Library Minutes 2010 04-12-10
APPROVED 5/10/10
Yorkville Public Library
Board of Trustees
Monday, April 12, 2010
902 Game Farm Road
The meeting was called to order at 7pm by President Jo Ann Gryder
Roll Call
Members present: Vorderer-yes, LaChance-yes, Gryder-yes, Frisch-absent, Lindblom-
yes, Johnson-yes, Wilkinson-yes, Gambro-absent, Gaebler-absent.
A quorum was established.
Michelle Pfister- Library Director, Russ Walter, Judy Somerlot, Tony Scott-Kendall
County Record, Bart Olson, Mayor Valerie Burd, Finance Director Susan Mika,
Alderman Rose Spears, Judy Gilmour, Alderman George Gilson, Shelley Augustine, Don
Hirsch, Andy Meyers, Fran Klaas, Rob Thomalla, Tom Lindblom, Dixie DeBord, Steve
Lord-Beacon News
Recognition of Visitors
President Gryder asked each of the visitors to identify themselves.
Amendments to the Agenda -
– March 8, 2010
President Gryder asked that Shelley Augustine’s name be added to the guests for the
March minutes. The minutes were then approved as amended, on a motion by Barb
Johnson and second by Marianne Wilkinson. Approved on a voice vote.
Correspondence –
A sympathy thank you was received from Library Director Pfister. Also, a thank you
note from Board Member Beth Gambro was read. In addition, Ms. Pfister read a letter
that was sent to her and the Mayor from Trustee Vorderer. Ms. Vorderer will be
resigning her position as of April 30, 2010 after 9 years of service.
In other correspondence, President Gryder began discussion of the letter received from
the Mayor requesting $35,000 from the Library. She asked Mayor Burd to address this
matter. The Mayor said this was a request and due to decreased personnel in the
Finance Department. She said the City needs to build up the budget and asked the
Library to reimburse the City for some of the services provided to the Library.
Ms. Burd said this matter had been discussed at a recent budget meeting and the majority
of the Alderman agreed to this. Many revenue sources are being explored. Mayor Burd
said insurance costs have risen 24% and the employees will share in that cost. Bond
payments will be coming in and it was hoped that growth would handle these payments.
City Finance Director Mika said she researched the hours spent for various functions the
City performs. After accounting for all of these services, she said the new amount being
requested is $40,582.
President Gryder said this item would be placed on the agenda for next month in order to
provide time to consider this request. Trustee Johnson asked for an itemized list of the
costs and hours spent on the various functions. A budget overview will also be sent to
the Library.
Trustee LaChance asked if the Recreation Department is set up like the Library. Bart
Olson explained the difference is that the Park Board recommends approval of the
budget, but City Council has control of it. The Park Board has no levy.
Staff Comment
(added to agenda)
Ms. Gryder read a letter from the Library staff voicing their concerns regarding a possible
District Library. Their concerns included staffing at a possible second building,
overlapping districts, education of the public regarding a Library District and IMRF
Ms. Gryder said “Staff Comments” will be added to the agenda each month to allow staff
members to share information or address the Board.
Public Comment –
[Will follow Fact Finding presentation]
Report of the Treasurer
Financial Statement
Detail Revenue and Expense Report:
Treasurer Lindblom highlighted the following:
1.Only 38% of the budgeted amount of development fees has been received
2.Subscription cards generated $1500, collected fines of $1400, $290 in memorials
3.Totals revenues have only yielded 56% of the budgeted amount
4.More money was spent than received for month
5.Fiscal year to date shows $75,000 more was spent than was taken in.
Cash Analysis Sheet:
In spite of the low revenues, Ms. Lindblom said the Library is doing well overall. She
said that Library Director Pfister is very careful about Library spending.
Detail Board Report (highlights)
Page 1: AT&T Datacom, $2500 for new router, now have 2 T-lines
Page 4: Testing of 4 devices regarding the water systems in the building
Page 4: Bond fee of $749/handling fee for repayment
Page 6: $635 payment to Huen Electric to repair burglar alarm
Page 9: Nicor bill for $2400
Page 10: Inspection of sprinkler system at $374
Payment of Bills:
Ms. Johnson then made a motion to pay the invoices in the amount of $32,592.81 and
payroll in amount of $41,668.21. Carol LaChance seconded this motion.
Roll call vote: LaChance-yes, Gryder-yes, Lindblom-yes, Johnson-yes, Wilkinson-yes,
Vorderer-yes. Motion carried 6-0.
Report of the Library Director
Ms. Pfister reported the following:
1.19,395 items circulated
2.90 new patrons
3.823 items added
4.Adult program “Everything French” was cancelled for the month
5.Computer classes going very well
6.This is National Library Week, Library is sponsoring a program April 15 with
Anderson Book Store rep to speak
7.On Sunday, May 15, Friends of Library to sponsor art talk at 2pm. Staff member
to display artwork.
8.Children’s programs going well, will have summer program for adults and kids
9.8,781 patrons visited Library this month
10.Library Attorney recommended release of executive minutes previously discussed
11.Sheet music that was stolen was returned. Music was moved to more secure area.
12.Library employees Dixie & Shelley compiled report on number of people using
13.71 people are registered to use audio books
14.2 employees will be attending 1-day conference this month
15.Quote of $5900 for cost and installation of a screen to recess in ceiling, funds
would come from Building Expense. Would be used for computer and other
classes. To be placed on next month’s agenda.
City Council Liaison
– The Liaison was not present, however, President Gryder
welcomed the Aldermen and other City officials.
Standing Committees
Policy Committee
Ms. Wilkinson will present information in Executive Session to follow regular meeting.
Unfinished Business
Building Update
Tom Lindblom reported that the sprinkler system inspection and the back flow must be
checked annually. Two of the invoices on tonight’s treasurer’s report were for these
items. He said faulty batteries have contributed to recent false alarms.
Tom said the parking lot should be sealcoated and two coats are recommended. He
obtained a bid of $6400-$6500 and suggested that perhaps the City could obtain prices to
do all the parking lots. He will meet with Bart Olson to discuss further. This item will
return on the May agenda.
District Fact Finding
Ms. Johnson said there was handout in the packet that answered questions brought
forward last month. Following are answers to some of the questions:
1.IMRF will still be covered and will be handled by a different procedure.
2.The Library owns the building, but the property owner needs to be confirmed
Who votes if annexation is put to a referendum?
3. Current Library territory
voters and owners of the property being sought, will vote. Must approve in each
territory by majority vote. Ms. Lindblom asked what constitutes a “majority”.
This will be researched.
Will development fees be given to Library?
4. Discretionary by City.
Will there be a tax cap if going District?
5. Yes, amount based on calculations of
City’s current levy with pro rata portion based on Library’s portion based on most
recent tax extension with County Clerk. Ms. Johnson showed several maps of
current local Library Districts and said Yorkville is being encroached upon by the
surrounding towns. She pointed out the area that was not served by any Library.
Surrounding towns can annex from that area, but they are waiting for Yorkville to
take action first.
How long are Trustee’s terms
6.? Six years in first general election after District
What percentage of residents have library cards?
7. 7,319 residents in a typical
year. Non-resident cards in past year: 111.
New Question from Trustees:
When would revenue be received after the “lag time” in a district formation?
When County collects money
Questions/Comments from Guests:
1.Russ Walter noted that when Yorkville annexed property on Rt. 71, Newark
Library District lost some property. Which annexation overrides?
2.Mr. Walter also asked if the tax rate would support the potential budget while
waiting for the tax revenue. He said about $100,000 is being spent per month.
Does the Library have to hold referendum?
3. Depends--no referendum if
Library goes to District. Board can look at School District boundaries and annex
school district property. Residents in that area can petition to ask for referendum
(10% of registered voters in school district, but not in City limits). However, by
ordinance, The Library is allowed to annex, then enter order at the Court.
4.Library line item on tax bill has ranged widely over past years. Taxes were not
collected in one year.
If District formed, are City revenues reduced?
5. The Library has a separate levy
and the City has a tax cap. Bart Olson clarified: for Library operating taxes,
portion of line item is in tax cap.
6.Most residents want to know how a District will affect their tax bill!
What is goal—to be largest Library?
7. A rural resident can buy a library card at
any District, but likes paying lower taxes overall. Most kids can use school
Will taxes be more than $150?
8.State started Library District years ago with a goal to allow many people to use
9.Currently 14,964 tax units in school district with 9,456 in the municipality
What are benefits to annex for someone outside DistrictIf annexed, how
much more in taxes will be paid?
Sample bill will be reviewed next month.
Benefits would be programs, increases value of homes, use of Library computers.
11.Cost of out of district card is now $150—based on State formula as average of
property tax paid in City
Has anyone talked with Sugar Grove about depletion of funds/inability to
purchase books?
Housing boom fell through, now seeking referendum.
13.Bart Olson calculated an average tax bill based on various home fair market
values and shared those with the Board.
The questions and their answers will be brought back to next month’s meeting.
New Business
Social Media Sites
Michelle said that about a year ago, the Library had concerns about kids using the
internet and placed a block on it. She feels it is now time to change that and there is
currently no policy. The Library is now on Facebook and she has written a policy to
accommodate the various sites. The Policy Committee will meet at 5:30pm prior to the
next Library meeting to discuss and other Board members indicated a desire to research
this more.
Public Notice
Each year the Board must vote on the Public Notice of meeting dates. It was noted this
should say 2010/2011. The Board felt the Library should be open on school holidays.
After a brief discussion of the various holidays, Sandy moved to accept the printed Public
Notice for meeting dates and holidays with correction of the fiscal year. Ms. Johnson
seconded the motion. It was approved on a unanimous voice vote.
Participants in Public Act 92-0166, Non-Residents’ Fee Cards
Each year the Board must vote on the $150 fee for a non-resident library card. Ms.
Johnson moved to increase the fee to $250. However, Michelle noted the increase must
be based on a formula. Ms. Johnson then rescinded the motion.
Executive Session
At 8:40pm, Barb Johnson made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss the
Library’s Director’s salary. Carol LaChance seconded the motion.
Roll call vote: Gryder-yes, Lindblom-yes, Johnson-yes, Wilkinson-yes, Vorderer-yes,
The regular Board meeting resumed at 9:13pm.
Marianne Wilkinson said the Personnel Committee recommended that Michelle Pfister be
given a raise of 3% resulting in an annual salary of $61,915.36. Ms. Johnson seconded
the motion.
Roll call vote: LaChance-yes, Gryder-yes, Lindblom-yes, Johnson-yes, Wilkinson-yes,
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 9:15pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by
Marlys Young