed of at least six months without hardening. The mixture shall be caoable of being loaded into trucks by either hand shovels or Power loading equipment, shall be sufficiently workable for placing with shovels, rakes or other hand tools, and shall readily compact by hand tamping, hard or power rolling, or under the action of t=affic at the mixing temperature or at temperatures as low as li° E. , iammediat=ly aster oreparaticn or over a period of at least sic months in a stockpile. The =d_:cture shall =em,ain in place c:hen, used to patch wet or dry pavements n ad shall be stable under nor-al traffic conditions. 2. Control of the materials shall be in accordance with the general requirements of Section 106 of the cu=ert Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Cocstruction. At the discretion of the Engineer, a t-aenty-five: d poun sample of the aggregate(s) , a one-quart sample of the bituminous material and a one-pint sample of the additive shall be submitted to the Bureau ofLfaterials and ?hysical Research, 125 East Ash Street, Springfield, Illinois, for checking tae dosage rate and compatibility of the additive with the other ingredient materials . (a) Aggregate 1. Coarse Aggregate shall consist o �hed stone,defined shed gravel, or chats, of Class C. quality better, 704.01 of the above cited Standard Specifications. (b) Additive 1. When CBAE-2 is used, an anti-stripping additive approved by the Department shall be required. ine additive shall be added to then bituminous material at the dosage rate (0.8 to 1.5 percent by w�i7. of total liquid) recommended by the Engineer and shall be thoroughly =i-:ed for at least four (4) hours pr-or to being incorporated .he mi::. A list of approved additives is a,:ailable on request. Tile bicuminous materials used shall be either emulsified asphalt HFE-300 or inverted emulsified asphalt CBAE-2. The Engineer reserves the right to specify the grade which shall be used. 1. Emulsified asphalt Ht-300 shall conform to the requirements given in SDecificacions for Emulsified Asphalt HFE-60, HEE-90, HFE-150, and HFE-300, Serial No . K 87. Emulsified. asphalt HFE-300 shall be l:onulated to possess the' characceristics required co produce a mixture conforming co the requirements of this specification. 2. Inverted emulsified asphalt CBk.-2 shat conform co the follcwing requirements : Flash Point (Cleveland open cuo) ° F. - - - - - - - - - 175+ viscosity, Saybolt Furol a 140° F. (SEC) - - - - - - - 100 - 300 Hater Content Z by weight - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - 9 Asphalt Content T. by weight - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 65 rain. Solvent Content 7. by weight - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 - 25 Test on Distillation Residue Penetration at 77° F.., 100 g. , 5 sec. , - - - - - - - - 120 - 300 Ductility at 77° F., 5 ca/min. , cm. - - - - - - - - - - 100 min. Soluble in Carbon Tetrachloride, - - - - - - - - - - 98 min. ;Liscibility with water - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - None 3. UISPECTIOti. The Engineer or his authorized representative shall have access ac any time to all parrs of the plant in order to verify weights or proportions and character of materials used in the preparation of the mixture. The manufacturer . shall afford such facilities as may be required for making inspection at the plant and for collccting and'forwarding samples of the bituminous mLYture to the Depart- ment. 4. PLL- NIT AND EQUIFfENT. Storage facilities and all equipment used in the prepara- tion of the mixture shall be approved by the Departnenc. An approved d=iet shall be available for surface drying the aggregate when needed. The materials for individual batches shall be measured accurately either by volume or weight, by approved methods and equipment. A batch type mixer of approved design and capacity shall be used in mixing the ingredient materials. However, approval for the use or a continuous mixer may be given if -it can be shown that satisfactory results will- be obtained. 5. PREPARATION OF HIIMTZES. These mixtures shall be prepared in a hot--nix asphalt plant. The coarse and fine aggregates shall be accurately proportioned to produce mixtures :richia the specification limits. -' hen FIFE asphalt is used, the aggregate is to be heated to a cexperature of 200° to 250° F. For safety reasons , the agare- gace shall not be heated co higher than 175° F. •rheas C3AE-2 is used. Scalping screens shall be installed to remove oversize materials. The hoc aggregate and bicuminous material shall be measured accurately by weight or by volume and mi'ced in the pug mill miser unci-I homogeneous and all particles of aggregate are coated uni X6=17. The mixture shall then be dumped .and stockpiled. 2 C:0;[p0SIT10;i OF MT-:1 RES . The ingredients shall be combined to produce mixtures eeC'ag =�► aouroval Or the De7ar=e^.c and corZorm1no t0 Ci1e �J110��117g JORDOS�LlOR i_s by .:ei;hc: Binder Mixture Surface Mi✓ccure Gradation of E::tracted Aggregate: (100%) Passing 3/4 inch sieve, X. . . . . Passing 1/2 inch sieve, ;.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 - 94 100 Passing 3/8 inch sieve, 64 - 78 90 - 100 Passing go. 4 sieve, Z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 - 45 65 - 86 Passing No. 10 sieve, Z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 - 34 28 - 50 Passing go. 40 sieve,, %. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 20 10 - 27 ?assing No . 80 sieve, X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 - 6 0 - 6 Passing 11o . 200 sieve, %. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 - 3.0 0 - 3 .0 Residual Bitumen (Includes Additive) . . 4.0 - 5.0 4.5 - 6.0 It is the responsibility of the producer to produce mixtures conforming to the require- nents or these specifications and satisfactory to the Department. 7 . LEGAL RATIONS AND RESPONSI3II.ITY TO PUBLIC. The lzws to be observed; permits and licenses; patented devices, materials and processes; and respons ibility for damage claims , shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 107 of - the above cited Standard Specifications . SAFETY VOTE: Inverted emulsified asphalt C3AE-2 is a combustible liquid and should be handled as a hazardous material. All local, city, county, state and federal regulations in handling a hazardous liquid should be followed. Form LX-1 Effective April 1, 1979 This specificatfon supersedes Serial ito. M 48-78 issued February 1, 1978. - 3 - 0 e 3 900 min. (36) m 3 _ � m O Z �fT1 ° 450-900 3 ° (18 36 a3lKs(I 3 m —O � loo 14) r n I ,)150 p TS-!00 900 min. N M (%) 1 D m I C) o j 700-400 03 _o m D a D v 0 N u� —O O -r� x 700 1.5 m min. h1 (28) I rn r I Z 1 Il 10 I 100 m '(4) (4) (4) (4) * D _ O 3 � CD 2 D 37 n rn •. _ < 1-2 m min. min. _ o ro v � �•1 600 min. u°, (24I rol _o ET D ro ° c r N " m Z \ 900 (367 W Q 9 f D Z m m / X10 a�0 o zv n Cl v Z n>p u _ �m om m D Z < 0 o � c go 900 z m ^ (36) I CD m y c a n n m D 7 0 3 a R7 z D (° y7 m _u o o Z 900 ,�Io D 0 o m c f7 (36) D r o 0 77 fTl >> 8_01 � r 0 < E 3 m° o 0 ,a Z C7 n 3 m° O D � a s m I m m V)Z o cn n �7 S Om _ c 0 0 m a o a O�2 O O N m O N m m m n m O-] o o n Eape o' povement ■ O oD� oar• o ° »n,o N 00 E E » O V m D 0]O E O g m�3 8 O1� � R 400 min. mm' m u+ j�m ooJo O o0 n (361 - m -° a.- C 1.2 m c4')rural G'° Nlu x _ ic.i., ( m '3 v° Z LB m (6')uroon o= m m -4 m 3 Z » �mo� m-Oa N ,»3m (A _ rTl O n n'I zmo r M cn m O f .o mam N °- L I 1 a 3T M m79C rn Q_`p O=D CN I,y zM z m3 Om 2.1 m (7')min.uroan c'n o (16-21) 1 NIu° m° o 010 a »n <o Z -v+ ° m n+mm a n c o 3 m '0.0 _ o m � C) o Z N Q N T O Z a ° 50 75 75 25 " (2_, (3) (3) a) M o r, 3 O �o <- s D 3a o 1.8 m min. (6') m 300 min. C o° (12) � m .II �o O me o = C) o m = y o C) —- — —-m—- m 2.4 m min. m m 30 ( m N _ 30 H _ Z i Cl) - = C7 I Z � O 125 100 n m Z (5) (4> O x o R1 _ r0 90 ° m o N o z - ° ,r 17— _o m_40 R. -m ^'o m I c (1%21 .n r om o °°n o= H 3° � o pn 3m m N _° -o z n Gs 0v I r r O 3mn 3? 9a - ,a 125 175 I i � _.{ o a 1571 r.. c oZ-0 T _ ]N o D ,M 600 �O ]m NZ Z (24) �- m° n D TI "" N ° ] ° C < o 0 C7 o C) mm° mm 3 Z ,m o ^ o= ? o Q a z o NZ Na ©� O 0 $ 1.8 m min. 600 (24) min. 9 3 OT _1 m o T C m s Z s R I n O m T on _ °J F m 2.1 m min. 750 —.7 —4 1. 0 n ^'o c°m� '>, min. g o 7M Q O w n D Ob °y vm-:u, o -4 o�nm, m m a o"m��o p T / D y m fTl m00003 .� 0 °3oon0 o -----t --- N i C.c -u m v v7 2.1 m min. 1.2 m min._ D amo.,3 ro oy c (7,) X41 :1-o ins x O i s mw o y cl ym m'mo N s v i m;N N O °n o Z m x Z In Q O D TI 13 t 90 t (3%2) _r n op I 11 I c m I I I I m 0 I I I 1 I I I o m n m 9.1 m (30')min. SE m O m Z p : o p u 0 m s 30 m 1100')max. Z °o, a�, N D I I I I m° D q l I I a .,E;o nmp m - - - I lam•-II I 00, i r o f f I C I I I I OaE°o° m � _ fn o� 1 I I I I m II I gcm=J ° EM v O G v m o O f - m i I M 0 LA � a � 4 3 =m � (N3 3 ME N a 0 v o 3 I u 3 Z ' vm NIm D �o ° 7= V (7n 3 Eon O m O G O O O p m -�N f �Z , 0 p a p m C 01 m O 7 a c 0 r u_ ° || | 7 | ||| 9 | f ||§(§ ||| � ■ | | { �t- � | _ � | | . 2 � a i $ � e / G /� § 0 - 'e W « » # ` - - _ _ f - !2 / « §{ q k 0.21 4 f". you"-a 2 ƒ Q A � ' z z m m w � j | _ \ o « 7°§ 777ff L �c / )�� ERI• J � § h| �| . � , Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Highways/ District 3 700 East Norris Drive/Ottawa, Illinois/61350-0697 Telephone 815/434-6131 March 30, 2004 Ms. Jacquelyn Milschewski City Clerk 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 CITY - MFT Yorkville Section 04-00000-00-GM Dear Ms. Milschewski: The resolution adopted by the City Council on March 9, 2004 appropriating $63,432.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the maintenance of streets and highways in the city from May 1, 2004 to April 30, 2005 was approved today. The municipal estimate of maintenance costs for $63,432.00 was also approved today. This maintenance program is approved with the understanding that any claims for labor and equipment for day labor routine maintenance will be on file and available for audit. Authorization to expend $63,432.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for this section has been approved and should appear on the city's next Motor Fuel Tax computer printout. Bids are required for purchases of materials if the expenditures exceed $10,000 during any calendar year either (1) for the same type of material or (2) from any one vendor if the purchase includes the placement or incorporation of the material. One copy of the approved maintenance papers has been forwarded to Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Roger Blakley at 815-434-8495. Sincerely, Diane O'Keefe, P.E. District Engineer e.=.� By: James R. Threadgill III, P.E. District Local Roads & Streets Engineer cc: Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works Debra Baxter, MFT Auditor